#metal sonic agere
3unnyceleste · 1 month
Accidents happen
CG! Eggman x Little! Metal Sonic (special request!)
Poor metal sonic got beaten by sonic and his friends, and he just needs his papa for some love and care!
Tw: mention of changing and nappy, mild violence mention.
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Metal sonic stormed into Eggmans base, his metal feet making loud clanks across the floor as he limped. He shoved the door to his base open, and Eggman turned his head, looking irritated as usual.
“Who dares interrupt a genius in his work?” His loud voice boomed through his lab. However when he saw the state of Metal Sonic, he couldn’t help but let out a small gasp.
“Metal! What happened to you? Was it that blasted blue hedgehog and his pesky friends?” He clicked his tongue softly as he examined the extent of the damage on metal.
“What have they done to you, my poor little Metal….” His voice softened significantly as he stroked his metal head. Metal sonic let out a rev that sounded like a purr. He felt weak and vulnerable, a rare sight for such a powerful and evil machine. Eggman scooped Metal up and carried him to his laboratory.
"Let's take care of you, shall we?" Eggman laid Metal onto a work table, a soft mat underneath him as to not ruin his paint finish. Eggman set to work analyzing him for dents or breaks. He found that Metal Sonic's legs were weakened, making him limp, and he had a few dents, and an unfortunate oil leak. Eggman began crooning over metal sonic as he worked. He'd always seen Metal Sonic as his greatest creation, and a little son to him. His little baby villain.
"Poor baby, did that wretched rat hurt you? He wouldn't know art if it hit him square in the face! You hit him right?" (~referencing IDW comics~)
Metal sonic lifted a thumbs up in response, uttering a robotic chirp.
"That's my boy. Now let's get you fixed up." He began repairing Metal, and pulled out some of the accessories he'd made for his special baby:
He pulled out a special Blue and yellow pacifier that had a charging property in it's teat: It would provide Metal sonic with comfort, and recharge him as well. He put it in Metal's mouth and pulled out a sweet star coated onesie and little baby nappy for potential oil leaks. He wrapped the nappy around him and slipped the onesie over his head, all the while Metal Sonic purring and his stomach engine revving. He picked Metal back up and held him close to his chest while patting his back.
"That's my baby boy...." He cooed softly. It was a rare moment of gentleness that Eggman displayed. The evil doctor was usually cackling with pride or irritated, but with his little metal creation, he couldn't help but be uncharacteristically soft. He carried Metal Sonic to his room and sat him in a little bouncer on the door. He let him bounce around on it for awhile while he beeped and made little happy noises. Eggman stole the opportunity to go and grab him a baby bottle full of hot oil, since he'd need it to recharge. He came back over to him and scooped him up.
"Alright, my little star, let's get you fed shall we?" Metal Sonic didn't necessarily need nourishment, just the occasional oil refill. Eggman held him up to his chest and took his pacifier out before putting the bottle in. As Metal Sonic began taking in the oil, his jet engines began quieting down. Everything was calm and well for the little one and his caregiver....
Until Eggman felt oil leak onto his legs.
He glanced down at his legs and the onesie Metal was wearing and gasped a bit. He was taking the oil in alright, but old oil in his metal body was leaking out due to the extent of the damage sonic had done. Eggman picked poor Metal up and carried him back to the work table.
"Oh dear! Would you look at that? My poor little villain needs to get cleaned up..." He quickly got the oil-blackened onesie off and got him changed into a brand new onesie and nappy. He could see the discontent in poor Metal's eyes, so he quickly grabbed him his favorite plush rabbit, Reaper. He rocked him gently and patted his back. "There, there, papa's here." He cooed gently before tucking him into his own bed. He turned on a nearby nightlight and white noise machine. However he saw metal beginning to claw at the pillows, and Eggman grabbed his hands.
"No, no, where are the mitts I made for you Metal?" He scolded. Metal let out a chirp, and Eggman waggled his finger;
"You naughty little one, don't get smart with me. I don't wanna have to put you back in time out. that'd make twice today. Now where are those mits?" He searched around the room and the lab until he found them stashed under a box of tools. He grabbed the pink mits and returned to Metal Sonic. He tied them on firmly and put his pacifier back in.
"There we go.... now dream well. May you kick sonic's butt in your dreams." He spoke softly, pressing a gentle mustache kiss onto metal's blue metal head. Metal sonic let out a tired chirp before his jet engines fell quiet. He was asleep.
