#metal gay soild
doomflapper · 7 months
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it’s everyone’s favourite fucking blonde twink apparently (love those metal queer solids) old drawing but I still fw it
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videogames5 · 7 months
I've seen the vtubers play metal gear solid V and talk about how it's very gay, I just want to see their reaction to far cry 2
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gaytvtrash · 8 years
Lifeguard Veronica
Today is just another normal day at the Riverdale community pool and it's Wednesday, the hot lifeguard works on Wednesday's. Her name is Veronica Lodge, but it's not like I spied on her or anything… well maybe. But in a totally non-stalker way, just admiring from afar. She just moved here at the beginning of summer and school starts next week, I still haven't talked to her…
It all started when Kevin dragged me here at the beginning of summer because he had a thing for the boy lifeguard. His face dropped when his pool boy toy wasn't there, instead a hot raven haired girl sat perched in the high white chair. She gave me a once over one time and Kevin still talks about it. He keeps pushing me to talk to her, saying something about "no woman looks at another like that and isn't even the slightest bit gay." Hopefully he can keep it on the DL today and not draw her attention to me. But knowing Kevin that most likely won't happen. We walked through the metal gate with a clank, the pool only opened an hour ago but it was already packed. The high nineties heat in Riverdale was uncommon even for early August. There was only one spot open and it just so happened to be right by the lifeguard chair, Kevin nudged my arm as we walked and I just rolled my eyes setting my bag on the chair.
Kevin and I were having light conversation when I took a quick glance over at the hottie in the red suit but she was already looking over at us. I had taken off my sunglasses a little bit ago so I couldn't hide the obvious stare. She gave me a light smile and then turned back to fully face the pool. I turned to Kevin but he was freaking out before I could say anything. "You have to talk to her," he immediately said. I laughed shaking my head, "Honey you've been drooling over her all summer. Go talk to her!" He tried to get me to stand up but I refused. "Kev, she's working! I'll wait until she's on break," that was a lie but I needed out of this situation. Hottie like her plus bland human like me, they don't match up. "B, I know you and you one hundred percent will not talk to her," he looked at me accusingly. "If you don't talk to her by the end of today I'm going to make you watch The Notebook five times in a row and pay for Pop's for a week." I groaned, he knew how much I hated that movie, so I nodded signaling it was a deal. The sun was slowly setting and I grew more anxious by the second, I had to talk to her but like how?! She's this tan raven haired goddess, while I'm just plain old Elizabeth "Betty" Cooper, girl next door, perfect student. She's a mystery that I want to uncover, both metaphorically and physically. People are starting to get out of the pool as it closes in less than an hour, I waited until everyone was out and Veronica slowly got down from the chair. I looked over at Kevin once more for reassurance and he smiled shooing me off. I took a deep breath and met her at the chair as she turned around, she gasped slightly.
“H-hi,” wow B great start! Act like you sort of know how to communicate with other people.
The corners of her mouth quickly form in a smirk, she pulled her black thick framed sunglasses to the top of her head. “Hi,” her voice was smooth and low, sort of calming.
I took a moment to realize I was supposed to respond, I stuck my hand out, “I’m Betty Cooper.” I said with a smile, she looked at my hand then back to my eyes and smiled fully.
“Veronica Lodge,” she took my hand and did something unexpected, she intertwined our hands and started to walk in a different direction. I glanced over at Kevin with wide eyes, he was mouthing ‘get it’ packing up our things.
I turned back to look at her and see where she could possibly be dragging me to and realize it's the lifeguard lounge. For never saying a word to me she's a pretty bold person, taking control, it was kinda hot. We went inside the shack-type-building and she turned around with a joyful grin.
“I'm not a crazy person and won't hurt you, I just wanted to talk in private,” she gestured to the table and we both took a seat. I could finally get a good look at her and damn was she beautiful, a small smile formed on my face and her’s shortly followed. “So tell me about yourself Betty,” she put extra emphasis on my name and casually propped her hand under her chin.
