#mh au amy
I’m combining all the info I have on my TFRB Monster High AU here.
I decided: Milo, Chickadee, and Quint Quarry are human.
Cody is a halfa like his siblings but is the only one of the 4 of them to look completely human.
Poll votes decided:
Monsters: Amy, Mrs. Neederlander, Madeline
Humans: Hayley, Taylor, Doc Greene, Huxley, Deputy Barney
Halfas: Evan & Myles, Priscilla, Frankie
Hybrid: Anna Baranova
Frankie is half human (by dad genetics) and half franken (by mom genetics).
I personally like to think her torso, neck, and head are all rightfully attached like the average human, and her limbs are stitched!
Baranova was going to be a hybrid of whatever two monster types she got the highest percent of in her last poll. Witch won the poll, so she is half witch. The second largest percentage was 15.8%, which is a tie between vampire and plant monster.
I’m just going to say she is half vampire then, because I’m almost certain vampire would win over plant monster if I made a poll for it.
Baranova is half witch, half vampire.
Doctor Morocco is human, but the anti-aging chamber also makes him look like a monster.
Woodrow is human/werewolf.
Charlie is human/werewolf and his late wife is human/witch.
Kade looks mainly werewolf. Dani looks evenly split. Graham looks mainly witch.
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mersei47 · 2 months
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reverse roles for (late) April fools!
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antlergrave · 9 months
"Ma belle, Amelia."
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[Amylex, 1920s AU]
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solazu1 · 2 months
i can finally focus on my au’s and school now that all my shows are overrrrr yay!! Anyway here’s a swap Au I made that I really like, It’s named wooden beetles :3
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Feel free to yk.. give me asks about the Au… maybe… me thinks…I will lore and infodump gladly..
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snowaftermidnight · 3 months
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i rlly wanted to post this sooner but i kept procrastinating lmao. ANYWAYS introducing my Marble Moon AU!!! if you've ever watched the movie Europa Report, this is heavily based off of that! (also inspired by The Thing lol)
I'll make another post in a bit explaining more abt it but basically, the cast of mh is on the first manned mission to Jupiter's moon Europa, but they lose contact with Earth and things start going downhill very fast.
if youre at all interested in this/have questions pls send me an ask or smth!!! i want an excuse to infodump abt Europa lol
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kateaxelart · 7 months
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First time drawing Amy and it was for angst…
Amy’s flower - Black Dahlia
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rattfreakk · 11 hours
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A Doodle Of Amy From @solazu1 s Swap Au, Wooden Beetles!
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marble-birds · 1 month
can we see everyones bird designs?
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Brians not a bird.
The rest are not decided yet, I’ll draw Brian later.
I posted Alex’s on my main blog and I didn’t want to redraw him tonight if that makes sense
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bumdaspooderman · 2 months
Guys. Hear me out. Marble hornets…Avatar the last airbender au. Thoughts.
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roger-paladino · 1 year
You did Jessica, so what about Sarah and Amy? What would they look like?
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Sarah is a farmhand along with Tim and Amy is an upperclass horse girl
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antlergrave · 1 year
Mr. and Mrs. Kralie (est. 1923)
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Just a young happy married couple, what could possibly go wrong?
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solazu1 · 17 days
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My toxic Yuri….
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snowaftermidnight · 4 months
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working on a comic for an au idea i had :D probably wont be ready for awhile so heres the wip!!
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Letting u know that Jobless Monday by Mitski is Jay and Alex in Sorry Its Locked to me. I’m insane about this btw. Super Normal👍
Ow. Fuck you /pos
I'm so glad you're super normal about this anon. I'm so glad you were normal enough about this to tell me about it so i can be normal about it with you.
This got so long and i kinda went on a tangent, so, thingy:
you're so right tho. you're so so so right. Jay just wants to be seen with Alex, to be with him like a normal couple, even if the only people seeing it at the two of them. Sure it'd be nice if their friends knew or whatever, but even if it was just them being couply and in love in private would be better than what they currently have (in uni).
