#mentioned ian x melissa
seven-oomen · 4 years
Okay, so first off, Happy Birthday to your cat!  I hope he got lots of his favorite treats.  Glad to hear that today went as well as can be hoped for you.  And overall today wasn’t too bad here.  We got several big truck deliveries, but when I deal with those I tend to deal less with customers, so it sort of balances itself out.  We’ve been told that we’ll be closing early all week because of the protests, so that’s been ramping the anxiety, but the internet has provided a number of pleasant distractions on my breaks.
Secondly, I would pick Noah for the one that has the second set of twins, for mainly two random reasons; 1) because last time it went Chris, then Noah, so it feels like it should do the same this time, and Chris already had Ben, 2) because it keeps the number of kids per family more balanced- 4 & 3 rather than 2 & 5.  Idk, my brain just gets weird about symmetry and balance in things and I’ve never figured out if it’s an ADD related thing or just a me thing.  Also, the idea of him trying to do his job while pregnant, with Chris and ESPECIALLY Peter trying to be super protective at the same time is just amusing to me.
And actually, thinking about that and the preview for the next chapter made me think of a couple things that didn’t make it into my reviews.  When/how/from whom did Chris learn about the fire? Did Gerard or Kate tell him in a gloating sort of way and kind of tip him off that something was hinky about it, or was it through other hunter contacts, so the thought of outside involvement came later?  
Was he still pregnant with Ben, or was it later on?  Did he contact anyone in Beacon Hills about it for further info at any point before he showed back up in town?  Because I was trying to think about some of the things that could turn up later for angst (why I was doing that to myself is anyone’s guess, but here we are…) and it occurred to me that if Noah was going to have any lingering upset over Chris leaving it would most likely (to me) be from the time right after the fire.  
He’s just lost Claudia, and went off the rails from it, but at least he had Peter, and Laura, and the other Hales.  Now Peter is in a coma, Laura’s left town, and the rest of his adopted/found family is dead.  He has no idea where Chris is, or if he’s safe from whoever did this (does he know about what happened between Chris and Peter before Chris left again?, and he’s dealing a set of even more heavily traumatized twins right now.  I feel like even the most understanding person is gonna have some stuff to work through there.  (Also, Jesus, poor Melissa [possibly for multiple reasons])
Uhhh…sorry to send things into a drama tailspin there for a moment.  Allow me to try and brighten things back up with the original impetus for me to make this a submission and not an ask; because you mentioned X-Men Halloween costumes and I have Thoughts.  *takes super deep breath*  Because omg, yes, so very many options.  
Side note - I would be so happy if someone dressed as Nightcrawler.  He is my precious fuzzy elfin bb, and I love him to bits and get so tired of him getting left out of things (looking at you Funko.)  I feel like Stiles or Peter have the best attitude match (maybe, MAYBE Jackson), but don’t know if anyone would want to deal with the amount of makeup involved.  But, anyway, just, the possibilities.  
Stiles telling Malia she can’t just take the easy way out by going as Wolfsbane, so she takes one of her old white A New Hope Leia dresses and cuts it down into an old school Mystique costume. 
 Peter pulling rank and telling Derek he’s the Alpha so he gets to be Wolverine (this even works better height-wise [I didn’t realize you didn’t know their approximate heights.  I’d looked them up before for…reasons.  Having seen them standing next to each other repeatedly, I’m pretty sure any actual height advantage Ian has comes strictly from his hair], although when Stiles points this out he earns himself a hell of a glare.)  
Naturally that means Chris has to be Cyclops, because, well, calm and serious.  Noah realizes this means they expect him to be Jean Grey.  (N: “Why can’t I ever be a character that wears normal pants?!” C: “Well I have to be the boring one all the time” P: “I mean, you are the closest to a telepath of the three of us.  Don’t you want us mock fighting over you?” N: “…if we do this I get my pick of the Phoenix costumes.”)  
Stiles and Noah trying to fight over getting to be Gambit so they can do exploding playing cards, but getting told they can’t be Gambit unless they can do the accent correctly (Gambit isn’t Gambit if he’s not Cajun, that’s just how it is, I don’t make the rules.)  While part of me thinks it’d be funny to see Jackson as Nightcrawler because of the tail thing, I think Stiles would be more entertaining.  
He’d make little smoke bomb things to fake the sulfur and brimstone effect of his teleporting.  All the family members with enhanced senses would HATE him because they STANK something fierce, and it LINGERED.  But anytime one of them tried to tackle him to get them away, he’d yell “BAMF!” throw on to the floor and run like hell.  
Jackson would be Iceman so he could make it a crossover costume with the character from Top Gun so he could wear aviators and a leather bomber with his outfit.  Allison could dress like Shadowcat from the early Excalibur run, and she could see if Ben would dress up as Lockheed with her (because that would be adorable).  
Derek would decide that if he can’t be Wolverine and glare angrily at people the whole time, he’ll be Colossus so he can just stare with silent disappointment the whole time.  Scott would decide he wants to be Cable (because “…he just looks so cool…”), so Melissa and Chris would dig through their old hunter gear to help him make his costume.  
Melissa could be Jubilee, and rig up little flash bangs to fake the plasma bursts (unlike Noah she has absolutely no qualms about proving that she can still rock a pair of short shorts.)  Lydia would either be Rogue to show off that SHE at least can manage a believable accent, or Emma Frost for the looks that costume would gain her from Allison.  
Alternatively; both sets of twins argue over who gets to be Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, so they decide that one pair will do the classic comic version, and one will do either the Evolution cartoon version or the MCU version (though they are allowed to switch out the Quicksilver for the other film version if they choose).  
Lydia claims Mystique instead (it’s tempting to make her Banshee, but that seems a bit TOO on the nose), or maybe one of the other Phoenix looks (when I say Phoenix looks I mean Jean’s Phoenix or Dark Phoenix suit from the comics, because I LOVE that outfit), and Ben dresses as Beast (because that would also be adorable).  *finally stops to take another breath*  …umm…so anyway, yeah, as a perennial X-men fan I think it’s safe to say I love this idea, and am so grateful for you putting it in my head…  …sorry about the wall of text, I may have got a little carried away…  …again…
I loved every single sentence of this wall of text, so never apologize. (Although I did break it up a little before posting because that makes it easier to read for other people.
I think all of my ideas for the middle of this fic where either based on questions you, or @artemisa97​ asked me in reviews. So honestly, keep them coming if you want to ask them. They help me determine where the problem areas are, what kind of kinks I need to work out, so honestly, even the sad ones are a great help.
And yeah, I hadn’t looked up their heights yet, I just assumed Peter and Chris were a bit bigger than Noah, but I was delightfully wrong!
I do have one more gem to share, a height comparison of some of the boys and to show you just how tiny Ben is compared to the others.
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Blue - Noah (182 cm / 6 ft)
Purple - Chris (177 cm / 5′10)
Red - Peter (178 cm / 5′10)
Yellow - Derek (183 cm / 6 ft)
Green - Ben (111 cm / 3′8)
Turquoise - Jackson (170 cm / 5′7)
Ben’s height is about average for someone between the age of 5 & 6, Jackson’s height is a little on the short side, but I’d imagine that he’d still grow a little until he’s like 20 and end up being around 175/176 cm.
I’d imagine Stiles to be a little taller around 172 cm, Allison is a little shorter at 165 cm and Malia is around 168 cm. (They will all still grow a bit, averaging between 173 (Allison) and 178 (Stiles) )
And the one thing I will say about whether or not Noah gets the twins, without getting too spoilery, or maybe it is, I’m sorry if it is but I can’t help not share.
