skin-between-teeth · 1 year
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I read My Hostage, Not Yours by RavenFollower13 on ao3. I made a few inspired sketches after reading but this one was one of my favorites. This is inspired by one of the scenes in the fic where Zim and Gaz are caught together in the janitor’s closet.
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Why are you putting your uniform on it's 10pm?
first its 5 and second i have to go to a thing
not like a school uniform (public school)
im just cool and mysterious so i needa wear a special uniform
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amyisherenowitsokay · 11 months
💋 Fuck marry kill -
From your memory
Dead Weight
Lmaooo, oh noooo, my babies
I would marry OG MHNY
I would fuck Dead Weight
I would kill From Your Memory
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stoopidslxt · 6 months
Why and how hypnosis has formed such an intricate, tantalizing web, and why I am ever it's willing captive in my own mind.
So, buckle up! This will probably go long, but I figured it was high time I document my own history with hypnosis, tumblr, this community, and every other little kink that presses the corners of my mind into a nice, flat, glassy surface that any and all thought slide over and away from with effortless precision. I suppose it really all started during my first stint on tumblr, over a decade ago now. I was a plucky eighteen year old who, admittedly, really enjoyed engaging with trolls and jerks online. I was a really smart young girl, and I knew how to carry myself and when it was all said and done, I'd feel like I'd accomplished something, felt like I'd won, been witty, it did fill me with a sense of pride. it was these same people, and a lady friend of mine we'll call b that helped me learn and understand the pleasure of having that pride stripped away and replaced with wave after wave of unending, uncontrollable pleasure. with obedience, servitutde, with edghing, with so many different sides of the kjnk. I fojnd dreamychat and met many wonderful people. the first was h, who really knew how to drive me crazy. at the time I was a switch who was having lots of fun dueling and having my turn on top. after awhile, h and I lost contact and I visited dreamy less n less. after a hiatus, talking with b again some, and always confiding andmissing my v good friend in kink here we'll call L, I fell back into the scene again hard and met two different people. D was the first, demanding, controlling, arragont, bully. my kryptonite. he pushed me to do so mhny tihngs tha made .y brain:) go blank. and. h and then I met V, who had a much different approach that got sososo deep in my head:) v was so kind and playful, and ay ther end of the day, made me do sooo many amazing things. these experiences have made me the happy little bimbo fuckpuppy cockslut dickforbrains moocow💖💖💖 hhnnnn like, ujnm, now I moo that theres no way I could be a switch 4real💖 noww I edgee nnrubbb ngooon 💖💖 and just be trancyy nhapyyy n dummmmm for him💖 gggigles ghhnnn n ifeeel sosoosogooood sparkles nn pops💖💖💖 and beein a gooodgirlll 💖💖💖 rubbbin and likke makin myself worseee. it all happennd bc i didn t want to he responsbile nomore an beinn dumbbbs bettrr thsn beimg smartt💖💖 feeeels gooood and and not making choises 💖💖💖 hatee havjng real girl thougbts 💖💖 imm a toyh💖 noo thinkks💖💖 jusssinkssa💖💖 lovee bein seeeen bh you allll💖💖 degraded and vulnrble💖💖 butsafe n protected💖💖alwayssafe💖💖 yessedhedgedgedgdd💖💖rubbbb💖💖 dennyy repeattobeyyyy💖💖💖 mandi doll obeyy💖💖 mmmasst💖💖obeyy💖💖💖edgdgggg abbhghhh moooooooo💖💖💖💖💖rruuffarrfarfarff💖💖💖💖💖whinbbe wwhimmnper💖💖💖droooolll💖💖💖hheeaaatttt💖💖💖💖hhhbnnnnnn💖💖💖fffuc
