#mention of bi han tomas & kuai liang's mom
cienie-isengardu · 9 months
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"She [Mother] would applaud my actions" << & >>" Mother would be so proud"
MK1 Smoke vs Sub Zero (Bi-Han) << & >> MK11 Sub Zero (Kuai Liang) vs Noob Saibot
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bi-hanslefttittie · 4 months
"It's Cold Outside, Bi-Han."
Summary: Eleven-year-old Bi-Han stands alone in the snow and faces a frost bite trying to prove a point.
Characters: Bi-Han, Kuai Liang, Tomas Vrbada. Kinda their mom.
Word Count: 3.1k
CW: Angst. Light mention of recession, hunger. Depressed Bi-Han.
A/N: Yes, I wrote a fanfic based on the name of an in-game gear. Because I'm still getting familiarized with Bi-Han as a character, it might be a bit OOC. I wrote this because I couldn't capture this in a drawing. Mostly a character study.
A/N 2: I speak mostly spanish, so if anything is weirdly redacted it's because of that, lmao.
-.Articka welcomed a violent snowfall that winter night. The savage wind left even the bravest soldiers on the Lin Kuei retreating to the safety of their homes, the warmth of their families welcoming them. Whoever would dare go outside unprepared would receive the cold, unstuttering embrace of certain death. The white coat of snow blinded and hid every hint of flora or fauna on the place as if a demonstration of its awing power.
He stood alone in the gardens, though calling it that would be oxymoronic considering its frozen state.
Bi-Han stared out into the void as he attempted to regain some control. Yet, his breathing had betrayed him, his ribcage seemingly torturing him with pressure. However, there was no time for useless whining and childlike behavior. At least, not for him.
Being the first son meant something only the previous grandmasters could understand. It was the Sisyphus curse, a never-ending tale. The future of the Lin Kuei rested heavily on his shoulders; he was a man now, an older brother, and a future leader, so much was expected of him.
He never doubted his abilities, confident about his future success; he just needed to reach a certain point of perfection, and once Bi-Han achieved that, he would ensure his clan would thrive.
In this recession, a victory would bring back their lost morale in years of idle await.
If no one took the initiative, the Lin Kuei would self-destruct like a snake eating itself.
Bi-Han had to be the one to take the lead. Only he could free them from shackles, end their suffering, and protect Earthrealm.
But for now, Bi Han could only prepare himself physically and psychologically and pray the chance to prove himself worthy, liberate, and bring glory to his nation would come soon. Bringing his clan out of the shadows.
The wind blew relentlessly as the temperature dropped considerably turning this into the coldest night of the year. Bi Han knew that if he survived, he would be apt for the task.
This self-imposed challenge strained his body as his limbs reddened, his lower lip quivered, and he felt his breath hitch. Despite his mind-numbing, he would test his willpower, overcoming and purging whatever weakness was in his body. No matter what would take him. His very own Baptism in blood. The prime example of what a Lin Kuei should be.
As a sudden surge of heat rushed through his body, he realized he had lost his sense of touch. Hyperthermia had always made him fail despite years of training. It was the one thing that had made him crumble and fall to his knees under his father's disappointed gaze. However, tonight would be different. He was determined to overcome it and finish his training flawlessly.
While being heir by birthright, it seemed as if it wasn't enough to gain the respect he deserved and earned by blood, sweat, and tears.
Despite being the firstborn, Others were pampered despite their idleness, while he received the short end of the stick.
His younger brother Kuai Liang and the other child, Tomas, could afford to take a break in their chambers. He didn't have that privilege, oh no.
Even though he was trembling, the eleven-year-old fought against his demons, trying to maintain his balance despite the horrific pain, drowning his whimpers as he urged himself to suck it up.
Quivering, the child was slowly and cruelly falling victim to frostbite.
Still, his majestic resolve strengthened him enough to stand. Pride was the one thing fueling his resilience.
The cryomancer would not fall.
Bi-Han would not allow himself to once again lose against his body.
