#mice mellielittler blog stayelevated  sleeping
daysofmellie-blog · 4 years
Barbecue Season
Last night at 12:15am, my son comes in. The dog alerts the whole household with one loud high pitch bark, that he has arrived home. Meanwhile, we have to peel ourselves off the sealing and slow down our pounding chests. Big breath and try and close me eyes. Yep, it happened. I feel something crawl across my bicep. With a super speed slap, the little critter got it. How dare it crawl on me as I attempt to peacefully fall asleep. Little bugger. Sadly, the little house centipede crumbled to pieces. I turned the light on to investigate and try and get rid of the left over legs. HORRIBLE right??? Some people may say this is a nightmare for them; I was asleep within minutes. If it was an earwig, this whole thing would be a different story. Earwigs make my skin crawl and they give me the “heebeejeebees”!!!! Last summer, they infested my whole back deck. They were everywhere and I felt as if I was in a Stephen King novel. They even began to crawl into the barbecue. I would open the barbecue with tongs and swiftly lift it. I gave them ample time to vacate and too bad, so sad, for the ones that refused to leave; they cooked, crackle, crackle. This leads me to thinking about the Robins that decided to raise two families under the barbecue.They crawled in through the back and went underneath and made an elaborate nest for their babies. That year, there was no barbecuing happening. I did my research on Robins and I can tell you many facts about them. They raised one set of three baby birds and then came back for a second round. This time the “freeloading” tenants, had two babies. You know what the funny part is, I think the female had a different male the second time. Hmmmm!!! Now here we are summer of 2020. What can it bring for “barbecue season”? I can’t disappoint you now. In May, while eating dinner in the kitchen, I would see from my peripheral vision a little rodent run across the deck. No one else saw it and they had me convinced that it was all in my mind since I was obsessed and feared rats, yes, rats. Rats have become a real pest in my town and infestations are happening. We found one out front on the front porch in April and I was convinced they have moved in. A couple weeks later, I happily headed out to barbecue. I opened the lid and looking at me is a mouse. A mature mouse because of it’s size. Is it a rat or a mouse?  Dammit, why does is have to come into my space! Of coarse, I let out a scream as it runs down the side of the barbecue and down the steps to the neighbours yard. I run into the house and fumble shutting the screen sliding door with fear it would follow me in. This means war!!! We captured two of these large mice. Needless to say, I think we have the situation under control. I can only hope this is the end to my, “barbecue tales” and the only thing between me and the barbecue is some meat, veggies and sauce!!!
Until tomorrow, stay ELEVATED
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