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nnn-lll-nnn · 10 months
HITMAN-2-ACTUAL; </>All Hitman-2 victors be advised we are rolling all tac.freq.s to 4727 at 17 zero zero Zulu, how copy over?</>
HITMAN-2-2; </>2-2 copies.</>
HITMAN 2-1; </>2-1, solid copy over.</>
HITMAN 2-3; </>This is Hitman-2-3, roger that.</>
KING 4-1; </>King four yhi S is fUr one how cOpy oveRRhnyhn?<)/</>
KING 4; </>4-1 this is 4, you're coming in weak and unreadable, tune R R rHyn up, and T try again over.</>
KING 4-1; </>4 this os 4-1 hoewWhyn do you copy me now overMklmkkn?</>
KING 4; </>Solid copy, send it over</>
KING 4-1; </>bE advised, we are taking very sporadic and wile s DD s mall arms fire from down the road, /break/, we're posted up by Unigotm Echo 2990982967, /break/, taking fro fire from... direction; west, how copy over,mhny mhyn?</>
KING 4; </>Solid copy and any further remarks at this time over?</>
KING 4-1; </>A-firm, they're well dug in behind some cars, shooting us from those damned windows, can you get 4-2 up here? Ove r Hyn?!]</>
KING 4; </>That is a yes 4-1, I say again affirmative, disbaTchign dash two and dash tree to assot you at that position, coming in from your left and rear respectively, you also have 4 on standby to your roght ẞode over.</>
KING 4-1; </>Roger that, /break/, be advised, we're some roughyl 2-7-0 meters crom them, tell those guys we're takkng those shots from the building woth theE yellow song I say again the yellow sign on it, how copy over?</>
KING 4; </>Rog, solid copy on all, relay outm.</>
HITMAN 1-1; </>Hitman-1-2 this is 1-1, we are taking heavy M.G. fire from a gas station at 1 o'clock, rnage 200 meters, we can't move! We're pinned back here, can you take em out with your 40 mike mike, over?!</>
HITMAN 2-1; </>1-1 2-1 negatory, we don't have a Mark 19, but we'll try snd cover with 50 cal, over.</>
HITMAN 1-1; </>Roger! Do you javeA grenadier that can hit em, over?!</>
HITMAN 1-2; </>A-firm, we have him but can't engage at this time, over.</>
HITMAN 1-1; </>1-2 1-1, Rpger that, whats youR ETA over?!</>
HITMAN 1-2; </>Negative, no ETAA, we're already here, /break/, pulling in from just behind the drug store, south side, /break/</>
HITMAN 1-2; </>COntact! Engaging!</>
HITMAN 1-2; </>1-1 1-2, we've haMade good contact with them, are you still taling any significant fire from the building?</>
HITMAN 1-1; </>THa-$+#AT IS A#FFIRM_##2#AT#IVE [.#2###..] #CA$N #YOU +2#-G##$#ET YOU###&###(R D##AMN G_1RE2N#-##$#$A&#+##DIER& T##O B-LO#2W TH#O2#2#SE P--#UM##-#&P#S, OVER?!</>
HITMAN 1-2; </>Roger tStatndby...</>
HITMAN 1-1; </>#@ #&2#EF3FECT$S G-#O-OD EFFECT-@&#S@&& K#EE&P SHOOTING4, -S&HOW#ER# THOSE3-- #F##3##_K1&RS WI1TH#D##6 2C16ALIBER 50&, KEEP IT1 UP KEEP IT IP UPPP!###</>
HITMAN 1-1; </>We've stopped taking fire, good work 1-2, cover our advance we're comin to you! Mounting up now!</>
HITMAN 1-2; </>Roger, we're covering!</>
HITMAN ACTUAL; </>HIyman 1-2 this is HITMAN ACRUAL3³3, interrogative what's your and 1-1's statuses, over?</>
HITMAN 1-2; </>QH, w-(e're ok, we we're takibg Ouk&#t _s_kGhome SMC.F -)uhcks b-y a gas statio_n pinnijng 1-+1 down, raGrgeths n$eudtralized over.</>(
HITMAN ACTUAL; </>R(og+$er that, ju+$cts k che je(ching,&# out$.</>"
0 notes
james4roger · 2 years
Miranda Haskell: The Inspirational Story Behind the Brand
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Miranda Haskell is an entrepreneur, philanthropist, and the founder of the fashion brand Miranda Haskell. Born in New Zealand to parents of British descent, she had always been destined for a life full of art, passion and creativity. Throughout her years in the fashion industry, Miranda has become a global brand, with her products worn by some of the world’s most influential celebrities.