Jay doesn't care where they go, if they're just with their friends who they know will accept them, he just doesn't want to have to pretend like he and Alex aren't into each other all the time. He wouldn't care if they went on a walk in the woods and held hands with no one there to see, as long as they got to hold hands. He doesn't just want to be Alex's fuck buddy. He wants to hold his hands. He wants to go to lunch or dinner with him. Fe wants to kiss him on the lips. He wants Alex to kiss him on the cheek or the top of the head. He just wants to be Alex's boyfriend, his partner, not some dirty, disgusting secret Alex hides from everyone out of shame.
God they're so tragic. They're fucking awful. Jay just wants Alex to stop treating him like it'd be disgusting to date him, and Alex is terrified of what could happen to them if they were out at all, even to just their friends. So much could go wrong, they live in Alabama, it's the early 2000's, so fucking much could go wrong, he's not wrong to be cautious.
But that doesn't fully explain away why he refuses to be sweet with Jay even in private.
It's not all Alex's fault though. Like, yes it mostly stems from his fear of being out as queer in any way, but like, Jay's still kinda shit about it, yknow?
I need to write about why Jay wasn't great back in uni properly at some point, but none of my thoughts are properly coherent about it yet. At least not coherent enough to write into a fic yet.
I think I want to make it so that Jay was kinda pretty manipulative, and a lot more pushy with Alex than he lets on about to Tim (or even that he realizes himself) like, you know that bit in chapter 5 of Sorry its locked? where Jay, like, tries to physically force Tim to choke him? And they have to pause and be like, what the fuck? And Tim understands why Jay did it, but he's still really hurt by it because Jesus Christ Jay.
Like, you know that bit? Well I have plans about how Jay used to do that to Alex, not a lot, but like, it happened and more than once, with Jay physically forcing Alex to do stuff. and usually it was fine, like, Jay wanted to be slapped around or have his hair pulled, so he'd move Alex's hands into position to do that. And like, usually that was fine, that was just how they kinda worked and it was fine, those were things Alex was usually happy to do. But then one time Alex was trying to have a slightly less intense scene because he was already tired that day or whatever, and then Jay put Alex's hands around his neck, and Alex was very much not okay with that, but they were in the middle of something already and Alex was in a dominant kinda mindset, so he just punished Jay mid scene for trying to control what was going on, and then they carried on and that was it, they didn't talk about it.
But then after Jay leaves Alex just breaks the fuck down over it, because he realizes just how dangerous that could have been. like, he realizes that he could have really badly hurt Jay, that he could have killed Jay if he hadn't realized where his hands were.
My plan is that this happens near the end of Jay and Alex's fwb relationship, AND that Amy somehow walks in on Alex breaking down and having a full blown panic attack over how he could have really hurt Jay. So Amy has to take care of Alex through that, and she gets him to tell her what happened, so he does and she's the one that is kinda like, "dude, that's so not okay, what the fuck? He shouldn't have done that, and you said he's done stuff like that before? That's so not okay oh my god." and she's the one that convinces Alex to stop his and Jay's fwb relationship. She's so concerned for Alex's mental health (which she should be) and a little while after he breaks his and Jay's thing off, she kinda wants to show Alex what a healthy relationship should be like, and that's how those two start dating?
Also like, when I say Alex breaks down, I really really mean it, like, that guy is hyperventilating borderline wants to kill himself because holy shit he could have killed Jay what a fucking monster he is for not realizing sooner etc. etc. etc. Like, Amy has to zip tie all the draws with knives in shut because otherwise Alex is actually going to do something impulsive and hurt himself. he is very not okay, like that thing with Jay was the final straw and with it's weight he's breaking.
Amy is to Alex what Tim is to Jay in this au. Like, she only gets one side of the story so obviously assumes that Alex is completely innocent in his and Jay's relationship, and Jay is a total monster. Which isn't true, they're both terrible to each other.
