#meri if/when u see this. forgive me :'''')
sleepless-in-starbucks · 11 months
hey gamers . lucky jumbo 7 might. have a bit of angst in it
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bulgariandeficit · 3 days
Leave a message for Meri here 🤪🤗 - Dimitri
If the others didn’t leave one for you it’s not their shift sorry 😅
commission me another jojo fanart 🥺 pls man im getting desperate 🙏🫶 and also get better were here for u love u mwah mwah 💋💋 — paolo masseratti ur best bud 🤩🤩
we haven’t met yet, i’m still new here after all. But based on the other’s stories I think your pretty cool - Joro the new guy
Paolo has a crush on you i knew it hehehehe from Albina
Hey man, hope you’re doing good when you open this website app thing. Take care! Also I broke open the sink by accident yesterday wish out shifts were at the same time — Charles
This iz me tryin to say that ur cool and u need to get better man work is nothing without u - Nikolai 😤😤
Gav wants 2 say that u take care of urself, and pls deal with us sppaming the gc
This is Google Translate doing its job. You know that i’m not great with English. Dimitri is a bitch for making everyone do their messages in English instead of Bulgarian. Anyways, I don’t know what the hell this app is, but I hope Dimitri was not lying about you being able to see these messages. Some of the messages the others are funny, but I am here to offer something else. Kalin, I certainly hope that you will feel less pain in your heart after everything that you have experienced so far. I am sure you will be forgiven and they will ask for your forgiveness and hopefully see you again. I know it’s not easy, but i’m talking to the guy who almost successfully beat up an entire gang in the neighborhood because one of them called Paolo’s artwork “a pile of shit”. Well, not in that kind of sense, but i’m sure you can overcome this obstacle without fail. You always have. You’re a genuinely great guy that has spectacular art skills, and we have been friends with three years. I haven’t seen you this depressed since you fought with your parents here at work… I do hope you can rise up again and become the petty person we all know and love in the work place. Much love, Stefan.
Extra note: I found out from Dimitri and Gav that you are into the kids show that Delyan watches secretly, albeit poorly hidden. It’s a funny coincidence. Don’t worry, I don’t judge people based on their interests. Nikolai watches Peppa Pig unironically and he’s still a cool guy. It’s still funny to think about though.
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hi JWB, do u think Lavanya was totally clueless about Arnav’s attraction for Khushi till the puja day when Shyam’s truth is revealed? She seems to be too oblivious in pushing Khushi to Arnav a lot, like sending her to get soil, or asking her to go and call him or asking her to hold his hand. TIA for your time. Totally love your blog.
Hey Anon! 
Thank you for the compliments <3 <3 <3
TL; DR: No she did not know about Arnav’s attraction for Khushi. No one could.
Now, to the lengthier explanation: 
1) I don’t think anyone ‘could see’ the attraction/pull Arnav Khushi felt for the other because in my hypothesis a Rabba Ve is a one second moment that everyone else will miss in a blink of an eye EXCEPT the audience because we are living in Arnav and Khushi’s minds so we see that one second as an extended two-three minute segment so we see what Arnav’s looking at, how Khushi’s intimately drawn to him and so on. 
@phati-sari once came with this that it’s a funny thing in IPK that ArShi are the alpha couple while PayAsh are the beta when to the people living in IPK PayAsh are the alpha couple and ArShi are the beta!
2) If Arnav/Khushi’s real life interactions lasted for more than a minute which could make anyone observing them get suspicious about their chemistry, you’ll notice all that happened privately. Diwali, bandage engagement, poolside Rabba Ve’s, Arnav’s farak padta hai - all happens privately. The first time anyone sees Arnav-Khushi being close with each other is literally during Teri Meri (although Anjali is aware at that point of Arnav’s infatuation to some degree). 
3) Therefore, it’s impossible Lavanya knew how attracted Arnav and Khushi are to each other when they themselves have been incredibly private and unaware of it (we as audience are nearly having the omniscience of Devi Maiyya cause we see things they themselves don't understand). 
- Lavanya knew Arnav was annoyed at Khushi. She knew they would have a lot of tiffs but she also knew Khushi didn’t care pleasing Arnav and could always knock him down a peg or two - something she admired about Khushi. I don’t think Lavanya pushed Khushi towards Arnav, she was genuinely busy so she sent Khushi to get something or hold Arnav’s hand while bandaging it. We feel Lavanya pushed Khushi to Arnav because we’re privy to Arnav/Khushi’s feels and we know what it means for each to be around the other, alone. 
