12 Days of Ficmas: Day 5
Naughty or Nice
Jason Todd x reader
Word Count: 281
“Come on. No one’s gonna notice if we swipe some of Brucie’s good stuff from the cabinet,” Jason was trying to prod you into going along with his plan.
You rolled your eyes. “See, now, that’s how you end up on Alfred’s naughty list and don’t get any presents this year.”
“Oh is that right?” he laughed. “I love Alfie, but how would he even know? We won’t drink the whole bottle, just a little to help deal with Bruce and Dickhead.”
While you could see the appeal--you didn’t want to be here, celebrating Christmas with the entire Bat family, any more than your boyfriend did--but you absolutely would not be crossing Alfred. “Then why do we even need to sneak at all?” you countered. “We can just ask, and he’ll probably say yes. Not like Bruce’s ever gonna drink it. He’s too much of a stiff.”
“But that takes all of the fun out of it,” he whined.
“Jason Peter Todd, are you just wanting to steal liquor from your beloved grandfather just because you’re bored?”
“No,” he denied instantly. “I’m wanting to steal liquor from my beloved grandfather just because I’m Crime Alley street rat that’s trapped in the bigass mansion with a bunch of guys in stupid costumes that somehow have something stuck up their asses but viciously deny being into pegging!” 
You raised an eyebrow. 
“. . . And I’m bored.”
Again you found yourself rolling your eyes. “Come on, big guy,” you said, grabbing his hand. “Let’s go ask Alfred if we can break into the good booze and get drunk on the balcony.”
“Goodie two-shoes,” Jason grumbled.
“You’ll thank me when you still have presents to open tomorrow.”
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wonderful-writer · 4 years
From Now Until Forever
Character/s: Hermione Granger x Fem!Reader, Fred Weasley (mentioned), George Weasley (mentioned), Bill and Fleur (mentioned), Harry and Ginny (mentioned), etc.
Summary: Christmas at the Burrow was always your favourite time of year, but this year would make it your favourite until the end of time
Prompts: Christmas Proposal scenario, #15 “I thought we agreed not to do Christmas presents” 
Warnings: FLUFF
Word count: 1,048
Note: This is for @idont-knowrn​’s 500 follower celebration!! Congrats on 500, Emma!
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Christmas had always been your favourite time of year, even before you went to Hogwarts and your family practically tripled in size. Before then, it was just you and your parents, and then you met Ron, Harry, and Hermione, and in turn, the rest of the Weasley family had adopted you as their own.
Your relationship with Hermione had always been different. When it came to Ron and Harry, it was always fist bumps and short hugs, but with Hermione, your touch had always lingered a little longer and there was always a small spark when you touched her. It bothered you for years until Ginny, who had practically become your sister, mentioned it in passing. It kept you up for weeks thinking about it, until you realised why everything was different.
You were in love with Hermione Granger.
Of course, she had also been having the same crisis, although she caught onto it much quicker than you had. It took the both of you years to say something about it, and even then it had to be brought on by Fred and George locking you in a broom closet. Since then, you had been in a relationship, and survived a war and everything that came after.
It had been 3 years since the war, and you and Hermione had gotten a flat in London, finished your last year at Hogwarts, and both got jobs at the Ministry of Magic, working in the Department for Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. By now you had been together for nearly five years, and since things were a little tight this Christmas since getting a new flat closer to the Weasley’s, you both decided not to get presents for each other.
Of course, you didn’t listen to the little rule, and got Hermione a gift anyway. You couldn’t help but get her one, you always loved seeing her face light up when she opened them. Normally you would have gotten her a book that she’d been talking about for ages, but this year would be a little different.
Which led you to here, on Christmas morning, at the Burrow with about 20 people crammed into the living room. Bill and Fleur had brought their newborn, Victoire, with them, and you had gotten the pleasure of holding her while they opened their gifts. Harry and Ginny had also brought along Teddy, who was having a wonderful time changing his hair colour 14 times a minute.
As everyone opened presents, you looked around at your large and wonderful family, a beaming smile on your face until it was yours and Hermione’s turn to open the gifts that others had gotten you. As usual, you had gotten a sweater with your initial on it from Molly and Arthur, along with plenty of things for you both to fill your apartment with.
But, when it came to the end of your gifts, you pulled out a small box from behind your back and handed it to Hermione, who’s face contorted into shock. “I thought we agreed not to do Christmas presents.”
You smiled at her flushed face and placed the box in her hand. “I know, but I saw this in the shop window and knew you needed to have it.”
Her mouth upturned in a smile as she pulled the little gold necklace from its place in the box. On a chain, a small golden broom rested, something that reminded you of the day you confessed how much you loved her. She laughed and you gently took it from her hand, watching her move her hair out of the way so you could attach it to her neck.
“It’s beautiful,” She whispered, turning back to face you. “I love it.”
You leaned in and pressed a loving kiss to her cheek and she took your hand, pulling you from the couch and into the middle of the wrapping paper filled room. Everyone had now moved to the edges and eagerly watched on, making you nervous.
“I’m glad that you broke the ‘no presents’ rule, because it makes it so much easier to do this.” You looked around in confusion and watched as Hermione’s eyes flashed with nervousness and you continued to look around at everyone’s beaming faces.
When you turned back to Hermione to see her kneeling with a small velvet box in her hands, you couldn’t help but gasp and let your hands fly to your mouth. “Ever since the day we met, I knew that there was something about you, something special; and I was right. You’ve been there for me through everything. I couldn’t ask for anyone better than you, and as much as I hate to admit, I am so thankful to Fred and George for locking us up in that broom closet. I want to have you by my side from now until forever, no matter what. So, Y/n L/n, will you marry me?”
Tears were welling up in your eyes and you found yourself overwhelmed with happiness, practically inhibiting you from speaking, all you could do was nod furiously. Relief and joy passed through Hermione’s features and she stood up, shakily taking your hand to put the ring on your finger. Once it was, you pulled Hermione to you and pressed your lips to hers, pouring all your feelings into it.
The family cheered around you but it fell on deaf ears as you wrapped your arms around Hermione’s neck and immersed yourself in the feeling of pure bliss, hoping that this moment could last forever. When you pulled away, you hugged your fiance as tight as you could, grateful that she had come into your compartment that day on the train.
After that, the entire family spent the whole night congratulating the two of you, and you refused to let go of Hermione’s hand. The ring that she picked out was simple, yet stunning. A rose gold band with a simple diamond in the middle; it was perfect.
Hermione kept you by her side for the rest of the evening, and as the day stretched on into the evening and then the night, celebrating with your large but happy family, you were sure that there was no Christmas that could ever top this one.
Forever Tags: @simonsbluee​
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Driving Home For Christmas!
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Summary; You work for Baratheon Jewellers, Jon Snow is apart of the Stark family company who creates many beautiful pieces that are sold in your store. However, Jon is a notorious flirt and arrogant git, but what happens when you see Jon walking down the street after an horrible encounter with Catelyn. Modern AU.  Pairing; Jon Snow x Female Reader  WordCount;1,730  Warnings; Strong Language 
Jon Snow was a man who antagonised you to no end. Every day he can into your jewellery store delivering a new pieces of jewellery that he crafted. Jon Snow appeared every bit arrogant as he was rude. Jon entered every room believing he owned it To top it off Jon continuously threw flirtatious comments in your direction.
Stark jewellers were one of your largest clients, so you couldn't afford to anger your bosses by being rude to Jon Snow the illegitimate son of CEO Ned Stark. You needed this job, you couldn't afford to lose your job on top of Christmas.
Besides, apart from your negative interactions with Jon, you truly loved your job. Your boss Robert Baratheon was the best boss you'd ever had. He was kind, understanding and extremely funny. If you needed anything you knew you could turn to your boss As well s your interactions with the other members of the Stark family were never negative. You would go as far to consider, Sansa Arya and Robb as friends of yours.
As Christmas drew closer, busier you became. Customers came in there hundreds if not thousands trying to locate their perfect gift for their love one. You lost count of the number of customers you'd wrapped gifts for after their consultations. You were definitely on your way to achieve best seller for that extra Christmas bonus.
"Love, Jon will be coming in today to drop some more stock. Would you be able to handle it for me? I'm up to my eyes in paperwork and Joffery's decided to ditch once again. Honestly, you try to teach your son a trade. At least Gendry and Tommen want to learn the family business."
"Yeah of course I will. Don't worry about anything, I've got it covered" You continued to wipe down one of the many glass cabinets. Robert approached you carefully as he pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead.
"Thank you, Love. Remember if you need anything all you need to do is ask. I see you as one of my daughters. Alright, I'll see you later, call me if you need anything."
"See you later, Robert." As he left, you suddenly felt a sinking feeling. Another day would soon be destroyed by the presence of Jon Snow. You could only hope your interaction would be short.
A couple of hours later, you were attending to an elderly gentlemen who was currently searching for his wife. Thy had been together for nearly thirty years.
"I don't know what I'm doing. There are so many options." Smiling, you hadn't be relieved to interact with such a sweet customer.
"It's okay Sir, feel free to take all the time you need. I can make you something to drink if you like. Picking the right present for a loved one ne can be difficult."
"Thank you for being so patient with me. Do you have someone special to buy a gift for this holiday season?
"No Sir, not this yearr" A frail hand rested ontop of yours, as you were met with a kind smile.
"You will meet your person, you mustn't give up hope"
"You could always buy me a special present." You fought the sudden urge to roll your eyes, Jon finally decided to make an appearance. Two hours late.
