#mhn sero
thatstupidpotato · 3 years
POSSESSIVE MUCH // Katuski Bakugou//
synopsis: after being able to tolerate and date each other for a full three years, both the bakusquad and dekusquad decide to celebrate their last few days together:)
warnings: possessive y/n and curse words :)
this is my first time in tumblr:) and english is not my first language so i am sorry for all the errors:' anywayy i hope you enjoyy:)
cr: to the owner of the masterpiece:)
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"Do you think he will ever man up?" Kirishima says as he looks at his friend blushing profoundly at his crush while screaming death threats at her at the same time and she looks as equally pissed and flustered. "Man it is giving me real headache seeing how oblivious they are about their feelings for each other."  Kaminari frowns as Bakugou raises his hands ready to blow his crush' face off. Now this was some free shit fucked up romance the bakusquad got to witness every day and if i am being honest? they would pay a thousand million dollar just to get away from them. For this shit show to end. For maybe Bakugou to man up and confess his feelings or for y/n to women up and do something about hers as Kirishima says. " Dang it mann i cannot see this anymore.... i will have to get myself involved now." Everybody looks at Mina for a split second and then looks back at the duo... currently Bakugou was desperately trying to push y/n away from him as she was very harshly pulling on his hair and kickin his legs. They could see a panicked Midoriya and Uraraka trying to prey their friend of off a very desperate explosive time bomb and Ilda telling them that if they don't stop fighting then he'd have to go get Aizawa sensei while doing his usual air chopping gesture. At the very mention of their teacher both the mentally frustrated teenagers quickly push themselves away from each other. They glare at each other as Midoriya pulls y/n by her wrist and while Bakugou makes his way towards his friends.
Bakugou scowls as he sits next to Kirishima and snatches his water and gulps everything down. " So now do YOU want our help or do you still think that you got it?" Sero smugly askes as Bakugou glares at him. Not directly being able to say he wants help Bakugou starts mumbling under his breath. "Bakubro you need to tell us to help you so we can actually help you and clearly you need help dude. You don't got this at all." Kiri can't help but laugh remembering the situation his friend was in a few moments ago. "Fine i need your help"
Y/n grunts as she sits down in a chair somewhere far away from the boy and his group of friends whoes hair she just nearly ripped of off.  "Why? i just need to know why you would treat the person you like like that. You just nearly made him go bald  y/n?!?!"  Now Uraraka was a very sweet and patient girl but seeing the way they treated each other was surely gonna be the last straw to her patience as well. "It's not me this time!! That piece of shit started it!" y/n points an accusing finger at Bakugou's direction. "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU POINTING A FINGER AT ME HUH YOU WORTHLESS BITCH?!!?!" "SEE!!"  This was going to be way more harder than they thought.
This was reallyy not that hard at all. And it was hard to believe at first but Bakugou being the desperate hot-head desperately trying to get his crush to actually like him back and not rip his hair was willingly cooperative. And y/n being a bold bitch that she was, she also willingly obeyed to everything her friends said. And now that leads to this current situation. Kirishima had briefly explained Bakugou what he was suppose to do and not do. Now he was patiently waiting for the girl to show up. Y/n on the other hand was ready to rip Bakugou's limps off his nicely built body. So apparently y/n was not willing to get out of her bed so Uraraka might have told her that Bakugou beat the shit out of Midoriya... well now that was chaos.
Let's not discuss in details how they both nearly killed each other. Just as y/n entered the room, Bakugou was ready to be sweet and cringe for the very first and the last time in his life but nah-uh. Y/n pounced on his and tackled him down. That was the last thing he expected to happen and this is Bakugou we are talking about so of course he fought back. Both dekusquad and bakusquad could only watch in pain as they once again indulged in a physical fight.
and just like that Bakugou understood what the hell was happening. This came as a shock to everyone but before y/n could say anything else, Bakugou quickly ran up to y/n and put his lips on hers. Luckly Kaminari got everything on camera:)
So now here they were a few years later. They had just recently graduated and to celebrate their hard work they all had decided to go out. They were all at some club and y/n was tired of glaring at the damn fucking hoes who were shamelessly eye fucking her boyfriend. And Bakugou? oh boy he enjoyed watching his girlfriend shoot daggers at each and every girl who laid their eyes on him.  "I have a very bad feeling about this guys..."  Midoriya wasn't very wrong about that. If this continued for any longer you bet your ass y/n was gonna flip out and no one could stop her... "Midoriya chill out bro. I'm sure nothing will happen right... right Y/n???!!" Every inch of Kirishima shivered at the look on y/n's face.
"Ohh hoo i can't promise anything to you right now Kiri." y/n had this creepy smile and her brows were frowned as a group of girls make their way toward them. Each of them sitting in between one of the boys. These bitches be blind.  And then they openly started flirting making everyone in the table uncomfortable and making y/n more annoyed. 
slut flirting with Katsu - "hey there hot stuff. I am Britney and you are?" she got no answer back as Bakugou ignored her and foucsed on how y/n eyebrows were furrow real hard and she had a disgusted look on her face. Was this slut really doing this? they paid no damn attention as all the fucking sluts desperately tried flirting.
