#merav michaeli
nicklloydnow · 11 months
“"We have to win not only for our sake, but for the sake of the Middle East, for the sake of our Arab neighbors. You know what, for the sake of Gazans who've been held by this dark tyranny that has brutalized and brought them nothing but bloodshed and poverty and misery," Netanyahu said Monday. "We have to win to protect Israel. We have to win to safeguard the Middle East. We have to win for the sake of the civilized world. That's the battle we're fighting, and it's being waged right now. There is no substitute for that victory."
"If we don't win now, then Europe is next and you're next. And we have to win," he later added.
Netanyahu stressed that "our fight is your fight" and that there is "no substitute for victory."
"We have to have the forces of civilization beat these barbarians because otherwise this barbarism will spread and will endanger the entire world," Netanyahu said. "Every American, every civilized country will be under peril. We have to win. There is no substitute for victory. Total victory."
"They want to bring the Middle East, the world, back to the Dark Ages," he said. "And on the other side stands Israel, the modern Arab states, of course the United States, all the forces that want to see peace, prosperity for the Middle East and for the world. And that's the battle that is being waged right now."
The Israeli leader took a swipe at the "misguided" protesters who have taken to the streets across the country demanding the ceasefire, insisting they don't represent the majority of Americans.
"We're not going to be pressed by these demonstrations. We're going to do what's right and win this war for our sake, for the sake of humanity and civilization," Netanyahu said.”
““I think something very bad is happening on the left,” Labor leader Merav Michaeli told POLITICO in an interview. “It became very, very clear in this attack that people who consider themselves to be democratic, progressive, are supporting a totalitarian terror regime that oppresses women [and] the LGBTQ+ community,” she said on the fringes of an international meeting of Socialist and social democrat parties in Spain.
“The more you go to the left, the more there’s a big mix-up. Something went very wrong on the way,” Michaeli told POLITICO, adding that Israel has some “very strong allies” on the center-left.
“I fail to see how shouting jihad and calling for a mass murder of Jews is pro-Palestinian,” she added. “It’s important for me to emphasize to them that when you do not very strongly go against Hamas, and what it does in Gaza including to its own people, you are complicit.”
Michaeli, a transport minister in the previous Israeli government, is a long-time critic of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, who is leading a far-right coalition and formed a war cabinet with centrist Benny Gantz after October 7. Michaeli called during the interview for Netanyahu to “go now.”
But she also sought to focus attention on the trauma suffered by Israeli society in the wake of the October 7 attacks.
“When I’m speaking to people outside of Israel, then they need to understand that even the biggest peace activists and even the biggest believers in the two state solutions are now under a horrible attack,” she said.
Michaeli, whose party is a mere observer to the Party of European Socialists, could not directly negotiate the final text that was agreed upon in Málaga.
But she said: “[Calling for a] cease-fire now is giving permission to Hamas to continue rearming itself, continue stealing food, water, medicine and fuel from its own people and yes, rebasing itself.” She suggested that calls for a cease-fire were being influenced by “PR” for Hamas.
She put the blame for thousands of civilian deaths in Gaza on Hamas, rather than on the Israeli army, whose actions she defended.
“They are dying because Hamas is using them as human shields, because they have based everything from equipment to missiles to their headquarters in the midst of the most civilian functions there are,” Michaeli said.
She criticized what she perceived as a lack of support among EU politicians to push for the release of some 240 hostages kidnapped by Hamas. “I would have loved to hear more about that than just a mention, at least as much as they’re talking about the humanitarian needs in Gaza,” she said.”
“Last week marked the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht, a two-day pogrom across Nazi-occupied Europe that killed and dispossessed thousands of Jews. As a Holocaust survivor, this day is typically characterized by feelings of sorrow followed by hope around the West's long-time commitment to the doctrine of "Never Again."
This year's commemoration, however, had a starkly different mood. In fact, attacks on Jews and Jewish spaces over the past month have me wondering if we've reverted to 1938. The evidence is bone chilling.
This leaves Jews with two choices that no one would envy. Fight back in any way we can or march like sheep to the slaughter.”