"Hello, Jon. I'll just hope this gentleman, and then I'll be over to you" Jon quickly took a seat in one of the leather chairs located in the centre of the room.
"I don't mind waiting, not for you Sweetheart." Jon sent you an overzealous wink. Shrugging him off, you returned your full attention to the elderly gentleman.
Never before had you been grateful for an indecisive customer. Throughout, you felt Jon's eyes running all over you. You friend from snapping at him. Although Jon's passive-aggressive antagonization couldn't halt your alation when the elderly gentleman chose a beautiful matching set of ruby earrings and necklace. The gentleman was ecstatic he managed to combat his indecisiveness.
Although the moment he left the store, you were forced to place your full attention onto Jon. As he strode up to the counter, you quickly forced a smile onto your lips.
"The way you engaged with that old man just now was pretty sexy"
"Thank you Jon. It's called being a personable human, perhaps you should try it sometime."
"I'll try it, if you let me take you out on a date"
"ell it looks like your staying as the arrogant, childish rude man child that you are. Robert mentioned you were here to deliver more stock"
"Straight to business, there I thought we were getting somewhere"
"Jon we are never going to et somewhere. Now can we just get on with it, so I can go home."
"Have a long day, if you let me I could make it longer."
"You're disgusting" You pulled the keys out of your trouser pockets as you open the door to the backroom.
As you marked off all the brand new stock from Stark Jewellers, Jon continued to stare at you. Honestly, did he need a picture?
"You can leave now. I'm closing now so I can go home."
"I thought we were having a good time" Walking directly past jon, holding the door wide open.
"Now get out!" Reluctantly, jon left leaving you alone to close, you knew it was only a matter of time before your next interaction.
"I can't wait to go. The Bahamas is the most beautiful place" Sandy beaches, crystal blue oceans, amazing cultures. I wish you cold to come with us, you'd have a great time." Sansa's excitement could light up a whole room. The Stark's worked extremely hard, so the trip would act as a well deserved break.
"Maybe, I'll be able to go one day." Wiping down the glass cabinets you try desired to go the Bahamas one day, unfortunately,y this year is not it.
"Are you doing anything for Christmas? I don't want you to be alone. You're the last person who deserves to be alone on Christmas."
"i'll be fine, beside's you'll have a great time. Enjoy your vacation you deserve it. I'm just having a quiet Christmas this year. Everyone's off doing their own thing and my sister will be around for Boxing Day."
"As long as you wont be alone"
"I won't I promise."
It's Christmas Eve, after a grueling shift all you wanted to do was get home and relax. To make matters worse, it had started snowing. With the roads slipery and traffic choatic, everything appeared to be a snail's pace.
As you were driving home, you saw familiar silhouette waling in the distance. Rolling down your window, you confirmed your suspicion. Jon Snow was indeed sulking down the street with a suitcase in tow. Sansa had informed you there plane would take off at six that evening. So why was Jon walking down the street? 
You had no idea what conspired in you to do what you did next. Perhaps it was the Christmas spirit, but you pulled over. Stepping out of the car , you quickly ran cautiously to catch up to Jon. 
“Jon, why are you not on the plane?” You called out, Jon immediately stopped upon hearing the unusually soft tone of your voice. 
“Why do you care? Just go home! It’s Christmas Eve, be with your family” 
“I don’t have anywhere to be. Get in the car, it’s cold out and the paths are beginning to get dangerous”
“Why are you being so nice to me?” 
“Call it the Christmas spirit. Now get in the car your coming home with me.” 
“Are you flirting with me?” 
“Jon just get in the car!” 
The drive home was slow and cantankerous. Everyone trying to get somewhere and they were impatient about it. Now with Jon in the car, you were even more anxious.  
“This is not the way to my house” Jon mentioned as you turned the heating on higher. Was there no end to this drive home? 
“We’re not going to your house. We’re going to mine. No-one, not even you is going to spend Christmas alone.”
“I won’t be alone. I’ll go stay with Sam or Tormund” 
“Bullshit! Sam is taking little Sam and Gilly to Lapland and Tormund is gone home this Christmas. So are you gonig to meraciously get a flight on Christmas Eve”
“How do you know what they’re up to?” 
“There is this wonderful thing called social media. I also attend most Stark parties and I think your friends are pretty nice. You know between the Stark’s, the Baratheon’s and my sister, they are all the family I have.” 
“They treat you more like family then they do me. I must be something truly pathetic when the woman that hates me is the only one who has bothered to be nice to me.” 
“Jon, I don’t hate you. I never have. So what happened at the airport?” 
“At least that’s one of you. Catelyn still sees me as nothing more than the result of my Father’s mistake.  
“Jon, you’re way more than that. You are creative and talented, kind to everyone else. So in this instance, Catelyn is very wrong.
“I was looking forward to go to the Bahamas, but I guess I’m stuck here now.” 
“Hey! I don’t think I’m not that bad of company” 
“No your not.” The silence in the car echoed loudly, the atmosphere was thick and tense unlike any emotion ever conveyed between you both. Suddenly, you found yourself questioning, why you despised him in the first place. Here you were stuck in a car driving home on Christmas Eve. How more of a Hallmark movie could you get? 
Being stuck in traffic wasn’t helping. Suddenly, Jon’s arms wrapped around the back of the chair. 
“Looks like we’re going stuck in this traffic for a while” 
“Yeah it does” The tension between was beginning to get overwhelmed your hands resting tightly on the steering wheel. 
“Fuck it!” As if the two of you were thinking the something both of you leaned over the counsel as your lips clashed with one another. Jon’s hand gripped the back of your head as you pulled on his shirt. An eruption of a car horn broke your embrace apart. 
Moving your car forward, you struggled to catch your breath. 
“Was that my Christmas present” Rolling your eyes, you couldn’t help the smile that it caused. 
“You can have more when we get to mine” 
“I’ve never been more glad that Catelyn let me of family plans.” 
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12daysficmas · 3 years
Here's what I did last year!
Angel - Paulina is suspicious of Danny and knows there's something up with him.
Gift - The Box Ghost explores a new warehouse.
Jolly - Another hilarious Fenton invention affects Danny.
Grinch - Just because he had his holiday special of a lesson last Christmas doesn't mean seeing holiday decorations set up too early aren’t going to make the boy grumpy after so many years, it’s basically Pavlovian.
Holidays - Danny has a plan to survive the holidays.
Santa - Danny tells the story of one of the many bad Christmases that Tucker hadn't told Sam last year.
Boots - Bored in class and feeling a 'mess with Wes' deficiency, Danny tests his abilities.
Puppy - The Red Huntress finally gets her revenge on the ghost dog that ruined her life, she thought it would fix everything. And maybe it would have. If Danny Fenton hadn’t seen it.
Silent Night - Danny tells the story of why he knows ASL.
Cold - AU where instead of having Undergrowth to fight when he got his ice powers his parents actually notice something is wrong.
Eggnog - Danny enjoys some eggnog at Vlad's lame Christmas party. This was inspired by the song Ho Ho Ho by Sia.
Ornament - Part two of Angel. Danny tells his friends what happened.
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goldeneyedgirl · 4 years
TwiFicMas2020 Day 2: Kidfic
Happy Day 2! Nothing interesting to say today, just on with the offering.
This was written as part of an anthology entitled ‘Five Ways Alice & Jasper Never Met’, which remains unfinished *gestures at WIP list*. After the messed up life I gave the Whitlocks in Against A Wall, I decided I should probably show the family having a slightly happier life. I feel like there’s probably the potential of a series of ficlets in this, showing the pair growing up together, but we’ll see.
Alice being adopted by teacher-Esme and doctor-Carlisle was definitely influenced by the sweetest fic, A Family For Alice by kr2009.
Louise Whitlock stacked the leftover pizza in the fridge, long since ready for bed. It had been a very long day. It had been a very long year.
Juggling four kids and a full-time job was exhausting in ways Louise had never considered. The errands list on the fridge was already two pages long; and that didn’t include the other lists on her phone, in her date-book, and doodled on the whiteboard next to the fridge.
It had been over twelve months since she had decided that, after her husband’s sudden death, she couldn’t stay in Texas. She needed a fresh start. And so did her kids. At first, she had just planned to stay in the south, find some small town with a hospital that needed a nurse. Far away enough to get some space, but close enough to be familiar. And be near friends and family.
She didn’t even know why she applied to a hospital in a tiny Pacific Northwest town, but it had seemed like a good idea at the time. Maybe facing down bills she couldn’t comfortably pay, living in a house that was haunted with memories of her husband, she had applied. It was the furthest place she could imagine from home, without leaving the country.  
And then she got the job, and there was really no good reason to turn down the offer, especially when they offered to cover some moving expenses. She had wanted a fresh start, after all.
Looking up Forks to try and convince her kids of how wonderful the move would be had been a shock to all of them. Her three girls had been horrified – no cinema, no malls, very few sporting teams; the rainiest place is the entire country, and the house that Louise had chosen, thinking it was cute, suddenly looked small and cramped when she saw it through her daughters’ eyes. Ten-year-old Lydia had freaked out at leaving her grandparents and her cousins behind; twelve-year-old Ava threw screaming fits about leaving behind their father’s grave. And Fern did nothing but whine about how boring Forks would be.