“Um,” I rubbed my palms together feeling the light scabs brush, “there isn't much to tell. I’m about to start my junior year at Riverdale High and I’m the head of the school paper.”
She looked at me in disbelief, “A pretty girl like you has to have a story.” My eyes widened and a blush quickly formed, her smirk reappeared and you can tell she knows she has me wrapped around her little finger.
I had to think of a quick flirty response, “I’d have to say the same about you,” soild response B. She raised her eyebrows at my response and let out a light laugh.
“We’d need a couple hours to tell my story,” she said with a laugh. I smiled at her and stood up offering my hand, she looked at me oddly.
“Let’s go to Pop’s, I want to hear the story of how a beautiful girl like you ended up in this dinky town.” She stood and grabbed her bag pulling her shorts on, we walked out and I grabbed my bag along the way.
As we walked into Pop’s still holding hands, I lead her to a back booth and let go of her hand to let her sit across from me. She set her arms on the table and looks at me with her head set at an angle. I rose a brow at her, she raised her eyebrows back continuing to look at me intently. A few moments later she started to tell me her story and I shared mine as well, leaving out the Polly drama because quite frankly I didn’t know anything on the matter. We laughed and talked for a few hours, it was dark and we both realized what time it was.
“It’s already nine at night, where did the time go,” I looked at her in disbelief when she said the time. It was really that late? “I can take you home if you want or we can go on an adventure,” she had a mischievous grin on her face.
“Depends, how legal is this adventure,” I asked with my brows raised.
“Borderline illegal, but don’t worry pretty, you’d look good in orange,” she laughed while I looked at her with a jokingly hurt face.
“I’m not the type of person to go out of my comfort zone, but for you I will,” I looked right into her soft brown eyes as I said it. She only nodded with a light smile and stood taking my hand and pulling me out of the diner. We continued walking and I was getting anxious, what if she was leading me to some trap and has been playing me the whole time. My stomach churned at the thought.
I tried to get my mind off the bad thoughts and realized we stopped walking. I look to see that we’re back at the pool. “Umm Veronica, what are we doing here,” she looked over at me then proceeded to open the locked gate gesturing me to go in. I walked in with caution and looked back to make sure she was still with me, she was. She walked around me and turned on the pool lights starting to take off her clothes. “What are you doing,” I asked with slight panic, I’m pretty sure she saw me staring at her ass while she pulled down her shorts.
“We’re going for a swim Ms. Cooper,” she said glancing at me then pulling off her shirt. I processed everything for a second and suddenly Veronica was standing in front of me. “Would you like some help,” she asked tugging on the end of my shirt. I looked at her hands then back to her eyes, she started to pull it up slowly and I just let it happen. Next she unbuttoned my shorts but I pulled those lower than my hips and let them drop. She did a once over, very, very slowly, I felt very exposed in that moment and also very comfortable.
She grabbed my hand and lead me to the steps of the pool, she stepped in first and watched as I came in closely behind. I went underwater first, it was too chilly not to and she then followed. We swam around for a little while, but I could feel the tension growing. Steam started coming off the top of the pool and I knew this was it, something was bound to happen. Veronica had her eyes and nose out of the water and was looking at me with dark eyes. I wanted her to make the first move, take over and she did just that.
Slowly she inched towards me, it felt like eons until she was right in front of me. She stood fully and I realized how much taller I was compared to her. Water dripping off the tip of her nose, droplets stuck to her skin and eyelashes, she looked absolutely stunning. Our faces came closer together until she just couldn’t bare it and took my face into her hands smashing our lips together in perfect matrimony. Her lips were soft and moved gently against mine, they were timid at first then became more rough. I had my hands on her waist pulling her in, her hands in my hair pulling at the blond strands. Exchanging tongue and soft moans of pleasure we both pulled away for air.
“Wow,” was all I could muster up and she looked at me with that smug smile. I knew it, from this point on it would be the two of us. Together. 
@beronica-love @babyberonica I always deliver, even if it’s a few days later. I was planning to make a part two, message me and let me know
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