1000deadfalais · 1 year
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googleassistantid · 11 months
Meraci Minuman Spanish Late
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icedfairy · 1 year
The Free City of Meraci
Zelash, as an Evil god, has a very strong interest in keeping the angelic forces from overrunning the world and slaughtering his clerics.  And like any proper god of commerce and wealth, his solution to this problem is the judicious application of money.
Meraci was already a trade city with a strong smuggling tradition.  The type that inevitably pops up next to strict lawful countries like Ysild.  With the angelic host present the city was in serious danger both physically and financially.  But the Church of Zalesh threw a lot of money and mercenaries into the area, making the city state a small, but persistent thorn in the side of the Angelic territories.
Currently Meraci has four areas, though the boundaries flex with every day.  The ultra wealthy surround the temple of Zelash, enjoying their money and plotting new ways to get richer.  Meanwhile the markets are filled with items from around the world, even those areas theoretically occupied by the angels and demons.  In the slums people sell goods and services most don't want to be seen openly buying.  And then there's dozens of dojos, camps, and barracks for the mercenary companies that constantly form and collapse.
The chaos of the city may seem strange, but the nominal ruler of the city, High Priest Shalfir (LN), knows that setting too many rules in stone would weaken the resolve of the people to fight against the invaders.  And that spreading chaos into the ordered structure of the angelic lands is one of the most damaging things he and his church can do.  And so he simply makes sure the city doesn't collapse into total anarchy.
Campaigns in Meraci :
Whether working out of the hive of scum and villainy that is the slums, or serving in a mercenary company, Meraci is a great base for campaigns that want to have a base that isn't as safe as some of the more tight knit communities elsewhere.  Political maneuvering, betrayal, and other internal conflicts will play out here. Sometimes pushed by angelic manipulations, other times just because someone was greedy.
It's also a great place to pick up big purchases or start a smuggling campaign.
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sanitaske · 3 years
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laboratórne pomôcky
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Driving Home For Christmas!
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Summary; You work for Baratheon Jewellers, Jon Snow is apart of the Stark family company who creates many beautiful pieces that are sold in your store. However, Jon is a notorious flirt and arrogant git, but what happens when you see Jon walking down the street after an horrible encounter with Catelyn. Modern AU.  Pairing; Jon Snow x Female Reader  WordCount;1,730  Warnings; Strong Language 
Jon Snow was a man who antagonised you to no end. Every day he can into your jewellery store delivering a new pieces of jewellery that he crafted. Jon Snow appeared every bit arrogant as he was rude. Jon entered every room believing he owned it To top it off Jon continuously threw flirtatious comments in your direction.
Stark jewellers were one of your largest clients, so you couldn't afford to anger your bosses by being rude to Jon Snow the illegitimate son of CEO Ned Stark. You needed this job, you couldn't afford to lose your job on top of Christmas.
Besides, apart from your negative interactions with Jon, you truly loved your job. Your boss Robert Baratheon was the best boss you'd ever had. He was kind, understanding and extremely funny. If you needed anything you knew you could turn to your boss As well s your interactions with the other members of the Stark family were never negative. You would go as far to consider, Sansa Arya and Robb as friends of yours.
As Christmas drew closer, busier you became. Customers came in there hundreds if not thousands trying to locate their perfect gift for their love one. You lost count of the number of customers you'd wrapped gifts for after their consultations. You were definitely on your way to achieve best seller for that extra Christmas bonus.
"Love, Jon will be coming in today to drop some more stock. Would you be able to handle it for me? I'm up to my eyes in paperwork and Joffery's decided to ditch once again. Honestly, you try to teach your son a trade. At least Gendry and Tommen want to learn the family business."
"Yeah of course I will. Don't worry about anything, I've got it covered" You continued to wipe down one of the many glass cabinets. Robert approached you carefully as he pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead.
"Thank you, Love. Remember if you need anything all you need to do is ask. I see you as one of my daughters. Alright, I'll see you later, call me if you need anything."
"See you later, Robert." As he left, you suddenly felt a sinking feeling. Another day would soon be destroyed by the presence of Jon Snow. You could only hope your interaction would be short.
A couple of hours later, you were attending to an elderly gentlemen who was currently searching for his wife. Thy had been together for nearly thirty years.
"I don't know what I'm doing. There are so many options." Smiling, you hadn't be relieved to interact with such a sweet customer.
"It's okay Sir, feel free to take all the time you need. I can make you something to drink if you like. Picking the right present for a loved one ne can be difficult."