And then there was Jasper. Jasper had been in the car with Will when it crashed, leaving her baby boy covered in nasty scars. He had only been four, a little ray of sunshine who was always giggling. But afterwards, he was so sad and angry and quiet. He just didn’t talk much. Didn’t smile. It was almost as if she’d lost her baby boy in that accident at the same time. He just shrugged at Louise’s attempt to discuss their move to Forks, staring down at his Lego model.
It had been completely miserable. After she finally got the kids to understand that it was happening, and nothing they could say would change Louise’s mind, she had to deal with her extended friends and family trying to convince her not to leave. Will’s parents had actually threatened legal action to keep their grandkids in the state; by the time the house was sold, Louise wasn’t entirely sure they were even speaking to her.
The truth was that she had no idea if it was a good plan. No one seemed happy or positive about her plan; no one seemed to want to understand why they had to go. Even Louise was conflicted - was this her way of healing, of embracing a new normal and their new reality, or was she running away?
But a year later, looking back, she knew she’d done the right thing - just by looking at her son.
They had arrived in Forks on a rainy day – water falling from the sky in sheets – and Louise then spent a hellish week unpacking, trying to calm down three girls who thought Forks was worse than prison, and getting all four of the kids registered and ready for school before she started at the hospital. It was exhausting and frustrating in new ways – proper grocery shops involved driving to the next town over, since Forks only boasted a mini-mart; despite her best efforts, Ava and Jasper both needed new weather-appropriate clothing, whilst Lydia and Fern pitched fits about their hand-me-downs.
And the house was far from perfect - the carpet was filthy, the bathroom tiles were chipped and loose, Fern’s bedroom window had been broken in a storm, and the kitchen ceiling leaked. It was enough to make Louise to actually contemplate calling her mother for the money to drag the kids back to Texas. This wasn’t what she had signed up for.
But finally, the first day of school – and work – dawned. And it was chaos - Ava couldn’t find her backpack, Lydia wouldn’t get out of bed, and Fern was hysterical about starting at a new school. Jasper was just silent and solemn in front of his cereal, whilst Louise tried to remember where she’d left her own paperwork.
But miraculously, they made it out of the house on time. Forks had a combination Middle-Elementary school, so it was only one drop-off – at least for the next couple of years. And it looked like a nice school - lots of green space for the kids to run when it wasn’t raining, cheery murals on the walls, and many happy-sounding kids crowding the parking lot. That was always a good sign.
Ava, Lydia and Fern loudly protested their mother escorting them into their classrooms, and headed off to class with their assigned guides, all three of them looking like soldiers bracing for battle.
But Jasper was still glued to her side, staring blankly ahead. It was only because she knew her boy well that Louise noticed the nervous way he tugged at his hoodie as they headed towards the kindergarten building.
The kindergarteners were scattered throughout their gated playground – a sea of giggling, happy faces. One particularly pretty little blonde girl was perched at the highest point of the climbing frame – pink hair ribbons, pink Mary-Janes, even her little pink jeans had ruffles on them – smirking at the boys below, trying to climb up with her, but were struggling to find the right footholds. Two other little girls were sitting on the swings, whilst a redheaded boy lingered in the background, clearly trying to join in their conversation.
Kickball games, chase games, squealing and laughing and yelling: it was happy five-year-old chaos.
Jasper was hanging back, looking concerned, his fingers twisted through Louise’s belt loops. She’d had to call him back on his very first day of school last semester to say good-bye; Peter and Charlotte had been sitting alone, and he’d raced up to them, so eager for friends he’d left without saying good bye or even taking his backpack.
And now he was here, hiding behind her and pleading with his eyes not to leave him.  
Her poor baby.
“We have free play until nine o clock, unless it’s raining,” the teacher, a Ms Yorkie said sweetly, noticing Jasper’s reluctance. “Kick-ball, and hopscotch, and climbing, and tag.” She looked around the playground, and pointed at the climbing frame – a solid looking boy was sitting on the railings below the pink clad girl, laughing. “There’s Emmett and Rosalie. They’re very nice, would you like to meet them?”
Jasper shook his head and buried his face against Louise’s hip.
Miss Yorkie exchanged a look with Louise – it was the universal look of a kindergarten teacher warning that the separation would be ugly, but it would have to happen – the faster it happened, the better it would be for everyone.
Louise turned around at the interruption to see a tiny little girl standing behind her. She looked like a little doll, with black hair cut in a bob, with an enormous red bow in her hair, a red dress over tights, and a pair of well-loved mary-janes.
She was beaming at Jasper, and held out her hand. “I’m Alice. Come and play.”
Jasper stared at her.
Louise didn’t expect Jasper to respond at all, to dismiss or outright ignore the invitation. Ms Yorkie was smiling at the little girl – Alice – who seemed to be bouncing with either energy or excitement.
Jasper stared at Alice for a moment, before stepping out from behind Louise, and taking Alice’s hand.
“D’you like monkey bars?” Alice asked as she dragged Jasper after her. “I like monkey bars.”
Louise watched as Jasper shed his backpack, and joined Alice, never looking back. She could see the little girl still talking to her son.
“He’ll be just fine,” Ms Yorkie said to her. “Alice will take care of him.”
Louise nodded and thanked the teacher, turning to leave.
As she slipped out the gate, she heard a squeal of laughter, and looked back to see Jasper holding little Alice around her legs so she could reach the monkey bars and swing all the way to the other side. Alice was giggling so hard she could barely grip the rails, and Jasper had a tiny smile on his face.
And that was enough for Louise.
It didn’t take long for Louise to learn about little Alice, and her family. Her full name was Mary-Alice Cullen, and she was the adoptive daughter of the local surgeon and his wife - who was an English teacher for the middle school students. They lived just outside town, and every afternoon, Alice would dash out the gates and into the middle school to find her mother.
It was easy to pick Alice in a crowd – not only did she wear bright colours, she always wore an enormous bow in her hair; it was almost like a satellite. Having seen how quickly the little girl could move, Louise had to wonder if the largeness of the hair accessories, and brightness of the clothing wasn’t completely intentional.
And where Alice went, so went Jasper.
Every single morning, Alice would be waiting faithfully at the kindergarten gates for Jasper; on the rainiest days, Ms Yorkie had to retrieve her several times from standing out in her raincoat and gumboots – a nearly blinding pink and yellow ensemble. And every time she spotted Jasper, she’d bounce on her toes, clapping and beaming with happiness. Louise couldn’t help wondering if Alice Cullen was the reason the kindergarten was enclosed with a fence.
Alice’s friendship with Jasper brought good things to all of them. Alice had had her mother call up Louise that very first weekend Jasper was in school, with an invitation for Louise, Jasper, and the girls to join them for a weekend barbecue they were hosting.
Esme Cullen was a sweet and gentle woman, who clearly doted on her daughter. The Cullens had the most magnificent house, with a garden that spilled into the forest. Esme had taken the opportunity to invite some other local families, especially those with children the same as Louise’s. It had been nice to talk to other adults, ones that didn’t know her whole story from birth for once in her life. Who didn’t look at her and the kids, and have pity written all over their faces.
And that’s how they settled into Forks. It was strange, how Alice brought Jasper back to life, dragged them all into the fabric of Forks. They became inseparable; when Jasper started soccer, Alice joined the team too, complete with pink cleats and enormous hair ribbons printed with tiny soccer balls. When Alice broke her arm falling off the monkey bars, Jasper had spent the entire weekend sitting at the end of her bed, glaring at any doctor or nurse who caused her pain or scared her. Jasper joined the Cullen family for at two vacations – one camping trip, one beach holiday. On the nights when Louise pulled the night shift, it was Dr and Mrs Cullen who had all four of the Whitlock children to stay, so Louise didn’t have to pay for an overnight babysitter.
It didn’t take long for Alice’s other friends to warm to Jasper either; Alice’s closest female friend was a girl named Rosalie Hale, whom Louise recognised as the pink-clad girl from the first day. A plain-spoken but beautiful girl, Rose was always clad in shades of pink, and seemed to be more of a set-piece for her parents than a child. She was obsessed with Jasper’s car racing set, and more than one rainy Sunday ended with both Rosalie and Jasper sprawled on the carpet, racing those remote-controlled cars.
Emmett McCarty was another of Alice’s friends – a tall, solid boy who seemed to always be laughing – who marched up to Jasper one day, introduced himself, and that was that. The middle child of half a dozen kids, Emmett was full of mischief and fun. The boys had begun construction of a club house in the forest just outside the Whitlock’s back fence, a hopeful lean-to that Louise didn’t think would last longer than the first bad wind. For a moment, she was sad that Will wasn’t there to help Jasper build a proper treehouse or clubhouse for the backyard. But, eventually, she realised that it wasn’t the actual clubhouse the boys wanted; it was the building and planning they had fun with.
There were other two that hovered on the fringes of their group - Isabella Swan and Edward Masen. They were similar – both quiet, awkward, and fairly disinterested in the games the others would engage in, but would tag along. Louise felt sorry for them – Isabella’s mother had divorced her father and left town before the Whitlocks had arrived in Forks, and the little girl seemed to be taking it hard. Edward’s parents were both older, and didn’t seem to understand how little boys were supposed to act, discouraging loud, rowdy games, or sport, and preferring for him to spend his time practicing the piano or reading quietly.
But Alice welcomed them, and so the others did too; though Louise noticed Jasper wasn’t thrilled with Alice lavishing her attention on Edward. The only one less thrilled with the addition of Edward was Rosalie; the two of them fought like cats and dogs, and the Cullens and Louise both had stories of trying to break up whatever argument they had gotten into. Even Louise’s own daughters didn’t have such loud, angry arguments with each other that Rosalie and Edward had.