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plitnick · 2 years
Cutting Through: Two Short Essays To End 2022
Cutting Through: Two Short Essays To End 2022
One of my New Year’s resolutions will be to get back to maintaining a regular schedule on the Cutting Through newsletter. Due to some other commitments, that won’t happen to start the year, but I hope it will at some point in 2023. But I am closing out 2022 with a new edition of Cutting Through. In this one I write about taking responsibility when your country elects reprehensible leadership, an…
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girlactionfigure · 11 months
ISRAEL REALTIME — war updates 19:45 Oct. 23
— HOSTAGE NEGOTIATION?  An Israeli source confirms: Qatar is working significantly to bring about a hostage deal with Hamas. (Yaron Avraham, N12). The White House spokesman for national security affairs, John Kirby, refused to answer the question about negotiations with Qatar on the release of additional abductees. Kirby said of the abductees: "Hamas should release all the abductees.”
— FOREIGN HOSTAGES TO BE RELEASED? A site “BahaNews” wrote, A number of foreign hostages who have been reportedly held by Hamas since October 7 are expected to be released "within hours," sources told Al Arabiya on Monday. ((I could not find this on the Al Arabiya English web site.))
Earlier today, The New York Times reported, citing information from an unnamed Israeli official, that the Palestinian genocidal group might release an additional 50 hostages with dual citizenship following extensive discussions between the United States and Qatar.
— AN ECONOMIST CORRECTS… a reader who is an economist wrote, “Higher interest rates keep the sheqel strong as you said. BUT that KEEPS PRICES FROM GOING UP! You wrote the opposite.”  Does it lock in the current pricing, keeping it from getting worse? “Yes.  And higher interest also makes borrowing dearer. Economics is a weird thing.”
— TAX AUTHORITY… Some reporting and payments may be delayed until March 31, 2024. The decision was made due to the war.  Contact the authority.
— NORWAY THREATENS… The Norwegian Foreign Minister stated that Norway is "ready to assist in the investigation of war crimes in Israel and Gaza”.
— POLITICS… Chairman of the Labor Party, MK Merav Michaeli: "Netanyahu needs to be replaced immediately. Not tomorrow and not after the campaign - immediately. Not only is it possible - it is necessary"
— KIRYAT GAT, RELATIVELY CLOSE TO GAZA… is gradually bringing back classes in kindergartens and elementary schools in the city. The daycare centers and kindergartens will open on Wednesday in an emergency format and the elementary schools will open tomorrow, also in an emergency format. High schools will continue to operate online only.
— PLANS AND PERMISSION FOR HORROR (gruesome warning)… The IDF published excerpts from an interrogation conducted with a Hamas terrorist who participated in the attack on Kibbutz Alumim and was captured by the security forces. During the investigation, the terrorist revealed that the terrorists received permission to commit atrocities, including religious legal instruction: "The plan was to go from house to house, from room to room, throw grenades and kill everyone, including women and children." The terrorist also confessed that Hamas approved abusing bodies and even dismembering them.  (N12 Nir Debori)
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yhwhrulz · 6 months
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By NBC News
What we know
Israel said its troops had reached Gaza's coastline and split the enclave in two between "north Gaza" and "south Gaza" in its ground operation against Hamas. That development is likely to fuel new questions about the fate of the Palestinians now massing in the southern half of the Strip, which continues to suffer intense bombardment and a shortage of key supplies.
Israel has rebuffed mounting calls for a cease-fire, saying any deal would require the release of all hostages held by Hamas. The U.S. is pushing for a humanitarian pause in fighting amid growing anger at the civilian suffering.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken was in Turkey after surprise visits to the occupied West Bank and Iraq, while the CIA chief is in Israel as Washington seeks to prevent a broader Middle East war.
More than 1.5 million people have been displaced in Gaza, and health officials there say more than 10,000 have been killed. Israel says 1,400 people were killed in the Hamas attack, and 240 are still held hostage.
NBC News’ Richard Engel, Raf Sanchez, Erin McLaughlin, Josh Lederman, Matt Bradley, Hala Gorani, Jay Gray and Chantal Da Silva are reporting from the region.
