#meteora the prodigious
full-moon-phoenix · 5 years
Cleaved Spoilers: Meteora's Butterfly Form
Guys I figured it out! I think I know why Meteora's transformation in Cleaved looks so different from the one in Gone Baby Gone.
This right here is what her Mewberty Form would've looked like:
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And this right here is her Full Butterfly Form:
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jess-the-vampire · 3 years
Sky And The Forces Of The Multiverse, Chapter 46
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Sunny wiped at her brow, happy with their final designs for their costumes, it had taken a lot of brainstorming and they weren't even close to being actually finished but they had made a lot of progress. Actually it was kinda nice to have both lexi and sunny here, they were both creative types like her and that made them perfect to bounce ideas off of when it came to stuff like this.
Sunny even helped her with adjustments for nora's hat.Sunny had made her own costumes back home, not that they were well made ones or anything, but she wasn't unfamiliar to the process even if it wasn't very good. Plus she liked sharing her own ideas, especially since she knew what she was going for, to be performers they needed an idea in mind and well...better sunny then anyone else, she liked to perform back home.
"Maybe this time you'll get to see me actually perform!", she said cheerfully.
"Yeah...can't wait to watch you run around with a mustache", sky joked, smirking, but she was a little bit serious after hearing how sunny's last performance went.
"Thank you!", she was all too cute, She was a light spot in a lot of this, always trying to make others feel good as best as she could. It didn't shock sky at all she and mason became friends, they had a lot in common. Though since their shared father was a demon with a fond love of soft small animals, sky had a feeling he was the main culprit for this similarity.
"So...how'd you get into acting and singing and whatever exactly?", sky cleaned up some of their mess as sunny hummed to herself, trying to clean sky's extremely messy room to the best of her ability, though with a little demon magic help on her side. "Oh? Well, When i was stuck in our castle all the time i was lacking in many things to do...so i wanted to find new ways to entertain my little brother...so...i started writing stories for him...then starting acting them out with puppets...then costumes...it just...sorta...became fun for me".
"Locked up like...how nora was?", she felt a bit of concern considering nora's situation beforehand.
"Well...not exactly...more freedom...but the only reason we stayed inside as often as we did is cause people tried to attack us all the time when we went out...so they felt it better we were protected a lot...not to say we never went out a bit regardless...but i have a bodyguard, trust me when i say it's weird walking around without a knight following me to protect me...i mean it's happening now but when i first arrived-", something about that seemed to surprised sky, maybe with how tough sunny was, but the mention of it all made sky remember something.
"So...the knife-?".
"Protection purposes...i learned self defense young".
Somehow that made sky even more terrified of sunny then before, but also safer as well, sunny seemed too innocent to be just as scary as she actually was but boy did it make you want to be on her good side all the more. Otherwise you might quickly meet a bad fate by underestimating her and her strength and power. Gee and all sky usually did was taze people and might occasionally get a blast at them if he wand was working properly that day.
A 14 year old prodigy with bodyguards, self defense skills, a knife, and who loves musicals and plays.
Behold princess Sunny, one strange young girl.
She still seemed a bit sheepish about the whole thing with her dagger, her shoulders tightning, "I never meant to hurt judas...it's just a part of my training, usually when a giant tentacle comes and grabs you like that you're not expecting it from a friend, I know he doesn't hold it against me but when you're so worried about being attacked that you end up hurting a friend, it does get to you...sometimes this stuff affects making friends...they think you're too scary".
"Eh...friends who hate you for that probably aren't worth being friends with anyway", sky simply grumbled, "We're all pretty bad socially...none of us had the best environments to grow up in and make friends in...i'm lucky just to have judas as my friend, otherwise i might've just been by myself for years without any friends...and...yeah, that'd be kinda depressing".
"A life without any friends is a sad life...", the small princess finished cleaning up, helping her sister Galexia get her drawings together. "We're only alive so long, better we enjoy that life as much as we can...when i get home i hope to make more friends then i ever could before...perform more, just get to enjoy myself a bit more instead of being stressed or scared".
"That...sounds nice".
"What about you sky?".
She turned to face her directly.
"When we're back home and everything is back to normal...what will you do first?".
She blinked at her, waiting for an answer, but sky had to just respond with a shrug.
"Honestly? Not sure...i actually think i'll just...rest...i think there's no need to rush into anything and well...rest is something i need before i could do much of anything anyway.
Sometimes you gotta take the time to like...breathe right? Can't spend every moment busy or you might not like...get to enjoy everything, i might wanna slow down for a little after this...i think".
"Planning on getting some therapy?".
"Yeah, definitely.".
That got her to laugh, sharp teeth being exposed upon her laugh.
"Yeah...i think i might need rest when i get home too...", she seemed to be lost in thought, probably thinking about her family back home. It had honestly sounded overall like her parents were rather nice, maybe protective but overall rather great to be around. Maybe in truth the first thing sunny would do was hug them tightly and never let them go after this.
Sounded like something sunny would do.
"Thanks for being a big help sky, you're super talented! I'm really glad to have you as our kinda sorta leader...", Sky was being pessimistic but it was coming from sunny, so she probably most certainly meant it. And considering Sunny was considered such an important and brilliant person back home that probably meant a lot coming from her, even if sky didn't know the full weight of it.
"Y'know sunny?".
"Whether it's my fault you're here or not...i'm...happy you guys are here...i mean i'm not happy you're separated from your families and friends or anything of course, i just mean i'm happy i got to like...meet you all...even luna...it's just kinda been nice...having sisters. I've seen judas deal with his brothers for years and sometimes i wondered about if i had an older or younger sibling so...i guess this turned out to be a weird blessing for me...though i hate that it hurt you all".
"Well i never would've gotten to meet you and judas and angel, mason, landon...galexia...any of you without this happening either, it's going to make one heck of a play when i get back home i tell ya!", sky was just imagining sunny pretending to be all of them on a stage, acting out all the stuff they went through and found herself snorting with laughter.
Oh what a sight that would be.
She could just see sunny wearing fake spider legs for angel and stilts with a fake tentacle arm for jude.
"Wanna get some food...?", she perked up, her stomach growling and ready to head out for a break.
Sky was more then happy with that idea, maybe they could run into angel or nora on the way, though maybe they'd also run into Meteora if they weren't careful. Sky also wanted to check up on judas, after all he was getting his arm looked at more and sky wanted to hear what they found. Judas probably needed this check up, even if they didn't find anything.
Plus judas would probably like having company, even if sky and the others weren't there for very long.
Though they were being very closely watched on, reminding sky of the first time they had bodyguards, except this time they were so close sky could smell their breath. But this time, sky didn't mind them so much, in fact she liked having them there then she used to, it added just a bit more safety to their situation even if the guards probably wouldn't last long in a fight against Her.
The more meat shields the merrier at this point.
They hadn't even gotten far however when exactly what sky was worried about was standing nearby. Meteora writing something down in her little notebook, interviewing some other guards and knights in training that knew luna as well, she took her job pretty seriously it seemed. She was pretty good at getting people to talk, though it seemed the knights were MORE then eager to spill dirt on luna.
Geez, so much for nobility and loyalty.
Sunny was baffled at seeing her, and that's when sky remembered meteora knew sunny in her home, Sunny had been pretty open about that part. Sky wondered just how different the two meteora's were, guess if meteora was a spy for sunny she might've been able to figure that whole thing out way before though. Judging by her expression it seemed this meteora was quite a bit different.
If even in just appearance.
Though as much as sunny wanted to talk to her, she had to keep her mouth shut, she didn't want to draw attention to themselves and come off even more suspicious then they looked before. They were just going to have to walk past her and let her do whatever she was doing, sky taking the lead with the girls behind her, but even though sunny knew the drill.
Galexia clearly didn't.
She waved to meteora as they walked past, making sky and sunny both panic for a moment as meteroa glanced up and looked at them walking past her. She didn't react much however, though she did give lexi a smile and sunny a curious look before getting back to her interviewing. The girls heading past, trying to seem as normal as possible as they headed out of her sight.
"Meteora looks very pretty...", the demon noted, keeping her head forward to sky.
"Yeah...pretty...but also...intimidating...".
That's when sky thought of something, but the guards being there made it hard to really ask.
She waited till they headed to the kitchens, were the noises were as loud as ever to pull sunny aside, lexi looming over the freshly baked cupcakes. "Hey...question, meteora exists in your world so uh...why are you next in line for the throne? Why isn't she and eclipsa in charge?".
Sunny eyes for anyone who might be listening in and answered the curious girl, "Well, it wouldn't hurt to say but...she didn't like being in charge so she thought my parents outta do it instead since they were more interested...meteora and me just grew up kinda like sisters...it was something that just kinda worked out for everyone, plus eclipsa likes not having that pressure anymore.".