"Thank you for being so patient with me. Do you have someone special to buy a gift for this holiday season?
"No Sir, not this yearr" A frail hand rested ontop of yours, as you were met with a kind smile.
"You will meet your person, you mustn't give up hope"
"You could always buy me a special present." You fought the sudden urge to roll your eyes, Jon finally decided to make an appearance. Two hours late.
"Hello, Jon. I'll just hope this gentleman, and then I'll be over to you" Jon quickly took a seat in one of the leather chairs located in the centre of the room.
"I don't mind waiting, not for you Sweetheart." Jon sent you an overzealous wink. Shrugging him off, you returned your full attention to the elderly gentleman.
Never before had you been grateful for an indecisive customer. Throughout, you felt Jon's eyes running all over you. You friend from snapping at him. Although Jon's passive-aggressive antagonization couldn't halt your alation when the elderly gentleman chose a beautiful matching set of ruby earrings and necklace. The gentleman was ecstatic he managed to combat his indecisiveness.
Although the moment he left the store, you were forced to place your full attention onto Jon. As he strode up to the counter, you quickly forced a smile onto your lips.
"The way you engaged with that old man just now was pretty sexy"
"Thank you Jon. It's called being a personable human, perhaps you should try it sometime."
"I'll try it, if you let me take you out on a date"
"ell it looks like your staying as the arrogant, childish rude man child that you are. Robert mentioned you were here to deliver more stock"
"Straight to business, there I thought we were getting somewhere"
"Jon we are never going to et somewhere. Now can we just get on with it, so I can go home."
"Have a long day, if you let me I could make it longer."
"You're disgusting" You pulled the keys out of your trouser pockets as you open the door to the backroom.
As you marked off all the brand new stock from Stark Jewellers, Jon continued to stare at you. Honestly, did he need a picture?
"You can leave now. I'm closing now so I can go home."
"I thought we were having a good time" Walking directly past jon, holding the door wide open.
"Now get out!" Reluctantly, jon left leaving you alone to close, you knew it was only a matter of time before your next interaction.
"I can't wait to go. The Bahamas is the most beautiful place" Sandy beaches, crystal blue oceans, amazing cultures. I wish you cold to come with us, you'd have a great time." Sansa's excitement could light up a whole room. The Stark's worked extremely hard, so the trip would act as a well deserved break.
"Maybe, I'll be able to go one day." Wiping down the glass cabinets you try desired to go the Bahamas one day, unfortunately,y this year is not it.
"Are you doing anything for Christmas? I don't want you to be alone. You're the last person who deserves to be alone on Christmas."
"i'll be fine, beside's you'll have a great time. Enjoy your vacation you deserve it. I'm just having a quiet Christmas this year. Everyone's off doing their own thing and my sister will be around for Boxing Day."
"As long as you wont be alone"
"I won't I promise."
It's Christmas Eve, after a grueling shift all you wanted to do was get home and relax. To make matters worse, it had started snowing. With the roads slipery and traffic choatic, everything appeared to be a snail's pace.
As you were driving home, you saw familiar silhouette waling in the distance. Rolling down your window, you confirmed your suspicion. Jon Snow was indeed sulking down the street with a suitcase in tow. Sansa had informed you there plane would take off at six that evening. So why was Jon walking down the street? 
You had no idea what conspired in you to do what you did next. Perhaps it was the Christmas spirit, but you pulled over. Stepping out of the car , you quickly ran cautiously to catch up to Jon. 
“Jon, why are you not on the plane?” You called out, Jon immediately stopped upon hearing the unusually soft tone of your voice. 
“Why do you care? Just go home! It’s Christmas Eve, be with your family” 
“I don’t have anywhere to be. Get in the car, it’s cold out and the paths are beginning to get dangerous”
“Why are you being so nice to me?” 
“Call it the Christmas spirit. Now get in the car your coming home with me.” 
“Are you flirting with me?” 
“Jon just get in the car!” 
The drive home was slow and cantankerous. Everyone trying to get somewhere and they were impatient about it. Now with Jon in the car, you were even more anxious.  
“This is not the way to my house” Jon mentioned as you turned the heating on higher. Was there no end to this drive home? 
“We’re not going to your house. We’re going to mine. No-one, not even you is going to spend Christmas alone.”
“I won’t be alone. I’ll go stay with Sam or Tormund” 
“Bullshit! Sam is taking little Sam and Gilly to Lapland and Tormund is gone home this Christmas. So are you gonig to meraciously get a flight on Christmas Eve”
“How do you know what they’re up to?” 
