#mick Schumacher x senna reader
shoot-the-oneshot · 7 months
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Lando Norris x Reader F1 as romance tropes Masterlist
If anyone asked Lando always knew he was going to be an F1 driver. It was his dream, his destiny. Not the words imprinted on his arm.
“At least he’s an F1 driver” were the words that appeared on his 16th birthday. At first, he was ecstatic it was proof not only he had a soulmate but he achieved his dreams. It wasn’t until he’d been at McLaren for a few years the words almost haunted him seeing the other drivers meet theirs and he was still walking down the paddock alone, well almost.
“At least you’ll know immediately when you meet her, mine says “hello” that could be anyone!” His best friend Max spoke seeing the dark look in Landos eyes watching Alex and Lily.
Lando scoffed shaking it off “And she'll only care that I’m a driver not about me.” That was the problem the longer you took to meet the worse his thoughts got.
“You don’t know that, she might just think you’re stupid,” at his friends' words Lando turned to glare at him who held his hands in surrender, “You say stupid stuff sometimes”
“You’re not helping you know.” Anything else Lando wanted to say got cut off by a new visitor.
“How’s it going gents, wait Lando what’s with the murder face?” George spoke as he joined the two men, the black Mercedes race suit a stark contrast with the orange of Landos.
“Lando is pouting watching the happy couple over there.” Max's thumb jutting over his shoulder towards the Williams garage and the other British driver understood while Lando tried to look anywhere but the the man now looking at him with pity
George knew how he felt, he felt like half of himself before he met Carmen. “Carmen has a friend in town for the race Lewis and I were going to all go to dinner why don't you come along and get out of your head for a while”
“Appreciate the offer mate but I don't think being a fifth wheel sounds that fun.”
“Lewis had a last-minute meeting he can’t make it now, you should come so Y/n isn’t lonely” lies George spoke before he thought, Carmen would kill him for this.
“He would love to text him the time and place! See you later George.”
Max shoved his friend who was silently thinking of an excuse so he could go home and drown himself in his sorrows so he was ready to go for the race.
“I'm not going,” Lando spoke as soon as they were alone and started walking again towards McLaren hospitality and into his drivers' room
“No, you’re not going home to sulk this dinner will be good for you, get out and socialize.”
“I don't need to socialize I’m fine where I am” the driver huffed stuffing his clothes into his bag ignoring the look his friend was giving.
“You like George and food this seems like a win-win to me!” Max spoke trying to convince him “And maybe the friend is hot plus you need to get out of this funk it’s depressing now go home and shave that god-awful goate and make yourself presentable”
Ignoring in insult Lando swung his bag over his shoulder and caved.
“Fine I’ll go but only to get as drunk as I can on George's tab” and maybe his friends were right and an easy night out would soothe the ache in his chest.
“I am so glad you’re finally here I’ve only been begging to get you at a race for years!” Carmen exclaimed from her spot on your bed while you picked through your suitcase for something the wear.
“Well this might be my last chance to meet Lewis so I figured I'd take it.” You joked, flashing the 44 hat you brought for the race waving it like a flag as she rolled her eyes at your behavior.
“Better not wear that to the garage George might feel offended.” Carmen sang a smile on her face showing she didn’t mean it
“Listen I love George but just like with Toto Lewis is first in my heart George second.” You laughed dodging the pillow she flung at you.
“Alright come on George will be here soon we can wait downstairs.” Grabbing her bag you followed behind her making small talk as you both waited for the Mercedes to pull up
You fake gagged as George immediately jumped you to open your friends' door with a kiss. “Y/n always a pleasure good to see you again.” He said giving her a quick hug while opening the back door for her to get in the car. Returning the sentiment
“I wonder if they have any shawarma at the restaurant” your friend spoke you could hear the smile in her voice as she teased you obviously payback for your comment earlier.
“Oh wow, that joke still hasn’t gotten old.” You deadpanned making George look at the both of you in confusion not getting the inside joke of your soulmate's words.
Choosing to change the subject you felt excitement filling you the closer to your destination you got
“George I cannot thank you enough for setting this up it’s a dream come true I’ve been watching Lewis race for years!” You smiled while Carmen laughed
“She’s been geeking out over meeting Lewis” she spoke as her boyfriend’s shoulders stiffened.
“Well about that….Lewis had a meeting but don’t worry I already took care of it everything is fine and I promise I’ll introduce you tomorrow.” He rushed out white knuckling the steering wheel as you deflated, you were disappointed but it wasn’t his fault.
“Who’d you invite?” You asked before he could answer he was already parked, he turned in his seat looking back at you.
“We’ve been friends forever… I’m sure it will be fine” You would’ve had more confidence if he didn't pause and have such a nervous smile on his face
Lando who was leaned against the building next to the entrance he’s pretty sure he’s accidentally scared off a few couples from entering with his brooding. He glances up hearing a car pull up his back suddenly straightened as if he was struck by lightning when the back car door opened.
His feet moved faster than his brain as he rushed to hold a hand out helping you out of the car.
A soft smile slid across his face uncharacteristically for his recent mood, but before he could dwell on it he locked eyes with you.
Shyly taking the offered hand you got out of the car slightly shocked by the turn of events not having expected George's friend to behave like that.
“Hi, I’m Y/N nice to meet you.” You spoke looking into a pair of awestruck brown eyes. “Umm hello?”
“Lando!” George shouted when you looked around the group when the other Brit failed to respond in choice of staring
“Lando yeah I’m Lando hi.” The man rushed out then mentally kicked himself when you nodded with a smile that made his mind go black again as you walked ahead with Carmen.
“Mate, what was that?” George spoke staring at the fellow driver whose face was covered with his hands “I don't know….” He groaned.
