metalmaidensco · 6 years
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#Repost @pinsandneedlesco ・・・ Look at this gorgeous gal! Model Stella Morbid in her custom bikini with custom Lucifer symbol done in house. 📸 by @residentrockstarphoto @metalmaidens Hat is a collab we did with @occult_creations #bikini #alteredclothing #summerfashion #fashion #swimwear #custom #customswimwear #swimsuit #pooldays #poolparty #bikinigirl #metalsummer #gothgoth #gothsummer #lucifer #badgirlsclub #metalgirls #metalchick #deathmetal #blackmetal #alternative #alternativegirl #alternativemodel #gothfashion #blackbikini #embroidery #colorado #tattoos #tattooedbabes
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christianaohlala · 11 years
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Asstodon 👙👓! My new summer must have. ⚡❤⚡backstreetmerch.com #mastodon #bikini #metal #metalsummer #musthave #christmasinjuly
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giddykae · 12 years
i picked up fresh local corn on the way home! A+ life choice, self, this is delicious. i may have a second one.
relatedly, it is hard to tumbl and eat corn at the same time.
I've been up to my eyeballs in the Persona franchise and I am loving every second of it. Got a P4 Arena fight with Metalsummer tonight! I AM EXCITED!!!
I was cackling SO HARD during Yu's story mode last night oh my gooooood someone talk to me about it.
In fact I'm gonna go over to the kink meme and see if there are any nurse related prompts to fill ~ohohoho
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giddykae · 12 years
WHAT FUN! I like answering questions, thanks Anj :D
hows about i put my new questions here that y'all who've been tagged have to answer, and if you care to read my totally awesome answers to Anj's questions, go read more below :D (Anj i totally want you to answer these again because i am curioussss)
you totally don't have to answer these if you don't want to i guess >___> But the impression i'm getting is that you are supposed to answer my 11 questions then tag ppl and make up 11 questions they have to answer? yes lets go with that.
What is an AU cross over for one of your fave fandoms you have never seen but think would be awesome? 
there is a 93% chance you are Homestuck, so tell me what your strife specibus would look like. If you are Robin then just tell me your favourite thing to hurt people with :D
oh no! you're big toe on your left foot is suddenly shooting a big evil laser! apparently you are part cyborg. this laser cuts through everything. what/who have you wrecked/killed?
what's your zombie apocalypse contingency plan? i want details. what, you don't HAVE one?! then hurry up and make one geeze omg this could save your LIFE one day!
how do you feel about hugs? are you the kind of person who just gives a quick squeeze then lets go, or do you like long drawn out hugs? do you like having your friend hanging off of you? I'm just trying to gauge how much i'm allow to cuddle you irl should that ever be a thing that could happen. (you ladies i'm seeing next week at the con, you don't have a choice, you get the snuggles.)
omg only at question 6 uugh. ok fine. name 6 foods you like to put in your facehole.
if you could have one super power, and were the only person in the world to have one, what would it be and would you keep this power hidden from everyone?
what is the kinkiest thing you've ever read/written in a fic? (lolol ok if you aren't comfortable answering that then go ahead and tell me about the cutest animal you can think of.)
hey i like that one ok invent an animal that has 3 different body parts from 3 different animals. mythical/extinct creatures are allow. I would make something with part octopus cause damn octopuses are adorable!! An Angler Foxtopus.
PICK A FANDOM! now make the most corniest blatant mary-sue OC and tell me an adventure you they have. and include me because i just like being involved in your lives~
what is the scenery like around where you live? do you like it? what kind of place would you like to visit/have visited and love?
who is your favorite avenger NO SCRATCH THAT who’s your favorite superhero of all time? you can answer both questions tho thats ok like make it a two parter yep
 hmmmmmmm. I'm gonna have to go with..... Beast Boy. Cause I love him so hard. He's such a cutie. I had a huge Teen Titans phase when I was around 18-20.