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Thank you, Metal Sonic, for this reccomendation!
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rileys-castle · 2 years
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two Bluey redraws from the episode Faceytime! for me and my friend @bees-are-my-thing-bro! Regressor!Metal is Muffin, my sona is Socks, Shadow and Rouge as Stripe and Trixie, and Silver and Blaze as Bluey and Bingo!
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um-lorii · 1 year
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( its magnetic )
request for @bees-are-my-thing-bro !!!!!!
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smallkittilicious · 4 months
Not sure if I've already sent something, but would it be okay to request either a moodboard or icons for a baby regressor Metal Sonic with a star/night time theme? /NF.
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Sure thing! I hope this is what you were hoping! ^^'' I do apologize in advance if it's not great ;w;
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metal-kiddo · 4 months
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Metal Sonic baby regressor outfit board for @bees-are-my-thing-bro ! I don’t know if this fits the baby regressor aesthetic as I’m not a baby regressor myself but I hope it’s ok
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moths-wonderland · 1 year
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Metal Sonic agere moodboard🤖💙💨
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tiniestroses · 1 year
Age Regressor!Metal Sonic Headcanons
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Hes actually very vocal about his wants and needs! Thought it’s more in hand gesture form/with sounds. If he’s happy he’ll make almost chirping-like noises! If he’s sad he’ll purposely make toner done beep-like sounds.
He is a sticker MAGNET (pun moment), he loves getting new sticker sheets and putting them all over his face and arms. Usually amy or shadow helps take them off when he’s finished.
Almost always has a flower in hand, he loves flowers and keeps several fake ones in his toy box! It’s almost like a comfort item to him.
He’s a toddler regressor but also very commonly goes down to baby ages! Typically he’s around 1-4! Metal sonic didn’t get his own childhood real so this is like his way of escaping into one, and it makes him feel very cared for.
When he’s officially very comfortable around someone, he’s very stimmy! We’re talking hand flaps, arm circles, small jumps, and lots of vocal sounds!
That being said he isn’t really comfortable around too many people, he’s been around shadow maybe twice when regressed, amy, cubot and orbot, and eggman. It’s mostly around Cubot, Orbot, and Amy that he actually regresses.
He loves blankets and being able to hide in them. Gives him nice cozy spots and he isn’t opposed to making small forts either! The isnt a fan of being exposed to everything when regressed, the less sensory icks, the better!
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collecting-rocks · 3 days
hihi can you dk metal sonic edits from sonic the hedgehog? ik theyre mostly games n styff but if you can't find a lot of show screenshots theres also the idw comics which i rly like
Hello! I do apologize if these don't look the best!
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Metal Sonic Paci Edits! Requested by: @thetiniestsubwayboss
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☆ Please like & reblog if you enjoy! Credit if you use! ☆
Divider made by @kodaswrld !
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watermelonhedgie · 11 months
Would it be okay if you did either some headcanons or a moodboard for an autistic baby regressor Metal Sonic? /POS, /NF.
regressor!metal sonic moodboard
i didnt wanna write headcanons purely becuz i feel like i dont know metal well enough for them to come out good... the parts of sth that i rlly love (boom, prime, etc) dont have a lot of him :(
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i hope u like the moodboard tho!! :3
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Listen, I have way too many ideas for this little guy for my own good. Here's part two for some autistic baby regressor Metal Sonic headcanons!
- Metal can be a bit whiney when he's smaller around any caregiver he may have access to, though Metal Sonic tends to whine for different reasons. It all depends on the context. Sometimes when they get excited over something when they're little, they'll let out some happier sounding whines. Though for more negative sounding whines, it's often times caused by Metal becoming impatient over something or not getting what he wants.
- Since Metal Sonic is a villain, he can be a little naughty sometimes! He LOVES causing mischeif and some mayhem when he's little, especially in his toddler range. Such as drawing on walls, scratching up furniture ( if his mitts aren't on them. ), playing keep away with people's things, or sometimes having a bit of a potty mouth in their beeps and boops.
- So, you fellas remember that little bunny stuffie named Reaper that I mentioned in the first post? Well, there's a specific reason why Metal loves that particular. It's because of the stars on their ears. Reaper reminds Metal Sonic of one of their favourite locations, Stardust Speedway. They find comfort in the place thanks to the memories that they have there, so Reaper was just loved on at first sight.
