#mia luminiari
xiv-shitposting · 1 year
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ancient raiding proverb
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screenarchery · 1 year
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Did you know that if you make the red channel in your specular/multi map full black, you can prevent your character's skin from being affected by the in-game skin colour picker?
Anyway time for blorbo 'bad end' brainworms to get fed I guess so
Have a "fuck it, why don't I help destroy the universe" Mia.
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luminiari · 5 years
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lumineorzea · 5 years
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sciatu · 7 years
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Tacca a to anima ca mei e facemuni puttari du ventu, pigghia a me manu e vulamu chi fogghi gialli, chi nuvulu basci chi pottanu acqua; divintamu u lamentu du ventu nta l’abbiri nudi, l’ombra di nuvuli chi curri supra i muntagni, l’acqua chi inchi a ciumara, l’unna chi curri gridannu contru i scogghi e dà si rumpi in spuma ghiara cu ventu s’arrubba; veni  sicutamu i ciauli chi chiananu e scinnunu nto ventu chi currunu o mari e poi gridannu si stravianu nte munti e vadduni. Iddi su i nostri jonna passati chi gridano i ricoddi e ceccanu u suli i dumani.
Scinnemu nte filari di viti rubbannuci l’uttimi fogghi sicchi, rubbamu a buci di primi ciareddi chi nasceru, sicutamu i niri api nte rami di luminiari, giucamu chi pattuali, nagamu i rami nudi di ranati chiddi ill’ alivi senza chiù frutti, attaccamuni a sti raggi i suli malati facemuni puttari ntall’aria da tempesta chi veni. Veni, baciamuni sutta i primi accubaleni, scrivemu i nostri nomi nte nuvuli niri, mucciamuni nta negghia, nta l’ebba viddi e i ciura gialli, salutamu auta nte munti a prima nivi fridda e pura. Idda è u nostru amuri senza nudda macchia, chi voli u suli mi si squagghia e dubbari u cori du munti, a nostra anima sabbaggia.
Veni, supra i to labbra vogghiu sentiri u sapuri du primu vinu a luci ndurata du primu ogghiu, a fozza du ventu chi tuttu stravia, tuttu ghiga e cumanna gridannu nte vadduni, nte coddi tunni. Veni nun c’e malincunia nta l’invennu , a malincunia è nta l’anima nostra chi paci nun trova, è nto nostru amuri chi amuri non dugna e l’amici disdegna, u restu è sulu ventu, acqua e luci,  u restu su sulu vessi i na poesia ca natura scrivi nto munnu pi nui.
Lega la tua anima alla mia e facciamole portare via dal vento, prendi la mia mano e voliamo con le foglie gialle, con le nuvole basse che portano acqua; diventiamo il lamento del vento tra gli alberi nudi, l’ombra delle nuvole che corre sopra i monti, l’acqua che riempie la fiumara, l’onda che corre gridando contro gli scogli e lì si rompe in bianca schiuma che il vento ruba; vieni inseguiamo gli stormi dei corvi che salgono e scendono nel vento, che corrono al mare e poi gridando si disperdono trai monti e la valle. Loro sono i nostri giorni passati che gridano i nostri ricordi e cercano il sole di domani. Scendiamo tra i filari delle vite rubando le ultime foglie secche, rubiamo la voce dei primi agnelli che sono nati, inseguiamo le nere api tra i rami dei limoni, giochiamo con le arance, culliamo i rami nudi dei melograni, quelli degli ulivi senza più frutti, attacchiamoci a questi raggi di sole malato facendoci portare in aria dalla tempesta che viene. Vieni baciamoci sotto i primi arcobaleni, scriviamo i nostri nomi nelle nuvole nere, nascondiamoci nella nebbia, tra l’erba verde e i fiori gialli, salutiamo alta nei monti la prima neve fredda e pura. Lei è il nostro amore senza nessuna macchia, che vuole il sole per riscaldarsi e nutrire il cuore del monte, la nostra anima selvaggia. Vieni, sulle tue labbra voglio sentire il sapore del primo vino e la luce dorata del primo olio, la forza del vento che tutto disperde, tutto piega e comanda gridando nel vallone, nei colli tondi. Vieni non c’è malinconia nell’inverno, la malinconia è nella nostra anima che non trova pace, è nel nostro amore che non dà amore e disdegna gli amici, il resto è solo vento, acqua luce, il resto sono solo i versi di una poesia che la natura scrive nel mondo per noi.
