#metope riddle
ladiesofhpfest · 1 year
The Shack at the End of the Lane by @saintsenara/Asenora
Our first fic of the week is here by none other than Asenora/saintsenara!
Summary: It was an unconventional choice, on the part of the universe, to make Tom Riddle's victims meet his mother the moment they arrived in the afterlife.
What's to love: MEROPE. An AFTERLIFE fic feat. Merope! She's welcomed into the afterlife confusingly, perplexingly, and the way it's described is so unique. There's this scene with two dinner plates, and Merope, always waiting - chills. You'll get that feeling a lot while reading this stunning fic. Drop what you're doing and read it now.
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35. Acropolis
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Athens, Greece
Created by Iktinos and Kallikrates (both architects)
Created c. 447-410 BCE
Visual: The Acropolis is a rectangular Doric temple. The Doric classification comes from its large columns that go all the way into the floor. The capitals are simple. There are triglyphs, which are images, and metopes, which are the spaces between the triglyphs, at the top of the Acropolis. There are four Ionic columns on the west end of the temple, giving the temple some ionic elements. There are images of Greek battles, and even a sculpture of Athena herself.
Context: The Acropolis (AKA the Parthenon) is dedicated to the goddess Athena, whom the city is named after. She is the goddess of wisdom and is associated with war. Math is riddled throughout the building, as its general proportions can be laid out as x=y*2+1. It was first used as a Greek temple for Athena, but became a Greek orthodox church, then a Roman catholic church, and then a mosque. During the 1600s, the Venetians attacked the Acropolis with gunpowder, blowing up part of its inside. Then in the 1700s, the Turkish government gave Lord Elgin access to bring the still-standing sculptures back to England. It is thought that the Acropolis was paid for from plundered treasure from the Delian League.
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