eye-cri · 3 months
Shout out to me and Aidma 🗣🗣❗️we got a birthday today 💯❗️
So I decided to bring back the birthday meme series in a different font 😁 enjoy (Part 1. There will be 2 other parts, all posted today, instead of waiting for another year for each. Lolzies!!)
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I love re-using this CG to always portray Vincent as a middle aged frat boy 😭😭 it's just so funny, like look at him every time I re-use the pic and try to tell me it doesn't get funnier every time.
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Memorio Occultae, In Nubio Occultas- Intro post.
My first OC work!
Dr. Adrian Everheart would himself say that he is one of the luckiest people in the world. A fulfilling career at a young age, a name that commands respect, a loving mother. What more, he would ask with a smile, would a man want?
Nothing more. And yet, as time goes by, all the happiness in his life seems to be slipping away, lost in the ghosts of the past.
Dr. Adrian Everheart: A budding neuropsychiatrist, specialised in geriatric psychiatry. 27 years of age.
Ms. Alazne Everheart: Adrian’s beloved mother, a writer. 60 years of age.
Dr. James Sinclair: Adrian’s mentor. 53 years of age.
Dr. Marissa Greengrass: An esteemed older colleague of James and Adrian. 68 years of age. Credit to @dreamer-in-sleep for this lady’s name!
Trigger Warnings:
Please pay attention to this list.
Mentions and depictions of dementia.
Confused/disoriented character
Heavy emotional distress (character breaking down/panicking)
Loss of memories/identity
Please do not interact with this fic if such topics are your squick.
Taglist: @dreamer-in-sleep
Please let me know via DM/comment/ask if you want to be added to/removed from this list.
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hypnosindia · 1 year
With a wide range of advantages that redefine comfort and rejuvenation, the Memorio Ult Mattress represents the peak of sleep innovation.
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This mattress, which was expertly crafted and is supported by cutting-edge technology, ensures a remarkable sleeping experience that improves both physical and mental well-being.
● Advanced memory foam lies at the heart of Memorio Ult's attraction ● The hypnos mattress' ability to regulate temperature further adds to its attractiveness ● Longevity and toughness served as the foundation for Memorio Ult's construction ● Beyond its outward appearance, the best hypnos mattress offers an immersive experience
Selecting the Memorio Ult Mattress in Bangalore is more than just a choice; it's an investment in your health. It is a great sleep partner that attends to your body's demands and fits into your lifestyle thanks to the combination of comfort, support, temperature regulation, and lifespan.
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moriceramirez · 2 years
Realicé la ideación, entrevistas y maquetación de este episodio de La Ruta de la Memorio del CNMH, emitido tambien por el Canal 13. Este programa se desenvuelve a partir de conversaciones qeu sostuve con el equipo de mediación de la exposición SaNaciones.
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jhonnycash · 2 years
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Pedro Infante Murió y otros éxitos mundiales... #vinyl #MemoRios #ThrashyPop #SiempreEnDomingo https://www.instagram.com/p/CcQFLA4Oq4b/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Meeting Phoenix.
So I may have gotten really super excited and just couldn’t wait to give a small look into Phoenix’s character. Down below I’ve provided a meeting scene where you’ll finally get insight into the kind of character Phoenix is. I hope you enjoy!
“Liz, maybe now would be a good time to rest up. You’ve been wandering around the area for the last two hours. Not to mention the only info we’ve managed to obtain was a small tip about a secret back route to slip into the Augur’s Quarter. But we don’t know where or how to get to it yet.”
“Gray- I mean, Memorio, I understand what you’re saying but we don’t have any more time to waste. If the Goldstein’s are truly in danger, then I can’t sit around and do nothing!”
“Liz, might I remind you of the severity of your own condition right now? Your powers are still far too weak and the city’s guards have all been dispatched from Walter. He doesn’t know it’s you who has infiltrated the city. But they know that an unknown source of magic has been detected and possibly here to disrupt the peace.”
“You’re damn right I am. If that’s what it’ll take to save them, then I’ll flip this whole place upside down.”