That's when the manor's door opened with a loud creak that caught Bi Han's attention, though he didn't bother to turn around.
Whether his inaction was due to sheer disinterest in the person or simply being too pained to move is something that only he would know.
"Do you know what time it is?" The slim figure asked as she covered herself with her fur coat, shielding herself from the breeze.
He gritted his teeth, refusing to respond to his mother, maintaining a stern and dignified expression, staring at the void as a man on a mission. He clenched his fists with such strength that they were left bruised, forcing himself to remain silent.
The woman watched as her prideful child insisted on staying in the middle of the snowstorm, ice crystals forming on his uniform. She wondered how long he'd been standing there alone.
"It's cold outside, Bi Han." She approached him, kneeling as he refused to stare at her, his stubbornness on display.
Her hands ran towards his shoulders and arms as the child was sweating profusely, a symptom of frostbite.
She quickly removed her coat and placed it on his shoulders, but Bi Han immediately discarded it.
He might take himself too seriously and hold himself to unreachable standards.
But she saw right through him, a pale, shivering kid trying to act tough.
She took a few moments to collect herself, trying to read his expression, and attempted not to yell at her son.
"What are you trying to prove?" Bi-Han bit his lip, his cheeks puffy, not wanting to respond to his mother, yet knowing he could not lie, he avoided her gaze.
"Bi-Han." Sternly, his mother cupped his face.
"Look at me." The kid let out a pained sigh, an almost tortured one being haunted enough by his mind.
"Come, we will discuss this inside." She kept her stoic expression, and Bi-Han followed her, defeated, unable to refuse his mother anything.
The woman handled herself in a way he could only sit back and admire. Carrying herself with strength, dignity, and a no-nonsense attitude.
The sound of the whistling kettle indicated that the tea was ready.
The small child had just gotten out of his bath and was now warm, dry, and sheltered from the outside cold.
Bi-Han sneezed, worried he might have caught a cold.
He watched as his mother poured the tea and sat down.
Neither was exactly a great talker.
Most of the time, they communicated without words since it wasn't necessary as she understood him.
But this time, they had to speak.
He drank from the brew, silently searching for the words to say, the best way to get his point across. There was no point in lying to someone who knew him so well, yet admitting his troubled headspace was not an easy task. He scrunched his nose and grunted, then placed his cup down as if waiting for a lecture. Instead, his mother's hand caressed his cheek, sensing his unease.
She pondered on the possibility of simply sending him back to sleep. Still, it was better to address the elephant in the room. Firmly, she addressed his son. "What is on your mind?" She questioned. Making him avoid her gaze, not wanting to be perceived as weak in front of the person he admired the most.
He knew he couldn't keep avoiding the question. So he decided to speak up. He cleared his throat, and back to his dignified manner he articulated his answer.
"There is nothing in particular on my mind, mother. I was merely perfecting my training." Moderate and clear, he would have convinced anyone that there was nothing of the matter.
However, his mother could tell by his stiffness and aloofness there was something wrong.
There was something more to it since he was too formal and diligent while addressing her.
"At 3 in the morning in the middle of a snowstorm?" She raised an eyebrow.
Bi Han nodded, convinced of his answer.
"A risk worth taking for my improvement." He declared standing his ground with unmovable conviction.
A trait that set him apart from other children, even from other adults.
Adults like his father.
"Bi Han, you are putting your safety at stake for improvement." The woman lectured him sternly.
The kid furrowed his eyebrows, expressing great distaste at her tone.
"It is for the sake of the clan." The boy stubbornly refuted, shaking his head as if it was the most logical and obvious answer ever.
Yet, he was unable to keep his explanation going as his mother cut him off.
"And I suppose putting yourself in harm's way is doing something for the clan?" She retorted, trying to make her child realize what he was doing and the senseless nature of the act.
"I was not putting myself in danger. Everything was under control, I've-"
"Do you realize that one day you may become a Grandmaster? As the heir, is it responsible for you to engage in such risky behavior? Think about it. If I had not come to fetch you, you could have died. The title would have passed to your brother, wouldn't it?"
