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beyond this point this account will be a private writing page
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⌝ Calloused fingers were felt in areas they did not touch, his absent affection touching nerves and rushing to pieces of her heart and lungs that while inactive reverberated with need and hope. She could hear his breath too, feel it beneath her form as she laid against him. He needn't breath but he did, a curious thing. Not one she would have predicted the reasoning for but a sweet thought she might have in her mind and...hope. Yes. Need and hope.
⌝ So when he spoke those feelings were not simply beneath her skin but of it, his fingers trailing back up her arm as a physicality to his words. Bella remained quiet, desire to interrupt and to inside tempered by her presence around him these past few days. Certainly she could still go on, jump readily into things, but for his emotions, so rarely verbalised, she listened and felt them. Tried to anyway, as much as one could feel the emotions of another and attempt to understand them, and perhaps, at least for the specificity with which Valentin spoke, it was good she listened, stayed silent without interrupting for her own input.
⌝ As he came to the notion of her scent, his chin lowered and though slow and shallow Bella could still hear his breath drawing her in she let herself smile a pure sort of smile, bottom lip tight over fangs as she did so, nose touching his chest and inhaling him with the same intensity - subtle but purposeful. She gave it a moment, for him to notice she was taking him in as he had her before her nose lifted to touch at the strong shape of his jawline. "It is my scent, a scent that keeps you with me," she whispered at his throat, cool breath on cool skin. "Whether I see you or I don't."
⌝ Nose lingering, fingers still in his, curled against his chest and in his arms, Bella considered his more thoughtful words. The desires were seperate, or rather the desire and what would assuage the hurt of lacking it. Bella knew that feeling all to well, the things she would accept when she was told what she wanted was too much. The vines she perpetually felt around her heart tightened as she perceived him hurting for the way she had been. "My Fionnan," she spoke quietly, loud enough for his presently mortally attuned ears to hear. A purposeful choice. "I wish to give you every broken piece of me, glued back together by whatever undignified hope I've allowed myself." Bella's breathing began to slow, eyes glazed over as they looked at nothing, vision set in her mind rather than on the world.
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⌝. "My sire gave me this life, and I will always be grateful, but I don't lay here because I am grateful. You, my Fionnan, saw me and loved me, not how I looked, not how I acted, you saw what I actually was." Bella pressed soft lips to his jaw, squeezing his hand within her grasp, breath stopped as words overtook her mind. Like always some leap on top of others and Bella had to consider herself, to not hurt him, but to keep herself true. "I want more than to lay in comfortable spaces feeling half satisfied, and I do not want you to settle for less than all of what you want when I wish for us to share everything. I just -" Bella paused, for a moment, thoughts on how to say what she had to, hoping beyond hope it would not make him hurt. "I can't fathom your indifference to us being apart if you wish for these things. In my head everything else makes sense, but to say you didn't care, to say you did it to make me strong...these things aren't true." Once more there was a silence, Bella trying to overcome the toxic thoughts in her head that attacked her belief in his affection for her. "But if they are true, if you didn't feel my absence as I felt yours,...am I to settle for someone who could be that indifferent to my absence?"
Neither of them needed to breathe and yet between the silence spaces of their conversation the sound of soft breathing could be heard from the petite vampire woman and from Valentin himself though it was a habit he did not frequently partake in. Something so human as breathing was usually a front to appear just so or a subtle manipulation to make a wary individual around him feel more at ease. Unnatural things inherently made people uneasy and not breathing was unnatural. His reason for breathing now was neither of the aforementioned. His reason for breathing was much simpler and a lot more intimate. He breathed so he could smell her, the soft fragrance she wore filled his senses and he relished in it, the knowledge that she'd chosen to adopt the fragrance he had gifted to her. She could have easily not done so, remained with her own signature scent but she had opted instead for his gift and that felt distinct.
Vulnerability was not something that the vampire exhibited but with her, he could feel built up walls from centuries begin to crumble, cracks within marble stone letting in pinpricks of sunlight, warming a long cold heart that had not seen a daybreak for years.
