aforgottenmercenary · 2 years
@memoriatears​ to continue from this)
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“Of course. you really are amazing looking tonight.”  Now Belmont never like parties but of course bing in the graces of one, might as well show up...he was just glad that his outfit this time didn’t feel tight. Iris did so  much to make each other look nice, the least he could do was be the best supportive husband to her.  “I’d say we’re looking very good considering the others.” 
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legendoflinks · 2 years
@memoriatears​ to continue from this)
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“I’ll be okay, the cold had never bothered me.” 
Sitting beside her with mug of warm coffee however did the trick to keep him warm, even if it didn’t beat the pumpkin soup he had help making for the Yeti couple, he was glad to just have one warm thing and his unatrual wolf blood to power him through. 
A cold night like this for Ordon means the season of good fruits are done and now its for heartier stuff to grow, if it could. An idol sip as he stares up into the sky and just watches on. He give a small grunt and pointed out a star constolation, drawing a shape out of it to help identify that its a wolf.
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historias-multorum · 2 years
@memoriatears​ continuing from this.
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“Pardon me, I couldn’t help but notice you here.” Kei answered. “Normally those of nobility stay in the richer parts of the city. May I ask what you’re doing here?”
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duztcry · 2 years
“Vivo por los nuevos recuerdos. Moriré por la nostalgia.”
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Link was currently passed out on the middle of the road, the middle of a road was good because it persumed that someone would come across him, eventually...he had been foolish, battles with bobklins, bandits, or what say you despite all his skills, magic, otherwise didnt keep him safe from them running off with his food and water...he was far from the known lands of hyrule..or atleast the mainlands so scavenging for food with berries or otherwise he didnt recgonize was...unwell
the sign of a road was good...his tired, malnourished body, once bright green clothes darkend and muddied that seemed to fit with the corruption stained in him...he would either perish on a dirt road...forgotten like so many of his ancestors or be found...his life was up to fate.
once again.
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@memoriatears to continue from this)
“Awww, Queeny got a little shocked?” He sasked her, holding her closer and tigther in his embrace, giving her kisses her neck before nuzzling up to her, hidding his face and slowly swaying and rocking her on his lap.
Somethings very wrong. He can be affectionate sure but this is a little too much affection.
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incompletedarxness · 2 years
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The rain in this “Shinjuku” clattered on his helemt and leather coat, waiting in the dark of the alleyway as he just waited. For what, he doesn’t know. He really doesn’t know and cannot put his finger on why.
Old and familiar voices echos in his masked head but he doesn’t know who or why he hates these disgusting people.Tugging on his leg was a small creature, looking like a feirce edge thing of hate. He gives a small pet to it. 
“You’re late.” He said, not to the creature but the other that resides here.
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“Right, new world, new plan to find where and what happened to Sora. Hopefully i get some answers this time.” He stated, looking at the surrounding building before walking out to see a school. 
“Oh....oh shit.” 
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nobleburn · 2 years
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(aka: The Fiery, Domineering Villainess Isn’t A Valid Capture Target, But I’m Incorrigible Enough To Pursue Her Anyway)
ROUTE START. "Ah, a person of excellent taste. Come along, then.”
ROUTE SWITCH. "Run along. I’ve no time for fickle-hearted fools. You’ll realize soon enough your mistake.”
MENU INTERFACE, POKE A. "Is there something you need? I’m extremely capable in all things, you know.”
MENU INTERFACE, POKE B. “Desperate for my attention, are you? Well, you have it, for now.”
MENU INTERFACE, POKE (REPEATEDLY). “A hero’s time is valuable and you are wasting it.”
MENU INTERFACE, POKE MAX ♥. “Normally this behavior of yours would annoy me, but... *laugh* I find myself not particularly minding it."
COMPLETED SCENE, +♥: “Well, my standards are high, but you’ve certainly managed to clear them. I admit that I’m impressed. Call on me again when it suits you, but don’t keep a lady waiting too long.”
