juustalexx · 1 year
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Going all in
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metamoromemes · 5 years
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current eurovision 2018... top 25 with the bookies #5
Fuck it I’mma expand on this.
My primary source of reason used to be Eurovision World but since I can’t hotlink their images without having it replaced with just their logo wanted to try Oddschecker analysis for a long time, today I’m going for them instead.
(Also my last overview of the odds was here)
Anyway I’mma start with the obvious: Israel. They’re still leading. Followed up by France who look like they’re taking up the Salvador effect this year against the Francesco effect. But this year I want neither to win, can you believe it? xD
Nor do I want Australia to win. Sure they sound fast food enough this year but she in a different context wouldn’t be memorable enough, trust me. Plus, I don’t want my tartare hater online friend from the States rejoice that plastic music can still win against different Eurovision genres. Pathetic :V
Now who I’d be fine with winning, like I said, it’s Bulgaria. The message is there. The song is something. Not sure about a one-year-later winner reprise effect but it might work... plus, most other countries that will do NFs next year can easily have their last winner do a reprise at some point of the show... but as this country’s into internal selections lately, there’d be no chance of that happening easy, simply because they haven’t won yet. Sorry Kristian and Poli fans :(
And back to the irritable winner scenarios. I’d drown in disappointment if Norway wins again. “Fairytale” was decent to win with, but “That’s How You Write a Song” is just something too cliché that wouldn’t work as the winning song... or would it? I can see the criteria working to him as well, oh noes :S Though would it be good in future winner medleys that Eurovision organizers love to stick in? Whatchu think? x)
More countries into one column please. Czech Republic went from 3rd to 6th quite easily. I am not sure if Mikolas’s injury had an impact on any of it but God I hope now. Doesn’t sound like an easy winner to me (mostly because I cannot imagine an epic choral version of “Lie to Me” that other winner countries do for their winning songs from a year before xD), but hoping Miki will just place well. Sweden is also an odd choice for a winner, mostly happening only because of their winning pattern every 3 years. Well if the winners of Eesti Laul and Sanremo could break any patterns this year then this would seem broken easily as well. Top 5 at most but that’s all, hopefully (probably will get just 5th because another Swede that seemed arrogant at first ended there as well xD). Plus, ESC is not a hitmachine so you don’t really need an extra relevant winner in their own career, or do you?
Their odds are really shifting up somehow into different areas. Spain holds the spot 8, although I’m not sure if the people from there are those that invest a lot in Almaia becoming THE ‘ganadores’ in their lovely neighbour country or there are people betting for the two to make the locals of their nation happy af. Would probably go with the former. Especially when their entry seems to be good again after Manel’s disaster (tbh I will still like ‘Do It for Your Lover’ better :V). And suddenly Saara from Finland shoots up to the 9th spot! Rejoiceful... I guess... no but seriously, WATCH her potentially getting 2nd again. Just WATCH. And to nicely close it off, Oddschecker is being nice to Italy for them to end up 10th. Yay Metamorians! You ghostbet well, but you still need some more skill! ^^
Though I mentioned I’ll expand my talks so here goes more than just 10 countries being talked about: Austria, Greece, The Netherlands, Cyprus, Belgium are countries in top 15 right now, and the last one of the bunch just feels like that it ‘echoes, echoes, it falls’... I suppose it’s just a matter of time before Sennek picks back up again in the odds though, as long as her stylists get fired immediately. :V The 14th place is an odd pick by somebody of betting tips preview, especially because “no one that cannot sing in tune has ever won” (the others might as well ask “but what about the 2011 winners” but not really they were). We’ll see about that though, although I don’t think they’re winning, and that would rather be a not well winning song for me... not because of my criteria but because they had much better songs in the past tbh.
Next 5, to complete off the current top 20: Denmark, Belarus, Portugal, Germany, Lithuania. #16 should sound like a winner but for some reason people are sleeping on it. Is it because of it being drawn in Semi 2? I call bullshit on that. Semi 2 NEEDS MORE LOVE. WHY CAN’T JESSICA GIVE SEMI 2 MORE LOVE. SHE GOT LOVE. #17... is definitely not a winner with that staging, but at least they hit the memorable department. #18 - heard some people ‘not minding a host country win again’ this year, but Cláudia is no Salvador, if anyone has a sob story this year then it’s her composer, and even she is lowkey relegated in the credits although a backing singer. #20 - lol no way we’re going to win, trust me xD Fast food lovers will kill Eurovision if a ballad wins it again and everyone sends ballads next year because ‘oh so apparently simple ballads work every time now... thanks Salvador >:(’.