“There is this wonderful thing called social media. I also attend most Stark parties and I think your friends are pretty nice. You know between the Stark’s, the Baratheon’s and my sister, they are all the family I have.” 
“They treat you more like family then they do me. I must be something truly pathetic when the woman that hates me is the only one who has bothered to be nice to me.” 
“Jon, I don’t hate you. I never have. So what happened at the airport?” 
“At least that’s one of you. Catelyn still sees me as nothing more than the result of my Father’s mistake.  
“Jon, you’re way more than that. You are creative and talented, kind to everyone else. So in this instance, Catelyn is very wrong.
“I was looking forward to go to the Bahamas, but I guess I’m stuck here now.” 
“Hey! I don’t think I’m not that bad of company” 
“No your not.” The silence in the car echoed loudly, the atmosphere was thick and tense unlike any emotion ever conveyed between you both. Suddenly, you found yourself questioning, why you despised him in the first place. Here you were stuck in a car driving home on Christmas Eve. How more of a Hallmark movie could you get? 
Being stuck in traffic wasn’t helping. Suddenly, Jon’s arms wrapped around the back of the chair. 
“Looks like we’re going stuck in this traffic for a while” 
“Yeah it does” The tension between was beginning to get overwhelmed your hands resting tightly on the steering wheel. 
“Fuck it!” As if the two of you were thinking the something both of you leaned over the counsel as your lips clashed with one another. Jon’s hand gripped the back of your head as you pulled on his shirt. An eruption of a car horn broke your embrace apart. 
Moving your car forward, you struggled to catch your breath. 
“Was that my Christmas present” Rolling your eyes, you couldn’t help the smile that it caused. 
“You can have more when we get to mine” 
“I’ve never been more glad that Catelyn let me of family plans.” 
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violetharmonsangels · 3 years
where do you get your violet harmon exacts from? it’s quite hard to find any in 2021 x
100% agree on the fact that it’s hard, I haven’t got many atm but I find them occasionally:)
It basically takes a lot of looking, there are people that sell them as violet exacts so those easy to find but they hike the price up a lot, so searching for ones being sold by people who don’t know they’re exacts is preferable for me.
I use depop and eBay to look for mine because I live in the uk so those are basically my only options.
However! If you live in the US I really recommend using poshmark and mecari, and thread up! Violet exacts tend to pop up on there a lot more often and often for cheaper. (Meraci is also available in China I think)
I really hope this helps :))
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noircisaint · 4 years
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you are away
im sorry. it seems your mind does not mesh with your body. your eyes are away, floating somewhere you cannot see, though your eyes are what you are supposed to see with. taping yourself together will be hard. you will need help. but it is better than floating away.
tagged by: stolen from @cosmcther​ tagging: @despairfiles​, @tenkoseiensei​, @onlyhorn​, @satanith​. @memorylost​, @xheartpages​, @eagledreaming​, @eraba-reta-unmei​. @ardensfides​, @toraris​, @meracie​, @homra-no-artemis​, @lyriccl​, @jaakunxkaze​, @dawnroyalty​, and who else want-
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chorby-soul · 5 years
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This was the photo for a furby on meraci
(Image description: a picture of a yellow furby baby with a blue stomach, red hair, and primary colored "A-B-C" pins on one of its ears. There is large yellow text over the furby that states "Elementary School Dropout." End I.D.)
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imyousef · 3 years
𝑳𝒂𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝑰𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒓 𝑩𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒃𝒖𝒓𝒏.
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਼ ཱུꦿ ⃟ꦿ ⃟ୣ⸖➤ Laurence nasceu em uma família que poderia ter sido tudo para ele, mas acabou se tornando um nada, um nada que lhe causou sequelas que serão permanentes em sua vida. Ele nasceu no dia 5 de dezembro, uma data quase que insignificante pra seus pais e até para ele mesmo, que hoje em dia detesta comemorar seus aniversários. Fruto do relacionamento conturbado de Dean Blackburn e Emily Meracy, a mulher era uma cirurgiã altamente conhecida e premiada em sua área, tento estudos internacionais publicados e um nome renomado em sua área, já Dean é um engenheiro e empresário, o homem tem uma empresa de armamentos legais herdada de sua família, mantendo como plano de fundo para um comércio muito mais profundo e ilegal relacionados a esses armamentos juntamente com drogas e; por conta disso, está sempre em viagens importantes. Por conta da profissão ocupada de seu pai, o garoto teve muito mais proximidade de sua mãe durante sua primeira infância, o que fez com que ele crescesse muito paparicado com tudo que queria.