COMPLETED SCENE, -♥: ”I can only be disappointed in myself. You were simply living up to your pitiful lack of potential. I won’t make such a mistake again.”
GIFT (NEUTRAL): “A fair tribute. I appreciate the gesture.”
GIFT (DISLIKED): .”Eurgh... Are you mocking me with this? I suggest you think through your next steps carefully.”
GIFT (LIKED): “This is... You’re giving me this? Truly? I-  *ahem* You’ve clearly been paying attention. I’ll have to think of a suitable way to repay you for such a valuable gift.”
GIFT: (THEIR BIRTHDAY): “Oh? Well, it’s only natural to want to celebrate me, and this is an exceptional way to do it. I’ll remember this, thank you. A hero never forgets a kindness paid, after all.”
BIRTHDAY (YOUR BIRTHDAY): “I happen to be an extremely busy woman, you know. Yet, despite my many responsibilities, I’ve generously decided that celebrating your birthday takes precedence today. My presence should well be present enough, but my kind-hearted and thoughtful nature truly knows no bounds, so I’ve brought along a gift as well.”
Tagged by: @inxtricabilis​​ (thank you so much!)
Tagging: @alakenie @fatesheld @astralwiings @gottgenug @pcrdiseseekers @aeipathic @memoriatears​ and the RPer reading this
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helluvaxhazbin · 2 years
(was gonna send this earlier and forgot to;;;) “welcome to hell!”
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Thanks for reading the rules!
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aforgottenmercenary · 2 years
@memoriatears​ to continue from this)
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Hearing her wife’s repay his feelings with the same mutualness warmed his heart. Peering out the window as the clouds dispered letting the sun peer down onto their small garden and grasslands led him to belive this life was just right for him. 
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“Admitedly...parts of me still linger on what would happen if i haven’t saved you that fateful day and the answer i came to conclude is that death would take me. Sickness, magots, swordwounds or whatever would lead me to a cold, dark grave.” 
He soon remedies these dark through on display with a kiss on Iris’s forehead and a light embrace. “Luckily, i had you with me and i’ve been happy ever since.” 
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historias-multorum · 2 years
@memoriatears​ continuing from this.
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Jonathan had decided to do a bit of traveling away from his home in the Laerene Kingdom. The seasons were changing and that meant that the weather was changing as well. He was used to the lukewarm weather of Laerene but he packed for the cold. He just wasn’t expecting such extreme cold from this new place that he ventured to.
He doesn’t remember much else unfortunately, he blacked out from the temperature until he felt something soft cover his body. He was roused back to the present and slowly stood up from laying in the snow.
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Risky is an understatement.
Breaking into a castle always haves his downside but with "The Prince" his luck in stealth and thriving is unmatched. So much so people belived he was blessed by the gods, but he's just lucky to where he make his own.
Hearing about a challenge from his fellow rogues and thieves, they chat about stealing the princess from what rumors say an awful fate. Having some ideas, he took it on.
Scaling the sides was easy, even ducking, evading and even blending inspite of his bright reds and blues coloring, he managed to slip and sneak past the guards, lockpicking the room where the princess was and enter in. Always nice to have an inside man.
Looking around, he started to notice something about the princesses room and it was...interesting. Be on his toes, he told himself mentally before trying to sneak up to her bed.
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@memoriatears for more of that snarky mage detective) 
“Cocky, Suicidal, Contemptus, Brazen. Say whatever you wish to keep your composure before stabbing or scoffing at me.” Archimedes stated, turning her head a bit from side to side before letting go and backing away. 
“Did anyone mention you hold your moods in your eyes....well, the ones that flee as the shout witch or whatever before slaying them outright.” He asked rather callously, fishing out his smoking pipe. 
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From a certain fellow blonde: ⚠️ MASSIVE DWEEB
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"Hey, No, Im no dweeb! Serina, don't be mean!"
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