And I was too not arsed to talk about more countries today so I’ll cap it off with the 5 that make up the top 25. #21, Ukraine. Saw them more fondly received on Eurovision World, even moreso in top 20 (along with the fellow countryman Alekseev), and... yeah lol cool I guess but Mélovin is not seeming to bank on anything too winner-like and will end up being remembered as ‘that gothboy’, do y’all want that? #22, Russia. Lol no hell’s way it’s even going to do this well enough, although the final seems possible because it’s them, afterall they can’t not qualify, can they? Plus the staging will look so otherworldly that people will forget about Julia’s breeeeeeaaaaaking vocals. #23, United Kingdom. Do people just bet for them well enough just because there’s some sort of an inisible barrier that separates the easily non-qualifying plebs from the Big 5 + host nation deities? Cuz if so, then this song would be in like bottom 5 if a semifinal country sent it. Nothing against SuRie... it’s just that it’s creepy to see automatic qualifiers way above semifianl countries with their songs being generally ‘meh’ received. #24, and I shit you not, Hungary. Seriously! They just went up today! You might want to think I’m ghostbetting for AWS like mad but that just isn’t the truth because I’m too financially unable to put my future uni funds into the chances of finally getting everyon to Budapest for Eurovision. Besides, I might never even go to uni. Also it seems crazy to me about this situation because there’s no rehearsal yet... but I guess people start to finally get the hype vibe buzzing after all them pre-party performances that were done by the band. #25, just above their enemies nr. 1 - Azerbaijan. They also got featured in the site’s betting tips preview. For now I think they’d just be lucky enough to qualify, and that’s what they’ll do because their staging was received well enough, plus it’s THEM so of course you know they canNOT fail. I’d personally put them 30th to win though, sorry.
I’m so sorry for this tl;dr, I hope I will only be able to talk about less countries tomorrow or so. Take care y’all ^^
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ultra-saiyxn · 7 years
Background Information
Name: Gogetto ( EX Fusion of Gogeta and Vegito )
Height: 6′8
Voice Logs:
[06:32:09] Alright,this is Doctor [corrupted audio],I have been able to obtain one of capsule corps..’Fusion’ rings,which fuse any 2 beings. I have found the location in 2 timelines of fused beings known as Gogeta and Vegitto. I shall proceed to rip them from said times and inflict this device. Hopefully,I can control said being once the process is complete.
[06:49:23] I have captured said beings by putting them in a stasis pod. If they were not in said pod,More than likely they would break out and try to well- Escape.I shall begin installing the rings now.
[06:51:57] T-There has been an error! The device worked but th-they broke free! I didn’t know that this could break the pods! I--
[End of Transmission.]
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soughs · 11 years
metamorian replied to your post: any volunteers to write my biology exam tomorrow
no problem, will you write my economy exam then?
believe me, you don't want me to write it :D
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probabliz · 11 years
The Tagging Game.
Got tagged by thabigcheese 
The Rules:
Rule 1: Always post the rules Rule 2: Answer the questions te person who tagged you asked and write 11 new ones. Rule 3: Tag 11 new people and link them to the post. Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them.
The Questions:
1. If you could be a mythological creature, which would you want to be?  - A centaur probably, I really don't know why but they have always fascinated me. I mean, you are wise and a hunter (maybe an archer) and you're half horse!
2. If you would have to take over the world, how would you do it? - Roy we all know this is because you want to take over the world and want to steal our ideas. But I would probably train my manipulative skills and go talking to all of the leaders and convince them that giving me all their power would make them happy. And then convince everyone to love eachother and obey me. Really peaceful.
3. How do you like your patatoes? - Baked, in olive oil and a bit of butter (my roommate does this always because of the taste of butter, something he learned on 24kitchen). And then with salt (a lot of it) and Italian herbs and mayonaise.
4. If you could go back in time to change one thing (in your own life or something else), what would you change? - I would go back 16 years and try to find a cure to heal my brother who died when he was 2. I wouldn't mind to live my life again from the age of 4 if that means he would be around.
