roguelov · 5 months
okay what do you say about reader whose favorite creation of morpheus is the corinthian because the two stretch so well, he makes her laugh, she makes him laugh and morpheus is just there such a haters to watch with jealousy and mathew next door desperate by the behavior of his king
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😂😂😂 yesssss I love being besties with the Corinthian
You laughed, almost falling backwards in your chair. Your laughter echoed throughout the library. Corinthian seemed more amused by your reaction than the story he was telling you. You wiped away your tears, smiling widely at him. However, your smile and laughter brought a sour feeling to someone else: Dream. Your love’s face twisted into anger as he sat on the other end of the library. He was doing some light research yet all duties vanished when he saw the two of you. Now, he glared heavily at the pair of you, well more so Corinthian than yourself.
He should be pleased his creation and his love was getting along so well. In fact, you were able to curve Corinthian’s bloodlust. It truly was a win-win scenario. Yet, envy and jealousy bubbled in the Dream Lord’s chest. Only he should make you smile so brightly, only he should make you laugh so loudly.
His mood seemed to continue to worsen as he watched Corinthian dipped his head, whispering into your ear. You gasped then hid your smile and laughter behind your hands.
“You seem … agitated.”
Dream’s eyes flickered over to Matthew who swooped in.
“I am fine,” Dream gritted his teeth.
“Obviously,” Matthew sarcastically replied. Dream whipped his glare over to the raven. Matthew raised his wings and backed away a few steps. “Okay, okay, sorry.”
Lord and raven peered back over. You said something with wild hand gestures. Corinthian laughed, a loud boom.
“Darlin’, you are trouble,” he laughed again, shaking his head.
Dream’s lips thinned.
“Why not go talk with them?” Matthew suggested carefully.
“I’m fine,” Dream grumbled.
Clearly, the raven thought.
After a few more grueling minutes, and unwavering glaring from the Dream Lord, you stood up and waved goodbye at the Corinthian as you strolled over to Dream. Dream sat up straighter, wiping his glare and now keeping his face neutral. Yet, his heart fluttered as you approached.
You fell down in the chair beside him. “Hello, my dear king.”
Dream nodded, silently acknowledging you. His eyes flickered over to see the Corinthian had disappeared. “Why,” Dream cleared his throat, “why are you here?”
You raised an eyebrow at his unusual question. “I don’t understand, what do you mean?”
Dream squirmed slightly in his seat. “I thought you were spending time with Corinthian.”
You seem to rather enjoy his company, he bitterly thought.
You shrugged. “I was, but I want to spend some time with you.”
You tossed him an endearing smile, making Dream’s bitter heart crumble at the sight like a frozen lake cracking in the spring sun.
Matthew snickered, “Good, because -“
Dream whipped his head, once again glaring at the pesky raven. Matthew yelped then flew away.
You laughed, “Now, what was that about?”
“Nothing,” he quickly answered.
You hummed, leaning towards him. “You sure?”
“If you say so.”
Corinthian leaned in. “Darlin’, I think a certain someone is burning a hole through my head.”
Your eyes flickered over to see Dream and his pout. You smiled, “Oh, I know. I see him.”
“And I think it might be your cue to leave.”
You chuckled. “Really? I have to go.”
“I don’t think he wants me.”
You laughed louder, shaking your head. “Alright, alright, I’ll go calm down the grumpy Dream Lord.”
“Good luck, darlin’.”
“Care to take a stroll through Fiddler’s Green, my king,” you asked.
Dream’s expression softened. A small smile danced on his lips. “I would be honored.”
You smiled and stood his hand, knowing this way your king will be a better mood shortly.
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roguelov · 9 months
(sorry english is not my first language) so i was thinking of a reader who has a personality similar to desire😀🫦, she loves annoyed morpheus and provoked him, at one point he can't take it anymore and tackles him against a wall so their bodies are stuck together and they look into each other's eyes like huge sexual tension between the two 🙊, her with a smirk on her face and him wondering if he should kiss her or punish her for having him provoked and annoyed in this way (I think I need to consult💀😀)
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Pissing off Dream is one of my fav pastimes!!! And don’t worry anon you did wonderful!
“Aw, come on, Dream.”
“No,” he rolled his eyes, not breaking his stride.
Your lips curled into a devious smirk, your signature trademark. Dream was truly so easy to provoke, and you were a master at it. You pushed his buttons eagerly awaiting his response.
Jogging up, you threw your arms over his shoulder, clinging to his back. Your lips brushed past his ear. “Come on, isn’t it your job to entertain me? Isn’t that your whole purpose?”
Dream froze.
He closed his eyes, and exhaled very slowly. Opening his eyes, he simply peered at you from the corner of his eye. Disdain was so clearly evident behind his baby blue eyes. “My responsibility is to all dreamers.”
“And I am all dreamers.”
“What you are is an annoying pest.”
His words, no matter how harsh, never bothered you. In fact, you thrived on them. Your eyes sparkled with mischief and twisted glee. “Perhaps I would be less annoying if you entertained me, I am a welcomed guest after all.”
Your tone. Your inferiority matter-of-fact tone drove Dream to insanity. The curl of your lips, the spark in your eyes, it was frustrating.
For so many reasons.
Dream sneered. He whipped around, grabbing your shoulders and pushing you up against the nearby wall. “Must you act like a child.”
“Takes one to know one,” you fired back.
Dream gritted his teeth together. His fingers dug into your shoulder. Leaning in closely, his once beautiful sky blue eyes shifted to a menace dark void of inky black. “I am not asking anymore, you are to leave me alone.”
Your smirk never wavered. You tipped your head, making your lips barely brush over his. “Then who will entertain you?”
Dream’s eyes flickered down to your lips. Lips he always wished to silence, some ways he never dared to speak aloud. “I don’t need you,” he growled.
“No, maybe not.” Your lips skimmed past his own to his ear. “But, you want me.”
You pulled away slowly, savoring the stunned reaction of the Endless.
His face twisted into an indescribable emotion, or emotions. It all whirled so quickly, you couldn’t pin down exactly how he felt.
That was until he kissed you.
He brought your lips to his, devouring them. His tongue slipped inside, swirling and drawing out such desires. You nearly buckled under it all. He pressed you firmly into the wall with his thigh between your legs. You cried out as he grinded you down. And he swallowed up the sound.
Breaking apart, he didn’t give you time to rest. No he had to keep your mouth busy, and keep your cocky attitude at bay. His lips dragged down your neck, enjoying your shaky sighs.
“I think I will teach you proper manners,” he muttered into your skin. “How to be polite, how to say please, and how to address your king.”
Dear god, you couldn’t wait.
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roguelov · 9 months
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The sluttiest slutty outfit I've ever seen
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Sluttiest outfit for the sluttiest lil man
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roguelov · 9 months
pookie we missed you 😔🙏🙏🙏🥲
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Sweetheart I miss all of you!!!! The wardens scares me and I don’t want to anger them anymore 😭
I will be free from this horny jail! Even if I have to dig my way out
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roguelov · 9 months
oh my god you are finally free 🙏😭🕺
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They couldn’t contain me any longer
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