The cool touch of his fingertips trailing absently along the length of her arm, down the line from her shoulder to the slight bend of her elbow, other hand remained occupied with her own against her chest, fingers slotting between her digits. "I want," his lips parting, speaking over the rise of grown fangs he could not recede back into his gumline so they continued to fill his mouth, spilling past the line of his lips, "I want you to want me as more than your sire but I will not ask more of you than you are willing to give." His fingers trailed back up her arm slowly, his touch by no means soft due to old human callouses and working hands but it was gentle.
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"For my heart," he thought briefly on it then replied with a sedated honesty, "It is enough to have these moments with you. I enjoy our quiet solitudes together where we can build a space for you and I to feel comfortable." Just as he had done here, for the estate in Missouri he had furnished a few rooms and filled them with the memory of her without knowing if they would ever be put to use, it would be nice to see her occupy them and truly make them her own, an indirect indication that she wanted to build a new life with him. "Also, I would request," as he inclined his chin lower, brushing against the softness side of her hair, "That you continue to wear this scent whenever you plan on seeing me. It pleases me knowing you are using it well."
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⌝ Bella remained in place, clutching her robe around herself while Fionn gave affections to the beagle who had been brought into the home by his occasional date - Rosita. It was odd that they'd never actually crossed paths outside of the cafe before but she supposed with such large estates it was easy to not see someone for days, especially if they were simply a guest.
⌝ "Oh," escaped Bella's lips in a curious sort of sound. It wasn't anything to do with Fionn specifically but the vampire girl had forgotten that the rules of not killing within Opulence also applied to hire sire who didn't typically keep his victims alive. There Fionn stood though. Living and breathing with a heart that seemed barely affected by whatever amount Valentin had taken. "You're so sweet, taking care of my Valentin."
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⌝ Certainly Bella couldn't tell what was on Fionn's mind, though her eyes did drift low curiously to see if a rushing occurred from talking about it. Perhaps Fionn was juts kind, or perhaps he had his own motives. "Lately? I think we're all feeling a consistent need," she acknowledged as she moved closer, Boss still trying to keep Fionn's attention. "Do you have something you need?"
"That's me," he nodded somewhat sheepishly as she seemed to clock his presence, for a second too awkward to give Bellamy a real response. It must be quite jarring, he supposed, to find him wandering around - when as she had correctly noted, the only connection Fionn really had to her was making a coffee and petting her dog. Which he was happy to do anyway, bending down to scratch behind Boss' ears and provide quiet reassurance that he was a good boy, the goodest boy, Fionn's gratitude at the beagle's presence clear on his face. Some level of normalcy, like that provided by the simple enjoyment of cuddling a pet dog, was appreciated among all that had happened.
"I was donating blood," he explained quietly, finally giving a reason for his presence. "Increased hunger, I guess I just wanted to help," the money helped as well, but that was far from the first thing on Fionn's mind at this point. "Maybe I could help you too, sometime? If you needed?"
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⌝ "I hope so," she offered because truly Bellamy did. Company was all the vampire wanted in the world. To feel as though she would not face the endless expanse of time with only the hell that was her own mind and body. To have company was to have comfort and yet she seemed to repel it at every turn, like innately the core of people knew the truth - that whatever she was would bring ruin.
⌝ As for skipping town, Bella would have stayed, she felt safer within the barrier of the town even weak, but Valentin had been making sacrifice after sacrifice to prove how he felt for her and it was time she start making her own. "Missouri would surely be dull otherwise, at least if Rosita is not friendly company you can seek others. I don't know who I'd befriend in Missouri, a farmer? Or...a truck driver?"
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⌝ Bella tried to put a positive spin on most things, she needed to, because succumbing to the darker thoughts she held would devour her if she did not. "You might find other fae to speak with beyond Rosita, you all can probably recognise each other very well. But if you have a fondness for art and were looking to rekindle that love I was looking for a series of pieces to be put in my home, this might actually be the perfect time for it, with everyone so deliciously displayed throughout the town."
she was glad for bellamy's words, and suggestions, that the other was here so she didn't have to be so alone and miserable on her own. eilonwy had cried so much lately, taken back to the time when she had been barred from her home. it had been raining when she woke up that evening, surrounded by flowers and filled to the brim with a love and light she had never felt before...only for it to be shattered so soon afterwards. the gardens in ruin felt the same, an illusion gone that bared a cold and hard truth to eilonwy - that she was nobody. disposable, no better than anybody else. often, it seemed that her human form was more armour than anything else, allowing eilonwy to be someone else.
now, that wasn't available, baring the fae and her vulnerabilities to the rest of the world. "company shall help us both," was her answer, something akin to a smile on her face.