Bi-Han hung his head low, clenching his jaw in frustration. He knew she was right, but he couldn't bring himself to admit it. His cheeks rose, fidgeting with his fingers as he tried to deal with the embarrassment.
She looked at him intently, tilting her head as she tried to gauge his reaction while acknowledging his struggle to admit his fault.
She tried not to smile as she recognized the similarities shared between them.
Finally, after a heavy sigh, he spoke up.
"I suppose you're right," he mumbled quietly, the kid's voice barely audible.
The woman chuckled and shook her head as she cupped his face so he could face her.
"It's not wrong to have ambition." His eyes widened for a second, feeling understood.
"You just have to be more mindful about your choices. If the chance ever comes, by all means, seize it, but do not act prematurely."
"I am not acting prematurely," Bi-Han responded, almost pleading.
"I'm placing my efforts in getting better."
"And I understand that. But you are destroying yourself. It will only be a disservice to you. If you truly want to improve…" She mirrored her son's hand movements, speaking with trained confidence and reassurance.
"I can assist with your training in your free time."
There was a moment of silence, followed by a surprised smile from Bi-Han, something he did not do often.
"Really?" The boy asked in some disbelief, knowing his mother was busy most of the time with her duties and with his brothers. It was something he had not expected but a pleasant surprise nonetheless.
"Yes, really," she replied with a nod. "Just… cool down."
The room was silent as the joke registered in his mind, causing him to cringe. Bi-Han blinked and shook his head, attempting to suppress a laugh. "That was terrible."
"When you're my age, you'll find yourself saying things like that too."
The ambiance went lighter, and he allowed himself to relax. Bi Han trusted his mother that much. After all, she was the only one who took the time to understand him.
"No, I won't." He smirked.
His mother rolled her eyes and incorporated.
"Fine, Bi-Han, you win. You won't."
She took it upon herself to guide him back to his room, where his brother and Tomas awaited awake. His expression was immediately stern.
As their mother left, Bi-Han turned to his siblings, crossing his arms.
"Shouldn't you two be sleeping?" He lectured both as he made his way toward his futon, making Tomas smile in amusement.
"I could say the same about you." Tomas snickered, earning himself an annoyed glare from his brother.
"I asked mother to check on you." Kuai Liang explained while sitting next to his older brother. "We saw you standing alone outside from the window." His voice was full of concern as he quizzically stared at his brother.
"I told him it wasn't necessary, but he insisted on telling on you." Tomas snitched on Kuai Liang, who then elbowed him, making him flinch. "Hey-"
Bi-Han shushed Tomas, who shook his head and went to his futon. After making sure he had gone to sleep, Bi-Han addressed his brother.
"You should have listened to Tomas and let me be." The boy raised an eyebrow. Kuai Liang tensed, equally prideful.
"Father would have been upset then." The pyromancer answered, sure of himself. Not afraid of contradicting his brother.
"Father would not have found out," Bi-Han spoke severely. "So it was not within your power to tell on me."
"But, brother."
"Go back to sleep."Bi-Han interrupted his kin, turned his back, and lay down, not saying another word to him.
Kuai Liang sighed in defeat and reluctantly obeyed his older brother's orders, knowing he was too stubborn to be convinced otherwise.
He stood alone in the snow twenty-one years later. Neither his resolve nor the snowstorm gave up at all. Though, he was now the cause of the natural phenomenon. Hyperfocused, he took a deep breath and guided the movement of the wind, twisting and turning in a gelid, macabre manner. Bi-Han's eyes remained closed as cold particles hit his face, threatening to cause him damage. His gestures slowed by the struggle between the breeze and his strength.
Bi-Han's mind drifted back to Kuai Liang. His brother had chosen himself over the clan, giving up the opportunity to govern at his side. He had forced Bi-Han's hand, and because of that-
Snow hit his surroundings with violence, ice forming on the ground. Grunting, he forced himself to concentrate. There was no use in mourning traitors, not at all. So, he kept his stance and put more effort into his exercise.
