#messter film
cmrosens · 6 months
Rapunzel in Cinema 1897-2024
I was hoping to find some silent film versions of this fairytale, and very curious as to how they might have staged it. The first filmed version seems to be Oskar Messter’s short film in 1897, and although I can’t find it online, there’s a German documentary (in German) on the director, here. It’s been animated a lot, including as part of an American (USA) television animated anthology…
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missholson · 5 years
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Reinhold Schünzel, Henny Porten, Emmy Wyda, Lupu Pick and Paul Hartmann in Höhenluft (1917) directed by Rudolf Biebrach
© Deutsches Filminstitut, Messter Film [X]
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oldfilmsflicker · 7 years
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I saw a TON of films at Pordenone Silent this year, so I’m doing them all in one post. 
new-to-me #286 - 484:
Three Days To Live (1924)
Calino veut être cow-boy
Pendaison à Jefferson City
La prairie en feu
Cent dollars mor ou vif
Le revolver matrimonial
The Scapegrace
La Baronne Raymonde de LaRoche, aviatrice
L'aviatrice mademoiselle Marvingt, décolle de mourmelon
Madame Hélène Dutrieu, aviatrice vers 1915
La vie aérienne sur l'aérodrome d'Orly, mademoiselle Adrienne Bolland a battu son propre record en exécutant 212 fois le looping
L'autre aile
The World And The Women (1916)
Synnöve Solbakken (A Norway Lass) (1919)
How Bridget Served The Salad Undressed
How Bridget Made The Fire
The Finish of Bridget McKeen
La course à la saucisse
Victoire à ses nerfs
Le rêve des marmitons
Her First Biscuits
Lucky Jim (1909)
Het Onwillige Dienstmeisje (The Reluctant Housemaid)
Le signe de Pétronille
Een Dierenvriend (Animal Lover)
Are Waitresses Safe?
Shima No Musume (The Island Girl)
Call Of The Cuckoo
Don't Tell Everything
Le contremaître incendaire
L'emigrante (1915)
Feeding The Pigeons In St. Mark's Square
Grand Canal, Venice
Panoramic View of the Vegetable Market, Venice
Neapolitan Dance At The Ancient Forum of Pompeii
Panoramic View of the Frere Camp Taken The Front of an Armored Train
Menai Bridge: The Irish Daily Mail From Euston Entering The Tubular Bridge
Warships At Sunset
Amann The Great Impersonator
Prestwych Platform Scene
Fat Ox 1897. Car of the 'She-Cats' - The Hats
Vienna Street Scene
Panorama of Pompeii
Fun On A Clothesline
Kavirondongrene Paa Fisk (Kavirondo Tribe Members Fishing)
Der Gelbe Schein (The Yellow Ticket)
Lesniye Liudi (Forest People)
Tungusi (Tungus)
Le bateau de Léontine
Les ficelle de Léontine
Léontine en apprentissage
Ventilateur breveté
Les malices de Léontine
Amour et musique
Un ravalement précipité
Rosalie et son phonographe
Rosalie et Léontine vont au théâtre
Rosalie emménage
Léontine garde la maison
Fiore Selvaggio
Tvä Hungrande Städer Vid Donau (Two Starving Cities on the Danube)
1917 Val Duchesse
La Paura Degli Aeromobili Nemici
Les ruines des ville d'armentières lens et la bassée
La vie reprend dans les régions libérées
Massaiernes Menn Og Kvinner (Maasai Men and Women)
Fante-Anne (Gypsy Anne)
Mieux valait la nuit
Amma, le voyeur aveugle
Le coeur et les yeux
[Messter-Woche:] Modeschau Im Zoo
Water Lilies (1911)
Mr. Myope chasse
Le mensonge de Jean le Manchot
Blindeninstituut En Ooglijdersgasthuis Te Bandoeng (Insitute For the Blind Home in Bandung)
A Flash of Light
Now We're In The Air
The Reckless Age
Schatten: Eine Nächtliche Halluzination (Warning Shadows)
Die Bergkatze (The Wildcat)
Le railway de la morte