When they entered the restaurant you and Carmen were already seated Lando ungracefully jumped to the empty seat in front of you as if someone else would take it. Huffing out a smirk when you looked up at the sudden noise.
“Y/n this is Lando he drives for McLaren we grew up karting together along with Alex,” at the mention of Alex, Lando recalled the scene from that morning at deflated back into his seat.
“Nice to meet you I haven’t met to many of the grid yet so I’m glad to have started small.” You smiled across the table, still slightly in a mood he just politely nodded back
“You went golfing with Lily a few months ago didn't you?” George asked hoping to spark Landos' interest which worked flawlessly as the man perked back up.
“You like golf? I played in a tournament with the PGA guys for Netflix”
Out of all the things he had to brag about the Netflix cup is what he chose, god, Max was right he does say stupid stuff sometimes.
“You must be pretty good.” If Lando wasn’t proud of his previous answer his next one wasn’t any better. “Oh yeah, practically just hole-in-ones.” He smiled ignoring the look from the other driver, who tried to subtly yank on his sleeve to get his attention away from the two women who were giggling at his poor attempts at impressing you.
“Anyone who’s played golf with you knows that a lie pull yourself together” George spoke his tone hushed “I’m trying I don't know what’s wrong.”
The two men straightened up as if their little conversation never happened and looked over the menus. Lando who was reading over every sentence trying to collect himself.
“What in the world what is chicken shar-sharwarma chicken shar warma.” Lando stutters out thinking it was surely a typo.
George slammed his menu down on the table and looked over at Lando with the most disappointment he had ever seen on his face.
“What did I just say to you!”
“I’m sorry it’s confusing!”
“Chicken shawarma Lando it is not hard if you can’t say it don't order it!” George barked any rebuttal Lando had gets cut off by Carmens' loud gasp. Making both men turn.
“Oh my god!”
“I know he's a muppet” George who thought she was baffled by his friend just waved it off and went to change the subject before you spoke
“At least he's an F1 driver” Lando froze at your words swearing he felt a tingle on his arm where those very words sat. “Oh my god!” Carmen squealed in excitement at what she was witnessing.
“Plus he's pretty.” You lightly spoke still in shock at finding your soulmate who whined “See why wasn’t that part on there.” Lando threw his hands in the air wishing that��s what he stared at for years.
“Wait you think I’m pretty?” He smirked snapping back into the personality he was known for. His question made a flush appear on your cheeks and Lando is sure he just fell in love harder at the sight.
“Can someone tell me what’s happening?” George demanded seeing his girlfriend tear up and you and Lando doing whatever it was you two were doing.
Lando still on a high leaned his arm on the table rolling his white button-down sleeve to his elbow revealing the words you spoke, not taking his eyes off you the entire time.
“That George, was me meeting my girl.”
The rest of the dinner passed by in a whirlwind, all you could remember was the feeling of meeting your soulmate you never thought you’d say this but you’re glad Lewis had a work obligation or you wouldn’t be walking down the paddock hand and hand with Lando a brand new McLaren hat on your head.
“I’m still upset you threw my hat across the room.” Your words did little to dim the smile on his face, glancing at you from the corner of his eye.
“I’m sorry love, would a first-place trophy make it better?” He boasted feeling as if he was on top of the world with you by his side.
“Oh big ambitions today, huh, feeling good?”
“With you here, babe I'll be unstoppable, and once I win you have to throw out that dreadful hat I’m the only British driver allowed in your heart now.” He declared, his hand sliding down your arm to grab yours. Pulling you to a stop outside his garage.
“There’s the happy couple!” A new voice shouted from the sea of papaya. Max ran out, making Lando roll his eyes and you smile. You spent the last two days glued to each other so you knew all about his best friend.
“Finally so nice to meet you thank you for showing up and fixing this muppet!”
“I wasn’t a muppet, you muppet!”
“It’s very nice to meet you as well Max.” You interrupted the two before they could get started on the back and forth. Landos attention switching as you spoke threw his arm over your shoulder, a smug expression on his face getting to show you off.
“I know what lover boys words were but what was yours?” Max ashed almost bouncing on his feet in excitement. Lando groans immediately holding his head in your neck.
Rubbing your hand through his curls knowing this was going to be rough on him, you showed Max your other arm. “Mate you wonder why I said she probably thought you were stupid!”
Lando felt your head nodding in agreement making his shoot up to pout at you. “I’m sorry but come on it wasn’t your best moment neither was spilling wine all over the table.”
“He spilled wine! Come tell me everything.” Max gasped, pulling you away from Lando lacing your arm with his leading you down the paddock. Leaving the driver to trail behind the two.
A year later.
A hand came into your view as the car door swung open revealing your fiancé.
“For old times sake huh?” you teased refusing to the time he nearly tripped over himself to get to your door the night you met. Lando fondly rolled his eyes. “You act like I don't always get the door for you.” He bowed exaggeratedly pulling the large glass door open leading to the restaurant.
“Like how you acted like you were a golf expert?” Lando's jaw drooped in mock offense before collecting himself pulling you closer to whisper in your ear.
“Got a hole-in-one with you though didn't I?” You giggled hitting his chest as you reached the table. Lando left to greet George while you sat with Carmen and caught up.
Eventually, the men joined you both again, you only noticed when your chair was dragged to your right until you were pressed against Landos side, who held a menu for you to share. You smiled at his determination to keep you close.
Squeezing your arm which you now knew as his ‘watch this’ motion he winked.
“I think I’ll have the chicken shaworma chicken shar warma!”
