harriertail · 1 year
can you draw Brushpaw, Melody, and Bailey from Onestar's Confession???
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she only wanted the best for them
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Thoughts on the Onestar's Confession Excerpt
-Cannot believe we're doing the 'StarClan hasn't decided if you're too evil to hang out with us yet' thing again. And once again, to another cat that really hasn't done anything worth going to the Dark Forest for???
-Interesting how Onestar's apprentice name being Onepaw (and his mother presumably naming him Onekit) are confirmed canon and that his name wasn't changed later or anything. I have to wonder why she picked Onekit (especially since he has siblings)
-Mudclaw being Absolutely Normal and threatening to attack a kittypet and her children for happening to stray over the border unknowingly. I feel like they're really trying to emphasize 'ooh Mudclaw would have been a bad leader' retroactively and it just comes off as kind of cartoonish
-Honestly I always assumed Mudclaw and Onestar were closer in age, but Mudclaw is a full warrior while Onepaw is in his very early apprenticeship
-Melodypaw is a cute name! It would have been a good prefix for a daylight warrior
-Crowfeather being Onestar's nephew is... weird. Not a fan
-Imo Bailey and her kits are allowed to join the Clan way too early. They're introduced as having no idea what a Clan even is, and then by Chapter 2 they're already joining??? Seems like a strange pacing choice and a strange choice for a concerned mother to make about the future of her kids' lives
-I like that Mudclaw is a good mentor, even to a cat he's not enthusiastic about being part of the Clan
-Poor Tansypaw, she didn't even ask for this life and then she gets criticized for not being enthusiastic about it
-So not enthusiastic about Onepaw being a literal child when they seem to be hinting at him being interested in Smoke :/
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princessponies81 · 11 years
I'm Melodypaw if you see me, i'm brown and white. Heheheh, anyone want to attack~?
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