#mfngjdk im so sorry
peachywander ยท 4 years
Around this time, 5 years ago, was when I first watched The 7D, and I'll tell you how I found out about it and how much it meant to me.ย 
It was somewhere around early-mid june 2015, aka the last days of school from 6th grade. I was in my room, bored to death because I just wanted to watch new cartoons. So I simply started browsing. But there was a liiiiittle problem... I did not like. Any. Of. Them. I thought they were either uninteresting or terrible. To give you a hint, I watched some cartoons from nickelodeon that had...nasty stuff to say the least. I was like: cartoons these days are that bad? Oh my gosh... (Mini side story, ignore if you want)
My hope for finding something new to watch was gone forever lol. I thought it'll be back when I saw Fairly OddParents again on air after like 5 years in my country. No, there were just new episodes from season 7 or 8. I grew up with FoP, but with the first 2 seasons only. Oh oh!! It's that one show I watched 5 years ago! Can't wait to rewatch it! Guess what. I found those new episodes horrible too! :) And nowhere as funny/ cute as the season 1 I grew up with... Maybe I'll watch more, who knows? Maybe it gets better, idk. "C'mon, dude, you are clearly much better than this!" And then I gave up. Y'know what? This show died. I'mma go watch season 1 later because that was miles better. Bye. (End of mini story xd) After I watched whatever I watched, I went to Disney Channel, and The 7D was on. Let's see what's this. I'm sure it won't be any better than what I've already saw. There was the Goldielocks episode, I don't really remember, but I do remember that after it, I fell for this cartoon. It was different, I really liked everything, the animation, the characters, the humour wasn't nasty like...the other shows...and reminded me of Looney Tunes or any (g)old cartoons similar. Honestly, I started my day with watching The 7D since then (I started school in the afternoon and yeah) and i was all happy n cheerful inside during the whole day. The toon really lifted my mood. The characters now. All of them are super likeable and not a single one I despise. My favourite was Bashful. During that period I used to be very shy and quiet, and I usually relate to shy characters (Like I did with Fluttershy for example), so obviously he got my attention first lol Another thing I loved about the show were the dynamic between the chars. My favourite was Grumpy and Happy's dynamic. They always made me laugh cry lmao. How could I forget about Grim and Hildy?? They were so adorable together! They reminded me of Cosmo and Wanda (in their early days on the show) as in they were sappy and always talked about how much they love eachother. I got bitter again because that cartoon got screwed kdgkfl Guess what happened when I found out about that one game on the app store? Yes. I played that game day and night lmao. Also I loved the little introductions of the chars. The love for my show got big and big, so at the end of the year I wanted to reach the fandom. And so I did. I found a lot of nice people in here! ... honestly I never expected to love Sneezy as much as I did after I joined the fandom. He was pretty popular so I was like Oh it's that sneezing dwarf that I really haven't paid attention to? I thought he's kinda cute...he really grown to be one of my fav characters. I wanted to see him do more on the show, though. I made a lot of friends in the fandom, and was also my first fandom on Tumblr. There was also an artist that drew fanart of 7D and their artstyle was so cute, and I remember I wanted my artstyle to be as cute as theirs so I just kept on drawing. And since then I got to more and more fandoms. And then I heard of the cancellation. I felt how a part of my heart broke. And I got angry, cause there should have been some 20 episodes more but they got cut because Disney had other plans. Thanks, Disney. I remember the staff got a Tumblr account and they engaged a lot with the fans, even with me. I got head over heels when they reblogged some of my posts and answered my questions. They were really nice to their fanbase! And then...it ended. Until this day I still keep on visiting old 7D posts, and get reminded of how much fun I had. And how it made me keep on drawing/ becoming the artist I am right now. It started as a relief because it wasn't as nasty as some recent cartoons I watched at that time, to something that made me cope with anxiety/sadness whenever I had it. Now I'm teary eyed lmao. I'm a very nostalgic person by nature, so I get rlly emotional of things that remind me of the past. I'm definitely gonna rewatch this show soon, I keep saying it. But it's hard to make some time because a super important exam is in less than an year for me and I have to choose wisely the college I'll go to. But when I'll do, I'll pretend I'm 12 years old again. Yeah... I-It's weird. I keep thinking, bro, I first started to watch the 7D like...2 years ago. But no. 5 years. It felt like yesterday I was 12 and preparing to go to school, and watching the 7D at the same time. So yeah, I miss the 7D. A lot. Sorry for this super long essay lmao, but I just really love this show so much. Thanks to the people who woked on 7D, the fandom and everyone involved! I'll never forget you! ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–
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