“Mate not again!” George groaned while Lando laughed in mirth. Looking around the restaurant hasn’t changed a bit since the last time you were here and yet your entire life had, you now travel with your best friend around the world, and most importantly, found your soulmate
Hey guys we are back! After a very long break i got inspired to write again and while this one isn’t the best the other parts of this series are some of my favorites I’ve written so go check them out here but i do hope you all liked it
<< Charles Leclerc as brothers best friend
F1 tag list: if you want to be added please message me
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starkwlkr · 1 year
Hey, I love your work, can you please do an Instagram au with Mick Schumacher dating Ayrton Senna's daughter, who was born after his death and the world finds out.
Thank you<3
who would’ve thought? | mick schumacher
faceclaim alanis guillen
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liked by gina_schumacher, jackdoohan and 479,940 others
mickschumacher 🤍 y/n.sg
y/n.sg 💋
f1miaaaa I’m emotional 😭
alonsotheabbastan who would’ve thought that michael schumacher’s son and ayrton senna’s daughter would start dating?🥲
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liked by lewishamilton, mickschumacher and 1,489,467 others
y/n.sg hi! i know a lot of you didn’t even know i existed, but i have decided to make my account public so you can get to know me so here’s the two people that gave me all the love in the world (mick, i love you more than anything but you already know that💋) after my father’s crash, i was raised by adriane and she decided to keep me out of the spotlight. i am extremely grateful for her and everything she has done to protect me all these years. 🤍
mickschumacher i love you ❤️
y/n.sg i love you more 🥰
lydialovesf1 if you don’t mind me asking, how did you and mick meet?
y/n.sg during the 2021 brazil gp. the one time i go to a gp and i end up with a cute guy 🙃
schumacherlegacy fun fact: ayrton senna met adriane galisteu during the 1993 Brazil gp so i just find it cute that his daughter also found the love of her life at the Brazil gp 🥰
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inaissante · 1 year
reader!driver imagines
instagram au 🏎
instagram au pt. 2 🏎
instagram au pt. 3 🏎
twitter au 🌟
twitter au pt. 2 🌟
charles leclerc x reader
instagram au pt.3 🏎
arthur leclerc x reader
twitter au 🌟
twitter au pt. 2 🌟
twitter au pt. 3 🌟
ollie bearman x reader
twitter au 🩵
carlos sainz x reader
max verstappen x reader
assigning a trope to each driver
pierre gasly x reader
lewis hamilton x reader
mick schumacher x reader
sebastian vettel x reader
ayrton senna x reader
the 90's it couple ✨️
(requests are open for these and other drivers :)
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ynboxbox · 8 days
lust for life - ms47 & cl16
✰ pairing: mick schumacher vs charles leclerc x fem ! senna ! haas ! reader
✰ summary: what happens to mick and y/n's relationship when y/n is chosen as the new ferrari driver alongside her childhood karting crush, charles leclerc?
✰ a/n bit of a spicy one for my first sma! big sorry to mick fans :-( also this is set in late 2022!
👤 mickschumacher •••
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Liked by pierregasly and 430,611 others
mickschumacher Summer lovin' @ynsenna
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landonorris mega goals
haasf1team you two 🫶
username ok but why didn't she like the post ??
username lmao what are you implying
username calm down its not that srs
👤 ynsenna •••
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Liked by kellypiquet and 349,602 others
ynsenna 🤷‍♀️
View all 512 comments
danielricciardo in your mindfulness era 🧿
username girl where is your boyfriend 💀
username wtf weirdo all her posts dont have to be abt him
username yk shes her own person right?
username her not posting mick is sending mee
username caption 😳
👤 wearetherace •••
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Liked by pierregasly and 32,881 others
wearetherace RUMOUR ⚠️ Ferrari are considering Y/N Senna for the 2022 season, and have been in talks with Haas to release her from her 2 year contract early.
View all 461 comments
username YES YES YES
username finally she can get out of that shitbox 😭
username she'll just be trading one shitbox for another tho
username expect lots of crashes for ferrari 😂
username she hasnt even crashed out once this season...
username stfu misogynist
username side eye
username bye im so happy for her.
username isgt shes gonna win a championship just like her dad
👤 f1gossipofficial •••
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f1gossipofficial Celebrations for Y/N? The driver was seen partying hard last night at E11even club in Miami through several close friends' instagram stories, and was captured leaving with an unknown man close by her side in the early hours of this morning.
View all 311 comments
username so mick wasnt there ???
username doesnt look like it 😭
username no apparently just some "guy"
╰┈➤ username yeah who lwk looks like charles
username dont call me crazy but i swear thats charles with her in the last photo?
username why is nobody talking about the fact that this probably means she signed with ferrari tho
username lmao yall thats not charles
👤 charles_leclerc •••
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Via Instagram stories
👤 ynsenna •••
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Liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris and 972,871 others
ynsenna gunther might kill me for this post but... all the rumours are, in fact, true ;)
View all 1722 comments
username OH MY GOD
username why do i already ship them ??
lizzo obsessed.
susie_wolff 👏
charles_leclerc ALL of them? 😂
ynsenna ahahah
username OH ???
username sharl u drama whore
username do u guys remember the interview where y/n said her dream teammate would be charles... yeah. 😭
fernandoalo_oficial 🎊
username no im literally shaking rn
👤 mickschumacher •••
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Liked by haasf1team and 365,814 others
mickschumacher Proud ❤️
Comments disabled
👤 ynupdates •••
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ynupdates Mick posted a congratulations for Y/N's new position at ferrari! They were also seen together in Florida on one of her family members' stories.