5. In which book would you want to live? - UGH. Though question, but I think the desire to go to Hogwarts is the biggest. So Harry Potter.
6. Would you kill someone if you knew 100% you would get away with it? - No.
7. What is your biggest turn-on? - Humor and what is on their bookshelf/musicshelf. And being tall.
8. Which movie have you seen more times than any other in your life? - Alladin. Or maybe 'Across the Universe'.
9. Have you ever send anon-hate? - I have never send anything anon. And the closest I got to hate was when I corrected someone because they were mean to a friend of mine on Tumblr.
10. Have you ever participated in a photomeme? (I'm gonne need prove) - I'm sorry, no.
11. Are you secretly a duck? - No, but I tried to get anatideaphobia, which is the fear that somewhere, somehow a duck is watching you.. It didn't work, I still love duckies. When they are with 4 or less, more duckies is getting scary.
My questions:
1. Who do you trust the most and why? 2. What is the best breakup song? 3. Do you have a phobia or is there one that suits you best? 4. What do you like to do on a free sunny springday? 5. Which song should you NOT listen to when you are sad? 6. What do you regret the most? 7. Where would you like to live and in what kind of house? 8. If money was no option, what would you do? 9. What is your favorite lunch? 10. How did you get up this morning? 11. Is there something, someone you are looking forward to?
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m-inerv · 11 years
29-What would you say is your best quality? (I'd rather not get my blog rated though.)
honesty probably...
ok dear, but i must say that i love it, +f
ask me one of those or anything you want for a blog rate!
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current eurovision 2018 top 25 with bookies #6
So I was once told about it... but now I can definitely confirm that Oddschecker are one of the most unstable fucks I've ever encountered. :')
Not in a really mean way though but quite a few placings have changed somewhat oddly since yesterday. xD
I am going to cover both Oddschecker and Eurovision World to see the stability lying in them.
That’s what happened to Oddschecker from yesterday on today:
Israel (-) France (-) (and I wanted to do this update because in the morning Australia briefly overtook them on the 2nd spot. It seems that they’re stable-ish now..? :’) ) Australia (-) Norway (+1) Bulgaria (-1)
And then I realized I kind of fucked up accounting odds the day before this by realizing I missed Estonia. Guessing that I hated it so much that my mind automatically erased them out of my memory yesterday. :’) So I’m sorry for false-alarming you for the 24th place of Hungary’s yesterday. It was probably just a 25th.
The rest is as follows:
Estonia Czech Republic Sweden Cyprus Italy (but the ghost-betting of Metamorians is still intact) Spain Finland The Netherlands Greece Austria Denmark Belgium (what a sink, probably after dress rehearsals she’ll resurface again?) Belarus Ukraine Portugal Germany Lithuania Russia United Kingdom Hungary
Hmm, so what does Eurovision World think about their own odds?
Israel Norway (fffuuuuuuu) Australia France (they’re 4th again, a bit of a downer?) Bulgaria Estonia Czech Republic Sweden Cyprus Finland Italy Spain Greece Belgium (a little more optimism but not too much) The Netherlands Austria Denmark Belarus Portugal Ukraine Germany Lithuania Russia United Kingdom (xD) Azerbaijan
So it seems that the Hungarian fans might want to resurface towards Oddschecker, because in Eurovision World the song’s 29th again. At least they’re hanging by the qualification odds still, it’s appreciatable ^_^
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soughs · 11 years
metamorian replied to your post: writing my life-deciding exams in two weeks and...
this sounds so familiar it hurts
sure, I'll post it, when I translate it to English which will probably never happen bc I'm a sloth
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soughs · 11 years
metamorian replied to your post: so it seems thinking about fictional characters...
maybe this amount of hate means that you’ve finally become tumblr famous.
hahhaha, I don't think so - the hate is coming from les miserables fandom blogs mostly and they're not even following me
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soughs · 12 years
To do a PhD in biotechnology/experimental biology, to publish my book, to have a quiet home somewhere in the middle of Norway and to be a better person ^_^
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soughs · 12 years
How was your weekend?
It was pretty nice - my friend organized a housewarming party and next day my grandmother disrupted the biggest marathon in my country, so yes, I had fun.
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