#mental illness and addiction sux
t1ght3r · 3 months
alright i dont know where the fuck else to put thiz or how it workz but fuck it im lonely
im a factive of jimmy urine and im lookin for. juzt any1 honestly. im so desperate. obv other factives from source (even if we are the same guy. idc) or musicians my source wuz friends with are top of my list but thatz kinda a long shot.
just any1 really. other musician factives in similar genres, people who are cool with factives, whatever. just plz kinda know my fuckin source and be okay with me talkin about it n shit (i still interact with it but most otherz in sys cant cuz ocd)
like, i know, I FUCKIN KNOW OKAY! JESUS. i may be a factive of him but im not a fuckin 1 to 1 copy of the bastard. like im fuckin edgy, weird, and gross, but not like THAT alright. leave me the fuck alone and block me if ya wanna start shit cuz ill swing back <3
i have been dormant and we didnt kno i wuz a factive (or that we even had any, period) despite it bein painfully fuckin obvious (see: everything about me) we just didnt fuckin realize til this front (they r stoopid) probz cuz i didnt claim the same name til now lolz. and now that they did im not allowed to fuckin show myself 2 anybody we know, unless theyre extra fuckin cool.
at least i know im not a damn fragment from this front cuz ive felt like a million bux and also like total shit
general warningz for ya: we are fucked in the head with mental problemz (ask and i can tell you maybe <3) and were physically dizabledddd. addicted to fuckin so much shit and im not gonna dance around it i dont care. im fuckin weird and gross and a hater and i really dont give a shit about it even tho the otherz in my brain do (i am not a frequent fronter). my fellow degeneratezzzz i wanna be yr friend.
i make art too but i wont post 4 obvious reasons (you want 2 see it so fuckin bad 👁 talk 2 me).
dm me on this blog and we can go frum there!! this is a side blog btdubzzz i follow frum the hosts main.
maybe ill make an intro post and pin it, who fuckin knows i just hate talkin about myself in a for realz way
im probably forgettin shit i had to retype thiz cuz tumblr sux dix. i just really need some fuckin friendz </3
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richigga · 7 years
Tumblr media
Rest in peace Lil Peep, shine bright u star.
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sunp3ach · 3 years
officially Addicted to Kratom 
ok this sux tbh it makes life so much easier to drink kratom every morning.... but some guy’s death in montréal has been attributed to kratom and now my lowkey-hypocondriac self has been Scared.... i’m stopping kratom.... i dont wanna die!!!!!!! i only told my therapist last night ive been using it for like 2 years lmao and she was like wow sounds like youre trying to self medicate.... do you want to talk to a psychiatrist?!?!?! *gasp* (that sounds scary. am i Mentally Ill!??? I AM) okay im totally unhinged right now i dont care about . anything anymore
thats not true i care about a lot of things i guess i just like writing here on this empty website i hold so dearly in my heart for saving me during my First Trauma / Teenage Depression lmao 
might aswell become addicted to stupid coffee ...... might aswell get prescribed vyvanse and become addicted to that... and not have a libido anymore... Scary... how could you do that to a scorpio..... *GASP*
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Me: Please you know I'm an emotional mess. I don't know how react other than defensively. My whole problem is feeling everyone is out to get me and anything I love can just be taken away and crush me any second. I don't see friends anymore just faces of people who will probably hurt me. I know it sux for everyone else. But it's a shitty, dark place to live all the time too. I'm sorry. Him: And would you have me believe drugs are not a factor at all in this whole situation? In full knowledge of my experience with drugs and drug users and the effects on their personalities and also taking into account that I'm a pretty switched on person would you still sincerely try to convince me there are no drugs playing a part in this constant never ending mess?? I won't judge an addict but I will judge a liar. Me: I'm drug tested randomly. I've had 2, I failed twice. Negative methamphetamine, positive THC. I smoke pot every day. I rarely drink, never get drunk. I got lucky that's all. Ive used a bunch of times in the past 2 years, I'd estimate monthly less one here and there. It destroys me but when it's bad I use to either make it stop hurting or to easily, selfishly die the way a coward would. I pushed anyone I loved away I had left on purpose. I'm a burden. I can't live with that too. Since The family referral service intercepted FACS based on the police & hospital reports I have had only one friend, her name is Verity. It's pathetic but she's my case manager, it's also divine because she is an Angel that came into my life and has stuck by me and given me hope in ways I don't think I've ever thought I deserved. Her and my psychologist Sue gave me all I've ever needed to have see a reason to change, hope & it came in the form of, validation. I had a diagnosis but not one person had said I was brave and the horror I was surviving everyday was real. People like to say I play the victim. I'd give anything