- I agree, it is a bit too sudden for me as well (La realizing Arnav likes Khushi) but going with the canon I feel it dawns on Lavanya why Arnav was more amenable around Khushi and why he became so defensive/angry when Khushi was around, because he is not just attracted but feels a lot for her.
- And a lot of things add up in Lavanya’s mind. What the writers brilliantly did was show the urgency and Lavanya’s constant unease with the engagement irrespective of Khushi. Lavanya already knew that Arnav was committing something while feeling something else. She constantly asked him if he was happy with the relationship, noticed he was often lost or non committal in plans for engagement, switched between affection to no reaction and had become even more cold as a fiancé than he was as a boyfriend. Lavanya was always uncomfortable with the rushed engagement but agreed because she feared their relationship was breaking and you know people hold on tighter before they let go so she chooses to unsee everything that makes her uncomfortable about their engagement.
- When Arnav apologizes to Lavanya for not being in the right space she forgives him in a heartbeat and instantly forgets all her woes but when he takes Khushi’s name Lavanya suddenly has an answer to all her questions. 
- And once she saw it, she couldn't unsee it. 
- And I feel Lavanya is one of the first people - or perhaps only - to understand the depth of Arnav’s feelings for Khushi. Which is why she advises him to be less guarded and chose love instead of hatred (WHICH IS SUCH A WISE ADVISE AND SHOWS HOW WELL SHE KNOWS HIM!!! #TEAMLA4EVER) and which is why she gives a barely there nudge to Khushi, again, knowing Khushi might have to bear more if she chooses to go into a relationship with Arnav. 
So I’ll put a stop now, hope this answer made sense! 
Thanks for the interesting ask,
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dfnews · 7 years
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Episode Recap of "Spud's First Birthday".
Season 4, Episode 3 - June 19, 2017
"Spud's first birthday brings the family together for a celebration. Meanwhile, Joy and Austin work on a house-flipping project; and in Laredo, things heat up in the kitchen with Jinger and Jeremy."
That line about things heating up between JinJer is quite racy. We could only hope TLC would air something like that. They would rather stick with coma inducing content instead.
1. And the coma begins. The show opens up with recently wed JinJer sitting at home talking about going grocery shopping. At the store they look at food. Cheese excites Jeremy to no end. Jinger says she loves living in Laredo and that she'll need to learn Spanish. I hope she has better luck than Jill. Back at home Jin is sent to work in the kitchen as Jer moves Duggar bought furniture so he can workout. Jeremy's parents bought him dumbbells as a wedding present. How romantic.Maybe that gift represents the family he married into. Jinger needs to do the prisoner thing and use them to build up her muscles so she can fight off unwanted sexual contact and bust out of that hell hole. I'm referring to the cult not Laredo. When asked about what his life will be in a year, Jeremy states pretty much what he's doing now. When asked about five years, he mentions starting a family within the next five years and Jinger grins. So, do they now believe in using birth control which is against God's will? (According to the Duggars.) Are they sinners in the eyes of the Godbobber or just blowing smoke out of their butts by pretending to not be babymaking machines? I guess we'll have to wait and see.
2. A visit to Benessa's house is next which ends up crawling with children to help snap me out of my coma. Just slightly. Anna and Jill arrive with their kids to go to a consignment sale. They take footprints of the kids and measure their inseams like old Jewish tailors. As the kids overwhelm the tiny house Benessa talk again about buying a bigger home so they can foster and adopt. The Godbobber has a bunch of homes. Even Jason bought a home. What's holding up Benessa? If they do adopt I bet it will be an older girl so Jessa can check out like her mom.
3. Joystin are working on a house to flip. Don't worry, Austin's dad is chaperoning and Austin is looking out for the best interests of Joy's thumbs with the buzz saw. After this fifth house is flipped, Austin will be allowed to ask Joy's daddy to allow Joy to marry him. That was the deal he made with his dad and he's sticking to it. Joy and Austin look comfortable hanging around with each other as they work. Marriage will change that. Joy will become a babe swooning, stuck in the kitchen, perpetually pregnant house slave. This scene ends with a love note written to Austin by Joy on the old linoleum as seen in the picture. She actually writes I <3 U!!! Isn't that giving away a piece of your heart which Duggar girls are banned from doing? And who's Ethyl?