Taking a turn to shift the direction of the breeze, he faced the window of his old shared chambers and furrowed his eyebrows. The image of Tomas watching him from inside the manor haunted him. The kid's eyes were full of admiration, of annoying awe.
Bi-Han muttered to himself and created a wall of ice to prevent himself from looking in that direction again.
Tomas wasn't his kin, so why did he care? Clenching his fists, he covered the place in frost.
Bi-Han only had two hours left to complete his training. He was confident he could do it as now he was The Grandmaster proving himself worthy, and his fears and weaknesses had long left him.
He just wished his brothers had seen the truth he so insistently tried to teach them, but they took a stance by defying their vows. They had decided to defy Him. And he would no longer tolerate disrespect, even if it implied bloodshed.
No regrets. Bi-Han had sacrificed enough.
His nation came first.
He lifted his hand with strength, forming an ice ball, ready to deliver a blow to the ground when
"It's cold outside, Bi-Han."
He stopped what he was doing as his breath hitched.
It was his late mother's voice.
It didn't make any sense.
Bi-Han was frozen with shock and couldn't bring himself to turn around and face her, gritting his teeth as he shook his head, convincing himself it was not real.
"What are you trying to prove?" She approached him while her hands ran through his arms, looking concerned, quickly reaching for her coat and placing it on her son's shoulders.
Bi-Han trembled terrified. Discarding the coat immediately.
His mother sighed, "Bi-Han," He turned his back on her "Look at me." His heart raced, denying himself the opportunity to see her face again. She cupped his face. They stared at each other for a solid minute, Bi-Han's jaw clenched as he struggled to keep himself composed.
He might take himself too seriously and hold himself to unreachable standards.
But she saw right through him, a pale, shivering kid trying to act tough.
"Did you seize the opportunity as soon as you saw it?"
"Yes," The cryomancer answered curtly, inflating his chest with pride but was only met with her stern gaze.
"But you once again acted prematurely."
"I did what had to be done."
His mother studied him, his coldness, his unease, and overall his inability to give up. Consternated, she clenched her fists taking her time not to lecture the man. Her wayward son, whom she loved despite everything.
"Very well. You are Grandmaster now." She matched his energy, not backing down, and gave him a long stare that sent a shiver down his spine. "I know you will do what you can for the clan."
He nodded and shaking the ice off his body, knelt, retrieved the discarded coat, and placed it on her mother.
"Let's go inside," Bi-Han urged, and they walked into the manor. But then he felt a pang in his chest.
Opening his eyes, Bi-Han groaned and sat up from where his head had been buried in the snow. The gardens were completely frozen by his hand.
He rubbed his temples as he tried to recover from the exertion. Instinctively Bi-Han searched for his mother. He realized he had just fabricated the whole thing.
Bi-Han made his way to the manor and prepared some tea, the kettle whistling soon enough. He sat down after drying himself and stared at the empty chair in front of him, sipping his tea silently. After a lot of pondering, he whispered.
"… I cooled down."
There was no response, only silence, which made the joke fall flat. Bi-Han felt embarrassed by his behavior, realizing that it was ridiculous and pathetic. He sighed and placed the cup down, going to his former chambers. It was now an empty room, used on occasion to hold meetings.
He approached the space in which their futons would be placed and smirked. Rolling his eyes when he noticed a sharp line made with a blade on the floor. One he had made once to separate his space from his brothers when he felt them too overwhelming. "What do you mean <your side of the room>?" Tomas had questioned him on that occasion. He scoffed bitterly and walked towards the window.
The window offered a perfect view of the gardens, the place where he had trained for so many years. Bi-Han couldn't help but wonder how often would his brothers spy on him from there.
On the frame, there were countless marks, marks to which he could not attribute other than Tomas. Was he counting the days? He raised an eyebrow.
The ambiance became too much to handle. Those two had lost everything for their idiotic loyalty to Lord Liu Kang, they had not been able to see. He pressed his hands against the frame and gritted his teeth. Loneliness fueling his rage. He slammed his palm on the wood, freezing it immediately.