Is that eventually both Noah and Chris have the same amount of kids from Peter. And one of them has twins. I’m still debating on names, in the deleted scene I named them Mikhail and Adeline, I currently have different names picked out. 
And I think the balance thing is ADD related, because I had the same issue with planning the story XD. So yeah, Peter gets to have a lot of kids, and adopt a lot more into the pack, because Season 2 is kinda canon in this universe, in the sense that Isaac, Erica, and Boyd are still turned. Kira comes along, and of course Lydia. Considering what I have planned for Danny and Mack, I might add them to the pack as well.
And omg I LIVE for those X-men costume ideas <3 Omg. I love it. Considering Stiles’ abilities he would definitely be Nightcrawler and would probably use a quick spell or two to get the makeup in place. (A druid invented this fantastic spell to always get eyeliner on fucking point and shared it in their spellbook. Spoiler alert; said druid was Noah in his teenage punk years. Turns out, it works for other makeup too.)
And I’m in fucking love with all of these ideas actually, I can’t really say which I like more.
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Too Long [Jason Dilaurentis]
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Fandom: Pretty Little Liars
Character: Jason Dilaurentis x reader
Word Count: 2,907
Triggers: Smut
Needed to write about Jason because 1) He’s so hot 2) I love him and 3) This man needs more imagines! Hope you enjoy x
Requests are open so feel free to request away: http://tragicallybeautiful97.tumblr.com/request 
It was a well known fact that Noel Kahn threw the best parties in Rosewood. As soon as Alison Dilaurentis had told the group it was obvious that you would all be attending - no one ever said no to Allie.
“Are you really going to wear that Hanna?” Alison questioned sweetly, her head tilted to the side as she watched Hanna try on a tight green dress.
Hanna looked down at her figure, her face falling as she glanced back up at Alison, “Why? Does it look bad?”
“It looks great.” You cut in before Alison could say anything.
“Thanks.” Hanna grinned while Alison glared at you.
Your relationship with Alison was definitely strange. You had know Allie, Aria, Hanna, Spencer and Emily forever. Alison had formed your friendship group at the beginning of high school; she was the glue that held everyone together, however she sometimes was the very weapon that destroyed us. You knew that Alison loved you all but the things she said to you all sometimes could cut like a knife. That was the thing about Alison, she could either make or break you.
“Allie?” A voice called from outside the door of Alison’s bedroom.
“Ugh, what does he want?” Alison scoffed under her breath as she made her way across the room to her bedroom door. She swung the door open, revealing Jason Dilaurentis, her older brother, “What?”
Jason rolled his eyes at his sister's annoyed tone, “Are you going to that party tonight?”
“Maybe.” Alison smirked.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” Jason snapped, “Me and the guys are going to so I’ll give you a lift.”
“You and the guys?” Alison repeated, her eyebrows rising in interest.
“Yeah, Ian and Garrett are coming over in a minute, so hurry up.” Jason sighed frustratedly.
His eyes fell on you and you looked away quickly; embarrassed that you had been caught watching him. You had always had a crush on Jason despite the fact that he was a few years older than you. There was just something about him that drew you in; you didn’t know if it was his rebel without a cause attitude or his deep brown eyes that seemed to stare right through you. All you did know was that your crush was definitely unrequited; he probably only saw you as Alison’s little minion, which brought you to the next point - Allie would roast you alive if you ever got with Jason. She had made it very clear that she would not accept any of her friends pursuing Jason; Alison was always weirdly possessive over Jason.
“What are you staring at?” Alison snapped.
“Nothing.” Jason mumbled distractedly, “Just be ready in five.”
* * *
“Looks like someone is finally going to get Noel Khan’s attention tonight.” Alison smirked at you as you were walking down the staircase and into the kitchen.
“Relax, I won’t tell anyone.” Alison said sincerely, entwining your hands, “I’m just saying you look hot. Like really hot.” She reassured me.
You couldn’t help but smile at her; choosing to let the Noel Khan comment slip. It was moment like this that you remembered why you loved Allie. No matter how horrible she could be sometimes, she had moments where she was kind and sweet. You knew Allie would do anything for you, she was fiercely protective and always looked out for you.
“She’s right.” Emily called from behind you, “That dress looks amazing.”
You smiled at your friend, fingering the silky velvet material of your red dress. It was bolder than the dresses you usually wore but you had to admit you felt good in it; it hugged you in all the right places and the short skirt made your legs appear longer than they actually were. You had paired it with a pair of black thigh high boots that Aria had insisted you borrow.
“Alright Emily, don’t get a crush now.” Alison sniggered, smiling sweetly at Emily over her shoulder. Emily grimaced, slowing down slightly so she was no longer walking behind you.
“What was that about?” You questioned in confusion.
“Nothing.” Alison replied, squeezing your hand gently.
“Well it’s about time!” Ian yelled in mock distress as you all piled into the kitchen. Ian and Garrett were leaning against the counters, cans of beer in their hands. Your eyes flickered to Jason who had his back turned, in the process of opening a beer himself. Ian quickly greeted you, pressing a chaste kiss on your cheek before he moved on to Spencer.
“Weren’t you supposed to be hanging out with Melissa tonight?” Spencer questioned suspiciously.
Ian only laughed, “I couldn’t let my boys down now could I?”
“Plus Ian can never miss a good party.” Jason sniggered as he turned around.
He went to raise the beer to his lips, however his movements stilled when his eyes fell on you. His eyes seemed to darken, his adam's apple bobbing harshly as he swallowed hard. You stared back at him, your cheeks heating up despite the voice in your head insisting you had just imagined the lustful look he had just given you.
“You guys want some beer?” Garrett offered, pointing at the crate of open cans.
“Yes.” Alison answered immediately.
“Allie, we’re underaged.” Spencer protested as Alison waltzed over to the cans of beer.
“Oh come on Spencer, don’t be such a party pooper.” Alison scoffed, tossing her mane of golden hair over her shoulder, “Just have a drink.”
“Why do I feel like tonight is not going to end well?” Spencer whispered beside you.
* * *
The party was in full swing by the time you arrived. The car journey had seemed to take forever. You had been squeezed between Jason and Emily, your bare leg flushed against his own and your hands occasionally brushing as you passed around Ian’s hip flask of whiskey. You and the girls had quickly succumbed to the peer pressure of drinking; coming to the conclusion that you would all watch out for each other if one of the group got to drunk.
Your bets were on Aria. She was definitely the biggest lightweight.
“Come on ladies,” Ian yelled over the loud music, “Let's dance.”
You watched as Ian grabbed Allie’s hand; both of them running to the dancefloor. You averted your eyes quickly as they began grinding. You couldn’t help but wondering if there was something going on between Allie and Ian, he had been around the Dilaurentis home a lot more recently, not to mention the fact that they were almost having sex on the dancefloor right now.
“Look at them!” Spencer growled, her eyes fixed on Alison and Ian.
“I’m sorry Spence.” You sighed, “It’s not fair on Melissa.”
Spencer looked down, her face unreadable, “Yeah, it’s not.”
“Come on, let’s get a drink.” Aria sighed before leading us through the dancing crowd. You glanced over your shoulder, stupidly searching for Jason, only to see him walking in the opposite direction with Garrett, a cigarette in his hand.
You quickly shook off your disappointment, it was stupid of you to think he would want to spend time with you. You tried to forget about him and instead focused on having fun with your friends. You took shots and danced; allowing yourself to get lost in the music as you grew more and more intoxicated.
