#musician factive canon call
t1ght3r · 7 months
alright i dont know where the fuck else to put thiz or how it workz but fuck it im lonely
im a factive of jimmy urine and im lookin for. juzt any1 honestly. im so desperate. obv other factives from source (even if we are the same guy. idc) or musicians my source wuz friends with are top of my list but thatz kinda a long shot.
just any1 really. other musician factives in similar genres, people who are cool with factives, whatever. just plz kinda know my fuckin source and be okay with me talkin about it n shit (i still interact with it but most otherz in sys cant cuz ocd)
like, i know, I FUCKIN KNOW OKAY! JESUS. i may be a factive of him but im not a fuckin 1 to 1 copy of the bastard. like im fuckin edgy, weird, and gross, but not like THAT alright. leave me the fuck alone and block me if ya wanna start shit cuz ill swing back <3
i have been dormant and we didnt kno i wuz a factive (or that we even had any, period) despite it bein painfully fuckin obvious (see: everything about me) we just didnt fuckin realize til this front (they r stoopid) probz cuz i didnt claim the same name til now lolz. and now that they did im not allowed to fuckin show myself 2 anybody we know, unless theyre extra fuckin cool.
at least i know im not a damn fragment from this front cuz ive felt like a million bux and also like total shit
general warningz for ya: we are fucked in the head with mental problemz (ask and i can tell you maybe <3) and were physically dizabledddd. addicted to fuckin so much shit and im not gonna dance around it i dont care. im fuckin weird and gross and a hater and i really dont give a shit about it even tho the otherz in my brain do (i am not a frequent fronter). my fellow degeneratezzzz i wanna be yr friend.
i make art too but i wont post 4 obvious reasons (you want 2 see it so fuckin bad 👁 talk 2 me).
dm me on this blog and we can go frum there!! this is a side blog btdubzzz i follow frum the hosts main.
maybe ill make an intro post and pin it, who fuckin knows i just hate talkin about myself in a for realz way
im probably forgettin shit i had to retype thiz cuz tumblr sux dix. i just really need some fuckin friendz </3
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hazyaltcare · 1 year
Canon call, please!
For any musician factives who want other musician factives to talk to.
We're a factive heavy system. And we have quite a few musicians in here. Mostly from 90s-2000s rock bands, I think.
Contact us @geezz
Thank you for submitting the call - we hope you can find the people you seek!
Mod Vintage (📺)
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fenmere · 2 years
Mary Sue has a question:
We're reading AO3's section on tagging Real Person Fiction and thinking about our own work. It's neat that there is an established term for what the Sunspot Chronicles is!
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Image transcript is included at the end of this post.
But, so, we're also doing a kind of convoluted thing and we're tempted to make it worse, and we're not sure how to tag these things on AO3.
The people who appear in the Sunspot Chronicles are real people. They are us. It's Real Person Fiction (RPF). But, then, it's original fiction and is not being put up on Archive Of Our Own (AO3), though, we could, because it is fanfic of our inworld. But we're not going to. We're going to treat it like our original fiction, period.
Still, it's fanfic, and technically we are fanfic ourselves! We are what we call "narrativekin", which is that, as a whole system we identify as a series of stories (and the characters within those stories), and we're absolutely full of fictives and factives (other people and other people's characters). We have our own originals in here, we're not 100% fictives and factives, but 99.9% is still most of the system and as Walking Epic Fantasy. That makes us a fanfic. An RPF, no less!
So, we've been writing fanfics of a fanfic already.
However, it gets better!
We've just written crossover fanfic between the Star Trek Kelvin universe and the Sunspot Chronicles, which we are going to post to AO3.
And to complicate it just a little bit more, the Star Trek part is a fanfic of a TTRPG we played which was itself a TTRPG of the Kelvin timeline. But that's less important to the RPF thing.
So, here's the first question: When we're tagging that crossover, should we create genre and fandom tags for the Sunspot Chronicles as just fanfiction or RPF? (The story is not canon to the Sunspot Chronicles and it was written by a different group of headmates, so it is fanfic of TSC)
And the second, even more fun question: Should we go and write an RPF about ourselves as a whole system walking around Portland and buying coffee?
[image transcript:
How do I tag Real Person Fiction (RPF)?
RPF fandoms work the same as any other fandom, except the characters are real people rather than fictional ones. All you need to do is tag with the appropriate fandom, which is usually based on the group the characters belong to, like a sports team or band. If the link between people is less obvious (such as actors from a TV or film franchise, a selection of actors being fancast for a franchise, or radio hosts from a particular station), the fandom tag will usually be the factor that ties the actors together plus the RPF acronym.
For example, Jeon Jungkook is a musician, who's a member of the band 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS. That means works about him are RPF, but the band is a clear group of specific people, so it doesn't need the RPF acronym. Tags for actors may go into multiple RPF fandoms, such as Lee Pace, an actor who's been in several different franchises. His tag is part of Halt and Catch Fire RPF, Marvel Cinematic Universe RPF, Pushing Daisies RPF, The Hobbit RPF, and American (US) Actor RPF fandoms. American (US) Actor RPF is the best tag to use if no other people from the more specific fandoms appear in your work.
Fanworks about actors in a film or TV series shouldn't be tagged with the fandom tag for that film or TV series. When tagging on the Archive of Our Own (AO3), the RPF tags should be used for works that don't take place in or involve characters from the fictional universe. What this means is that if your work is about Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki, the correct fandom tag is Supernatural RPF, not Supernatural, which is the tag for the fictional universe.
For clarification about how your tags are sorted in the background, go to How do I tag my works to make them easy to find?]
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hazyaltcare · 9 months
Canon Call:
Any nu-metal / metal factives still around?
We have a few (including myself, the host) and I want make the system more social as they miss people with similar interests.
We have folks from KOЯN, Slipknot, Murderdolls & Mayhem.
Best of luck!
Mod Vintage (🪄)
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hazyaltcare · 1 year
Hi! We were wondering if we could get a canon call? It's not exactly a canon call, really, but basically we just want to find other factives (of any kind) we can talk to. We have a lot of factives in our system. Mostly musicians, but also others. We also wouldn't mind if just any system in general would want to talk/be mutuals/friends/whatever with us, too. We ourselves are mcr factives. We're @xchemicalxfaggotsx (our actual system blog is separate, though)
I hope this request is ok.
- G
definitely okay, good luck with finding fellow factives! I'm a musician fucktive myself so we could talk if you'd like ^_^
Mod Vintage (☕🍭)
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hazyaltcare · 6 months
hello umm canon call im jarvis cocker from pulp 🙁 any 90s musician factives or anyone from the britpop era for that matter plz dm @frightenedofjamesdeanposters
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Good luck!!
Mod Haze
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hazyaltcare · 3 years
Canon call for alt metal/nu metal musician factives? I know there might not be a lot out there but I'd really like to find some. I feel alone. 😅
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I hope you find your people!! Good luck!
Mod Haze (❤Alice❤)
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