Blackburn passou por muitas dificuldades depois da morte da repentina morte de sua mãe em um acidente de carro com ele tinha apenas 10 anos, algo que moldou completamente seus crescimento seguinte a isso, talvez a única coisa boa nessa história fora a vinda de sua tia Marjorie Blackburn para morar com eles, já que nem a irmã mais nova tinha uma boa relação com Laurie, apenas Marjorie. Laurence desenvolveu Transtorno de Personalidade Narcisista, algo que nunca lhe abandonaria e agora ele teria que viver o resto da vida com os pensamentos distorcidos que foram causados por seus pais e a falta deles e pela nova presença paterna mais explorada no pós morte de sua mãe. O moçoilo não queria se conformar com isso, aliás o Transtorno já estava filtrado em sua vida e ele se via como uma pessoa extremamente bem-resolvida e especial, tendo o narcisismo como algo extremamente ruim para ele e seu futuro ideal. Ele constantemente preocupa-se com fantasias de sucesso ilimitado nas áreas de sua vida, assim como poder, inteligência, beleza e amor ideal, coisas totalmente fora do que realmente terá agindo da forma que age. Ele acredita que é superior, especial e único, esperando que os outros também o vejam dessa maneira. Laurence geralmente exige admiração excessiva por parte de outras pessoas e isso acaba afetando todas as poucas relações que ele tem. Ele não sente empatia, é muito difícil compreender o sentimento dos outros, assim como seus desejos e experiências, por isso todas as suas amizades são baseadas em egoísmo. Seu ego começou a se inflar logo antes de entrar na puberdade e ele decidiu que era melhor que seu pai e toda a sociedade idiota, colocou na sua cabeça a posição de rei e não tirou nem por nada. Blackburn traz consigo um gostinho da antipatia e arrogância. Ele não liga para o que você diz ou pensa, desde que continue com a imagem do garoto grandioso e especial na cabeça. A única coisa que deixava o Blackburn realmente animado com a ideia da faculdade era saber que logo teriam muitas festas, o lugar perfeito para o jovem demonstrar seu glamour e aproveitar um pouco do amor carnal, já que o amor sentimental já havia o deixado a muitos anos.
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episentre · 4 years
hey @meracie wheres your promo
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euromarketrs-blog · 5 years
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Alkotesteri Prodaja - Meraci Alkohola u dahu. Profesionalni i poluprofesionalni. Sa usnicima i bez usnika.
Narucivanje -069/502-5270 ili www.euromarket.rs
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warriormum · 5 years
I just bought a trip to South Africa for me and the kids and payed for a new bathroom! My wallet is extreamly empty! Please have meracy, Mr Styles
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cronostone1-blog · 4 years
Dôležité nástroje na opravu hodiniek, ktoré používajú profesionáli.
Zatiaľ čo nosenie značkových hodiniek sa stalo najnovším módnym trendom u mužov a žien na celom svete, existujú chvíle, kedy ich hodinky prestanú fungovať a vyžadujú okamžitú pomoc skúseného odborníka. Taktiež je potrebné, z času na čas vykonať údržbu a opravovať hodinky, aby sa zabezpečilo ich plynulé fungovanie a chod, pokiaľ ide o zobrazovanie správneho času.
V prípade, že ide o profesionálnu  opravu hodiniek, hodinári musia vlastniť osobitné a špeciálne nástroje na opravu , aby strojčeky priniesli späť do pôvodného stavu. V nasledujúcom článku sa zdôrazní význam nástrojov na opravu hodiniek a dôvod, prečo by ich mal mať každý hodinár.
 Medzi základné a bežné nástroje na opravu hodiniek patria pinzety, meracie prístroje, nože na otváranie, skrutkovače, lepidlá, brúsny materiál, kladivo, pilníky, čistiace roztoky a v neposlednom rade pohodlný pracovný stôl. K dispozícii je tiež sada na opravu hodiniek, ktorá sa skladá z otvárača zadného veka hodiniek, klieští, sťahovákov ručičiek a odmagnetizovača. Tu sa pozrieme na dôležitosť niektorých základných nástrojov na opravu hodiniek a ich funkcie.