View all 34 comments
username lmao why did ppl think they actually broke up?
username idk it just feels a bit off to me, he literally only put one word and a love heart :/
╰┈➤ username yall are so weird. stop inventing.
username why did he disable comments 💀
username guys think about it... he might be jealous bc yn had a more successful year than him and is now going to a bigger team than him.
username why does this acc make sense
username people have to remember that her and mick have been in the same team together since f3. all of this stuff is hard to get used to for them, just give them space
username i dont want them to break up but i also think her and charles would be PERFECT together
username literally! do you remember their old karting interviews?? they had so much chemistry
╰┈➤ username its bc she had a crush on him lol
👤 scuderiaferrari •••
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Liked by maxverstappen1, charles_leclerc and 1,128,794 others
scuderiaferrari A warm Ferrari welcome to our new recruit ❤️ How are you liking red so far, @ynsenna?
View all 3226 comments
ynsenna can't say i hate it tbh
username it just feels right
charles_leclerc 🔥❤️
username HEART EMOJI??
username careful sharl mick has ig too 💀😭
alfaromeo looking good 👀
username they had to rush to post this lmao
username mick didn't comment or like byeee
username why am i just noticing this 💀
👤 f1 •••
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Liked by f1gossipofficial, charles_leclerc and 1,128,794 others
f1 BREAKING: Mick Schumacher to depart Haas at the end of the 2022 season.
View all 784 comments
username gunther count your days
username he deserved so much better than this shit fucking team ugh
karunchandhok Best of luck Mick ❤️
username liked by charles leclerc ?????????????
username hes just happy bc he can flirt with yn without mick seeing now
╰┈➤ username ayoooo
username it's giving petty
👤 ynsenna •••
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Via Instagram stories
👤 deuxmoi •••
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Via Instagram stories
👤 f1gossipofficial •••
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f1gossipofficial Jessa & Charles were spotted kissing outside of Zedd's show at LIV Miami last night. It is currently unknown whether Jessa and Mick have broken up.
View all 1642 comments
username I KNEW IT !!!!!!!!!
username this is actually so gross of her :/?? she has a huge fanbase of young girls, why is she promoting this to them...
username Women ☕️
zedd 😳
username this is all your fault 😭😭
username we knew this already but yall gaslight us into believing her and mick were still just fine.
username i feel SO bad for mick :( fuck yn.
username yall CHILL they probably just broke up
username no like why is everyone just jumping to cheating like that????
👤 ynsenna •••
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Via Instagram stories
To be continued :-)
322 notes · View notes
bruuhky · 1 year
I love fanfics Mick Schumacher x Senna!Reader so much it's amazing and deserves more recognition
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108 notes · View notes
dreamergirlatpaddock · 8 months
Some of my favorite stories, writers you are amazing
THE SLIP UP Say cheese micks motorhome* MORE* summer breaking opposites attract puppy lunch date vlog lover m. schumacher x y/n Instagram au matching tattoos. Study Abroad SENNA!READER SERIES who would’ve thought? STRAWBERRIES ALWAYS TASTE LIKE YOU 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐅𝐅 𝐈𝐍 𝐀𝐍 𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 lego schumacher pitbulls in you, i trust 𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐃 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐇𝐈𝐌 𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔 Super shy 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐂𝐀𝐊𝐄 Estie's Bestie We aren’t just friends secret you’ve been waiting SUNLIGHT BLONDIE oh, baby Merry Ruff-Mas HE LOVES ME, HE LOVES ME NOT love in a bakery soft launch Merc! Admin Mastermind 1 2 Cherry engagement xo xo You Got Me Tripping
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shoot-the-oneshot · 2 years
Best Friends Brother
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Charles Leclerc x Reader F1 as romance tropes masterlist
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“Well, you look excited for this early in the morning,” Charles said noticing his younger brother's look of excitement and the bouncing of his as his eyes flickered between Charles and the door.
“Y/n is coming to watch the races this weekend” Arthur explained checking his phone for a text from you, you have both been friends for years and he loved showing you around the paddock when you had the chance to come along. Suddenly remembering this would be the first time Charles would meet you he stiffened up.
“Speaking of Y/n, she’s off limits.” Charles jokingly held his hands up in surrender. “I wasn’t going to do anything.” He laughed.
“No I mean it, no flirting nothing not even as a joke, she’s the nicest person I know just leave her alone.” Arthur pleaded knowing how sweet and genuine you were would be a stark contrast to the girls in their normal circle and it would draw his brother in like a moth to a flame.
Whatever comeback Charles had got stuck in his throat as he watched the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen walk through the lobby of the hotel. He flicked feeling a sharp smack to his arm and looked to an irritated Arthur. “What did I just say!” He whispered yelled so you wouldn’t hear their exchange. His eyes widened subtly pounding in your direction. “That’s Y/n?” His question went unanswered as Arthur ignored him to go help with the bags you were dragging behind you.
“Arthur it's so good to see you.” You squealed, as he hugged you telling you the same. When you pulled away he noticed Charles who was still blatantly staring had joined you. He sighed, “Charles this is my best friend Y/n, the one we were just speaking about.” Arthur emphasized hoping to jog his memory. “Y/n that’s my brother.” He disinterestedly explained waving to the older man beside him.
Charles had no idea that was Y/n, he’d seen photos Arthur had posted of the two of you but just thought that was some girl from a club, not his friend. Charles held it together just enough to shake your hand.
“I watched your last race congrats on P1.” At your words, Charles's eyebrow rose. “Thank you, you should watch my race this Sunday. while you’re here” He offered ignoring his brother's glare. “Def-We will be busy, bye Charles.” Arthur interrupted you and started pulling you away.
“You’re not gonna listen to him are you.” Lorenzo who had been watching from afar spoke seeing Charles’s eyes follow you. “Not even a little bit”
“Hey, Y/n right?” Charles asked as if he hadn’t spent all night stalking your Instagram. You jumped as he came up behind you in Arthur's garage while he was out during practice. You nodded. “Lorenzo right?” You joked laughing at the shocked look on his face. “I’m kidding Charles.” You winked, making him laugh, ‘she’s funny, I like funny,’ he thought to himself as you turned back to the screen showing the track.