Y/n glances at Midoriya and see that the slut was now clinging onto him and how he couldn't do anything to prey her of off him and poor Uraraka looked in pain as the girl ignored her attempts to get her to get off her friend. Y/n flinched when that slut pushed Uraraka making her stumble a little, Kirishima caching her before she fell. Ok so that's it you bitch.
"Hey you bitch you just pushed my friend and i don't know what the hell you and your little slut friends are doing here because nunna us want any of you here. You're making all of my friends uncomfortable so leave before this takes a bad turn." to say that the slut girl looked a little scared was understandable. After all y/n did have a bad temper so everyone tried their best to stay at her good side. She slowly let go of Midoriya and he look really relieved. That slut girl looked at the girl behind y/n. The one that has been eye fucking Bakugou the moment he stepped his foot inside that club. Ok so everyone was holding their breath no one saying anything, too scared to speak. All the slut girls stopped doing their shit and just started at y/n who turned around and looked at the 'Britney' slut. Now Britney was not one to get scared easily it seems. Bitch looked y/n up and down before rolling her eyes at her and turning her attention at Bakugou again. "So tell me moree about yourself ~"
And what did Bakugou do? He stared her in the face real hard. Like a blank face just started at her. Britney flinched a little before shifting uncomfortably. Oh ho did that bitch get an idea on how to get into his pants. Britney slowly turned toward Bakugou and crossed her legs, he dress moving up just a little bit more. She put one hand on her lap while the other one lifts her glass as she takes a sip of her drink. So now i think what she wanted to do was make it look sexy? but did it? nah-uh. Everyone made a disgusted face at her attempt. By now the people around their table had their attention turned to them as well. Y/n was trying really hard to keep her anger at bay. After all they were gonna be heroes so they had to have a nice reputation and y/n didn't wanna drag the others with her. "Britney? honey? i don't really know what you think of yourself but right now not only me but everyone here can see how dumb and a little slut you look like. So if you don't wanna humiliate yourself anymore, my advice? You turn around and you leave." and then y/n gave her a sarcastic smile. Britney looked around and saw that now half of the people were looking at her. Oh honey Britney wasn't going down without a fight.  She smirks smugly at y/n " I am sorry? but who are you again. You don't look that important to me." yes now she had done the it. Everyone looked prepare to hold y/n back. Y/n once again laughs sarcastically before slowly walking up to her. "You just had to do it didn't you Britney? you don't realise who you messing with bitch. But let me tell you loud and clear. You know the boy who you've been eye fucking all this time? yeah i am his girlfriend and i am far more important than you will ever be." y/n leans down to her eye level, starting her right in the eye and she could see how embarrassed she looked. Right now? y/n really didn't care about their reputation. She had crossed the line. And honestly? i think it'd be humiliating for her to just walk away from Britney. She just looked down on the future hero so of course she had to do something right? Y/n stands up straight and everyone sighs a breath of relief because she's not gonna beat that bitch up so now they could leave without anyone getting hurt. But that's not all was it? y/n picks up Britney drink more like snatches it from her hands before examining it properly and pouring it on her. Everyone gaps before laughing at her. Britney looks at Y/n with so much rage and y/n just smirks at her. Britney stands up ready to throw a fist at her. But before she could even take a step Bakugou stands up and pulls y/n towards her before crashing his lips on hers. Y/n kisses back. Their lips moving together in sync. Bakugou licks her bottom lip before sucking on them hard making y/n gaps at the painful pleasure. Bakugou shoves his tongue inside her mouth, his tongue exploring the inside of her mouth. He pulls her closer to him as his hands travels down to her ass, squeezing it hard making y/n bite on his tongue as hee hand tugs on his hair harder making Bakugou grunt. Yes they were having a full on make out session in the middle of a club and everyone was looking at them in shock. Britney looked more than humiliated as she stool still. Her drink making her hair and clothes sticky as she stares at the couple making out. She could hear a few snickers directed at her. Bakugou pulls away first looking at her with his eyes all soft and whipped as he smiles softly at her. Pecking her lips hardly one last time, he smugly looks at that Britney bitch as his hands stay around his girlfriend. Did you really think he was gonna waste his breath on her? no.
Bakugou smirks at Britney, his hands dropping down to intertwine with his girlfriend.
"Come on babe filthy whores don't deserve this much attention. You're just wasting your breathing talking to trash." and then mr. hot stuffs winks and walks away pulling y/n with him, others following behind laughing at the shook Britney. Few minutes after they leave the club everyone erupts in laughter.  Someone from the crowd screams "MAN I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU JUST FLIRTED WITH THE FUTURE PRO HERO AND GOT MADE FUN OF BY ANOTHER FUTUR HERO" and all she could do now was run home and cry like a little pussy.
When they were back at the dorm y/n apologised for the way she behaved. "Chill y/n. You don't gotta be sorry. Infact it was really fun yk seeing her face." y/n smiled at all of them. Bakugou looks at y/n smugly "Possessive much?"
"Of course i am going to be possessive over you. You're mine."
that's all:) i hope you enjoyed:)
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kabbr · 7 years
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Birthday present to myself. Did you know that Sero is half an inch taller than Shouto?
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