#mention of halix and icemav
redhead-writes · 2 years
Another day to survive
Starting this year off with some angstier stuff and also me making Bradley as asshole again as @pollyna says. Was inspired by the dagger squads first meeting in the Hard Deck.
Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd had a front seat in lovers or ex lovers tiff in Hard Deck bar. He put his money on the second one. Both men had absolute disregard for each other's feelings. They wanted to hurt the other as deeply as possible. Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw had hit the nerve and so Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin backed away, and slipped out.
Hangman hasn’t been kindest to him just a few minutes ago but if this is what the pilot is carrying around. Well, this could end badly for all of them in the sky. Also Bob could relate to Hangman. His break up with ex wasn’t the cleanest. He still carried reminders of it and nightmares that plagued his sleeping hours. Maybe helping Hangman could help him. With that thought in mind he ordered whiskey on rocks for Hangman, that seemed to sooth Wolfman’s nerves. Possibly it will work on this Texas boy, too.
Robert found Jake sitting on the beach, looking into the dark ocean. Hangman looked up when Bob came to stand up next to him, stretching out hand with glass in it to the sitting man. “That seemed rough and I think you need this to soothe your nerves,” said Bob, offering the glass. Jake looked at him in distrust. “I didn’t poison it, if you are afraid of that. It seems to help one Texas man I know, so I thought it would help you, too.”
“Sorry! Not used to people being kind to me.” Jake told Bob, taking the glass gratefully. He took a sip from glass and felt the whiskey warmth spreading through his body, soothing his frazzled nerves. Bradshaw really did get him good this time. Jake really was puzzled how he loved this man once. “Thanks for the drink! You should not have done it.”
“Nahh…I really should have. No one should be dealing with an arsehole ex alone. Even if you yourself are a piece of work.”
“How did….How did you know?” quietly asked Jake, taking another sip. Bob plopped down next to Hangman
“I believe our whole squad knows. Simply, I have my own ugly break up and I would not want to work with my ex. Not that he will be allowed to work for a long time. Still you need more people in your corner than only Coyote.”
“Thank you again! Still this won’t change the way I act when the others are around.”
“Wouldn’t want it any other way, Hangman. But be ready to get back as good as you give.”
“You are on, Bob.” answered Jake, using his huge megawatt smile on Robert.
Then came a shout of two older men's voices: “BOBBY!” They sounded happy to have spotted the man. Then this huge doberman pinscher attacked Robert, licking his face like there is no tomorrow.
“Bono! Stop, Bono.” Bobby tried to get through his laughs. “Yes, I missed you too, buddy.” Doberman seemed to turn his attention to Jake as did the two older men that were coming closer to them.
“Jake, this is my dog Bono. He is an ex-K9 but generally he is the sweetest boy ever.” said Bob, petting the dog who has sat down in front of  Robert. “Those two loud shouters are commanders Leonard ‘Wolfman’ Wolfe - Neven and Rick ‘Hollywood’ Neven - Wolfe. I am living in their house because…”
“Because we are protective bastards of our favorite WSO. Happy to see you have made friends already, Bobby.” Wolfman finished Bob’s sentence, coming into the light that was coming from the bar with Hollywood's arm over his shoulders. Hangman could gap as fish out of the water.
“Happy to still have that effect on younger pilots.” said Hollywood who chuckled at the blonde pilot whose eyes were shining. “I thought everyone had forgotten about our class of Top Gun.”
“Holly here likes to be praised constantly. But what is your name, boy?”
It made the pilot jump up from his sitting position and salute two men. These were legends in front of him. Robert was slower to get up and Bono also now had gotten on all four.
“Lieutenant Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin, sirs.”
“Ahhh…can I hear the Texan there?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Bobby, I see your taste in men has gotten better. Knew that living with us would rub off on you.” chuckled Rick. That got both Leonard and Bob punching him in the shoulders. Bono just barked at him. “No one appreciates my jokes. I feel betrayed.” Hollywood said, acting hurt by these events. No surprise about his callsign really. Rick took one look at Robert and softened. The younger man still hadn’t fully recovered from the break up. “Let’s get to the car, Robert. Allow Texan men to chat for some time.”