59m ago / 11:25 AM CST
Hostage family representatives meet opposition leaders
Annemarie Bonner
Representatives of the families of the hostages held by Hamas met with the leaders of the opposition, including Mansour Abbas, chairman of the Ra’am party. The meeting, which took place in the Knesset, was also attended by the opposition chairman, Yair Lapid, and the ead of the Labor party, Merav Michaeli.
1h ago / 11:22 AM CST
U.S. targets in Iraq and Syria were attacked at least 10 times since Thursday
Courtney Kube
Bases in Iraq and Syria with U.S. personnel have been attacked at least 10 times since Thursday, bringing the total number of attempted attacks on U.S. targets in the region since Oct. 17 to 38, according to three U.S. defense officials.
The officials say most of the attacks have come via one-way drones and rockets, and there have not been any new U.S. casualties or damage to infrastructure.
Most of the newest attacks occurred yesterday and today, according to U.S. officials.
At least 19 of the 38 attacks against U.S. targets have come since the U.S. launched retaliatory strikes on two Iranian-linked targets in Syria on Oct. 26.
Before they retaliated, U.S. and coalition forces had been attacked repeatedly in Iraq and Syria, according to defense officials.
The U.S. defines attacks as attempted strikes on U.S. facilities. Not all attempts actually reach the U.S. targets. 
Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder, the Defense Department press secretary, said on Oct. 24 that the groups conducting the attacks are supported by Iran and its Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.
“We always reserve the right to defend ourselves, and we will never hesitate to take action when needed to protect our forces and our interests overseas,” he said.
6, 2023
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eurekadiario · 1 year
“Estamos en guerra”, afirmó Netanyahu, después de que Hamás lanzara un devastador ataque sorpresa
El primer ministro israelí prometió exigir un “precio sin precedentes” al grupo terrorista después de que decenas de hombres armados cruzaran la frontera de la Franja de Gaza, atacaran hogares y bases de las Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel (FDI).
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El primer ministro Benjamín Netanyahu afirmó que Israel “está en guerra” después de que el grupo palestino que gobierna la Franja de Gaza, Hamás, lanzara un devastador ataque sorpresa contra el país el sábado.
“Ciudadanos de Israel, estamos en guerra. ¡Ni una operación, ni una ronda (de combates), en guerra! Esta mañana Hamás inició un ataque sorpresa asesino contra el Estado de Israel y sus ciudadanos”, afirmó Netanyahu en su declaración filmada en hebreo.
El mensaje, que parecía haber sido filmado en el cuartel general de las Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel (FDI) en Tel Aviv, fue publicado alrededor de las 11.00 (horario local), varias horas después de que comenzaran los combates que estallaron cuando Hamás disparó miles de cohetes contra Israel y docenas de hombres armados cruzaran la frontera desde la Franja de Gaza e invadieron múltiples ciudades y comunidades israelíes.
A primera hora de la tarde se confirmó la muerte de al menos 22 israelíes y cientos de heridos. Se informaron víctimas adicionales en las comunidades fronterizas de Gaza, donde aún se libraban tiroteos entre las FDI y los terroristas que deambulaban libremente en varios lugares.
“Estamos en esto desde primeras horas de la mañana. He convocado a los jefes del aparato de defensa. He dado directivas, ante todo, para limpiar las áreas urbanas (afectadas) de los terroristas que penetraron en ellas”, destacó Netanyahu.
“Paralelamente, estoy iniciando una amplia movilización de las reservas para contraatacar en una escala e intensidad que el enemigo no ha experimentado hasta ahora. El enemigo pagará un precio sin precedentes”, advirtió Netanyahu.
“Insto a la población a seguir estrictamente las directivas del ejército, el Comando del Frente Interior. Estamos en guerra y ganaremos”, concluyó Netanyahu.
Por su parte, el ministro de Defensa, Yoav Gallant, también prometió que Israel “ganará esta guerra”.
“Hamás cometió un grave error esta mañana y comenzó una guerra contra el Estado de Israel. Los soldados de las FDI están luchando contra el enemigo en todos los sitios de infiltración”, destacó Gallant en declaraciones proporcionadas por su oficina.