So it was almost like what eclipsa said happened in this universe, except with a lot more secrets and sadness attached that felt like it screwed some people in the process.
Gee if it weren't for the constantly being attacked and constantly put under pressure thing, sky would argue the world sunny comes from is next to perfect, having a happy family unit with no secrets between them. It really was no wonder sunny was the person she was, and it was no wonder sky had the problems she had. It was nearly like night and day, nearly.
She had a lot more in common with her siblings then she had actually thought, more then just being princesses and just sharing a single parent. No they had situations and issues that repeated between them, it was almost eerier in that regard, that sky ended up meeting girls who knew how she felt in several ways. She easily could've have gotten several sisters who were just...normal people.
Or killers.
If this wasn't somehow on purpose she had gotten seriously lucky with the girls who had shown up.
Something about that got her thinking.
But she wasn't able to ponder on that too much longer as sunny helped lexi pick out some snacks for the three of them, grabbing something bonus for judas just in case he was hungry. The servants were staring at them as they grabbed stuff, to them these girls were just helping themselves to their treats without a care in the world, and the only reason they didn't tell them off was because sky was here.
Imagine living your life as a princess and then going into a world that just saw you as a peasant.
That had to be a weird shift.
Then again, not having that pressure must've been super relaxing for once. Sunny could honestly just chill if she wanted to, though if sky asked it was clear sunny would rather be with her family again and take the pressure then be away without it. If Sky had been transported to one of their dimensions without judas she knew she'd have a straight up heart attack.
She'd rather be queen with him around then not be queen without, that was for sure.
And that led her to pick out a treat for him as well, something she knew he liked the best.
Thanking the servers and staff before leading the girls out, munching on some fresh cookies and laughing together, she liked the vibes these two had, hey were just so...positive. They were the opposite of luna and celeste, positive, friendly, and easy to talk to and hang out with.
Hanging out with them as so nice, sky felt bad she had never really done it much before. She had been so stressed hanging out with her sisters felt like it would just waste time, but she really liked spending time with them, she didn't have that many friends who were female when she thought about it, nora not even counting much because they had only truly become friends recently.
Even though they were being followed by guards and barely allowed to properly talk it still invoked a nice feeling. Sunny and Galexia had clicked since day one and barely left the other's side since, hanging out more with each other then anyone else. Even now they were laughing among themselves, having a good ole time, and before sky could feel left out sunny was inviting her in to talk.
it was a nice break from the stress.
Judas was being checked up in the butterfly kingdom hospital wing, though thankfully in a room away from where they usually seemed to go when stuff happened, clearly his parents wanted to give him some more privacy and sky and judas both couldn't protest against that.
Last thing they needed was the press to get out about jude's arm acting funny when they already spread lies about his arm for years.
He was waiting on the bed when they were allowed in, his face lighting up at the guests coming to see him. He looked tired, but a long few hours of checkups will do that to ya, so much so he seemed happy when sky sheepishly handed him a snack. "You got me peanut butter chocolate chip cookies? Thanks so much sky! I've been hungry waiting in here", he beamed as he took a bite from her tray.
"They haven't brought you any snacks in here?", that sounded out of characters for either of his parents though judas finished swallowing as he made things a bit more clear. "No, i had a bit to eat, but i couldn't have much, they were worried it'd affect the tests...but thankfully i'm about finished so i can finally eat properly, i'm super happy you guys got me some stuff besides water and stale crackers...".
He was quick to chow down, taking some of the treats sunny got him as well with a pat to her head.
"So...what exactly did they do to you?".
She was making it sound like they experimented on judas like mad scientists or something but but clearly that wouldn't happen on the Lucitor's watch. Judas laughing and feeling his arm, "They uh well...may if gave me a few shots...and uh...my arm may of reacted a little...swatting at the needles and uh...everyone in the room for a bit". That's when sky noticed the floor looked like it had just been cleaned and the counters nearby weren't as neat as they usually were.
"Oh, ouch, i'm really sorry to hear...".
"No sky, it's ok, they eventually got it to hold still enough and turns out...it actually did seem to put it to sleep...though i'm kinda drowsy...but at least they were finally able to get more dna on it...i mean none of this is new to me, they did stuff like this since i was made but...maybe this time we can get somewhere with it since things have changed since then...".
"Don't you wanna control it rather then cure it? Like how are the these tests supposed to help with that?".
"Well, yeah, i've been considering that maybe the best thing i can do is stop trying to remove something i can't and learn to take it over but well...knowing more about how it works is not a bad thing...might be able to really help me deal with it and everything...though i have to admit...it does scare me a little, it's years of trauma I'm attempting to battle. The tests are just here to well...discover new things about my body, might help me with future choices i make...whether i cure it or not".
"Well, it's noble you even want to do it...no one would blame you for just wanting it gone, but i think it's cool that you wanna like...conquer it of all things".
"I guess to some extent it feels like i'm trying to fix something i can't really fix...if i can't remove it...the next best thing i can do...is not let it take me over...if that's really what's going on...sky i just don't want to keep being afraid of myself anymore...even if you trust me not everyone does and i don't want to be scared of myself...or...have you be scared of me...so...maybe...maybe this can work".
"You really think it's possible?"
"It's worth a shot...i've never really tried before...i mean maybe a little when i desperately tried to will it away as a child but i was too scared at the time...so i'm not sure what'll happen this time...it could work really well or really fail and i wouldn't be surprised either way...i just...it's something i've been thinking about, so..." he rubbed at his arm, sighing.
"Judas...you shouldn't pressure yourself into-".
"I'm not...sky i just...i'm going to be king and...i don't want to be king...with this lingering over me...", he nearly almost cried but pulled himself together last minute, "I'm running out of time before i'm coronated...the sooner i do this the better...i can't wait for a cure...i know nora did what she could...and she can still help...but i have to try something else right now".
"Then maybe you shouldn't be king...".
The two turned to see Sunny, who had been patiently watching and listening to the conversation, her words making judas pause. Sunny must've realized she came off a little harsh when she said it, quick to explain herself before judas and sky said anything else. "I don't mean it in that way judas, i promise...sorry if that came out the wrong way or anything-".
"I can't not be king sunny", he mumbled.
"I don't mean never or anything, i just mean...maybe your parents should push back your date to be king...until you're ready and aren't having all these breakdowns and everything...sometimes you just have to admit you're not ready and have to wait until you are...and if you're so worried...i...i just think your health should come first...before being the next king of the underworld...it's enough pressure without issues...".
Judas seemed to be actually considering what she said, though he shook his head, "This coronation plan has already been set up, i'm not backing out on it if it can really finish all of this...I care more about solving this right now...saving the kingdom, ". Though sunny and sky seemed to both share a concerned look, maybe sunny had a point, though sky rarely heard of many royals who didn't take the crown at least at 18.
Though granted, some had taken it younger, so maybe allowing for some to take it older wasn't a bad idea. Judas could have some time for himself to sort out his problems and come into the position more prepared, he had barely even gotten to focus on the responsibilities of being king, the situation had taken up all his attention, did he really want to put someone like him on the throne like this?
But that didn't only depend on judas, but also his parents, their family, and most of the other kingdoms who had been ready to adjust to his rule. It was no simple task and they needed more time to really work it out, but now that sunny said it and brought it out there, sky couldn't help but put it in the back of her mind for later. Judas was her best friend, and if she needed to, she'd help anyway she could.
She didn't like seeing her best friend dealing with so much pain throughout all of this, she just needed to be there for him.
But for now, her presence seemed to be just enough, judas looking delighted again, even if he was going through a lot in his own mind. Galexia already back to drawing before handing judas one of her drawings, which caught him off guard. He was scared at first knowing what he knew about lexi and her seemingly strange abilities, but he was quickly soothed seeing a drawing him himself.
His brothers and parents at his side, with his grandparents as well.
He didn't even know for sure if this were a normal drawing or a premonition , but it was still something rather nice of lexi to give him. She might not have been his sister, but she was a welcoming presence here all things considered. He sent her a soft smile and nodded, "Thanks lexi, this is very sweet of you...you really know how to draw...that's for sure".
He folded the drawing up and put it in his pocket, "I'll hang it in my room...when the castle is finally back together".
"It's nearly done?".
"Yeah i think so...it wasn't nearly as bad as what your castle has been through after all, just a lot of damaged rooms and hallways...but i think we're nearly back and ready...with uh...a few changed just in case that happens again". He didn't seem so sure about the ideas they had in mind, but if it prevented THAT from happening again, it was better then nothing.