“So…” Aria drawled as you were pouring some vodka and coke for you both, “You and Noel huh?”
“What?” You snorted, spilling the coke slightly as you laughed.
“You don’t like him?” Aria guessed.
You shook your head, “No.”
“What about Jason?” Aria pressed.
You froze, your eyes going wide as you slammed down the bottle of coke. You looked at Aria only to see that she was smiling knowingly.
“Is it that obvious?” You groaned, hiding your face with you hands.
“No!” Aria reassured you, pushing your hands away so that she could look at you, “I just know you. I see the way you look at him; hell I see the way he looks at you. You always act so awkward around each other, it’s almost uncomfortable how obvious it is that you both want to rip each other’s clothes off.” Aria giggled at your red face, “It’s alright. I won’t tell Allie.”
You sighed with relief, moving forward to hug your tiny friend, “Thank you.”
A few hours had passed and you were currently searching for your friends. You had gone to the bathroom a few minutes ago and when you had come back they were nowhere to be found. You were in the middle of ringing Spencer when someone cleared their throat behind you.
You turned around to see Jason behind you, leaning against a tree with a cigarette in his hand. You took a moment to appreciate how good he looked; his dark green shirt tight in all the right places, his golden hair windswept and the delicious stubble shadowing his prominent jaw line.
“You ok?” He asked after a moment of just staring at each other.
You nodded and joined him against the tree trunk so he could hear you over the music, “Yeah, I’ve just lost the girls. I was just about to call them.”
“I think I saw them over by the drinks table before.” Jason stated before he took another drag of his cigarette, “My sisters still with Ian.”
“Really?” You grimaced when you noticed his dark expression.
“I tried to find her earlier but she’s disappeared, as usual.” Jason sighed, running his hands through his hair.
“Hey, I’ll help you find her.” I offered.
Jason smirked, “And miss the party?”
“I’m sure I can spare a few minutes.” You teased playfully.
Jason smiled at you, the corners of his lips tilting up boyishly as he pushed himself away from the tree trunk. He moved closer to you, bowing his head slightly so that his face was inches away from you. Your heart stuttered in your chest, your head going blurry at the close proximity and the smell of his aftershave and tobacco.
“If you're sure.” Jason smirked before he moved away, grabbing your hand and leading you outside.
* * *
“Milkshakes are not better than coffee!” Jason exclaimed for the fifth time.
“Of course they are!” You protested, “How can they not be?”
“Coffee is the best thing to ever be invented.”
You and Jason had been talking about everything and anything for the past hour you had been searching for Allie. You had walked a good few streets, occasionally calling Allie’s name before continuing with whatever topic of conversation you were discussing at the time. Throughout the hour you had both moved closer and closer to each other, so close that every now and then your hands brushed. You knew it was wrong - Allie would kill you if she knew you were alone with Jason, but at the moment you didn’t care, you were enjoying his company too much.
“You cold?” Jason questioned when he noticed you shivering.
You shrugged, “Yeah, this dress wasn’t exactly built to be warm.” You joked.
Jason touched your hand and stopped walking. You watched as he shrugged off his leather jacket; moving closer to you so he could drape it over your shoulders. You stilled when he was inches away from you, his hands on your shoulders.
His lips were on yours in seconds, the kiss fervent and hungry. His hands moved from your shoulders to rest on your waist, pulling you closer to him before he slid his hands through your hair. You succumbed to your desire, forgetting all the reasons why you shouldn’t be doing this. You kissed him back passionately, your hands moving to his shoulders as you fell into his body. You continued to kiss, getting lost in each other entirely; your hands all over each other, biting exposed skin and gripping at each others hair. You were two bombs who had finally exploded.
“Jesus, I’ve wanted to do this for so long.” Jason murmured against the skin of your neck as he backed you up against a nearby tree. You were hidden away from everyone, your kissing figures protected by the cluster of trees around you. “Do you know how often I thought about kissing you. Every time you would come around, looking so damn beautiful.” His hands skimmed the hem of your dress, rubbing the skin, “And tonight, when I saw you in this dress,” His teeth nipped at your bottom lip, “Jesus, I thought you were trying to kill me.”
You were dizzy with passion as you continued to kiss him, your hands knotted in his hair, tugging slightly and causing groans to escape his lips.
“I thought you didn’t like me.” You admitted against his lips, “I thought I was delusional for ever thinking that anything could happen between us.”
“How could I not like you Y/N?” Jason laughed, tucking your hair behind your ear affectionately, “I like you. I like you a fucking lot.”
You smiled like an idiot, pulling his face back to yours. You gasped when you felt his warm hands slide between your thighs, his hand teasing you over the fabric of your underwear. You moaned at the sensation, burying your face in his neck as he continued his movements, his mouth nibbling at your earlobe.
“Jason, what about Allie?” You panted, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you felt his hand slide into the waistband of your underwear.
“Screw Allie.” Jason growled, “She doesn’t have the right to keep us away from each other.
A cry sounded from your lips as his fingers entered you. His lips were at your neck, biting and sucking at the exposed skin. You squirmed and let out another moan as he curled his fingers inside of you, a shiver of pleasure running through you.
“You’re so wet.” He moaned huskily. “I just want to eat you all up.”
You watched as Jason kneeled down in front of you, his eyes never leaving yours as he lifted one of your legs over his shoulder. He moved your underwear to the side before he buried his face in your legs. You clutched at the bark of the tree, your body jolting as his tongue swirled around your clit painfully slow. He teased you for a while, forcing desperate moans from your lips before he delved deeper, his tongue moving mercilessly against you. You convulsed against him, a moaning mess as you came.
He got back to his feet, his arms encircling you as he kissed your forehead.
“You ok?” He whispered against your hair.
“God yes.” You whimpered, snuggling against him, “More than ok.”
You captured his lips again, your fingers moving to the bottom of his t-shirt. You lifted it over his head, admiring the sculpted muscles of his chest. Your lips found his neck, sucking on it as you worked on unbuckling his belt. Jason backed you up against the tree once again, a groan escaping his lips as you pressed yourself against him.
“Fuck me Jason.” You moaned against his lips, “God you have to fuck me right now.”
He kissed you passionately, his body shuddering slightly as he trapped you in his arms, hands either side of your head. He pulled away, rummaging around in the pocket of his jeans that had fallen to the floor. He found the condom that was in his pocket, putting it on him quickly before he moved close to you once again.
“Are you sure about this?” He questioned after a few minutes of kissing you.
You nodded, “I’ve wanted this for so long.”
He smiled and hoisted your leg around his hip. He slid into you, causing you to gasp as you felt him stretch you out. He was bigger than anyone you had ever experienced so it took you a while to adjust to him. Your hands dug into his shoulders, small wails sounding from your lips as he started to move faster. His lips and hands were everywhere, relieving all the pent up frustration from the months of holding back. He moved faster as your moans grew louder, his hips pounding into you as he forced your hands behind your head.
“God, you’re so beautiful.” He groaned, his head resting against yours as his hands tangled in your head.
“Oh God Jason!” You practically squealed as he hit a particular spot. You convulsed against him once again, moaning and cursing under your breath as you fell into him, your head fuzzy as you came. He continued to move fluidly, riding you through you hair before he stuttered, throwing his head back as he came. He swore and pulled out of you, his head still resting against your own as he engulfed you in his arms. You both fell to the floor, Jason pulling on his pants before he handed you his jacket once again.
“Holy shit.” Was all he could say.
“Yeah.” You agreed breathlessly.