“Anyways I was hoping I could keep you company while Arthur was busy. If that’s okay with you.” He shrugged nonchalantly. “Didn’t Arthur tell you I was off limits?” You smile having had to listen to your friend rant all night about the said conversation. Charles chuckled nodding his head and bending down to whisper in your ear, “Good thing I like to push the limits huh.”
And true to his word alone the second Arthur pulled out of his garage Charles would take the empty space next to you. And you both spent the entire time talking and learning little things about each other. That’s how he learned your favorite color was red and he swore the red of the Ferrari seemed that much brighter after he found that out.
That Sunday Arthur stumbled into your hotel room jumping belly first on your bed while you were at the vanity getting ready. “What do you want to do today? We could go check out Buckingham Palace maybe see Big Ben?” You spun around in the chair shrugging your shoulders. “Or could go watch the race?” His eyes snapped over to you at your suggestion. “Is that because Charles mentioned it? No.” He groaned.
“Oh come on you know I’m a Max fan.” You pleaded with the puppy eyes your friend could never say no to. And you knew by the sigh he let out you won. Arthur didn't leave your side the entire time you were in his brothers' garage, his eyes narrowed to slits when chares shot you what Arthur thinks were supposed to be subtle looks but the man is about as subtle as a bullhorn.
Charles got Pole that race and there you a wink from the podium. While you wanted to go to the after-party Arthur found every reason not to go wanting to keep you and his brother separate at all cost. After you flew home he and Charles were on the jet sitting across from each other the former glaring at the latter.
“I asked one thing of you, to leave her alone why couldn’t you listen?”
Charles scoffed. “I just talked to her, it would’ve been rude to stand there and ignore her.” Moving his attention to his phone the same second you texted him back, making a small smile spread across his lips.
The next few weeks were spent sneaking texts to the older Leclerc, laughing on FaceTime all night, every free moment he had he wanted to spend with you. You knew it was wrong, sneaking around behind your friends back, but at the same time it felt so right.
“Come on let me fly you out to my next race pleaseee,” Charles begged, pouting at you over the island in your kitchen as you made the pair of you tea.
“I don’t know there’s a lot of paparazzi there.” Matching his position laying your forearms on the island. That was always your concern when he tries to bring you to a race, Charles understood, he really did but that doesn’t mean it didn’t suck. “It's been months babe, I think it's time to tell him.” Leaning in he grabbed your hands as you sighed.
“I know, but I lied to him all this time it feels too late now.” Not meeting his eyes you played with his hands to distract yourself. You’re honestly surprised there hadn’t been pictures of you both all over the internet already. “The longer we go without telling him the worse it will be, I’ll tell him. After all, I’m the one that didn’t care you were off limits.” Charles leaned in, brushing your noses together, before your lips could meet you jumped apart at the sound of your buzzer going off.
“Y/n let me up.” Arthur's voice crackled over the intercom. “Go go go!” You ran around the island pushing Charles to your bedroom, well trying to.
“It's fate come on we have to tell him.” Planting his feet he’d almost laugh at your futile attempts to push him not even moving him an inch. Your panicked eyes met his.
“Not like this, this is the worst way we could tell him please go hide.” You begged making him cave. “Fine but if he comes into your room I’m not crawling under your bed” he paused. “I’m also gonna have some questions.”
“He won’t go in my room now hide!” Releasing a breath you buzzed your friend up trying to look casual as if his brother wasn’t hiding in your apartment. Thank god you picked him up at the airport and his Ferrari wasn’t out front those cars don’t blend in well.
The door swung open as Arthur strolled in already rambling about something his teammate Oliver did when suddenly he paused looking you up and down making your heart rate spike.
Is this your shirt? Is your hair a mess? did Charles leave something out? Do you have a hickey? At your thoughts, your hand subtly went to your neck. Arthur's eyes narrowed.
“Where did those come from?” Whipping your head around to see what he was pointing at seeing the large bouquet of red roses. “Uh, my mom.” He nodded. Perking up spotting your cup of tea. “Ohh can you make me one?”
“No!” You silently cursed at your quick response. “No?”
“I’m all out, sorry.” You shrugged with an awkward laugh. “You’re acting weird, why?” Now suspicious Arthur starts to look around making you panic. “I have someone over!”
“Ohhh” he starts to smile and lean closer at the clear sign of gossip. “What’s his name?” He whispered. God, you should’ve thought this through. “Charlie.”
“Ah well tell Charlie we rotate holidays and I get you this year.” Shoving him away for his teasing he laughs. “Alright alright, I’ll go but call me later with the dirty details.” You start calming down the closer to the door he got. Before he turned around and shouted throughout your apartment.
“Bye Charlie!” He laughs as you rush to slam the door being him still leaning against it as Charles walks out with a confused expression. “Who’s Charlie?”
Charles finally convinced you to come to a race. His brother was on the other side of the world and you were staying in Ferrari hospitality far away from the paparazzi. And he planned to take full advantage of it. He had you pinned to the wall the second the door shut behind you.
Mouthing up your neck leaving small marks leading to your lips, licking the seam begging you to open them. One of his hands flat against the wall the other around your back keeping you tucked closely to him as he led you back to the couch. Pulling you to his lap as he sat down.
“You’re lucky we have the same last name or I’d rip this off you.” He growled pulling on your Ferrari shirt one that Arthur had given you for his races, you were hoping I’d you did get photographed you could play it off as an old picture.