Face au taureau
Nel Paese dell'Oro
Onésime sur le sentier de la guerre
Kikujunegrene Danser (Kikuyu Tribe Members Dancing)
Captain F.E. Kleinschmidt's Artic Hunt
Il Baco Da Seta
La Guerra Italo-Turca
La Gloriosa Battaglia Del 12 Marzo A Begasi Nell'Oasi Delle Due Palme
The Victorious Battle For the Conquest of Mergheb, Africa
La Vita Dei Nostri Ascari Eritrei In Libia
Plotoni Nuotatori Della 3 Divisione Cavalleria Comandata Da S.A.R. IL Conte Di Torino
Sixième Bataille De L'Insonzo
Kaffeplantasje I Afrika/Kenya (Coffee Plantation In Kenya)
Vem Dömer? (Love's Crucible)
Il Fiacre N. 13 (1917)
Viaggio In Caucaso E Persia
Daleko Na Sever (Far In The North)
The Right To Happiness
24e chasseurs alpins: sauts d'obstacles
Danse au bivouac
Fête au village
Pompiers: alerte
Salut dans les vergues
Fête du palais-royal #1
Fête du palais-royal #2
Fête du palais-royal #3: re-enactment of scene from Notre-Dame de Paris
Panoramic Painting of the Battlefield
Military Parade at the Cour d'Honneur in Versailles
Panorama on the Creuse river #1
Dam on the Creuse river
Panorama on the Creuse river #2
Paper Manufacture
Journalists and Typographers In Editorial Office
Men Unloading A Train
Train Pulling Into A Factory
Carmen (1918)
Nebuvalyi Pokhid (An Unprecedented Campaign)
Tokyo No Yado (An Inn In Tokyo)
The Taming of Jane
An Up-To-Date Squaw
The Corporal's Daughter
The Night Rider
Patouillard a une femme jalouse
Lea Bambola
The Circus Imps
The Pouting Model
Living Pictures Production
Birth of the Pearl
Un duel après le bal
Spirit of '76
Combat sur la voie ferrée (1898)
Combat sur la voie ferrée (1899)
Mort de marat
Charlotte Corday (1908)
Death of Nelson
Les dernières cartouches (1897)
Les dernières cartouches (1899)
Les dernières cartouches / Bombardment d'une Miason
La fiancée du volontaire
Flagrant délit d'adultère
Le jugement de Phryné
La vie et la passion de Jésus-Christ (1902)
Vie et passion de N.S. Jésus-Christ
La vie et la passion de Jésus-Christ (1897)
La nativité
Les cloches du soir
Rouget de lisle chantant la Marseillaise
What Are the Wild Waves Saying, Sister?
Waiting For Santa Claus
Le réveil de Chrysis
Le bain des dame de la cour
An Affair of Honor
The Spirit of His Forefathers
The Whisky of His Ancestors
Der Golem (1915)
Der Gang In Die Nacht
Il Carnevale Di Nizza
La Campana Dei Caduti Rovereto 24 Maggio 1925
Le femme rêvée
Glomdalsbruden (The Bride of Glomdal)
Sulla Vie Dell'Oro
Manden Uden Fremtid (The Man Without A Future)
Dawn (1928)
Lea In Ufficio
Lea Sui Pattini
Tilly's Party
Cunégonde trop curieuse
Cunégonde femme cochère
Onésime et la toilette de mademoiselle Badinois
Everybody's Doing It
She's A Prince
Thora Van Deken (A Mother's Fight)
La chasse aux signes
The World and Its Women
Antologia Filmati Neuropatologici Realizzati Dal Prof. Camillo Negro Con Robert Omegna
Med Bærerkaravene Gjennem Østrafika (By Caravan Through East Africa)
A Fool There Was (1915)
Mania. Die Geschichte Einer Zigarettenarbeiterin (Mania. The Story of a Cigarette Factory Worker)
Kara-Dag Zhemchuzhina Vostochnogo Kryma (Kara-Dag. The Pearl of Eastern Crimea)
Podvig Vo L'Dakh (Feat in the Ice)
Seven Footprints To Satan
Après L'Incendie De Salonique, Août 1917
La croix rouge suisse accueille des réfugiés française en gare de bäle
La femme française pendant la guerre (1918)
Noël de guerre (1916)
Morænen (The House of Shadows)
The Deadlier Sex
le rosier miraculeux
The Student Prince in Old Heidelberg (1927)
Careers (1929)
I'll write a proper blog post about the experience and my favorite things I saw soon.
