#messy but meh it's late and i just wanna be done with it
cassatine · 2 years
rewatched ep10 and honestly it is growing on me. enjoyed it a lot more this time. extremely long meta post (almost 4k) spoiling pretty much everything under the cut.
the visenya birth scene is harrowing and rhaenyra rocking her dead girl in her arms... emotional devastation.
i wish we'd had more time with rhaenyra's internal conflict over what to do. i wanted to see her angry and more visibly torn over duty (she is her father's chosen heir and aegon a wanker) vs duty (the 7K united for the future winter). i wanted to see her in full ugly grief mode. but on rewatch it's like... she can't!! no full ugly grief mode for her because she has to hold her shit together, because she has to hold everything else together and daemon is too busy having his own unhinged breakdown to be of any help whatsoever (he's more of a problem lbr). i'm pretty sure she spends most of the ep wishing she could just have her own breakdown over her dead dad, her dead baby, her ex bestie betraying her, and daemon's skyrocketing level of unhingedness, but she simply fucking can't because if she does everything's going to explode in her face.
on monumental miscommunication: the show this week local couple completely fails to understand each other's positions because they are not operating from the same set of variables and unaware of it: she thinks he knows about the aegon prophecy of winter, he has zero idea there even is an aegon prophecy to know until she drops the bomb. on rewatch it is really rewarding to see how much the aegon prophecy informs rhaenyra's position on everything and how much it *doesn't* informs daemon's.
i still kinda wish we'd had more of a follow up on rhaenyra choosing fear with the laenor fake murder to hitch up with her uncle because so sue me i was absolutely there for the unhinged partners in love, politics & war crimes kind of dynamic but then again. the situation in ep10 is not at all what rhaenyra was planning for at the time. she wanted people to be afraid of the shit they could pull, so that no one would be too much of a problem when the time came for her to take the throne, and for that daemon's reputation and overall daemon-ness was an asset. or at least looked like one to her (it wasn't an asset, like ok sure intimidation factor but also it'd have lost her the support of people who weren't fans of the idea of daemon ruling, and people absolutely would have believed daemon was the one who called the shots. also it near lost her the velaryons and the velaryons are the main fleet. the math was bad). instead turns out she has to decide between duty (she is her father's chosen heir and aegon a wanker) vs duty (the 7K united for the future winter). the fact that daemon is the sort to war crime first and think later (on top of the prophecy miscommunication fail) isn't really an asset in this situation it's more of a huge fucking problem.
even if he knew about the prophecy... he'd probably be a bit more understanding of her position, and her his, but i don't think it'd have changed things that much because *if* he'd bought it, he would have fixated on the part about a targ sitting on the throne being necessary, and he would argue alicent's kids aren't targ enough so of course rhaenyra has to go to war to park her ass on the throne. they would then have a huge row because rhaenyra would say oh are you saying my boys with not-laenor aren't targ enough??
idk what to think about rhaenys 'i came to warn you out of loyalty to my husband and to my house' it really bugged me on first watch because she's a targ too ffs buuut she's been ambivalent about rhaenyra for a while (pretty reasonable what with her thinking rhaenyra had her son killed to hitch up with daemon) so... guess it works. and it makes sense that the thing that actually gets her on rhaenyra's side in the end is not being gung-ho about war because that'd have been why she didn't try to push her claim & go to war herself after viserys got chosen by the lords as the new king on the basis of *checks notes* having a dick.
otoh the thing with rhaenys not wanting war probably for the good of all is the same thing with alicent's 'a true queen counts the cost to her people' (alicent you are bad at math and if you *had* done that you would have looked at aegon and gone eeehr. that was a bullshit line) which is that rhaenys also smashed a bunch of peasants just last episode because none of these people ought to actually care about the masses (other than rhaenyra, but only in the sense that she knows about the aegon prophecy -- caring about adverting the end of the world and the death of humanity isn't really the same as caring that people don't die in your war for power) they are medievish rulers, they ought to believe in absolutism AND other than alicent they're all targs, they also ought to have liked subscribed followed on targ exceptionalism.
jace being mean to luce when they're having their bit of training on the beach makes me sad but on top of "send us" being his idea it's just gonna make him even more devastated. like not only was it idea for them to be their mom's envoys but also the last time they had bro time he was a meanie to luce… the sheer amount of angst he's gonna carry around next season!!
kind of funny: the fact that daemon and rhaenyra did not take five to discuss their options / air shit out & have daemon update her on what he's been doing already (ravens sent etc) in private before the war council (part one) around the extremely awesome-looking candlelit painted table. it's giving me ep3 rhaenyra & viserys public fight vibes. same mistake of making dissension a public spectacle, which in this case is pretty bad optics-wise. everyone can see rhaenyra doesn't know what moves daemon already made, and that they are not in agreement at all. most likely it's because they are pissed at each other and also grieving (but mostly pissed). and probably no amount of discussion would have gotten them on the same page, but at least they wouldn't have had a fight in front of everyone five minutes after he crowned her. maybe they could also have avoided the huge miscommunication issue re: the aegon prophecy.
otto scene paralleling ep2 is yummy (kinda wish criston had been there to be a bitch about stuff tbh) but also rhaenyra just miscarried i don't think she should be flying. the terms otto brings are VERY interesting (they are mostly alicent's, otto is a liar and his intentions for the long term are still absolutely to get rhaenyra and her fam killed, because as long as she's alive there will be people to say she was the heir, she should have been queen, either because they believe it, either because aegon is a shithead, either because opportunism etc etc); they're giving rhaenyra dragonstone, ie the most targ place in westeros, the traditional seat of the heir to the throne, and also where there are all the wild dragons and also an island not that far from king's landing on dragonback, so it's kind of like telling her you can keep most of the nukes and stay in our backyard it's fine. the terms also imply that they'll stop calling her kids bastards and make it royal policy that they aren't since jacaerys would inherit dragonstone & lucerys driftmark. the catch is the part about aegon the third and viserys being given 'positions of high honor at the court', which really means they are to be hostages for rhaenyra & daemon's good behavior. also otto said what i've been saying, which is that his faction was never reacting to anything rhaenyra did or didn't do ('she could be jaehaerys returned and it still wouldn't matter') and had been planning to crown aegon ii since he was a baby, because he was born with a dick and otto & hobert are thirsty for power. also lol at 'stale oaths' this shit is the foundation upon which feudalism stands but ok. stale oaths. side of honor and decency, lol.
i'm still meh about the book page moment. i want it to work for me because alicent & rhaenyra are the core of everything and it is a neat callback to ep1, it just... doesn't. it feels so alicent, the appeal to past friendship, but the book page itself feels contrived and i don't really buy that otto wouldn't have thrown it into the sea. also the family dinner from hell was about three days ago so it's not like rhaenyra would have forgotten the temporary rekindling of frienship or alicent saying she'd make a good queen only to put her own wanker son on the throne. idk it's not that she shouldn't be sad and yearning for the good old days but. i guess i think she should be kinda pissed too.
when daemon says 'the enemy declared war already' at the war council (part two)... he is being especially unhinged and bitchy, and him and rhaenyra REALLY should have taken five to air shit out in private after otto left -- but he isn't wrong either. neither of them are wrong, but again: they aren't operating from the same set of variables. rhaenyra is considering the cost of going to war with the aegon prophecy in mind, and daemon doesn't know about it. what daemon is considering is what he knows about how shit works, and what he knows about otto ("a second son that stands to inherit nothing but what he seizes for himself") (and also he is still in unhinged breakdown mode) and he probably realizes otto's terms are bullshit... because otto wasn't exactly wrong about his 'being the challenge' thing. if rhaenyra had been crowned there would always have been people to say, well aegon has a dick so he ought to bethe one sitting on the sword chair, even if he's an incompetent drunken wanker -- and while i very much doubt rhaenyra would have had her half-siblings executed to shore up her claim as soon as she got on said chair, it's very likely aegon ii would have been a problem at some point or another, not especially because of anything he'd do, but because he'd be a rallying point for discontents and opportunists. and now with aegon ii crowned there will also always be people to say that viserys changing his mind at the last minute is hightower bullshit, that his chosen heir was rhaenyra so she should be on the chair, ie she will always be a danger to aegon ii, and it's only when she's dead and her whole family with her that the doubts about aegon ii's legitimacy as king will die -- if only because then there would be no other pseudo-legally viable option than him left. and otto absolutely is the kind of person who'd make it happen, he has been planning on it since aegon was born, he's not gonna change that just because alicent said 'no i don't wanna'. plus the offer to give dragonstone to rhaenyra really is a huge red flag: otto said aegon ii had all the symbols of legitimacy, but dragonstone traditionally is the heir's seat, it is also a symbol of legitimacy and pet nukes island, there's just no way otto would really be fine letting the one threat to aegon ii just live out her days there even if he had two of her kids as hostages. his side of the fam is also missing another targ legitimacy symbol in dark sister. otto plays a long game, and for now he's just humouring alicent.
so yeah from daemon's perspective of prophetic ignorance, otto hatedom and general daemon-ness understanding of the world, if the blacks don't do a war, not only are they gonna have to hand over aegon the third and viserys ii to *otto* as hostages, but they'll also get to spend the rest of their life waiting for a sad regrettable accident to happen to them. he isn't considering the third option, which is get the fuck out of dodge and go back to pentos or wherever because he is in unhinged breakdown mode, and also if not him he wants rhaenyra on his bro's throne.
i'm still fine with the choking. makes sense to me. he's having his unhinged man breakdown over what he thinks is his bro getting murdered, and another breakdown on top over the visenya situation. the fact that his brother (he thinks) got murdered and the news sent rhaenyra straight to miscarriage... it's kill bill siren on repeat in his head and nothing else. dude spends the whole episode wanting to kill someone - wanting to kill a lot of someone. plus he is pissed at rhaenyra for not being gung-ho about war from the start. he is also pissed she didn't let him kill otto, whom he hates probably more than anyone else ever and probably expects will not rest until his and rhaenyra's whole family is dead. and he is pissed rhaenyra isn't listening to him because he's the one with the war experience and whatever, and on that one he 100% thinks he knows better. and he is high on targ exceptionalism as ever. and he is also very upset to learn about the aegon prophecy because viserys never told him, and under the swag and the overperformance of gender he is at his core a pathetic insecure little bitch hungry for big bro's approval, and this to him (and to rhaenyra) would confirm viserys never truly trusted him nor ever saw him as a viable heir. ever. also: poor impulse control is not new.
rhaenys and corlys not being on the same page for most of the season is kinda funny but mostly sad. corlys reconsidering velaryon ambition and support for rhaenyra HAS to happen when rhaenys is like 'actually... i kinda support her now'. she also confirms jace luce and joff their official grandchildren won't be safe as long as aegon ii sits the throne. (it is however meh that she didn't mention baela & rhaena who are their real grandkids, and also at risk because they are now betrothed to jace & luce. very uncool.) reversal of position to the nines, considering she used to be the one to say they weren't really their grandkids and that rhaenyra had laenor killed, which is now corlys' point to make. her position doesn't really make sense tho -- she says she supports rhaenyra because she is demonstrating restraint when everyone around her wants to go to war (which is sort of funny when you consider rhaenyra might have been as gung-ho about war as everyone else if not for the aegon prophecy, once again it's all about who knows what) but at the same time if jace luce & joff (and by extension baela & rhaena) are in danger as long as aegon ii sits the throne then... how is war not inevitable?
'you father's realm was one of justice and honor' is so fucking funny to me coming from corlys, who spent most of the season arguing it was complete injustice that his wife was cheated out of the throne. a+ no notes bitchiest backhanded compliment.
it's also really funny to me that rhaenyra tells the kids to swear on the seven because it's not like she's shown any care for the faith previously, and what with the oldtown link it's pretty unlikely any show of religion would get the faith on her side rather than the hightowers'. it's a weird decision and i don't really get the point. might make more sense later on tho.
another thing i do not really get: what is daemon even doing with vermithor other than looking cool?? on the one hand it's just as well he fucked off because the war council really went more smoothly without him but otoh what is he doing serenading a dragon that isn't caraxes?? is he intending to cheat on the noodle boi?? the whole point of that scene escapes me like ok bunch of dragons to claim on dragonstone... but if he's looking to organize blind dates then why is he alone.
baby lucerys giving me all the feels in this ep, and also making me wish we'd had more time with rhaenyra's kids to make everything more devastating. i get that aegon & aemond would get more screentime this season because they're going to last longer while lucerys dies especially early on, but isn't that reason to give him more time to steal all our hearts!! same with rhaenyra as a mother imo it wouldn't have hurt to get more of that for maximum impact when she learns about lucerys getting eaten. especially since the timeskips already meant we don't really see her go from not wanting kids because of aemma trauma to having like half a soccer team worth of them.
i do wish we'd gotten more time in storm's end too, but the whole fail visit shows rhaenyra fucked up in at least two big ways: 1) she just asked for fealty and while yeah oaths were sworn and all that jazz... like boros said, aegon ii's side at least came with an offer. the thing to do is to offer something when you're asking someone to go to war for you and not that other guy. if not a son's hand then a position on the small council or whatever. 2) her kids weren't prepared -- or at least lucerys wasn't prepared to treat with boros. baby boy doesn't know what the fuck he is doing, and he does the best he can but someone with actual experience would have known not to stop at 'well sorry sir i'm already betrothed' and made some counter-offer or another.
sapphire reveal YES. aemond being so good at being a scary mofo until it turns out he's basically a kid too?? that hit way more on rewatch. on first watch i really didn't like the specifics of how things went down with lucerys -- i went in knowing it would be an accident what with the leak, but not the exact details, and i really expected aemond to fuck up because he was so fixated on revenge he'd take it a step too far and that'd be the accident so on the moment it felt cheap when it turned out to be the dragons. now i think it's not at all a bad change for a show that's trying to show everyone's humanity and amp up the tragedy of it all.