for it not to be real. I wish it was a performance. I've always had narcissistic tendencies been intelligently manipulative at times so it's probably something I could have done. But I won't accept injustice and I feel other people's pain like it were my own. Can't watch news, movies or tv. I've stayed in bed for 3 days over a movie where a baby dies. Nobody is angrier than me at who I am now. I'm a shell of who I had the potential to be. I hurt everyone around me. I hate myself for taking everything for granted. I just don't feel like anything is worth it really. I'm socially awkward and paranoid. I'm a pain in the arse. I'm late and unorganised. But I do something everyday to better myself even if it's nothing much. I don't know why nobody can educate themselves about it when I beg them to. I feel like the science of it is so obvious if the people who loved me just tried to gain an educated point of view we could understand each other better. I have mental illness but CPTSD is a product of that and trauma, it's brain damage. I don't talk about it now to anyone. I can't, I see that look in their eye as they zone out immediately. Then tell me to just, not be like this. I have some memories of what happened over a decade some I had thought someone else had told me, about themselves, others I don't remember at all and some would make great horror films. I laughing right now because there's no overkill in that statement, none. But nobody can fathom it in my life. Telling you this is a risk & it scares me but you are a good person & I don't suppose could have less respect for me, what have I got to lose? Lip service? I know what I am to everyone. I don't know who I am anymore but I know my place behind the fake smiles. But it's going to be okay. I get a something out of every day. That's the truth.
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roundthatcorner · 7 years
“I said what I said, and it was wrong, or it was taken wrong, and now it's all this...”
So the furor, such as it is, that has resulted from a fairly innocuous post of mine seems to have taken on a bit of a life of its own, so I feel somewhat responsible and need to address certain things. A lot of what's been said seems frankly disconnected from anything I actually wrote, so I'm going to cover some but not all of the misconceptions – particular themes have been chosen because honestly some of the ideas I've been credited with are quite hurtful, to me personally and I think to a few other people.  I'm not 'at'-ing people because I'm not sure it would be at all fruitful or worthwhile to do so, and I'm not going to rebut things line-by-line because that seems more counterproductive than anything. My goal here is to hopefully dampen 'the controversy' (again, such as it is!) rather than inflame it.
On the one hand, I stand by the bulk of what I said – there's been some serious misinterpretations going around, some of which are genuinely baffling – but I can also see that my tone and my contextualization could have been improved. I do 'read' a little bratty or something in that post, which is something I should try to improve upon in the future. As for this post, I'm trying to essentially be the opposite of how I sounded there – be, like, very straightfoward and emotionally open and hopefully not stick my foot in it, or whatever. I'm basically a pathologically shy and conflict averse person, and totally just hoped that this would blow over, so all of this is way beyond my comfort zone. I hope people will see that this post is very much heartfelt, and imbue their reading of it with some generosity towards me and my intentions.
Anyways, the bulk of it, in which I pick out those misinterpretations that I would find it particularly upsetting to let stand as somehow representative of how I think:
a) Re John and being a fan: I love John. I can seriously count on one hand the number of people I love and admire more than John, and the subset under consideration for that isn't, like, 'famous people I like' or 'musicians', it's 'everybody who has ever existed.' I quite simply adore John and if I didn't I wouldn't expend the effort I do into trying to understand him. The implication that I can't possibly be a Beatles 'fan' (said in quotes, no less! Super disheartening), let alone a longtime fan is quite bizarre and insulting. I mean, I think there's a base presumption of 'grace' we should try to extend to other fans: none of us think any of them were or are irredeemable; we are all here because we love them; we all want to see them clearly and fairly. I am (clearly!) not some troll shouting 'John sux!' or whatever. It's not a mark of love for me or anyone to refuse to see John as he was – and by this I don't mean that not seeing John exactly as I do is a failure of anyone else, or deliberate, or that my interpretation is accurate, or whatever, just that FOR ME to limit my interpretation in order to 'keep' John sufficiently lovable or whatever would be silly. John was/is plenty lovable! I don't need to 'protect' myself from whatever dark places may have existed in his mind because I am entirely capable (as I think we all are) of loving him through that (not in spite of that, but THROUGH it, with empathy for him). I don't have to love or accept everything about John to love him – I don't have to love Yoko, or heroin, or Allen