Wolfman looked the younger man up and down. Calculating if he could ask this favor from this man in front of him. He for sure would not ask Bradley because the boy had cut ties with all of them. Robert was too fragile to be trusted in the hands of a man who needs therapy for the last 20 years. Bobby seemed to trust this man but the lieutenant in front of him had cocky energy about himself.
“Can I ask something from you, Lieutenant Seresin?” asked Leonard, taking a gamble here. He wasn’t like Maverick but this time he will need to trust his gut and Robert’s judgment.
“Of course, Sir!”
“Keep an eye on Bobby for me and Rick. We can’t be there for him while he is training. I don’t know how much he has talked about his break up with you.”
“Only that it was a nasty one. I myself am going through one.” That made Wolfman look at the younger man again, finding similarities with Bobby.
“Hmmm…let me guess Bradshaw?”
“Are you all like psychics?”
“No, simply we are good at reading people. Comes in handy when you work with young pilots who think hiding stuff from you will get them further. So will you keep an eye on Robert for us?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Here will be my card. There is also adresse of our house. If you need someone to talk with, we are here for that, too. We have enough life experience.”
With that Wolfman turned around, going back to his family. He was happy that someone would keep an eye on Bobby while in training. Now Leonard understood Pete better than he did before.
It has been a tiring training session as all of them seemed to be. Jake had spent an extra 30 minutes under the hot running water. Those 30 minutes was exactly what he needed. He came into the dressing room to face someone's back that was covered in two long scars. They looked perfectly straight, making Hangman’s stomach churn. They still looked so fresh. All things he was carrying tumbled out of his arms, cluttering loudly in the silence of the dressing room. Other man turned out to reveal his identity. It was Robert who had pressed his back to the locker, trying to blend in with it.
“Bobby?” choked out Jake. After their conversation on the beach, Jake had been an avid visitor of the Wolfe-Neven household. Wolfman made mean ribs like back at home. Also Leonard gave him one of his cowboy hats from the collection because how there can be Texan without a hat here. Robert and Bono also seemed to be warming up to Jake. Bono allowed Jake to play with him while Bob laughed in the background when Jake lost to Bono in the tug war. Hangman had found a place to call home away from home. Now he knew why Wolfman wanted him to keep an eye on this man. Some pieces clicked in Hangman’s mind. “Did…did your ex do that to you?” The other man just nodded, still acting as wallpaper to the locker.
“Will you tell everyone?”
“No, oh God, no. Bobby, you have to know me better than this now. But I would like to know what happened? I have to know who to keep an eye for.”
“I know you, Jake, I do. Fear sometimes is too much.”
“Then let’s get you to safety. Will get dressed and call Leonard to have your fave food on the ready.” 
Bono was by the passenger door when they got to the house. Jake helped Robert out of the car. Bob still was weak from the anxiety attack he had in the locker room. Jake had wrapped him in a blanket even if it was summer outside. He hasn’t told anyone except Wolfman, Hollywood and navy police about what happened. Wolfman had talked with Admiral Kazansky so this accident wouldn’t cause trouble for his career. Next thing Bob knew he was assigned to this mission at Top Gun. He was grateful for two older men. He had to keep paying for his grandma's old people's home.
“We shall eat first and then we can talk.” said Hangman, helping Bob inside the house. Bono close by, not leaving his owner's side. 
Jake and Leonard got Bobby to eat and drink some gatorade. Bob has ended trembling from shock. Bono and Robert led Jake to the deck that went out to the lovely garden. Leonard made himself scarce. He had to go to Icemavs house for their annual dinner. Hollywood is going to meet him here. Now he trusted Jake. The boy has proved to be a good addition to their weird trio and also helping Bobby to be more calm. 