“How will you do that, might I ask? You’ll run out of energy and completely exhaust yourself after a wave or two of oncoming guards. Believe me, I understand how much you want to save them, but throwing yourself to exhaustion isn’t going to help anyone. Not you and especially not the Goldsteins. So please, just hang tight for a little bit longer, we’ll figure something out. Until then how about resting at a nearby dining area? Yusnaan is full of them; one place in particular, the Banquet of the Lords, is based on the Patrons who are running Yusnaan.”
Cracking a small smile, Liz couldn’t help but chuckle to herself. “Really? A banquet dedicated to them? I wonder which one of them came up with that idea.”
“None of them actually. It was the people who suggested it. I mentioned it before didn’t I? The people here worship the Goldsteins as if they were truly royalty.”
“Well, not too much has changed in that regard, has it?”
Memorio laughed. “I suppose not. Anyways, let me send you the coordinates to the place. Ironically enough, it’s not too far from the station. Once there, we can discuss our next moves, so be ready.”
“Got it.”
The minute Liz arrived at the area, her jaw dropped slightly. It looked as if some small castle had been plopped right smack on the side of the now slightly busy streets. Everything about it was extravagant. From the marble pillars to the intricately crafted glass-stained windows. There was even a lush, and quite expensive looking, red carpet with gold accents that led to the entrance and even up the side of the stairs that allowed customers to dine with a beautiful view. Not wishing to take chances in the crowded inside, she made her way up the stairs, only to find that a few people were dining there at the moment. 
With a small sigh of relief, she made her way to one of the tables at the farthest corner which overlooked the streets. The sound of glasses clinking and silverware coming into contact with plates filled the air as a waiter came over to ask for an order. Liz knew there was no way she’d be able to afford anything with the small amount of funds she had in her name at the moment. But asked for a glass of water, explaining that she would need some time for looking. Around that time, Memorio came on the line.
“Liz, can you hear me?”
“Loud and clear.”
“Good. I see you’ve made it to the banquet?”
“I have and almost had a heart attack in the process. Everything here is so expensive. Not that I’m surprised but…”
“Right...you don’t have much Lune do you?”
“Alright, allow me to grab some more coordinates then.”
“Liz, you haven’t had anything filling to eat in almost an entire day. Things here are much different than in places like Luxerion and the Wildlands. But we can’t exactly keep travelling by the monorail every time we need to grab any supplies.”
“Excuse me?”
Liz looked over to the sound of someone’s voice at her side. To her surprise, there was a dazzling dressed person. Her words got stuck in her throat, causing them to let out a laugh. 
“Forgive me for interrupting, but is this seat taken?”
“Huh…? Oh, no. In fact I was just about to leave.”
“I know. That’s why I came here, hoping to propose an offer. Oh, forgive me for prying miss, but it pains me to hear that you haven’t had a proper meal, especially in our wonderful city here. If you say yes, I’d be honored share this table so that we might dine together. Truth be told I haven’t anything to eat all day yet.” 
They quickly chuckled but quickly gained their composure. 
“Forgive me once more, I realized that through my babbling I’ve yet to introduce myself, you may call me Phoenix, although I do wish to keep that name between us for right now, if you don’t mind?”
“Oh I...no, I don’t mind at all!”
Phoenix laughed. “May I ask what your name is?”
“Liz. Liz Hart.”
“What a lovely name, Miss Hart. Or would you rather I address you by your first name?”
“First name is fine.”
“Well then, Liz. What do you say to having some lunch together?”
“I’d say that’s wonderful but...I don’t have much Lune to offer to you in return.”
“Payment is not needed my dear, just having company is more than enough.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, completely.” Phoenix smiled. “But I can tell by the look on your face you feel guilty right? So how about this. I haven’t seen your face here before, so I assume you’re new to Yusnaan?”
“That’s correct.”
“Then allow me to be your personal tour guide for the day.” 
“Oh I…”
“Liz.” Memorio cleared his throat. “I think you should take up on their offer, after all they might know something about the back route.”
“Hm? Did you say something?”
“Oh, I said yes! I’d love it if you could show me around the city.”
“Well alright then! Now, let’s order whatever we want. After all we’re going to need all the energy we can get. We’ll be walking a lot!” 
