#messed up family environemnt
Sunflowers (Yandere dad Izuku x daughter reader)
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Izuku never believed that he’d be this happy. He had married a good woman, gentle, sweet and kind... yet she never filled the void in his heart. But she gave birth to the person that did.
Izuku had twins, one boy and one girl. Both were adorable yet Izuku had already decided that you, his little girl, was the most important person in the universe. He cared about his son, yet it was clear that he was a mama’s boy... so Izuku decided that you were daddy’s little girl. 
He watched over you every single day, when he had a day off he’d always play with you, giving you more toys than you could ever imagine, he always had your favorite candy and if you ever said you wanted take out, he was already getting enough to last for two days.
As the years went by, your brother became envious of the love you received from your father and so he began tormenting you. Your mother tried to stop it but she couldn’t really blame her son... but you weren’t at fault either. She decided to speak to Izuku about this, it was the first time he ever scolded his son with a serious expression, warning him to be more carefull and to leave you alone.
Which only made things worse. 
Your brother would humiliate you at school, call you a weakling and a loser, throwing your things away and bully you with his friends. That made Izuku furious, he immediately had you change schools... and then he decided to do something that would change everything.
You were around the age where you should be developing your quirk... your mother had a healing quirk and One For All couldn’t be passed down like other quirks. So he did the same thing All Might had done to him, however he made sure that you never knew about it, in time he’d tell you. Wether you would develop a quirk of your own later on didn’t matter... now Izuku would train you to become a hero, the next in the succession line.
All Might was a bit worried at first but as he watched you smile, pretending to be a hero just like your father, he decided that it was fine. 
“I am Lady Deku!”
“Wow, my daughter is amazing! She’s going to be the best hero ever!”
“I’ll become the best and help daddy fight bad guys!”
Izuku was overjoyed that he was the number one in your life. But his decision to make you the succesor of One For All had a negative effect on his son who turned out to have a very good quirk, his son could turn ordinary items into precious items, for example he once turned a simply stone to a giant diamond. Apparently that had been the quirk of his father in law, which wasn’t a problem at all. Izuku realizing that he should try to mend his relationship before things became ever worse, had been more open to discussions with him, going as far as to help him study, show him some moves for self defense.... but his son always insisted that he didn’t care about him at all. Izuku had told him of his past with Bakugou and warned him that he was following the path his classmate followed before entering U.A. He told him that Katsuki came to U.A and then changed but he worked hard to do so... and he told his son that being this way only makes people despise you.
“What the hell would you know?! All day you go around playing silly dress up games with that loser (Name)” 
“Leave your sister out of this. You don’t have a problem with her, you have complaints from me.”
“Both of you are the same! Just because you have some extra power you think you can do anything.”
“One for All demands a lot of training, it can damage one’s body a lot. She also got your mother’s quirk which also helps reduce the damage... she’ll have to suffer a lot in order to control her power and not cause harm to your or your mother.”
“Oh yeah, my perfect sister. The one that got everything and is going to become a hero.”
“I never said you can’t become one. If you want to, then you can also enter U.A and become a hero as well. But that’s only if you really want that.”
His son looked at him annoyed... Izuku didn’t know what to do anymore. He was trying to mend his relationship. Ever since his son entered middle school, Izuku had tried to get close to him, encouraging him and explaining to him that his quirk could be used for anything his son wanted.
“Daddy, what’s wrong?”
Both males turned and looked at you, once you saw your brother you frowned, however you didn’t speak.
“It’s nothing, I was just chatting with your brother.”
“Really? I mean... if there’s something I can do to help...”
“You seriously think I’d ever ask for your help?” Your brother said dryly.
“I wasn’t talking to you. Besides, given your quirk you wouldn’t need much help either way.”
“You want to fight?!”
“Enough! Dinner will be ready soon, let’s not keep your mother waiting.”
Izuku stood up, after giving his son one last glance, he touched your shoulder and the two of you were out of the room.
Eventually though, his son decided to enter U.A along with you and prove that he was better than you. By now, you two hated each other... and Izuku was still mostly on your side. 