Everyone was happier in Forks. At ballet practice, Lydia had met twin girls from the Quileute reservation – Rebecca and Rachel – and the three of them were as thick as thieves. Ava had a friend in a girl called Tanya, and Fern had fallen in with a pair of cousins called Leah and Emily. Most weekends and vacations, Louise’s house was overflowing with children, and she couldn’t say that she didn’t enjoy it.  
Her kids were happy. That was all she really wanted from the move in the first place.
Tonight, there were nine children under her roof; nine kids who had tumbled into the kitchen to wolf down pizza and soda, and were now tucked in their bedrooms. She knew that Ava and Tanya were up in Ava’s room, giving each other make-overs, and that Lydia and the twins were in the middle of one of their huge and incredibly messy art projects – Lydia’s bedroom usually looked like a giant art and craft project, with glitter and paint everywhere. And Leah and Fern would play elaborate games with their Barbie dolls until they passed out. The girls knew the rules: ‘bedtime’ just meant ‘quiet games in their bedrooms’ during sleepovers. Louise wouldn’t enforce sleep unless they woke her up.
And then there were the other two.  
Louise paused to look into the living room, the television still flickering some cartoon. Two little figures were sprawled out on sleeping bags – one bright blue, one sparkly pink – on the floor. They were almost sharing a pillow; one of Alice’s arms thrown over Jasper’s chest, clad in the pinkest, most ruffled nightgown Louise had ever seen. Jasper’s plush dog was tucked under one arm, and Alice’s rag doll was squished between them.
It didn’t matter how many times they begged to be able to stay up late - watching movies or television, or playing one of their elaborate games with action figures – they always fell asleep long before they planned to.  
Snapping off the television and the lights, Louise smiled to herself. She remembered her own mother’s stories about her and Will. How inseparable they had been as children - there was always a place at the dinner table for both of them, that it was perfectly normal for Will to spend the night in the bunk below hers. Everyone had warned her parents their friendship would fizzle out in middle and high school.
But it hadn’t. It never would have. Will Whitlock had been her best friend for two decades before he became her husband, and she never forgot that. It might even have been the part of him she missed the most. There was only one thing that could have broken them apart – Will not paying attention to the road and dying in a head-on collision. And only one thing had helped Louise keep it together - their beautiful children.
Maybe it was just a pretty thought; that Alice and Jasper would follow in hers and Will’s footsteps – childhood, the teen years, high school and college, a wedding and a family. That they’d forget all about the time before they met, because they were so in tune that it was strange to think of a time they weren’t friends. Maybe they wouldn’t fall in love; maybe they’d just be crazy-best-friends for life, dragging spouses on vacations to visit, an endless stream of emails and Skype calls. Or even fall out and drift apart – a name in a yearbook, and a hazy memory.  
But Louise thought about all the little things – the text messages Mrs Cullen sent her to warn Jasper when Alice was sick on school days; Jasper saving the green lollipops he got from the businesses around town, because Alice liked the green ones the best. Alice tackle-hugging him whenever a weekend went by without them seeing each other. Alice beating up the boy who made fun of Jasper’s scars, her knees and palms skinned and bloody as she defended herself to the teacher, Jasper holding her backpack and looking stunned.
Louise knew that loyalty.
It might not turn out to be anything, but she was definitely betting on Alice Cullen being by her son’s side forever.
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12 Days of Ficmas: Day 8
New Love
Vergil x reader
Word Count: 390
As much as you loved watching your lover squirm, even you could only take so much before you started to pity the man. “You know you don’t have to ask if you want to hold my hand right?” you inquired, looking up at him with a raised brow.
Over the last several minutes, you’d watched the elder son of Sparda reach out with one of his hands as if wanting to hold yours only to abort and try to disguise the movement as something else. You lost count of how many times he’d wiped some nonexistent lint off his pants a while ago. Still, given the life Vergil had had--especially that stint as Mundus’s slave--it was hard to miss the fact that he likely couldn’t recall how to properly display affection casually. Honestly, you suspected that he might even be full-tilt touch starved based off his reactions when you did something simple like play with his hair. All that coupled with the fact that he was still coming to grips with the fact that he was actually in a relationship with someone . . . Well, to put it kindly it led to a wide array of mildly-awkward conversations.
Vergil scoffed as if to say ‘Of course I know that’, but there was a hesitation in the creases around his lips--the telltale signs of stress almost always present on his face--that you could see plain as day. “If you insist,” was his eventual response. Still, he did not make any sort of move to attain the contact you knew he wanted.
You rolled your eyes fondly. Alright, I guess we’ll have to work up to it, you thought moments before reaching out with your own hand so you could loop your pinky with his. “Baby steps it is, V,” you said happily, finger squeezing his for the barest moment.
Again, he scoffed, but this time he did something unexpected. He moved his hand so that his fingers laced through yours fully. “What?” he challenged at your surprised expression. “You said it was alright.”
The smirk that played with the corner of his lips brought a full smile to yours. “I sure did.”
“Come on, lovebirds!” Dante called from where he was on the verge of getting lost in the crowd in front of you. “The show’s gonna start soon!”
You laughed. “We’re coming!”
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12 Days of Ficmas: Day 1
Snowed In
Jason Todd x reader
Word Count: 461
You had the night off for once. A blizzard had hit Gotham out of nowhere (for once without any nefarious plots involved), and the entire city was at a stand-still. As in no crime in sight. As in there were no bats needed to patrol tonight due to said lack of crime. Meaning you had one Jason Todd all to yourself since Damian was trapped at the manor with the rest of the family.
Now if only he’d get off the phone with Roy and Kori so you could enjoy it . . .
Pushing yourself up off the couch, you moved to implement the scheme that was steadily forming in your head. First, you lit a few candles in the living room. Romantic atmosphere and shit. Then your paranoia had you locate the handful of gas lamps you had stashed around the apartment and move them into the main room too in case the power went out. Getting back on track, you located a bottle of your favorite wine that’d been stashed in the little refrigerated wine closet this apartment had for some reason. Then it was all a matter of acquiring glasses, pouring them, and kicking up your feet on the coffee table during the wait you had ahead of you.
As if sensing your impatience, Jason peeked his head in only a few minutes after you sat down. His eyes lit up (literally given the whole Lazarus thing that kicked in whenever his heart rate picked up, that alone did wonders for your ego when it happened at just the sight of you) when he saw the scene that awaited him. “Hey, guys? Yeah, I gotta go. Y/N’s waiting for me . . . Yes, Kori, I’ll pass along a kiss for you. See you this weekend. Bye!”
“Free at last?” you teased over the rim of your glass.
“I’m all yours, sweetheart,” he smirked. “What’s all this?”
“Oh, nothing,” you shrugged. “Just thought we might have some fun is all.”
He plopped down onto the couch next to you. “What sort of fun do you have in mind?”
Without looking away from him, you flipped the TV on so it could display the menu screen for a horror game he’d been excited to play for a while now. “You know, just the usual.”
That toothy grin of his made your heart do a little flip. “Be still my zombie heart. I like the way you think.” Jason leaned over to kiss you briefly as he reached for the controller.
“Thought you might.”
When you spent the rest of the evening (and most of the night) leaned up against him while watching him play and chatting the whole time, you couldn’t help but think about how you never wanted this night to end.
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12 Days of Ficmas: Day 12
Jason Todd x reader
Word Count: 362
You blinked yourself awake at the sweltering heat surrounding you. Wait . . . It’s winter. Why is it hot? Then you looked around yourself to find the source of the warmth only to be greeted by two heads of red hair draped across your legs. Oh yeah . . . you thought as you recalled the night before.
It was Christmas Eve, so you and Jason had invited Roy and Kori over to celebrate the holiday privately before heading over to the much larger (and mildly unpleasant) celebration at Wayne Manor. Apparently the movie marathon had left everyone much more tired than you’d expected because you’d all fallen asleep on the pile of blankets you’d set up on the living room floor. And now that you recalled that, you realized that it was just Roy and Kori lying on you that was causing you to be so warm.
“You awake?” Jason’s sleep-rough voice called your attention upwards to where his face was. You’d seemingly dozed off with your head resting on his stomach as he lay perpendicular to you.
“Yeah,” you mumbled back, enjoying the way his hand ran through your hair. “A little warm, though.”
He chuckled quietly. “Kori’ll do that to ya.”
“You sayin’ I’m not hot, Jay?” Roy demanded, calling attention to where he was mock-glaring at his best friend.
Jason scoffed. “As if.”
“I’m saying you’re both a bit too hot,” you complained as you started trying to scoot yourself out from under them. You managed to get free from Roy, who simply inch-wormed his way up to claim one of Jason’s legs as his pillow, but Kori was still firmly attached to you in her sleep.
“I think you’re gonna be stuck with your leach, there, for a while, babe,” Jason informed you, mirth in his tone.
You shrugged. “There are worse things than having a gorgeous alien princess clinging to you,” you announced. Besides, with Roy off of you, there was at least a breeze cooling you off a little. “Merry Christmas, guys.”
“Merry Christmas, sweetheart,” Roy muttered, clearly almost asleep once more.
“Merry Christmas, baby,” Jason echoed, hand still carding through your hair as you, too, started drifting off again.