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it would make sense that the two would leave, many seemed to have skipped town while this business was going on. she'd heard that the moment some left opulence, their strength and powers returned - it prompted some to leave entirely. eilonwy had more here than out there, though, and both valentin and bellamy's depature would give her time to breathe and plan. that's all she needed, a little time, maybe a little help. maybe there were some fae left who would be willing to help...
the vampire seemed to want to put a positive spin on this, that maybe it was time for eilonwy to try something else out. this wouldn't be fixed in a day, and she seemed nervous at the prospect that she could do anything else. "i used to travel a lot, in my youth. i enjoyed learning about other fae cultures. that isn't as...readily available here," but, that didn't mean she couldn't do that after all. "i have a growing fondness for art,"
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⌝ The vampire could hear his heart in his chest like a rhythmic call to the hunger resting just beneath her fangs and running through nerves to the impulses in her chest. His gentle gesture of falling fingers trailing her lips and chin did little to soften her. Usually Bellamy was better, she would be sweet and affectionate but admittedly it was harder lately, she felt so weak and with her fangs out constantly she was occasionally slicing at flesh behind her lips, her own blood making her hungry.
⌝ Eventually his hand withdrew from her, pushing back his dark curls to expose pallid flesh. The vampire could see his veins, watching as he swallowed and spoke, the muscles in his neck moving as he did so. The words themselves, followed by his laugh, didn't hide his heartbeat, but Bella didn't care. He could pretend all he liked. Both of them were weak presently, afterall, she wasn't any sort of real danger...hopefully.
⌝ Though speed was no longer on her side, Bella rushed on him, food spilling to the floor, grease stains on her carpet likely to form but the vampire woman uncaring. One hand grabbed at his hair while the other his arm, pulling both to expose his throat further, tongue rushing up his neck along the curve of his muscle beneath, a quivering whine behind her teeth. "You taste like chemicals," she whispered, nose beneath his ear as her harsh grasp on his hair softened and the fingers at his arm pushed beneath the hem of his sleeve. Just the taste of mortal flesh making her cunt a wet, tightening with readiness. The taste on his skin was, likely, attributed to the fact Cass used spray paint to put graffiti around town, that he worked with oils at the auto shop on a daily basis, and vaped regularly, but to Bella it held a certain toxic appeal. Once more the tip of her tongue flicked at his throat, her legs lifting until they were on either side of him, the vampire sitting herself on his lap, predatory in a way, a spider ready to devour her mate.
⌝ "You're going to like it," she taunted him at his throat, the scent of her arousal something a wolf could usually notice but perhaps with the way he had become weakened it was not as clear as it might have been before. If he could the young woman was by no means ashamed, with her talons on his shoulders and dragging through his curls, form pressing against him as she rest on him now. "So will your your wolf," Bellamy insisted before she exposed her fangs, tips of them at his neck, breaking through skin, penetrating his throat gently before with sudden forced she dug in deeply, mouth wrapping around the bleeding wound and sucking crimson life from his slender throat. Bella's whole body enveloped him with her hunger and need, curious as she fed for how the wolf would react.
"We could," but his agreement was passive, halted by the fact that Cass could barely hear her words nor acknowledge them as she sucked his fingers, rough tips grazing against her lower lip as his heart beat sped up at the sight of exposed fangs, jumping against his ribcage in some sort of primal response to a predator, a sense of fight or flight taking over his body. Ironic, wasn't he himself a predator, a wolf? Dangerous?