Na demontáž a upevnenie malých a jemných častí hodiniek sa používajú rôzne veľkosti skrutkovačov. Je však nevyhnutné, aby skrutkovače používané na opravu hodiniek mali otočné hlavičky, čo uľahčuje ich bezpečnejšie používanie.
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Jedná sa o jeden z najdôležitejších a nevyhnutných nástrojov na opravu hodiniek, ktoré by mala každá súprava hodinárskeho náradia obsahovať. Pinzety sú užitočné pri manipulácii s jemnými a malými súčiastkami, ktoré sa nachádzajú na ľubovoľnom mieste hodiniek. Pokiaľ ide o výber a nákup pinziet, hodinári by mali skontrolovať, či sú pinzety paralelné a či majú ostré konce. Antimagnetické a kyselinovzdorné pinzety sú ideálnou voľbou, ako zabrániť korózii a poškodeniu súčiastok.
Čistiace roztoky
Kým niektorí profesionálni opravári hodiniek používajú na čistenie citlivých a zložitých častí hodiniek ultrazvukové čističky, väčšina z nich uprednostňuje použitie špeciálnych čistiacich zariadení, kde sú potrebné čistiace roztoky. Používaniu agresívnejších čistiacich roztokov by sa však malo zabrániť, pretože to môže viesť k poškodeniu zdravia ako aj citlivých častí hodiniek. Väčšina odborníkov na opravu hodiniek využíva aj čistiace drevo, pokiaľ ide o čistenie otvorov šperkov alebo zložitých vzorov v rôznych hodinkách.
Oleje a maste
Oleje a maste sa stávajú jednou z najdôležitejších zložiek, ktoré sa používajú na mazanie komponentov hodiniek. Na mazanie hodiniek je možné  používať tak prírodný ako aj syntetický olej.
pre viac informácií: - náhradné diely pre značkové hodiny
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zahradnydomceksk · 4 years
Ako sa stavia záhradné sauny ľahko a rýchlo
Sauna je malá miestnosť používaná ako horúci vzduch alebo parný kúpeľ na čistenie a osvieženie tela. Nachádza sa tu veľa rôznych druhov sauny a je možné ich roztriediť podľa samotnej budovy sauny alebo podľa typu ohrievača, ktorý používa. Bez ohľadu na to, aký typ uprednostňujete, tu sa chystáme diskutovať o najjednoduchšom spôsobe vybudovania sauny vo vašej rezidencii v čo najkratšom čase:
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Stavba saunových domov sa stala ľahšou 
Pre zjednodušenie postupu pri stavbe drevených domov boli na trh uvedené montované drevené domy. Tieto domy sa dodávajú vo forme pripravenej na inštaláciu, a preto je bezproblémové ich montovať po častiach. V prípade záhradné sauny  stredných rozmerov bude dokončenie montážnych prác trvať najviac dva až tri dni. Dvaja dospelí ľudia s predchádzajúcimi skúsenosťami s takými prácami pre domácich majstrov môžu prácu ľahko vykonať podľa pokynov uvedených v používateľskej príručke. Niektor�� základné nástroje pre domácnosť, ako kladivo, skrutkovač, rebrík, vŕtačka, meracie páska atď., Budú postačovať pri spájacích prácach. Po dokončení montáže sa zvyčajne odporúča do domu nanášať prostriedky na ochranu dreva, aby sa zvýšila jej životnosť.
Kúpte si drevené sauny za najvýhodnejšie ceny
Nákup prefabrikovaných drevených domov je nekomplikovaný, pretože niektoré známe spoločnosti na Slovensku začali tieto domy predávať v online platforme. Ak chcete kúpiť záhradné sauny z dreva v prefabrikovanej podobe, musíte navštíviť internetové obchody týchto významných spoločností a rozhodnúť sa pre vhodný produkt. Každé balenie montovanej sauny sa dodáva s nasledujúcimi časťami: 
Parná komora
Sauna paluby
Hlavné dvere
Sauna kúrenie
Drevené podlahové mriežky
Používateľská príručka
Montážne sady
Všetky tieto domy sú za primeranú cenu a každý z nich je vyrobený z čistých škandinávskych drevín. Všetky dlhodobé záručné ponuky sa poskytujú. Dodanie je na území Slovenska bezplatné.
Ak ste ochotní kúpiť takú vynikajúcu drevenú saunu, získajte prístup k oficiálnym webovým stránkam týchto známych obchodov a prezrite si ich rozsiahlu zbierku. Veľkosť sauny vyberajte opatrne podľa svojho rozpočtu a výberu.