- With the fact that Metal finds comfort in Stardust Speedway but doesn't often get the chance to go there since it's on Little Planet, he's become fascinated by stars. So alot of the items that he has for when he regresses have stars on them since they remind them of one of their favourite places!
- Although nobody can really understand their beeps and boops, Metal Sonic has special nicknames for everyone he knows when he's little! For example, Orbot and Cubot are " Oob " and " Coob ", Reaper is " Weapy ", and some parental nicknames he may give to people include baba and beebo! If yer curious as to what he calls everyone else, I can happily give you the nicknames that Metal calls them!
- Metal Sonic hates sleeping alone when he's tinier. So often times Metal will drag Orbot and Cubot along to stay with them while they're resting ( most of the time while they're charging. ), and he loves getting all cozied up just to lay his head on one of their laps and doze off. And Reaper has to be apart of it, otherwise he'll NEVER shut his eyes.
- If Eggman is gone for the weekend and leaves Metal in charge of everything, Metal tends to sneak into and sleep in Eggy's bed if they happen to end up accidentally regress while on their Eggman Empire watching duties. He feels really safe in there, and often times he'll try to cover his entire body and head with his blankets just so that they feel as safe and secure as possible.
- Metal Sonic tends to not walk alot when he's smaller. Really, he tends to do one of two things. He either crawls, or he waddles. Besides those, he often wants to be carried around just to feel taller. Though if you were to ask Metal to walk while he's got the baby brain, he wouldn't even waddle. He's just crawl out of spite.
- Metal has a happy stim that he only does when he's excited and little, those being some happy wiggles. He can be a bit wiggly sometimes, so sometimes if Metal gets layed or sat down somewhere and they get excited? Their tail ends up wagging so hard that their bottom kind of starts to wiggle with it. It only lasts for a few seconds, but it's often a very silly few seconds accompanied by some other stims such as hand flapping and some vocal stims.
- Metal tends to find comfort when a caregiver of his rubs his back, pets him, or gently trace their fingers along his metal skin ( on places such as his arms, legs, and back. ) when he's having a tough time when he regresses. Especially at night time or when he's overstimulated when it's accompanied by some gentle reassuring words of comfort.
- You folks know about those baby bouncers that attach to the tops of doorways so that the baby can have themselves a good ol' time bouncing around? Yeah, Metal would love to have one. If he did ever get one, he'd absolutely love hanging out in it, especially if he's being a bit of an energetic tot who needs to get the wiggles out. Baby bouncers are his absolute friend, even if he can only touch the floor when he bounces.
Well, that's another bunch for you folks! Hope you like them, and feel free to DM me if you want to hear more or you headcanon a Sonic character as a regressor, caregiver, or flip! Would love to hear your guys' headcanons. :]
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chacchao · 7 months
↪about me!
Call chacha or chao! and im a minor and my regression isnt sexual
you can ask or tell me anything as long it isnt sexual (if its talks about sensitive stuff pls use cw/tw)
my shifting blog -> @shiftingchao
tulpa's blog -> @duvvooid
about my regression and identities
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my main interest:
★Kasane Teto
★tokyo revengers
★hazbin hotel
★lost medias
★saki sanobashi/go for a punch (lost media and video game)
★marble hornets
★yandere visual novel (that are mostly on ich.io)
my other interests:
★black butler
★poppy playtime
★raggedy ann and raggedy andy
★full metal alchemist
★serial experiment lain
★hunter x hunter
★madoka magica
other Accounts:
old account: @dollhoneybun
roblox: B3n_mOnster
twitter: @madokabun
spacehey: (account isnt 4 agere, may be a bit disturbing): Chao ( ´ཀ` )
wolvesville: HoneyMeat
ma bimbo: bunzbun
my userbox list if you wanna know more about me!
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3unnyceleste · 1 month
Babysitting blues
CG! Big brother Shadow x CG! Big sister Rouge x Little! Metal Sonic
tw: timeout, mention of nappy and changing.