Klein, or stupid anti-Semitic cracks, or whatever (which is not to compare those things straightforwardly – obviously – but to make the point that it's okay to dislike things John liked!). We don't owe it to him as fans to make excuses for him; what we owe him is the same as what we owe any human being, which is just to try to understand where he's coming from. That's all that I was trying to do in my post – just delineate the thought processes he may have been having. I don't think I need to surround every discussion about John with 5 dozen caveats about his mental health issues or drug use simply because I have assumed that we all know these things and accept them as the (only) basis for further conversation (and actually I did reference both of those as clear sources of his behavior – I don't know that I can much more explicitly reference his suffering mental health than to say he was experiencing a break with reality). Furthermore, the idea that John's behavior during the final years of the Beatles was at least in part based on virulent paranoia directed at Paul as well as a desire to punish him is not something I came up with – it's a somewhat standard interpretation at this point. Even Paul (who also manages to love John while acknowledging his faults!) has admitted that John became very paranoid, jealous, neurotic, etc. Michael Gerber from Hey Dullblog once commented something like, to paraphrase, the hardest thing to accept as Beatles fans is that John broke up the Beatles and he did it willfully and deliberately...I don't know that that's THE hardest, but it's certainly up there. It's incredibly emotionally draining to consider the dynamics at work during the break-up, but I also think it's worthwhile to do so as honestly as we can, because we love them all so much and because they have so much to teach us, even when it's through this painful, agonizing shit.  
b) Re things assumed about me or what-have-you: It strikes me as really quite unfair to assume that because I've never discussed certain things on this blog (or in that specific post), that I don't understand or have never experienced them and am coming at them from a position of somewhat cruel disengagement or w/e. The title of the blog isn't 'Bisexuality, Mental Illness, Drug Addiction & Me', so I really didn't consider it under the purview and have generally refrained from inserting too much of 'myself' (or at least myself non-filtered through Beatles). I don't talk about feminism, or cats, or Mad Men or make-up or agile software development or robotic vacuums because despite my interest in all of them, that's not the intention of my tumblr. Nevertheless, some grotesque oversharing in hopes of re-assembling/salvaging some of what's been misconstrued:
- I am bisexual...too...like many people are. This gets back to the whole 'text doesn't always telegraph meaning particularly well', but the paragraph for which I was criticized for sounding like a Nat Geo narrator or w/e...as I was writing it I was actually getting quite emotional thinking of...John, like, maybe discovering his sexuality at 16, because that was the exact age where I was literally writing in my diary in cryptic little coded comments about being attracted to girls, and then blacking the comments out and tearing them out of the journal and ripping them up because I was SO fucking ashamed and scared and alone with all of it. Basically, I am not at all looking at this from the perspective of an outsider, let alone a heteronormative outsider.
- To be accused or w/e of not understanding or being unsympathetic to mental illness is more than a little ironically funny to me, because literally the reason I started this blog, writing fics, etc is because after over a decade on anti-depressants, I went off them about six months ago (lest this too be misconstrued, I am not advocating this (or un-advocating it), it simply is). My brain has therefore been 'allowed' to loop incessantly/unconstrainedly on the Beatles for the first time since I was fifteen – so mental illness is quite literally why I'm here! Funny stuff. I don't want or need or feel obliged to go into much more detail about this, so let it suffice to say that I have deep understanding and sympathy for mentally ill people, for John in particular, and I fully appreciate the impact of mental illness on a person's behavior, and any flippancy is, ah, semi-literally gallows humor.
- If I sound hardened or unsympathetic with regard to drug addictions...it's partially because I am on some level. I invite anyone who takes issue with this to go re-live their childhood with the trauma of multi-generational drug and alcohol abuse that I lived with, because I will guess that anyone who is less than saintly, as we all are, will end up just as jaded about it as I am, just from the inescapable daily grind of taking care of addicts. Sorry to sound fairly bitchy about this point, but...idk, man, it's always really really difficult to have people be like, “have you considered their feelings? Have you devoted enough of your life to ritually gutting yourself on the pyre of this or that person's addiction?” Like, yes? Sorry, all the mornings where I had to make sure my dad hadn't choked to death on his vomit before I got on the school bus have kind of drained my sympathy. Nonetheless, some of my favorite people are junkies...