Por otro lado, una declaración conjunta de los jefes de los partidos de la oposición en la Knesset (Parlamento) dio pleno respaldo a las FDI y pidió a la comunidad internacional que condene los actos de terrorismo.
El jefe del partido Yesh Atid, Yair Lapid; el jefe de la Unidad Nacional, Benny Gantz; el jefe de Yisrael Beitenu, Avigdor Lieberman; y el jefe del Partido Laborista, Merav Michaeli, dijeron: “En días como estos no hay oposición ni coalición en Israel”.
Estamos “unidos frente al terrorismo” y la necesidad de atacar con “un puño fuerte y decidido”, afirmaron, pidiendo represalias contra Hamás y todas las organizaciones terroristas que cooperan con el grupo.
“Es necesario movilizar a la comunidad internacional contra el terrorismo”, continuó la declaración, que finalizó con un fuerte apoyo a los ciudadanos de Israel, a los soldados activos y de reserva de las FDI y a todas las fuerzas de seguridad y de emergencia.
“Hacemos un llamado a todos los ciudadanos: obedezcan las directivas del Comando del Frente Interior, cuídense y juntos venceremos el terrorismo”, afirmó el comunicado.
Los organizadores de las protestas contra la reforma judicial del gobierno previstas para el sábado por la noche anunciaron la cancelación de las manifestaciones semanales.
“Apoyamos a los residentes de Israel y brindamos pleno apoyo a las FDI y a las fuerzas de seguridad”, dijeron los organizadores de la protesta en un comunicado.
El grupo de protesta Hermanos y Hermanas en Armas también insta a todos aquellos que sean necesarios a presentarse al servicio “sin dudarlo”. Cientos de reservistas se habían negado anteriormente a presentarse al servicio mientras el gobierno llevara a cabo su controvertida reforma.
Asimismo, el presidente Isaac Herzog también pidió solidaridad.
“El Estado de Israel se encuentra en un momento difícil. Deseo mucha fuerza a las FDI, a sus comandantes y combatientes y a todas las fuerzas de seguridad y rescate”, escribió Herzog en X.
“Deseo alentar y fortalecer a todos los que en Israel están bajo ataque. Insto a todos a seguir las instrucciones del Comando del Frente Interno y a demostrar solidaridad y calma mutuas. Juntos triunfaremos sobre aquellos que desean hacernos daño”, concluyó.
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infosisraelnews · 1 year
Merav Michaeli fait de la politique avec les soldats morts près de la frontière avec l'Égypte
La journée de dimanche a été pleine de scandales liés aux trois soldats morts à la frontière avec le Sinaï . Les deux incidents ont suscité l’indignation du public. Sur Canal 14, lors d’une discussion sur l’incident frontalier, le chroniqueur Hillel Biton a déclaré que la raison de la mort des militaires était qu’un jeune homme et une fille se trouvaient au poste : « Un militaire et une…
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
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thunderrabby-blog · 2 years
Incoming transport minister Regev slams Metro plan
Incoming transport minister Regev slams Metro plan
The induction ceremony for the new minister of transport in Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, Miri Regev, took place today, and she took the opportunity to make a speech outlining her plans for the government’s term. Contrary to established custom, outgoing minister Merav Michaeli was not invited. Among other things, Regev talked about the Metro project in the Dan region, saying, “I think that we…
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stoweboyd · 3 years
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Merav Michaeli, of the Israel Labor Party.
She always wears black.
