#merciful guardian | mordecai |--;
ekleipsi · 10 months
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--- ' It's...stunning, honestly. I've not seen something with so much...emotion put into it, in...well. Years. ' the djinn hummed out, catching himself upon words. Not quite eager to give away his centuries of life to a complete stranger just yet, he chuckled as he observed the beautiful display of paint and color. Fingers hovered over canvas, not quite touching, but close enough that he could almost feel the sensations radiating off of it. ' You truly put your soul into it, no? What inspired this piece? ' he asked quietly, awed by the magnificence before turning fond gaze upon its creator with an easygoing smile.
@empyreous, for hwei!
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snappedsky · 3 years
Borderlands: Skies the Bodyguard 3
The battle rages on and gets a little messy.
*Links to previous and next chapters in reblog*
Chapter 27
           Nestle backs away nervously as Jack stands over him, grinning darkly. Then Nestle gets some nerve and squares up.
           “I will not be intimidated!” he barks and fires lightening out of his hand. It poofs harmlessly against Jack’s chest.
           “Is that it?” Jack asks as Nestle deflates like a popped balloon. “My turn.”
           Jack pulls back his fist and punches Nestle right in the face. Before he can fly back from the force, Jack grabs his shirt and backhands him then knees him in the gut. Nestle doubles over, letting out a choked gasp.
           A few flights down, Fiona, Sasha, and Vaughn watch the beating, bewildered.
           “You guys are seeing this too, right?” Vaughn asks, to which the sisters numbly nod.
           Rhys watches too from where he hangs off the broken stairwell, almost too stunned to remember his predicament. But he’s quickly reminded by his aching fingertips and his fear of heights. He grabs onto the railing, giving himself a better grip, and manages to pull himself up. Then he continues racing up the stairs.
           Meanwhile, Skies is having the time of her life. She slices through the Guardians with her newly acquired staff, knocking them down like weeds, and dodges their attacks with swift ducks and sidesteps. And the whole time, she has a wide, unsettling grin on her face.        
           Timothy sticks close to her, covering her back and finishing off any Guardians who linger after one of her attacks. As he shoots one that clings for life on the ground, Skies turns to him.
           “Thanks, Tim Tam,” she chimes.
           He chuckles awkwardly and smiles back.
           As the battle rages on, the sound of heavy footfalls and trees falling cannot be heard over the din of the gunfire. That is until Mordecai’s voice rings through everyone’s ECHO communicator.
           “Heads up!” he warns.
           Skies and Timothy look up as a couple trees break down around them, just in time to see a giant, metal foot coming down.
           “Whoa!” they exclaim and dive out of the way. Many Guardians are not so lucky and get squished like bugs.
           Overhead, Gortys has shoved the Prototype halfway across the island. But finally the Prototype pushes back, stopping her in her tracks. It pulls her off its midriff and they begin to mercy wrestle.
           “Wowzers!” Axton exclaims as everyone stares up at the giant robots in awe.
           “Hey!” Lilith barks into her ECHO communicator. “Shouldn’t you guys be keeping your fight on the other side of the island?”
           “This isn’t so easy to control, Lilith!” Athena retorts
           The Prototype’s eye lights up and Gortys barely manages to duck beneath its laser eye as it slices through the treetops.
           “Yikes!” Timothy squeaks, covering his head from the falling branches.
           “Dammit! Could someone help us deal with that laser eye?” August demands.
           “Dibs!” Skies exclaims and runs off.
           “Uh, Skies, wait!” Timothy calls and chases after her.
           She quickly climbs a nearby tree as high as she can go, Timothy following close behind.
           “Hey, August, can you bring it down to its knees?” she asks.
           “Hang on,” he replies.
           With August in control, Gortys grabs the Prototype’s shoulders then kicks out one of its ankles, forcing it down onto one knee.
           “That’ll do,” Skies replies.
           “Hurry!” August orders.
           Skies and Timothy leap off the tree onto the Prototype’s nearby shoulder. But as they do, it shakes off Gortys’ grip and stands back up.
           “Whoa!” Skies and Timothy cry as they rise into the sky, barely clinging to the robot’s shoulder.
           “Didn’t you say you’re afraid of heights?” Skies asks.
           “Don’t remind me,” Timothy whimpers, keeping his eyes pointed up.
           As Gortys and the Prototype continue to smack at each other, Skies and Timothy shimmer across its shoulder to its head. Then they both climb to the top. The Prototype doesn’t even seem to notice them.
           “Hold onto my jacket; keep me steady,” Skies orders. Timothy holds onto the metal plating with one hand and the hem of Skies jacket with his other, holding her steady as she slides towards the robot’s forehead. It just barely catches a glimpse of her peeking into its line of sight before she lifts her staff and drives it through its eye.
           The Prototype lets out a crackling screech as a shock travels from the staff through it eye and its red glow dies out. It stumbles back, disoriented, and fitfully shakes its head.
           “Whoa-aaAAAHHHH!” Skies and Timothy cry out as they fly off and into the trees. They crash through the branches, plummeting quickly towards the ground far below.
