#mha fkuff
touyasdoll · 3 years
Shinsou whose only goal in college is to get his degree and leave, never cared for romance nor any of that. Up until he was assigned to work with the Chubby/Curvy Girl of his class for a project that lasts over a month or two, and it’s a slow burn type of vibe. They go to study rooms, go to coffee shop to work on it more, library, and during breaks to work on the project. When the project has finished, they go to the campus Coffee Shop to ‘hang out’, but in reality, Shinsou is planning to step up his game and confesses to her and they get together💗
Awhh, this is so cute!! 💜💜
First Date
Pairing: Hitoshi Shinsou x reader
Genre: fluff
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"Shinsou, you're with y/l/n," Aizawa glanced up from the paper he was reading off of. "That's it for the partner assignments. You have six weeks, don't waste them. Dismissed."
You stood from your seat, glancing in the direction of the man with the indigo-colored hair as you began packing up your things. He looked over and caught your eye, his face expressionless as he blinked at you.
A blush colored your cheeks, but you endured and flashed a smile, offering him a small wave, which he returned with a polite grin.
You returned to stuffing your belongings into your bag, figuring that was the end of the interaction, but he suddenly appeared in your peripheral vision.
"Hey," his husky voice compelled you to look up and into his violet orbs, “I don’t think we’ve properly met. You can call me Hitoshi, if you prefer.”
He extended a hand, which you shook, smiling shyly, “Nice to meet you, Hitoshi. You can call me Y/n.”
A smile was evident on his face now, which didn’t do anything for your reddened cheeks when he suggested, “Should we exchange numbers?”
“Hmm?” You flustered and cast your eyes down, missing the way his smile grew when he took notice of your nerves. “Oh, uh, yeah.”
With a nod, you took the phone that he extended to you, punching in your number before handing it back to him. He kept his eyes trained on your face as he took his phone and slipped it into his back pocket.
He couldn’t help but to think how cute it was that you seemed so nervous to talk to him. It intrigued him.
That was all though, he was just generally intrigued. He wasn’t interested in whether or not you found him attractive. Not the least bit curious as to why he hadn’t ever seemed to notice such a pretty girl in his own class. No, of course not.
Not that it mattered how pretty you were. He was here to do one thing and one thing only. Getting caught up with a co-ed wasn’t one of those things.
“I’ll see you, Y/n,” he nodded, signaling his departure as you waved after him, cheeks still painted red and your smile still beaming.
He debated how long he should wait to text you. You were partners on this project after all. Should he send it right away? So you could contact him if you needed anything or was that too soon? Should he wait a couple hours? A couple days?
No, he’d just do it right now, on the way to his next class. No need to overthink it. It’s just a project.
Shinsou: Hey, it’s Hitoshi. When would you like to meet up to work on the assignment?
You: Whenever is fine for me :) does tomorrow night work for you?
Shinsou: That should be fine. How about we meet at the coffee shop? Around 7?
You: I’ll be there :)
He tucked his phone away, trying to ignore the little thump in his chest that he felt when he reread your response.
He couldn’t deny that you were attractive, but he could deny himself the opportunity to think about anything beyond that.
Still, he couldn’t help but grow more and more anxious to see you the following evening.
It only grew more difficult for him to deny his affections for you after you two had spent some time together. It was strictly business at first, but something compelled him to stay later, beyond the cut and dry of it all. Sitting with you, as you both sipped on coffees that had long since gone cold, until the place was no longer humming with patrons.
It was quiet, save for the sound of your laughter. He thought to himself that the sound of you giggling was something that he could never grow tired of hearing. An uneven smile appeared on his face as it dawned on him that he might have tripped up.
He certainly had. He’d taken a genuine interest in you. But it wasn’t like he could just avoid you; he had a commitment to uphold. He didn’t stand a chance at evading falling in any deeper with you.
You always looked so cute when the two of you would meet. Always acted so sweet and warm and charming. All he wanted to do was make you laugh. Make you smile. Make you his. He never stood a chance at all of resisting you; he understood that now.
Over the weeks, he’d tried to find reasons to prolong your time together. Even after you’d actually completed the project early. Insisting that Aizawa was such a tough grader, surely there was more that could be done to improve upon your work.
But when the due date came and went, he had to find a new reason to keep you around. He couldn’t bear to part with the nights filled with inside jokes and tender, tentative touches.
The feeling of your knee brushing against his beneath a coffee table. The ghost of your fingertips over the back of his hand when you leaned in close to show him something from over his shoulder. The soft, suppleness of your body that greeted him when he dared to lean into you and you didn’t pull away, but just glanced down at him instead with that coy smile you always seemed to be sporting.
No, he couldn’t let you go so easily. So he crossed his fingers and hoped that he wouldn’t have to when you walked in to the cafe, having accepted his invitation to meet tonight. He’d already ordered your usual, having committed it to memory the first week of your partnership.
“Hey,” you took a seat across from him, wrapping your hands around the cup before you, “Thank you for this.” You smile, “I’m really glad you asked to hang out. I was worried you’d be sick of me by now.”
He chuckled, shaking his head, “I don’t think that I could ever be sick of you.” He paused, focusing on the patterned wood grain of the table as he gathered his thoughts. “I wanted to talk to you about that though. I was hoping we could actually spend some more time together.” He looked into your eyes, smiling softly. “But I was hoping that I could take you on a proper date this time.”
“Why don’t we just consider this our first one?” you coo, shyly sliding your hand across the table, which he takes, bringing it to his lips to place a chaste kiss atop your knuckles.
Your cheeks flush as he chuckles and swipes his thumb over the back of your hand, placing it back down on the table for him to hold, “I’d like that.”
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