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atozbi-com · 4 years
Anggun Cantika Alih Profesi Bisnis Kuliner, Penyanyi Dangdut Body Sintal
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Lahir  memiliki kesamaan dengan Ibu Kita Kartini, 21 April 1997 ini tak pernah sepi dari jadwal manggung. Kini Anggun Cantika Alih Profesi Bisnis, Dengan Bisnis Kuliner. Atozbi.com, Bisnis - Body Sintal, Paras cantik dan suaranya yang khas membuat penyanyi satu ini mudah dikenali para pecinta dangdut. Namun Anggun Cantika banting stir dengan alih profesi baru pada usaha kuliner barunya. Anggun Cantikka populer di panggung dangdut Yogya. Sesekali saat akhir pekan pementasan di luar daerah seperti Karawang, Bandung hingga ibukota Jakarta. Penyanyi dangdut, selain suara Anggun Cantikka juga sadar jika keelokan tubuh menjadi bagian dari modal utamanya. Nyambi sebagai sales promotion girl (SPG). Penyanyi berambut lurus sepinggul ini juga tak segan-segan turun tangan. Membantu orangtuanya yang menggeluti bisnis kuliner. Modal popularitas. Membuatnya tertarik dengan Alih Profesi baru bagi Anggun Cantika. Dengan namanya yang mulai dikenal tersebut. Baca juga : Pedangdut Body Aduhai, Cantiknya Minta Nomor HP Alih Profesi, Anggun Cantika Jual Pisang Namanya 'Pisang Pasir Lumer', Anggun Cantika menawarkan sajian baru dengan usahanya tersebut. Dirintis sejak tahun 2019. Kegemarannya tidak hanya menyanyi, namun juga termasuk wanita calon istri idaman karena gemar memasak hati lelaki. Eh maksudnya gemar memasak didapur. Bukan pula hanya cengkok suara yang diandalkan. Namun dirinya juga kreatif dalam hal olah makanan. Untuk dimasak. Yang jombo silahkan mendekat. Gadis ini termasuk wanita yang membuat lelaki betah dirumah. "Tidak ada jadwal manggung, maka Anggun akan memasak" ujar Anggun Cantika. Dengan bekal itu, maka Anggun memanfaatkannya dengan mencoba masuk “bertarung pada bisnis kuliner” bersama beberapa pesaing artis yang telah lama memasuki arena bisnis kuliner tersebut. Modal 10 juta akan dia apakai untuk usaha barunya tersebut. Sebagai usaha awal untuk memulia bisnis kuliner. Yang memiliki resep khusus membuat nyaman hati dan lidah. Buah pisang dipilih karena selama ini tak banyak yang mengolahnya menjadi penganan baru dan unik. Kebanyakan orang hanya memanfaatkan pisang untuk digoreng, direbus atau dibakar dan sesekali mengolahnya menjadi bagian dari minuman. Baca juga : Senjata Komunikasi Pada Urutan Penguasaan Bahasa Body Sintal, Anggun Cantika Pengalaman Pegang Pisang Ketika pisang sudah ada dalam genggaman Anggun Cantika, maka tunggulah hasilnya yang membuatmu puas. Pisang dikreasikan jadi sajian kekinian. Soal bagaimana cara meramu, meraci, mengocok dan sebagainya. Itu Rahasia Anggun Cantika. Namanya juga bisnis, rahasia dapur ya milik CEO saja. Pisang dibuat Cokelat. Dan itu menjadi ciri buatan Anggun Cantika dalam hal olahannya tersebut. Sebab gadis cantik ini memang suka cokelat. Memadukan hobby dengan bisnis yang dijajalnya. Namun untuk yang diluar Magelang dan Jogja harus sabar dulu, karena buatan Anggun hanya melayani di Magelang dan Jogja untuk saat ini. Rasakan sensasi, pisang kreasi Anggun. Read the full article
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bethlehembreathes · 7 years
at your mercy,   she      whispered to the midnight  moonless   muse ditte vou, the  night           obliged dripping in saccharine  serenades of meracious of mel of illuminated  manuscripts gilded   in  gossamer est-ce tout, a response  shrouded in moire in monition  in    abstruse syllogism arbitrated  as   common sense the night’s inquisitions  and revolutions revisionism redactions aller dormir, assuaging  the    hour she hushed, the southbound wind a calm like smoke-swans    space cadets   sailing    starlit       shores  merci,  replied                     silence      
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