gingerbeardmansim · 4 months
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We ate our food, both of us enjoying the flavors of the dish. I found myself enjoying his company. There was something about him that made me feel at ease and comfortable. After we finished our meal, we decided to walk around Britechester a bit and explore. It was a beautiful day, and the energy of the college town seemed to be contagious.
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After the little walk, we headed back to our dorm room and when we came to a small park bench, Mick sat down and looked at me. "Braden, there is something else I need to tell you. I think you probably need to know if we are going to be roomies."
I was somewhat hesitant, as I was not sure what he was going to tell me. Maybe he was out on parole for assault or something. I had no idea, but luckily it was nothing of that magnitude.
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He took a deep breathe, "I'm gay. I really think you should know I mean everyone knows; I just don't want you to feel uncomfortable."
"Well Mick seeing how you are being open and honest, I have something to tell you as well. I am also gay. Gay as they come."
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We both sat there, staring at each other for a moment. The realization of what was just said was sinking in. We were two gay guys, about to share a room, in a small, dorm room, in the middle of this big southern city. He finally broke the silence.
"I felt you were, but if you weren't I still always try to be honest. This way we can have this understanding from the get-go. I mean, it's not like we're going to be doing anything inappropriate, right?" He said with a wink. I couldn't help but laugh at his comment.
"Of course not, Mick. I have a feeling this is going to be a great year."
I took a deep breath, and we headed back to our dorm room, Britechester, was already beginning to feel more like home.
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gingerbeardmansim · 5 months
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"Mind if I take a seat?" He said as he sat down, not waiting for my response.
"Sure..." as I watched him as he sat down next to me, smelling of musk. It was enticing to say the least. This guy was going to be my roommate.?
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"You want to have lunch?" he asked, his voice soft and low. I hesitated for a moment, feeling both drawn to him and nervous. Not sure why. I didn't even know this guy, but I needed to find out all about him, as we would be living together for the next school year.
"Sure," I managed to croak out. "That'd be great."
He started to stand up and as he did, he pulled the fabric from his sweats and readjusted himself. It looked as though it had gone back to normal size, which was still impressive.
 "I need to shower; do you know where they are?" he asked.
"I think they are just down the hall to the right. Hold on and I will follow. I need to shower too."
He looked at me strangely. "I'm not comfortable about showering together."
I laughed. "Oh, no there are three shower stalls in there from what my brother said. He was in this hall a couple years back."
"I figured. I just wanted to see your reaction." He laughed, as he stood up went over to his bed and grabbed what looked like a small Dopp bag and a bath towel. "I am all ready here roomie." He said and turned and walked out the dorm room into the hallway.
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gingerbeardmansim · 4 months
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We both finished showering about the same time, and I reached out grabbed my towel from inside of the stall and dried off, then wrapped it around my naked waist. He was walking out of the shower room as I walked behind him and headed back to our dorm room.
When we got back to the dorm I quickly got dressed. I put on a sleeveless T-shirt and some shorts and a pair of sandals. Of course, no underwear, as it was so hot, I knew it would be extremely uncomfortable but wasn't sure if I should now that I had a roommate. but why should I change who I am for someone I just met, as I never wore them anyway. As he was dressing, I noticed that he too was commando as well. That's one thing in common...
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"So, what do you like?" He said as he fastened his shorts that he was wearing. I thought to myself, I really like how you look, but instead I said. "Burgers, or we could try out that Indian restaurant down on the corner."
His eyes lit up. "Oh wow, that sounds great. I love Indian food."  We then headed outside and toward the corner.
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It was a beautiful day; the sun was shining brightly, and the sky was a cloudless blue. We walked down the sidewalk, him leading the way. He had an athletic build, with broad shoulders and a narrow waist. His ass was just perfect, round and firm. His long, muscular legs seemed to eat up the pavement beneath him. I found myself unable to take my eyes off him as we walked.
"Here we are!." I said as I opened the door to the restaurant for him.
We sat ourselves as the sign indicated and right away he began talking.
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"Now that I've showered with you, got naked in front of you, I guess we should introduce ourselves." He laughed, and I did the same.
"Sure, I'm Braden, Braden Moretti."
"I'm Michael Rutledge, but everyone calls me Mick, as my dad is Mike too so that distinguished us from one another."
"Nice to meet you Mick."