"Well maybe it'll be way better then our system...".
"I mean, i'm not too confident...at this point i just assume nothing works on her, she's just too smart for us...well...maybe they are...luna thinks otherwise and i guess it's a real thing to consider", sunny blinking at them both curiously, and sky remembered she never updated sunny on what they spoke about with luna yet, having been distracted with their work.
"Luna thinks what?".
"Ehhh...long story...but she had a few theories that maybe we're being bamboozled by someone whose making things up as they go along? Not that we're sure or anything like that it's only a theory...but we did have her say that to us when we were there, we're honestly on the fence mostly about the whole idea but she just wonders if maybe we think this person is smarter then they are".
The demon girl responding with a bite to her lip and a tap on her chin, clearly thinking more about this idea herself.
"Anways...we're close to getting everything fixed...of course not that i'm sure how much we'll be staying there...but at the very least we'll have a castle that doesn't have holes in it anymore...which is better then before. It's in part thanks to your moms and my grandmother, having a larger demon help with construction makes the progress go a lot faster then it would without".
"You helped too", she pointed out.
"Eh...not as much...", he looked off to the side, though sky clearly was telling him with her eyes not to ignore his own efforts he put into all of this. He smiled but went back to his point,
"But i guess we'll be bunking for a good while before i'm allowed to sleep alone again, so i guess we have a lot of sleepovers ahead of us, whether we like it or not".
"Is it really a sleepover if your parents, my parents, other kingdoms, and even your grandparents are also staying in the same room? At that point it's not so much of a party and more like a one room hotel...", she could hear sunny giggling at that nearby as judas shrugged, "I mean, we got no choice, but your safe room is rather cozy...even if there isn't as much to do in there".
"Don't brag, not my fault my granny was so picky about things".
But she knew judas meant no real harm,if her moms had been given their way the room would probably have a large pool in there, but having a grandmother like queen moon meant dealing with a grandma who lectured everyone on proper queen ways and the best use of their resources and time. Naturally, games and toys aren't really as important and others things in a safe house, at least according to her.
Though sky would argue boredom and preventing it was a major need that of course needed fixing in a place like a safe room.
"Not your fault sky, at least we have each other in there, how's the plan coming along by the way?", he glanced to his half sister nearby and sunny looked like she had just been WAITING to go on about their ideas for this mission. Though they'd have to cut it short, hearing noises nearby, and for now they couldn't tell whether the person speaking was even friend or foe.
Then quickly enough, the voices dropped and judas's ears twitched.
"It might be my parents, they'd around talking with the specialist who checked me over", he listened out to see if they were coming in, but it seems they had merely passed by the room instead, allowing everyone to relax. "Alright i think we're ok, sorry, sometimes i get caught up talking i forget there's still a ton of people around, we should really talk more quietly just in case", his voice getting a bit softer in response.
"It's ok, we can talk later...i'm just happy to see you", and sky felt judas tug her into a hug, making sure not to hold her too tightly, sky snuggling into his chest as she wrapped her arms around her best friend. They had only been separated for a short time and she still felt overdue for a hug right now, even judas felt pretty happy to have a hug to ease some tension, kissing his friends forehead affectionately as they parted.
"I needed that".
"I could tell", she crossed her arms, smirking.
"I really just...appreciate your support sky, i might not say that enough, but i'm really glad to have you by my side...throughout all of my issues these last few months and everything, i know i might be acting a little crazy sometimes and changing my mind all the time and not keeping myself focused and being tired...and you get it, but you still stuck around with me through it...and it means a lot", the princess patting his shoulder playfully.
"Dude, look at what you put up with by being MY friend?! I nearly blasted my mom in the face and got send to frozen prison, seems like you can't catch a break by being my best friend, of course i'm sticking with you throughout all of this...we said we'd be best friends no matter what went down in the future, we're ride or die for each other...and that ain't ending for any reason".
"What about if i killed someone?".
"I'd probably help you hide a body to be honest...hey at least we'd end up in prison together", she stuck her tongue out at him and sunny giggled nearby.
"You guys are cute".
They both stuck their tongues out at her.
Sunny only stuck her tongue out back, "The sweetest best friends i've ever met, don't try to hide it". Sky just rolled her eyes, hearing jude's parents coming back down the hall, but this time it seemed they were actually heading into the room itself, the doorknob turning and everyone getting into position, he king and queen of the underworld heading in so fast they nearly didn't notice the other guests.
They did, however, notice the food right away.
"You know a doctor's room is really not a good place to be leaving crumbs everywhere...right?".
"Oh um...sorry mom", judas quickly covered his mouth and tried to clean up the mess around him as the girls moved the treats aside for later, tom and marco greeting the girls with a wave, "guess that explains the additional guards outside...though maybe you girls could've given us a bit more of a heads up, you could've walked in on important shots or something".
"Sorry about that!", sunny was quick to apologize, lighting up at seeing the adults. They were quick to forgive though, honestly if one of them had been in a similar position the other probably would've done something very close. Both parents walking over to their oldest child to give him news of the tests, judas shaking a little in his seat as if expecting to be told something horrible.
Though their faces were trying to be more reassuring.
It had been a long while since they had really tested it to the extent they were doing, so what may come of it could go in many directions, it had time to grow and change with jude's body, it could be so many things at this point that his parents weren't sure how to tell him. Judas's mind had been running through every possibility they could give him, even ones where nothing had changed.
Whatever it was, he needed to trust them on it and keep himself together, it couldn't get really any worse...hopefully.
His parents seemed to be reassuring each other with looks as they looked for the best words they could say to explain whatever it was they needed to say to their eldest son.
"Alright jude...so we knew going in there was no guarantee these tests would change much, we've done this kinda thing before to get more info on a cure and it never worked...but with your arm acting more funny then before we felt better taking you in to get it more looked at then doing nothing just to be safe...and we'll break the news...we still haven't found much about a cure...", marco was trying to be ggentle, as if expecting this news to hurt the teenager but judas didn't react much at all, it wasn't that shocking to him.
"But what's the catch?".
The adults looks to each other, a little surprised at jude's reaction.
"Well..um...the catch is...there might be an answer as to why your arm reacted how it did...to the magic flowing through it so much...". Tom eyeing his partner as marco put their hands together, "So you see...the monster arm spell...is kinda a dark magic spell...i got infected with it when star somehow thought it would fix my broken arm...and as tom has told you...the spell that still lingered in my dna latched on to you...though it did transform".
The demon nodded.
"Point being, you may of... whether intentional or not...purged the dark magic cells in your arm...from the curse...and that clearly really hurt your arm...burning your arm and purging out the dark cells...even if it did take a bit of time to fully do so...even now, it's apparently still doing it", judas rotated his arm, of course he couldn't see what was happening but he had felt it for sure.
"Guessing it didn't take it well?".
"My arm was supposed to be alive...remember? Everyone thought it would take over my body and kill us all? With how it kept swelling up i guess it really didn't like being purged from dark magic how it was ", but his parents had more to say, marco especially, rubbing their neck nervously. "Judas...so...with this test...we uh...about the arm situation...".
"hmm what's going on here that you guys are acting so funny about?".
"What your mom wants to say is...if that your arm was never alive...really".
Judas's face twisted to confusion, as if not understanding what his parents just said at all, looking between the two of them with all three of his bright red eyes.
"What are you talking about?".
"It's just been you".
Judas still seemed utterly confused, searching his parent's faces for answers as they both attempted to try and explain. "Judas...what we're trying to tell you...is we always thought this curse...was exactly like your mom's...but after these tests we were told there's actually no trace of another lifeform outside of yourself...yeah it was filled with dark magic...but no other lifeform was in your arm".
"Judas...", marco started, "It appears...through the years of having your arm the arm never showed up upon it's own will...but more that perhaps you triggered it through emotional response...whether intentional or not." Though it didn't seem like judas was fully taking it all in, at the very least he wasn't having a strong negative reaction either to this news.
He seemed...unsure what to respond with, which was expected.
He spent 17 years with this idea his arm was a bloodthirsty killed out to destroy him and everyone around him, how was he really supposed to process this information and take it like normal? Was he even supposed to believe this anymore? This wasn't a thing the last time he got tested! How could he trust this kinda word, for all he knew his parents were lying to him to make him relax.
Everyone in the room seemed to notice judas was struggling in his mind a little, all rushing to help him.
But instead he stood up, "I need a minute".
And he didn't even wait for a response before leaving the room, everyone standing dead silent as he shut the door behind him.
Sky quickly turning to the Lucitors with mixed emotions, "Wait...is that true? Is his arm really-?".