Robert and Jake sat down in lounge chairs. Bono laid down between both chairs to support both men. Bob sighed and started talking: “My ex-boyfriend was my pilot. Dustin, some admiral's son that never faced consequences from his actions. Daddy saving his arse every time. He was not the first pilot I flew with but the first one I clicked with. I know you don’t know that feeling because you are too individualistic. Hollywood was the one who pushed for us to be put together. Wolfman was more cautious, something bothering him but then we proved to be an amazing team in the air. So he backed up, that is what I thought but he ain’t called Wolfman for nothing. After a few months of dancing around each other we started to date. I thought he was in love with me, I really did Jake. Holly and Wolf knew about us.” Jake turned in his chair to look at Robert. The younger man looked so tortured right now that it made the blonde man reach out and squeeze Robert’s hand.. Hangman opened mouth to say something but Bob continued on with his story. “So Bono came into my life after a month of relationship with Dustin. Leo gifted me this ex-K9 dog that didn’t allow my boyfriend to get close to me. Bono had to live outside the house when Dustin was around which started making me suspicious. So one day Dustin left my housing and I let Bono in the house. He straight up went to the closet used by Dustin and scraped at the doors.”
Jake thought he had an idea what exactly Bono, ex-K9 dog could have found in the closet of Dustin’s but he had to allow Robert to tell it at his own pace without distractions. He only gave a squeeze to Bob’s hand, knowing that the hardest part is coming. The part where Bobby got the scars from his ex-boyfriend. Bradley had left scars on his heart but remembering what Robert said when they sat on the beach.It seemed like a kids game.
“So I found these bags and bags of pills in my housing closet. I knew that Bono’s reaction said those were some kind of drugs. I called Wolfman when bedroom doors opened and Dustin walked in. He stuck Bono in the bathroom. There was nothing left of the man I loved and only then I realized it. I tried to talk him into going to therapy and telling Wolfman himself. He just laughed in my face. I knew it was no use so I tried to run but he caught me, pinning me to the floor. He used the knife I gave him on our first anniversary to cut those lines. He said he wants to play tick tack toe on my back. When he finished the second line, Wolfman hit Dustin over the head with something heavy. That is what Hollywood told me. I didn’t ask for details. Hollywood sat with me in the hospital and they even allowed Bono in so I would feel safer because I didn’t believe anyone could keep Dustin in jail. Rick still feels so guilty over all this happening. I don’t blame him. Wolfman was the only one who saw through it all. Can you imagine he tried to frame me with him because pills were found in my housing? But whatever string Leonard pulled they gave me a restraining order, Dustin in jail at least for now and me away from Lemoore for now.”
“Do you think he will get out of jail soon enough?”
“Oh yeah, his dad will make sure of it. Here I am under Iceman so he or his father can’t touch me here. I know and have heard some of Wolf's convos they are digging under his dad and Cain. I believe this will end soon enough and I will finally feel safe.”
“I really hope you will, Bobby.”
After their talk, Jake did his own research to know his enemy better. It was his side quest in this mission. He promised to keep an eye on Bob and he can’t do that without knowing Dustin by face. Jake also had a talk with Leonard and Rick while Robert wasn’t at home not to worry him more. Hangman also got Javy to help him keeping an eye for Bobby. He knew his bestie would not ask too many questions for now. Jake promised to tell everything when time was right. Then both him and Robert had caught sight of Dustin in Hard Deck. It could have been someone similar to him, but Jake was not taking risks. Hangman had called Wolfman who had come with Bono and took Bobby away. Phoenix had this confused look on her face because when has her WSO become so close with Bagman. She will need to grill him. Then the day after the bird strike, he had seen Bradley talking with some man by his Bronco. This moment didn’t leave Jake’s mind. He wasn’t jealous anymore, he had gotten over Rooster along the way.