He took a hold of himself.
There was no use in idle regret and longing. He walked away and slammed the door shut. Shutting away every emotional bond he had left.
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kuai-liangst · 2 years
Lost Snow Child Chapter Nineteen
Summary: Kuai Liang is spending some time in the infirmary recovering from having his soul partially removed by Quan Chi
@michael-young-history due to michael's request to be @ when I post chapters here.
Kuai Liang yawns as he struggles to read the book Cat in The Hat. Allison gave him the book to help him learn English, but it was boring. He wasn’t really…taught to read by the Lin Kuei. Beyond the basics. He’s not sure If Bi-Han was taught to read.
They didn’t need to read if you killed people for a living. This book was for little kids, but it helped a little with learning words. He knew how to spell cat and hat and bat.
Maybe he should ask miss Allison how to spell dying and sword and cutt…
Tomas hums as he looks over Kuai Liang’s shoulder, breaking his train of thought. “You’re reading…English?” Tomas asks quietly.
He wasn’t as talkative as he used to be, it was nice getting him to talk a little. “Yeah, Cat in the Hat. It’s boring, but I don’t know many words still. I’m working on it.”
He was, it’s just…Mister Cole and Miss Allison are busy and they said they were having a hard time enrolling him in something called a school that Emily was enrolled in.
That’s where she goes every morning apparently. She complains that it’s boring. But…it sounds nice, to be taught things that weren't’ killing people, or how to dispose of a corpse, or how to steal.
Learning math, and how to read and write sound so nice.
And Emily said they weren’t allowed to physically punish people at this ‘school’. Which also sounded so much better than the Lin Kuei.
Hydro was the only teacher who wouldn’t hurt them. He kinda reminds Kuai Liang of Cole.
In that fatherly short of way, Kuai Liang has no experience with…well except for Bi-Han, but big brother doesn’t count, he’s his big brother, not his dad.
There’s some sort of yelling outside, Kuai Liang wonders what’s going on as Tomas seems tense. His eyes stared unblinking at the door.
Kuai Liang hums, “Do you know how to read English, Tomas?” Kuai Liang asks softly, pulling Tomas’s attention from the door. Tomas responds with a nod.
Kuai Liang smiles, “Want to read this with me?”
“Yeah,” Tomas hums as he crawls into the infirmary bed next to Kuai Liang.
The door suddenly opens to reveal Cole and Emily rushing in.
“Kuai Liang!” Emily exclaims as she quickly rushes over to him and hugs him. “Are you ok, Mom told us that Quan Chi tried something.”
Kuai Liang nods, “I’m ok, Tomas, Bi-Han, and Mister Hanzo stopped him. And Lord Raiden mentioned something about bringing back some of Bi-Han’s friends and Mister Hanzo’s family.”
Cole rushes over as well, and seems to looks over him worriedly. “Are you sure you’re ok? It’s fine if you aren’t.”
Why wouldn’t he be ok, his soul was ok, resettling into his body. Lord Raiden said it would take a couple days but he would be fine. And he’s alive, and they might be getting Sektor back.
Sooo, why is he so nervous? Why does he feel like 
Someone is going to cut him to pieces again.
Like he’s going to die again.
He’s scared, he doesn’t want to die again.
He doesn’t want to die.
He doesn’t want to die again.
“I’m ok,” Kuai Liang says cheerfully as he shoves that nasty feeling deep down.
He’s ok, he’s safe. No one will let him be hurt. Big brother was here, and so was Miss Allison and Mister Cole.
He was safe, he was fine.
Tomas wraps his arms around him, he felt so warm and nice.
Mister Cole had a worried look on his face and Kuai Liang realizes that Mister Cole doesn’t believe him.
He needs to work on his expressions again then. Everyone does so much, the least he could do is be ok and give great hugs.
So that no one wants to get rid of him like all the Elders wanted Bi-Han to.
He can’t be a burden, being a burden will get them killed.