and all in all i do think it did a good job at accounting for f&b canon while doing something different, because while the actual death is sort of an accident and aemond didn't want shit to get quite that far... it was still rather unhinged behavior of him to go all 'an eye for an eye i'll give it to mommy revenge revenge revenge'. he was out there doing the evil anime laugh, living out his dream of being the scariest dude around and finally getting himself some revenge... and it was fun and enjoyable for like five minutes and then it wasn't! probably the first time he actually kills anyone. but also lbr it wasn't that much better an idea than to straight up kill lucerys in light of what it'd do to the negotiation process and all that. and the fact that he called lucerys my lord strong & bastard when his mother's terms to rhaenyra imply the green will finally acknowledge jace luce & joff as legitimate... neat. of course aemond of all people couldn't let it go.
the thing that sold me on the no control over dragons was remembering back in ep1 when viserys said... we don't control the dragons the idea that we do is an illusion. full circle! i guess it is kinda sexy and not actually boring to have the war start like that. daemon is out there spouting his 'dragons will win us the war' spiel and meanwhile. dragons panicking. vhagar eating lucerys. also fits with the "ten thousands ways this could have been avoided (it was always going to be this way)" approach. and it all fits with the fact that show aemond is more of a wannabe edgelord at this stage of the story; his best war crimes era is still ahead of him, and i am curious to see how s2 goes from there. he isn't really the sort to tell people it was an accident imo (maybe to alicent) but even if he was, the thing is he can't actually tell to people it was an accident... because you can't tell your allies and possible allies and more generally your bro's subjects that woopsie! you can't control your pet nuke all that well actually. that's really, really, really bad press, even worse than doing a war crime. like. being led by dudes who do war crimes is one thing because they do the war crimes to the other side, but being led by dudes who don't control their pet nukes all that well means the pet nuke could eat you.
the only reason there could be to tell anyone is convincing rhaenyra it was an accident, but she wouldn't believe it from eamond (he of the toast escalation). and even if she magically learned all about how shit went down... she wouldn't see it as an accident because in the end aemond did pursue lucerys, who was just an envoy under explicit orders not to fight, with the intent to take an eye for an eye to bring back to his mommy and that's the reason there could even be an accident.
also ironic that aemond probably did more to save the daemyra marriage (and maybe even their cause) than anyone else in this ep because if he hadn't accidentally war crimed lucerys, giving them cause to war crime back? they'd be fighting like crazy over how to go about things and they'd be doing it in public, and daemon would be switching from undermining rhaenyra as queen to straight up killing people who don't bow low enough to her at least three times a day and that would not make their side very popular let's be real.
in the end i kinda wish this ep could have been the council of the blacks as a pendant to the council of the greens, things would have had more time to breathe. doesn't make for a killer season finale but maybe an eleventh ep with a longer stom's end passage (awkward diner!!) + blood & cheese idk.
buut then again that final scene... what a way to finish the ep & the season!! everything about it is so!! perfect!! love that we pretty much see only rhaenyra & daemon's backs throughout and yet you just fucking know what she's feeling. her little faltering step!! her hands on her stomach!! she's losing another baby... and when she does turn to the camera... her pissed off face, the way it just screams she's done... for the whole episode she's been trying so, so hard to do that thing alicent thinks she keeps giving the finger to, she's been trying to do her duty, she's been trying not to fall into pieces, she's been trying to hold shit together and do what she thinks viserys would have wanted her to do ie keeping the peace, she's been putting the aegon prophecy above everything else, she's been trying not give in to anger and now. and now that's over. she is gonna do some war crimes of her own.
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k-white · 1 month
Personal Opinions of GMMTV PART2 SERIES
To nobodys request I am gonna do a opinions on the gmmtv trailers, let it be stated that I barely watch anything lately so we'll see how many I will actually watch🤣
so lets start, I will go in order of how they came out on the lineup:
Ossans Love Thailand: I do not like slapstick it isn't my thing but strangely enough I liked this trailer it made me laugh a lot and seeing EM in a show where they can be silly and ceazy is so fun plus the chemistry with the Boss was working, I haven't watched the japanese but I might go back and watch that cuz I wanna ne up on top of knowing the plot
Leap Year: It looks cool and has Gun, feels a little more survival show wich isn't really my thing but the concept is cool, I am always ready to try out more put there plots with supernatural elements and the acting seemed solid for both Dew and Pond
The Heart Killers: hem do I even need to say anything? BE GAY DO CRIME SHAKESPERE WITH FK AND JOJO DIRECTING I think this suffices moving on! jokes aside I am so exited for an action romcom with betrayal and tattoos and my babies looked AMAZING
Friendshit Forever: it's Mook and Pat acting their asses off and almost killing eachother while looking sapphic doing that, so yes please, New and Boom are ok man ruinibg things as always lol/j but honestly I would watch this for the girls and the drama plus Pat is literally a goddes I love that woman
Perfect 10 Liners: sigh another gay engeneers cute boy ensble with 2 couples I am not particualry a fan of om screen(FB PC) and one I have no feelings for(JM) plus the plot looks so uninspired and boring and if it is true it's gonna be 10 eps per couple you bet your ass you wont see me sit thtough this thing! We Are is enough and at least there I like the pairs
Us: FUCK YES BABY GIMME THE GL, this looked so artsy and indie it didn't even give off thai show vibes with the minimalist approach and cinematography, the story is gonna be angsty as fuck but I live for it and Girl falling for the guys sister? Man good drama, and it has Sing and Emi looking mighty fine plus Bonnie wich is so pretty, you will be seeing me seated for this one
Hide & Sis: Again it has women, and WHAT WOMEN GEEZ! Jan, Lookjun and Piploy???? god I am melting they are everything, it is very PS I Hate You and thank god Snap went back to that after Jungle, stick to the messy murder plots, it honestly might not be everybody shit but it's mine and I will take it, tho the revenge porn is trash and fuck you Chimons character, and Lookjun and Pepper actually playing a sort of couole on screen! and oh Gawin as a cop(probably corrupted) brings back memories
Thame-Po: another one that doesn't have gmmtv vibes and I like it when they try to branch out, the idol subplot isn't my thing tho even if I know LYKN are good, EstWilliam mmmm they look pretty but didn't really vibe with the acting, they do have good chemistry tho, for this one I might have to wait for the actual trailer
Break Up Service: NO moving on... ok fine this is ridiculous and does not give me anything even if there is Off in a suit, the comedy wasn't even good next
Revamp: I know this is Boons crown jewel and it looks good but vampire shows are hit or miss and I am not that into them but I think I will watch for the cast and cuz I am attached to BP, and Kay in a villain role is cheffs kiss
Sweet Tooth, Good Doctor: SIGHHHH Oh Mark what have they done to you? they were able to make Mark Pakin look plain MARK! UNACCEPTABLE! plus dentists? I have visceral reactions to just thw sounds of the trailer, Ohms acting still isn't to my liking and it is a Jittirain novel so skeptical isn't even cutting it, the trailer even if less slapstick as OL it cringed me, the balance of humour and romance is off, I think I will watch but just for Mark, Jimmy and View
The Dark Dice: meh felt like a bootleg gifted in a bad way idk I like Gem and Prim enough but this didn't give me anything much, might have to wait for final trailer here too
The Ex Morning: I like the concept don't care at all about anchor man plot, still not a big fan of Krists acting, but I like Singto and the ex part was interesting enough, we will see, might be a little too meta and not in a good way
Scarlet Heart: My Tu come back and ot is a Harem Reverse? WHY??? I hate harem shows always had, I don't even know the og show, I do like most of the cast but still this was just a teaser so I might need to check the og show and then the full trailer to judge, for now I am not into it and I am sorry cuz MY TU!
Ok thats it, overall I liked this lineup better than part 1(even if it's just cuz of FK be in an actual show and not just to announce School Rangers) for now I am in for most of the shows we shall see once they start airing but I stay optimistic that I will watch most
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lovemesomesurveys · 2 years
What's a TV show you've gotten into recently? I’ve started/finished/caught up on several shows since being in the hospital the past 2 months, but the most recent one I started finally is Stranger Things. I’ve been meaning to watch it for awhile. I’m almost done with season 1. I’m a binge watcher and can get through seasons quickly, but since my brother and I are watching this together and we usually only have time for like 2-3 episodes (plus he’s not here everyday), it’s going to take longer. I’m really into it so far and I just want to catch up already. My blog is flooded with stuff from the latest season and I want to join in. 
Do you have a hard time remembering your dreams? Yes. It’s weird, like I know it was something weird and random, but I can’t really tell you much else. And if I do remember, it’s for a brief time. Very rarely can I actually recall what happened and remember it later on. I’ve had ones that really effected me.
Have you ever or are you on any type of anti-depressant? I have been on them before, but not currently. Have you ever seen the movie Jennifer's body? I think I’ve seen parts of it. What was the last thing you painted? This cute little ceramic Easter decor. I had bought one for my brother and I to do on Easter together. 
What's your favorite 90s song? I have a ton of favorite songs from the 90s.  Donuts or muffins? Ooh, both.  What's something you've been thinking about? My health issues are always center stage, plus just my life in general. I’m going through a lot right now and have a long road ahead. I’m also always thinking of food and drinks cause I haven’t been able to have either one in over 2 months. I just wanna go homeeeee. I wish I could recover at home and be with my family in my own room and bed. I want to see my precious doggo. D: Do you or anyone you know have asthma? I know people who do. What time is it currently? 10:29AM. Do you ever stay up late to see the moon at its peak? Not for that reason, no. I’m just always up late. What does your phone case look like? It’s pink and purple and full of cute little stickers I put on it and a phone charm.  
Are you doing alright today? Meh. What's your favorite fizzy drink? Coke, Cherry Coke, Pepsi, Wild Cherry Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, Cherry Dr. Pepper, that new cream Dr. Pepper, Mountain Dew and various of its flavors.  Have you ever written a song? Ha, I attempted to when I was like 15/16 and going through my emo phase. When did you last pump gas? Never. Do you own a gun? Nope. Do you like milk in your coffee or tea? I like flavored creamer or Half and Half with sugar in my coffee and a packet or two of sugar with my tea. Do you have a lazy eye? No. Is your room normally messy or tidy? It’s usually pretty clean, but it’s a bit disorganized/cluttered right now because it’s been rearranged and sorted through to get rid of some stuff.  Do you enjoy windy days? No, I hate it.  Do you experience second hand embarrassment? Yeah, I have. What makes you feel confident? Nothing. What's your self care routine? I don’t have one... I haven’t taken the best care of myself in a lot of ways. :/ What would you define as "heartbreak weather"? Huh? Do you have a flower bed or flowers planted around your place of residence? We have some potted plants. What was the last thing you said out loud? I asked my nurse something. What's the last thing you remembered that you had recently forgotten? *shrug* What color is your shirt? I’m wearing a blue hospital gown. Do you have any regrets from this past week? Yes. What scents do you currently smell? *shrug* Hospital smells. What's your favorite flavorite chip/crisps? Andy Capp’s Cheddar Cheese Fries and the Ranch ones as well, Doritos Nacho Cheese, Dorito’s Cool Ranch, Lay’s Wavy chips. I love ranch, French onion, guacamole, and spinach and artichoke dips with those chips as well. What's your favorite snacks? Those chips and dips, Cheez-Itz, various sweets. Have you ever experienced vertigo? Yeah, several times. Not fun. What apps do you use the most on your phone? Kindle and Facebook. Who is someone you find to be pretty? Elizabeth Olsen. What's the heaviest weight you've ever lifted? I don’t lift weights. What color is the current object you're sitting on? White. Do you enjoy coloring books still? I do. I have a few of ‘em.
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ghostinyourbuilding · 2 years
July 10th, Sunday. 23.37pm. Good night ghost.
Today's diary entry is gonna be hella confusing. I'm a bit drunk and my mind is everywhere so here are so scattered happenings and thoughts.
The Sister Debacle™
My sister told me plain and clear that she'd go out to Largo with me no matter what, and I was stupid enough to believe it for real. It was 7 and I was all ready and she said she was at her friend's house, too high to go out.
I got upset over that, she repeats the same fucking thing over and over again. She never has any issues going out with her friends but with me it never works - we haven't gone out since restrictions were lifted, all while she went out multiple times with her friends.
I don't care if ultimately she doesn't wanna go out with me, that's her choice, but why does she have to plan shit and make me waste my time just to always cancel?
I just reacted in the most disappointed way, and I really was. So tiring. I'm done making plans with her.
Out + about
My sister decided to just fucking cancel super late but I wasn't gonna let it ruin my night, I went to Largo anyway. I was torn between meeting my friends or some of my tinder dudes but ultimately I decided to go for a tinderite because I wanted to kiss someone.
I hit Timo up, he said he wanted to meet up at 8.30 so there I went. I got there super early, like around 7.40, so I was just shooting the shit with those two drunk boomers to pass the time, they were super cool and one of them scared away this creepy dude that wanted to hug me out of nowhere. Fucking A+ lads right there.
It got to around 8.20 and this super fucking cute dude called Ollie sat next to me and started making small talk. He isn't reeally my type but he has a perfect smile and he seemed very funny. We smoked a bit and I told him that I was waiting for someone and he said he was waiting for a girl since 5. I felt a bit bad for him so I kept him company.