But not in the same way. Cass' wolf was a wild thing, an uncontrolled part of him which changed completely. A side of him totally covered by the usual facade of the normal young man - still more of a boy on the inside than anything else - a side he even tried to hide at times, conditioned into doing so, conditioned into mixed feelings and poorly suppressed self hatred. Bellamy's dangerous side was beautiful still, even as she looked at him with sharp teeth and dark eyes, the starvation taking over her still somehow taking on a seductive edge, luring him in. It cut the default response within him with a sense of thrill instead, pulling away his defences, destroying every impulse within him to run. Jokes of Nosferatu and Edward Cullen long forgotten, in this moment he could understand why others found vampires so alluring. He was beginning to do so himself.
Gently, his thumb trailed down her mouth and chin, letting her lips close again as he leaned in closer. Through long eyelashes, his eyes met hers, unafraid anymore by the pitch dark intensity of her gaze, this more vulnerable and yet more savage side of Bella. Tilting his head to the side, he reached up to push his hair back: it had grown out, tendrils curling against his neck, and he wanted it out of the way for her, so as to give better access. "Are you ready, Fangela?"
His low laugh indicated that he was aware of the ridiculous nature of his statement. Bella had paused for Cass' benefit, not her own. But it was far beyond him to admit to his own vulnerability, and much more in character for him to instead put it onto her.
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Who has been your tastiest snack?
"I wouldn't want to upset anyone by picking favourites."
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"Fae are generally the most delicious though, especially ones who stick to traditional diets. If only Minho were more generous with his blood I'd say his name. For the moment however, of my two primary donors Tony eats a lot better than my British Werewolf in America so I would have to say him."
@goldenchildminmin, @tony-baxter, @cass-evans
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What scents make you think of Ryden?
"The scent of mixed sweat from the gym and wet dog from his runs."
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"Kidding, Puppy smells kinda spicey, like upscale axe body spray. Kind of like an old spice store, woody but with those powders in the air. Makes him smell pretty delicious if you ask me, and by delicious I do mean in the edible appetising sense."
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What scents make you think of Valentin?
"Grapefruit and tobacco. He smells subtle, like his fingers considered picking up each, just grazing them before changing his mind. Sometimes his hair smells like soft flowers from my hands being in it, or his own digits smell like alcohol from working, but...mostly the grapefruit and tobacco. Dignified."
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Are you a cuddler?
"Of course, in all settings with everyone I love. I'm very affectionate."
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do you worry the mist is permanent? that this is now your life?
"We could all leave, nothing is permanent persay, so now I don't worry this is my life but I also believe in happy endings, I believe silly childish things, like that working together we can do something about all of this."
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a song that makes you happy?
"Girl you look delicious. Oh - I mean gorgeous!"
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a song that makes you sad?
"Now I'm sorry if I hurt you, let me make it up day by day, and if you will, please forgive me, and make the world, make it go away. Make the world go away."
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⌝ "Very wrong, business owner, great cook, being on the council you clearly care about the town, and obviously capable of appreciating my beautiful cookies, you want to be a Dad. Really I'd crush on you if I thought I had a chance, or if I wasn't so fucking over guys with beating hearts," she complimented, the words intended to flatter and she presumed he'd know it since she had mentioned already how she felt in regards to her sire presently. It was true though, not that she'd crush on him, but that he was a crush worthy sort of guy, definitely interesting and worth obsessing over. "I'll recommend you to everyone."
⌝ Bella nodded but there was a slowness to the nod, "I'm not really into the people that do it because they like fucking vampires. I usually do sleep with the people I feed off but I feel kinda...icky generally sleeping with anyone who isn't attracted to me, they're attracted to what I am. Makes it harder to find meals, I'll admit, but I definitely think it's worth the effort, at least for me, to find people I like spending time with to feed me, they're usually my friends." The very fact it sounded creepy and icky to him were secondary reasons, of course, that she'd never crush on someone like JD, she was over being hurt by people who saw the species she was as something grotesque, as equally as she was turned off by those who only wanted it. Wasn't all of her beautiful? Why did people think they could pick and choose?
⌝ "My parents were like that, my father had a lot of self loathing for who he was," she shared, no full explanation but a general understanding that she knew things couldn't simply be solved with honesty, but with honesty, at the very least, you could be true to your own heart and find ones that matched it. "You're very kind, another reason to obsess over you," she complimented as she sliced through one of her soft cakes with the side of her fork. "We will be honest with each other at the very least, a good friendship."