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foroelgrancapitan · 7 years
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FULL STORY=> http://ift.tt/2xFIfjl Die Deutsche Wochenschau (Noticiero alemán de propaganda) http://ift.tt/2xFIfjl Die Deutsche Wochenschau fue el título de la serie unificada de noticiarios publicados en los cines de la Alemania nazi desde 1940 hasta el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. La producción coordinada de noticiarios se creó como un instrumento vital para la distribución masiva de la propaganda nazi en la guerra. Hoy en día los cortometrajes conservados de Wochenschau constituyen una parte significativa de los registros audiovisuales de la era nazi. Los noticiarios habían sido proyectados regularmente desde los primeros días del cine alemán, especialmente durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, cuando compañías como Messter Film empezaron a producir cortos documentales de cine mudo. Con el cambio final a las películas sonoras a principios de los años treinta, el mercado de los noticiarios se concentró en cuatro compañías de producción dominantes: Universum Film AG (Ufa-Tonwoche y Deulig-Tonwoche), Fox Film ), y Tobis (Tobis-Wochenschau). Después de la Machtergreifung nazi en 1933, la producción fue supervisada y censurada por el Ministerio de Propaganda de Joseph Goebbels, que se había dado cuenta del enorme significado de los noticiarios para sus propósitos de propaganda. Conla invasión alemana de Polonia en septiembre de 1939, marcando el estallido de la segunda guerra mundial, las autoridades nazis unieron los cuatro noticiarios en uno, llevado por Universum Film AG en Berlín. Estos noticiarios se fusionaron en un solo noticiero de guerra, pero mantuvieron sus respectivos títulos de apertura hasta junio de 1940. Después de eso, la fusión se hizo pública mediante el uso de un solo título de apertura: Die Deutsche Wochenschau Esta fue la única serie de noticiarios alemanes hasta que la producción se interrumpió en marzo de 1945.
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mudwerks · 13 years
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PORTEN, Henny_Film Sterne; 565-4. In Die Heimkehr des Odysseus. Photo Messter Film (by Performing Arts / Artes Escénicas)
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missholson · 5 years
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”But from the age of 16, the violently suppressed longing for the theater became ever stronger. So I had no other choice than to act secretly in theater, i.e. I became another person in the evening, took a false name and played it straight on. I led so a double life of which nobody knew anything; during the day a good businessman, in the evening an idealistic actor. [...] After a short military time I was hired to Berlin. Here I played my first role in the film "Werner Krafft" at Messter Film in 1916. From then on, I acted in a movie after another. I slowly penetrated deeper and deeper into the mysteries of film art, I worked and studied nonstop. Three films from this first period remain remarkable: “Höhenluft” with Henny Porten, Richard Oswald’s “Unheimliche Geschichten” and Lubitsch’s “Madame Dubarry”. All this time I was still acting in the theater.” (free translation)
- Reinhold Schünzel
Filmkünstler; wir über uns selbst (1928) by Dr. Hermann Treuner © Sibyllen-Verlag, Berlin The Museum of Modern Art Library, New York Internet Archive
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