#memtioned Curtwen
sweetsmalldog · 5 years
Secrets kept Close
Summary: Cynthia secretly protective of her best agent (and slightly less secretly dislikes his boyfriend)
Warnings: Implied murder and swearing
Authors note: Insomia fuels my Spies are Forever writing it seems
Cynthia glared daggers at the picture. Fuckin Owen Cavour. Of course that arrogant British prick seduced the only agent she actually cared about.
She hated to admit she cared about any agent, it was unprofessional and would cause issues when they inevitably died. But she cared about Curt Mega. He wanted to make the world better something most agents didn’t care about. Sure he was an idiot but all agents were, and he had something on most agents, he was legitimately good at his job. She would never tell him any of this of course. It would all go to his head and inflate his already too big ego.
But of course she wasn’t the only one who saw the kid’s talent, Owen fucking Cavour had to go and seduce him. The picture showed her best agent and the dickbag with their lips locked. Because of motherfucking course he had to make her life harder. She refused to let her best and brightest agent’s biggest secret be found out and if that meant trying to get Cavour in her agency so she could keep her eyes on him and keep MI6’s eyes off of Curt, so be it.
She took a long drag of her cigaret as she looked at the photos, “Susan”
“Yes?” Her assistant asked ready to do anything Cynthia needed, one of the only reliable people she had even met.
“Burn these photos, destroy any copy of them, and bring the photographer to me.” Cynthia ordered as she put her cigaret in the ashtray on the corner of her desk.
As Susan left Cynthia walked over to the table by the wall in her office. At least the walls were sound-proof Cynthia thought to herself as she clicked the safety off her pistol and Susan will have as big a mess to clean up as I will.
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