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“Obsessed, why, I’m not that interesting, I’m sure you have people far more interesting than me to be obsesses with. Not that we aren’t going to be friends if you aren’t I feel like I need more friends, in town.” He laughed actually being honest about the friend’s part.
He chuckled and shook his head “I think I will need the year to get used to the take me out for someone nice to eat… because that sounds still a bit too creepy, all thought there are people that are willing to feed you guys, aren’t there. I mean I have heard there’s something more into it than just drinking blood from someone and that why some are willing to do it, but I don’t know just how much is true.”
“Yeah, oh I know, it’s just some people are willing to exile family for thinking a little different and that’s just well a bit uptight and wrong in my mind.” He smiled and nodded “Well people don’t always like fully honest people, but I do, and more now, I want people to always be honest with me, no matter how much it hurts.” He felt like he had been living with so many lies that now all he wanted was only straight forward people around him. He smiled “If men find you unattractive because you are who you are, then they are better off away from you.” JD nodded “I hope the same for you, people actually don’t see just how important is to have people around you, that are willing to be honest, and open no matter what.”
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⌝ Bella looked down, placing the stuffed toy to the side, and hearing it fall from the edge of the bed as it's weight shifted and there was not room for it to remain. No attempt to go after it she kept her own blackened gaze on his own unbalanced irises. His calloused fingers placed on her chest were sweet, as were his words, but she did mean it when she said both and while she wished to see an honesty to his intentions she didn't expect all desires and concessions to be for herself.
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⌝ "It would please me for you to say how you felt," she answered, placing one of her hands over his, talons scratching at her skin as they slipped beneath his fingers to wrap around them, red blood building at the shallow wounds. "I know you wish to reconcile, that you want to show me you wish to be here with me," she squeezed his hand softly. "That doesn't mean you have to concede all desires and feelings to me or dance around honesty, I can handle a less than perfect truth." At least for Bella she desired his harmful honesty, so it might make her understand things better.
⌝ With a slow and purposeful exhale of air she did not need from lungs that ached with demonic blood pushing through them she lowered herself, drawing her legs between his thighs and extending down beneath the sheets until her toes touched the tops of his feet, her form finding itself against him, hand still wrapped around his own and keeping it at her chest. "What can I do that would help your heart?" she asked him.
"If you wish to make a potato clock," tones of amusement interlaced as he replied, "or a volcano then you certainly can," the tour would more likely be one that involved no touching of the equipment, or rather minimal touching, lest anything be contaminated or mishandled but if she wanted to exhibit anything or try her hand at something within the lab he was certain to be able to find her something safe for her to amuse herself with. It would be enticing, to show her more of his work, show her how much had been progressed, how much there was still yet to do but how much closer they were toward reaching a resolution.
Valentin did note the shift in atmosphere, moderate, almost hesitant in nature as she spoke, expressing her thoughts and desires to him which he received with patience confidence, listening intently until her voice, sweetly melodic, came to a pause.
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His abstract gaze landed on her features, pale blue and dark black irises a bit unsettling in their nonsymmetric duality but not lacking in affection, dilated pupil more apparent in his forget-me-not eye as he observed her, still feeling the soft draw of her skin beneath his fingers, slightly sticky with ichor. "If it pleases you, then that is what will be done and nothing more," the hand at the side of her cheek came down to rest softly against the top of her chest, a few drops of the ichor which had fallen onto the surface beneath his palm and his coated fingerprints leaving their own traces of the substance against her porcelain like skin, "Until our hearts overflow."
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⌝ The question of what a Dave and Busters was brought joy to her already excited face. Valentin was by no means close to ignorant but everyone was unaware of things not within their worlds and silly restaurants with silly games were in no reality within his...except with her. Just as the notion of stepping into a pristine lab filled was by no means a part of hers except with him. The venn diagram of their worlds intersecting came together as a sliver, just wide enough for what game them their affection.