His lips pressed against your forehead, “You do realise I’m definitely not letting you go now right?” He wrapped his arm around you, “I’ve waited too long for you to lose you after one night.”
You snuggled into him, a huge smile crossing your lips, “I’m definitely not going anywhere.”
“Good, and don’t worry about Alison, I’ll deal with her.” Jason reassured you, “Now come on, let’s go back home, I’m nowhere near done with you yet.”
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theonyxpath · 7 years
So, it is one month before Gen Con.
Gen Con50th, actually.
You can see on the map above our 20′ x 30′ space, that we are sharing with our associates at Nocturnal Media and White Wolf. Our booth will have all sorts of books and other items for sale, an ongoing demo table that we intend to have a constant run of demos happening on every day that you can sit in on, and a further couple of tables for impromptu demo sessions.
Nocturnal will be right next to us, and they’re bravely trying to arrange demos and they will have products to sell, and White Wolf is next to them, and will have new news about V5 and related products, and I hear they may have other goodies especially for Gen Con.
Back at our Onyx Path booth, you’ll find Boppin’ Bill Bodden and Mike Hollywood running the booth under the baleful eye of Mighty Matt McElroy – they are the guys that with the know how as to what and who is where when it comes our products for sale and the rest of the team.
At different times, Mirthful Mike Chaney, Onyx‘s ever-lovin’ art director will be there helping out, and he has portfolio reviews scheduled if you want us to look at your artwork. Impish Ian Watson, our webmaster and Trinity Continuum guru will also be at the booth a fair amount of the time and he’d love to talk Trinity!
Development producer Rollickin’ Rose Bailey will also be in the booth between developer and translator meetings, and she might just have some Chronicles of Darkness and Cavaliers of Mars wisdom and demos to share with you. Naughty Neall Raemonn Price will be representing for Scion and just about any other of our games as he seems to know them all, and Matthew “Gentleman Gamer” Dawkins also has a wide knowledge of our games to share, particularly V20, as well as his new secret project he’ll be demoing at the booth!
Scarred Lands developer Scott Holden will be there, and we’re hoping he’ll be running demos as well as showing off the advance copies of the printed SL Players Guides and Wise and the Wicked 2. More news on Scarred Lands below.
Look out for Hunter: the Vigil 2nd developer Monica Valentinelli dropping in when she can, as well as other writers and devs who will try and drop by in between their busy schedules at other booths, like Black Hat Matt McFarland, Danielle Lauzon, Bill Bridges, Dixie Cochran, and many more.
Of course, I’ll be popping in and out of the booth talking to folks between panels and meetings. Catch me in a quieter time and I’ll be glad to sign some Magic cards (for a small gratuity).
    V20 Beckett’s Jyhad Diary art by Michael Gaydos
    Did I say panels? Well, of course we’re doing our famous panels for Gen Con again this year!
  THURSDAY *SEM17109310: Freelancing for Onyx Path Crowne Plaza Hotel Indianapolis-Dwtn-Grand Central Ballroom C in Indianapolis, Indiana 1:00pm in EDT
*SEM17109313: What’s Up With Onyx Path’s White Wolf RPGs?
Crowne Plaza:: Pennsylvania Station C in Indianapolis, Indiana
11:00am in EDT
*SEM17109314: What’s Up With Pugmire, Cavaliers, and Scarred Lands?
Crowne Plaza Hotel Indianapolis Grand Central Ballroom A in Indianapolis, Indiana
1:00pm in EDT
*Gen Con 50 Track: The Embrace of Night: White Wolf in 1991
ICC (Indiana Convention Center) RM 105
6:00pm in EDT
*SEM17109317: What’s Up with Scion and Trinity?
Crowne Plaza Hotel Indianapolis-Pennsylvania Station B in Indianapolis, Indiana
11:00am in EDT
As always, times and rooms are subject to change by the lovable scamps at Gen Con.
And if you want to actually play our games, look out for our Onyx Path gaming room, once again run by the legendary Dave Martin and his dedicated and dangerous Wrecking Crew and associates.
This year, since it will be crazy with all the 50th Anniversary activities and crowds, how about you let us know in the comments here if you’re going? We’ll make sure to do something special for you if you do get to stop in and say hi!
    War Elephants by Melissa Uran for Hundred Devil’s Night Parade
    In the run-down of the booth I did above, I mentioned how Nocturnal Media is bravely going to soldier on as best they can, and of course, I was talking about that in reference to the untimely passing of my good friend Stewart Wieck, Nocturnal‘s founder. His death has unfortunately had ramifications on the many directions he was hoping to take Nocturnal Media‘s game lines, but I understand that a bunch of them will still be available in their booth.
The most direct effect on us at Onyx, on a business level, is that we’ve had to step into Stew’s huge shoes (I mean that literally and figuratively – he was a big guy) and take over fulfilling the Scarred Lands Kickstarter and all the projects we started with that.
For the present, I’ve been delving into how Stew had structured the SL Kickstarter and BackerKit, and working with Steve Wieck and Stew’s family to make sure the printing and shipping of all those projects keeps moving forward. We won’t be able to sell the Scarred Lands books at Gen Con as Stewart hoped he’d be able to arrange, but we’ll have advances and demos, like I mentioned above.
Towards that, we’re releasing the PDF for the Dagger of Spiragos, the second part of our Spiragos adventure trilogy, this week. Our KS backers have already received theirs (if they were supposed to get them), so now everyone can check it out. On a personal level, I loved painting those skeletal gators on the cover! (See below in the BLURBS! for more details).
For the future, since Scarred Lands was always a game world we co-owned and which Stew and I always intended as something we’d have fun working on together, this is kind of a bittersweet experience. But, the world is still one of my favorites, and we still have lots of plans for bringing this new version of SL to a new audience, as well as to our community from the D20 days.
We’ll be announcing some of those plans at and around Gen Con, so keep an eye out!
Finally, I just wanted to shout out to our new friends at Studio2, who are currently packaging and prepping our Pugmire backer rewards ship-out! I’ll tell you more about these folks in a later blog, as I’ll let you in on the very awesome way they are going to work with us in the very near future.
Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras 2 is funded!
Now, help us decide on which Dark Eras and which game-lines should fill up this Prestige Edition book! We’re starting with The French Revolution for Vampire: The Requiem and Demon: The Descent, The Great War – Western Front for Geist: The Sin-Eaters and Werewolf: The Forsaken, Light of the Sun – Europe 1600s for Deviant: The Renegades and Mage: The Awakening, Seven Wonders of the Ancient World for Changeling: The Lost and Promethean: The Created, Rise of the Last Imperials – China for Mummy: The Curse and Hunter: The Vigil, and One Thousand and One Nights – Islamic Golden Age for Beast: The Primordial and Vampire: The Requiem.
We’re voting on which two game-lines should be featured in the Golden Age of Piracy right now, so yo-ho-ho and grab a cutlass and join us!
  We’re delighted to announce the opening of our ebook store on Amazon! You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle. Our initial selection includes these fiction anthologies: Vampire: the Masquerade‘s Endless Ages, Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition‘s Rites of Renown: When Will You Rage 2, Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition‘s Truth Beyond Paradox, Chronicles of Darkness‘ God Machine Chronicle, Mummy: The Curse‘s Curse of the Blue Nile, and Beast: The Primordial‘s The Primordial Feast!
And now you can get these books in the Barnes and Noble Nook store too!