Though you didn’t spend much time with him, Izuku didn’t mind. After all he had been busy protecting you from all kinds of evil people. Bullies, thieves, kidnappers... Izuku made sure that none of them escaped his wrath. And any boy that had a crush on you was sent to the country side, far away from you. 
Izuku’s daughter was a radiant sunflower, charming people around her and being extremely radiant under the sun... no matter what, he would never allow someone to defile his daughter.
Hopefully, he wouldn’t have to treat his son as an enemy in the future. 
Because even then, he wouldn’t hold back.
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linkspooky · 4 years
Ten Favorite Female Characters
I was tagged by @midnight-in-town​, so now I have to show them how much I love my favorite women. 
Name your favorite female characters from 10 different Fandoms and tag 10/or the amount you wish people
Tagging: @hamliet​ @amonmahboi​ @inumaqi​ @thyandrawrites​ @kaibutsushidousha​  @harostar​.. yeah, I don’t know ten people. 
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Enoshima Junko 
“Hope is harmony. A just heart, moving toward the light. That is all. Despair is hope's polar opposite. It is messy and confusing. It swallows up love, hatred, and everything else.”
Junko wishes she was a psychopath. She’s spent her entire life pretending to be a crazy psychopath, because living that life is just so much more interesting than the one she’s stuck in. Enoshima Junko is just too smart for the world, and everything is too easy for her, and rather than try to dumb herself down a little bit she’s decided to knock everything else down. She’s a girl kicking down sandcastles because building them out of sand all alone is no longer doing it for her. 
Junko’s interesting because of the weird logic and loops she runs her brain into. There’s a complex character behind the whole “I exist only to spread despair” thing. She’s perfectly capable of forming emotional attachments to people, and genuinely caring. But the people she likes are generally far worse off than the ones she doesn’t care about. 
Junko wants so badly to, just not be human. She does the most inhuman things possible to prove that she’s not human. What really made me love her is the lengths she’s willing to go, to the point in Dangan Ronpa Zero where she basically took a screw to her own brain and started acting like a normal girl only when all of her memories were removed. 
Junkos relationship with Matsuda shows two conflicting sides of her character. How much she's humanized by her love of him,  and also how much she wants to completely destroy that part of herself. It's like she physically can't be a normal girl. Or rather she doesn’t want to be to such extremes she’ll break everything and then herself. 
And if she can’t be normal than Junko decided that self destruction is her next best bet. There’s just nothing that will satisfy Junko, and it’s interesting to watch someone that empty decide the world is going to end, or she’s going to end herself and she doesn’t really care which. 
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Ajimu Najimi
“Call to me with affection, Anshin’in-san. Well, I don’t really care what manga characters call me.” 
Hey, I put Junko on this list twice. Both Ajimu and Junko live in a world that is too easy for them, and therefore they have no reason to get emotionally invested in others or try to attach themselves to anything. Which is why it’s fun to see Ajimu attempt the same thing as Junko to kill herself in style and eventually get saved from herself.
Medaka Box is such a meaningful manga to me because they take the weirdest characters and no matter how deranged they are they find the parts of them that are relatable and go, well guess what you’re human too. Ajimu literally calls herself a non-human and she’s just as human as all the rest in the end. 
The best part is it’s not her good points that make her human, it’s all her flaws. It’s easy to feel like the world isn’t real, that nothing in the world is worth living for, to feel no emotional attachment. Those are all human emotions. Not because they’re good and shining, but because they’re petty and terrible. Ajimu is this brilliant character, but she’s also kind of just a petty little girl using a ‘fiction is reality’ lens to cope. She’s not that special actually, she’s just suicidal, and kind of awful in general. It’s nice to see that human side behind the mastermind character. 
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“My own mother thought I was a monster. She was right of course but it still hurts.” 
Azula is someone thoroughly dehumanized by everyone even the “good” members of her family (Uncle Iroh, Zuko, her Mother). I like how Azula in some part seems to be aware that both her brother, and mother seem to kind of consider her the “bad sibling” and she just decides to embrace it. Like it’s... not emotionally healthy in any way and it’s terribly tragic but there’s something about characters who actively make the decision to be a monster that gets me. 