After a bit I didn't see Timo so I figure he didn't show up for some reason, I didn't mind that much because I'm in a good mood and I had company so meh. I kept talking to Ollie as we walked downtown - he's studying to be an engineer, he's 23 (younger than most dudes I like), he used to have long hair and he enjoys all kinds of music.
Since he needed to go to the same place as me to go home, we took the bus together. He rested his head on my shoulder the whole time and held my hand, definitely very cute. At the station he wanted me to stay a bit longer but I really couldn't lose my bus :( he got my insta and said he would hit me up so we could talk about meeting on Largo next sunday.
Weird how things happen, right?
When I got home I had some messages from Timo saying he just got to Largo, that he had some problems at work and had to be late. Normally I'd be pissed but my mood is great and my night wasn't wasted, so I accepted his apology and said he could try to meet up again some other night.
The rest and the ashes
And now for the things too small to warrant their own chapter:
- Doggie is adapting well! He's still super attached to me and super scared of strangers but we're moving forward! My niece managed to make friends with him. He's the cutest dog, I'm so glad we adopted him.
- Mo keeps messaging me from new numbers no matter how many times I block him. Why are men?
- Next saturday I'm going to Allan's place to hang out with him. He was actually super cool at the parade so I'm gonna give him a chance on the friends with benefits thingy. Men who aren't clingy are kings and I'm ready to give them chances.
- I may meet Pedro this week??? Maybe. He's an emotional fool and a bit annoying but meh, I've seen worse. Only if he pays for everything tho.
- Mark is still out of state :( I actually miss him, I really enjoyed seeing him. Apparently him and Nobody are on speaking terms again, but Nobody said his life lost meaning because of the whole ordeal with me. Messy but not my fucking problem.
- Otto is açtıng like we're dating. I won't even correct him at this point, just gonna let him act a fool. I don't have the patience to repeat myself.
In conclusion, men are dumb but I like them. I like my dog more, though.
0 notes
diyunho · 4 years
The Joker X Reader - “Ghost Driver”
When The Joker says you’re his, it means you’re essential to him because he needs your services for his own gain; it literally has zero affectionate connotations. Turbo is The King’s Ghost Driver and although she’s a legend, her life is far from perfect.
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Part 2
“Where’s all your stuff?!” Frost asks since the apartment is pretty much empty.
“Gave it to Adam,” you sulk. “He wouldn’t sign the divorce papers so I gave in; I don’t even care… I’m glad he’s out of here.”
Jonny gazes at you in silence, a million words rushing through his mind and The Joker’s henchman can’t articulate anything close to what he would like to vociferate besides foolish small talk:
“How are you holding up?”
“Not sure… I don’t even know what the hell happened to us…It used to be so great and then he started making comments about my weight, gossiping with his friends behind my back, then cheated… I couldn’t handle it,” Y/N confesses although Frost is already acquainted with the dreadful story of her crumbled marriage.
“Not what the hell happened to us,” he decides to underline his personal opinion. “I think the question should be what the hell happened to him: you didn’t do anything wrong. And I believe you look perfect,” he mumbles the last sentence.
“What was that?” you search the fridge for his favorite soda.
“Nothing... nothing…”
“Here you go,” you offer the cold Fanta to a distraught companion.
“Thanks, Y/N. Here’s the money for tonight,” he gives you the envelope. “As usually, half now , half after the job is done.”
“OK,” you accept the terms without issues because it’s how The Clown Prince of Crime pays for your services. “Jonny, why is there an extra thousand dollars in here?!”
“Ummm…” the man tries to find a reasonable explanation yet Y/N can’t accept his strategy.
“Should I text Mister Joker and thank him for the bonus?”
“Nope,” he bites on his lip.
“I appreciate it,” you return the extra cash to Frost. ”I’m fine. Really.”
“Well…” he takes the bills and stashes them in his wallet, “… let me know if you need anything, alright?”
“I promise I will, “ you smile. “I swear on my Turbo honor,” the joke makes him smile also.
“Hey Y/N… I was thinking… maybe one of these days, if you feel like it, we could… and it’s entirely up to you, no pressure… maybe you would want to… ”
Frost’s phone keeps ringing and he retrieves from his suit’s pocket, annoyed about the interruption.
“It’s Audra,” he huffs while declining the call.
“Might be important,” you sort of urge him to answer.
“Meh, I doubt it. She will chew my ears off regarding our relationship that ended 3 months ago. I’m not interested,” he strolls towards the exit due to another pressing matter he has to attend. “I have to go, Mister Joker has a meeting soon; I’ll see you later, Y/N.”
“See you,” you wave and lock the door when your cell alerts of an incoming text from The Joker.
Downloading two pictures… Pictures?!
“Oh…my… God…!” you hold your breath when the first image depicts a totally naked King of Gotham reflected in the mirror at his gym and squeal when the second one shows a close up of his mid-section.
“Oh my God!” you burst out laughing as you admire the unexpected missive. “Heeeelllo Mister Joker,” you mutter and actual phrases pop up on your screen.
“I sent these to the wrong number, Y/N. Ignore and erase them!”
“Of course, sir!” you immediately reply with no intention of doing it for the moment.
The hilarious error shook you up from apathy and it’s worth saving those pics for a bit longer since you can’t remember the last time something got your attention after the messy divorce.
11:49 PM
The Joker is the first one to get in the car next to you, firmly clutching to his suitcase full of diamonds freshly stolen from “Diamond Emporium” store on Glissan Avenue. You notice the other goons sneaking to the cars deliberately positioned around nearby streets for tonight’s robbery. How come J doesn’t go with them?
The dilemma is simple:
The green haired menace typically arrives with his regular crew when he plans heists but has Y/N pick him up after the job is done.
“Hi Mister Joker,” you greet your employer.
“Hey,” he acknowledges your presence. “Did you delete the pictures?” The Joker gets straight to the point.
“Yes,” you lie and tell the truth in the same time: you erased the whole body image but kept the close up one for future reference.
“Good. What did you think?” the hasty interrogation prompts a careful chosen response.
“You look very…,” and you pause in order to find the correct term since a tiny mistake could set him off. “… Healthy, Mister Joker.”
“I do,” he huffs quite pleased with your statement.
You wish to add more but Frost and the new hire squeeze in the back seat awaiting orders.
“You’re in luck kid,” Jonny places a box filled with precious gems at his feet. “Your first assignment and you get to meet Turbo.”
The young man opens his mouth in amazement as you move the fingers from your right hand in the air instead of a proper introduction.
“You’re Turbo?! I thought you’re a guy!” Nick blurs out and Frost punches him in the head, displeased with the observation.
“Sounds empty,” you growl while The Clown snorts.
“My Ghost Driver A GUY??!! Ha-ha-ha-ha!” the unnerving, screechy noises make the newbie shrivel up. “Turbo, A GUY!” he continues to amuse himself before giving Nick a psychotic glare.
“I’m…I’m so sorry, I meant no disrespect,” he nervously stutters especially since J called you “his”.
The poor bastard’s oblivious about what the label implies in The Clown’s universe: when The Joker says you’re his, it means you’re essential to him because he needs your services for his own gain; it literally has zero affectionate connotations.
“Where the fuck did you find this buffoon?” you chew on your gum, irritated.
“He’s Richard’s nephew,” Jonny sucks on his teeth.
“Uncle Panda is infinitely smarter,” Y/N barks at the revelation.
“I’m truly sorry,” Nick apologizes again and you cut him off.
“Save it!... … I hear sirens,” you slowly inhale and The King calmly articulates:
“I forgot to mention I accidentally triggered the silent alarm.”
Translation: he did it on purpose.
You snicker at the first lights blinking in the distance, excited to have some fun after stressing so much in the past weeks. The vehicles belonging to the gang scatter in different directions as you step on the gas pedal, accelerating towards the numerous police cars answering to the 10-64 code.
“That’s my girl!” J cracks his neck, already hyped at the adrenaline rush burning his veins: The Ghost Driver is perfect to offer him what he craves and she always delivers.
That’s why Turbo is his.
4:37 AM
“Hi…Mister…Mister Joker…” you attempt to talk without slurring.
“It’s Ella,” his girlfriend snarls.
“Why…where is he?” you guzzle down half of glass of wine, adamant in having a chat with your boss.
“Well, after you two had a merry time being chased by cops all over town, he came home and now he’s sorting out the diamonds,” the woman bitterly reports.
“I wanna talk to him,” you sniffle and drink some more alcohol.
“You just saw him. I’m sure it can wait until tomorrow.”
“I’m sure it can’t!” you shout. “I just received important information he’d be i…interested in,” you finally make it through the whole sentence.
Ella stomps in the living room, vexed at your behavior.
“It’s Turbo,” she shoves the phone in his fingers. “The bitch is wasted!”
“What did you call me?!” the appalled Y/N is about to burst when The Joker’s deep voice resonates I her ear.  
“Sir,” you correct your bitter tone. “I h-have very important news!”
“I’m listening,” J ignores his woman as she cusses you out.
“I have to tell you in person, sir. Let’s go on a date and I’ll reveal the entire shocking...”
“I have crucial information…”
“Quit repeating yourself!” The Joker interrupts. “You’re not making any sense. Go to sleep and we’ll catch up after you sober up.”
“But I wanna go on date Mister Joker,” you gulp the rest of the wine and prepare for a fourth round.
“Why, because I look healthy?” J mocks and Ella sighs, not understanding the odd conversation she’s witnessing. “… …. … Hello?”
A loud thud, then dialing tone at the other end of the line.
“I think she passed out,” The King of Gotham concludes, not particularly worried at the sudden halt of your monologue.
3 Days Later
The late meeting is almost done: the buyers already purchased the diamonds J had for sale, among them your ex-husband Adam that has a small crowd gathered next to him; he’s supposedly famous for his crappy attitude enjoyed by jerks sharing the same ludicrous humor.
“You know I’m sensible when it comes to challenges and I couldn’t grasp why she doesn’t want my help in shedding a few pounds. What’s the harm in that?! I love curves but sometimes I don’t, ya’ know?” he winks and the group laughs.
The Joker is arranging money in duffle bags, his concentration diverted by the impromptu comedic performance. What the heck are they yapping about?
Frost is certainly in a foul mood: J can guess his trusted henchman is worked up since the usual chilled Jonny can’t control his anger.
“What’s wrong with being voluptuous, hm?” he addresses Adam and it clicks for The Joker: this is about Y/N.
“Nothing at all,” he smirks and the laughter around the room dies out because not too many dare screwing with Jonny Frost. “I was merely emphasizing that if a woman can’t lose weight, she’s doomed. Y/N lost me, how is she going to get another stud if she…”
“Perhaps she’s not interested in pieces of shit; definitely had her share!” Frost grumbles at the absurd remarks.
The Joker has no clue about what’s going on, yet he won’t deny today’s entertainment is far from boring.
“Give me a break!” Adam scoffs. “Who’d sniff her tail if she refuses to get skinnier? Ooohhh, wait a minute, we might have an admirer,” he arrogantly slides your cell out of his coat. “I was browsing her pictures and what do you know? A gentleman sent Y/N a picture of his junk three days ago. I am deeply sorry, my bad. She does have somebody sniffing her tail. What kind of loser sends images of his dangling goodies to another dude’s wife?!” 
“Ex-wife!” Jonny sneers whilst J’s calculation leads to an easy verdict: you kept one pic.
“Whose junk is this?! Is it yours?” your estranged spouse accuses Frost without any evidence.
“It’s my junk,” The Joker’s serene revelation makes everyone freeze: they have no idea how to react at the puzzling escalation of events.
Is he bluffing?!
“I wasn’t aware I require permission in order to text whatever I desire to whomever I want.”
Awkward silence and Frost approaches Adam, boiling with indignation.
“Why do you have Y/N’s phone?”
Your husband doesn’t have a chance to justify his action: Jonny’s punch throws him to the ground, immediately followed by his unsettling ultimatum.  
“You son of a bitch, what did you do to her?”
Your former husband gets on his elbow ready to attack when The King’s stern inquiry stops his motion:
After 1 hour
Frost lifts you higher in his arms while you keep wheezing, trying to regain control.
“I’m sorry…I attacked you,” the weakened Y/N whispers. “I thought you were Adam...”
After being abducted and left to starve for the last 3 days, you had one clear purpose: to kill the guy that did it. Adam surely crossed the line with his despicable plan of making you lose weight: he creeped in your apartment, kidnapped you and took you to his home where you were chained in the cellar until Jonny found you. The basement was dark and you couldn’t see, that’s why you used whatever strength you had left in order to attack the individual responsible for your misfortune.
Turned out it was actually a rescue party although Frost is now the proud owner of a beautiful bump courtesy of Y/N.
“No problem,” Jonny takes you to his SUV, carefully laying you down in the passenger’s seat. “How’s your head?” he wipes the dried blood on your cheeks since Adam knocked you out unconscious while you were talking to The Joker after the heist.
“I’m OK,” you start crying, mostly mad at yourself for being such an easy prey, yet you didn’t see it coming.
“You know… It’s OK not to be OK,” Frost opens a bottle of water and gives it to you. “I’ll take you home, you can take a shower and I’ll have the doctor come for an emergency evaluation. Are you hungry?”
“I’m so hungry,” tears stream down your face and Jonny has a great proposal.
“I’ll order some food and if you want me to I can stay with you. After you feel better, we could… and it’s entirely up to you, no pressure… maybe you would want to…”
The Joker rolls his eyes, deciding to emerge from the shadows.
“Wow, this is painful to watch. Frost believes he’s still in high school: basically he’s asking you on a date. There, done. No need to beat around the bush. Jesus!” J scolds about a subject he shouldn’t mess with. “I have a heist next week, you better be good to go by then!” he gestures at the confused duo. “If you’ll excuse me, I have my own date to honor. We’re done here, yes?”