Vampire: The Masquerade: The Endless Ages Anthology
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: Rites of Renown: When Will You Rage II
Mage: The Ascension: Truth Beyond Paradox
Chronicles of Darkness: The God-Machine Chronicle Anthology
Mummy: The Curse: Curse of the Blue Nile
Beast: The Primordial: The Primordial Feast Anthology
  And here are six more fiction books:
Vampire: The Masquerade: Of Predators and Prey: The Hunters Hunted II Anthology
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: The Poison Tree
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: Songs of the Sun and Moon: Tales of the Changing Breeds
Vampire: The Requiem: The Strix Chronicle Anthology
Werewolf: The Forsaken: The Idigam Chronicle Anthology
Mage: The Awakening: The Fallen World Chronicle Anthology
  Andand six more more:
Vampire: The Masquerade: The Beast Within Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: W20 Cookbook (Kindle, Nook)
Exalted: Tales from the Age of Sorrows (Kindle, Nook)
Chronicles of Darkness: Tales of the Dark Eras (Kindle, Nook)
Promethean: The Created: The Firestorm Chronicle Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Demon: The Descent: Demon: Interface (Kindle, Nook)
      Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books? Here’s the link to the press release we put out about how Onyx Path is now selling through Indie Press Revolution: http://ift.tt/1ZlTT6z
You can now order wave 2 of our Deluxe and Prestige print overrun books, including Deluxe Mage 20th Anniversary, and Deluxe V20 Dark Ages! And Screens…so many Screens!
Chomping it’s way to you comes the Dagger of Spiragos adventure PDF for Scarred Lands! This second in the Spiragos trilogy for levels 4-6 arrives Wednesday in both 5e and Pathfinder PDF versions on DriveThruRPG.com!
      Sailing out of the dark, the V20 Dark Ages Companion PDF and physical book PoD versions are going on sale Wednesday on DriveThruRPG.com! http://ift.tt/2pX42dq
Travel the long roads and deep seas in search of power and experience danger, or tackle the wilderness to hunt monsters and face death. Settlements large and small dot the black expanse with the promise of sanctuary, life, and community. These bastions of civilization present cold comfort, when playing host to vampire warlords and sadistic Cainite faiths. Whether led by a Prince, a coordinated belief, or hounded by monsters from without and within — no domain is truly the same as another.
Dark Ages Companion includes:
• Domains scattered across the world, from small fiefdoms to massive cities. Bath, Bjarkarey, Constantinople, Rome, Mogadishu, and Mangaluru each receive coverage.
• Apocrypha including plot hooks, new Paths, and mysteries to explore in your games.
• A how-to guide on building a domain within your chronicle, including events and servants necessary to make a domain as functional or dysfunctional as you wish.
• A study on warfare in the Dark Ages period, so combat in your chronicles can gain authenticity and lethality.
      From the Primordial to your Chronicles, Beast‘s Building a Legend has risen in PDF and PoD formats on DTRPG.com!
…so why should the Storyteller have all the fun?
The whole troupe should get in on the action, making for a chronicle that reflects the preferences and predilections of all the players.
Building a Legend is a guide for doing exactly that — making a cohesive chronicle, starting with character creation, for Beast: The Primordial. It includes advice on creating Storyteller characters, folding in real world history, and populating the Primordial Dream.
        From the massive Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras main book, we have pulled this single chapter, Dark Eras: Requiem for Regina (Vampire: The Requiem Elizabethan London 1593). We have shared the world with monsters for millennia. In Elizabeth’s London, vampires built their own empire brick by bloody brick while Elizabeth I cemented her grip on newly Protestant England. Carefully balancing demands from those with Catholic and Lutheran sympathies, she forged a police state. Yet London emerged as a thriving cultural center, and from the crucible emerged a Kindred society forever changed.
On sale in PDF and physical copy PoD versions on DTRPG!
      What dark secrets do the eldest vampires hold? Find out in Thousand Years of Night for Vampire: The Requiem! Advance PDF version available now on DriveThruRPG.com. http://ift.tt/2sV8lZR
You may think that with a multitude of people coming, going, dying and running away, we’d be tired, done, or ready to give up. Instead, I find myself restless, looking for the next thing.  There’s always a next thing, and I for one am not yet ready to die.
– Elder Kincaid, Daeva Crone
This book includes:
• Detailed instructions on creating elder vampires, including how to base chronicles around them
• A look into the lives of elders, how they spend their nights, who they work with, and why including their roles in both their clans and covenants
• New Devotions, Merits, and Rituals for elder vampires
• The kinds of creatures that pose a threat to elder vampires, including Inamorata, Lamia, Sons of Phobos, a new elder conspiracy, and more
      From the massive Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras main book, we have pulled this single chapter, Dark Eras: To The Strongest (Mage Death of Alexander 330-320 BCE). In the rise and fall of Alexander the Great’s Empire, armies marched and cultures clashed. In the birth pangs of Hellenistic civilization, Awakened sorcerers all over the ancient world met, fought, and joined together. In the chaos of Alexander’s assassination and the wars that followed, Cults became Orders amid conflicts still burning in the present day.
On sale in PDF and physical copy PoD versions on DTRPG!
  From the massive Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras main book, we have pulled this single chapter, Dark Eras: Three Kingdoms of Darkness (Changeling and Geist China 220-280). Famine weakens the empire, and war splits it apart. It is an age of ambition and strife, where the hungry dead walk the earth in great numbers, and the Lost must rely on their own kingdoms. Warlords and commoners, ghost-speakers and orphans — who truly serves the Mandate of Heaven?
On sale in PDF and physical copy PoD versions on DTRPG! http://ift.tt/2rp8hPL
    From the massive Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras main book, we have pulled this single chapter, Dark Eras: The Wolf and the Raven (Werewolf and Geist Vikings 700-1100). The Viking expansion across Europe comes at a pivotal time in history, as new faiths rose to challenge the old and new ways threatened to sweep ancient tradition aside. The Forsaken sail with raiders and explorers, seeking new lands to claim and new spirits to conquer, while Sin-Eaters walk the battlefields bringing the honored dead to their final rewards. The world grows larger and more dangerous by the day, but there are great rewards for those brave enough to fight for them.
On sale in PDF and physical copy PoD versions on DTRPG! http://ift.tt/2rUjKtX
      Curated by Matthew McFarland, developer of Changeling: the Dreaming Twentieth Anniversary Edition and featuring authors such as Myranda Kalis, Wren Handman, and Peter Woodworth, this C20 Anthology of Dreams is on sale in electronic/PDF and physical copy PoD formats on DTRPG.com! http://ift.tt/2snBT0X
We dream, and we tell stories. We dream of love and the sort of person who might complete us. We dream of horror and wake breathless. We dream of magic, of flying through the air, or breathing underwater. We dream of fantastic vistas and amazing monsters.
We dream, and then we wake, and we tell stories. Our dreams create the Kithain, the changelings. Our stories are sustenance.
    Now on DTRPG, the EX3 Tomb of Dreams Jumpstart PDF/PoD jumps up for sale!
Once, in the time before the gods forgot their names, when the world was flat and floated on a sea of chaos, there was an age of gleaming cities, untamed wilderness, enlightened devils, greedy spirits, and mighty heroes. This was the age of the Exalted, champions empowered by the highest of gods.
Tomb of Dreams will jumpstart your group’s Exalted game—all you need to start playing Exalted Third Edition is this book, pencils, and 10-sided dice. Included here are the game’s core rules, five pregenerated characters, and a self-contained scenario that can start a new campaign or that Storytellers can use in an ongoing chronicle. And for groups that already have the Exalted Third Edition main rulebook, Tomb of Dreams will serve as an introduction for new players and a quick reference during play—anyone intimidated by that prodigious volume need only read Part 1 of this book to get started.