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izraelinfo · 4 years
Kikireszavaz? – Ezekre a pártokra szavaznak az izraeliek 2021-ben II. rész
Kikireszavaz? – Ezekre a pártokra szavaznak az izraeliek 2021-ben II. rész
2021. március 23-án két éven belül negyedszer járulnak az izraeli állampolgárok a szavazóurnákhoz. Az izraeli választási rendszer fő jellemzője az általános, közvetlen, egyenlő, országos és arányos szavazás. A Kneszet 120 tagja a pártlistáról szerzi meg a mandátumát. Az egyes pártok, illetve csoportos listák előre meghatározott sorrendben, a megszerzett szavazatok arányában kerülnek be a…
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thejewishlink · 2 years
SILMAN EFFECT: Bennett Gives In To Orbach’s Demand On Transportation On Shabbos
SILMAN EFFECT: Bennett Gives In To Orbach’s Demand On Transportation On Shabbos
Following the resignation of Yamina MK Idit Silman from the coalition last week Prime Minister Naftali Bennett held a very tense meeting with Yamina MK Nir Orbach. Orbach demanded that the government adopt a religious right-wing agenda and brought up a number of complaints, including the plan of Transportation Minister Merav Michaeli (Labor) to operate the new cable car in Haifa on Shabbos,…
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exyzuk · 5 years
Israeli politician Merav Michaeli calls for fugitive teacher Malka Leifer to be extradited
Israeli politician Merav Michaeli calls for fugitive teacher Malka Leifer to be extradited
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Top Israeli politician calls for fugitive teacher Malka Leifer to be extradited and tried in Australia for allegedly sexually abusing young girls at an ultra-orthodox Jewish school
Israeli politician Merav Michaeli called for teacher Malka Leifer to be extradited 
Leifer faces 74 charges of rape and child sexual assault of three female students
She is expected to face an extradited trial…
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giftofshewbread · 2 years
A Slow-Moving Disaster
By Daymond Duck  Published on: April 3, 2022
On Mar. 21, 2022, White House Press Sec. Jen Psaki said the White House is expecting food shortages in Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia, but not the U.S.
On Mar. 23, 2022, Glen Beck said, “One-third of the world’s wheat comes from Russia and Ukraine…. The next thing you need to understand is … the supply chain (for food) is 90 days…. If it stops, let’s say for some reason, stop all farming, we would have 90 days left of food worldwide… (because of the price and availability of fertilizer and fuel). Farmers all around the world are not planting their fields.”
On Mar. 24, 2022, Pres. Biden said, “The world will experience food shortages as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine…. It’s going to be real.”
Bloomberg analyst Alexis Maxwell called it “a slow-moving disaster.”
Here are some stories that made the news in recent days.
One, concerning famine during the Tribulation Period: on Mar. 25, 2022, Tucker Carlson said on the “Tucker Carlson Tonight” program, “A food shortage is a big deal. You don’t want one. But now we’re getting one, just a little over a year into Joe Biden’s presidency.”
Carlson blamed Biden for:
Sanctions on Russia that are disrupting the shipment of fertilizers to many nations. Fertilizer shortages will reduce crop yields, cause some farmers to not plant a crop, etc.
Shutting down oil production in the U.S. This is driving up the cost of gasoline and diesel fuel. It is making the cost of producing and distributing food more expensive, increasing inflation, and driving up the cost of everything people purchase.
Allowing China to purchase U.S. farmland.
Readers need to recall that some globalists want a global central government to control the world’s food supply and make food distribution more fair.
If a global central government gets control of the world’s food supply, there is no guarantee U.S. produced food will remain and be sold in the U.S.
Two, on Mar. 24, 2022, Israel’s Transportation Minister, Merav Michaeli, instructed officials to prioritize the unloading of ships bringing in grain and animal feed.
Michaeli appears to be following Joseph’s example when he interpreted Pharaoh’s dream and stored food for the seven lean years (Gen. 41).
Michaeli said, “We face challenges to our food security at the time being because of the worrying developments in Ukraine,”
Three, concerning the Battle of Gog and Magog: on Mar. 24, 2022, Russia’s Ambassador to Syria said Israel is “escalating tensions” and “provoking Russia to react” by its strikes on targets in Syria.
Four, concerning deceit, here is a link to a four-minute segment of video (dated Mar. 22, 2022) of Pres. Biden telling House Democrats that Russia is to blame for inflation and high oil prices. https://youtu.be/UdysmuailfU
What Biden says seems so blatantly wrong, he must be totally corrupt or mentally ill (readers can view him, hear him, and make up their own mind).
Five, concerning deceit or a reprobate mind: about one year ago, a female patient was raped at an unnamed British women’s hospital. Despite video showing the rape, staff seeing the video, and other evidence, the hospital administration claimed it was impossible for the patient to be raped because there were no men in the hospital.