4. Back to the girls and kids. There is a little time-line fibbing here because Jessa earlier said she was 7 months pregnant which would have meant this was filmed in November or December but Jessa is much smaller in these shopping scenes and it's obviously still summer or early fall. Someone said this sale happened in September. When did DerJill get back from their phony missioning? Also Jill wouldn't have been pregnant in September. So take this episode's time-line with a grain of salt as with most episodes. The girls "wisely" took the kids shopping when they are tired and cranky. For some stupid reason, Anna is carrying around a baby and a ton of clothes. Doesn't this stupid store have shopping carts? Markie ends up falling and gashing his head on something and Anna has no hands free to help him. She somehow dumps Meri and the clothing somewhere and is then seen rushing out of the store with Markie. No blood was shown in this episode. They enjoy looping puking scenes but in this case they were sensitive about blood.  Anna later worried that she came off as nervous and upset during the accident. She has been guilted into hiding her emotions in every way for every reason. That poor woman is going to eventually have a break down. Jill left with Anna and Markie for the hospital leaving Jessa with Mackie, Mikey, Meri, Izzy and Spudinsky, oh, and a full tv crew to help. She buys a bunch of stuff and loads them all into a van. I hope she had enough appropriate car seats. LOL! Like the Duggars even care about that.  Back at the compound Markie comes home with his head entirely wrapped up in bandages. How big was this cut? He looks like he just went through brain surgery. Another successful Duggar shopping trip.
5. A few month later at the compound, Joy is rounding up annoyed looking kids for a meeting. Spud's birthday is early November but the Duggars already have their Christmas decor out. Joy explains his party is belated due to the rude marriage of Jinger and Jeremy on Spud's birthday.  Joy talks about her duties in the house since Jinger was evicted and her mother apparently passed away. She's in charge of the little girls' hair, and I'm sure more, keeping the house clean, doing the laundry, typing up frivolous lawsuits to keep the money coming in, and now Jessa has put her in charge of her child's first birthday party. Joy needs to acquire some weights in order to break out of her own prison. Joy takes six of the kids out shopping to buy cake and other supplies. I wonder if the Duggars know they can order groceries and have them delivered now instead of trying to convince the girls they love shopping. A little less brainwashing is good for any family.
6. Back at the compound Joy is barking out orders and rushing about to make a special birthday for a 13 month old. Why such a big deal for a 1st birthday? I don't think it would have been if it wasn't being filmed. I have no photos of me on my 1st birthday. My parents probably didn't do anything since I was too little to care and my mom was seven months pregnant at the time and my older sister had just been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. I completely forgive them.  I held a small party for my foster child's first birthday with just a few grown-up friends and a small cake I made which he didn't eat. He didn't eat because he and I developed a horrible tummy bug the next day. Ahhh, fun memories. Joy decorates the house and hopes nothing goes wrong for the birthday. Life is full of surprises, Joy. Take my advise. Just hope you have a happy baby for the day who doesn't puke all over you. That's all you can ask for.
7. Why didn't they just buy sorbet instead of making it? Why do they constantly make their lives harder than necessary? Michelle is resurrected to assist in making the sorbet. I'm sure she'll quickly disappear again when some laundry needs to be done of the kids track mud into the house. Ben's family is visiting for the party. They announce they have moved from Hot Springs to Little Rock. I wonder why? Maybe Ben's dad finally got a job. They talk about how Spud is growing and Ben loves how he is beginning to talk. When Spud wakes up in the morning he looks at Ben and says, "Cracker?" Yes, Spud. Your dad is a cracker. We've known that for awhile. The tons of guests arrive at the compound for the party. Derick walks in and looks skeletal. His clothes hang on him. He still has the man bun. They talk about returning to El Salvador soon but I think he needs a hospital stay first. Trust me. He's going to end up in the hospital eventually. Hopefully it will be in the States.
8. Spud gets his smash cake which ended up nearly as well as my foster child's party. He refused to eat it and then threw up on himself. Kind of like uncle Derick too! They video chat with JinJer and the Godbobber shows up to take photos. Josh and his family are nowhere to be seen. The boys have talking heads where the Three Stooges are mentioned though they could only name two stooges. Now where did they learn something so worldly as the Three Stooges? I always get a little freaked out when a Duggar attempts to step out into my world. Shooo! Get back into your bubble! Outside, the bigger kids are going all howler monkey on an inflatable jump house. I've worked with kids for many hundreds of decades and I've never seen kids out to destroy a jump house like this Duggar bunch. I hope they bought it and it wasn't rented.
I'm starting a new feature with this recap called,   What Did We Learn This Week?
1. We learned that cheese excites Jeremy so much that the Vuolos are going to name their children after cheeses. Velveeta Vuolo is a pretty name.
2. We learned that Ethyl and Joy Duggar <3 Austin. I'm Counting On sister wives.  
3. We learned that sorbet can get Michelle to come back to life. Powerful stuff!
4. And we learned that the Duggar kids, when left unsupervised with inflatable toys, can be as destructive as a man preaching family values as he surfs the web for hookers.
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