#microscoptic colitis
New York!!!! What in the actual universe!? (Yeah, I'm gonna go there)
(((Split post. Religious feelings/survivor feels & post op info)))
New York!!!!!!
NOT how you "celebrate" Roe vs. Wade.
Abortion is straight up murder- unless it is harming the mother & child (i.e.- rape).
My heart breaks for this united country.
How have we gotten here!? :'(
I get it- your body, your rules.
But that is a spirit, living soul inside of you. Moment of conception to birth.
Just my 4 AM rambling opinion.
Colonoscopy was a success. Doc pulled a few biopsies & my mom surprised me by coming down ❤
Still in & out groggy from that gooooood- whatever she gave me to sleep during my procedure. Holy bonzai. 😂
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