Phoenix laughed, their smile brighter than a hundred suns. For a split second, Liz had forgotten about the stress of the world and the weight she was carrying on her back. For the first time since she had awoke from her unprecedented sleep, she felt at ease.
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jorgbobsin · 4 years
Rareza! Recuerdo extravagante! Gran regalo!¡No necesitas un marco adicional!¡Obra de arte en lienzo con camilla e gancho en gran formato 60 x 40 cm!Gran regalo. ¡Memoria única!Obra 'Caminante noct...
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Gray, Lucious, Caesar, Yukiya cg
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mrsalfonsegoldstein · 5 years
Gray: Did you know a group of fish is called a family?
Alfonse: Yeah, and a group of lions is called a pride!
Zeus: A group of wombats is called a wisdom!
Hiro: Conclusive proof that Zeus is not a wombat. He's more likely a panda.
Zeus: Why?!
Hiro: An embarrassment of pandas...
Caesar: A group of pigs is called a sounder
Leon: A group of narwhals is called a blessing...
Luca: A group of seals is called a harem!
Randy: A group of gnus is called an implausibility!
Elias: A group of lemurs is called a conspiracy.
Leslie: A group of giraffes is called a tower.
Sigurd: A group of elk is called a gang.
Mel: A group of sloths is called a bed...
Azusa: A group of crows is called a murder.
Klaus: ...A group of people is called a headache.
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skating-jellyfish · 5 years
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Ok but like the guy didn’t have a name? He was just like “ok I am the first king of this nation y’all can call me that” ???
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daeva-agas · 4 years
Ayakoi autumn dialogues
Only for my biases LEL... if you want to see the others, feel free to ask!
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“Autumn is a pleasant time of year. It’s also invigorating to train in.”
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“Hff... With autumn comes many memorioes... Ah no, it’s nothing”
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“When I look at the autumn leaves, I remember how I used to go autumn leaf-viewing with my parents.”
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Desde hace mucho tiempo no me siento bien conmigo mismo, para ser exacto, desde que tengo memorio no me he sentido por lo que he vivido y he tenido que sufrir, pero... realmente he intentado mucho sentirme bien, tener amor propio pero es imposible porque solo verme al espejo me hace sentir una sensación de asco. dejando de lado la parte fisica, tambien influye mucho en mí mis decision, en la manera que me comporto, en la manera que intento y hago mi mayor esfuerzo para que las cosas salgan bien y aun así las cago, terminan mal. Ojala pudiera hablar de esto con alguien pero simplemente no puedo o lo hago y solo piensan que es una bobada o falta de madurez así que, mejor lo dejo para mí y al menos similar que me siento bien aunque a veces no pueda hacerlo.
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hypnosindia · 1 year
Benefits of Memorio Ult Mattress
With a wide range of advantages that redefine comfort and rejuvenation, the Memorio Ult Mattress represents the peak of sleep innovation.
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This mattress, which was expertly crafted and is supported by cutting-edge technology, ensures a remarkable sleeping experience that improves both physical and mental well-being.
4 Benefits of Memorio Ult Mattress:
Advanced memory foam lies at the heart of Memorio Ult's attraction. It is designed to conform to the curves of your body and offers unmatched support that eases pressure spots, delivering a comfortable night's sleep that encourages ideal spinal alignment. This function is very important in preventing aches and pains, making it a great option for anyone looking for comfort.
The hypnos mattress' ability to regulate temperature further adds to its attractiveness. Memorio Ult offers a steady and pleasant sleep temperature throughout the night by utilizing cutting-edge cooling gel technology. You won't have to put up with sleepless nights anymore because of overheating because this mattress keeps you cool, encouraging unbroken and deep sleep cycles.
Longevity and toughness served as the foundation for Memorio Ult's construction. The mattress is constructed from high-quality materials and has outstanding longevity, maintaining its shape and support even after extensive use. It is not only a prudent investment because of its endurance, but also a sustainable one because it decreases waste over time.
Beyond its outward appearance, the best hypnos mattress offers an immersive experience. Even if you share a bed with a restless companion, your sleep will not be disturbed because of the mattress's capacity to reduce motion transmission. For light sleepers, this function is a game-changer since it fosters a serene environment that improves overall sleep quality.