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12 Days of Ficmas: Day 11
Dante x reader
Word Count: 489
“Nero, hand me that wrench,” Nico demanded with her hand sticking out from under the van expectantly. When no response came, she slid on her creeper to where she could see the garage. “Nero?” she called when she didn’t see him. “Where is he?” she wondered, standing to go search for her helper. “He was just here a couple minutes ago.”
Wiping her hands as she went, Nico entered the shop to look around. She went through the main office, the basement, and the library they’d made for Vergil on the first floor without any sign of her friend. Finally, as she was rounding the corner that led to the kitchen, she found herself yanked back by her shirt. “What the--”
“Shh,” Nero snapped, keeping his grip on her so she didn’t move any farther.
“What are you doing hiding out in a shadowy corner?” Nico whisper-yelled.
Rolling his eyes, he jabbed his free thumb around that corner she’d been about to turn, but didn’t explain anything verbally.
Nico quirked up an eyebrow as she leaned to look around the obstacle. And the sight that greeted her wasn’t one she’d ever expected to see. Her and Nero’s other friend,  Y/N, with their arms slung around Dante’s neck as their lips sealed together. Eyes wide, Nico turned back to Nero. “What the hell?” she said a little too loudly.
“Shut the hell up, idiot!” Nero whispered harshly. “I went to grab a drink, and they were like that. It’s been like ten minutes.”
“Well, whose bright idea was it to hang mistletoe there?” she snapped right back. At his surprised look, she mocked, “Oh, you didn’t see that? Because I did.”
“You guys know I can hear you, right?” Dante’s voice called, laughter clear in his tone. “Half demon is a fair bit more than a quarter for the whole ‘unnatural hearing’ thing.”
“Screw that,” that was Y/N’s voice. “They’re loud enough that even I can hear them.”
Sheepishly, both of the eavesdropping parties slunk out from their hiding place.
“And I’m the one that put the mistletoe there,” Y/N smirked. “Thought it would be cute for Nero when Kyrie gets here, but I was caught while I was hanging it.”
“You complainin’?” Dante teased.
Nico suspected that that hand he had around them was less innocently sitting on their lower back and more in their back pocket, but elected not to say anything.
“Not in the slightest.”
“Alright,” Nero threw his arms up in defeat as he stormed between them to grab the drink he’d originally been after. “Back to work.”
“Aw, what’s the matter, kid?” Dante called behind his nephew. “Tired of eavesdropping?”
All Nero could hear in his retreat was the laughter of the three he’d left in the kitchen.
Nico raised an eyebrow at the couple she was left with. “So when’re you gonna tell him you’ve been screwing for the last month?”
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12 Days of Ficmas: Day 3
Dante x reader
Word Count: 426
It’s not fair, you mused to yourself as you watched your oldest friend lovingly clean Rebellion in the shop’s living room. The pair of you had just returned from a job, and now it was time for the usual weapon maintenance to be done. No one should be that pretty while wearing that of all things.
Dante was sprawled on the floor, legs splayed out in front of him, dressed in probably the most stained henley he owned and a pair of basketball shorts you didn’t even know he owned. God only knew what drawer he’d pulled those out of. Still, with his eyebrows scrunched in concentration, silver hair shoved messily back so it would stay out of his face, and those hands you wanted being that attentive on you rather than the sword, he was arguably one of the most beautiful things you’d ever seen.
Honestly, you could have gazed at him for hours if you could get away with it; it was only the fact that he started turning his head to look at you that made your eyes snap back down to where your own sword was resting in your lap. “You good, sweetheart?”
Damn him for his random observance. “Yeah,” you lied, “just tired. Got the thousand yard stares. You know how it is.”
He scooted his foot over to nudge your leg fondly. “I told you I’d take care of your stuff if you wanted to get some sleep.”
But I want to spend time with you without being covered in demon guts. “It’s my stuff; it’s my problem,” you said instead. “You shouldn’t have to do all the work.”
“Remember that the next time you yell at me for not cleaning the kitchen.”
“Okay, that’s different because you’re the one that trashes the kitchen. I’m not your mom; I’m not cleaning your mess. This is my mess. Not your problem.”
A chuckle left Dante’s lips. “Still. Even if you don’t want me to do it, you should get some sleep.”
“I’m fine,” you insisted. “Sooner I get this done, sooner we get to relax before that job tomorrow.”
“I already pushed that back to Monday,” he informed you, blue eyes sparkling with mischief. “It’s been too long since we went out and had any fun. I thought we might go grab a movie or dinner or somethin’ tonight. What do ya say?”
A smile was spreading across your face within a second. Only if it’s a date. “Sounds great,” you agreed despite yourself. This man is going to kill me.
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ladyideal · 4 years
Ficmas~ Day 14
Pairing: Leonard McCoy x Gender Neutral!Reader
Word Count: 1096
Warning: None.
Requested By: @lacychick
Summary: You tried to decorate Leonard's office for the holidays.
A/n: I mean. I'm halfway done so yay
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"What the hell?" Leonard stopped in front of his desk, his morning mug of coffee still in hand. 
Something was off about his office, yet after minutes of staring, he still didn't know what. It was mid December now, and he had successfully fended off many attempts to decorate his office with mistletoe, Christmas trees, and tinsel. This was a medical office, not an accident prone area where he could afford to lose records. 
A miniature form of the Christmas tree sat on the corner of his desk where his mug was usually placed. Grumbling under his breath, he strode over, intending to stick it elsewhere where it belonged. Only to find a note.
Touch it and you're sleeping on the couch.
He scowled down at your handwriting for a moment, looking fugitive around. You were still asleep when he woke up for Alpha. Last he checked no one got into his office without his code. The only person that did, save for Jim, was you. 
"Chapel," He turned around instead, heading back out the door. "Did you see who placed that blasted tree on my desk?"
The head nurse shrugged. "Gamma crew didn't say anything about that in their reports."
"Cahooting together behind my back."
Even when the rollover happened between Alpha and Beta, not a single peep came from you. A smile his way before huddling together with the other nurses to get reports in. 
And that was how the game started.
Couple days went by before Leonard happened onto two new small strands of tinsel wrapped expertly around the tree. Another time there were even tinier lights on it, that sparkled every time he finished going over the chartings for the day. When he had confronted you about it, you shrugged also.
Sure the mastermind behind it was you. However, technically it wasn't you who superglued the tree onto his desk. You knew that your husband would catch on sooner or later.
"Presents," He frowned, glaring at the abomination once more. "And mistletoe."
"Oh relax, Len. It looks nice," You spoke, taking a sip of coffee from his mug. "Makes your office more livelier."
Knock knock.
"Doctor McCoy," A nurse stood tentatively by the door. "Someone on Bed 8 is asking for you."
"And I guess that's my cue for break is over," You stood, winking at Len on the way out and earning yourself on the way out. Three year anniversary as married couples, and life was looking up. 
"Haven't seen you around before," A red shirt hobbled in and onto the biobed. "Pretty new face."
Inwardly, you cringed but attempted a dry smile. "Nurse Chapel is out for the next few days. I'm just here to fill in for her. Now what seems to be the problem?"
"Oh don't be such a stuck up, I just want to get to know you better, babe," The red shirt continued. "My hand. Must have broken it on the way down to meet you."
Out of your periphery, Leonard stiffened up at his words, a scowl forming on his face. 
You bit your lip on an attempt to keep from laughing. "What happened exactly?" 
"I saw an angel named you coming for me," The engineering Ensign continued, oblivious to Leonard's glares. The patient he was attending to, did her best to keep a straight face on. It wasn't common knowledge around the ship that Doctor McCoy was married, but most knew who he was married to. 
"If I may be bold, what is your name sweetheart?"
"Y/L/N," You choked out, gently placing his hand down. "Let me go see if a doctor's available to see you."
Leonard silently fumed, deciding that enough was enough. No flirting was allowed when you were clearly taken. 
"Is that a ring on your hand?" The ensign pointed at the ring on your hand when you tried to leave. "Who is this lucky guy?"
"I am, " Your husband finally butted into the conversation, playing around with the ring on his hand and glaring down at the Ensign. "Now if you've got nothing to do better than to flirt with someone obviously taken, you can leave."
Looking like a deer caught in headlights, you grinned to yourself as the red shirt blanched at the sight of an angry husband and doctor. "I- Doctor McCoy! T-that wasn't w-what I meant, I swear."
"And Doctor McCoy? Jealousy doesn't look good on you," You added, stifling a laugh as you disappeared back into his office. Whatever he said in response you didn't hear, as you made use of the time.
Leonard was so not going to enjoy this.
Pulling out the lowest cabinet of the cabinet file, you slowly pulled out the bunches of mistletoe that you hid some days ago. Hopefully the Ensign out there would stall for a little longer. Grabbing a roll of tape, you got to work. 
Even now after three years of marriage, there were still people checking you out. Normally you wouldn't mind them, but this time it certainly got to you more than you had liked. 
Suddenly a pair of arms enveloped you from behind, startling you and nearly falling off of the office chair.
"Leonard McCoy!" You yelled, dropping the rest of the mistletoe and the tape in shock.
"Careful. Can't be a nurse if you fall and break your arm," He cautioned, lowering you onto your feet but refused to let you go. "I seem to have found the culprit in decorating my office."
"Let me goooo, Len!"
"Nuh uh, not after that Ensign tried flirting with you."
Since he wasn't letting you go anytime soon, you wiggled around in his embrace until you were facing him. A scowl was still set on his face.
"Did you give him a piece of your mind?" You asked.
"Dressed him down," The doctor looked proud of himself, grumbling. "Don't think he'll be messing with you anytime soon again."