What legends will they tell of your deeds?
            CONVENTIONS! GenCon IS COMING. August 17th – 20th, Indianapolis. Our booth will actually be 20′ x 30′ this year that we’ll be sharing with Nocturnal Media and White Wolf. We’re looking at new displays this year, like a back drop and magazine racks for the brochure(s). FYI, 4-Day passes have sold out! First time ever! Here’s the map again of where we’ll be:
  Next week, at RopeCon (the world’s largest volunteer run convention) in Finland, Monica Valentinelli, the Hunter: the Vigil 2nd Edition developer will be running a game of Doubting Souls, the Hunter Dark Era she wrote for Dark Eras 1 as well as talking about freelancing and game design. Matt McElroy will be running a high-powered Dread Names, Red List V20 game, and they both will be there talking about their work and Onyx Path. http://ift.tt/2tkNsuA
In November, we’ll be at Game Hole Con in Madison, WI. More news as we have it, and here’s their website: http://ift.tt/RIm6qP
      And now, the new project status updates!
    DEVELOPMENT STATUS FROM ROLLICKING ROSE (projects in bold have changed status since last week):
First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep)
Trinity Continuum: Aeon Rulebook (The Trinity Continuum)
M20 Gods and Monsters (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
M20 Book of the Fallen (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
C20 Novel (Jackie Cassada) (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition)
The Realm (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Monarchies of Mau (Monarchies of Mau)
Kithbook Boggans (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition)
Hunter: the Vigil 2e core (Hunter: the Vigil 2nd Edition)
C20 Ready Made Characters (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition)
Exalted 3rd Novel by Matt Forbeck (Exalted 3rd Edition)
  Second Draft
WoD Ghost Hunters (World of Darkness)
Pugmire Fiction Anthology (Pugmire)
Ex Novel 2 (Aaron Rosenberg) (Exalted 3rd Edition)
DtD Night Horrors: Enemy Action (Demon: the Descent)
Dragon-Blooded (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Signs of Sorcery (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
SL Ring of Spiragos (Pathfinder – Scarred Lands 2nd Edition)
Ring of Spiragos (5e – Scarred Lands 2nd Edition)
Pugmire Pan’s Guide for New Pioneers (Pugmire)
Scion: Origins (Scion 2nd Edition)
Scion: Hero (Scion 2nd Edition)
Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook (The Trinity Continuum)
GtS Geist 2e core (Geist: the Sin-Eaters Second Edition)
  WW Manuscript Approval:
M20 Cookbook (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
W20 Changing Ways (Werewolf: the Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition)
VtR Half-Damned (Vampire: the Requiem 2nd Edition)
V20 Dark Ages Jumpstart (Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition)
Changeling: the Lost 2nd Edition, featuring the Huntsmen Chronicle (Changeling: the Lost 2nd Edition)
  Post-Editing Development:
Wraith: the Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition
Book of Freeholds (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition)
BtP Beast Player’s Guide (Beast: the Primordial)
In Art Direction
Beckett’s Jyhad Diary 
W20 Pentex Employee Indoctrination Handbook
Cavaliers of Mars
Wraith 20
W20 Changing Ways
Ex3 Monthly Stuff
VDA Jumpstart
Scion Origins
Ring of Spiragos
Ex 3 Arms of the Chosen – Finals rolling in shortly.
Beast PG – Sketches coming in.
VtR Half Damned – Getting the contracting and what not wrapped up this week.
Book of Freeholds
  Marketing Stuff
  In Layout
M20 Art Book – In progress…
Prince’s Gambit – New Cards out for playtesting.
Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition) – PoD and Deluxe print files being prepped.
CtL Huntsmen Chronicle Anthology – wrapping up this week.
C20 Jumpstart – Inputting Corrections.
  At Press
Beckett Screen – Shipped to shipper.
Pugmire – At fulfillment shipper, making rewards packages.
Pugmire Screen – At fulfillment shipper, making rewards packages.
Pugmire Cards & Dice, Pins – At fulfillment shipper, making rewards packages.
Wise and the Wicked PF & 5e – Printing.
Dagger of Spiragos (5e) – PDF out on DTRPG this week.
Dagger of Spiragos (PF) – PDF out on DTRPG this week.
Monarchies of Mau Early Access – PoD proofs coming.
Dark Eras: Lily Sabre and Thorn – Wrapping up and getting files uploaded. Got super sidetracked by errata inputs and Gen Con prep.
M20 Book of Secrets – PoD proofs arriving.
VTR: Thousand Years of Night – Wrapping up errata input.
Storypath (Trinity Continuum) Brochure – At press.
Gen Con 2017 Brochure – At press.
      TODAY’S REASON TO CELEBRATE: One month to Gen Con!
3 notes · View notes
caredogstips · 7 years
Johnny Depp thanks fans for rely at People’s Choice awardings
The actor, who lately finalised his divorce, experienced a platform finish alongside the likes of Tom Hanks, Blake Lively and Finding Dory which was named good picture
Johnny Depp has thanked the public for their substantiate in the aftermath of his divorce from Amber Heard, a few days after the procedure was finalised.
Depp, who picked up the favourite movie icon loot at the opening ceremony, whose wins are voted for by the public, said he had attended the ceremony for you, the person or persons, who through whatever good times or bad have stood by me and trusted me.
The actor, who has picked up 13 previous Peoples Choice gongs, prolonged: And youve graciously invited me here once again tonight, so I appreciate that so much. You have no idea how much I appreciate that.
I was very deeply affected by the kindness of your recognition and by your shaft expressed the wish to my family and myself, which is why its specially meaningful for me to be here in front of you to say thank you.
People’s Choice (@ peopleschoice)
See Johnny Depp accept his award for Favorite Movie Icon #PCAs pic.twitter.com/ D8 fcH0JNuN
January 19, 2017
Last Friday, details of the divorce colonization which finishes Depps acrimonious divide from Heard developed, including her holding imprisonment of their puppies and his giving her$ 7m.
Depps career has not prospered of late. Recent films such as Mortdecai, Yoga Hosers and Alice Through the Looking Glass were not well-received, while crime drama London Fields is still stuck in post-production, and his cameo in Awesome Beasts and Where to Find Them too met with scepticism. He did however win acclaim for his characterization of Donald Trump in Funny or Dies The Artwork of the Deal: The Movie.
Elsewhere at the Peoples Choice bestows, invigorated fish epic Finding Dory won good movie, while Ryan Reynolds took favourite performer, Jennifer Lawrence favourite actress, Tom Hanks favourite stunning movie actor and Blake Lively the female equivalent. Critically derided tetraplegic romcom Me Before You prevailed favourite spectacular movie, The Girl on the Train favourite thriller, and Deadpool favourite war movie.
The honors are be chosen by online vote and their results are not felt to match with the Oscars. Since 2010, the nominees have been determined by media research busines Visible Measure, which weighs gathering action while watching online videos.
Other conquerors included Outlander and The Big Bang Theory on Tv, as well as Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears, who were mentioned favourite music artists.
The ceremony was hosted by CBS sitcom star Joel McHale, while Tyler Perry received such nights favourite humanitarian award.