The two nodded, "We were so anxious for years because we never fully understood much about what happened when the curse was transferred but...if there's really no trace of another living being inside of his arm, then that means judas can be the only culprit as to it moving how it did...and well...we still don't fully understand how it all works but...it seems like the most likely candidate is judas was somehow doing it".
"He once reached out to grab me with it".
They all glanced to sunny.
"I ran away, he tried to stop me and it turned into that thing to grab me, it obeyed him completely...reacted to how he was acting. I never questioned it really beforehand in the moment considering i kinda maybe reacted by stabbing judas...but um...i guess when you really think about it...that was kinda a little strange. It seemed in the moment judas had control over it".
"But shouldn't it happen more often then?", sky mumbled, "i mean, if it reacts to stress and stuff if should happen often enough for us to tell...right?".
"Maybe, we need a little more information on it...but what we do know is there isn't any monster hiding in his dna, that's the best thing we can tell you from this whole thing".
Sky turned to where judas left, "We should follow him, before he...gets hurt...". Not to say judas would do anything stupid but the way he had stomped out like that had sky very worried for him, this clearly had really gotten to him, it was one of those things that had flipped over his entire life that he had known up to this point. There must have been a lot of thoughts swarming in his mind, he couldn't catch a break.
"Wait...maybe we outta give him space", marco held out their hand, preventing sky from following the young demon, gazing off at the door themsleves with a sigh. "You care a lot about our son and it means a lot to us he has you for a great best friend...but this is his own fight, he might need some time to really think about it...if he needs to talk...we should be the ones to do it...as well...we're more responsible for it".
Sky couldn't argue with that logic, even if she wanted to.
"You know a lot about curses?", sunny asked suddenly, getting their attention quickly with her innocent voice. The adults sadly only replying with a shrug and nervous expression, "I mean outside of the arm...well of course there's the blood moon curse...but those two curses are very different from each other and we don't know much outside of that".
"What about the blood moon curse?".
The adults looked to each other and back to sunny before sky butted in, "Uh...sunny? I'm sorry but that's kinda off topic...why do you want to know about any of that? That whole thing is long gone in the past...". Sunny bit at her lips, her fangs pricking out as she thought about what she wanted to ask a bit more, "Nothing important...just um...i had questions about it and magic and stuff...
Tom leaned down and got onto her eye level, putting a hand on her shoulder in reassurance.
"We'll talk later if you want about that, in private...sound good? After we get out of the hospital wing?".
Sunny nodded, thankful, even if sky was left in curiosity.
"Let's get cleaned up, save these treats for judas...we can put them in the safe room for him later when he's hungry", marco quickly started grabbed snacks, encouraging help from lexi, who was collecting her doodles, "Boy...you really do draw a lot don't you?". Lexi didn't respond much outside of a thumbs up, grabbing a plate of snacks to head out on, everyone heading out.
"Hey...uh...Mr Lucitor?".
Tom turned around to sky, who was right behind him as the others went forward, stopping in his tracks.
"If judas has really been in control this entire time, we're not actually in danger from his arm...are we?".
He seemed to pause a moment, his eyes turning to the side, "Well...theoretically no, judas would never want to hurt any of us...but on the other hand that's not to say the arm couldn't hurt any of us if judas either didn't know what he was doing or his body was under someone else's control...it's still something we should be very wary about...but the nice thing we can say is the demon that once lived inside marco's arm is gone".
"Yeah i guess that's good...though yeah i know as much as anyone about being not in control of your magic and nearly hurting someone...and with everything jude is going through...i mean i trust him but at the same time...i'm just...worried", the king patted her head gently and moved her forward to follow the others. "Yeah, i understand...maybe just in case keep that zapper for his arm...better safe then sorry.".
"I'd hate to zap jude if he's just...himself though, it was easier to imagine he was under control and i was zapping something possessing him...but if it's just him...then i'm hurting him...", she felt the zapper and it's button inside her pocket, she always somehow seemed to remember it, at least as much as she could. But what originally felt like judas trusting her to save him now felt much more uncomfortable.
Even tom seemed to understand her concerns, truthfully not sure what the best advice he could give her would be. Most teenagers didn't usually have to go through a dilemma like this, then again most teenagers didn't have to go through any of the wild stuff that they were dealing with in the first place. The best he could do was try and comfort her, "Hey...my advice? If judas were to ever almost hurt you...i'd think he'd be ok with you protecting yourself and us...much rather that then him actually landing a tentacle on you".
"Even if i feel bad about it?".
"You gotta make hard choices to protect your friends, i know that feeling...but i trust you'll make the best choice if it ever comes to that, and i trust judas to try and avoid it ever coming to that if possible...and if we have to, we'll make sure to come in and help ourselves...we won't let anything bad happen to all of you...we'll figure out all of this...it's just as freaky to us as well", he ran his fingers through his pink hair, "To think after all that...the arm...was just judas...".
"Does...it make you feel better or worse considering-", she hated to ask, but she had to know.
"Well...i...i think it makes me feel a little better...though it is still my fault this happened at all...i just wish i'd known sooner to avoid the years of fear we had". though it wasn't just that, had they known sooner, maybe judas wouldn't be how he was these days. They could've saved him before he had to deal with years of trauma and fear, and tom didn't even need to say it for sky to know he was thinking about it.
"Hey uh...sunny brought this up earlier...but...maybe judas needs more time...before he should be on the throne", she hadn't planned to bring this up right away but with his father next to her, worried about his son it just sorta came out. The demon king glancing at her and not saying much in return, "I know it's tradition and everything but...she has a point, i don't wanna watch judas suffer on the throne with this either...".
"I'll talk about it with my parents and marco...thanks for the suggestion, i'll thank sunny later...", it still depended on if judas wanted it, but at least his parents could consider the idea of it. They headed on their way to catch up with the others before tom and sunny branched off to talk, leaving sky with marco and galexia, who ushered them to come with.
"We'll drop these snacks off and since you girls are here i want your help, the more hands the merrier, plus i prefer at least one of us keeps an eye on you as much as possible.".
"Wait...with what?".
"Angel's father is arriving tonight...with everything happening i could use the help to welcome him in and make him feel comfortable, star would've been in charge but she's dealing with her mom instead and janna sure isn't doing it, in fact i think she's currently dealing with fae actually...even though fae was returned to her family she kinda keeps coming in for further questions and help and well uh...janna and mason were the only ones brave enough to deal with her right now...janna seems to find the fact she seems cursed to be rather cool, because of course she does.".
"Wait...mason? What's that about? I though mason already interrogated her? I'm not sure how much he could get out of her at this point, it's not like she spent a whole lot of time with the person or anything... ".
"Well it's not exactly that, it's more...fae is going to be the one actually doing the asking...long story, it's janna suggested having her there might actually be helpful...she has knowledge on rumors spread by the kingdoms and well...actually it might just be because the other stable servants just wanted her to do a job away from them".
"Hold up a minute...fae is going to interrogate someone? She's like...i dunno...twelve or something?".
"We were against it for the same reason, but apparently jackie is going with them too so it made me and tom feel a little better about mason handling it, they're actually not doing a regular interrogation, this time they're trying something new...basically going through the evidence we found and having fae there because apparently they think just her presence might scare the guy into talking...".
Who? Like you obviously didn't capture the real masked person so...", sky suddenly felt extremely clueless to what the queen was talking about, who got arrested recently?
"The guy who was letting masky keep a child and a evil lair under his bar...that's who, they took him into custody...he didn't really get very far, something about him running right into a giant plant who likes stuffed animals...", sky's expression was enough to tell him that no one had really been talking about that capture in comparison to the luna one. "Eclipsa wanted to go but she and globgor need to deal with angel's kingdom, so they decided if janna herself wasn't scary enough...well...fae seems to have an off knack for things falling off the ceiling when she's in a room".
"Wait...why's mason there?".
"Fae asked for him, it seems they're actually friends, and she wouldn't help unless he was there.".
"You guys brought in a CHILD to interrogate a criminal?", marco snickering to themselves at the way she asked that, "Well, we were against it obviously...but having her there was better then not, she does have some additional knowledge after all...that and...i'm worried if i said no in her presence we might have an...unfortunate accident...after mason told me about her bad luck...i'll admit...she makes me nervous...and well...i also might not have wanted her left in a room alone...our castle is damaged enough as is".
"Well...actually if you put her in a room with anyone there tends to be the lingering worry the room might collapse so maybe you have a point.", the idea her mom would take a child to use as a threatening weapon actually sounded really in character for her somehow. At least then maybe they might get a reaction from the guy if janna wasn't enough, though she usually was.
"Me and Tom are not exactly happy about having you involved in this danger but at the same time we know we need your help if we're going to get anywhere...and thankfully with jackie there that guy won't be getting into any funny business, she tends to always be armed...it's actually rather scary when you think about it, but more for him then it is us".