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cienie-isengardu · 4 months
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Mortal Kombat 1 Behind the Scenes AU: Deep in trouble (Mom is visiting #2)
Author Note: A continuation to “Get. Lost.”, “Dating”, “Permission”, "Why date a punk like him" & "Panic (Mom is visiting)"
[Cage’s Mansion] [Waiting for Liu Kang] [Special Bonus] [Grandmaster’s commentary] [Climbing scene] [Madam Bo’s Inn] [Cage’s Mansion 2 (fire extinguisher)] [Medic] [Shang Tsung’s sad face] [Smoke’s Fall] [Scenography (1)] [Scenography (2)] [Show off!] [Favorite brother] [Climbing on the wall (nonsense)] [Tomas’ commentary] [Perfectly fine] [Sexy, sexy man~♪] [Brothers between filming - Scenography(3)] [Wrong team!] [Since when you two are friends?!] [I like being evil sorcerer more] [I forgot my line, sorry!] [Read the script Kuai!] [Get. Lost.] [Dating] [Permission] [Why date a punk like him…] [Panic (Mom is visiting)] [Decapitation then]
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cienie-isengardu · 4 months
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Mortal Kombat 1 Behind the Scenes AU: Why date a punk like him... (Lin Kuei Mom)
Author Note: A continuation to “Get. Lost.”, “Dating”, “Permission”, “Why date a punk like him”, “Panic (Mom is visiting)” & "Deep in trouble (Mom is visiting #2)". You can count that as the talk with mom Bi-Han mentioned in Deep in trouble.
[Cage’s Mansion] [Waiting for Liu Kang] [Special Bonus] [Grandmaster’s commentary] [Climbing scene] [Madam Bo’s Inn] [Cage’s Mansion 2 (fire extinguisher)] [Medic] [Shang Tsung’s sad face] [Smoke’s Fall] [Scenography (1)] [Scenography (2)] [Show off!] [Favorite brother] [Climbing on the wall (nonsense)] [Tomas’ commentary] [Perfectly fine] [Sexy, sexy man~♪] [Brothers between filming - Scenography(3)] [Wrong team!] [Since when you two are friends?!] [I like being evil sorcerer more] [I forgot my line, sorry!] [Read the script Kuai!] [Get. Lost.] [Dating] [Permission] [Why date a punk like him…] [Panic (Mom is visiting)] [Decapitation then] [Deep in trouble (Mom is visiting #2)] [Cultural differences (paid leave)]
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cienie-isengardu · 4 months
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Mortal Kombat 1 Behind the Scenes AU: There is never a god around when you need one
Author Note: A continuation to “Get. Lost.”, “Dating”, “Permission”, “Why date a punk like him”, “Panic (Mom is visiting)”, “Deep in trouble (Mom is visiting #2)”, "Why date a punk like him… (Lin Kuei Mom)" & "Why date a punk like him… (General Shao)". This one takes place after "Why date a punk like him… (Lin Kuei Mom)"
[Cage’s Mansion] [Waiting for Liu Kang] [Special Bonus] [Grandmaster’s commentary] [Climbing scene] [Madam Bo’s Inn] [Cage’s Mansion 2 (fire extinguisher)] [Medic] [Shang Tsung’s sad face] [Smoke’s Fall] [Scenography (1)] [Scenography (2)] [Show off!] [Favorite brother] [Climbing on the wall (nonsense)] [Tomas’ commentary] [Perfectly fine] [Sexy, sexy man~♪] [Brothers between filming - Scenography(3)] [Wrong team!] [Since when you two are friends?!] [I like being evil sorcerer more] [I forgot my line, sorry!] [Read the script Kuai!] [Get. Lost.] [Dating] [Permission] [Why date a punk like him…] [Panic (Mom is visiting)] [Decapitation then] [Deep in trouble (Mom is visiting #2)] [Cultural differences (paid leave)] [Why date a punk like him… (Lin Kuei Mom)] [Why date a punk like him… (General Shao)] [Stop closing your eyes!]