“Yes sir,” Jonny replies for both, unwilling to split hairs with The Joker and his obnoxious aberrations. “Here’s your cell,” he returns the item to you and you snatch it, relieved. You seem to have an outburst of energy as you unlock the secured folder.
“Where’s Adam?”
“I don’t know, we had an altercation at the warehouse then he scrammed,” Frost reports, ogling a strange looking Y/N typing on her phone.
“He won’t be able to hide,” you grin and send the attachment to The Joker.
“We’ll be late for dinner,” Ella kisses The Clown. “I’m not a 100% positive why we had to waste precious time and come for her,” she pouts and drags him after her towards their vehicle.
J’s phone chimes and he stops in his tracks, not expecting a message from you seconds after the encounter.
“Mister Joker, you were very generous to share pictures with me.
Allow me to do the same.
Your Turbo.”
Imagines downloading and he’s not sure what to do when pics appear one by one: frames taken by the private investigator you hired to follow Adam when you suspected he was cheating. The bastard was diligent, but he was eventually caught in the act three days ago.
Who’s the woman he’s with?
The Joker’s Queen.
“What’s wrong?” she frowns at the visible switch in his temper.
The Clown ruthlessly slams Ella against the hood while her cell also receives a text from Y/N:
“Who’s the bitch now?”
 Also read: MASTERLIST
You can also follow me on Wattpad and Ao3 under the same blog name: DiYunho.
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riven-hook · 3 years
Dangerous Road - Harry HookxEmma
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"Slow down" I told my best friend, Ky, daughter of Kiera and Kovu. She was swallowing down her food like it was her job. "I can't, look she's on her way" she said, her voice trembling with fear as she pointed a shaking finger at Audrey and her cliche group of friends. I mentally groaned and stood up from the bench as the 3 girls approached us. "Yeah, listen to your friend, Ky, you don't wanna get any fatter" Audrey said, coldly, making her friends giggle.
I stared at her, a dangerous glint in my eye and raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me?" I asked, putting my hands on my hips. "Well I mean look at her, she could pass as a football" Audrey laughed. I hissed at her and laughed sarcastically. "So could you as soon as my foot makes contact with your face!” I said, coldly, glaring at her as I heard Ky chuckle under her breath. Satisfied with my comment I smirked at Audrey. "Listen, I'm just trying to put this little shit in her place" Audrey said, trying to sound intimidating but I could still see the fear behind her eyes.
I growled at her and cracked my knuckles. "Do you know what your doing?" I asked in a sweet tone, my British accent rolling off of my tongue with elegance. "No, tell me!" She said, standing on her tip toes as I was the slightest bit taller than her. "Your insulting my friend and do you know what happens to people who insult my friend?" I asked, smiling sweetly at her. "What?" She smirked. I laughed at her before swinging a punch at her nose. "OW!" She cried, stumbling backwards, clutching her bloody nose. "You are such a bitch Emma!" Audrey squealed. "Suck my dick!" I called after her, earning a high five from Ky.
I laughed as I sat back down before getting interrupted by Fairy Godmother. "Emma Porter!" She yelled, making me turn around slowly, oh yes, I was the daughter of Jane Porter. "My office NOW!" She said, an angry look on her face. I rolled my eyes and blowed a kiss at Ky before walking towards the fairy's office.
I sat down in a chair, sitting across from FG and crossed my legs, putting them on the table. FG gave me a disappointed look and shook her head before using a ruler to push my feet off of the table. "Emma, you know our rule" She began, holding her hands in front of her. I grinned at her and stayed silent. "No physical violence on the school premises!" She said. "FG, she was bullying my friend, I couldn't just sit there and watch!" I said. "But you could have gotten one of our staff members" she said.
"OH, WHAT THE FUCK WOULD THEY HAVE DONE?!" I began raising my voice as I stood up out of my chair. "Emma.." she said, calmly. "What?" I asked like a little kid who didn't get what they wanted. "I'm transferring you to the VK class" she said, shuffling with some papers. I rolled my eyes and stood up again. "Where are you going?" She asked, giving me a confused look. "To the VK class..." I said, pointing to the door, thinking that it was fairly obvious.
"I need to send an email to the teacher working there first" she said, typing something into her keyboard. I groaned and slumped back into the chair. "This is the exact attitude that got you transferred in the first place" she said, looking me in the eye. "And I give a fuck because..." I asked, causing her to gasp. "And they language needs to stop" she said, shaking her head. I laughed under my breath and fiddled with my thumbs, waiting for her to be finished.
Time Skip
FG dragged me towards the VK class and knocked on the door. A middle aged women answered and came into the hallway, shutting the door behind us. "Hello Fairy Godmother" the women exclaimed before looking at me. "I'm Mrs Brown! And this must be..." she said, completely forgetting my name. "Squarepants, SpongeBob Squarepants" I said, shaking her hand politely. FG slapped my arm playfully and told her my real name. "This is Ema Porter" she said, putting her hands on my shoulders before I shoved her away. "Well at least my class will like you" Mrs Brown said as she opened the door, letting FG and I in.
There were 7 kids inside. 4 boys and 3 girls. One of the boys was sitting in the teachers chair, drawing a penis on the board as his boots were crossed on top of the teacher's desk. He had brown messy hair, ocean blue eyes, a red sleeveless jacket on and eyeliner smudged across his eyes, he was very attractive "HAROLD!" The teacher yelled, anger clear in her voice. The attractive boy immediately turned his head, glaring at her, evil and hatred spearing in his eyes. "What did ye jus' call meh?" He asked, a thick scottish accent, lacing with every word.
"Right yes, Harry, now please take a seat" she trembled as FG watched in horror. Harry smirked and made his way to a desk next to a boy with blonde hair and a bandana and a girl with light teal hair. They laughed with him for a few moments before turning there attention to me. "Who's the new kid?" A girl with purple hair asked. "Well, would you like to introduce yourself?" FG asked me. "Nope" I said and sat down in a desk in front of me. The whole class laughed as FG left the room.
"This is Emma" Mrs Brown said. "She has been transferred to this class as she is... unable to learn in with the AKs" she said, trying to find the right words. I scoffed at her as I twiddled my thumbs on my desk. "Well let's get started" she finished, giving Harry an angry look as she wiped his drawing off of the board making him laugh. "No fun are ye?" He taunted.
All through the class I could see Harry shooting me flirty looks, causing me to blush. I wasn't gonna lie, he was very attractive and we got along quite well. I learned everyone's names by the end of the class and we had arranged to meet up after school. Once the bell rang, signalling that school was over, I walked out the door, only to be stopped by a muscular arm. "Where ye going love?" Harry asked, smirking at me. "What's it to you?" I asked, showing that it wasn't going to be easy to get me.
He laughed silently and bent down to my level so we were the same height as he was much taller than me. "Y'know ye caught me attention in class today" he said, looking me up and down. "I did? I barely noticed" I said, smiling 'sweetly'. He let out a chuckle and checked to see if anyone was looking. "I mean, yer damn fine" he whispered seductively in my ear. I blushed slightly before returning to my rebellious posture. I tilted my head and grabbed him by the ear.
"You don't wanna fuck with me, Hook" I said, smirking at him. "Oh trust me, I really do" he smirked before winking making me chuckle slightly. "Okay, tonight, 8:00 at Moonlight Pond" I said, slipping a note into his hand which had my phone number on it. "Don't be late!" I said, flipping my hair to the side, before walking out of the classroom. I could feel his eyes locked onto my ass as I left the room, sashaying down the hall.
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avigenshin · 3 years
Oc Idea (Note: This is gonna have a lot of missing info and plot holes cuz i just wrote this for fun and didn’t give too much thought into it) (It’s also gonna be a little messy)
Name: Ava
Age: 15,000
Appearance: White hair and baby blue eyes. (She also has albinism)
-Ava is the princess of a highly respected and prosperous kingdom. The royal family of said kingdoms are the descendants of long forgotten gods and have ruled over the country for millennia.
-The royal family also aged slower than the average human and also held some traits later developed in life due to their lineage such as immunity to poison, the ability to float, etc. Traits differ from each person in the royal family.
-Ava has an identical twin brother named Aaron. Unlike Aaron who was born healthy Ava was born with a weak constitution. Due to this the young princess was abandoned at a long forgotten and old palace with few maids to take care of her.
-However due to her weak condition no one wanted to take care of her except for a young lady by the name of marianne. Marianne was a woman with blonde hair and pink eyes. Marianne had taken care of the princess as a way to cope with the loss of her younger sister. Giving the princess the love that she could not give to her sister.
- 20 Years passed and the princess was now 2 years old. Ava was a bright and cheerful child that longed for the love of her parents. She could never understand why she was abandoned. Had she done something wrong to displease them? She always thought
-Truthfully, It was due to her older twin brother, Aaron. Aaron was known as a genius due to the fact that he could pick up and learn subjects faster than his peers and was always praised for it. Whilst Ava who only had Marianne to teach her what limited knowledge she had could never compare to him.
-One day, on her 4th birthday. She decided to pick some berries in the nearby forest so that she could bake a cake with Marianne when she happened to stumble across a man with white hair and golden eyes.
-The man introduced himself as Runi. Curious, Runi asked the princess what she was doing here and they talked until late into the day. After that fateful encounter the princess would often sneak into the forest to talk to Runi.
- Years passed and Marianne had met her end. Runi took pity on the princess as she had no one else to turn to and offered to stay by her side and teach. The princess not wanting to be alone agreed and became his pupil.
-During her studies under her new master/teacher. She met Runi’s other pupils, a man with black hair and emerald green eyes by the name of Treyton and another man with baby blue hair and orange eyes by the name of Ethan.
-One day, guards swarmed the palace and took the princess to take her onto the battlefield. This was due to the fact that their kingdom was now at war and each noble including the royal family must send a representative from their family to go into battle for their family’s honour. The king and queen not wanting to risk their son’s life chose to send the princess to war instead.
-They justified it as “mercy” for the young princess as she was born with a young constitution and was bound to die soon.
-Thankfully,her master had taught her some skills to defend herself. She managed to survive by using her wits and small stature.
-She however, while patrolling the area managed to stumble across a boy that looked to be of the same age as her. Not noticing that the boy was from the enemy kingdom she called out to the boy and asked if he needed assistance.
-The boy was not interested in idle conversation and immediately lunged for the princess and after what felt like hours of fighting. The princess, out of sheer dumb luck managed to pin the boy to the ground.
-The princess not wanting to harm the boy as he seemed to be in the same situation as her offered her assistance. To which the boy laughed in her face “You're as young as I am not to mention you’re far less experienced than I am. How could you possibly help me?”
-She grew silent and drew her blade. The boy shut his eyes thinking that the princess was going to strike him but then he heard a clinking sound. It was the sound of his collar falling to the ground.
-”How did you…” “My master taught me that!” She exclaimed proudly. The boy after much contemplation decided that he would let the princess help him as she seemed to be much more skillful than she lets on.
-The boy introduced himself as Ray. He explained that he was taken as a slave/soldier by the enemy king after his parents died due to his powers. He was trained as a killing machine and was not allowed to rest until his training had been completed.
- Together, the princess disguised Ray as a knight of her kingdom and they both managed to slip away unnoticed due to the chaotic battlefield. The enemy king yelled at Ray for treason and threatened to murder Ray if he did not kill the princess.
-Ray became quiet and drew his bow at the princess only to shoot the king at the last second and push him off a cliff where he met his demise.
-After the war, Ray was welcomed into the kingdom and was brought in as an honorary knight for his bravery. He was also offered a position as the prince’s personal guard but declined insisting that he would rather stay with the princess who set him free.
-Thus,Ray became a pupil of Runi. Together, the four pupils and their master were inseparable and did everything together. However, the war had taken a lot out of the princess. She collapsed one day and got sick due to it.
-The fact that none of the maids took care of her only made her condition worse and Ray who was only taught to fight had no clue how to help the princess. Her fellow pupils had their own lives and were not able to take care of her 24/7. There was a high chance that the princess would pass away soon.
(At this point I no longer have anymore brain cells so pls bare with me)
-Runi who had gotten too close to her, refused to let her die and so he saved her using his godly magic. Truth be told Ravi is an ancient god that is related to the Royal family however he can’t tell Ava the truth or he will be forbidden from talking to her again.
-After this incident, the princess got better however she and Ray were once again thrown into war . However, unlike the previous war this one had lasted for 10 years. During the 10 years the third prince was born and Aaron was crowned as crown prince.
-However, after the war Ava and Ray had both received official titles and were given better treatment from the maids and butlers. Ava had won multiple battles for the kingdom and was given the position of “General”. At the young age of 10.
-While the princess’ reputation grew so did the bond between her and her twin and younger brother. Despite the fact they grew up differently they had a lot in common. The same could not be said about her relationship between the princess and her parents. She grew to despise them more and more as she grew older and always argued with her parents about everything.
-One fateful day, her parents died due to a car crash. However, the prince was 17 and not of age yet to take the king’s place. There were several arguments about this until a person proposed that they let both the twins rule under the supervision of the royal council and by some miracle everyone agreed. (Don’t ask me how or why idk either lmao)
-And thus began her rule as a queen (ig i don’t know. I’m really tired lmao)
-I’m too lazy to type properly so meh-
-So like- during her rule she one day finds a dragon kid in a burned down village cuz she took pity on him. The dragon’s name is Ravi. Shenanigans happens and she eventually adopts the dragon kid. However, there were multiple protests from everyone. She was like nah f ya’ll i’m keeping him >:D.