"Well, thanks for trusting us...even if it's a little...it means a lot to us".
"Don't think this means we want you fighting anything dangerous directly, fae is only allowed to help because she has info that is helpful to us...we would neve have allowed her to help otherwise...but having a citizen give us info from a citizen point of view is just kinda helpful...can't get much as that as a ruler...not unless the servants gossip like crazy".
"Well for our sakes, let's hope the guy spills everything in a few minutes...any longer with fae and he might combust".
Marco laughed but somehow they didn't actually doubt that and it slowly became a more concerned and nervous chuckle.
"Anyways...they're taking care of that...we just have to focus on the king's arrival...angel's still in the safe room to my knowledge so we'll get him when we drop these off, though he seems to be a bit uneasy so be careful around him". Guess with his dad coming to visit he was going to be sick in the stomach for awhile, like how he had been when he was about to be on trial.
His father being forced to deal with the kingdom after him, their prince, started working with an enemy to mewni, made him scared...he was disappointed in him and he knew it.
He was going to be forced to talk to him about what had happened directly and everything going on and that was something hard to be fully prepared for, no matter how much he was expecting it. Sure, he could bring good news in terms of his mother but even he was worried about what his mom would say about everything he had done since she had been sick.
So yeah, he was in quite a mood when they arrived passed the guards, angel was by himself, not interacting with any of the others, in fact he seemed to be talking to himself. Judas or sky was usually there to reassure him or calm him down but with the both of them having been out for most of the day he had been left to his own person. Sky noticing nora was also out, otherwise she would've expected her to be here with him.
She didn't hesitate to approach him after the others sat down the snacks, angel actually startled as she approached, as if he hadn't seen her even enter the room because of how distracted he had been. Though he was relieved, probably expecting someone way worse to have come for him, the monster prince trying to pull himself together and make himself look less of a mess.
"Hey...how you doing?".
She probably knew the answer to that already but she still felt she should ask.
Angel sweating in his seat as he tried to pull his hair back into a ponytail, having a hard time making eye contact with sky, "My dad's coming...he can't see me like this, i'm a mess...i never used to look like a mess...what if he sees me like this and thinks i've gone off the deep end or i'm no longer much of a prince?! Sky i don't know if i can do this...things went so bad last time i saw him...".
"You didn't get much of a goodbye after the trial...did you?".
He shook his head.
"I didn't want to show my face to him and he left without a word to me...probably for similar reasons...i haven't seen him since then, he just...let me here...in the care of your families...i'm terrified of what he might think of what the other arachs have been telling him...they all already hated me and i can't think anything got better after you saved me...i...he'll probably tell me i'm dethroned...".
"You don't know that, your dad seems mostly nice...i mean he's never been THAT bad".
"Maybe not...but i'm not taking any chances...i probably deserve it though...he's had enough time to really consider it as an option, even after what happened at the trial...plus no one wants me as king back there anyway".
"Angel, c'mon, that's not true, we've talked about this...you want to be king and you can do it too! Who cares what your dad thinks!".
"I care!", he said that a little too aggressive then he had been intending, suddenly sheepish.
"Sorry sky...didn't mean to lash out at you...it's just...being king means nothing if the current king doesn't think i should...even if i really want it, he does have the power to transfer the crown if he wants to...even if it's to the farther out cousin i have somewhere...i wasn't a good prince...even if i want to do things right now...that doesn't change much if they say no".
Sky couldn't argue that no matter how much she wanted to, angel was the rightful heir but that didn't stop plenty of other kingdoms from giving the crown to more distant relatives before. Gee, now she was thinking about what meteora said before when she had trashed on the guy, she, judas, and him seemed to be favorites to hate in mewni for reasons...some much more fair then others but still.
"Well...maybe your dad will be happy to see you...a lot has changed since then after all right?
You can't be completely sure of how he feels, since you've been helping us out maybe he understands you have really learned and want to do better...i mean, you screwed me over a lot...but i'm a but better about it then i was at the time."
"I want to think that...but after what i did...i keep doubting myself sky...i don't know why i'm like this...i just can't be as positive as you and judas...even though i want to...I...", he thought back to the advice nora gave him, taking a breath and trying to remember what he did was all in the past, and there was nothing he could do about it now but work to do better.
"You really think my dad will forgive me? He's not like you, he's been away from me all this time...I'm scare to face him.".
"I mean if he doesn't forgive you i'm sure eclipsa will have no trouble signing adoption papers for you", she was joking to lighten the mood but in actuality that was a likely outcome if things were really to get worse. Angel standing up and streching his legs, "Hey...can you at least help me get ready to meet him?...i think i looks like a mess...i don't want to look like one when i see him...and your way better with clothes then i am".
"Well...how do you wanna dress? More princely? Or more like..."
She motioned to his borrowed clothes from judas, because judas was taller then them his clothes, while looking nice on the prince, were a bit more oversized. It wasn't the most ideal prince look.
"Why ask...you know what the better option is?".
"Just saying angel, maybe you outta see your dad as yourself...not trying to be something your not, better way to judge you then to pretend to be perfect after everything...i mean if formal is what you feel like wearing i ain't stopping you but i'm just saying you should dress as who you are now and not what your dad wants you to be". Angel shuffled in his place before taking out the hairband, his hair free again, "We can figure it out while you show me some options...if that's ok?", she nodded and followed him back to the group, marco happy to see him.
"Angel! Hey, i hope you're doing ok...if you need anything just ask us...we'll be happy to help you in any way we can...but just always stick with one of us, for your safety and ours...at this point we have a buddy system, as well as way too many guards...but it's better then you or any of us getting in any sort of danger...so just stick by and find help if you need it".
"Don't worry, i don't plan to leave anyone's side...not yours, sky's...anyone's...if i can help it...at this point i get anxious from being alone...", that was when sky awkwardly held out her hand, "Look, don't take this the wrong way, but if you need to hold me to feel comfortable...judas tends to do it with me when he really needs it so...just in case you might have some kinda panic attack about the masked guy or whatever".
Angel's small grin was very appreciative.
"Thank you, i'll keep that in mind...".
"You ready?", marco started waving to everyone still inside the room as they made their way towards the door, the kids following suit, lexi trotting along in the back. She looked happy to have angel with them as well, patting him on the back as if welcoming him. Galexia did have a way of making people feel rather welcome around her, whether she knew them or not.
"Were we headed first?".
"Marco looked back at the others, leading the way.
"The kitchens...we have a lot to do, he's going to be having dinner with us tonight...with former queen moon, the sooner we prepare for tonight, the better".-
Landon felt he was starting to get somewhere, if even it was just a little.
At the very least his marks were slightly more consistent then they were before, which was an improvement to an extent. He'd been training for hours, barely leaving the room. It was nice to get away from the others, for now this was mostly private and something he wanted to keep mostly private until he figured out his best course of action. Maybe after figuring out how to activate his marks he could then really work on magic with some help.
He'd considered looking at sky's spellbook but no way would he ever get permission to be in her room without asking her first, and she'd be suspicious of his actions for sure.
She had already been before, she'd probably assume he wanted to look into some of the darker magic.
But he also couldn't claim she wasn't completely wrong about that last bit, he did feel a bit curious about some more of the magic of the butterflies. It was forbidden for most people to see it unless a butterfly showed them so even getting a chance to see what was inside would be interesting, landon was a special case after all, he wasn't even a butterfly.
He should be allowed more permission then anyone out there, otherwise this was a missed opportunity.
Not many queens could ever claim to something like being able to train those who weren't apart of the butterfly family with their magic, though at the same time the queens ,were so picky with who got to use it maybe at the time it wasn't even considered an option.
Regardless that wasn't the point, the point was landon had powers, and if he wasn't trained to use them now he might never get to.
He was the forgotten brother after all.So forgive him if he had his doubts that anyone would train him in magic after things may of gotten slightly better. He hadn't exactly had a lot of attention like his own brothers had had, there was no reason to him this would make a huge difference. But if everyone was distracted, it only meant more time for him to learn more alone, not judged, not controlled.
So maybe there was benefit to being ignored.
He wasn't going to be a powerful magic user anytime soon, but this was bringing him some confidence he never had before without either bernard, or his mom cheering him on. He never thought his music was capable of magic before, it was like making his own spell, even if he hadn't been doing it on purpose. If he could figure it out just a little more maybe he could make something happen.
Hopefully a good something.
He was taking notes, testing what worked and what didn't, it was like a strange musical puzzle. Maybe if he knew more about magic he could figure this out a lot easier, but his wand was catered to him right? So it should paly by his rules, his music rules. On the other hand, he wasn't using his wand, he was using a normal violin, having a wand would make this process so much faster.