Fave avenger um... ANT MAN!! at least this is my opinion based on the cartoon The Avengers: Earths Mightiest Heroes. s;kljasd;gkja what a cutie <3 This opinion might change when I see the movie? idk
what’s your stance on avocados? no seriously tho, i think they’re the butter of the fruit nation like you can put them on anything and they’re amazing but i know some people don’t like avocados so hows about it huh
hjaksdjhga;dh i love avocados.
whats the best fruit salad you ever had? what was in it?
ummmmm it probably just had the basics. Strawberry and cantaloupe and peaches.... mmmm and raspberries and blueberries... omg and some kiwi ok i am really just describing what kind of fruit salad i could go for right now...
be honest with me. hard candy caramels are where it’s at, right?
they're good! but i'm afraid when it comes to candy i could shove in my face till i feel like puking (this is my definition of "where it's at" for candy), I gotta go with fruit by the foot. I'm just so addicted to that shit. Batterwitch has me wrapped around her little fingerrrrr oh man i could go for a fruit by the foot right now.... and by 'a' i mean like, 3.
hey you know that favorite musician of yours? well they decided they’re gonna play a quick set JUST FOR YOU. what are the 6 songs you want him/her/them/it to play??
ok I'm going with Mother Mother and i would pick:
Arms Tonight Simply Simple Haystack Wreckingball Tick Tock Baby Don't Dance 
last airbender or legend of korra? whyyyyyyyyy?
WHY CAN'T I HAVE BOTH, ANJ?! They are so different, and obviously you can't have had Korra without Aang, and gosh i just love the worlds they create, they both make me so excited when I watch it, everything is perfect and nothing hurts and you can't make me choose i wont do it.
wow you can only read one book for the rest of your life! that’s pretty beat but you know that stuff happens. what book are you gonna pick?
i.... omg..... i dunno, something that makes me happy... oh wait duh The Princess Bride. Most definitely.
shit bro there’re some evils sonsabitches and they’re gonna blow up this building full of people if you don’t unlock this safe and give them what they want. you don’t know the code but they think you do. what’s the code? did it work? what was inside the safe? 
ahahaaaaa in reality i would just cry a lot in this situation. but in my experience with video games there is always a puzzle to be solved so i'd do that expertly cause i fucking love puzzles. and inside would be a   cryptic note that would lead us onto more PUZZLES AND ADVENTURE YISSSSS. and I also probably found a hint coin or two around the case somewhere, but didn't have to use them to solve it because a gentleman doesn't need hint coins to solve puzzles. unless it's a block sliding puzzle omg fuck those i just throw all my hint coins at them. i'm rambling.
what kinda pancakes should i have for breakfast?
dude just plain made from scratch pancakes smothered in pure maple syrup. it's my heritage, maple syrup flows through my veins. omg i'm going to go make pancakes.
you’re now a character in an RPG! who’s on your team? what’s your move set? who’s that really annoying team member you never use in battle because they just suck that hard?
IS IT SAD THAT I ALREADY HAVE THOUGHT A LOT ABOUT THIS? So in Persona # I think actually my BF would be the leader because he is very adaptable so it would make sense that he can use any persona, and also he's a very good leader, and he'd use a rifle. So then there's me, obviously, and my personas would be Sunna and Sol, the norse goddesses of the sun, cause i would use Fire, and my weapon would be a bow and arrow. And my BFF Harmony would be in it too, and she would be Ice I think, and probably use daggers. She probably knows some sort of pixie or fairy that would work as her persona.
Oh also I associate weirdkanjigirl with persona, OBVIOUSLY, so she'd be there and her persona would be a pigeon and um, idk, she can fight with whatever she wants, but i'm picturing a folded chair because Kanji.
ok i guess my bf's bff would be there, um... but i think i'd make him the support character cause he skipped straight to being an old man and can hardly lift a box without dislocating his shoulder lol. He would be the guy i don't take into battle. sorry man.
what’s your favorite number? if you don’t have one, that’s pretty beat, mine’s 11 but also 23 so that’s why i’m asking for number 11. tell me why you don’t have one, you scoundrel.
I like 5, and also 42. oh and 813 for kingdom hearts reasons *________*
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giddykae · 13 years
THEY LOOK SOOOO CUUUUUUTE *___* This pattern is like, amazing, I don't understand how people can be so good an just coming up with these things.
Metalsummer made one it's so adorbs and now I want one so badly now.
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