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cienie-isengardu · 6 months
I could definitely new timeline Bi-Han being jealous honestly. Not to mention I imagine New Era(NE for short) Bi-Han was kind of... aggressive as a toddler given his current personality. Hell, when Bi-Han was sent to test Raiden and Kung Lao, he shows way more aggression than Smoke and Kuai do so I imagine this sort of thing was always there.
He's not evil(he's a literal toddler) but I imagine he wasn't fond of Kuai at first sight and he doesn't get what is special about him or why he's 'hogging' mom's attention.
Which is why he doesn't see any problem with poking a newborn Kuai in the eye and not understanding why he can't roughhouse him as play. Kids tend to not understand how delicate babies are so I could easily see him doing something like this.
I respect your opinion but it seems we will need to agree to disagree about that one.
Bi-Han as an adult being frustrated and aggressive does not automatically mean he was that kind of child to begin with. And honestly, I wish the fandom's tendency to reduce character to only one(1) trait displayed at certain and a very specific moment of their life (story event) will die with Extreme Prejudice. A sweetest child can turn into a bitter adult, the same as the problematic kid can become the most kind, responsible person and it is as much about their nature as much about the upbringing and circumstances that shaped them. Because even the most pure person can be radicalized into a hateful being if said person fell into the wrong crowd or was raised in such a toxic environment. 
Bi-Han being angry now is closely tied to long-term frustration, both shown by story mode and specifically mentioned by Kuai Liang and so far, the only mention of his childhood behavior is him being cold to Tomas, which again is not the same as open aggression and bullying tendencies. So no, I don’t think just because Sub-Zero is now bitter and prone to violence, he was an angry toddler back then.
What is even more, we don’t have any clue how older Bi-Han is than Kuai Liang - if the difference is about two years old, I think he wouldn’t be old enough to hate baby on the first sight or roughhouse him in play, as I doubt their parents would left any of them without a proper supervision, whatever their own or nanny’s. If he is older than let’s say 5-6 years, he may as well already started his Lin Kuei training and not have time to play with baby nor reason to think the baby takes all the love and attention from him, as I imagine Grandmaster would have a special spot for his first-born son, if not the boy himself then his  education but also, the man was leader of the whole clan, and duties could keep him busy and away from both children. So kinda hard to hate a baby on sight, if the baby himself doesn’t get any special attention and its arrival doesn’t change much in regard to your own life. The attention of mother may be a different thing, but then again, the woman was a fighter, so why assume she was there to babysitting both boys all the time and not have a nanny to take care of Bi-Han and Kuai Liang, so she could fulfill her own share of duties, as a great warrior and Grandmaster’s wife? 
And you know what I also dislike about the whole jealous kid Bi-Han or general angry kid Bi-Han takes? The erasing of his parents’ contribution to the situation. Why are people so set on demonizing kid Bi-Han, even if just as “kids know no better and have a hard time to understand their feeling” way, but won’t include his father and mother into the picture? When I hear things like  Bi-Han poking a newborn Kuai in the eye or roughhouse him as play, I don’t wonder if the boy was jealous or cruel or purpose, only why a parents would left a baby and a few years older kid alone, without a proper supervisions or why they didn’t set a rules for little Bi-Han to know how to act and treat a new born brother and so on. And if he was jealous or unhappy, why didn't they help him process the negative feelings. Like, why do people exclude father and mother from such scenarios, as it is them who should be there for both sons and ensure their safety alike yet it is always somehow just Bi-Han was a bad, angry or difficult child?
I’m here for “innocent until proven otherwise” in regard to Bi-Han as a child but also, if only to spite the fandom, I will say this: for all we know kid Bi-Han could be truly happy to have a younger brother and helped his mother taking care of the baby as much as a few years kid could. And the bitterness and anger came when he was much older and had a better understanding of Lin Kuei's servitude to Earthrealm and Fire Lord. Here, you all will need to pry it from my cold, dead hands as I won’t change my mind unless the lore provides me irrefutable evidence.