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Metal sonic was sitting in his playroom, which was full of different trinkets and toys for his little evil mind to play with. In one corner was a little green hill zone replica for him to play with, and sonic and his friends were there. Everything was pristine.... except for the chewed up and crushed little sonic and his friends. He hated them, as Eggman had taught him. Eggman had built all the toys he owned, and they were one of a kind:
He had beautiful wooden baby blocks, a baby bouncer in his size, even a baby walker, and little model houses and models of different zones. His favorite, and most played with, was the Starlight zone set that eggman made specially for him. He loved starlight zone, and always felt so small seeing it. He played with the set for awhlie until there was a loud knock on the playroom door:
"Metal Sonic? Little star? Look who's here to babysit!" A familiar voice called. It was Eggman, and he wasn't alone. Beside him was the brooding Shadow, and the sly Rouge. Metal immediatlely let out a chirp of joy and crawled to them. He loved his big siblings! He plopped onto his bottom, his small robotic blue tail wagging in joy. Shadow scoffed but gave a small smirk, that was a dead giveaway of his soft spot. Rouge was the opposite, and immediately grabbed Metal up in her arms.
"Hmmm... who's this little cutie? couldn't be the one who clawed my favorite gloves hm?" She teased, giving him a knowing look. Metal let out a few beeps and boops before pressing his face in Rouge's neck. Rouge chuckled as she felt his cool metal head against her warm skin. She turned to Eggman.
"Well, this is the one babysitting job I don't require payment for. Except for those gloves..." Rouge gave Eggman a slight glower, showing her displeasure at the 'glove incident'. Last time she'd babysat, in an attempt to get him to nap, she'd forgotten his mitts, and he'd clawed her gloves in annoyance. That landed him ten minutes in time out, and a lot of reminders for 'soft hands'. It was safe to say Rouge wouldn't forget the mits again. Eggman left for the store, leaving Shadow and Rouge to care for Metal. However as soon as Metal saw his papa leave, his robotic chirps turned loud and frequent and high pitched in distress as if to say, 'papa come back!' Rouge sighed. He did this every time...
Metal Sonic was known for his clinginess and frequent tantrums. She had to put him out in time out three times last time she babysat: Once because of the gloves, another time because he scribbled all over the walls, and a third time because he forgot gentle hands and hit Shadow while he was changing Metal.
Shadow grabbed Metal and carried him to the baby bouncer and sat him in it.
"Eggman's coming back, don't worry. Now where's those da-"
"Shadow! Language!" Rouge scolded, knowing exactly what he was about to say. Shadow rolled his eyes.
"Fine. Where's the BLASTED gloves?" He corrected. Rouge sighed and pulled them out from Metal Sonic's toy box. She went over to Metal Sonic and handed the gloves to Shadow.
"You're putting them on the kid. You know what happened last time."
"Fine." Shadow tugged the mitts on Metal Sonic and tied them. Metal Sonic made his anger known and let out a series of beeps and boops and some vulgar ones too. Shadow, being the more strict one, grabbed him up and patted his back.
"That's enough potty mouth out of you. You know the rules, little guy." He sat him in the naughty corner and put his magnetic pacifier in to keep him quiet and calm. After ten minutes of wriggling, time out was over.
"Learned our lesson, did we? Now c'mon lil' star. Let's get you fed." Shadow picked him up and went to get him settled for a bottle of hot oil. Rouge made the bottle and wrinkled her nose in distaste.
"Why can't he have milk like normal babies?" "He's a robot, Rouge." "I knew that. Doesn't make his nappies any less gross to change..." She complained before coming over to them. As Metal nursed on the bottle in Shadow's arms, she couldn't help but coo over the two of them.
"Awwww.... big brother Shadow and his little baby brother... how cute-"
"Can it, Rouge." Shadow interjected in humiliation. However he'd never admit how important Metal was to him. He was too macho for that, but Rouge knew better. She always spoiled Metal and told him how much she cared for him.... even if he did ruin her gloves.
After his feeding, they sat him back down to play in the playroom. Rouge covered her face and began playing peekaboo with Metal:
"Where's the baby? Where'd he go?" Metal Sonic leaned in waiting.
"Peekaboo! There he is!" she cooed at Metal. Metal immediately chirped happily and clapped his hands together. Rouge was about to continue when Shadow stopped her.
"Rouge, do you smell that?"
"Smell what?" She asked Shadow. Shadow lifted his nose in the air.
"It smells like gasoline."
"Gasoline? Oh..." Rouge wrinkled her nose knowing exactly who the culprit was. Rouge shot a look at Shadow.
"I'm not changing him. It's your turn." She protested. Shadow rolled his eyes.
"His diapers aren't THAT bad."
"They're oil! OIL LEAKS! It stains!! And I can't POSSIBLY ruin my gloves! Not again!" She protested. Shadow rolled his eyes for the millionth time again, and picked up the fussy Metal Sonic.