He might as well have been trying to dip down.
No queen had been able to do this without some practice, so yeah, no wonder he was making little progress.
He put down his instrument, sighing, maybe he really would have to approach celeste for help, cause boy he wasn't going to be using sky's wand in it's condition, and he doubted sunny would just hand it to him. Granted, maybe if he tried to convince lexi he might have better chances if she didn't think about it too hard, otherwise he might not finish any spell till sky was queen.
But that was enough progress for today, he outta take a break and eat something before everyone did start wondering where he was and found him trying to do magic, he didn't want to have to make up a fake excuse so he didn't look suspicious. Everyone was already on edge enough, they might assume he was mind-controlled or something if he started acting weird around here.
Violin strapped to his back, he started heading his way out of the guarded room.
Mason promised to meet him later, something about a hangout with fae he had to do first?
Either way if he was going to finally talk to his crush he was going to need help, he'd tried doing it by himself and he chickened out, so maybe it was about time he had a bit of help...even if it was from his younger brother of all people. It was a strange priority to have right now of course, but if he didn't do it now, he might not get to again.
He was being tailed of course, by guards who needed to watch him, which made him only more anxious, but he found them easier to ignore when his mind was more distracted with other thoughts. He was thankful he had been allowed to practice in private at all, he half expected them to sit and watch him, which would not have worked with his magic practice at all.
Until mason came to help he already knew what he wanted to do first.
Talk to celeste.
Celeste was still not in the greatest of moods, but when was she ever in a good mood in the first place? Seeing luna again seemed to have made her grumpier then she was before and that was saying something, she went right to bed and never spoke once in the morning, she clearly had wanted to be left alone to deal with her feelings towards luna after how rude she had been to everyone.
Yeah, celeste herself hadn't been the peak of niceness, but luna was...oof.
How she made everyone feel, how she hurt everyone, how she treated everyone who had been helping her. Something about her really seemed to annoy celeste, and in ways that didn't seem to suit to anyone else. It didn't start that way, luna came to her first for help when they wanted to go home more desperately, seeing her as an ally, but it seemed anyone who worked with luna for more then a few minutes were quick to get annoyed.
Landon could relate.
But he had to check on her, he'd feel like an awful technical brother if he didn't.
Once he had made it to the safe room he saw her on a nearby couch, she wasn't even doing anything, no reading, no music, nothing, instead she just seemed to be thinking to herself.
Everyone who really did talk to her wasn't here, leaving her all by her lonesome, and landon's shoulders sunk as he knew this feeling more then he wanted to remember.
He approached her, a small wave as he tried to her her attention.
She glanced up at him, speaking a small bit of spanish in return.
Was it just him or did she seem to be...sad actually? Like she was in some sort of a slump? She was moody often but right now she seemed more...sad...less mad...and just odd for celeste overall. She seemed to mostly be huddled up on the couch, lost in thought as she looked landon over, noticing he had his violin on him, "Hey...i didn't say it before but...nice job on the spell".
A compliment?
"Thanks cele...i know me using your wand sorta felt...mixed for you...but thanks for letting me use it, really".
"Don't mention it, though don't assume i'm going to let you have it again right now...cause i'm not, i just...y'know...it's a hard spell for anyone to do...", she turned her head away, landon taking a seat next to her, "Hey uh...maybe this sounds like a bad idea, like a really bad idea, but maybe the two of us should see if we can head out and pay luna a visit or something...".His words quickly earned him a confused scowl from the girl, though he had been expecting it.
She said it with a tone that felt rather nasty and that quickly got landon to change the way he talked about this idea, he didn't want to make a scene and get celeste more upset. She was clearly upset enough as is, and of course so was he, but he had at least kept himself distracted enough to not fall into a slump about it. Celeste in this state was someone to be cautious about.
"I'm thinking well...maybe we need some closure...with luna...you and me seem to be...torn up about her and mad with her and everyone can tell we both dislike her in particular...so i dunno...maybe we should talk to her...or something, maybe help us feel better...so we might work better with the others...so we can move on from all of this...y'know?", he didn't like the idea any better then she did but the idea might work.
Angel and Sky became friends despite not liking each other like this.
So did his own parents.
It had to have crossed his mind, and it was what his mom would suggest them doing if he had asked. If he was going to confront his crush, confronting luna was at least a good way to help landon progress with confronting his problems rather then letting them weltch up inside of him for long periods of time before bursting randomly in a fit of rage.
Granted, this was luna, so it might not even work, but maybe it would be better then them both being bitter as they were all the time about her. At the very least they might have an ending to all of this mess and be able to move on without falling into anger the moment the blonde was even so much as mentioned by anyone. "Hey...you don't have to if you don't want to...i was just making a suggestion if you were interested", he tapped his foot on the floor, shrugging.
She didn't respond.
"I just wanted to check on you ok? So sorry if i'm bothering you...i just wanted to make sure you were ok...i get it if you want me to leave".
He paused, standing in place, worried if he had said something wrong as celeste seemed to cool down some more, though she wasn't looking at him. "Thanks for...checking up on me, i'd thought you were too busy to really care...but...it's nice, i've...i've been kinda alone all day...the others have been out mostly so...i haven't had anyone to talk to.".
"It's not a big deal, we're friends...kinda...right?".
Her brows furrowed, and landon could tell she wanted to say "Yes", but wanted to avoid the cheesyness of having to admit to it. Instead he rubbed his boots into the carpet, sighing, "Well, i'm glad we're friends...even if it's kinda complicated...and um...thanks for the compliment, it really does kinda mean a lot to me". She still didn't look at him, her eyes elsewhere as he took a step back, "Well, if you aren't coming i still want to go, it's important to me, if you want you can wait for me here and we can hang out for a bit after i'm done since i'm waiting for mason-".
He turned to look at her, the girl getting up and off the couch, "Let's go talk to her...i have some things i actually would like to say to her...", she glared at nothing in particular, fists clenched. Landon suddenly wishing he hadn't said anything at all, as he might of just accidentally set up a fight between two sisters instead of actually making things better.
"What exactly do you want to tell her ? Not assuming anything celeste, it's just-".
She turned to look at him, still stern, and not looking to waste any more time, "Let's go, before someone else gets there before we do".
9 notes · View notes
alpen99 · 4 years
Starco kid 9
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Name: Kepler diaz
Age: 6
Dob: july 29th 2034
Zodiac: leo
Hair: white (from his albinism)
Eyes: brown
Height: 4'1
Sexuality: omnisexual
Grade: kindergarten
Personality: cool, musician, organized, arrogant, extrovert, proud, attention seeking, nosy, egoistic, demanding, inpatient
Main color: black
•his cheekmarks would be a black music notes.
•absolutely hates being ignored.
•he is a musical prodigy but learning to play the piano first.
•really wants to learn how to play guitar.
•hogwarts house is unknown.
•the closest to meteora.
•wants to one day the most famous musician to ever live.
•seems to more about some things than kids his own age.
•will do anything for attention.
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vinylexams · 5 years
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Damn, Tears for Fears, my buddy Leo the KISS fanatic, OG Smashing Pumpkins, Meteora, the DANK Onry Ozzborn colorway, a Prodigy tribute, the time I offended TOOL fans, Miles Davis, and my cat vibin on Nine Inch Nails. It's been a fun year. Now here's to another year of getting shadowbanned, annoyed by bots, and hopefully sharing more tasty rare and new records for all of y'all. Thanks for sticking around, I think 2020 might even be cooler! ❤️ - Nate (at Seattle, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6HXBsTJdgR/?igshid=paw464n8w7ao
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monstercrown-blog · 5 years
hide and seek
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A finger to his lips is all the warning that’s given as he shrinks down to a diminutive size, scampering away from his tiny tot to hide. Meteora was already so proficient in magic! Truly she was a prodigy. As to be expected of his precious offspring-- she had her mother’s tenacity and his teeth.
The proud papa could hardly suppress a flurry of giggles. This all still felt like a happy dream, as he ran away from the crawling babe yet again.
Perhaps he could spur her to walk-- to run-- to chase after him with reckless abandon! Indeed, monster babies grew far faster than Mewmans. His genes were likely working their magic, ensuring Meteora would grow big and strong.
The tiny terror scrambled behind his beloved’s leg, chuckling all the way. It seemed for now, he had lost his tail, though the tireless tot would likely not give up so easily.