Here’s an article detailing Miranda Haskell’s inspiring story behind the brand:
Miranda Haskell began her entrepreneurial journey at a young age when she started making clothes for friends at age 14. She honed her craft while attending Parsons School of Design, where she learned pattern making, sewing, textiles, draping, merchandising, dyeing, styling, marketing – all of the skills necessary for a successful career in fashion.
A Dream to Create a Unique Brand 
At 22 years old, Miranda graduated from college with dreams of creating her own fashion line that would be individualized while still having appeal to all people regardless of gender or size. Not only did she want it to be desirable, but also affordable – something everbody could access easily. She wanted this kind of power and ease to stretch not just domestically but throughout international regions as well. 
After graduating from Parsons with a degree in Fashion Design, she incredibly decided to start her own company called Miranda Haskell New York (MHNY). While building MHNY she didn’t take any outside investments – all money was earned through customer sales. Her designs have been worn by celebrities such as Justin Bieber and Zendaya at red-carpet events, further proof of the success of this inspiring brand.
In 2007 The Miranda Haskell Brand Was Born 
With mannequins being pregnant with design muses and inspiring ideas stretching out into what seemed like infinity Miranda was ready to make her aspirations come alive in 2007 when she founded the now internationally recognised fashion label: “Miranda Haskell”. She started off small and began selling at local markets before eventually taking pre-orders online worldwide; launching fully fledged stores across major cities such as Milano, Tokyo and more recently London too! By 2020 her products can be found everywhere from airports across Europe to upscale boutiques on five continents. 
Miranda also ensures that her products are socially responsible by only working with companies who use sustainable materials and ethical practices. This commitment extends beyond just clothing; all types of Miranda’s product lines from jewelry to makeup feature strong sustainable values as well. This kind of dedication demonstrates how serious she is about making a positive difference within the fashion industry.
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Giving Back Along The Way 
But rather than simply wanting luxury clothing items for herself and other like-minded individuals; Miranda set up foundations which donate half of their profits toward homeless charities in order to give back even further across a range of communities globally - this has helped create exposure towards different causes and stories otherwise unheard or unmentioned. In doing so it has reinforced inspiration within several different markets which is reflective back through their positive impact today!  
Filius: A Closing Chapter To An Inspiring Story  
FastForwarding 13years later – 2020 marked another huge leap forward by releasing Filius: a sportswear apparel capsule collection made using recycled fabrics that are also environmentally friendly! By using high-grade materials such as GOTS certified organic cotton (the highest standard certification for sustainable materials). This marked another chapter in providing eco-friendly clothing for those who want more sustainable fashion options whiles showing responsibility towards environmental impacts caused by fast-fashion labels – truly turning what was once just a dream into reality one piece at a time!
At this point it’s clear; Miranda Haskell has gone farther than most dreamers could ever imagine—all while maintaining core principles like keeping price points reasonable and producing ecologically-friendly products. It's no wonder why so many aspiring entrepreneurs look to Miranda as an inspirational figure whose tenacity they can respect when starting their own businesses!
A Dream to Create a Unique Brand 
In 2007 The Miranda Haskell Brand Was Born 
Giving Back Along The Way 
Filius: A Closing Chapter To An Inspiring Story
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mamajake · 3 years
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Me reading the latest chapter of RE:MHNY
Holy shit what a chapter it was and all
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doctor--faustus · 4 years
New chapter of Gas Stations is out!!
I’m so excited to share this one with you all, this one is so warm and fluffy and I’m here for it!
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jsnmidas · 5 years
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mizzztery · 3 years
E, you know I gotta ask about that RE:MHNY sequel 👀 (if there is one)
You got me confused with @amyisherenowitsokay but let's just say I DO I'm now things lmao I'm not sure if she's okay with me sharing though :'(
Believe me MHNY 2 was my FAVORITE so I feel ya
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shadowsandstarlight · 3 years
It takesefort to kep my viduomn clear a n  dv I need t li nobt lkisteen to this music but I caybt kepp hmmy left haxhd still, eboufh to press the button and I can’t and im trying to keep mhny bvreathing steadthy so idt doesn’t worxse and  I dlingrt have a panic attachk
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renatopinaffo · 2 years
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Final de noite!! A companhia foi melhor que o Show da Naiara Azevedo!!!❤️❤️❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg_IiA-MHNY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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amyisherenowitsokay · 2 years
Here's an interesting one. How do you balance and deal with the deus ex machina situation of Irken technology? Even in the show, said technology is ridiculous. Seems like it'd be far too easy to shoot plot in the foot if there's absurdly simple (even if they're ''but wait, what if'' or something) solutions.