           “Tim!” Skies shouts, reaching out her hand. He grabs it and she pulls him in, holding him tight and covering him with her robotic arm and leg.
           They smash into the ground and Skies prosthetics take the brunt of the force, shattering beneath them.
           They both lie in the dirt, groaning painfully. Timothy rolls off Skies, shakenly gets up on his knees, and looks over himself. Other than lots of cuts and gashes, he’s pretty okay.
           “You…saved my life,” he breathes, stunned as he looks at Skies.
           “Pshaw,” she scoffs, “I just made sure you didn’t lose any limbs…like me.”
           She groans as she rolls onto her back, the shattered bits and pieces of her arm and leg poking through the sleeves of her coat and pants.
           “Oh! Your arm and leg!” Timothy cries.
           “Ah, it’s not a big deal,” Skies grunts, waving away his concern with her one good hand. “Just-just a sec.”
           She slips off the right sleeve of her coat, revealing the wires of her arm still connected into her shoulder. With one quick grunt of exertion and pain, she rips them out and shakes the remaining bits out of her sleeve. Then she reaches into her pants and does the same with her right leg.
           Timothy kneels nearby, watching her. “I’m…sorry.”
           “Ah, don’t be,” Skies scoffs, “it sucks that I can’t get back to the fight though. I’m of no use to anyone like this.”
           “I’ll take you back to the hideout,” Timothy says and starts to reach for her, but hesitates. “Uh is it okay if I carry you?”
           “Well, it’s either that or drag me through the dirt. But whatever works for you,” Skies replies.
           “I’ll just carry you.”
           He carefully lifts her up and cradles her bridal style. But just as he starts to walk off, they hear the bushes rustling and turn to see Mick Scabbers emerging with a couple of his bandits.
           “Handsome Jack,” Scabbers snarls, “finally, I will have my revenge.”
           “Ugh, I am so sick of these guys,” Timothy snaps. He carefully rests Skies against a tree and she watches him with surprise as he faces them.
           “You want Jack?” he barks and reaches into his cloak. “I’ll give you more Jack than you can handle!”
           He pulls out what looks like a kind of watch and slaps it onto his wrist. When he presses the display, two Jack digi-clones appear behind him.
           “Wow,” Skies gasps.
           “Get ‘em, boys!” Timothy orders.
           “Hell yeah!” the clones cheer and race forward, firing their guns at the bandits. They try to fight back, but they’re dealt with quickly while Scabbers scampers out of the way.
           “Hey!” Timothy barks and fires his SMG, but Scabbers disappears back into the trees before he can be hit.
           Timothy glares after him but lets him go, sighing heavily. He taps his watch, calling back the clones, and turns to face Skies.
           “Wow,” she says again, smiling at him. “Will you ever cease to amaze me?”
           He chuckles and starts to reach for her.
           “Wait,” she orders and he stops. “You gotta go back to the fight?”
           “What?” Timothy questions. “But what about you?”
           “I’ll be fine,” she sighs, “but they need you. There’s still a ton of Guardians and they could use the help of your clones. Besides, you need to take out that nut sack, Scabbers.”
           Timothy leans back, hesitating, then nods. “Alright. But I’m not leaving you here.”
           As he stands back up, he activates his ECHO communicator. “Claptrap.”            “Huh-yes?” Claptrap replies.
           “I’m sending you Skies’ coordinates. She’s hurt; you need to take her back to the hideout.”            “What!” Skies exclaims and paws at Timothy’s leg. “No, no, not Claptrap! Anyone but Claptrap!”
           “On my way,” Claptrap chimes.
           “I change my mind! Screw those guys! You save me!” she begs.
           Timothy smiles at her apologetically. “I’ll see you soon,” he says before disappearing into the trees.
           “Noooooo!” Skies cries echo after him.
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ekleipsi · 9 months
“ pull yourself together, please. i can only afford one of us being a mess. “ (hwei to cai!)
--- Mordecai had seen art in many forms throughout his life; hell, he'd come to know many of the artists himself, personally. It was a perk of immortality, to have seen so much, though it came with its failings as well. All the same, it was a unique experience when he was caught so wholly unaware and swept up in something so new. Hwei had been something of a new acquaintance but a fast one, nonetheless and every single time the djinn found himself watching the other while at work...? It was breathtaking.
--- Swept up in so many thoughts and emotions, feelings he hadn't known he felt, and things he hadn't experienced in decades...fingers gripped at the fabric of his shirt, just over his heart. Golden orbs were somewhat glazed over, as brush stroked across canvas with such technique and after a moment, he felt...positively mesmerized by it.
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--- Only the artists own words drew him from the hazy reverie he found himself in, blinking his surprise and then chuckling awkwardly. ' I'm...I'm so sorry? I don't...know what came over me, it was as if I were entranced...hypnotized by your work... ' he murmured slowly, narrowing his eyes slightly, before leaning closer to gaze at the colors. ' I can't tell if there's a magick in what you do...or if you're simply that good...perhaps a bit of both... ' he breathed the words out, awed.