As you see, I’m done with the jealous, abusive, bad kid Bi-Han. If someone wants to see him like that? Go ahead and have fun! But on this one aspect I can only agree to disagree.
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kuai-liangst · 2 years
Lost Snow Child Chapter Fifteen
Summary: Kuai Liang isn't as oblivious as he seems, unfortunately that doesn't help him as Quan Chi pulls a dirty trick.
@michael-young-history due to michael's request to be @ when I post chapters here.
Something was going on. He wasn't as oblivious as he pretended. Kuai Liang knew something was going on.
Bi-Han doesn’t normally just up and disappear like he did. His big brother would normally let him know ahead of time if he was going to leave or something. The fact that Bi-Han just left without telling Kuai Liang meant that whatever his big brother was doing was very dangerous and that Bi-Han might not make it back.
Kuai Liang hates when this happens, it means he can’t do anything but sit around looking cute as his big brother fights and get hurt.
Not to mention Tomas was acting weird…well, weirder. He’s always been acting differently than before he…died. Even moments before he died, he was really scary.
Tomas was nice to him as always, but sometimes his eyes would flash yellow, which was weird, or he made an odd face when he was thinking.
The weirdest thing was when Kuai Liang told Tomas that he wanted to marry him when they were older, and he made a really weird surprised face.
It was a funny face too, but Kuai Liang couldn’t help but wonder why Tomas made that face as a weird man in the weird white outfit keeps poking him with these sharp things. Kuai Liang is mostly sure these are the vaccines Miss Allison and Mister Cole mentioned.
He hopes they’re not mad that he called them mom and dad when Goro threw him into that wall. They just…act so much like how he’s heard moms and dads act.
Kuai Liang doesn’t want to push it, but at least Tomas was still making jokes just like he always did that never failed to make him laugh.
Now that he thought about it, he hadn’t seen mister Hanzo in a while. Maybe he left with Bi-Han. 
Oh, maybe he’s with Bi-Han. Protecting his big brother!
That would be really great if he was, he’d give mister Hanzo a big hug. Miss Allison and Mister Cole say he’s really good at giving hugs.
“All done!” The man tells him as he gently ruffles Kuai Liang’s hair, “Now, I just need to talk to your mother a little more.”
Kuai Liang wishes Miss Allison and mister Cole were his parents, but if they were his parents then they couldn’t date Bi-Han because that would be weird.
Oh well, as long as Bi-Han was happy he was happy too. He just wishes that Bi-Han would hurry up and ask them out already. He’s already giving them puppy eyes when miss Allison and mister Cole weren’t looking.
Oh, he wants a hug now. He looks over at Tomas who’s talking with Miss Allison about…something.
“Tomas,” Kuai Liang calls out as he hugs the other boy, he couldn’t help but feel giddy as the other immediately turns and hugs him back.
He’s so lucky that everyone he knows gives such great hugs. He loves hugs so much. Bi-Han better be coming back to give him a hug soon.
Miss Allison came out of the office looking really stressed, Kuai Liang hopes its not his fault. Miss Allison is really nice, the last thing he wants to hear is that he’s being a burden to her.
“Alright, are you kids ready for ice cream?” Allison tells them with faux cheer, Kuai Liang nods energetically. Hoping that Miss Allison doesn’t realize that he can read her.
He gently grabs both Miss Allison’s and Tomas’s hands. “Can I get the blue raspberry ice cream?”
Miss Allison nods, “As long as they have it you should be able to get some.”
“Yay!” Kuai Liang cheers as he tries not to rub his chest. Why did it hurt all of a sudden?
Kuai Liang struggles to maintain a steady breath, he doesn’t want to worry everyone. He just wants to go and get ice cream before returning to the temple.
So, why was it suddenly so hard to breathe? Why was his vision going blurry?
“Kuai Liang?”
He couldn’t respond, something was wrong. He felt wrong. Was it the vaccines? No, Kuai Liang doubts it.
It felt like he was being pulled away from his own body, before he knows it his legs give out underneath him. He’s so scared.
He wants his big brother.
He doesn’t want to die again.
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