-She then got kidnapped at some point in her life and almost got married to some crazy prince but Ray killed him so we good now.
-Then, a child was abandoned by the castle. So she took it in and raised it as her own. She named her “Celeste”
-Then, she found a third kid who’s a mermaid named Ceru who was injured by the shore and at first she wasn’t gonna adopt him but then his mom died and she had to take him home lol.
(That’s pretty much all i got for now)
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I wanna d i e now i remember why i don't write much lmao
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venus-says · 4 years
Kamen Rider Movie Wars #1-#6
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So... what is all this stuff?
When I decided on starting my Kamen Rider watch I was determined to watch as much as I could, everything seemed okay but there was always a huge problem: the movies.
I didn't know where to look at for information so most of my research was done in the Wikia and if you visit the Kamen Rider Wikia you'll see that the way they list the movies IS CONFUSING AS HELL so I set my mind in watching only the stand-alone movies and any extra released after the show ended that wasn't part of any crossover project.
I decided to do this way to try to avoid spoilers of the previous series that I haven't watched, not necessarily because I didn't want to know what exactly happened in those series, but because I didn't want to have a certain impression of a Rider before I could watch their own show and don't be so judgemental about it before actually knowing that character and the set of extras that'll orbit around it.
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But then we cut to 4 months later and I'm watching a video on youtube about W and they comment about how in the crossover movie they explain the events of Beginning Night and I go "shit, these movies DO have necessary information, I think I'll need to watch them orz", so here I am.
Before I go talking about these movies let me just say I think they're all pretty stupid. Like, even calling them movies is a low move, they're extended episodes of each series that converge on an awful CGI battle scene at the end, it's not a lot of fun considering the thing that sells the movie usually don't last longer than 30 minutes. I think the thing that just really pisses me off is how they aren't very considerate of people who didn't watch these movies and they'll usually bring up in the show events that only happened in the movie to the show itself, don't explain them, and expect that the audience will already know what the things they're referencing means. I know it seems like a dumb complain since I'm watching these seasons after they aired so I can watch the movies in the proper time if I want to, the thing is I shouldn't need to watch a movie to understand a thing that happened in the show, the movies should be extra material. And I'm not saying these movies shouldn't be canon, but they shouldn't be integrated with the main continuity in a way that would exclude people who didn't get the opportunity to watch said movies to understand them.
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But that's enough for my rant let's get to these movies.
Movie War 2010
So, for the original Movie Wars, I watched only the W's portion, I didn't watch either the Decade part or the conclusion because of the reasons I mentioned up there.
This movie was more or less just a huge flashback, this is also the movie that pisses me off the most because it introduced Skull and the Lost Driver that are things that would become key elements not just for the show but also for their movie and well I already made a huge paragraph about this issue so I won't repeat myself.
I honestly don't remember much about it, but as many problems as I have with this whole set up, I enjoyed this movie. Huge part of it was because Skull was there and he's cool as heck, I'll admit, but I had fun. Though nothing will change my mind that this should've happened in the show not isolated in a movie.
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Movie War Core
The next one in line is Movie War Core, I had more fun with this one but this was still pretty bad.
W's portion of it was pretty decent, seeing more of Skull was great, and it was also nice seeing what would lead up to the events in the Accel movie. My biggest problem here is that Akiko never seemed so against the Kamen Rider before so it seemed a little off that she would freak out like that only now, but oh well, it was still nice seeing Skull, I wish we had a movie exclusive to him he's so cool he deserves it (I know it's probably late for me to ask for this, just let me leave XD).
Sadly from that moment on the movie got really boring. I wasn't interested in the attempt of reviving Nobunaga plot, I feel like things were happening way too fast in that, and also Kamen Rider Core was just awful as a final villain, I hated that.
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Movie War Megamax
The Fourze x OOO movie is probably my least favorite of the bunch. I really didn't buy that thing of a Kamen Rider from the future coming out of a black hole after meteors were falling, the implication that the medals weren't destroyed in OOO's final battle kinda weakens the ending of the series and the fact they didn't explain Ankh being back just shows how this plot wasn't very well thought. Also, the Kamen Rider from the future coming back at the end just to give OOO the Super TaToBa medals was very dumb, that form also doesn't look good either.
And the Fourze portion was awful because they decide to "give" Gentarou a "girlfriend" and that was just the most stupid plot EVER. They gave the girl a rider form but even that they screwed up, it still baffles me they made the girl attack with her butt. I know this is a show that has primarily boys in mind but you don't have to make every female character like that, especially in a live-action where real people have to act that with their bodies.
Gosh, I hate this movie so much.
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Movie War Ultimatum
The next movie wasn't as bad, it was just way longer than it should've been. I watched the director's cut and that is almost two hours, that's absurdly long for a movie where not a whole lot happens. This movie was also pretty weird to watch because they did a whole bunch of homages to older tokusatsu, and while having those didn't make the movie any less good or bad it was still off, you could tell those weren't creatures that originated in this world/franchise. I also wasn't really here for this time travel concept, especially in here it was done in a very messy way, it wasn't cute.
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But you know, for the part while I was still paying attention I enjoyed it. The Fourze cast is way more bearable when they're not stupid teenagers, seeing them as adults was quite fun, I like how it started like an actual action movie with Ryusei and that girl from the Fourze movie doing some spy work, and I also like to see that he and the goth girl still have their thing. Gentarou as a teacher looked like a mess, but I like that they put him to be a teacher, it makes a good amount of sense for his character. The students were also a bit interesting so watching Fourze was actually fun for me for the first time! But once again Fourze was there being nasty and doing a whole bunch of close-ups in the girls' tights during the fighting while one of those two was supposed to be a teenager in school and that's just gross. Nadeshiko also comes back for this afterward and ew the butt attacks came back, she even jumped at a monster once where it looked like she was reverse cowgirling him and that was very uncomfortable to watch.
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The Wizard portion was quite decent as well, I like the concept of the "farm of monsters", I wish they had used more of these smart ideas in the actual show, Poitrine was fun and I like the reveal that in the end, she was actually the Donut Shop keeper, but I think this portion was longer than it needed to be, especially considering they don't do much. But I guess this is the best way to describe this movie. The joint part was pretty bland, but I like that they had a good amount of out of suit fighting, that kept my attention for a while.
Fateful Sengoku Movie Battle
This was an odd one, kinda like Core this one had a decent first portion and a meh one for the current season but overall it was still pretty bland. It was good seeing an actual epilogue for Wizard, I wanna complain about jetpacking in this plot because Haruto was in Brazil for some reason and then in the next scene he was in Japan again, but he has a teleport spell so I can't call them out. But it sure was funny to see they randomly put a Rider on Brazil for the second time in this movie series. The thing of using a 3D pen to make another Koyomi and make her the villain was a fun twist, but I feel like it wasn't used at its fullest.
The Gaim portion was just awful, I didn't care for this parallel world where they revived a Sengoku battle, I feel like this is one of the things that works better with people who actually have knowledge of Japanese History, but I believe that even if you have knowledge this would still such because we're in those Gaim early days where the characters aren't very likable yet so it's really not enjoyable to watch.
This movie also introduced crossover power-ups and Holy Jesus, this is probably one of the worst ideas this franchise has ever made because none of them look good. And speaking of things that don't look good, they ruined a very good design Bujin Gaim had going on for it in order to make him this weird CGI flower thing that doesn't look good, neither intimidating, it was just awful.
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Movie War Full Throttle
Last in the list is the Gaim x Drive movie and while this isn't the movie I disliked the most, this is the movie I less cared about, this is the movie I less remember about, which is weird because I watched it twice. I think my problem comes from the villains for this movie, I didn't buy the idea of this apparently alien race defeating an actual space god and capturing another one, I also didn't care for their designs they were pretty bland. But this movie gave Gaim an actual closure so I guess it wasn't so bad. The Drive portion was weird because it seemed very disconnected from the plot. I like this story and I like Lupin's design, but this should've been, if not an actual episode, a TV special, especially considering they give Krim's backstory about how he ended up being in the belt and nothing can change my mind that this should've been explained in the actual show.
Ironically enough, the part of the movie I remember the most is when Gaim and Drive use each other's powers and they get in those awful crossover forms. Again, this idea was a mistake, Drive's hat looks like a fucking trash can lid, it's awful.
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Just like these movies. I had fun at moments, but I'm not gonna lie, I wish I could have those hours back, these movies aren't good, they completely drained my energy. I think I'm gonna wrap up for now, what are your thoughts on the movie wars, let me know in the comments. I'm gonna try to be happy again now. I'll see you guys tomorrow for the second Drive review.
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szopenhauer · 4 years
Are you the type of person who gets straight to the point?: I try my best to explain things but ppl still don’t understand the obvious
What was the last thing you said in complete caps?: not sure what was last
Do you enjoy playing board games?: some
Did you wear anything new today?: pineapple shirt my mom bought for me recently
Do you ever eavesdrop on people’s conversations?: hard not to when they’re so loud
Are you good at playing Hide and Go Seek?: I was because I’m tiny XD
Who or what made you smile last?: my thoughts 
What was the last song you had on repeat?: Daisy by Ashnikko :x
Do you often have that song on repeat?: no that was one time only lol  I hardly ever have a son on repeat, that happened like 5 times in my entire life, usually after breakup
Silly string or confetti?: fun but too messy and waste of money so none
How long is your favorite song?: about 3.50
What was the highlight of your day today?: it’s complicated
Do you tap your foot when you listen to music?: I tap but mostly due to anxiety ^^”
Would you rather use tape or glue?: tape 
Homemade or store bought cards?: store bought 
Do you listen to any hip hop?: nah
How about some lyrics?: I'm tired of weakness Tired of my feet of clay I'm tired of days to come I'm tired of yesterday And all the worn out things that I ever said Now it's much too late The words stay in my head (...) I'm tired of Facebook Tired of my failing health I'm tired of everyone And that includes myself Well being alone now It doesn't bother me But not knowing if you are That's been hell you see 
Have you ever had a fascination with stickers? slightly
Have you ever seen A Walk To Remember? yeah Did you ever watch Captain Planet? I did Do you think that Uggs are ugly? I love them Have you ever watched That ‘70’s show? meh Do you get along with your sibling’s friends? we don’t know each other Do you have a fashion icon? sorta, not really Do you think that iCarly is annoying? possibly
Have you ever had a really bad haircut? sadly
What are your favorite type of calendars? pocket?  Could you spend hours on pinterest? just a couple of minutes  Have you ever had to wear a school uniform? I liked that Who were your best friends in high school? K.K. E.E. E.W. Ż.B.
Would you rather sleep on the top bunk or bottom bunk? bottom Have you ever had a secret admirer that left you notes? I got a note in elementary, it’s a mystery to this day, I thought that it’s a response from M.N. after I left him one myself but it seemed to be a prank done by girls who’ve been bullying me so I threw that piece of paper angrily at him like it was his fault - I still kinda remember what was written on it, they called me a flower and left a tiny drawing - later, forgot how, I found that note again and I believe I might still have it stored somewhere  What was your favorite thing to do at sleepovers when you were younger? as a kid I had 1 sleepover (same school in which the note situation happened) my friend P.W. had puppies and I was allowed to stay for the night in her house Do you currently live in the city you grew up in? mhm What’s one way in which you’re behind the times? ex. getting a job  What’s one way in which you’re still a child? ex. collecting stuffed animals, lots What’s one way in which you’re old? ex. health issues Do you feel old or young? Or do you feel both at different times? both at different times What would be the best surprise you could receive right now? money? Do you usually forgive when someone hurts your or try to get revenge? neither, I hold grudge and don’t trust the person again, at least for a long time  Were there any subjects in school that were really easy for you? in primary most of them were, in middle school: polish, biology, chemistry and math and in high: russian, english, PE and physics (but I probably shouldn’t count it as we had it for a few months) Did you ever skip a grade or get held back a grade? - What time of day were you born? half past midnight, my mother asked me why I’m so lazy as for someone who was born on Saturday and I responded with - I was sleeping in and was late for Friday What is the best hairstyle you’ve ever had? can’t choose Do you think you look better with dyed hair or natural hair? I’m used to my color but I wouldn’t mind dyed hair Do you ever listen to Celtic music? me and John had a phase on that back in the day, I wish I remind the titles... Have you ever wanted to be a model, actress, singer, or dancer? actress When you look at your baby pictures, do you recognize yourself? pfft Has your hair color changed since you were a toddler? got darker, less red  Do you wear matching socks? always but recently I thought about changing that fact Do you have a seashell collection? Do you have a rock collection? small Flamingos or pineapples? both Cacti or seashells? same but it’s harder to take care of cacti than shells haha Maple tree or palm tree? palm, ppl say maple looks like weed - I don’t think this way but that’s annoying, still I’d prefer maple trees irl!  Dreamcatcher or wind chimes? wind chimes but not every kind Have you ever taken a picture at the perfect moment? <3
Are you a pyromaniac? Bu is :P Are you a kleptomaniac? wtf Do you like to wear belts? it’s uncomfy and not good for my belly Would you ever get dreadlocks? I could but I won’t Do you listen to Eminem? no way
Does your sibling have a significant other? my sister is married 
When and why is the last time you cried (or at least, shed tears)? yesterday?
Have you ever cried at a real wedding? not that I been to many but no
What do your flipflops look like? don’t own any
Are there any gadgets of yours that need charging right now? my cellphone is charging
Which awards show would you wanna go to the most (e.g Oscars, Grammys etc.)? I wanna go to MET gala, nothing else
Any idea what time you’ll be going to bed tonight? late
Does your significant other like the same colour as you do? she hates my fav colors besides black 
Have you ever purchased anything online? obvi
Name all your friends whose name starts with the 4th letter of your first name. ...