Tilting your head back giving him more room to work with. “You can still rip it off.” You suggested with a smirk meeting his eyes just long enough to see the devilish smirk take over his face as he tightened his grip and pulled.
“What the fuck!” Both your heads snapped to the now open door as Arthur stood slack-jawed. His hands flew to cover his eyes as he noticed your shirt ripped down the middle exposing your bra, Charles quickly grabbed it and tried to hold them together. “What are you doing here?”
“What am I doing? what are you doing with my best friend!” The sight of him yelling with his eyes still covered was ruining any intimidation he was trying to have.
“What’s going on? Oh” hearing the yells the Spanish driver went to investigate seeing Arthur red in the face with his eyes covered, you blushing, and an irritated Charles holding the torn pieces of your shirt together. “Get out Carlos!” Charles barks now covering you completely with his body.
“My god just give her a shirt!” Arthur screamed incredibly uncomfortable now. Doing as he said you pulled a spare shirt off a hanger and put it on. “You look better in mine just saying,” Charles whispered with a wink while his brother's back was turned. Making you glare at him.
“What did I tell you? I told you she was off limits!” Throwing his hands in the air exasperatedly. “I know you’re expecting an apology but you’re not getting it.” Both you and Arthur were shocked at his words but before Arthur could retort he spoke up again.
“Yes I’m sorry for going against your wishes but I don’t apologize for a single thing involving her, she’s the best thing to ever happen to me.” Now turning to face you he griped your hand tighter. “I think I fell in love with you the second I saw you I don’t care who said you’re off limits I knew I didn’t want to live this life without you. God, it feels good to finally say that.”
He breathed out smiling down at your finally telling you all he felt for you he almost forgot Arthur was there till he started laughing. “It’s about time like come on.”
What?” You and Charles said simultaneously both confused he wasn’t angry anymore. “I knew you were together I was just wondering how long until you told me about it.”
“How’d you know?” He laughed again at your confusion thinking you hid it so well. “First you both got stupid happy at the same time gross by the way. Next to the roses in your kitchen, there was a Ferrari envelope next to it you missed and Charlie really was there not a closer name to Charles.”
Even Charles gave a small chuckle at that part. “I knew you’d be at this race so figured I couldn’t miss this moment. But I’m still her best friend if you hurt her.” Arthur left his threat open ended as Charles laughed wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
“Look on the brightside now you don’t have to split custody of her on holidays she’ll be there with me.” He shrugged and the two brothers started walking out to the paddock bickering about who you’d really be there for.
“She was my friend first!”
“Well, now she’s sleeping with me” Charles retorted making you playfully push him and Arthur gag looking back to you asking what you see in him. Shaking your head at their antics as you followed behind. “The best friends brother, what was I thinking.” You said to yourself getting pulled between them arms looped with your two favorite guys. It might be cliché but you loved every second.
<< Daniel Ricciardo as mistaken identity
Hope you guys liked it!! if you want to read the other parts of the series check out the F1 Drives as Romance Tropes masterlist.
F1 tag list
@starxqt @motylekrozi @yeolsbubbles @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mooone90 @damianodavidhands @zig-zzag @its-astrotea-love @peakywitch @obsessed-fan-alert @lenniebordeaux @marelovesf1 @capela-miranda a @enjoymyloves @amsofftrack @coffeehurricanes @speedysimp @jasondeservedbetter @chilwell-mount @buendiabebeta @dan3avacado @valkyrie418 @ricsaigaslec @idkiwantchocolatee
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starkwlkr · 2 years
grown up | mick schumacher
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Liked by Pierregasly, lewishamilton and 1,107,278 others
y/n.senna: food baby or actual baby?
mickschumacher: my guess is actual baby 👀
y/n.senna: i didn’t make it by myself 🤨
sebastianvettel: congratulations! you both will be wonderful parents!
landonorris: mick is going to be a daddy. twitter is going to die.
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Liked by charles_leclerc, danielricciardo and 1,028,435 others
mickschumacher: counting down the days 🤍
gina_schumacher: can’t wait to spoil my little niece or nephew 🥰
Susie_wolff: sending hugs and kisses to everyone!!
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Liked by arthur_leclerc, felipedrugovich and 1,508,226 others
mickschumacher: crazy how these two kids grew up and became parents at 3:47 AM to a beautiful baby girl named emmeline schumacher-senna, but i like to call her emmy❤️
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starkwlkr · 1 year
father’s day | mick schumacher
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Liked by lewishamilton, gina_schumacher and 243,586 others
mickschumacher happy father’s day. ❤️
y/n.senna emmy and i love you!!
landonorris happy first father’s day, mick! (even though you’ve somehow always been a father according to twitter🤔)
danielricciardo dad gang
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Liked by Pierregasly, isahernaez and 358,627 others
y/n.senna happy father’s day! this one is special because it’s mick’s first. emmy woke him up with hugs and kisses and we had a picnic outside to celebrate. we love you, mick!!
mickschumacher and i love you and emmy so much ❤️
f1 happy father’s day!
susie_wolff happy first father’s day to you mick! here’s to many more!