Alex needs to listen to Jay more and make it safer for Jay to talk to him about things, because if he did that Jay wouldn't feel the need to manipulate Alex to get what he wants from him. It definitely all kinda stems from Alex being super closed off emotionally to Jay, right? But just because it starts with Alex, doesn't mean that by the end Jay was kinda arguably worse than him. Y'know? Like, they make each other worse.
But like, yeah, Amy does the whole "I can save him" thing for Alex that Tim does for Jay. She thinks she can fix Alex, and at first it seems like she can, y'know, he moves schools and they live together and everything seems pretty good, Alex does get better when it comes to how he expects a partner to treat him. But in the end Amy can't fix the Operator sickness stuff (which i guess she didn't know about at first and all that but still, once that becomes obvious to her---e.g. Alex starts getting a lot more volatile even with her--- she thinks she'll be able to talk him through that as well)
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fre4kshqw · 11 days
Swap AU
Brian sat staring at his computer screen, he's been like this for hours. Desperately waiting on a phone call from Tim about what to do next and waiting for a time when Alex is not working so they could explore more.
Of course Alex doesn't know that yet, Brian made him think he needs him because he wants to finish Tim's movie. That's the only way he knew Alex would agree, or so he thought.
While Brian was trapped in his own thoughts he finally got a phone call from Tim, he grabbed his phone quickly and pressed the answer button "Hello" Brian said quickly.
"Meet me at Rosswood tomorrow at 1pm, oh and bring that blonde girl too" Tim spoke quietly yet firmly, he could never remember Amy's name, to Tim she meant nothing, just another victim to the operator who needed to be killed.
In the blink of an eye the call was over before it even started, Brian was told where to go at what time and that's all that mattered. Brian eventually turned off his computer and went to bed, there wasn't much he could do but wait, he looked through every tape Alex gave him and Alex is in all of them. He was starting to think Alex was tied with the operator in some way.
As the sun rose and shone through the curtains, Brian was already awake and preparing for the day ahead, he still had a few hours before he had to meet Tim but he still needed to call Amy and pick her up. He pulled up his jeans and kept them up with a belt, he always wore jeans 2 sizes too big, it was his 'style' in reality he just didn't have enough money to buy new jeans once he grew out the old ones.
Once he was dressed and ready he called Amy, who answered quicker than expected. "Hello? Brian?" She said quickly, almost like she was waiting for him to call her, weird, Brian thought to himself but who was he to judge. He did it himself.
Brian nodded "uh yeah it is, I was wondering if you could meet me at Rosswood around 1pm?" he asked quickly, hoping she'd say yes. God knows what Tim would do to him if he didn't bring her.
Amy smiled to herself "yes of course, I'll be there!" before Brian could thank her she hung up. As time passed more Brian finally grabbed his car keys, camcorder and got into his car. He quickly drove to Rosswood with the camcorder on the dashboard on film. Once he got there he parked in between Tim and Amy's car then got out, discreetly holding the camcorder so Tim didn't get annoyed.
Brian held Amy back as Tim led them down many of the winding trails of Rosswood. “I want to keep a fair distance between us,” Brian whispered quietly to her. Amy subtly nodded and walked slowly with Brian, leaving a huge gap in between them and Tim. As they walked more Tim led them to an old abandoned building, Brian tried to get as much footage as possible. Amy gave Brian an uneasy look before walking inside after Tim.
Tim pointed to a corner “over there.” he said quickly “Just, check over there I don’t want to see it again.” As Brian and Amy turned their backs from Tim to check they heard a click. As Brian turned back around he saw a gun pointing at the two of them, Amy screamed and hid behind Brian for coverage. “Tim, what are you doing?” Brian tried to stay calm but on the inside he was freaking out, was he going to die right here? Is it his fault for also getting an innocent woman killed?
“Just shut up!” Tim shouted “You’re the reason this all happened…” As Tim trailed off on his monologue, a masked figure appeared behind him. The figure had a blue hood and its mask had skeletal features. It tackled Tim to the ground causing the gun to go off, Brian grabbed Amy’s hand quickly and they ran out………
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