Have you ever ridden an elephant? I’d like to (and camel and an ostrich and a horse)
Are you the candle lighting type? am not
Coffee in the morning, yay or nay? nay
Anal sex, yay or nay? hell no
Blue lipstick, yay or nay? okay, whatever
Is this question lame: “Have you had sex?” yep
Have you ever dated someone with really crooked teeth? mine are crooked
Would you rather vacation on the beach, or in the mountains? beach What embarrassing music do you listen to? too embarassed to write down? What’s your biggest talent? talented? me? r u kidding?
If you were a candy bar, what would you be? Milky Way? Would you rather ride in a hot air balloon or hang-glide? air balloon What’s one word you want people to use to describe you? truth is most important, everything else is less 
Did you often read for fun when you were a kid? tons of books
Are you more of a visual learner or an auditory learner? I learn best with my hands (kinesthetic) but visual is probably easier than auditory to me 
Do you have any dietary restrictions? ugh...
Do you prefer Google Maps, Apple Maps, Waze, or something else? I get lost no matter what
How old does someone have to be for you to see them as an adult? about my age or older
Do you ever ‘manspread’ when you sit down? sorry but I don’t sit like a lady - I sit like a lesbian unless there’s no space for that
When was the last time you were in a crowded place, and where was it? bus this day
Have you ever turned down a job offer? had to
What was the last medical appointment you scheduled? scheduled plenty at once
Have you ever had a dream in which you died? I die often, it’s a common element in my dreams, I’m fine with it by now
Have you ever fallen asleep on public transport?  oh well... majority of those times I was able to but once it was an accident and I missed my stop while going to school
Can you touch your toes without bending your knees? almost Have you seen all the Hunger Games films? yasss Why did you last go see a doctor? control visit about my IBS, GERD, food intolerances... Are you more logical or creative? depends
What do you currently hear? parents talking, music - iamamiwhoami; shadowshow 
Did you get enough sleep last night? I slept a little over 3 hours and I feel tired  Are the streetlights on? it’s not dark yet When you wear a hoodie, do you pull the sleeves over your hands? when it’s warm for that or they bother me in what I’m doing Are you in any advanced classes at school? w moim profilu miałam rozszerzone historię i WOK (wiedza o kulturze) Did you have a good day today? it wasn’t the worst (compared) and hope it won’t turn into complete shit 
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la-paritalienne · 4 years
Don't know if the anon wanted it but I do want the review for Fine Line 👀
oh yayyyyyy! there it goes! fair warning, i’ve written it upon my first / second listen as i do w all my reviews, bc i feel like that way it manages to include a first impression kind of vibe without it being superficial. i’ve reread and i agree w myself (hehe) and i’ve lifted a few grades bc i’ve been feeling some stuff more lately, but yeah, this was not written now so. just to clarify.
golden: okayyyyy i wasn’t expecting for his voice to sound like this!! like, low and raspy? it sounds more intimate this way, i think? as for the sound, it’s kind of funky and think as an opener, this song really represents the sound he chose for this album… i could be wrong tho, let’s see how it goes on. slightly repetitive but the voice won me over and overall, i really like it.
fave lyrics: i’m out of my head and i know that you’re scared because i’m so open.
watermelon sugar: when this song starts i’m like ok… i like everything about it… but then the chorus comes in and idk, something annoys me about the ‘watermelon sugar high’, i think it’s hyper metric so that doesn’t sit right w my ears, and then worst lyric ever goes to ‘i want your belly’… so overall it’s a meh from me. the breathe me in / out part sounds so lovely thoooo.
fave lyrics: baby you’re the end of june
adore you: this is my fave out of the singles! it’s just boppy and cute, a feel good song. it doesn’t amaze me but i wouldn’t mind listening to it often bc it’s just a happy song and it’s sooo catchy, it’s the only single that truly got stuck in my head. it does sound like a zayn song – like, a lot – in some parts, which isn’t bad per se just… unexpected i guess?
fave lyrics: you don’t have to say you love me, i just wanna tell you something, lately you’ve been on my mind
lights up: at first this song disappointed me very much so idk if i can be completely objective on it, rehearing it i actually really like it… like maybe as a song it’s better than adore you but less catchy so i liked it way less at first? here too, major zayn vibes. it’s growing on me, although there’s still something that i’m not a fan of, idk what it is exactly… maybe the strophe?? i love the ‘shine’ part, not sold on the verse and ‘la da da’, but overall maybe listening to it again i like it better than adore you… it grew on me!
fave lyrics: it’d be so sweet if things just stayed the same
cherry: oh??? i almost didn’t recognise him, there’s a reverberation in the voice or something? i’m no expert so i’m sorry if i’m bullshitting, i’m just trying to describe what i hear. i feel like i like the music more than i like the words (not the words per se, although the songwriting is kind of childish here, tbh, but more like the delivery). i don’t like this… it’s boring and whiny. (also the ‘coucou’ as a background sound kind of irks me) but it’s a good song, maybe just not memorable or not my personal fave. the ending audio doesn’t make much sense to me bc it’s not something you say in like a voicemail, it’s something that requires a response like, as if he’d recorded a conversation and removed his own voice? or just kind of staged? but i like how the final word fades into music.
fave lyrics: i just miss your accent and your friends (let’s be real, the lyrics are so unimpressive, it was hard to pick a line).
falling: oh woooooooooow, i love the way his voice sounds without any effect on it… to me, the lyrics just hit deeper this way, but it’s also that the lyrics here are really something else! and the lyrics……. wow again. i’m loving it! it does that thing where it makes me sick to my stomach in a meaningful, beautiful way. oooh there’s a loooong high note too! nothing to add, this is perfect for me.
fave lyrics: [everything wtf. but especially] what if i’m someone you won’t talk about?
to be so lonely: i wasn’t expecting where this was going when it started, very beatlesy, soothing sound and soothing voice! there’s something dreamy about it, the pre-chorus especially, that makes the chorus surprising. and then it’s insistent and like… gets groovier and groovier. veeeery beatles, definitely. i’m a fan!
fave lyrics: i’m just an arrogant son of a bitch who can’t admit when he’s sorry
she: oh i looove psychedelic rock!!!! my genreeeee! beatles again, and pink floyd of course as the most obvious influences. (i want you / she’s so heavy?? it reminds me of the lacrosse the universe version also). and i feel like pink floyd for something in the sound, but the whole thing like voice + sound is more beatles, the descriptive side to it… it reminds me of eleanor rigby like… the way the song makes me feel, kind of anxious in a way that’s not necessarily bad? it just makes me feel things. flexing w that instrumental!!!!! wow. i mean this is my jam, i also love the lyrics so it’s a big big yes from me, although i mean, not groundbreaking as in – it’s been done a lot over the 60s and 70s especially… which is why it’s not a ten, but still, great song.
fave lyrics: she lives in daydreams with me
sunflower, vol. 6: cute!!! the lyrics, the sound, the light falsetto part, the funkish beat! oooh and there’s some funky instrument that i’m too ignorant to define, but nice! maybe for my taste it’s kind of messy, i guess in a good way but also in a way that it’s not something i want to listen to a lot, i think? the hooting and howling in the end… interesting… not really my thing and the beatles did it in the 60s but like… cute.
fave lyrics: i’ve got your face hung up high in the gallery
canyon moon: this sounds too much like italian masterpiece ‘acqua azzurra, acqua chiara’ for me to take it completely seriously, but per se it’s quite nice to listen to, it feels almost country? i swear every time the guitar comes in i kinda lose it bc it’s just… sooo much alike, so i’m sorry i can’t really say more about it. cool lyrics and it’s a nice song!
fave lyrics: the world’s happy waiting
treat people with kindness: ok this is……… i’m sorry but i’m cringing a bit (a lot). when he comes in it’s not bad, it’s just… the idea of making a song out of a slogan is not genius, to me, like, it’s bound to sound weird and inorganic i think?? i’m sorry, i’m trying to like it but i can’t, like there’s some nice screaming (all together now, just a little bit of kindness) and the gospel chorus per se is amazing but i can’t unhear the lyrics and overall it sounds a bit messy.
fave lyrics: and if we’re here long enough we’ll see it’s all for us and we’ll belong
fine line: i feel like this is a very fine (hehe) stylistic excercise, again, kind of psychedelic, lots going on w the music, lots of falsetto and some powerful lyrics, but somehow i get distracted while listening to it… kind of (very) boring? especially w how long it is, i guess it aims to make a statement but if so idk, i expected some powerful change throughout? a bridge or something? the mind wanders as you listen to it, one of my least faves for sure.
fave lyrics (these are impressive tho!!): put a price on emotion, i’m looking for something to buy, you’ve got my devotion but man, i can hate you sometimes
thank you so much for asking! i do these for myself and like the few friends that care bc i find it interesting and ‘challenging’ to put my thoughts down and grade stuff but also a relaxing pastime at the same time. let me know what you think of course if you want♡
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akabrookiej04-blog · 4 years
K-Pop unpopular opinions
So this is my first post on Tumblr. Cool. 
First thing first, why I like K-pop.
K-pop is not my favorite genre in today’s scene, my favorite genres are Rock, Metal and Alternative. As y’all can see, I’m emo and a hard-die fan of MCR and in general, I love emo groups as P!ATD, Fall out Boy, etc. I also do like a lot of metal and alternative bands, as Rammstein, Metallica, Alice In Chains, Ghost (ik a lot of people don’t like them, but idc I f*ckin love them), Coldplay, Foals, Glass Animals, Alt-J and I can say a lot more, but I don’t think I need to. So as you can see, my favorites genres have nothing to do with K-pop, so let me tell you how I entered this world.
So all of this happened in the summer of 2018 when I just came from Dublin, you know, the moment school has ended and you go traveling with your friends and all that stuff. Still remember it as one of the best experiences in my life tho.
So there I was, again in my country, with nothing to do, bored af, listening to the same music again and again. And I was so tired of listening to the same songs again and again. 
I was listening to “No Drama” by Tinashe and Offset on Youtube when “Fake Love” by BTS appeared in my recommended. I was really bored and wanting to die, so I told myself, “why not”.
And yeah... I spent 4 hours listening to BTS music. It was amusing tho.
By the end of the summer, I was an Army, I knew a lot of K-pop groups, I was into that sh*t. I started with BTS, then Blackpink, Twice, NCT, Red Velvet, Exo... I started with the same as people my age and k-popers in 2019.
At first in k-pop, I was so amused that I liked everything I was seeing, but, you get more experienced and you start to like other things and to dislike some you did love at first.
Now that I’m a little more experienced, I can tell my favorite groups are 2NE1, 4minute, f(x), Big Bang, Dreamcatcher and well, BTS (even tho lately I had been having encountered ideas about them).
But still, I like being honest to myself and I have my opinions. I moved on to other genres like metal and grunge etc. and I left k-pop to the side tbh. Some of the groups that I did like at first now they’re not my sh*t, I find some things kinda annoying now and as consequence I dislike some songs that I used to love.
Now that the introduction is done, and I don’t have anything else to say, let’s start.
These are my opinions, and if you have others I still respect them bro, so respect mines. Let’s get it.
1. Aegyo and cute concepts are cringey.
Dude, 20-year-olds acting like babies is just annoying. These kinda 12-years-old voices that some idols have to fake is just... For example, Rosé from Blackpink. Man, let her sing with her real voice. Being brutally honest, cute concept choreos are all the same, they just don’t tell me anything. The thing I hate the most is that for these concepts some idols are forced to wear clothes that ain’t their style... So annoying, dude. (Groups that follow these concepts and I just don’t like as much as I used to, are Twice and Loona)
2. I think that interviews in English are boring if only one member knows how to speak English. They are idols, they should know at least the basics to communicate. Having to watch and listen to just one idol trying their best to communicate while the others are just doing the m*therfucker ain’t that funny.
3. Dating bans are stupid, they are used as a way to keep fans following their idol. Because if a fan knows their idol is dating it makes them seem unavailable. To childish fans (or most k-popers) being able to dream of dating and marrying their idol it’s more appealing to bias someone and continue dreaming a non-existent future. Real fans don’t care about the dating life of an idol, so they should be able to do whatever the f*ck they want.
4. Sexy concepts and badass ones are the best, fight me.
From what I heard from Korea, the racism and how conservative and close-minded some koreans are, I think these concepts break a Lil’ the rules. Idols like CL, songs as Hate (4minute), Jessi, Hyuna, etc. break korean schemes and rules, and they make me reset my faith in humanity like, come on bro, we all can be open-minded, live and let other people live. 
Also, I think that these concepts have the best choreos, aggresive choreos are just so cool, and as well as they have the best instrumentals, noisy ones are just f*cking awesome, change my mind. The fact that they show 20-years-old as mature, strong people is just high-quality stuff. (Groups that blow my mind with this concepts are for example Ateez and Dreamcatcher)
5. Loona stans are so annoying with their “stan Loona”. B*tches, stop being so annoying. If we don’t want to stand your group we’re not gonna, stop that bullsh*t. Anyway, I’m not hating on Loona or her non-psycho fans.
6. Red Velvet lasts songs, Zimzalabim and Umpah Umpah are just messy. Their recent concepts are messy, they look uncomfortable in their clothes and the choreos ain’t that good neither. Hope their next comeback is better tho, they have the potential to do it.
7. Mamamoo are the real queens of k-pop, people should stop sleeping on them, they’re are amazing and their personalities are brilliant. On stage they are one of the best groups so far, their voices are just so stable and powerful. They have the potential to be as big as Blackpink or BTS, so y’all should stop sleeping on them, homies.