Conclusion: Selecting the Memorio Ult Mattress in Bangalore is more than just a choice; it's an investment in your health. It is a great sleep partner that attends to your body's demands and fits into your lifestyle thanks to the combination of comfort, support, temperature regulation, and lifespan.
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atopearth · 4 years
Shall we Date? Wizardess Heart Part 31 - Gray Route
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So, Gray is a ghost with amnesia? Is Gray like the manifestation of the tower of memories or something? He just accumulates all the memories of everyone? The route is starting to make me think of Leon though lol, with the amnesia and mystery etc. I think it's kinda interesting how Gray seems to share the heroine's memories? I wonder why she's so special though. It's kinda sweet how they all decided to have a barbecue because they wanted Gray to experience all the liveliness with everyone (since he disappears at night), but lmao at Schuyler coming and asking why the hell are they barbecuing in the academy courtyard without permission lol!
Well, as was logical, Gray is Memorio, the guy that has notes written down in the Tower of Memories so that he knows how to record down the memories into vials and he's forced to do that every night, and he's probably been doing it for 1000 years or whatever, which is pretty crazy I guess. It was nice of the heroine to read the book for him so that he would remember it through her, I mean, now that she's here to help him, there are so many more things he can remember now. On the other hand, although I agree with Gray that living as a ghost could be just as good as living as a human since both have their pros and cons, but honestly it feels like he's scared of becoming human rather than the idea that he truly likes being a ghost. Not sure how the heroine plans to even give him a physical body though lol. Like, what if Gray is all hopeful and then they're all like sorry, we couldn't find a way? Anyway, I'm sorry but I feel like Gray's route is...so boring? I'm not sure what exactly is the biggest problem I have with it, but I really don't feel anything for him and for the route. The "mystery" isn't really interesting, and the romance is so..bland to another level. Like, aside from the fact that I have no idea why Gray likes the heroine so much, I also don't understand how the heroine likes him so much. Like, caring for him and hoping for him to have freedom and stuff is understandable, but falling in love with him just makes me kinda think why, since their interactions have been so lacking.
Well, touching symbols and getting to go back to the past and see Memorio/Gray from his conception by the founder king of Gedolelune was pretty convenient lol. I guess it was understandable why Gray chose to erase his own memories and force himself to stay in the Tower by himself though. He didn't want to remember that after the king dies, he'll be alone, so he escaped from that pain by erasing the happy memories just so he wouldn't have sad memories, yet he forced himself to repeat this life of doing nothing but recording memories for so long even though the founder king told him that he didn't need to anymore. It's saddening that he felt like he needed to stay there... I still don't get why the heroine is special and why he likes her though... I guess the good thing about him liking her is that he's freeing himself from the Tower and his "duty" now, and feels that there are other things in this world he would like to experience. Honestly, even though the heroine and Gray are pretty much a thing now, I feel kinda uncomfortable with it because I feel like their romance didn't develop at all, I still feel the same about Gray as when the route first started lol. Anyway, very convenient for Willem to know this creating a ghost spell, and knowing how to give the ghost a body. At this point, I'm not sure what's the point of putting the stakes of "there's a chance of failure for this spell causing the ghost to be obliterated", like, it's just so uninteresting and unneeded. On the other hand, I feel sorry for Willem that 100 years or whatever will be shaved off his life to "give" to the ghost for this spell. Like, Willem doesn't even know this guy!
I like the concept of collecting memories with Gray into one vial to kinda increase his chances of the spell succeeding (since it's a representation of him or something), but it's kinda hard to really see the bonds he has with the others as really "bonds", since on one hand, we don't really see them aside from the group gatherings, and two, most of these "memories" are really super generic or basically just stuff they've done with the heroine, so it's not really "special" in any sense imo, but oh well, they’re happy lol. Overall, I wasn’t a fan of Gray’s route and personality. The whole thing felt pretty bland and the “mystery” wasn’t very engaging, I never felt like I really cared about the whole thing, and I honestly didn’t feel the romance between them. Gray kinda just loves her because she’s the only one he really felt connected to since he possessed her memories for whatever reason, and she just kinda liked him because she wanted to help him or whatever. Honestly, they just didn’t click for me.