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gingerbeardmansim · 4 months
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The inside of the restaurant was cool, with an aroma of spices filling the air, making my mouth water instantly. We were seated at a small table in the corner and a server quickly came over to take our orders.
Mick ordered Chicken Tika Masala, at 7 hotness. I ordered the same, but at only 2 hotness.
"Can't handle the spicy, Braden?"
I laughed. "No, not really. My friends used to say that I had a wimp for a palate, but I've learned to accept it."
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Our server returned with our drinks. The cool, refreshing lemonade helped to cool me down from the heat outside. The conversation flowed easily between us, as we talked about our families, our High School experience, and our interests. I learned that Mick had three siblings, he was the youngest of three boys and one girl.
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Majoring in business, and he was from a small town in the Midwest. He had moved to the city to attend school here and was loving the experience so far. I shared my experience, that I too lived in the Midwest, near Newcrest and was majoring in communications, and was wanting to go into Law School. The conversation just came naturally.
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gingerbeardmansim · 5 months
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The walls of what would be my new room, at least for the next year, were white, or what my father's sister would call eggshell, but they had faded to the perfect shade of indifference. The two single beds, one slightly larger than the other, were pushed against opposite walls, leaving a narrow path between them that led from the door to the bathroom door. The mattresses were soft and yielding, promising warmth and comfort but never quite delivering. The nightstands were a mismatched pair, one a solid oak black with three drawers, the other a more delicate cherrywood number with a single drawer and a tiny shelf. The cherrywood nightstand, it seemed, had been on a diet. Its legs were thin as twigs, and it leaned slightly to the left, as if it were tired of trying to keep up with the rest of the furniture. The oak nightstand was more self-assured, its drawers neatly aligned and its edges clean. It seemed to be saying, "Yes, I am larger than you, but I am also more organized and efficient."
I chose that side of the room as mine and threw my bags onto the bed and laid across the bed and must have fallen asleep.
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The last thing I remember was the feel of the cool sheets against my skin. I also heard the faint sound of the television playing in the distance, probably in the dorm next to mine.  The next thing I knew, I was woken up by the bright sunlight streaming through the window. The room looked different somehow, brighter and more... alive.
I sat up and stretched, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, and noticed that someone. a blonde headed guy in only sweats, sleeping on the other bed. He was skinnier than me and his legs looked stronger. His chest was nicely built and had a trail from his belly button area down beyond the elastic top of his sweats. He seemed to glisten from the sunlight shining through the window. As I continued looking, I saw that he had an obvious erection in his boxer briefs. I tried to look away, but I didn't. He then rolled over onto his stomach and opened his eyes.
He must have sensed that I was looking at him because he slowly opened one eye and looked at me. "G’afternoon," he said with a yawn.
I nodded and smiled sheepishly. "Hey'." I replied. Then he stretched languidly, arching his back and exposing the smooth expanse of his stomach. His muscles flexed under his skin, and I felt a strange tugging sensation ... down there.
He then stood up and came towards me. He was taller than he looked lying in the bed, and his eyes were a shade of blue-green.
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gingerbeardmansim · 5 months
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We both walked down the hall, the blonde-haired guy's long, athletic strides easily matching mine. The bathroom was large and clean, with white tiled walls and floor. There were three shower stalls, as I had mentioned, each with a clear glass door. The guy pointed to the one in the middle. "I'm taking that one. You can take the one next to it."
I hung up my towel next to the knob next to my stall and reached into the shower stall and turned on the water. My new cute blonde roommate did the same. I dropped my boxers, bent over and picked them up and put them on the knob with my towel. I was now totally exposed, facing my roommate while I waited for the water to get warm. He was doing the same, but as soon as he dropped his sweats, I was there to investigate. I only got a glance, as he turned around and faced the wall. Instead, I got a beautiful view of his nicely plump ass. I then walked into my shower.
I was lathering up and there was a knock on my shower door. I saw my roommate's silhouette standing on the other side.
"I forgot my soap; do you have some?" As he stood there.
I grabbed my bottle of liquid soap and opened the door and saw him standing naked and wet in front of me. I got a good look at his thick cock, with a perfect mushroom cut head. I handed him the bottled soap. "Here ya go." I smiled at him.
"Thanks" he said as he turned to go back to his shower. I watched his ass disappear into the shower stall.
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