8. There are so many Twice songs that sound the same. Feel Special is not that much of a bop tho, and they have a lot of songs that are just simply a miss. Sorry, my dudes. I think a more mature concept would fit them so well, with a more powerful instrumental, with that, they would conquer the k-pop world.
9. Chung Ha’s songs ain’t that good. Snappin’ aesthetic is gorgeous, the concept is so attractive, but the song itself it’s boring. She’s pretty, she knows how to dance, her aesthetic is f*ckin’ awesome, but I feel like her songs need smth to spice them up. They need that smth that they don’t have to turn them to bops. (Also I hate Chica with all my life, that song just gets me on my nerves).
10. Y’all are gonna hate me with this one, but I think BAAM and BBoom BBoom ain’t the same. Like man, it’s true they sound alike, but to me, they have such different vibes. BBoom BBoom it’s amusing and cheerful, has this kinda vibes that make you wanna dance, and BAAM has this kinda nostalgic, melancholic vibe in the sound of the song that sets your heart on fire. That’s the way I find them, it’s my opinion.
11. I know y’all have been waiting for this moment. Let’s talk about BTS. Armys, say whatever the f*ck you want, but as a real one, I’m gonna spill the tea. Their music now is worse, too commercial and doesn’t transmit any feeling. Come on, let’s admit it dudes, is the reality.
Boy With Luv ain’t good. Halsey is a good singer with so much potential, Nightmare and Without Me are pretty good examples of this, and they did her so dirty. Also, the lyrics are just cringey. I don’t know about you, but Come be my teacher and your one, your two, don’t say anything to me. In general, I feel like Map Of The Soul: Persona ain’t that good of an album. They could’ve used the concept of Dionysus in all the album, I don’t know, something like greek gods flexin’ their money in all the album, and it could’ve be such a bomb. Make it Right, Home and Dionysus are the only remarkable songs of the album, the rest are just meh, I could listen to them 200 times and they won’t stick to me, they’re just basic and boring. They have changed, my dudes. I feel like they’re not who they were once anymore. It’s a fact that they slay on stage and their voices are stable (not all of their voices tho). Their concerts are bomb, the choreos are amazing and that’s something we cannot deny. (But the inflatable castle for Anpanman was a no for me). In conclusion, their music now is just commercial basic pop, they should try to mix their old sounds with smth new.
Well, my dudes, I have more opinions on k-pop but you know, I think this is long enough, in the future I will make a second part of this, but for now, this is all.
Tell me your opinions if you want, and if not it’s also okay.
That’s all folks, bye.
- Brooke.
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kingbrunnhilde · 6 years
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hey everyone!! i haven’t done blogrates or anything of the sort in awhile so i wanted to do one when i hit 1k.. that was last month & i was super busy but now i’m finally free & i just hit 1.1k!!!!! this is still super insane to me but thank you from the bottom of my heart. to show my appreciation, i’m gonna do a fun little blograte celebration :)
mbf this brucethor
reblog this post
send an ask w/ up to two of the following:
💕 + your favourite movie for a normal rate
☁️ + tell me how your day’s going for a blog compliment
✨ + your favourite sw character for a star wars themed rate
⚡ + your favourite mcu scene/moment for a marvel themed rate
🌸 + your name & something that makes you happy for a name aesthetic
🦄 + your favourite summer activity for a detailed rate (this is an exception! if you want this you can’t choose any other rate)
please be patient!
format under the cut
💕 - normal rate
url: don’t get it | nice | amazing | flawless | luke skywalker icon: don’t get it | cool | beautiful | wowow | diana prince mobile theme: not my style | superb | awesome | gorgeous | jim kirk desktop theme: not my style | pretty | incredible | a masterpiece | shuri posts: not my fandoms | lovely | excellent | perfection | rose tico overall: meh | great | love it! | i wanna be you when i grow up | thor following: no but ily | i wasn’t before?? | hell yeah | i love you (you know)
☁️ - blog compliment
a paragraph of me just gushing over your blog basically
✨ - sw rate
alignment: jedi | grey jedi | sith lightsaber colour: blue | green | red | yellow | white | purple | orange homeworld: coruscant | tatooine | naboo | mandalore | alderaan | bespin species: human | twi’lek | pantoran | togruta | rodian | zabrak | clawdite era: prequel trilogy | original trilogy | sequel trilogy master: best friend: enemy:
⚡ - mcu rate
alignment: hero | anti-hero | villain power(s): super speed | super strength | telekinesis | telepathy | invisibility | teleportation | weather manipulation | force fields | time travel | empathy | healing factor | shapeshifting | pyrokinesis | cyrokinesis | enhanced senses | immortality | money | none tool(s): super suit | sword | bow & arrow | guns | shrinking device | shield | blasters | metal arm | vibranium | infinity stone | space ship | 7 phDs | none location: new york | wakanda | sokovia | asgard | sakaar | xandar | titan | knowhere | quantum realm best friend: enemy: did you survive the snap? yes | no
🌸 - name aesthetic
chris: oversized sweaters, staying up late to watch movies, messy handwriting, hot cocoa, an wide array of pens & markers, high ponytail, vanilla chapstick, striped socks, stacks of books, glasses 24/7, etc.
🦄 - detailed rate
do i get the reference?: no, sorry | maybe? | yes! length: bit too short | perfect | bit too long overall: good | superb | awesome | flawless | hermione granger
do i get the reference?: yes! | maybe? | no, sorry coloring: okay | lovely | excellent | perfection | leonard mccoy clarity: okay | nice | amazing | flawless | spock overall: great | pretty | incredible | a masterpiece | jim kirk
desktop theme:
format: not my style | good | awesome | flawless | tony stark colors: not my style | great | pretty | love it | peter parker sidebar: not my style | lovely | excellent | perfection | valkyrie updates tab: not my style | cool | beautiful | wowow | shuri overall: okay | superb | awesome | gorgeous | thor odinson
mobile theme:
colors: not my style | lovely | excellent | perfection | finn title: don’t get it | good | awesome | flawless | poe dameron header: not my style | pretty | incredible | a masterpiece | rose tico overall: good | great | amazing | gorgeous | rey
my fandoms?: no | some | most | yes! quality: okay | superb | fantastic | flawless | steve trevor overall: okay | nice | excellent | perfection | diana prince
overall: meh | great | love it! | i wanna be you when i grow up | mako mori following?: no but ily | i wasn’t before?? | hell yeah | i love you (you know)
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
What do you like to drink in the morning? Coffee, of course. What color is your favorite hoodie? Black. Do you have a string of lights in your room? I do. They’re strung around my headboard. Do you know what you are going to do today? Later on this afternoon I have a FaceTime appointment, meh. That means I have to get up early. Does your heart hurt? Not physically.
Who is not in your life that you wish was? My grandparents and my dog, Brandie, who have passed away. Who hurt you last? Myself. Can you see the moon out your window right now? It’s just completely black from the view of my window.
What makes you feel inspired? Nothing. :/ Are you mad at a friend right now? I don’t have any friends to even be mad at. Do you have a friend who hurt you and doesn’t care? Is your room clean? It’s a little messy at the moment.  Can you see the sunrise from your window? No. If you were a writer, would you have a pen name or use your real name? Hmm. Possibly a pen name. That would be neat. Did you go to Goodwill yesterday? No. What is your friend’s cat’s name? Do you celebrate your pet’s birthdays? We get her a special doggy birthday treat.  As a kid, did you celebrate your dolls’ birthdays? (if you’re a girl) I don’t recall doing that. Are you wearing a hoodie right now? No, it’s not cold for that.  Did you ignore the last facebook post that bothered you, or did you comment? I just keep scrolling.  Do you need to go to the pharmacy today? No. Are you realizing that one of your friends isn’t a real friend? What was the name of one of your stuffed animals as a kid? I honestly don’t recall. Do you have a car? If so, did you give it a name? Nope. If you were a famous singer, what would you want your hit song to be about? It would be something sad and relatable.
Did you skip church last week? No, I watch it televised for now. <<< Same. Well, on my laptop or phone. Do you have any big regrets? Many.  If you had to re-design an alien, instead of making them green with slanty-eyes and an egg-shaped head, what would you make it look like? Something cute, ha. Do you have anyone who loves you, besides God? Do you have anyone who cares about you, besides God? Do you have anyone who you can go to for support? My family.  Do you normally write in cursive or print? Print. Does your heart ache for something? Yes. Do you fit the millennial stereotype? What’s the millennial stereotype?
Would you want your first child to be a boy or a girl? I don’t want to have kids. If you were to write an article for a magazine, what would it be about? I have no idea, I don’t want that task. Do you have a blog? You’re lookin at it.  If you were to start a blog, what would your first post be about? This is my survey blog.  Do you think you are good at writing poetry? Nope. Have you ever tried a science experiment that didn’t work? The only ones I attempted were ones we had to do in class for lab projects. I didn’t go experimenting on my own. Have you ever had a teacher who looked like an alien? No. Do you take gummy vitamins? I used to. I’ve been majorly slacking on taking my vitamins. Are your feet wide? No. If you could do research right now for an essay, what topic would you choose to right about? I’m done with school, I don’t wanna do another essay ever again. What are your strongest attributes? I don’t feel I have any. Have you ever started writing a suicide letter? No. Do you know anyone who had to evacuate for the latest hurricane? No. Do you write letters to friends? I did that in middle school and some of high school with my cousin. Do you like to write letters? I haven’t done that since then. ^^^ As a kid, did you find diagramming sentences fun? I’ve always enjoyed English, but I wouldn’t say I found that particular activity to be “fun.” What is your dream? I don’t know. Where would you travel if you could? There’s a lot of places I’d like to travel to one day. Do you feel all alone in the world? Sometimes. Do you own a piece of jewelry with an owl on it? Nope. If you have a class ring, what color is the stone? Ruby. My parents got my birthstone.  Does looking at the starry sky make you feel peaceful? It can. Do you have a pen pal? If not, would you ever want to have one? Nah. Do you drink hot chocolate? Yeah. Are you hurt by something a friend did to you recently? Are you under 30? No.  Have you made a “30 Things to Do Before I’m 30” list? No. Glad I didn’t, I don’t need to feel like even more of a failure.  Do you paint rocks and hide them in your town? I personally don’t, but that is actually a big thing people in my town do. There’s a Facebook group for it. It’s fun. I’ve found several of the rocks and around town. What was the name of your first crush? Phillip.  Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? Nope. Do you like parodies? Some. Are you a Taylor Swift fan? No. Have you ever kissed a picture? lol when I was like 12/13 I did that with some of my posters of whoever I was crushing on at the time. Do you use window clings (stickers for your window)? No. Do you decorate for fall? A little bit. What do you want to be for Halloween this year? I don’t dress up for Halloween anymore.  Has suicide crossed your mind a lot lately? Not lately. Do you have supernatural abilities? No. I’m just your basic average girl. Do you get enough hugs? I haven’t hugged anyone in months. What labels do people try to put on you? Who knows. Who do YOU (or rather, who does God) say you are? I’ve been wanting to figure that out. Are you happy? No. Have you asked yourself recently, Why am I here? Thoughts like that cross my mind. What family member did you get your hair color from? My mom. Have you ever found a secret compartment? No. If you designed a house, would you give it a secret room? *shrug* Maybe. Do you read horror stories? Yeah. Do you ever comfort eat? No, that’s not comfort for me. Does stretching feel good? Yeah. Do you have your wedding planned in your head already? I haven’t thought about it. I don’t plan on ever getting married. Would you ever adopt a child? I don’t want children.  Are you ok today? Blahhh. Was the last book you read good? Yeah.
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i-am-corn-holio · 7 years
Tagged by: @inside-a-break :D
What’s your favourite musical? rocky horror and I looove Joseph and the technicolor dream coat lmfao
How do you get to sleep? idek anymore 
What happened at the last party you went to? cant see I’ve been to a party reccently cause no one has them lmao but i was out at this club last week and its was the drunkest I’ve been in a while cause I never know when to fucking stop with the tequila, i took selfies with drag queens and a dude at the kebab shop :))
Have you ever smoked a cigarette? yeah
What’s your hair like at this present moment? getting it cut on friday cause my fringe is too long but its just long and dark brown with a straight across fringe 
Are you more comfortable sitting or lying down? lying down, always
What’s the worst film you’ve ever seen? omg one time I watched this movie on the horror channel called Dear God No and it was fucking WILD 
Are you and untidy person? I mean my room gets messy but thats just cause i have too many clothes 
Have you ever been a fan of*NSYNC? no but bye bye bye is a BOP
Do you watch a lot of Television? not really tbh I only keep on top of one tv show but i always find myself watching tv super late at night when i get home from work 
Do you think you’re fat sometimes? meh not really I mean i’m a lil chubby tho 
Do you like to flex your muscles? lmao no
Do you think you’ll ever get plastic surgery? nah probably not but when I was younger I used to always say I was gonna get an eye lift cause i don’t want wrinkly ass eyes lmao
Have you ever completely misunderstood what someone was saying? all the damn time 
Favourite kind of cake? cake 
Was it a boy or girl to text you last? girl 
Name something you are doing tomorrow? working, as per 
Do you sleep on your stomach? yeah I guess so 
Where are you going to be at 4PM tomorrow? getting ready to go to work
Last time you saw fireworks, with whom&where? I wanna say NYE but i feel like I’ve seen them since then 
Are you missing someone? Don’t think so
Do you like horror or comedy? hmu with both
Who did you last share a taxi with?  probably with greg and adam, after a night out 
Dogs or cats? dogs but I do love cats 
What were you doing at 12 this afternoon? still in my bed :))
Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now? very unlikely 
What’s your favourite season? Why? autumn
When was the last time you did something you knew was wrong? probs today
Did you have any unread messages when you woke up this morning? uhh I think so, I had snapchats to open so I guess 
Who was the last person you hugged? my mum 
When was the last time you cried? tonight cause i shut the grill door on my fingers lmaoo 
Who was driving the last time you were in a car? a guy I work with
Does any part of your body hurt right now? backs a lil sore 
Do you like your bed? my fav place 
Have you ever broken someone’s heart? hopefully not 
When did you last talk to your brother or sister? I haven’t spoke to my older bother in over two years and we have no plans to change that 
Do you ever want to know which person you are going to marry? hmmm idk 
How much cash do you have on you? I had like £12 on me I found two fives in my jeans!!