Tie your soul to mine and let it take away from the wind, take my hand and fly with the yellow leaves, with the low clouds that bring water; we become the lament of the wind among the naked trees, the shadow of the clouds that runs over the mountains, the water that fills the river, the wave that runs shouting against the rocks and there breaks into white foam that the wind steals ; come chase the flocks of the crows that rise and fall in the wind, that run to the sea and then shouting disperses between the mountains and the valley. They are our past days that scream our memories and seek the sun of tomorrow. We go down among the rows of the vines stealing the last dry leaves, steal the voice of the first lambs that are born, we chase the black bees among the branches of lemons, we play with oranges, we cradle the naked branches of pomegranates, those of olive trees without fruits , let us stick to these rays of sick sun by letting ourselves be carried away by the coming storm. Come kiss me under the first rainbows, we write our names in the black clouds, we hide ourself in the fog, between the green grass and the yellow flowers, we salute the first cold and pure snow in the mountains. She is our love without any stain, who wants the sun to warm up and nourish the heart of the mountain, our wild soul. Come, on your lips I want to feel the taste of the first wine and the golden light of the first oil, the strength of the wind that disperses everything, everything bends and commands shouting in the valley, in the round necks. Come there is no melancholy in the winter, melancholy is in our soul that does not find peace, it is in our love that does not give love and disdain friends, the rest is just wind, light water, the rest are just the verses of a poem that nature writes in the world for us.
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luminiari · 5 years
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B E C O M E   O N E   W I T H   T H E   E G G
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lumineorzea · 6 years
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I joined a cool FC when I moved servers and now I can't imagine playing this game without these awesome people. Thank you for keeping the spark alive~
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luminiari · 5 years
Throw wide the gates...
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lumineorzea · 7 years
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Guess who’s a level 70 SCH/SMN
I’ll give you a hint:
It’s me
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lumineorzea · 7 years
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In  my defence, I’m on controller.
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lumineorzea · 7 years
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Not bad for playing on and off since May I reckon.
Pity D3 season 12 starts tomorrow, otherwise I’d probably get all my gathering to 20...
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lumineorzea · 7 years
Sometimes when I'm playing RDM and I get thrown into a trial that I can fall off, my brain shuts down a bit and I forget there's no invisible wall and I use Displacement off the edge by accident. But since I only play when I'm either manic or neutral (depressed Ani can't get out of bed), and unlike most RDM players who get super embarrassed by it, it becomes the funniest shit to me, and I will howl with laughter for ages after the fact.
Last time I did it was during Bismark and on the way down I typed in YOLOOOOOOOOOO and still ended up with two commendations. I assume it was for making people laugh, because I'm not the best red mage but y'know.
I fucking love this game.
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lumineorzea · 7 years
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TFW Gerolt says you have to bring him a tonne of new crystal bullshit for a new weapon with particle effects
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lumineorzea · 7 years
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I’m here to fuck up your shit, kupo!
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lumineorzea · 7 years
Did a levelling duty roulette with my Arcanist at like 4 in the morning. Constantly microslept. Almost died at the last boss.
Still got three commendations???
Maybe everyone thought I sucked so bad that they gave me comms to make me feel better.
Thank you based European servers, and double thanks to the awesome people I played with!
(Edit: They were not friends, I found out later. So three legit comms, not just because I was the only person they COULD comm.)
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lumineorzea · 7 years
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Does it count as a GPOY if it’s your own toon?
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