c) Re Linda and Paul: I would never disrespect their relationship, and this is far and away the most upsetting thing to have people skew, because I admire what they were able to create and sustain SO much – it means so much to me in terms of what is possible even from the blackest fucking depths. Linda could have been another Francie, or Heather Mills, or Yoko, and GOSH, how much fucking poorer the world would have been, how much darker. Linda and his kids gave Paul something to live for, a whole second life after the center fell out of his first. They were actually able to make a happy life that was snatched from total chaos and despair – that's so incredible and awe-worthy to me. When I said that Paul chose Linda over dying, I was not putting down their relationship, or devaluing it or her (I think she is maybe the most admirable person in all of Beatle-dom), or anything even remotely like that. For me, there is no deeper compliment to give someone than to say that they chose to keep going when they could've died. I mean, compliment is not even the word for it, I honestly don't think I have the capacity to express this..but, like, this is soul-deep for me, the deepest, sincerest possible feeling. I derive enormous comfort and strength on literally a daily basis from the choice Paul made in the winter of 1970. Believe me when I say I would never denigrate Paul's experience or Linda's role in it or the love and commitment they showed each other.
d) Re interpretation versus facts:  There's some criticism based on me presenting my ideas as facts. I don't think I did this – I couched the thing repeatedly with 'conjecture' (in all caps!), 'my interpretation', 'I think', 'maybe' and 'may', 'a range of possibilities', 'possibly', 'presumably', 'might', etc. I was not presenting what I said as verifiable fact but as my evolving understanding of what may have happened. Besides...all of us are here because we think there was or could have been a romantic/sexual component to John & Paul's relationship. This is not something that is at all verifiable (and it even very often requires that we assume people are lying!). Practically everything we say is conjecture based on our very unorthodox interpretation of sometimes conflicting/contradictory/bewildering information, and I am no more (or less) guilty of presenting my ideas as fact than, I think, anyone here.
e) Re Yoko: I get the sense that this was the main initial point of disagreement in all of this, and the rest of it was kind of...throwing stuff and seeing what stuck (unfortunately some of it seems to have). This is actually the only intractable issue – it's not one based on misunderstanding or a failure on my part to be clear enough. I dislike Yoko exactly as much (or more!) as I conveyed in the original post, and I have good reason for it. Pretty much every day of my life I learn something about her or about the world, relationships, responsibility, children, how a person should treat others, etc, that makes her behavior that much more noxious, inexcusable, and reproachable. Once upon a time I was thirteen and believed wholeheartedly in the Ballad of John & Yoko narrative – but as an adult, I simply can't countenance it. If we were not talking about 'John and Yoko' but rather about 'Joe and Sally Schmoe', or my brother and his girlfriend, or the next case on the docket in the local family court, there would be no question that this was a profoundly unhealthy and damaging relationship. Like...are most love affairs as enormously, relentlessly destructive as theirs was? Is there anyone from John's pre-1968 life that was allowed to really remain a part of his life post-Yoko? What kind of healthy romantic relationship cuts a person off from everything else? Is 'all that I know is just what you tell me' anything other than a deeply disturbing sentiment? Some of this can be laid at John's feet but on the other hand his 25 year old secretary (as well as every other significant person in his life except for his parents and probably Mimi) was able to coax him into being a BETTER person, whereas he only seemed to become an unhealthier and more damaged person the longer he spent with Yoko (and the feminism thing...like, the most feminist thing he could have done would be sending Cynthia an additional $10,000 a month – 'look at the one you're with' or were with, after all). I can't say that Yoko didn't love John but I will say that she didn't love him well – based on the standards for human relationships and interaction that we are willing to apply to normal people. To quote John Dunbar (who is definitely a longtime John fan!), “If I had set out to destroy John Lennon, I could not have done any better than to introduce him to Yoko Ono.”
If anyone wants to talk any more about this, please message or ask me (I will likely not respond to asks in the interest of not encouraging divisiveness or whatever, but I do appreciate what I’ve been sent). I can't control what anyone posts, obviously, and there are maybe still sensitive and insightful things to be said about some of it, so go ahead if you feel the need. For my part I probably won't engage any further publicly, especially since it's been unhelpfully dug into the ground (over...and over...and over) and there's a certain amount of like...willful misconstruing that's going on that’s just not worth getting into.
And just because it came on shuffle, and because sometimes Paul is exactly what one needs him to be, I'll end by saying:
“Is it better to love than to give in to hate?
Yeah, we'd better take good care of each other,
 Avoid slipping back, off the straight and narrow”
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