Are you tanned? lmao no my skin is against the sun 
Did you get any compliments today? nope
Have you ever gone to court? yeah
Do you get jealous easily? not really 
Would you ever want to swim with the sharks? Yea!
What are you going to do do on saturday? work woohoooooo :l
What is in your back pocket? I don’t have any trousers on rn lol
What were you doing at 3AM this morning? I Think I was still awake 
What do you usually do first in the morning? check my phone
Are you good at math? no I failed that at school and dropped it completely lol
Any plans for friday night? get my hair done then go out to get drunk :)
Do you have a little crush on someone? nooo 
How old is the last person you kissed? 23/24 I feel bad for not remembering 
Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? cause we kept hooking up I guess ?? 
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cyberdaisy23 · 7 years
No one asked me. So, I answered them anyway.
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say? I honestly don’t even wanna think about that. That’s so gross. Next.
2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed? He’s at work and I a now lonely :c 
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care? Uhhhhh...Yea???? Tf?
4. Is your last name longer than six letters? Yes.
5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober? Drunk......On love *eyebrow wiggle*
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up? ahahahah ye
7. What does your last received text say? “I sent you messages on Facebook so you need to look at them.”
8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed? I lost count after our first kiss which was a makeout session on the stairs of the school’s 2nd flood landing lmao. There were lots of kisses there. And so many more after/to this day. So i dunno.
9. Where was your last kiss at? in bed before he left for work.
10. When is the last time you saw your sister? fuuuuuuck idunno. Like....2 months ago?
11. What do you drink in the morning? dick. hahaha jk. Coke.
12. Where did you sleep last night? my bed
13. Do you think relationships are hard? they’re only hard if you make it hard.
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you? Nahh
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems? The only problem would be that there’s too much time and not enough sex.
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy? sunny
17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you? ye.
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants? Jeans
19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now? ye
20. Does anyone like you? No idea
21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S? No.
22. Is the last person you kissed gay? No
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand? Yes
24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo? I have. I would like more pls
25. In the past week have you cried? no, surprisingly.
26. What breed was the last dog you saw? Siberian Husky c:
27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower? Out of the showa
28. Have you ever kissed a football player? no ew
29. Do you think you’re old? no.
30. Do you like text messaging? yes. way more than phone calls.
31. What type of day are you having? meh
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced? no
33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather? warm.
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you? yesss
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling? relationship tf?
36. Are you a simple or complicated person? complicated xD
37. What song are you listening to? Rage Against The Machine - “Renegades of funk”
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it? Always. 39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you? Yes 40. What made you start liking the person you like now? His eyes  tbh 41. When did you last receive a text message? idk it doesn’t show the time. 42. What is wrong with you right now? I sleepy. 43. How well do you know the last female you texted? very well. 44. Does anyone disgust you? the human race counts, right? 45. Would you date someone right now if they asked? fuck no. 46. Are you in a good mood right now? I guess.  47. Who was the last person you talked to in person? my room mates 48. What color shirt are you wearing? black 49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear? many times. 50. Anyone you’re giving up on? no not really 51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for? As long as he keeps catching me, things will be okay.
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t? yes.. 53. Do you like rain? no. ew. I like watching it and hearing it. Being in it? No Bueno. 54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks? depends on why they’re doing it. If it’s a special occasion, and he has work off the next day, and does it at home, then sure go ahead. 55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them? No. I always told people if I liked them  56. Do you like to cuddle? too much. 57. Are you shy? yea 58. Do you get along with girls? fuck no XD 59. Have you dated the person you texted last? In a way...? XD 60. What do you carry with you at all times? my vape 61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you? yes 62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months? I’ve done it for 7 years, bruh. Five months is for amateurs.  63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship? Yes. 64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute? Yes!!!! 65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week? Babe kissed me on the head and said he missed how clingy I was and how he’s glad that I am again. c:
66. How old are the last three people you kissed? I only kissed my babe, so...22
67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself?   I’d rather do em myself.  68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print?    neither. 69. Do you have any stickers on your car? I don’t even have a car    70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne?   Lil Wayne. 71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone?    Android. 72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut?   idk i stay away from Pizza Hut because their sauce gives me acid reflex  73. Do you like diet soda?    no 74. What color are the walls in your room?  red, brick and white.    75. Are you 16 or older?    21 m8 76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars?    no 77. Do you have a job?    ehhhh i guess   78. What are your initials?    K.A.D. 79. Did you ever have braces?   No, but I needed them. Too late now.  80. Are you from the south?   No 
81. What does your last status on facebook say?    “I CAN PLAY PANDORA IN THE BACKGROUND WHILE I PLAY GTA ON XBOX ONE??? Bruuuuhhh...” 82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed? No. I’d rather not go back to that toxicity, even if it IS just friendship. I’m good. 83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad?  mom 84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics? nO     85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters?   Suicide Squad.....What a waste of money and time that was.  86. Do you smoke?  vape m8. get rekt. 87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops?   heels are sexier.  88. Is your phone touch screen?    yes 89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly?    messy is besty 90. Have you ever snuck out of your house?    no. I snuck out of my ex’s house though XD  91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool?   pool 92. Have you ever made out in a car?    Yes. and other stuff 93. …Had sex in a car?   ...Not yet....  94. Are you single or in a relationship?    I’m collared bruh. So, engaged. 95. What were you doing last night at midnight?  Watching A Tenacious D movie XD   96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks?    last year on the 4th of July like a normal person 97. Do you like the camera on your phone?    ew no 98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits?  yea...   99. Have you ever passed out from drinking?    no 100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate?    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH YES. 101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?    yea 102. Name your favorite Kesha song:    “Cannibal” 103. Do you have any tan lines right now?    no. I can’t tan. 104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts? No. ew
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venus-says · 4 years
Kamen Rider Drive Episodes 18-33
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Remind me again, when was this show supposed to get good?
"Drive gets good after Episode 20", this is what people told me, this is what I saw people commenting on when they talk about this series. Well, episode 20 came... and then 22... then 24... 26... 28... 30... 33... and I'm still waiting for this show to get good.
Yes, my experience with Drive is not in the good terms just yet, there were improvements, but there were also many setbacks. So many I don't even know where to start. I think people say it gets good after the 20s because the plot actually starts to move, which is a huge improvement from the first third, but it was also when this plot started to move that I started to see some flaws.
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But a meh plot would be okay if the characters were good enough, which sadly it's not the case. Shinnosuke got better, I'll give him that, I still don't buy some of his motivations but I at least have feelings for him now. Kiriko and Chase keep on their constant and remain as the best characters of the cast, but everyone else either stagnates or gets worse. They also introduced two new characters for this arc and one of them annoys the hell out of me while the other felt pointless. But I'll talk about characters separately so I will keep my rant for that portion.
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I think what it hurts Drive the most is the fact the main events of this arc were more character-focused rather than plot-focused so many of the moments depended on me having some sort of connection to that character and the situation they were put in, but because they did a pretty bad job in the foundation of these characters during the first arc it was very hard for me to feel what the show wanted me to feel. For example, a huge thing for Shinnosuke in this arc is his relationship with his father, and it is a good motivation that results in some good moments, but this was barely touched on during the first arc so it feels odd for him to be so heated about it now, and they could've fleshed out more of this relationship at the beginning, they had the time for it, but no, they just brought it up because it was convenient for the moment.
Another example is Gou, they want to make us care for him and this whole guilty he feels for his father having created the Roidmudes, but this is first mentioned only in episode 28, 16 episodes after he was introduced, they could've hinted that his hate for Roidmudes had this connection before, they could make him seem like a troubled character, but no they just made him the typical "I hate this thing we're fighting" type of character for all this time without giving us a tangible reason for his behavior and now it's too late to try to make me feel sympathetic for this prick.
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The villains also didn't help with making this portion any interesting as well. Heart, Brain, and Medic stagnated HARD, Brain may have done more things here but it was still in order to keep Medic away from Heart so he's still the same acting like a jealous teenager. Then they introduce us to a big bad villain that had very strong powers and an intimidating aura, he was supposed to be a big deal, after all, he was Roidmude 001, but he ended up being the first Roidmude general to die. The dude was so interesting, he could bring so much to the table, and they just let that go. Disappointing.
Another thing that was messy as hell is the continuity of the show, because apparently now the Roidmudes had been around since 12 years before, and this information came so out of their asses that it just baffles me. It's again the plot working in accord with the conveniences the show needed. Shinnousuke's father died and it's all a very shady situation, but it's not because there are shady police officers, is because there was a monster there that can erase people's memory. Also, here's another convenience of the plot, he has this power but Shinnousuke and his father are immune, they didn't even bother to make a bullshit explanation for why that was possible, it just was. And also, of course, Gou had to be immune too, because if 10% of the population is immune to this thing of course both of the human Kamen Riders in this show would fall into that 10%. And the Kamen Rider outing to the world??? I always said the police should know at least Drive's identity, but no, they were very keen to keep this secret. Until the show decided no, we actually have this thing we wanna do but we need him to be out for the public so let's make it happen.
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This next point is probably just a problem I have, and it's probably my own fault for taking it more seriously than I should, but heck Drive is a horrible cop show. Like, the fun in detective/police drama stories, at least when it comes to the cases, is the audience figuring out the puzzle together with the characters as new proofs, testimonies, and evidence comes up. But because Drive wants to make us think Shinnousuke is a very competent and smart cop they hide the main clue/connection to the last moment so when Shinnousuke tightens his tie and say his stupid line about being in top gear we go and say "omg what a genius", and that. is. not. fun. Drive sucks as a cop show, I know it probably doesn't matter for a lot of people, but when their MOTW is centered around said cases I think is reasonable for me to want them to be treated as much of a real procedural they can make that can be also be shown to kids.
Final complaint about the story, they tried to kill the main rider again, and just like in Fourze IT DIDN'T WORK. And it probably never will. Because this isn't A Song of Ice and Fire and they would never kill the main character for real, at least not until the finale, so whenever the title Rider dies it's obvious that they'll bring him back, the wait is to see what bullshit way they will come up with to revive them and to see if the audience will buy it. And well... I didn't, once again. It's better than "power of friendship" I'll give them that, but I was having Fourze flashbacks during it, they even gave him the same power-up that allows him to use his (apparent) infinite supply of Shift Cars. Thanks, I hate it. And once again these stupid tires ruining a perfectly good suit, GOD DAMN, but that helmet also doesn't look very good so it's not all fault of the tire, but still.
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Before I wrap up I'll go on the characters, I'll try to be brief because being so hateful is starting to make feel gloomy and I want to end this up quickly.
Shinnosuke finally got a character, I have my problems and I already explained them, but even with all that I finally started to like him. I'm not really into the idea of him and Krim now sharing a brain, I feel like this is too messy of a concept for them to introduce 15 episodes before the show ended. Aside of Tridoron, which I already stated my thoughts about, Drive also got Type Formula pretty early on in this arc and I really like this form, is a bit too top-heavy but it works, I like having a power-up that is mainly blue to be very contrast-ant of Drives basic Red form.
Gou, as I mentioned, just got worse, they could've made something interesting with him when he turned his back to the protagonists but no he was having his memories altered, oh wait no this was his plan all the time because he's magically immune to that thing. They've killed Shinnousuke, but who should've died really was him, it would've been better than what we got.
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Chase remained good, I was afraid when they reset him but he was still a very complex character and seeing him slowly get closer to the good guys was great. I think they made him a Kamen Rider in a very rushed way, but I like him as Rider, his suit is very simple, but it works very well, I'm just glad they put his wheel in his back where it doesn't interfere as much with his design, I also like his stupid Ax, is a dumb concept but it's very fun. I wish he had the power of making the monster stop in the red light, it would ass a lot more fun to this whole thing, but I like what we got regardless.
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Kiriko is probably the character who grew the most in this entire cast, the things they make she go through are absurd, I'm surprised she hadn't broken yet, she's strong and I love her for it. I hope I don't jinx myself here but I'll be so disappointed if they ruin her character for the final act, Please Drive, don't disappoint me even more.
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The Special Investigation Unit tricked me, after episodes 18, 19 and 20, that had pretty decent plots around Otta and Kyu, Otta's history in specific was really damn good, I thought we were finally starting to move with the supporting cast. But It didn't last long, they were already back to their comic relief role right after it. It's sad. But their chief got some character, I still don't like the actor's over-exaggeration for the comedy but he's growing on me as a character, I hope we get more serious moments of him because that's where he shines.
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And that pretty much does it for now, I wanted to talk about the villains, but again they didn't do much. I've gotta say I'm not really excited for this finale, I'm not giving up just yet because I really like Kiriko and Chase and I wanna like the show these characters are in, but it has been a hard task. If it means something though, I'm excited about the movies and specials, I hope there's something good in there. But that's all from me, what your thoughts about Drive? Let me know in the comments and please help to make my hope for this show to stay alive. I'll talk to you all later, see ya~
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