endlessfandomverse · 2 years
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i never got off my bullshit
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kingofstag · 4 years
I just found ya blog via someone reblogging one of your selfie photo sets... and the first thing I thought was that I would love to see you gush about your plants! How many do you got?!!
Hello! Thank you for your interest. My plants mean a lot to me and I put a lot of time and effort into maintaining them. I have 15 in all and they all have names lol
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These are my Kimberly Queen Ferns (Scientific Name: Nephrolepis)
The one in the blue ceramic pot is named Marceline and the one in the transparent jar is named Queenie.
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This is my Lucky Bamboo (Scientific Name: Dracaena Sanderiana)
Honestly I just call it Lucky.
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These are all of my Macho Ferns (Scientific Name: Nephrolepis 'Macho')
Their names (in order going down) are Fernie Sanders (my sister named it lol), Lanky, and Pazuzu
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This is my Majesty Palm (Scientific Name: Ravenea Rivularis
Its name is Moby.
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This is my Golden Moneywort (Scientific Name: Lysimachia Nummularia)
Its name is Magdalene.
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This is my Coral Fern (Scientific Name: Gleichenia Mendelli)
I honestly just call her Coral.
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Now this plant I have no information on but I treat it like a fern (it was given to me for free). I call it my "tarantula fern" because the roots have the appearance of said spider. I keep meaning to look into this plant type further but I haven't had the time. Its name is Sorry.
Also I'm just now realizing there's a limit of 10 images so im going to see if I can continue this in a part 2 post but if not here's some of my beauties! They're lovely housemates and they bring me joy especially in times like these.
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autumnarthoe · 7 years
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endlessfandomverse · 2 years
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no content for these two? fine I’ll make it myself
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