It took almost a year to get the facts out, but it now turns out that the female patient was raped by a transgender patient (a biological male) that self-identified as a female, and hospital officials wouldn’t admit the facts.
This may top Pres. Biden’s promise to nominate a black woman to fill a position on the U.S. Supreme Court, and this woman and mother, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, a Harvard Law School graduate, doesn’t know what a woman is.
How can a female that doesn’t know what a woman is graduate with honors from Harvard Law School?
How can a female judge that doesn’t know what a woman is properly understand cases involving women’s issues?
How can someone (Richard Levine, aka Rachel Levine) be born as a male, marry a woman, live as a male for more than 50 years, father two children, and become USA Today’s “Woman of the Year.” And how can a big-tech company (Twitter) get away with censoring people for saying Richard is a man, not a woman?
Who causes people to deliberately repeat lies and try to force others to repeat lies when they surely know better (Satan)?
Society has reached the point where the Pres. of the U.S., hospital administrators, Harvard Law School graduates, and people in high places willingly sin (and try to force others to willing sin) by denying plain facts and science, and there is little wonder why the judgment of God will soon fall.
Six, concerning an economic collapse or one world currency: on Apr. 1, 2022, Russia started requiring “unfriendly nations” to pay for oil or natural gas with rubles, gold, or bitcoin (no dollars or euros accepted).
Putin believes this will eventually be the end of a U.S.-dominated currency system and ultimately lead to a new global currency system.
(More: It has been reported that Russia and India are close to an agreement to abandon the dollar and start trading in their own currencies, a step that will allow them to avoid sanctions, weaken the dollar, and impact the global economy.)
(Question: Pres. Biden said sanctions don’t work, so if he is not deliberately trying to weaken the dollar and create a crisis to establish a global currency, why is he doing this?)
Seven, concerning peace in the Middle East: on Mar. 29, 2022, as part of the Abraham Accords, the U.S., UAE, and Israel signed a document to “expand the circle of peace in the region and the world.”
It is not a covenant of peace, but it is an agreement to use the Abraham Accords to “promote religious coexistence and tolerance.”
The group hopes to expand its influence to include all of the nations that have signed the Abraham Accords or are thinking about signing the Abraham Accords.
This could be a big step toward a “covenant with many.”
Eight, last week I wrote that I have been asked if Putin is Gog.
I received an e-mail from a reader this morning that said Putin can stay in office until 2036 if he wants, and the word Putin means Prince, as in chief prince of Meshech and Tubal.
I believe the Battle of Gog and Magog will be before 2036 (Iran’s efforts to get nuclear weapons could trigger it almost anytime), and (I can’t verify it), but if Putin means Prince as in chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, that is a very strong clue.
Finally, are you Rapture Ready?
If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this.
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infosisraelnews · 1 year
Haine sans limite : Merav Michaeli politise le message de condoléance de la mort de la mere de Yoav Gallant et s'excuse suite au scandale
Après avoir été critiquée à la suite du texte du tweet de condoléances qu’elle a écrit à propos de la mère du ministre de la Défense, la présidente du Parti travailliste a supprimé la publication et s’est excusée. Tout d’abord, Michaeli a souligné le soutien apporté par la mère de Gallant, après son licenciement lorsqu’il a appelé pour l’arrêt de la réforme. Le tweet de la présidente du Parti…
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deviishtar · 4 years
Democracy in Transition
Merav Michaeli and her team were physically and verbally assaulted by Little Bibi supporters (Netanyahu), on Sunday. Michaeli is the current leader of the Labor Party in Israel. She has openly questioned Netanyahu on his lack of condemnation about this attack and others. What is it with these right-wing figureheads lacking shame? This has become an international problem. Consistently these transgressions keep happening, to the muted response by those who led them. It is either desperation for sycophancy or a fear of weakness. Democracy is in an interesting transition. Honestly, I do believe the role of technology plays into this. Democracies are dependent on their citizens being well-informed. However, none have yet found a way to dam the vast flooding of information, which they are drowning in. If there is a fix to this, we have yet to come close to finding something.  
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