monalisapisa · 10 years
"Beyond no doubt no one survived"
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therakyatpost · 10 years
New Post has been published on The Rakyat Post
New Post has been published on http://www.therakyatpost.com/news/2014/03/13/no-talk-of-compensation-for-families-says-ahmad-maslan/
No talk of compensation for families, says Ahmad Maslan
There has not been any talks of compensation plans for families of passengers aboard missing Malaysia Airlines (MAS) flight MH370, says Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Maslan.
Declining to comment further on the matter, saying it was under the jurisdiction of the Transport Ministry, Ahmad, however, said there has been an increase in funding allocated for authorities involved in the search and rescue mission.
“Our main priority is to locate the plane and the increased funding is not an issue. The ministry does not see it as an issue at all,” he told reporters at Parliament today.
Ahmad also declined to comment when asked if the government was prepared to compensate the families if the need arose.
The missing airplane was ferrying 239 people, including crew members, on its journey from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing early Saturday.  Of the number, 154 are citizens from China and Taiwan.
MAS had confirmed it lost contact with the 777-200 not long after it left the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) at 12.41am.
China has, in an intensified effort, deployed ships and helicopters and also redirected up to 10 satellites to assist the search and rescue mission.
Japan, India and Brunei have also joined the mission.
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unspunr · 10 years
What the IGP-DCA discord does to Malaysia's image as world waits for news of MH307
What the IGP-DCA discord does to Malaysia’s image as world waits for news of MH307
One sure way of losing the confidence of the public during a crisis-like situation is when principal players and agencies in the government contradict each other.
They may have very good reasons for believing what they believe but to the public that doesn’t matter. Whether you head the Police or the Department of Civil Aviation you still represent the government.
And when key figures in the…
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clarisseinao · 10 years
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Imagine how normal everything is until you received the news that a plane is missing. And inside that plane is one of your loved ones. It can be your father, your mother, or someone very dear to you. Then you remember how casual you bid goodbye to them. How you told them "Be safe and call me soon." , how they answered "Yes I will." And how they never did. It is the horror of losing a person without knowing why or how. A loss that can change your life forever.
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kamiyoukai · 10 years
There's a possibility of MH307 turning back (coming back to KLIA). Let's pray that MH307 is able to land safely in KLIA.
Latest Malaysian Press Conference at 1.00pm, 9th March 2014
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nickelnomore · 10 years
I mentioned that I was writing a fic and that I would most probably post it on Saturday. However, its not going to happen, if you haven't already noticed. I've been spending the entire day watching the news for more information on the missing Boeing 777 MH307 aircraft, and haven't had time to finish the first chap or do my work. I'm really worried for the 239 passengers and the 12 crew members on board. The fact that the plane just disappeared without a trace is very unnerving. Not to mention the lack of communication, wreckage or just signs of the plane... its even scarier because theres nothing! So despite me not having any family members or anyone I know on board the plane, I am praying for them and their family members. I hope that they will remain safe and be found soon. If you are reading this, please do not speculate rumors about why the plane may have disappeared. There is currently no concrete evidence and everyone is worried and distressed as it is. They do not need anymore things to worry about. Lets just pray that they will return safely to their loved ones. God bless.
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uswntlover94 · 10 years
Can’t believe they still haven’t found the plane. Thinking of everyone back at home! 🙏
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candycraver · 10 years
Just a small piece on the missing airplane
It scares me that an entire plane has gone missing in a relatively small area. And that now, more than 24 hours later, even with over 5 countries searching, the plane remains missing and not even the slightest hint of debris has been found.
It scares me that not a single distress signal was sent from the plane, and that it disappeared so quickly and suddenly.
It’s frightening how, even with all our technology and our practiced emergency procedures, no one has been able to find any signal or sign of the missing plane. It haunts me that there are over 200 people on that flight, including two infants, and not a single person has been heard from or found. What makes this worse is that all their families are on standby, ready to fly out to wherever the plane is, and all they can do now is desperately hope for any news of their loved ones.
The fear, the desperation, the pain of not knowing, we can at least begin to imagine how terrible it must be for them right now.
I’m not even nearly religious, but please, for those of you who are, do keep them in your prayers. And for those of you who aren’t, do keep them in your thoughts and wish those involved the best of luck.
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amongfandoms · 10 years
Thought and prayers go out to the passengers , crew , and family members for those who are onboard MH370 ... Please put aside everything you are doing and and take a moment and pray for them .
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