They had been back on land for two days. Robert’s grandma was going to visit Top Gun to see her grandson being awarded for successful suicide mission. Also the Mrs. Floyd wanted to meet this mysterious Hangman who had brought back her boys' laugh and smile. Hollywood was sent out to get Mrs. Floyd while Wolfman helped at the Top Gun. To be honest, Wolfman and Iceman were putting together the last bits of evidence against Dustin’s father and Cain but no one should know that for now.
The Dagger Squad was all present in Hard Deck, except Bob which had Jake ansty. He had talked with Robert and he was on his way. He had to be already here. Javy and Nat also were looking at the doors of the bar. Bob had told both pilots his story so Team Protect Bob had grown by two and Halo also could count in because what Phee knew, knew also Halo. Also Fanboy seemed to be close with Bob which meant both Mikey and Reuben kept eye on everyone's favorite WSO.
“Why are you all so worried about Bob? Probably he has a hot date. This dude had been asking around about him. I told him where to find Bob.” said Bradley and the rest of Dagger Squad's eyes turned to look at the taller man. Jake knew something was wrong about this statement. Wolf would call this Texan secret power and it was tingling right now in Hangman.
“What do you mean you gave a stranger Bob’s adresse, Rooster?” asked Phoenix and Halo at the same time, looking appalled by this disregard of their friends safety and privacy.
“He seemed to know Bob pretty well.”
Hangman pulled up a picture of Robert’s ex, putting phone in front of Rooster's face and asking through gritted teeth: “Did you tell this man Bob’s adresse?”
“Yeah, that is him. What about it, Hangman? Stalking Bob’s conquests. Reaching another low.”
“I could punch you right now, Rooster, but I don’t have time for that. If something fucking happens to Bobby because of you telling this sick bastard where he is, I will let Phoenix and Halo deal with you. You hear me, Rooster.” Jake told the taller man. Then he turned around and went to a bar where Penny was catering to bar patrons. One look at Jake made her reach for the phone.
“Call military police, Wolfman, Iceman, anyone, Penny. Tell them Dustin knows where Bob is. They will get it. I am going there. Also don’t let that chicken follow us. Call Maverick if you need to keep him here.”
“Jake, you are not going alone. We are still a team. You need all the reinforcement you can get. I read Dustin's file.” said Halo, keeping a steady hand on Hangman's biceps.
“Okay! You are driving because I don’t think me or Phoenix can right now.”
“I will get us all there as quickly as possible.”
When we stopped in front of the house, the gun going off made the air around them tremble. Then they heard a deep human howl of pain that didn’t sound like Bob at all. It got Jake in action, sprinting in the house to find Bobby on the floor with blood flowing from his shoulder. While Bono got his teeth in Dustin's arm where the gun had been. Jake got down near Bob’s injury and pushed on it with the hoodie he had worn today, keeping blood from leaving Bob's body. Hangman knew so much was going around them but Robert was his main priority right now.
“Hey, Bobby! Keep your eyes open for me. Only you would survive suicide mission and then get shot on land.”
Bob chuckled quietly but even that made his face scrunch in pain. Even though Bob was in pain, he reached with his good hand and put it on Hangman's cheek.
“From all the assholes I seem to fall in love with, you are the only one who hasn’t fucked up once.”
“Bobby, leave love confessions when you are not bleeding out on Hollywoods fancy carpet.”
“Wolfman will be happy that he finally can throw out this atrocity.”
“He will, he will but he would have been more happy if your blood wasn’t the reason for it. Also don’t forget you have to introduce me to your grandma and the rest of the squad.”
“Jake, the doctors are here.” shouted Javy who let the medics through. Jake was pushed away and helped by Payback to the kitchen where the man made him wash his hands from blood. Bobby was now in the hands of professionals and Dustin was arrested. Then it finally hit him, Bobby had proclaimed his love for him and feelings were mutual from Jake’s side. He didn’t know when it happened but along the way they had mended each other's hearts and fallen along the way. Right now was no time to think about it, right now Jake needed Bobby to survive today and all the days that follow.
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pollyna · 2 years
Plus 1k on the original post: MCD, one good last day, based on Beloved because the song is stucked in my head too.