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whenimgoodandready · 5 years
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“I can bring a smile to your face, A tear to your eye, Or even a thought to your mind. But, I can’t be seen. What am I!?”............(Hint:Answer below) How’s the real Butterfly princess of Mewni doin’? Playing? Sleeping? Attacking Marco? Well, let’s take a look see on the precious half breed baby. Coochie-Coochie Coo!:
*Meteora’s Lesson-What Do “The Rugrats” and “Baby’s Day Out” have in common? They all have terrible child care providers that’s what! Janna just got on that list. Eclipsa was on her way to a meeting with the Pigeon Kingdom, (as she fluently speaks from “Tough Love”), glad to see she’s being more active in her royal duties there, good for her and has Jeepers Creepers Janna watch over Meteora. It sure as Hell can’t be M-A-R-C-O for obvious reasons and idk where the f*** Star was, but we’re not focusing on the teens right now, the spotlights on Meteora now. Janna does what any tween/teen/young adult would do in an authoritive position and just glues her face to her smart phone. Relatable. I’m doin’ that right now too.
While she’s doin’ that, Glossaryck shows up (with a “broken arm”) and it turns out, he’s been secretly teaching Meteora how to do her magic! Huh, that’s funny, Eclipsa’s the Queen, but he “doesn’t work for her”, Star has a piece of The Magic Book of Spells and he doesn’t really pay attention to her too and instead he’s mentoring Meteora! Guess he was right, he really doesn’t have a side! Glossaryck was teaching what Star learned from “My New Wand!” and that was to Dip Down! They seem to have an understandable language barrier between them and it looks like Meteoras a prodigy! He’s also real sweet with her too, guess he found a new favorite. After still not getting the hang of Dipping Down, Glossaryck sneaks Meteora away to teach her another lesson right from under Janna’s nose who was playing Candy Crush or Super Mario or whatever, IDK, IDC!
He takes her to The Plains of Time where Father Time was, ironically, not on time to help them with a time travel lesson Glossaryck was trying to teach Meteora from the past, so he’s stuck with the forgotten member of the Magic High Commission, a bald giraff named Reynaldo, The Bald Pate! Oh Lookie! Lookie! It’s him! He was first known to us in The Magic Book of Spells where he was in charge of orderliness in the universe. Glossaryck wasn’t really interested in seeing him (as he is with the rest of the commission) cuz he only speaks in riddles/rhythms. Reynaldo doesn’t even like riddles!? Blame it on one of the former false Butterfly family line of queens of Mewni, Rhina, The Riddled! She was riddle obsessed and tired to use a spell to get him to like riddles like her, but she f***ed up and instead made him speak in riddles. The commission couldn’t understand him cuz of that, so he was forced to leave. Now he just rows a boat to time tunnels in The Plains of Time. What’s worse!? Glossy is exasperated with him and won’t bring him back to the commission either! (Father of the Year over here (rolls eyes)). Yeah, that’s right, Glossaryck created the commission and its members, so therefore, they’re his children. His very shameful children :P.
Their first stop was a mistake as Reynaldo lead them too far back in time where Glossaryck makes the first Butterfly Queen! Then tells them to take shelter in a stump ;). Finally, they get to the correct past and they meet a gang of young lizards lead by-OMG! IT’S TOFFEE! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! He’s so young! Okay! Okay! Sorry ‘bout that, it’s just (squee) Toffee! Anyways, this was before his General days and he’s now runnin’ a gang through initiation where he was also rude and aggressive. The second lesson to Meteora here is that “Jerks like (Toffee) will never change”. Glossaryck triggers Toffees bullying by making him break his other arm (Yeah, it was Toffees fault, what a brute) and that’s when Meteora DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPS DOOOOOOOOOOWN! Whoa! That may not have been the best idea since it’s what fueled him to kill Comet for later (say good-bye to that pudding pie Glossy). Despite that, Glossaryck is proud of her.
Sorry Star, but I guess Meteora here surpassed you as youngest princess in history to Dip Down. Smart little cookie there, maybe she still does have some of her subconscious knowledge from her old life in there, the good ones I mean. Some fans thought she would go through a Renesmee Cullen phase, but no folks, she’s still a little bundle of joy. Sorry. Is Glossaryck training her to fight off Mina when she comes in to attack!? I’m guessing it is! Cuz the upcoming episodes are “Queen-Napped” and I’m she’ll probably be there to crash at “Cornonation” too. I knew we would see Reynaldo the Bald Pate eventually, the book wasn’t given to us just for fun you know, we know more then what the nonbook owners know! Hee Hee! Before he was forced to leave, Reynaldo was basically a “stick in the mud” type and not as exciting as the other members of the Magic High Commission such as Hekapoo or Rhombulus. Poor guys just lonely and stuck speaking in riddles for centuries! Maybe if there were a way to break off that spell he can replace everyone in the Magic High Commission!? Cuz one of Glossarycks “List of Things To Do” from The Magic Book of Spells was “Fire the Magic High Commission”! Or he just realized the whole thing was a mistake and wants it dissembled? Glossaryck plays favorites here. He loves and treats Meteora nicely, but doesn’t give two s*** about his biological children! Well, considering what they did, I think it’s reasonable. From what we just saw in time, Glossaryck started the whole thing! Like the first Butterfly Queen, she was just come random pilgrim woman with magical amnesia and Glossaryck was all, “There! You’re queen now!” WTF!? That’s how it all began! Did he just feel bad leaving them defenseless!? Is that why!? Then it’s the holiday of Stump Day where that thing will almost kill everyone at Stars Quinceañera! And finally, igniting Toffees hatred of magical girls and the assassination of Comet! He’s favorite queen! What’s wrong with you Glossaryck!? Are you crazy!? Huh!? HUH!? HUH!? Why is he doing all this!? He sees it all coming, but he never prevented any of it from happening! What’s the outcome of it all!? (annoyingly shrugs). On a bright note. I am just SO happy we got to see Toffee again, a Past Toffee, but Toffee none the less, and Michael C. Hall still voiced him, but in a juvenile tone! Nice job there Mike! ;). To me, Toffee looked to be 18yrs, but that’s just me admiring his pretty boy look 😅. I mean, it’s medieval times, but he was all 80’s grunge style cuz he had like a mullet and a red leather jacket straight out of a Micheal Jackson music video! XD! He was so the Bad Boy of Mewni back then! So this was the “No spoiler” Daron mentioned at The Grove of her Q&A at Barnes and Nobles when one fan asked if Toffee was “truly dead” (I was there!). I know he was only cameoed for the fans (and fangirls) cuz we all missed him, but what a transition he went through from an impulsive punk gang leader to an authoritive General and then a calculated conservative slightly polite gadgeteer “lawyer”! What a surprise that was! I was really really hoping we’d see Toffee again, cuz this is the final season and he deserves to be in it! I always kinda thought he was “too cool to die”, but if he’s truly dead, he was the best villain of the show and if not, then let the fangirls scream it from the mountains above! I miss him. Thank you, Daron!😘 (Answer:Princess Meteora Butterfly!).
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maneaterwithtail · 6 years
Episode thoughts on Bam Ui Pati!; Tough Love -all but liveblogging
the one with the Kdrama
bilingual bonuses anyone? okay I'm going to say it
Face boobs!
Ahem, return of the seahorse boyfriend. . . . . . . . . Really like the solution was foreshadowed and ... oddly enough works on multiple levels. sometimes a sulk and binge IS part of someone's recuperation process.
Plus a shoutout to the habits of the audience.. yes the kids these days obsessively watch merchandise pandering on a laptop and it helps them process some of the shit in their life and to move on.
Nice to know Mr. Seahorse is immortal. Ponyhead is still...well ponyhead but we are given to see her vulnerable and more...stuff about her.
Ah Star is her best Sister hahahahaha
The one with the Monty Python stuff
What was with Rich? Okay so its clear Eclipsa isn't the villain. Meteora is subtextually this is, in a way, about reconciliation and revenge. One aspect that gets leaned on is Meteora is NOT a victim or at least not a pure victim. She was a headmistress for years and perpetuated the misery wrought on her. Eclipsa is the more direct victim and more willing to reconcile, Headmistress Heinous seems more...greedy than hurt and looking for resolution. She isn't even asked to forgive her enemies just.. ya know stop destroying homes and eating the souls of family.
Lore speculation GO! So Moon is "half soulless"? Or do the butterfles replace part of their souls with magic or become magic?
well we know where she went
I wonder what Eclipsa and moon's shared curse meant.
Preview and overall thoughts
Seems they are really shutting the door on Marco and earth being normal. Many shows and stories stumble on the transition years. Even AT basically had to turn Finn into a damned guest star. That's mostly, if its not a major focus or contribution, some times in life can't work with wider plots so you end up with unconvincing adult children. It seems they are just doing the soap opera anime thing of the super prodigious experienced veteran warrior teenagers. Not bad for what was likely a one off idea they had no intention to follow through on as end up integrating it.