Full list of winners
FAVOURITE MOVIE Finding Dory( WINNER ) Captain America: Civil War Deadpool Suicide Squad Zootopia FAVOURITE MOVIE ACTOR Ryan Reynolds( WINNER ) Kevin Hart Robert Downey Jr. Tom Hanks Will Smith FAVOURITE MOVIE ACTRESS Jennifer Lawrence( WINNER ) Anna Kendrick Margot Robbie Melissa McCarthy Scarlett Johansson FAVOURITE ACTION MOVIE Deadpool( WINNER ) Batman v. Superman: Sunrise of Justice Captain America: Civil War Suicide Squad X-Men: Apocalypse FAVOURITE ACTION MOVIE ACTOR Robert Downey Jr.( WINNER ) Chris Evans Liam Hemsworth Ryan Reynolds Will Smith FAVOURITE ACTION MOVIE ACTRESS Margot Robbie( WINNER ) Jennifer Lawrence Scarlett Johansson Shailene Woodley Zoe Saldana FAVOURITE ANIMATED MOVIE VOICE Ellen DeGeneres in Finding Dory( WINNER ) Bill Murray in The Jungle Book Ginnifer Goodwin in Zootopia Jason Bateman in Zootopia Kevin Hart in The Secret Life of Pets FAVOURITE COMEDIC MOVIE Bad Moms( WINNER ) Central Intelligence Ghostbusters How to Be Single Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising FAVOURITE COMEDIC MOVIE ACTOR Kevin Hart( WINNER ) Chris Hemsworth Dwayne Johnson Ryan Gosling Zac Efron FAVOURITE COMEDIC MOVIE ACTRESS Melissa McCarthy( WINNER ) Anna Kendrick Kristen Bell Kristen Wiig Rebel Wilson FAVOURITE DRAMATIC MOVIE Me Before You( WINNER ) Deepwater Horizon Miracles From Heaven Miss Peregrines Home for Peculiar Children Sully FAVOURITE DRAMATIC MOVIE ACTOR Tom Hanks( WINNER ) Ben Affleck Chris Pine George Clooney Mark Wahlberg FAVOURITE DRAMATIC MOVIE ACTRESS Blake Lively( WINNER ) Amy Adams Emily Blunt Julia Roberts Meryl Streep FAVOURITE FAMILY MOVIE Finding Dory( WINNER ) Alice Through the Looking Glass The Jungle Book The Secret Life of Pets Zootopia FAVOURITE THRILLER MOVIE The Girl on the Train( WINNER ) The Conjuring 2 Nerve The Purge: Ballot Year The Shallows FAVOURITE MOVIE ICON Johnny Depp( WINNER ) Denzel Washington Samuel L. Jackson Tom Cruise Tom Hanks
FAVOURITE Tv SHOW Outlander( WINNER ) The Big Bang Theory Greys Anatomy Stranger Things The Walking Dead FAVOURITE NETWORK TV COMEDY The Big Bang Theory( WINNER ) Black-ish Jane the Virgin Modern Family New Girl FAVOURITE COMEDIC TV ACTOR Jim Parsons( WINNER ) Andy Samberg Anthony Anderson Matthew Perry Tim Allen FAVOURITE COMEDIC TV ACTRESS Sofia Vergara( WINNER ) Anna Faris Gina Rodriguez Kaley Cuoco Zooey Deschanel FAVOURITE NETWORK TV DRAMA Greys Anatomy( WINNER ) Chicago Fire Empire How to Get Away with Murder Quantico FAVOURITE DRAMATIC TV ACTOR Justin Chambers( WINNER ) Jesse Williams Scott Foley Taylor Kinney Terrence Howard FAVOURITE DRAMATIC TV ACTRESS Priyanka Chopra( WINNER ) Ellen Pompeo Kerry Washington Taraji P Henson Viola Davis FAVOURITE CABLE Tv COMEDY Baby Daddy( WINNER ) Atlanta Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia Real Husbands of Hollywood Younger FAVOURITE CABLE TV DRAMA Bates Motel( WINNER ) The Americans Mr. Robot Pretty Little Liars Queen Sugar FAVOURITE CABLE Tv ACTOR Freddie Highmore( WINNER ) Adam Devine Kevin Hart Rami Malek Zach Galifianakis FAVOURITE CABLE Tv ACTRESS Vera Farmiga( WINNER ) Ashley Benson Hilary Duff Keri Russell Lucy Hale FAVOURITE Tv CRIME DRAMA Criminal Minds( WINNER ) The Blacklist Law& Order: SVU Lucifer FAVOURITE TV CRIME DRAMA ACTOR Mark Harmon( WINNER ) Chris ODonnell Donnie Wahlberg LL Cool J Tom Selleck FAVOURITE Tv CRIME DRAMA ACTRESS Jennifer Lopez( WINNER ) Lucy Liu Mariska Hargitay Pauley Perrette Sophia Bush FAVOURITE PREMIUM DRAMA SERIES Orange is the New Black( WINNER ) Homeland House of Cards Narcos Power FAVOURITE PREMIUM COMEDY SERIES Fuller House( WINNER ) The Mindy Project Shameless Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Veep FAVOURITE PREMIUM SERIES ACTOR Dwayne Johnson( WINNER ) Aziz Ansari Joshua Jackson Kevin Spacey Nick Jonas FAVOURITE PREMIUM SERIES ACTRESS Sarah Jessica Parker( WINNER ) Claire Danes Jane Fonda Julia Louis Dreyfus Taylor Schilling FAVOURITE NETWORK SCI-FI/ FANTASY TV SHOW Supernatural( WINNER ) Arrow The Flash Once Upon a Time The Vampire Diaries FAVOURITE CABLE SCI-FI/ FANTASY TV SHOW The Walking Dead( WINNER ) American Horror Story Orphan Black Shadowhunters Teen Wolf FAVOURITE PREMIUM SCI-FI/ FANTASY SERIES Outlander( WINNER ) Game of Thrones Marvels Luke Cage Stranger Things Westworld FAVOURITE SCI-FI/ FANTASY TV ACTOR Sam Heughan( WINNER ) Andrew Lincoln Ian Somerhalder Jensen Ackles Tyler Posey FAVOURITE SCI-FI/ FANTASY TV ACTRESS Caitriona Balfe( WINNER ) Emilia Clarke Jennifer Morrison Lauren Cohan Millie Bobby Brown FAVOURITE COMPETITION TV SHOW The Voice( WINNER ) Americas Got Talent American Ninja Warrior Dancing with the Stars Masterchef FAVOURITE DAYTIME Tv HOST Ellen DeGeneres( WINNER ) Dr. Phil Kelly Ripa Rachael Ray Steve Harvey FAVOURITE DAYTIME TV HOSTING TEAM Good Morning America( WINNER ) The Chew The Talk Today The View FAVOURITE LATE NIGHT TALK SHOW HOST Jimmy Fallon( WINNER ) Conan OBrien James Corden Jimmy Kimmel Stephen Colbert FAVOURITE ANIMATED TV SHOW The Simpsons( WINNER ) American Dad! Bobs Burgers Family Guy South Park FAVOURITE ACTOR IN A NEW TV SERIES Matt LeBlanc( WINNER ) Damon Wayans Kevin James Kiefer Sutherland Milo Ventimiglia FAVOURITE ACTRESS IN A NEW TV SERIES Kristen Bell( WINNER ) Jordana Brewster Mandy Moore Minnie Driver Piper Perabo FAVOURITE NEW TV COMEDY Man with a Plan( WINNER ) American Housewife The Good Place The Great Indoors Kevin Can Wait Son of Zorn Speechless FAVOURITE NEW TV DRAMA This Is Us( WINNER ) Bull Conviction Designated Survivor The Exorcist Frequency Lethal Weapon MacGyver No Tomorrow Notorious Pitch Pure Genius Timeless
FAVOURITE MALE ARTIST Justin Timberlake( WINNER ) Blake Shelton Drake Shawn Mendes The Weeknd FAVOURITE FEMALE ARTIST Britney Spears( WINNER ) Adele Ariana Grande Beyonce Rihanna FAVOURITE GROUP Fifth Harmony( WINNER ) The Chainsmokers Coldplay Panic! at the Disco Twenty One Pilots FAVOURITE BREAKOUT ARTIST Niall Horan( WINNER ) Alessia Cara The Chainsmokers DNCE Zayn FAVOURITE MALE COUNTRY ARTIST Blake Shelton( WINNER ) Keith Urban Luke Bryan Sam Hunt Tim McGraw FAVOURITE FEMALE COUNTRY ARTIST Carrie Underwood( WINNER ) Dolly Parton Kelsea Ballerini Miranda Lambert Reba McEntire FAVOURITE COUNTRY GROUP Little Big Town( WINNER ) The Band Perry Florida Georgia Line Lonestar Zac Brown Band FAVOURITE POP ARTIST Britney Spears( WINNER ) Adele Ariana Grande Justin Timberlake Sia FAVOURITE HIP-HOP ARTIST G-Eazy( WINNER ) DJ Khaled Kanye West Kendrick Lamar Wiz Khalifa FAVOURITE R& B ARTIST Rihanna( WINNER ) Beyonc Drake Usher The Weeknd FAVOURITE ALBUM If Im Honest/ Blake Shelton( WINNER ) Anti/ Rihanna Dangerous Woman/ Ariana Grande Lemonade/ Beyonc Views/ Drake FAVOURITE SONG Cant Stop the Feeling/ Justin Timberlake( WINNER ) No/ Meghan Trainor One Dance/ Drake accomplishment. Kyla and Wizkid Pillowtalk Zayn Work/ Rihanna stunt. Drake