There’s something about Azula’s writing that makes me uncomfortable, and it makes me sad that Zuko like... continually associates her with his father’s abuse, and demonizes her like she wasn’t also a kid going through the exact same situation, but Azula getting increasingly unstable is at least an appropriate response to that. 
Even if her brother, her mother, or her father won’t see her as her own person and they all see her as an extension of her father’s abuse on her, Azula is just so determined to be her own person even if it means burning the world, or herself A common theme I guess, but a lot of these characters have narratives about not being allowed to be their own person or shown any kind of humanity or normalcy. 
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“Well, well, well what do we have here?”
Morrigan is mean, and nasty, and grumpy and bitchy and witchy. She’s allowed to be unlikable, because Morrigan never bends to anyone. Her survival, and freedom will become first before anything else. 
It feels like Morrigan is the main character in her own story, and you just happen to be a part of it for a short while. You may even be an important character to her, she may be attached, but ultimately you’ll never be more than support to her. 
Morrigan is such an ambitious an singular entity that her character development is letting you be a part of her life and not the other way around. She'll always survive on her own.  Morrigan is irrevocably shaped by her environemnt, and yet she craves freedom in that too because she doesn’t want to be bound by her past or shaped by her mother. So much of herself is dedicated to being better than the environment that she was raised in that she defeats her mother not by killing her, or freeing herself, but rather by being a better mother than her. 
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Raven / Rachel Roth
“Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos...” 
Raven is fun, because a bunch of monks thought the best way to teach her to handle her emotions was to never allow her to feel any emotion ever. So, Raven is eternally running on a zero. She’s terrified even a small amount of happiness will end the world. She’s not allowed to be her own person, neither her bastard father, nor the monks treat her like one.
Raven is so gentle, and selfless, and emotionally perceptive and sensitive to others needs but she can’t ever display almost any of these good traits because she’s internalized the idea that she’s such a bad person. She always believes all the time that she exists to hurt others and that makes it so difficult for her to connect to others. 
Which is why her true friends bond with the Teen Titans is so meaningful, because Rachel found a family in spite of all of that. She has friends who think she’s a good person unconditionally despite the fact that Raven continually tells herself she isn’t. There are people in the world willing to navigate the maze of walls that Raven has built around herself, and that her environment forced her to build and closed up, and she’s so happy to have them. 
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“Some call our realm a world of shadows, but that makes it sound so unpleasant... The twilight there holds a serene beauty... You have seen it yourself as the sun sets on this world. Bathed in that light, all the people were pure and gentle...” 
Midna just steals the show. Her story now. The game’s not called Legend of Zelda anymore now it’s Legend of Midna. Not only is she the most important character in the game she appears in, but she’s also in character someone so selfish she’ll always prioritize herself over everyone else. However, only because she feels that she can’t exist as anything other than the princess of the twilight and has to prioritize her survival for the sake of her people. Midna even says so at the start of the game, she can’t be kind because she wasn’t spoiled like princess Zelda in the bountiful kingdom of the light. 
Midna is so selfish and yet doesn’t really have her own wants and needs as a person outside of the role she has to play for her people, which is why she’s so terribly lost without it and just because this terrible selfish little gremlin. Link and Zelda affect Midna so much because they humanize her. They both sacrifice themselves to save Midna the person and she doesn’t get why. She doesn’t get why two people would help someone who has been so unkind to them and who has failed them this much so far. 
That act of selflessness moves her, and also freaks her out. She even says she didn’t want to be saved by either of them. Which is what makes her redemption in the second half of the game so interesting, because Midna really improves herself so she can become someone worth their kindness. She doesn’t want the selflessness of people like Zelda and Link to go to waste, and because of that begins to care about things outside of her kingdom and her role as princess 
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Vriska Serket
“After all of this is over. Do you want to go on a d8?”
Unfortunately one of my top 3 favorite characters of all time comes from a really terrible source material. Vriska is everything I like in a character.  She's a mess. She's really hard to swallow. She's a character that's not meant to be liked.
Nobody really likes Vriska and it's all her fault for being such a horrible person, nobody wants her damage. Which is so interesting because usually main characters get forgiven over and over again. Everyone leaves and if they don't Vriska will burn those bridges herself. No character better embodies what it's like to be stuck in a self harming cycle
Authors are always so obsessed with making characters look good or showing what a good person they are few characters are allowed to be just plain unlikely in ugly ways. It’s what lets Vriskas genuine desire to be better actually seem like a struggle. 