"Did you like the decorations? It's small and cute. If you don't like the full size tree, then this was the next best thing," You clapped, applauding yourself for a job well done. 
"That's where I put my coffee!"
"Then that means you need a new place to put that mug," You wiggled out of his arms. 
"Where do you think you're going, Nurse Y/L/N?" Leonard called, catching back up with you. "And you're forgetting something, sweetheart."
"Forget what?"
He pointed up at the mistletoe hung on top of the door. "You're under the mistletoe, so quit stalling and kiss me damn it."
Eats Everything: @asraime @aspiring-ginger @bluesclues-1234 @ladylizzieofdarbyshire @also-fangirlinsweden @keijibum @mournthewicked @groovyfluxie @mysoulshideaway @fandom-imagination-ss @mayday1284 @sayanythingcreations @supergeekfangirl​ @your-sparklywinnercollection​
Star Trekkies: @marvelouslytrekking @lykxzandlove @piccolaromana @april-showers-and-flowers @mrs-l-mccoy @strange-old-worlds @scraftskhu35 @worm-cant-read @fandomismymiddlename @childofthecornflakes @yueci @lgbtqcontinuum @dartheldur @goddess-of-many-fandoms @writerdee1701 @crackheadcastdirector @readingtrek
McCoy: @cobe76 @yakuzussian @space-cowboy2227 @lacychick @kimberlyfletcher @fxngsfogxarty
Urban: @fandomsfeelsandfamily @justa-traaash
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12 Days of Ficmas: Day 4
Broken Heart
Altair Ibn-La’Ahad x reader
Word Count: 495
There was a very specific sort of pain that stemmed from situations like these. It was an ache that started in your chest, somewhere around your heart if you were forced to wager a guess, and quickly spread so it felt as if there was a whole in your chest cavity where your heart had once been. Part of your mind likened it to the pain of a broken heart, and the rest of you had to agree that it was sort of like that. A very specific variation on a broken heart, but that was the root of it all the same.
It was the pain of watching someone you loved with all of that now-broken, suffering heart fail.
That feeling had been gnawing at your ribs like a dog on a bone ever since Altair had been stripped of his rank and weapons. He’d worked so hard for so long to push himself to become better, and where had it gotten him? Right back at the bottom. A lowly apprentice once again.
The compliment to your pain was Altair’s own when he arrived in the small home you shared. Though his pain seemed to be centered in his head instead of his heart. A snarl pulled at those scarred lips as he paced the perimeter of the house’s main room. “A demotion?” he growled. “What am I supposed to do about this? I’ve already gained the skills from the higher ranks, does he expect me to simply forget those?”
You sighed. Yes, you’d watched the man you loved fall further and further into his own arrogance, but you agreed that this whole punishment was extreme. Terror had joined pain in your chest for those precious few moments when you were forced to watch your husband be stabbed through the chest; that terror had only been slightly abated when it was revealed to be an illusion. “Altair,” you called quietly.
As if by magic, Altair immediately froze mid-step in his aggravated march, cutting off whatever he’d been about to say among the litany of other complaints he had about the whole situation. 
“Please . . .” Please what? It was him that was suffering, after all, not you. “Please come here,” you settled on finally.
For a moment you thought he would deny your request.
Then the golden-eyed assassin crossed the room in one step and allowed himself to be pulled into your arms.
Your fingers curled tightly into the coarse, white fabric of his robes. “It doesn’t matter,” you assured him quietly. “We’ll get through this test no matter what. You’ll get through it.”
His arms tightened around you. For all his arrogance, he’d fortunately never forgotten his feelings about you. You felt his lips press into the crown of your head. Not a single word crossed Altair’s lips.
“Just . . . Do as he asks. Finish this trial, and I’m sure everything will return to the way it was.”
Little did you know how wrong you were. 
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12 Days of Ficmas: Day 7
Coming Home After Being Away
Trevor Belmont x reader (part of my ‘Hiding Things to Save Them’ ‘verse)
Word Count: 348
You couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face when you heard a trio of knocks to your little cottage’s back door. That particular combo of signals could only mean one thing.
“Daddy, Daddy!” Connor shrieked as that door opened to reveal your husband.
Practically in the same breath, the boy was scooped up into Trevor’s waiting arms; the pack that he’d been carrying thudded onto the ground carelessly. “Well, that’s half of my welcome party,” he teased, eyes drifting over to you.
Rolling your eyes, you moved close enough that he could scoop you into what was now a family group hug. “I was wondering when you’d make your way back.”
After he pressed a kiss to Connor’s temple, Trevor said, “I wanted to come sooner, but there was too much going on.” 
You heard the underlying tone of ‘It was too dangerous’ in his voice. Based on what you’d seen, all the demons that had been laying waste to Wallacia . . . he was right to keep away. “Well, it’s good to have you home at last.”
Now, he placed a sweet kiss on your lips. “We actually have something we need to discuss,” he admitted. “I’m sure you realize--”
“First and foremost, you’re going to take off that wretched fur abomination you insist on carting around the country,” you interrupted, “and then you’re going to drink some tea because it’s freezing outside.”
“Is it something that’s going to change if you sit down with your family for an hour?”
“Well, no, but--”
“Is it something that we should be talking about in present company?”
His icy eyes drifted down to look at Connor thoughtfully for a moment. “It affects all of us. He’s old enough to have a say.”
You nodded, standing on your toes to seal your lips against his again. “Then we can discuss once you’re warm and settled.”
“Alright.”  He leaned his forehead against yours for a few moments. “I’ve missed you.”
“We miss’d you too, Daddy,” Connor’s sweet little voice chimed in.
“Yeah,” you chuckled. “It’s good to have you home.”
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ladyideal · 4 years
Ficmas~ Day 17
Pairing: Leonard McCoy x Gender Neutral!reader
Word Count: 1205
Warnings: Slightly suggestive in the beginning.
Summary: You and Leonard have a day off on the Enterprise.
Requested By: @night-running-echo
A/n: Smh. I enjoyed writing writing this one. Almost got derailed lol.
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7:00 AM
Sounds of an alarm pierced the silence. With a groan, your boyfriend smacked the button with a spare hand. Yawning, he watched you still sleeping, undisturbed. Waking up beside you every day was something he didn't imagine two years ago. 
It was a pleasant surprise. 
Gently, he traced your features, careful to not wake you. From the forehead, down to the nose, and stopped at your lips. There was nothing he didn't love about you. 
"Mornin', sleepyhead," He spoke against your cheek. 
"Lennn," You whined quietly, squirming around in his arms and blearily opening your eyes to look crossly over at him. "It's too early to be awake. Go back to sleep. We both have a day off."
You were the one thing he did right this time. This was where he wanted to stay, forever and always beside you. 
"I've missed you, darlin'," He silently agreed, laying his head back on the pillow. Only smiling to himself when you didn't answer. 
9:00 AM
"Pancakes or waffles?" You asked, finally sitting up in bed and reaching for one of your boyfriend's shirt.
"Pancakes." He spoke, watching intently as you padded out the room in nothing but a thin shirt of his. 
Maybe one more time. 
He enjoyed watching your ass before you disappeared out of sight.
"Gonna call your mom today?" You asked, flipping a pancake as you stood in front of the stove. 
"Momma would get mad if I didn't. I've seen her holler at Donna before. Not a pretty sight," The doctor emerged from the bedroom, giving you a nice once over before hugging you from behind. "Smells good in here, sweetheart."
"Leonard," You warned, sliding the pancake onto a plate. 
"What did we say about keeping our hands to ourselves?" You scolded lightly, adding more batter into the pan. "We don't want breakfast to burn, do we?"
He pouted at you, giving you one of his most adoring faces. You kept your resolve firm, frowning slightly at him. Looking like a scorned child, he turned to the sink to help wash and cut the fruits that would be placed later onto the plates. Laughing mostly to yourself, you continued your work and ruffled his hair. 
"Good boy."
You swore you heard a growl.
11:19 AM
Managing to finish breakfast and calling his mom and daughter, you and him scrolled through your respective PADDs. He, as the Chief Medical Officer of the ship, meant a daily review of chartings and reports. For you, as a scientist of Commander Spock's elite research team, your team was in constant communication over new findings, theories, and scientific equations.
"Enough, this is our only day off together. Who knows when the last time we get this chance again?" You placed your PADD down, and stacked the used plates and utensils together. 
Breakfast tasted far better than the cardboard version from the replicators.
"What should we do on the day off?" Leonard asked, flicking you with water as he washed the dishes. It was one way to keep the relationship interesting. 
You swiped back at him with the kitchen towel you used to dry the plates, sticking your tongue out playfully at him. "Maybe watch some holos or some classic hallmark Christmas ones? Haven't done that or decorating the place yet."
He grunted in response which you took as a reluctant assent. "What do you want to watch, sweetheart?"
“Iron Man 3! My favorite Christmas movie!” 
You laughed at his response. "Take that back, Leonard. Iron Man 3 is perfect for any season."
3:52 PM
You didn't know how after so long after so many cultures and technology coming together, that no one within the Federation figured out a way to quickly fold clothes. Essentially, folding clothes were the absolute bane of your existence.
As Leonard folded the last of the cycle, you placed his away grinning at the thought. "Remember that time when you wore my uniform and you wore mine?"
He snorted. "How could I not? Even Chris didn't mention it the entire day. Said my abs looked much better than Jim's at the end of Alpha. At the end, it was Geoff that mentioned the wrong uniform. I was made a laughingstock of my own medbay."