FAVOURITE SOCIAL MEDIA CELEBRITY Britney Spears( WINNER ) Kim Kardashian Lady Gaga Shakira Stephen Amell FAVOURITE SOCIAL MEDIA STAR Cameron Dallas( WINNER ) Baby Ariel Jacob Sartorius Liza Koshy Nash Grier FAVOURITE YOUTUBE STAR Lilly Singh( WINNER ) Miranda Sings PewDiePie Shane Dawson Tyler Oakley FAVOURITE COMEDIC COLLABORATION Ellen DeGeneres and Britney Spears Mall Mischief( WINNER ) Conan OBriens Ride Along with Ice Cube and Kevin Hart James Cordens Carpool Karaoke with Adele Lip Sync Battle with Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan Tatum Saturday Night Live with Alec Baldwin and Kate McK
Read more: www.theguardian.com
The post Johnny Depp thanks fans for rely at People’s Choice awardings appeared first on caredogstips.com.
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Slightly Jealous
We don't have that type relationship.
Yona reminds herself again. Still, seeing Noah with whoever that girl is makes her blood boil. Maybe she's jealous.
No, she's definitely jealous.
"Sister, why do you seem upset?"
Leon tucks at Yonas dress, and he stares at her with his bright blue eyes.
"I'm not upset, just a little tired."
Yona knows that she shouldn't lie, but admitting that she's jealous over Noah would be embarrassing. Especially because she can hear Melissa making fun of her.
"Okay, if you say so... Will you play with me and Brother Erich?"
Yona shakes her hair. "I don't want to. Ask Hari, I'm sure she would love to play with you two."
"But Sister Hari and Brother Erich had another fight and now they refuse to talk to each other."
Leon's voice sounds whiny. Just as Yona was about to reply she could hear footsteps coming closer.
"Lord Noah! Where are you going?"
Yona turns her head and could see Noah walk over to her with his typical smile. The brown haired girl he was talking to earlier looked confused.
"Sister let's go! I don't like the guy that's coming our way."
Yona resists the urge to smile at her little brother.
"Lady Yona! What brings you so far from home?"
Noah looks from Yona to Leon. The little boy glares at him.
"I am out with my siblings. Hari wanted to see the city and I decided to take Erich and Leon too. Are you out here with your girlfriend?"
She didn't mean to sound so annoyed. Noah tries to hold back his smile.
"Are you jealous Lady Yona?"
"Me? Jealous? Over what?"
Noah is sure now, Yona is jealous. He had never seen her like that. It wasn't all too obvious, still the way her eyes seem stricter then normal, tells him the truth.
"I don't know, you're the one that's jealous. Also Lady Tiara isn't my girlfriend. She just wishes she was."
Noah steps closer to Yona. Her cheeks heat up, and internally, Yona thanks the god - that she hates - for the fact that she never blushes visibly.
She ignores the happiness that fills her at heart at his words.
"That's mean of you to say Lord Noah. The poor lady."
Noah shrugs. "Why should I care? I have you my Lady."
"No! Stay away from sister Yona!"
Both of the young adults look at the boy who stands infront of his sister with wide arms. Leon glares at Noah.
"Oh, Lord Leon I didn't notice you there."
Noah doesn't pay attention to the little boy anymore then that. He focuses on Yona who looks so softly at her brother.
"Leon it's very disrespectful to talk to Lord Noah like that. Apologize."
Leon shakes his head. "He wants to steal you from us! Brother Erich told me so!"
Yona sigh's. Of course, it had to be Erich that put this idea in Leon's head.
"Leon, nobody is going to steal me form you. I'm your sister okay? They could even if the tried."
"Oh now I'm disappointed. You won't leave your family even for me?"
Yona scoffs and shakes her head. "Never... Unless you pay me of course."
Noah smirks, while Leon looks shocked at his sister.
"Good that I have a lot of money right?"
"Definitely. Wait, I do not plan on leaving my family. Sorry to disappoint Lord Noah."
"Indeed that's very disappointing. Then perhaps, you would say no if I asked you to go on a date with me?"
Yona reminds herself to breath. Being asked out is nothing special, after all she is very liked.
"Well, I don't think I would." Is what she answers. Noahs smile grows wider. "Oh really? How nice. How about tomorrow?"
"No! Sister you can't!" Leon interrupts.
"Hush little one, the grown ups are talking." Noah says.
"Leon, please. I would love to go on a date with you Lord Noah, and Tomorrow sounds perfect."
Noah looks at Leon his eyes full of pride. The little boy looks upset. "But- But you can't sister! He's going to take you away and we will never see you again! Brother Erich said so!"
"Leon, nobody could take me away forever, okay? Even if I leave to get married you can still come to visit." Yona explains.
Leon pouts. "But he won't let you! I heard him say so to lady Melissa!"
Noah chuckles. "You misunderstood. I am indeed not willing to let your sister go, but I do not mean in the way you think."
Leon wraps his arms around his sister. "See! He is weird!"
Yona shakes his head. "It's not that weird. Either way, it was nice seeing you Lord Noah, but we should go look for the other two."
"Of course Lady Yona. I fully understand."
Yona smiles slightly before dragging Leon away.
"Is she going to be my sister-in-law?" Noah wips around to face to voice.
"Holy- God, you scared me Noel." Says Noah and looks at his younger sister. "Also yes, Yona will be your sister-in-law."
"Great, I'm going to tell the others about her."
"Noel, don't."
C h a r a c t e r s a r e f r o m:
Beware of the villainess(Yona)/Beware of the brothers(Hari/Erich)/The reason why raeliana ended up at the dukes mansion(Noah)/Why are you doing this duke?(Noel)/In this life I will raise you well your majesty(Leon)
⟨Crossover Manhwa Family Tree⟩
⟨Noah x Yona Family - Masterlist⟩
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