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jhonnycash · 3 years
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Paso sin pena ni gloria... Gracias a Dios... #vinyl #SiempreEnDomingo #ThrashyPop #1991 #MemoRios https://www.instagram.com/p/CTdCMtYnMRT/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Yusnaan: The Glittering City
Okay so you might be wondering about the title for the post and the answer for that is I have a special sneak peek for you all once more. This time I’ll be providing a sort of lengthy preview, relating to the place in question. This will be done in four different posts as I’ll be giving a preview of the other regions as well. The posts will be once a day, so for the next three days I’ll be providing scenes because honestly, I’m just way too excited to share more things about this series with you all. But enough about that! To start things off, we’ll be starting with Yusnaan! What sort of surprises await?
Liz took her glass and pressed it to her lips, the liquid gold getting downed rather quickly as she felt a warm sensation in the back of her throat, slowly spreading. Her eyes strained among the bright lights and sounds of drunken patrons engaging in their midnight revelry around the city. Just as she was about to leave her seat, static filled her ear, followed by Memorio’s somewhat panicked voice.
“Liz? Liz, can you hear me?”
Liz gently pressed against her earring, which was used as a communicator between the both of them before answering. “Memorio, I’m here, what’s wrong?”
“Oh thank goodness, there was some interference so all form of communication was cut off. Is everything fine on your end?”
“Yes, everything is fine here. Though I must say…” Liz glanced around once more, noticing that more and more people were pouring into the city’s streets. “It’s a bit strange.”
“Strange? How so?”
“Well, the world is dying and has been for a while now, yet the people here seem blissfully unaware of just how bad things are getting.”
Memorio chuckled. “That’s Yusnaan for ya. But things weren’t always like that.”
“Really? That seems kind of hard to believe.”
“It may seem that way, but really it was. In the beginning the residents here in Yusnaan were more closed off then the people in even Luxerion. It wasn’t until the Goldsteins took over and built the place into what it is today.”
“Wait, Goldsteins? You mean Klaus, Elias and Alfonse? They’re here?!”
“That’s correct. You see, they all moved somewhere else for a change of scenery, but ended up becoming more than just residents.”
“Where are they? I haven’t seen them at all.”
“Unfortunately, you might not get the chance unless you find a way to sneak into the Augur’s Quarter.”
“The Augur what now?”
“The Augur’s Quarter. It’s the place where only the rich and elite have access to. It’s also where they put on their famous play here almost every night.”
“That definitely makes things a lot harder on us.” Liz sighed.
“Well not all hope is lost, according to some conversations in the city, there seems to be talk of a hidden route which can lead into the place.”
“I see you’ve stooped to eavesdropping huh?”
“H-Hey, it’s not like that, I’m doing this specifically for the mission at hand. Besides, if we don’t do this then it might...it might be too late.”
“What do you mean ‘too late’” 
Memorio hesitated. “Well...there’s something I found on the scanners the moment you walked off the train at the station. A massive anomaly was detected, it’s definitely related to the Umbral Vise and unfortunately it’s located at the palace; where the Goldstein’s reside. Liz...I don’t want to alarm you, but one or even more of them have definitely been tainted with the darkness.”
“What?” Liz practically jumped out her seat. “Why didn’t you tell me this sooner?”
“Because even I wasn’t sure what it was at first. Time itself has created many unexplained anomalies, but most are harmless. After some more research though, I’ve come down to the conclusion that the Umbral Vise is at play here.”
“No…” Liz slammed her hand down on her table before taking her leave from the area. “Memorio, I want you to send any data you to the holographic communicator. This also means that you need to include a map and layout of the area.”
“L-Liz, wait hang on a second, are you sure you want to go now? I’m checking your current state right now on vitals and you’re showing signs of exhaustion.”
“I don’t care. Maps, now.”
“You’re really hellbent on saving them, aren’t you?”
“The Goldstein family has helped me more time than I can count. I can’t let them suffer like this. I don’t care if my body fails me, I have to save them, so please!”
Memorio sighed. “Alright, alright, I’m sending a layout right now. Get to a safe place and we’ll discuss to next phases there.”
“Got it.”
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