Both how do you muse, plan and construct it in your writing but also how did you figure it out for re:mhny 1? Additionally, any personal headcannons you brewed up? Favourite canon or personal technologies?
I enjoy answering these, tysm for sending them in.
(Long answer under the cut)
My general attitude towards Irken technology is to make sure everything either has a purpose or a punchline.
For example, in re:mhny1 I totally could have had Zim be able to whip out some magic space-crowbar that's regularly used to pop off malfunctioning PAKs, or have it exist but have him have trouble trying to get his hands on it, etc.
The easiest route I take and/or my headcannon is that Irken technology is by and for IRKENS, not people, and therefore cannot be used for people. Irken technology is much more advanced in the IZ universe, even with Membrane's contributions to humanity. They're extremely adept at war, fighting, infiltration, and anything that could cause general harm (such as giant water balloons to throw at your enemies' heads from space). But re:mhny1 didn't need weapons of war, it needed medical aid. And not just any medical aid, but medical aid to a human. It's the reason Zim struggled to monitor Gaz's vitals, but was able to tear through Valkian security.
The only things Irkens build for other species is shock collars, chains, etc. Everything else is for them and them only. In the same way some of our medicine is lethal to animals, so is Irken medicine, but unlike people, Irkens would never see a point to trying to make accommodations or equivalently-effective technology or medicine. If Zim had been faced with let's say Skoodge with a broken PAK, even excluding the expertise I gave Skoodge in this fic, Zim probably would've been able to pop it off in a couple hours. Maybe a day, max.
I sort of touched on this explicit theme in re:mhny1, but essentially the way I handle it is keeping that theme of compatibility and usefulness in mind. Zim had plenty of ways to monitor and x-ray Gaz, but sometimes they were finicky and insufficient, such as in chapter 6. Chapter 6 was basically me wanting to sip on that good fanservice juice, but it's also got a perfect example of justifiable technological limitations when utilized for cross-species application.
"Her monitoring bracelet was sending only the bare minimum signals. It was a wonder he hadn't noticed sooner how insufficient the data was. The device was calibrated to the much more simplistic, refined information of an Irken. Humans, unfortunately, had so many squishy bits and thumping bobs that it was impossible to evaluate their well-being. Not with this little data, anyways.
So that really covers the 'purpose' section of 'purpose and punchline.' For punchline, chapter 4 has a good example and also has one of my favorite pointless gags with Zim's weird chair:
". . . Do you mean a seesaw?"
Basically I'm much more free with technology if I think it'd make a good running joke, but otherwise I utilize Zim's tech as tools to aid or progress the storyline. I knew I wanted Gaz to get stuck with a PAK for a prolonged period of time, and I also knew I wanted Larb's memories to trickle into Gaz's consciousness. I wanted her to have understandings of Irken culture without Zim uncharacteristically revealing everything and anything, and also to late create the conflict between them in Chapter 11, when Gaz is privy to Zim's most closely guarded secret about his Defectiveness. To achieve that, I broke the PAK, and also made it possible to delete the consciousness and create an empty shell. Additionally, this further aids the story since the lack of a host personality leads to the discovery that Gaz has more control of it in emergency situations, and let's her go full fight mode in the finale chapters.
Basically, if it's not going to contribute, then I don't even bother bringing it up or mentioning its existence to keep readers from pondering "why don't they just use xyz?"
If I had to explicitly pick a favorite piece of technology, I think it'd have to be the PAK legs and/or PAktcles, when they're more flexible and prehensile. The PAK itself is cool, but the spider-crawly-laser-stabby-grabby-grip qualities of them are unparalleled in their coolness. They're so fun to work with from a narrative perspective. Those aren't really my headcannon since they ARE just cannon qualities, but I guess it could be argued that my utilizations for them are sometimes unique? Ish? Lmao.
If Irken technology can do ANYTHING, then it can also bend to my will. Hehehehe.
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itookastand-blog · 6 years
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IG: @mhny 
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12thandriver-blog · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlDHkM-MHNY)
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