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Liked by roscoestanfirst, f1girlies and 2,356 others
f1updates mick schumacher spotted on a walk with daughter emmy. y/n senna was not seen at all. a source close to the pair confirmed they have broken up days after the family of three celebrated mick’s first father’s day. the same source has also confirmed that mick wants full custody of their daughter. what do you think of this?
y/nandmickstan no way this is real they’re too in love to break up
isthatnicorosberg WHO IS THIS SOURCE? Y/N’S EX BF?
f1clara guys let’s not believe this until mick or y/n say something
l4ndo.f1 mick isn’t the type of guy to do this though
f1bitchesmakemecry not saying i believe this but ever since father’s day, mick and y/n haven’t posted anything
a10ns04 irl parents: divorced grid parents: divorced
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Liked by mickschumacher, jackdoohan and 1,468,398 others
y/n.senna us after we read that mick is taking full custody of emmy and we broke up after father’s day. don’t believe everything. mick and i are happy with emmy. he isn’t getting rid of me that easy.
mickschumacher why would i want to break up with the best girlfriend on the planet?
landonorris didn’t know you were dating my girlfriend because SHE’S actually the best girlfriend on the planet 🤔
georgerussell63 fake news
carlossainz55 i think you both are mistaken
alex_albon we all know who the best girlfriend is
y/n.senna yeah, It’s susie wolff she might be toto’s wife but she’s our gf
luisinhaoliveira99 yes!!
carmenmmundt so true
lilymhe period
isahernaez queen susie
mickschumacher um ok
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starkwlkr · 1 year
always an angel | mick schumacher
yes, this is named after a boygenius song 🫶🏼 anyways this is going to be a two part imagine in my senna!reader series also I’m just picking the candian gp because it’s this weekend lol
update: this has been in the drafts that’s why it says canadian gp^^
Michael Schumacher. One of the greatest drivers in motorsports. There’s a reason why he’s a seven time world champion. Not only was he a great driver, but he was an even greater dad to Mick and Gina Schumacher. You could tell that becoming a dad was ten times better than winning a world championship to Michael Schumacher.
The love he had for the sport was passed onto his only son, Mick. Soon, the young Schumacher was competing in f3 then f2, winning the 2020 FIA f2 championship then making his way to where he was meant to be, f1. Along the way, Mick had managed to fall in love with the daughter of another great driver that was taken away too soon. Y/n Senna had respect for every driver who competed, it didn’t matter if they had won or not. She would never step foot in a garage after the death of her father.
It was after she started talking to Mick that she reintroduced herself to the word that her father loved so much. They had gotten in touch a year before the pandemic started and stayed in contact ever since. Then years passed, team changes, retirement and a new life was brought in the world.
Mick was more than excited to show his daughter, Emmeline or Emmy as he loved to call her, the wonderful word of motorsports. Emmy was born into a racing family much like her parents. Mick had already gotten questions if he wanted his daughter to follow in the family footsteps. He knew if she ever did then it would be too much pressure on her seeing as she had Schumacher and Senna blood in her.
He had seen all the articles and tweets about his performance in f1. He remembers how he felt in that moment when he read all the rude comments. Y/n had to take his phone away for some time because he constantly checked twitter.
He didn’t want Emmy to go through that.
It was summer when they decided that bringing Emmy to a race was okay, the race being the Canadian Grand Prix. Mick and Y/n had arrived to the Mercedes hospitality a little earlier since they didn’t want Emmy to be scared by fans and photographers.
“I talked to Gina the other week.” Y/n said as Emmy slammed her hands on the table, getting irritated that her soppy cup kept rolling away from her.
“Yeah?” Mick grabbed the plastic cup and positioned it infront of Emmy.
“Yeah, she says she misses Emmy and she might visit soon.” Y/n finished.
“Emmy misses her Aunt Gina too, right Em?”
Emmy just made noises and kept on hitting her cup on the table. That caught the attention of George, who had just entered the hospitality.
“Hey miss Emmy, what did the table ever do to you?” George teased, walking up to the little family. “How is the royal racing family?”
“You’re hilarious, George.” Y/n rolled her eyes playfully.
“Thank you very much,” George smirked. “But I’m only here to see the best Schumacher slash Senna in the paddock. Hi, baby Emmy!” Emmy giggled when George ruffled her hair. “I know it’s too early, but do you think Emmy will one day say she wants to be a formula one driver?”
Mick hoped she never said those words. The world was a harsh place. He remembers the feeling all too well.
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starkwlkr · 1 year
beach baby | mick schumacher
the schumacher-senna family spend a day at the beach
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“I think she needs more sunscreen.” Mick said as he grabbed the bottle of sunscreen from the diaper bag.
“Mick, I’ve made sure she has enough on her. She’s fine.” Y/N said as she adjusted the little hat she had put on Emmy. “Now how about we go introduce Emmy to the water? You want to swim, baby? Let’s go.” Y/N said to her daughter in a baby voice.
“Alright, but not too deep-”
“Of course not, she’s a baby.” Y/N got up from her spot on the blanket that Mick had laid out on the sand. She looked at her boyfriend, waiting for him to get up too. “Aren’t you coming, Schumacher?”
“Right behind you, Senna.” Mick got up and followed his girls to the water. “Wait, let me get my phone so I can record her reaction.” Mick quickly went ran back to get his phone from your bag. “I’m going to send this to mom and Gina.”
Y/N sat with Emmy on the wet sand and waited for a small wave to hit the little girl’s feet. The baby girl looked up at her mom confused by how the sand felt between her toes. Mick laughed at his daughter’s reaction as Y/N adjusted the girl on her lap.
“Look baby, it feels nice right?” Y/N said to Emmy, who’s lips turned into a smile. She started to splash the water with her hands which resulted in both Mick and Y/N to get wet.
“I think she loves it a little too much.” Mick continued recording until Emmy almost knocked his phone from his hands.
“You want daddy to play with you?” Emmy smiled.
“Well I got her reaction so now daddy will play with his favorite girl. I’m all yours, Emmy.” Mick took Emmy from Y/N’s hands and pressed several kisses on her cheek.
“I can’t believe a baby stole my boyfriend.”
“Don’t be jealous, babe.”