Sooooo is Lilica's Horn a prostethic, placebo, or what?
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camlistenedto · 7 years
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Part 9: Albums 801-900
The Chemical Brothers - Born In The Echoes (Deluxe)
Simian Mobile Disco - Welcome To Sideways
Broken Bells - After The Disco
Lana Del Rey - Ultraviolence
L D R U - Sizzlar
Suicideyear - Hate Songs EP
Muse - The 2nd Law
Kanye West - 808s and Heartbreak
reliq - Life Prismic
Lana Del Rey - Honeymoon
Foster The People - Sacred Hearts Club
Tyler The Creator - Scum Fuck Flower Boy
Linkin Park - Meteora
Vera Blue - Perennial
Lana Del Rey - Lust For Life
Kilo Kish - Reflections In Real Time
Dan Sultan - Killer
Arcade Fire - Reflektor
Arcade Fire - Everything Now
David Bowie - ...hours
Christine & The Queens - Christine & The Queens
Moon Boots-  First Landing
Chic - Risque
Burial - Burial
Arcade High - Pixel Passion
Jlin - Black Origami
Slushii - Out Of Light
DJ Okawari - Kaleidoscope
Kesha - Rainbow
Grum - Anjunabeats Worldwide 07
FM-84 - Atlas
The Kills - Ash & Ice
Death From Above 1979 - The Physical World
Passion Pit - Tremendous Sea Of Love
Groove Armada - Veritgo
Huerco S - For Those Of You Who Have Never (And Also Those Who Have)
Oneohtrix Point Never - Good Time Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Makeup & Vanity Set - 88:88
Oliver - Full Circle
Tegan and Sara - This Business Of Art
Kylie Minogue - Fever
MNDR - Feed Me Diamonds
Cornelius - Sensuous
Cornelius - Mellow Waves
LCD Soundsystem - American Dream
Bicep - Bicep
CupcakKe - Audacious
Prodigy - The Fat Of The Land
Maya Jane Coles - Take Flight
Zomby - Dedication
!!! - As If
Lunice - CCCLX
Death From Above 1979 - Outrage! Is Now
Scissor Sisters - The Magic Hour
Big Gigantic - A Place Behind The Moon
Leikeli47 - Wash & Set
Burial - Untrue
Spoon - Kill the Moonlight
Dua Lipa - Dua Lipa (Deluxe)
Emily Haines & The Soft Skeleton - Choir of the Mind
Angus & Julia Stone - Snow
Sabaton - Carolus Rex
Janet Jackson - Rhythm Nation 1914
Opeth - Sorceress
Thundamentals - Sleeping on your Style
Siriusmo - Comic
D-Block & S-te-fan - Antidote
Terror Jr - Bop 3: The Girl Who Cried Purple
Ibeyi - Ash
Dance With The Dead - Out Of Body
Boys Noize - Oi Oi Oi
Cub Sport - BATS
Kelela - Take Me Apart
TOKiMONSTA - Lune Rouge
Vessels - The Great Distraction
Diplo - Florida
Cornelius - Point
Anamanaguchi - Capsule Silence XXIV Original Soundtrack Vol. II
Sigur Ros - Takk...
Kllo - Backwater
Giraffage - Too Real
The Bloody Beetroots - The Great Electronic Swindle
The Bombay Royale - The Island Of Dr Electrico
Kraftwerk - Trans Europe Express
Fever Ray - Plunge
360 - Vintage Modern
Zola Jesus - Okovi
Anjunadeep 09 compiled by Jody Wisternoff & James Grant
Shamir - Revelations
Selena - Dreaming Of You
Selena Gomez - Revival (Deluxe)
Aqua - Aquarium
Elton John vs PNAU - Good Morning To The Night
PNAU - Changa
Jamiroquai - Automaton
Future Islands - Singles
Hercules & Love Affair - Omnion
Sampa The Great - Birds and the BEE9
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sillysiddy · 7 years
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Destroyed... What I feel right now is inexplicable... Within a matter of weeks, we lost Prodigy, and now Chester... We're losing all our childhood heroes... You gave me purpose. Meteora and Hybrid Theory contained some of the many anthems of my adolescent and preteen years. You gave me, not only pure and raw feeling, but a reason to push through some of my toughest years... People don't understand. They just don't. When someone suffers through things like depression and addiction, it's no fucking joke. Being someone who's gone through it and sometimes still goes through it from time to time, it pains me to know that for all your legacy and everything you had, it still wasn't enough to heal your wounds. I am so sorry. Please people, for the love of all things pure, don't let anyone go through these things without reaching out and being there to help. It ain't easy. Thank you Chester, for giving us all of you with your music and legacy. I will cherish every word and sound for a lifetime. I know you're in a better place. Rest in Glory. My prayers go out to all his loved ones and also to the world. To my friends, acquaintances, etc, please know, anyone who is ever going through anything and is silently suffering, you have a home here to unwind and vent, or even if you need someone to just be present with you through the process. Don't be afraid to hit me up. And again, I urge all my friends, family, etc, to reach out to those in need. Life is too fucking short, y'all. Spend it lovingly. #TORCH #ChesterBennington #LinkinPark #RestInGlory #TheUNLimitedEra
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full-moon-phoenix · 5 years
Since it's Pride Month, I might as well share my Star Vs pride headcanons that I may or may not apply to my Disgrace AU (posting on both blogs).
Star: Bi
Marco: Genderfluid/Bi
Jackie: Panromantic asexual
Ponyhead: Pan
Tom: Bi
Globgor: Pan
Meteora: Pan
Toffee: Biromantic/demisexual
Rasticore: Pan
Seth: Gay
Jushtin: Gay
Celena: Pan
Rhina: Aro/Ace
Crescenta: Gay
Solaria: Aromantic/heterosexual
Feel free to ask me about any other characters!
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full-moon-phoenix · 5 years
Cleaved Spoilers:
I was right! I theorized a long time ago that Toffee was trying to get the Four Suites together in one place, and now I see why! He knew he couldn't destroy magic alone. He knew he needed all four of them together to do it. So while he was in the Realm of Magic, he must've pulled a lot of strings to prepare for the return of Eclipsa and Meteora to finally fulfill his plan!
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full-moon-phoenix · 5 years
You know what still makes me mad? The Meteora Reveal (yet another long rant, brace yourself).
Don't get me wrong, I still liked the episode, and the reveal itself. But nothing led up to it! Heinous spent her entire life knowing she was half monster and hiding it, but we weren't given any hints about it! We weren't given any hints in the slightest that she used her big hair to cover her horns, or that she wore long sleeves and gloves and makeup to hide her arms, or that she wore big hoop skirt dresses to hide her tail. Up until that moment, the "Heinous is the Monster Love baby" was a crack theory no one took seriously and no one thought would actually be true.
I get that the show has no obligation to give us hints about that stuff. But Jesus Christ, writers, pick your plot twist! Some things are appropriate to throw at us out of nowhere, like Toffee being one with all magic (though even that had a few hints), but some twists have to be hinted at to be engaging. Especially when dealing with a character nobody cares about otherwise.
Once again, I reference one of the best episodes of all time: Ludo In the Wild. If the show had only plopped Ludo back down onto Mewni and had him find the wand, we wouldn't have cared. If Ludo In the Wild hadn't happened, we wouldn't have waited with baited breath for the next time Ludo showed up. But it did, and we did; whether or not he was likeable, Ludo became compelling.
Heinous never got her "Ludo In the Wild". She never got an episode that put her in a desperate situation to reveal her true colors and/or subtly gave us insight into her history. She never got her compelling "coming into importance" epiosde that propelled her into a more important plot role. I was never waiting with baited breath for the next time Heinous would show up. She was kind of just there and then gone, and I was no more or less concerned about her each time.
I would've loved to see little hints about her being half monster. I would've loved to see her rushing to hide her horns or tail from other eyes the same way she did with her cheek marks (it actuallu would've made more sense than covering up her marks). I would've loved to see her more desperate to suppress her flaws because of her brainwashing by St. Olga, and subtly reveal to us that she's so desperate to hide herself because she's a monster. She didn't have bw made likeable, just compelling.
But the only hint we ever got that she was a monster was her disdain when referencing Star's Mewman blood. And even that, without other hints, felt confusing and out of nowhere. Overall, my opinion is that depending on how a character is received by an audience, you gotta pick your plot twists when dealing with them. Sometimes plot twists can come out of nowhere and be totally fine, but some plot twists have to have a little buildup. And Heinous never got the buildup she needed, which is one of the greatest disappointments in the show.
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