--- It took only a moment before he registered the words more fully and shook his head. ' A mess? You look so calm, don't tell me you're hiding a storm under all this serenity, Hwei... ' he spoke so earnestly, a small chuckle slipping free.
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ekleipsi · 4 years
" always? " word was spoken on a shaky breath, eyes narrowed in confusion as his head shook. it wasn't a question seeking approval, but rather, explanation-- he didn't understand, couldn't understand. but perhaps he was still simply too young for that. / cai
--- With the intention to turn and go, to dedicate himself to the greater good and serving others, ensuring the world moved at a comfortable pace and did not destroy itself, that humans did not walk to disaster and see void? How could he turn that opportunity down. Didn’t Ignis have a similar calling as well, save for one that was managed on the other side of death? If anything, their fates were intertwined; Mordecai guiding a soul to death while lover managed said soul to his appropriate place of rest or punishment. 
--- But hound was here, now. With him...which meant it was a duty he had shunned, one he wanted no part of and for his own life, angel couldn’t understand why he’d turned his back on it. It wasn’t his place to ask or question, however. ‘ Always. ‘ he repeated the word, and while he’d already placed kisses upon the others cheek and forehead, while he’d already turned to go, he paused at the shakiness in breath. The confusion in tone. 
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--- ‘ You’re lonely when I’m gone. ‘ he said quietly, putting aside another handful of moments to spend with the other. The bells rung in the distance- the hound wouldn’t hear of course, but angel certainly did, and ethereal bell rung only for divine. Palm lifted to cup tanned cheek, thumb brushing along the surface; he didn’t want this to be a break up- he sincerely wanted canine to understand and to be accepting, but. It was a lot to ask someone, to constantly wait for you. 
--- It was even more to ask that of someone who sought companionship. ‘ You think...I’m abandoning you? ‘ he asked, quietly, a brow lofted as he tipped his head. It was hard to explain that love, and duty were not quite comparable- that you could fulfill your duty and still love someone...but the two weren’t always compatible when partner needed you. 
--- A soft sigh, curling his arms around the others neck and pulling lover into his shoulder. Fingers lifted to trail through tinted locks, gently scratching over scalp and pressing kisses to temple, to ears until he pulled Ignis’ face away by cupping his jaw, pressing a long and lingering kiss to his lips. He didn’t understand, and the jinn couldn’t make him understand at this juncture in time. ‘ I promise you, as I said. I will always come back, Ig. I will always come back, just as I will always love you with the entirety of my heart. As sure as the son rises in the East, and sets in the West, I will love you. ‘ it was a solemn and sweet promise, fluttering lips placed over jaw with a small exhale. 
--- ‘ For now, though...I have tasks to complete. My duty doesn’t mean I don’t love you, but when your duty is to ensure the world...the world is a better place. I cannot shirk that. As much as I would love to stay here, with you, forever? I can’t abandon the world to suffer for one life. Even one I love. ‘ it felt sad, to put it in to words, and heart weighed heavily with his expression of them. Nonetheless, he stood and turned away, digits staying in contact with warm skin for as long as possible until they...dropped away, and fiery golden wings manifested against his back in a flash of searing light. 
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ekleipsi · 3 years
With companion standing out of his field of view, he could easily see the ruination that has come upon it land. It... Hurt his heart to see; tying his blindfold around his eyes not only to protect the other, but also... Himself, from that gruesome sight. " Can... Can you make the world better? " He asked softly, on a whisper, blindly reaching for the Djinn's hand, " Can that be my wish? "
--- Apocalypse had ravaged the entirety of the planet, setting its land ablaze until it was barren of any and all natural life. In fact, the only things that still walked the earth were supernatural creatures- those unaffected by the mortal coil and its realm. A sparse population to be sure, compared to that of humanity. It was painful- he had been so busy lately with so many departed souls; it was a cruel mockery for the Horseman of Death to name himself Azrael on the mortal plane, but fitting all the same. Heralding souls to their appropriate resting place...
--- He stood paces behind the serpent, if only for the sake of safety from Aurel's petrifying gaze. Even he was not immune to it, after all. Still, he worried idly what the sight of such a wasteland would to do the youth. What seeing such calamity would make the other feel- the carnage, the sheer...emptiness of it all. Eventually blindfold was replaced and Mordecai stepped forward to take position at the taller's side.
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--- ' I... ' the typically eloquent djinn found himself at a loss for words, momentarily. He'd seen the ravaged sight and while it elicited a dull pain in his chest, he had become accustomed to it at least. Not like Aurel. Fingers tangled with gorgon's, giving a reassuring squeeze to the demi god before exhaling a small and apologetic sigh. ' I'm afraid...I can't, Aurel... ' he said quietly, softly. ' It was...torn asunder by far more than mortal means and...even my power does not...extend to that. ' a murmur, breath soft as he gently leaned into the other. ' But I will protect you in...this broken new world...and you will see no harm. '
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