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Kocho Shinobu
“Are you angry? Yes, I’m angry Tanjiro. I’ve always been angry.” 
Shinobu is just all pleasantries on the surface, but so full of negative emotions in ways women aren't allowed to be. I love the medicine / poison dynamic to her character and how it rots her to the core. Too much medicine is a poison, while poison can be a medicine when applied to the right situation.
Shinobu is, two faced. She’s beautiful and kind, and full of ugly emotions and empty. She nurses people back from the dead, she sees no point in living herself and purposefully throws herself into a suicide in her plan against Doma. There’s just such a destructive dance between extremes for her because Shinobu is such a unique individual, trying to deal with all of these emotions she just can’t deal with. She can’t be noble, or better than her trauma, she just pretends to be a good person while she slowly rots away inside.  
Shinobu can put on smiles all day -
But she can't be like her sister.  She can't love people like her sister can. Maybe she could once but all that's left now is anger. Bitter, unpleasant, and completely in denial of it and still masquerading as a good person. The most beautiful kind of poison of all.
She’s not her sister, but she’s also not really her own person. She doesn’t know who Shinobu is, doesn’t know who Kocho Shinobu lives for. She just doesn’t imagine herself living past her revenge, and even though she’s surrounded by love she’s just so cracked it all pours out of her and absolutely nothing could be worth prolonging her life after everything she’s lost. 
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Toga Himiko
“What exactly is a normal life? I also live a normal life, you know.” 
Himiko Toga is a girl who lives entirely on her own terms. Which is just so rare for a female character, you know? It’s so genuinely subversive to know that Himiko was once a nice girl, who always smiled, always put other people’s feelings first, and that sort of ‘good girl’ behavior drove her completely insane.
Toga deciding to be true to herself is an act of rebellion against the world. 
For Himiko everything is flipped. What others regard as psycho behavior is her normal. She doesn’t let other people define her story as a tragedy, and even murders the one person who tries to control her story. In a story where female characters constantly downplay their own importance to support the male characters Himiko is the only character important enough to be the center of her own story. Himiko’s story is so subversive as well, both of how society treats her, and how the story treats characters like her. 
Himiko is such an excellent yandere, all yanderes wish they were himiko. She comes off as this batshit stabby girl,  but then you find out that shes actually emotionally perceptive. She first comes off selfish, bratty, and self-centered but she turns into one of the most sensitive characters in the manga. She eschews the ideals of being a good girl that was forced down her throat, but that doesn’t mean she’s not empathic, or that she’s not capable of goodness. She’s good to twice. She’s good to the people who accept her. 
Himiko no matter what will always be a deviant. Always be an outsider. Instead of trying to make room for her her parents forced her to lie and wear a mask until her identity became completely shattered. I like Toga because under the knife wielding psycho she's a normal girl. Then under that normal girl there’s also a knife wielding psycho ready to fight back, and both of them are the real her. 
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Ihei Hairu
“I saw the reaper, he was very beautiful.” 
Every character from the garden is just fundamentally broken.  Hairu and Rize are interesting foils, because if you think of about it a loveless childhood turned them both into ruthless killers. It’s just they decided to live for different things, Rize lived rejecting love and Hairu lived chasing after love. However, fundamentally they are the same. They are children starved for any kind of love or nurturing.  Hairu is so desperate she devotes her entire life to the first person who acknowledged her. However, the same sort of desperation to live, that tragic need to make the most out of the few short years they have exists in all garden children.
Hairu wants so badly to be a person, but she’s not a person. She’s half ghoul. 
There's just something about a girl who was never meant to be born and never meant to live, still trying.  There's a dark side to her character, she's violent and inhuman exactly like the environment she was raised in but she was also still a child at heart seeking love.
Which is why though her narrative is a thoroughly unhappy one, it does make me happy that there was someone who loved her in the form of Koori Ui. There is someone who wanted her to live longer. Her life was short, but she did live, and it’s that struggle to connect to others that made her truly alive. 
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