You shook your head, chuckling. "Not making that mistake again, are we? I'm sure you were fine, doctor. The nurses must have had a wonderful day in the Medbay. Jim got a kick out of it too."
"He knows?" Leonard gasped loudly. "How the hell did the infant know about it?"
"Surely a bird told him about it."
He eyed you, the same look he'd give when his orders were being questioned. Before you could take your words, his long talented hands began tickling you. 
"Stop! Ahh," You giggled, weakly trying to shove his hands away. 
"Say 'Doctor McCoy looks better.' or I'm not stopping."
"Doctor McCoy looks better," You wheeze out, thankful that he relented. "You win, you win."
Smugly, he sat down beside you on the bed. "I missed this."
"I missed this too," You agreed, getting to your feet again. "But I know what else you're not going to be missing anytime soon."
Ding Dong!
"Coming," You winked at Leonard before happily prancing towards the door. Thanking your friend, you lugged the large cardboard box inside. 
"Ta da!"
"What the hell is this?" Your boyfriend prodded at the decorations within, as though afraid he would catch the Christmas cheer. 
"Oh this? Some tinsel, lights, some stockings, small nutcrackers, pillows for the couch," You dug through the box. "Some mistletoe somewhere here."
"Mistletoe?" He echoed. 
"Afraid to be caught under one, Doctor?"
8:01 PM
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Had a very shiny nose
And if you ever saw it
You would even say it glows
"Remind me why I can't kill the carolers?" Leonard grumbled once the carolers left for their next destination.
"Because you hold an oath," You reminded, washing away the last of the plates. Dinner was wonderful as usual. Real chicken noodle soup was always delectable.
The living room was transformed in time for the holidays. Tinsel glinted from the ceiling, stockings hung beside the TV, a small tree sat at the corner decorated with its own baubles and lights, and mistletoe hung right on top of the threshold into the bedroom. Pillows on the sofa was changed out, pumpkins were changed out for plastic snowmen, and a wreath hung right beside the door. 
"Come on, Mister Grinch, admit it," You admired the living room, taking out two mugs out to make chocolate. "You enjoy Christmas."
"It's a fire hazard, Y/N," He answered, pouring in a generous glug of whiskey into both. 
"That's not a no I'm hearing," You dunked in some small marshmallows before handing the beverage. 
"Only with you, sweetheart," Leonard clinked his mug with yours. 
"Why don't we watch a holo together? Nyota mentioned the Nutcracker ballet, a true Christmas classic." You offered. "Take the rest of the night off."
He groaned good naturedly, but sneaked a kiss in with your hot chocolate ones. 
"You're all I would ever love."
Eats Everything: @asraime @aspiring-ginger @bluesclues-1234 @mournthewicked @also-fangirlinsweden @keijibum @groovyfluxie @ladylizzieofdarbyshire @mysoulshideaway @fandom-imagination-ss @mayday1284 @sayanythingcreations @supergeekfangirl​ @your-sparklywinnercollection​
Trekkies: @marvelouslytrekking @lykxzandlove @writerdee1701 @piccolaromana @mrs-l-mccoy @strange-old-worlds @april-showers-and-flowers @scraftskhu35 @worm-cant-read @fandomismymiddlename @childofthecornflakes @yueci @lgbtqcontinuum @dartheldur @goddess-of-many-fandoms @crackheadcastdirector @readingtrek
McCoy: @cobe76 @yakuzussian @space-cowboy2227 @lacychick @fxngsfogxarty @samanthasmileys @kimberlyfletcher
Urban: @justa-traaash @fandomsfeelsandfamily
55 notes · View notes
ladyideal · 4 years
Ficmas~ Day 12
Pairing: Scones x Gender Neutral!Reader
Word Count: 1576
Warnings: Pregnancy related events
Summary: You have a Christmas baby.
Requested by: @mrs-l-mccoy
A/n: Not so bad for the first pregnancy fic. And I think it went great.
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"Y/N? What are you doing here? McCoy will kill me if he sees ye here," A rather displeased Scotty ran up to you the moment an Ensign noticed you in the upper Engineering decks. 
"Working, Monty. I'm sick of being on bed rest, and I'm about to go insane if I don't do something," You answered, waddling past him.
Sure you were nine months pregnant, and looking like you were about to burst any moment. Leonard, the ever so dutiful doctor and boyfriend, had put you on bed rest and medical leave ever since you started your 30th week. 
Honestly, you were just done with this whole pregnancy and just wanted the baby out.
"I can still fix small things, Monty. Please?" You pleaded, heading into his office. "He doesn't have to know. I can head back in a bit. Just want something to do with my hands."
As an Engineering Lieutenant, you met Scotty first. Soon, your relationship became more than just work related. But how Leonard came into the picture was a story for another time. Getting to know you after countless accidents down in the lower Engineering decks and patching you up, he came to realize that it was Jim's fault for his lack of stricter rules. In an effort to apologize, he'd asked you out for dinner.
The Scot looked conflicted, flipping through the work orders on his PADD to keep you entertained. "You would be able to fix the Medbay's biobed in a jiffy, but Leonard is still on duty."
You sent him a sharp glare, letting out a sigh of relief when you sat down. Your lower back ached, and so did your bladder and knees. 
"Here, found it," He rummaged around his piled up desk, retrieving two seemingly perfect PADD and a comm. "Bloody Ensign Zane scared me half to death when he came in unable to fix them."
You snorted, reaching out for them. Ensigns, of course. Newly graduated Engineering ensigns were just as bad as medical ensigns. Len would usually complain about them often when picking up new crew. Happy with being able to work on something, Monty watched you with a relief sigh. 
It might be something Leonard was used to, as the second child. For the Chief Engineer though, this was his first child. Dealing with a pregnant lover was one instance he was completely new too. Violent mood swings, nesting, and so much more honestly scared him at times. 
Giving you another side glance and making sure you were alright, he settled in his office chair and continued going over reports.
"Scotty," A female Ensign popped in, earning herself a frown from you. "Oh uh hi, Y/N. Didn't see you there. Think I have enough room to put these around the office?"
She indicated an armful of mistletoe.
"Whatever Y/N decides," Scotty spoke nonchalantly, but did look interested.
"Sure! Where can I help?" You shifted away the parts and pieces from the PADD you were working on, and heaving yourself to your feet.
"Oh please no. You're pregnant, and I've enlisted help from Alex and River," Your friend spoke, as the other two waved from behind. "You just let me know where to put them."
"Thanks," You gratefully replied, glad that you were still included. Being on bed rest was enough to drive you nearly insane without much to keep you entertained. Monty and Len would pop by often during breaks, but you still felt left out. 
"Come on Monty, it's getting late," You mumbled, placing the last of the repaired electronics on his table. The office, and no doubt the other Engineering decks, were decorated with heaps of dark green mistletoe. "And I got dinner ready too."
"You're forgetting about something, Y/N," He spoke, turning off his terminal and swinging the chair over to face you.
"What?" You frowned when he pointed to the bundle of the green plant hanging overhead.
Realization dawned on you.
"I'll kiss you anytime anywhere, mister. Mistletoe or not," You laughed, pulling him in for the obligatory kiss. 
"Come. Let me find my bloody comm and we can eat," The Scot spoke, his Scottish accent slipping out more strongly after a long shift. 
"I have it," You pocketed his comm away, letting him escort you back to the shared quarters. 
An unfamiliar sensation trickled down your ankle, forcing you to a stop. Eyes widening, you turned to your boyfriend. 
"What's wrong?" He frowned, but panic shone in his eyes. "Is the baby okay?"
"Monty? I think my water just broke."
You'd never seen the Chief Engineer move that fast. Panicking, he'd scooped you into his arms and sprinted towards the Medbay, anxiety eating away at him.
"I'm fine, I'm fine, Monty. I haven't even my first cont-," You stopped mid sentence, gritting your teeth and squeezing your eyes shut as the pain threatened to overwhelm you. 
"Leonard!" Scotty bellowed the moment he stepped in, gently placed you on your feet. 
"Scotty, what did I say about screaming? I just got patients sleeping not even-," The doctor stopped in his tracks, taking in the urgency in his boyfriend's stance and you taking a grateful deep breath. 
"Their water broke." 
Things moved really fast once more. You were placed on a bed, prodded, scanned, gowned, in record time. It didn't take long for Leonard to sit down beside you, holding your other hand. 
"Baby's fine, darlin'. But it might be awhile before it is time," He spoke softly. "If the pain of the contractions gets too much, we can start you on the pain medications."
"We're having a kid, Len, Monty," You smiled over at Scotty who was rubbing small circles over the back of your hand. "Kid's finally deciding to finally meet us."
"You'll do wonderful," Leonard spoke, gently. "Let me help you get comfortable, sweetheart."
As the hours ticked by, so did the frequency and intensity of the contractions continued. Thank goodness for pain medication too, or you had a feeling you wouldn't be able to get through the night. During the blissful minutes between contractions, Scotty would walk around the medbay with you, talking about gossip and congratulations messages from those around the ship. 
By the five minute mark, you were absolutely done with puking and wanted the baby out immediately. A ring of nurses circled around you, and Leonard hovered constantly, fretting often with the numbers affixed on the bed. 
"Len, relax, would you? You're scaring poor Monty," You reached out, catching his sleeve and pointing. The Scot had a mixture of emotions flitting through his face every passing minute. 
"Sorry," The doctor apologized, keeping his mumbles to himself. 
