#mentioned: fallen phxtxgrapher
frozenambiguity · 1 year
dash comm.
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«...» They used the WHAT for the what now...!?
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N-nevermind. Consider his curiosity quenched. He shall proceed to go on with his life. These people surely have strange connections and dealings…
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fxdeawayyouth · 2 years
“...yanno...since Joel ain’ here ta stop me...imma go get in a fistfight with God.”
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          Eyes down Shiba eyes down Shiba ey-
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skull-bxund · 2 years
Akala Island. Oh..oh how he always dreaded coming here. 
          It was late, he felt more at ease here around this time. No reasonable person was out at a time like this...and that was just fine for JC. The less likely he’d run into them the better.
          He found himself at the graveyard, seated in front of one of the headstones. The sole pillar of his childhood, probably the closest he ever got to a true, good parental figure in his life...he missed her a lot.
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          So he set the bouquet down in front of the stone and just...started talking. About his trip out of the region with Joel, about his Ree and his other  siblings in Po Town, his boyfriend in Galar...just...anything and everything he could think of. 
         Everything he wished he could tell her in person. Back when he’d go running to her flower shop when things got scary at home, when she sat him at the counter with a mug of tapu cocoa and just...let him talk.
          He spoke of everything he’s been going through, that not too long ago he was genuinely on the edge of self destruction and the long, slow climb from rock bottom. So much has happened...so much he wished to tell her.
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         He thinks he’s come a long way from who he used to be...he hopes he’s become somebody she’d be proud of.
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apo-theosxs · 2 years
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@the-composer​​ :
"Hello, handsome... Aren't you a sight for sore eyes. I think I tripped into the wrong wormhole. Do you mind telling me where I am?" He intuitively knew this counterpart's inhabiting the UG. He doesn't sense Composer vibe, though... Curious.
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“Hmmmm, likewise cutie~.”
            Another Kiryu, almost certainly a Composer considering those of their shared archetype. A cursory read of the other’s vibe confirmed that fact.
“You my dear, are in my Successor’s Shibuya. A rather unique one if you ask me...the fledgeling’s done a rather good job.”
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hopeful-hugz · 1 year
🤍 Moved from ask for @wcndcrcr​ 💫
It had been a while since Hope donned her disguise and had gone to any version of Teyvat, but she had promised she’d find something for her brother Joel and that led her on an adventure far different than her usual kind. One that just so happened to allow for the doctor to come across someone trapped and bound.
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Of course there’s a small gasp given, before she’s running over and working on undoing the bindings, keeping an eye out for whoever would think to even do this to someone. “Quite the mess you’ve gotten yourself into- Hang on, I’ll get you outta here. You’re not hurt are you?”
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strawberry-barista · 2 years
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"Holy shit. What the fuck is wrong with my kids? Everything's on fire."
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pureposer · 2 years
"Bad Impressions, hm?"
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"He did quite the Bang on Impression, I'll say!"
He's even Clapping!
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tineacantus · 2 years
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He has his Eyes on you, Beat.
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sadistic-sakamaki · 1 year
fallen-phxtxgrapher has said:
// 👀👀 eyo, happy blog anniversary!
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Ooc; Thank you so much, dear! Thank you for following in the first place and allowing me to be part of your experience. I have been noticing you in my notifs lately, and I'm definitely interested in reaching out to you soon! You look like a wonderful person, as well as a wonderful writer! Not to mention extraordinarily sweet for taking the time to send me your regards.~
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rollinggirlrunahika · 2 years
@fallen-phxtxgrapher​ liked for a starter!
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The brunette looked at the other, before running a hand through her hair. “Uh.. Hey, Joel..? You mentioned you knew a third language. What was that again?” There was a reason why she was asking this, she’s heard him speak it every now and then, and Runa couldn’t help but feel like she’s heard it somewhere else.
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chaosiism · 4 years
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                                                 Secrets meme {accepting}
@fallen-phxtxgrapher​​ said:🍏- For something they secretly wish didn’t exist (Leon perhaps?)
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『👑』Now that was a question Leon didn’t have to think long for the answer. Currently there was just one thing he wished didn’t exist but he couldn’t stop it for now. The Champion’s usual cheery demeanor was now a serious one as he stares down at the other with his amber eyes
“ Don’t mention this to anyone.....But there’s somethin’ resting under Galar that I wish didn’t exist....I cannot mention more about it but it’s something that’s gonna change Galar’s future once it wakes up..... “
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fxdeawayyouth · 2 years
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“...what tha shit photo boy?”
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“...I’ll call Hope.”
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skull-bxund · 2 years
@skullkxd​​ | galar champion starter call [ open ]
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"...ey. ey, Ree...whaddya think of this...?”
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          JC pushed a sketchbook over to them, the elder currently seated on the floor of Shady House. 
“...been tryna figure out what the hell I’m gonna do with my uniform cause right now shit’s borin’ as hell.”
          The jersey’s neckline was wider and lower than standard, the original shirt’s neckline driving him absolutely up the wall. An addition of a dark hoodie with his trainer number in a graffiti style across the back, matching the one on the back of his shirt. An overall darker colour palette and something that felt more...him. Somewhere between Galar’s gym uniforms and his and Team Skull’s style.
“...’s prolly a shit sketch but, long as it gets the point across. Cause I ain’ dealin with the stock uniform any longer than I have ta.”
          As he spoke, he kept his voice soft, being careful not to disturb the Mimikyu currently snuggled up to his side. Aspen wasn’t even his pokemon...at least not until recently. She had lost her trainer recently, leaving her and a Litwick, Ash in JC’s custody as all that remained of their trainer’s team.
          JC was...honestly reeling from Joel’s passing too but...he was trying to keep his head up about it. Especially since he was back in Alola for the time being, JC had been busying himself to keep what happened off his mind.
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apo-theosxs · 2 years
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“...what happened to that one? That really is the question, isn’t it?”
          And perhaps it was high time someone informed Prime of exactly what happened to him three years ago. At least if that Producer wasn’t intending on spilling.
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hopeful-hugz · 2 years
@strawberry-barista​ replied: {Every time she gets around Espresso it just goes off the charts.}
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I like to think Hope learned her lesson VERY early on thanks to such an early exposure to Composers in multiple universes. 
Folks like Highness (kingsmedley), Aleph (fallen-phxtagrapher), Espresso, Requiem (abstractreign) and Nocturne (the-composer)? She ABSOLUTELY suppresses her aether half on purpose because she knows that’s a more powerful energy that she shouldn’t be purposely absorbing. It can have a HUGE effect on her otherwise.
I can imagine this applies to the angels as well.
Of course for all of these, how much she’s holding back depends on who exactly she’s around. Last thing she wants is for her hair and markings to start lighting up like a glowstick in front of other people after all.
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strawberry-barista · 2 years
{Alright, y'all, we've come to the conclusion Decaf will only get better with blackmail so who's willing to hold Joel hostage? We need someone who will force Decaf to sit down and get some therapy with the alternative being Joel gets utterly murked. It has to be someone so will actually murk him. We can't come up with someone off the tops of our heads, so is anyone willing to lend a hand?}
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