"Fine. You're next." Shadow laid him down on the work table with the soft padding. He checked the onesie, and thankfully, he didn't leak through his nappy. He got the nappy off him and threw it out. He wiped all the oil away and got him changed into a brand new nappy. As Shadow was securing the tapes, Metal sonic pointed at the stars on the tapes and chirped. Shadow chuckled.
"Yeah, those are stars, ya little stinker." He patted Metal's head and picked him back up. "Now let's get you back to Peekaboo eh? And try not to have another oil leak alright?" He chuckled. And the three went back to peekaboo until Eggman returned. Metal Sonic chirped happily as Eggman scooped him up and cuddled him close.
"There's my evil genius..."
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Thank you metal sonic again!!
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rileys-castle · 2 years
Would it be alright to request either a doodle for a regressor Metal Sonic or headcanons for a caregiver Starline?
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tadaa!! amy likes to put stickers on him!
(i dont know anything about starline yet, but once i read his part of the comics i'll make some headcanons!)
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babieshadowz · 1 year
sonic agere hcs!!
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sonic- a flip!
-when he’s little he’s about 1-9. he didn’t really have a good upbringing, so regressing helps him make up for lost time. he likes napping, plushies, and snuggles. he’s very ashamed of his regression though and only tails is aware of it :(
- as a cg, he is super sweet and teases a lot!! he tells the best bed time stories! he’s like a big brother!
tails- flip, caregiver leaning
-tails will try her best to tend to her little one’s needs! she makes toys, let’s them play with her tails, and watches cartoons with them! a big sister!
-when little, she tends to keep to herself, and doesn’t really tell anyone.
amy- a flip, caregiver leaning!
- when he’s little he regresses to about 3-5! she likes playing dress up and making tea parties with her stuffies and friends! while she loves playing with caregivers, she doesn’t mind being an older sister to someone younger than her!
-as a cg, she dresses her littles in cute clothes and bakes yummy treats!! she would spoil the heck out of them!! a big sister!!
knuckles- a caregiver! knuckles doesn’t care give much outside of taking care of chao, but when someone needs him he’s there to soothe!
rouge- a caregiver!! rouge will spoil her littles to the brim!! she’ll give them little nicknames based on gems! she’s a mama!! primarily cares for shadow
shadow- a flip, more regressor leaning
-when she’s little, she regresses to about 1-6. he loves chewing on stuff and holding on to his plushies. he has a cat rattle stuffie that he hates letting go of! rouge is HER mama!! but amy/tails can help. she’s also a pet regressor and tends to act like a pup/kitty
-when they’re a cg they protects littles at ALL cost. she’ll call them cute names and tease them! she mainly cares for metal sonic!! (headcanons me and my friend bees-are-my-thing-bro made)
that’s all i have for now :3
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municipalwastefan99 · 5 months
🍭Blog Introduction💜
Hi! I'm Avery, and this is my SFW agere blog. If you are an nsfw blog, then please do not interact with this blog.
I've been regressing for a while but haven't really interacted with the community much, so I've made this blog to possibly get to know some people and to have a space for myself when regressed!
I love making moodboards, so if you have any requests feel free to send them, I'll be happy to do them!
About Me:
I'm a minor (14 years old) though I don't really have an exact age I regress to
I am neurodivergent (ADHD + OCD)
I like Lord of the rings, the hobbit, the silmarillion, sonic, metalocalypse, and metal
Please DNI if your blog is in any way nsfw or hateful.
More specific DNI:
People who sexualize agere
Any and I mean ANY nsfw accounts
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story-book-sillies · 1 year
Do you think it would be okay to request a baby regressor moodboard with a star theme for this guy, Metal Sonic? It's his birthday ( the game Sonic CD came out exactly 30 years ago today. :] ). I know that Sonic isn't one of your fandoms, so I won't force you to do this one if you don't want to! /POS, /NF.
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Here’s your moodboard! As I mentioned in my other Sonic themed moodboards, I don’t know much about the lore for these characters past the movies and bits and pieces from some of the older games, but I do love Sonic a lot and making agere content for it is fun! I love celebrating character birthdays/anniversaries so I tried to finish this moodboard as soon as I got the request!
I really like the star theme! It was really fun and feels super cozy and sweet! I really hope you like it!
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Requests are OPEN! If you want a moodboard like this one, send me an ask! I’ll do Moodboard requests for any fandom, even if I’m not in it! My pinned post has more info, so please check that out first!
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