"You ready?" The Engineer spoke, now changed out of his uniform and into a pair of the shirt and sweatpants. 
"More than ready," You nodded. "It's been fun, but I'm ready to have this baby out and stop pressing on my bladder and aching my back."
Leonard had returned with a fresh set of gloves, and settled into a rolling chair in front of your legs. A weak smile plastered on his face, but he looked determined. "Sweetheart, when you get the feeling to push, I want you to push hard. Alright?"
Labor was hard, much harder than you were prepared to be. Soon though, you were relieved when the baby's first cry was heard and everyone within the private room cheered. Although exhausted, you watched with a weak grin as Leonard cradled his baby boy within his arms. 
Once he was cleaned and fed, you watched with an adoring smile as he slept on your chest. A blue beanie, complete with gloves and socks kept him warm and safe. 
"We did it," You grinned over at your two boyfriends. 
"You did it, Y/N," Scotty spoke, carefully feeling the baby's hand with a finger. He was in awe of the little bundle of joy, a creation of life that you nurtured for nine months. 
"Welcome to the world, baby boy." You crooned.
Once you were allowed to leave, Leonard wheeled you out of the medbay. Scotty, on the other hand, cradled the baby. 
"What do you think Jim will say?" You spoke conversationaly. Two days ago you had given birth, and already the Captain was eager to see your child.
"Demand to be his godfather," The doctor shrugged. "What else would the infant say?"
A rather large crowd of officers milled about in the lounge, surprising you when you entered. You smiled as the Captain approached, the first of many.
"You better name him after me after all I did to bring you three together," He clapped Scotty's back, and asked if he could hold him.
Your boyfriend glanced at you for approval, and you agreed with a nod. Watching carefully, Scotty slowly placed him into Jim's slightly awkward arms.
"Wow," was all the blonde could muster, already won over by the baby's cuteness.
"Alright, alright," Leonard grumped after a few minutes. "This isn't the time for "Pass the Kid Around"."
You chuckled, taking Nyota and Spock for their support. 
"In fact, just because I ended up delivering my own baby on Christmas Day, doesn't mean I want to end up delivering any of yours."
All around, as the Christmas lights flickered, candle flames danced, and a small pile of baby shower presents sat on a far off table, laughter could be heard around. 
It was your Christmas wish coming true. 
Eats Everything: @asraime @aspiring-ginger @mournthewicked @bluesclues-1234 @keijibum @ladylizzieofdarbyshire @also-fangirlinsweden @charlielotte @groovyfluxie @mysoulshideaway @fandom-imagination-ss @mayday1284 @sayanythingcreations @bbeasehnsucht @supergeekfangirl​ @your-sparklywinnercollection​
Trekkies: @marvelouslytrekking @lykxzandlove @mrs-l-mccoy @piccolaromana @strange-old-worlds @scraftskhu35 @april-showers-and-flowers @worm-cant-read @fandomismymiddlename @childofthecornflakes @dartheldur @yueci @lgbtqcontinuum @goddess-of-many-fandoms @writerdee1701 @crackheadcastdirector @readingtrek
McCoy: @cobe76 @yakuzussian @space-cowboy2227 @lacychick @kimberlyfletcher @nerdy-wierdo @samanthasmileys @cappuccinosandcosmos @fxngsfogxarty
Urban: @fandomsfeelsandfamily @justa-traaash @morriganwarrior @jkholmes
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ladyideal · 3 years
Ficmas~ Day 31
Pairing: John Kennex x Gender Neutral!Reader
Word Count: 1151
Warnings: Mention of a break up
Summary: You meet your ex at a New Years party hosted by the Captain.
Requested by: @justa-traaash
A/N: Wrote this 2am on New Years Eve itself, so hopefully this made sense. Inspired by the song Love Is Gone.
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Knock. Knock. 
"Y/L/N! So great to finally see you!" An excited Captain opened the door, grinning at you. 
"It's great to finally be back. The CIA had me for far too long," You accepted a hug from Maldonado before being ushered in. "Can't disappoint my favorite Captain."
It had been two and a half long years working for the government. Now, your mission was finally over and you took the chance to return home back to the force. Instead of being a detective, you were freshly promoted to Sergeant and hit with a big Non Disclosure Act. You were okay with that. Anything to be back with the police, and not with the feds.
"Hope I'm not late," You apologized, taking your gloves and unwrapping the scarf around your neck. "I brought some cupcakes."
"Of course not. Thank you for stopping by!"
Taking a sip of the offered hot chocolate, you greeted old friends and introduced yourself to the new faces. The party was just beginning, and you let yourself unwind with all the festivities. It was New Years Eve. What a great time to start the next year back at home with the force you knew and loved.
"Y/N! Is that you?" An excited Valerie bounced towards you first, and hugging you the moment she could wrap her arms around. "Are you really back?"
You nodded. "Two and a half years and I'm back. I put in my transfer notice in, and the Captain approved it a week ago. She invited me to the party to meet everyone again."
"Oh I'm so glad I came. Everyone's still here. Me, Richard, some others. Oh! Did you hear? Kennex is back too."
Your smile faltered at the mention of your ex's name. Three years ago, you and him broke up because of the CIA project. It was a foot in the door, something that wasn't easily passed up. It would've turned into a long distance relationship, but you and him split because of that decision. 
"Is he alright? I heard about that busted raid where his entire team went down," You asked, turning back to the detective. 
"Still rough around the edges. Richard still acts like a dick around him because he thinks he shouldn't have returned."
You shook your head a few times, only waving half heartedly when the aforementioned detective waved at you. "Richard has always been an ass. So I suppose not much has changed."
Thanking her for the warm welcome, you continued heading for the kitchen once again, hoping to find something to satisfy your hunger. Eating dinner beforehand would've been a much smarter idea, if it wasn't for the fact that you hopped off a plane just mere hours ago. 
"Now that's a face I haven't seen in a long time," A familiar voice spoke from behind.
You spun around. "John."
"Happy New Years," You started awkwardly, unsure of what to say. It wasn't the best amicable split, but it still hurt. Now seeing him with that cocky grin and the familiar glint in his eyes, brought the old memories surfacing. "Fancy seeing you here."
"I could say the same about you. How was it being in DC?"
"Different, but learned a lot," You shuffled your feet. "I heard about what happened with your team. Didn't expect you to return to the force."
"Neither did I," John spoke as Dorian walked up. "Y/N, this is Dorian. Dorian, this is-."
"Sargeant, welcome back."
"Thank you," You nodded. "I can't wait to be back with everyone. This is where I belong."
"So a Sargeant now." John turned back to you, waving away his MX's attempt to refill his mug.
"And a prosthetic leg?" You indicated his leg with a tilt of your head, and realizing that despite being three years apart. You missed him still. 
A lot.
You missed his laughter. You missed his witty self. Most of all, you missed his love. 
"Could we talk outside? I don't want to be overheard. Too many damn ears listening in." He scowled. "And people."
"Of course," You agreed, letting him lead you out the back door and onto the snow blanketed porch. 
It was thankfully quiet outside. Snow fell gently from the sky, covering every inch of the ground and the railings. The moon was out, illuminating the millions upon millions of unique snowflakes. Peaceful, almost ethereal. You and him stood together, leaning on the railings to overlook the snow covered backyard. 
"I'm glad you're back, Y/N. I missed you."
You glanced back at him, surprised that he'd gone straight to the topic on hand. The exact words in your heart. 
"Yeah, I missed you too, John," You replied, cupping your lukewarm cup in both hands to conserve warmth. "It was lonely in DC."
"Do you regret it?"
You turned your attention back into the depths of your mug. "Going there? No. Leaving you? Yes."
There was silence. The first time in a long time. You and him had been friends for so long, and even been called highschool sweethearts from time to time. Three years, and now working together as coworkers once more. Could you do it? Was returning a good idea?
"I'm sorry," You hesitated. "I shouldn't have taken the offer from the feds. If I haven't went, I would've gone with you to that raid and-."
"Y/N." John interrupted after a long sigh and rubbed the snow off his face. "No more what ifs. Three years have gone by. Did you think of me?"
"I did. Did you?"
A pause. "It has always been you."
People had said it was a lover's quarrel. That soon everything would be forgiven. However, what you didn't count on was John leaving and never looking back. Packing your things, you too left it all behind. 
Was it your fault? No.
Was it his fault? No.
"I can transfer to another station if you think this won't work as coworkers. Maldonado would be heartbroken, but she'll understand," You mumbled. "I don't want to make things awkward at work."
"No," The detective gripped his cup harder. 
"You want us to continue this, whatever this is called?"
"I want a restart, Y/N," His burning gaze turned to you. "To be there for you. To not give up on us."
A large array of firecrackers set off into the night, displaying its variety of colors into the night sky. Out of your periphery, John winced at the sound, but didn't change the subject. Your smile was set on a thin line as the fireworks continued into the night, listening as those inside the house loudly counted down the last seconds of the year.
"Happy New Year!"
His hand slowly inched towards yours before rubbing small circles on the back of yours. For the first time in a long time, you smiled. 
Eats Everything: @asraime @aspiring-ginger @bluesclues-1234 @groovyfluxie @ladylizzieofdarbyshire @mournthewicked @keijibum @also-fangirlinsweden @mysoulshideaway @fandom-imagination-ss @supergeekfangirl @your-sparklywinnercollection @mayday1284 @sayanythingcreations
Urban: @writerdee1701 @fandomsfeelsandfamily @yueci
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