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pollyna · 2 years
Our love is six feet under and I can't help but wonder.
Penny is gorgeous and her perfume fills his nose most of the time when she is around. He likes that of her, too. He likes that she asks him out, after the fourth time they sleep together after the mission. They're eating breakfast and Amelia is complaining about school and Bradley is texting because he forgot his keys and now he can't get back home and he's a little sweaty so can I come over dad? Please, if I go out like this Nat will kill me, we have a brunch with Halo!
Penny passes him coffee and we should go out on a date and Pete smiles at her and kiss her cheek before leaving for work. Let's go to see a movie, maybe tonight? he proposes and Just if you can find a babysitter for Amelia! The kid screams the most indignant Mom!, but the rest of the conversation is lost in the rumble of his bike.
It takes a while, but than the realisation hits him in the chest, six months after they start going out. They're waiting for their order in a restaurant he doesn't remember the name but Penny loves and she is talking about Amelia, the bar, her boat and the trip they should take once Pete has leave. Than she says something funny about Pete learning to drive a boat and hoping he's going to treat it gentler than he does with jets and a younger version of Tom is sitting in front of him. It's a diner, not a fancy restaurant, and the place doesn't even have tablecloths, just napkins and menus. Tom is talking about Bradley, about his new work and the jet they're building. Pete is thirty five and he just proposed to see a movie after. And he's going to ask Ice to move for the weekend to help with Bradley and he will say yes, soft smiles and an hand on his shoulder. Mav is going to lie on the his bed, that night and every night after that, his heart lighter than it was before.
Then it never stops: he takes Penny out to do something and he realises he asked Tom to do that before and they weren't even dating. Pete never even considered dating Tom. Until he does and it's devastating because he can't stop thinking about it. He is in the office, in his house, at Penny's and at Bradley's and Tom is there and he's there too, younger, stupider, happier and they're together, hands almost touching and heads always searching the other. His heart aches for all the empty spaces Ice used to fill, with his laugh, his voice, his presence. Over a beer he realises he never took away Tom's dogtags from around his neck and before falling asleep, after a dinner with all the squadron, he realises that he was blind for so so long and now Tom is gone and he has all this love to give to him and he can't. He doesn't say it out loud the next morning but on a Saturday afternoon he falls on his knees in front of Tom's tombstone and whispers I love you and it's a choked sound, a desperate empty scream that won't leave his throat because they're empty world and no ears will catch them. I love you, he repeats, I loved you for so long and I will love you until I stop breathing. I'm sorry To-I'm so fucking sorry.
He stumbles over Tom's house and in his bedroom and probably Sarah helped him there but all around him is fuzzy and he wants just ti wake up back in the ninetees and hug Tom once more, wants to hear his voice and his heart beating under his ear. He wants him to be alive because life can't be that cruel, not again. He dreams of strong arms around his waist and sleepy talks before breakfast and of a promise no one of them respected.
I will always be on your wing, Mav. Until death does us apart and even after, Iceman.
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pollyna · 2 years
On a scale from the time Maverick tried to serenade him in front of every person present to the annual conference to the one he had to pick up Maverick and throw him over his should to avoid another Admiral to sent him only they know where this situation is almost as embarrassing as the one where Bradley discovered them making out in a closet.
In front of him Phoenix and Hangman are looking at him with the most mortified expression he ever saw on their face. So I guess the surname alliteration with Lt. Shen and Lt. Bradshaw wasn't intentional? Both of them look as guilt as a Maverick did every single time. Good to know I haven't sent them out then. You're both dismissed and please, next time you do something like that be sure you're actually married to them.
Hangman smiles at him before disappearing with a very red-faced Phoenix and he can distinctively hear them talking just outside his door. He can only understand fragments of what they're saying but tonight is going to have a hell lot to tell his husband starting with Today Phoenix and Hangman decided they where already married respectively with Halo and Little Goose and they filled a lot of docs accordingly! just before kissing him hello
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