#meme darther
Harry Potter AU! Drabble...
A relationship between a Head Boy and Head Girl. + NPC AU Stuff
           A photo showed the head girl on her knees doing what her title could only allude to, obviously movements and clothing being removed. Bellamy pursed her lips, thankful that at least Daniel wasn’t pushing things so far this time that the picture showed who she was blowing. No, it just showed her, and she was thankful for that.
            “I really hope you’re not the one taking these photos, because I don’t think Love would be very pleased with you,” Bellamy said, tearing up the photo even as she knew he probably had more. Really though, if she and Daniel actually hated one another he’d probably have sold the images, there had certainly been worse ones, but usually it just meant that he wanted to do something that he knew Bellamy would not want to.
            Daniel chuckled, waving his wand to clean up the torn paper. “Who do you think took the picture? Love’s got an eye for these things, the lighting was very well done,” he answered and Bellamy rolled her eyes. She actually sort of liked Love, in a strange way. They weren’t very similar admittedly, not from what Bella could tell, but it was hard not to admire the way his girlfriend got what she wanted. Sometimes he wondered if Daniel actually wanted the same things, or if Love was just terribly good at convincing him that he did.
            “Yeah, I’m sure she waited for the right moment when the clouds were out of the moons way,” Bella responded sarcastically, adjusting the head girl pin on her blouse. Unlike Daniel, who was very well put together, Bellamy’s shirt had clearly been raised a few inches, and despite the fact it was freezing cold she wore not a vest or a robe and had her blouse unbuttoned. Daniel never looked, because despite the image he had of her, he seemed quite solely devoted to his Love. “Just tell me what it is, Daniel?”
            “We’ll be addressing Headmaster Dumbledore with a request for some of the dorm enchantments to be removed,” Daniel informed her and Bellamy rolled her eyes because she knew what he was talking about. The enchantment to the Gryffindor Girls Dormitories that meant no boys could go into them. 
            Bellamy started to walk off, knowing she’d have to agree, “you just want to spy on them!” she called back, walking backwards and turning to her front without thought, slamming directly into someone. Love.
           “It’s about equality, Bella,” Love told her and Bellamy chuckled.
           “Yeah, allowing the boys to sneak up to the Gyffindor girls dorms is about equality, sure,” Bellamy said as Love joined her boyfriend, long sandy blonde hair falling over the girls shoulders, fuller than Bellamy’s own, but with a sterner jaw. “You two are up to something, and if it was actually interesting, or about equality I’d know you’d have just asked,” she answered, tone growing lighter as she easily recalled her fondness for being part of the schemes she liked.
            “Oh Bella, you’ll like it when we’re done,” Daniel insisted, arm wrapping fully around his beloved girlfriend, drawing her into him and pressing a soft kiss to her cheeks. “Just wait.”
🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍 BONUS EMMETT AND BELLA ( BEMMETT? ) SHIP + Noah is there too...
              Noah’s fingers moved up Bella’s jaw, dirt and sweat on them, as it was on the rest of him post game. Emmett had to listen to her squealing loudly for his brother, the Captain of her house’s team the whole game as he tried to focus on his charms work. He’d read the same paragraph over and over again because each time she shouted ‘go Noah!’ he wished he knew of a spell to make him deaf, if only for the hour. Now he wished to be blind too.
               “You’re touching my make-up,” Bellamy objected, immediately pulling a mirror from her robe and checking to see that his fingers had not smudged her foundation. It wouldn’t have, she had spelled most of her make-up to only be removed by an exfoliating potion cleanser that she had, but it stopped Noah from touching her without deterring him from flattering her latter with flowers for being his loudest cheerleader.
               Due to her comment Noah didn’t kiss her as he headed for the showers, instead rubbing her arm softly as she continued to look at herself, admiring the way the gloss on her lips made them look full and pink.
                “You know you could play too,” Bellamy said as he closed the mirror, looking to Emmett who was still seated. “I’d cheer for you over him,” she playfully teased as Emmett slowly closed his book. He’d not retained any of it, of course.
               “You’d still cheer for him,” Emmett said plainly, standing with hands shoving his book into the messenger bag he carried over one shoulder. Emmett was smarter than his brother, he knew that Bellamy toyed with both of them, but logic defied love and when he heard her screaming for his brother. All he could recall was the summer between third and fourth year, when his father had agreed for the girl to stay with them for the season, and he’d walked into his brother’s room and saw them kissing, his brother’s hands on her. Sometimes it felt like she was only teasing him. "He’s Captain of the Slytherin team,” Emmett added so he did not sound bitter as he went to walk by her.
                  Slender fingers stopped him, false nails with a snake dancing across them magically pressed into the soft cotton fabric of his shirt, and the navy of his tie. Like his father he was well put together, his clothing pressed and worn appropriately, and, quite like his father, he had eyes for only one, gaze lifting from her hand, to her cleavage and finally to her face, where her golden eyes caught his, surrounded by thick false lashes and covered with soft green shadows.
               “You’re never going to forgive me, are you?” Bella said, full eyes open and looking into his own, her lips shining in the setting sun’s light. “You could have kissed me too, you know. When we were playing hide and seek and we hid in your mother’s closet for an hour from him, when your dad had that party with all the ministers and Noah was spouting ridiculous stories and you had me to yourself all night, or the countless times I heard you walk past my bedroom door and stop. You can’t be mad at me when you never did anything, Emmett. Sweet notes, romantic songs, heartfelt birthday gifts, they don’t do anything,” she insisted, hand grasping at his shirt, leaving lines in it’s previously crisp fabric. “If you want me, take me,” Bellamy insisted, remaining there with her grasp desperate for a response.
             Had he actually been shooting himself in the foot all this time? Was she waiting for him? Noah had always been the one to take what he wanted, screw everyone else. Emmett hadn’t been shocked when he saw Noah kissing her, why would his brother care that he liked her too? Were his efforts to gain her affection through songs dedicated to her on their radios, notes flown to her countless times by his owl, and gifts catered to everything he knew of her simply overruled by the fact she’d been waiting for him to show a bit more of himself, be perhaps as determined and assured as his father had been with his mother?
           She went to let go and he refused, hands grabbing her waist and pulling her closer, his long fingers practically able to engulf her small waist. Eyes moving through hers as he searched for the right answer to not lose her entirely. “Take me,” she repeatedly, almost pleaded like when she begged to stay with them each summer rather than go home to her mother. He knew then.
             “Emm-,” Bella was cut off by his lips, finding hers fast. Even though she’d wanted it, she hadn’t expected he’d give in, he’d pushed his brother out of the way on occasion to get her attention, and get her preference, but he’d never actually done it when they were alone, when it was just them. Bella’s hand relaxed between them as her mouth opened and pressed for more. The rest was instinct, every action Emmett had thought over in his head time and time again was like muscle memory, fantasy slipping into reality. Emmett did not intend for this perhaps temporary reality of fantasy to end before she was screaming his name with far more passion and need than she had been cheering his brothers for the past few hours.
             “Emmett,” she whispered at his lips with soft desperation. He was getting closer.
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