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Liked by f1, formula.weekly and 102,879 others
mickschumacher Emmy’s first time at the beach ❤️ y/n.senna
y/n.senna next time, Angie is coming with us
v51975 aw why didn’t Angie join you?
y/n.senna she was with Gina for the weekend
Carmenmmundt my little water baby 🥰❤️
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an clearing my drafts so be prepared for lots of content 🫶🏼
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starkwlkr · 1 year
dilf | mick schumacher
part 2 of grown up
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Liked by Gina_Schumacher, Charles_leclerc and 933,144 others
mickschumacher emmy’s favorite place
y/n.senna my girl 🎀
f1lucyyyy dilf mick dilf mick dilf mick
sebastianvettel let me know when you’re ready for a visit from uncle sebastian!
mickschumacher she’s more than ready to meet her uncle seb! come over whenever!
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Liked by Alex_albon, oscarpiastri and 105,764 others
y/n.senna baby emmy obviously has to rep her mommy’s home 🇧🇷
Gina_schumacher oh my godddd!!! so cute!!
Carmenmmundt 😍😍
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starkwlkr · 1 year
below you will find my works for the senna!reader series! thanks for reading!🫶🏼
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grown up
beach baby
father’s day
always an angel
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inaissante · 1 year
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f1 masterlist
the rest coming soon... (motogp, football, the hp universe, rock bands, cinema characters, book characters, kpop...)
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starkwlkr · 1 year
Can you make Charles x Reader where she is the daughter of an older driver, maybe Senna or Schumacher?? and decides to move to Monaco and ends up crashing his car in Charles' car in his first week in the city and it’s race week in Monaco, maybe some other driver in the car with Charles?
monaco does that to you | charles leclerc
sorry for the wait but here it is! (finally lol) also do germans say mom or mum? google never gives me an answer 🤨 i’m going to use mom so apologies if that isn’t the correct term to use because i grew up in texas and i always use mom 🫤
Y/n was on the phone with her sister, Gina. She had successfully moved to Monaco and decided to call Gina to tell her she was okay. The Schumacher siblings were always close so it was going to take some time for Y/n to get used to being away from her family.
“It’s so lovely here, Gina. Maybe you and mom can come in time for the Monaco Grand Prix. We could all be together. I know Mick would love that.” Y/n said as she grabbed her keys from the coffee table and exited her apartment. She had a few errands to run before she went to lunch with Mick.
“I’ll check with mom, make sure she’s free for the weekend.” Gina replied. Then she started to talk about some plans she had with a couple friends as Y/n walked to her car. Y/n listened to Gina as she opened her car door and turned her car on.
Y/n was so focused on listening to her sister that she didn’t switch the car from reverse to drive so when she pressed on the gas, the car went backwards hitting a very nice car as a result.
“Shit, shit, shit, fuck, oh my god.” Y/n repeated as she turned the car off and looked back at the damaged car.
“Y/n? What’s happening?” Gina asked through the phone.
“I just made the biggest mistake of my life. Gina, I’ll call you back.” Y/n sighed heavily and ended the call. She put away her phone and got out of her car, ready to face the consequences.
She looked at the car and saw that it was a Ferrari. Why did she have to hit a Ferrari? Suddenly the doors of the Ferrari opened and out came a brown haired man.
Nice, you hit a hot man’s car, Y/n thought to herself.
“Are you okay?” He asked her.
“I just hit your car and you’re asking me if I’m okay?”
He nodded. “Are you?”
“Yeah, but I hit your car. An expensive one.”
“I can get it fixed, don’t worry.”
Oh, so he’s rich
“I’m really sorry. I can help pay for the damage.” Y/n said, but he shook his head. “Then give me your number for like the insurance and stuff. I’ll work it out.”
“How about I pay for the damages and dinner? I think that sounds pretty good. I’ll stick take your number too.” He said with a smirk.
“Is that what you say to all the girls?” Y/n teased.
“Only the ones that crash into my car.” He replied. “If you wanted my attention that bad, you could’ve just walked up to me.” He chuckled at her.
“Sure, whatever. It wasn’t on purpose! I was distracted and I didn’t drive my car here last night, my brother did. I think I was passed out in the back seat or something.” Y/n explained.
“Yeah, Monaco does that to you.”
“I don’t even know your name, I’m Y/n.” She finally introduced herself.
“Charles.Does dinner anytime this week sound good?” Charles asked.
“I’ll have to check. I have this thing with my brother on the weekend, it’s really important.”
“Maybe next week if you’re not busy?”
“Sure, Charles. If I’m not busy.” Y/n smiled.
After exchanging numbers, Charles and Y/n said goodbye to each other and went their separate ways. Y/n had gone back up to her apartment, too embarrassed to even go out now while Charles went back inside his car where Pierre had been waiting for him the whole time.
“What did she say?” Pierre asked.
“We are having dinner soon, that’s what she said.” Charles replied.
“You’re having dinner with Mick’s sister? I can already see the f1 gossip accounts going insane when they see you two! A Schumacher and . . . Charles. Don’t worry, it doesn’t sound too bad.” Pierre laughed.
“Mick’s sister? She was Mick’s sister?” Charles asked. Mick mentioned his two sisters often, but Charles never met them personally.
“Yeah, Mick said she’s moving to Monaco. I think she’s going to be in the paddock this weekend.”
Holy shit, it really is a small world, Charles thought
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starkwlkr · 1 year
Is there any works on the way I love your writing it make my day better
hello lovely!! thank you for reading!! these are my current works:
some baby leclerc fics that are half finished
always an angel, never a god | mick schumacher (senna!reader series)
chapter 3 of the sweet series
another chapter of the princess of monaco series
marc marquez x med!student social media au
marco bezzecchi x reader social media au
joan mir x single mom!reader
ollie bearman x leclerc!reader
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