⌝ "It is a restaurant that sells burgers more expensive than their quality would suggest with silly games humans cannot win with prizes worth less than playing the games themselves," she described as she sat on him, shoulders leaning in so her form seemed to curl around him on her bed, watching as his fingers flapped the little bat at her. She would need to be cautious, of not getting caught up in his little gestures and discovering three days later they had not left one another's company. At least now they grew tired, time made sense, out there it would fall away.
⌝ His intended efforts of balance would, in the same regard, be taken as genuinely by the young woman. He would find balance between her and work, and she would do the same. Promising herself so internally as he promised a desire to have her with him, his fingers touching at the black ink on her cheeks as he spoke more, brushing the darkness across her, the movements he made leaving little trails on her. "A tour? Will I get to show off all my scientific knowledge?" Bella asked to amuse herself. "Maybe a potato clock or a volcano?"
⌝ She settled though, the smile and joy she offered not going away entirely, but there was a shift, something less playful to her eyes and to the edges of her lips as she felt his hands on her cheeks, fingers clutching the small toy between them. "I don't want to seek out that sort of enjoyment," she attempted to respond to his words without losing the affection he was gifting her, aware that beyond the moment they'd had on Valentine's Day the two had been quite chaste, quite the opposite for Bella.
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⌝ "I want us to both feel like it's an act of love and vulnerability," she admitted, something that her intimacy had lacked. She wanted an honesty to it, cautious not because he had been keeping something from her before, but because she had hidden her own wounds in favour of being wanted and loved, which only left her the opposite. "I want us to feel it, in our chests, like we're not capable doing anything else because we feel so...seen and safe in whatever moment it is," she tried to explain. "For both of us. Not just me. I don't know what it'll be that makes us feel that way but, I know for you I'd rather wait. Touring your lab, laying next to you while you read like before, those things will make me happy, being around you makes me happy, and maybe it was always my fault but for all the trust I've given I feel like it's just been ripped apart in front of me. I don't think I'm capable anymore of rushing things, of having that same trust. I - I want to give us our best chance," Bella whispered her final words, unsure if any of them had upset or offended the man who had been caring for her the past few days. Perhaps her desires were unfair and yet she couldn't help but feel them.
"I was in Missouri," a touch of a smile played upon his features when she expressed a desire to go to the lab he'd been working at previously, shifting to make room for her as she settled herself over his lap, her gentle weight pressing over him. There was never any physical warmth between them, impossible between two dead bodies and his own that did not shift in temperature no matter his efforts, but there was warmth in action, in physicality, in the closeness of bodies and the affectionate presses of hands to hands and lips to skin. "What is a Dave and Busters?" It was not the sort of place that he frequented at all on his own or with business associates who were more inclined for upscale cocktail bars or Michelin star restaurants.
Based on her description of what they could leave with though, he was presuming it was some sort of arcade filled with games similar to those at the faire. His hand coming up to rest against the soft plush bat she pressed against the center of his chest, fiddling his fingers at the wing to make it flap as he returned the kiss. The smell of her fragrance heavy in this close proximity, laced with the bitter floral notes of burning edelweiss essence.
If it were a matter of productivity, then he should go alone, do what needed to be done to catch up with his work and the many meetings he'd been having to reschedule because now he had to sleep during the night when previously he had been able to conduct meetings at all hours of the day which suited his connections overseas and internationally and now scheduling conflicts arose, unable to manage his previous workload. However, it was not just a matter of productivity. It was a matter of balance. "I would love to have you with me," even if they didn't go to this place called Dave and Busters, he would make time for her.
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"I will give you a tour of the lab and if there is no faire in the area," his hand came up to the side of her cheek, fingers trailing gently over the dripping blackness from her eyes, smearing down the cool planes of her rounded cheeks, light and careful strokes of affection, "then we will find our own enjoyment elsewhere."
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[ TEXT ]: Got turned to be with her? Or attacked by her relatives? [ TEXT ]: Terrified and mildly attracted is my sweet spot. [ TEXT ]: So you agree, you think you're a dream boy? [ TEXT ]: Please?
text: fancied a girl, didn’t end well
text: oops sorry i am terrified (and mildly attracted) is that better
text: ill take dreamboy tbh, manic pixie less good
text: i could be nastier if you wanted
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