ghost-town-story · 1 year
Alright, since y’all like pressing buttons and I like outsourcing my decisions, let’s have another poll lol
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ghost-town-story · 2 years
First Lines Tag
Thanks for the tag @emelkae!
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line, then tag some of your favourite authors! 
This’ll end up long, so I’mma tag people here and toss a read-more partway through. With no pressure as usual, I’ll tag @writinglyra, @pseudepigraphic, @cheshawrites, @incipientdream, @seasteading, @sourrcandy, @citywillow, and anybody else who wants to!
Alright, time to start with the ones that have tags on this blog, then wander into older AU territory
(adding year written bc why not)
Astral (2020)
The sound of the dungeon door opening startled him awake, though he didn’t move from his cot. It was only when the door closed gently behind the visitor that he rolled to his feet and approached the bars of his cell. “Long time no see Calipsa.”
Nova (2019)
He couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment he had woken up, but now that he was aware of it, the knowledge scratched at him, urging him up. He reluctantly stretched, relishing the feeling as his joints popped, then finally opened his eyes.
He immediately recognized that he was in some sort of hospital, but how had he gotten here? Where was here?
Title Redacted (2012. A relic since I haven’t started the rewrite yet lol)
“Crap”, I thought, watching my wall of water being beaten back by his fire.
Traitor Queen (2020)
The bar was crowded and noisy, like it usually was after the races. With all the commotion, it was hard to keep track of who was where. Which was why, when Holli turned to make a comment, she was disappointed but not surprised to find her companion had vanished.
On her other side, Johnson noticed her looking and leaned down to be heard. “I saw him wander out a couple of minutes ago.”
Dumbass Immortals (2021)
In her defense, Milo tended to be incredibly distracting. So in all honesty, it wasn’t completely Alysia’s fault that she wasn’t looking where she was going, and therefore ran smack- dab into the guy.
“Are you okay?”
Alysia looked up. Icy blue eyes stared down at her with concern.
“I’m fine.”
Stars (2021)
My first breath tastes stale and plastic, and I’m retching before I’m even half- awake.
Sensations return in flashes; padding under my shoulders, pale blue light interspersed with red, the pressure of a mask over my face, a dull ache in my arm.
I hold my breath for a few moments to claw the oxygen mask off my face. At least now it doesn’t taste like I’m licking plastic.
Lost Beneath the Waves (2021)
The carriage slowed to a stop at the foot of the palace stairs, the rain sloshing around the wheels. As the driver hopped down, the palace doors opened, revealing a man who hurried down the stairs.
“Lord Coranth!” he greeted as he reached the bottom of the stairs. “I’m glad you arrived safely.”
“Likewise.” Lord Coranth stepped down from the carriage, careful to avoid stepping in any puddles. “It’s good to see you again, Aranadar. I just wish the circumstances were better.”
Space Pirates (2021)
The first thing they realized was that they were breathing. Their mother’s words echoed in their head; Breathing is a gift Caelan. Don’t ever forget that.
They took a deep breath, then another, relishing in the feeling of air actually filling their lungs. Right then and there, they decided nothing could ever compare to the terror of trying to take a breath, only to find no air to breathe.
Powers AU (2019)
Aydan was always the first one to the forest path that lead to their small village, but she never minded waiting for the boys to catch up. Even today, the last day of school, she was in no rush to get home.
The breeze brought a whiff of salt water, and Aydan felt a sudden longing to be out on the water. But knowing her father, that was no real surprise.
Magic AU (2020)
James stared up at the building, doubt stirring yet again. He shoved it away again, just like he did every time. After all this was his best shot, their best shot at fixing their mistakes.
A familiar presence brushed against James, but James brushed them off. Lay off.
Now for the random AUs. Some of these are real titles, some of them are just the doc names, some are me sassing my past self. Which one’s which should be fairly obvious I hope lol
Of Fairy Magic (2018)
The night is hot and muggy And in the distance is the sound of drunk college seniors up to their last shenanigans But they avoid this place Even drunk they understand it’s best to be other places tonight
Prologue to a mermaid AU I never wrote (2014)
Cold. He’s so cold. “Come on,” the pirate growls, grabbing James by the arm. James stumbles and whimpers, but doesn’t protest. He knows it’s better if he doesn’t say anything
Fountains at Night are Pretty (But Not as Pretty as You) (2017)
You trail your hand through the water of the fountain, and I watch, entranced at the way the light flickers across your face. After a moment, you look up at me. “This is the secret surprise you wanted to show me?” you tease.
“Of course,” I reply, closing the distance between us and sitting next to you at the edge of the fountain.
Gems (2017)
The water sloshed around James’s knees, and he gritted his teeth, bracing himself a little more firmly against the shifting sands. Another wave crashed into him, and he debated letting the water take him, but then it withdrew, leaving James feeling cold again.
Mother I can tell what you’ve been thinking (2016)
Melody woke up from her impromptu nap feeling vaguely uneasy, as if something important was missing. She quickly shrugged it off though, getting out of bed. Of course something was missing. The stillness of the tattoos on her arms attested to that.
The story I should have called Ink Stained (2015)
Blue eyes flitted nervously around the crowded bar, and shadows shifted under his cloak.
Shh. He lightly dragged his fingers over his right arm, and the shadows followed his fingertips. Shh. Calm.
Soulmate Colors AU (Stars) (2015)
Divo sat on the bus with his arms crossed, glaring at anybody who dared to look at him or Nicoli the wrong way.
“You know,” Nicoli sighed, putting away his phone and resting his chin on Divo’s shoulder, drawing the older teen’s attention away from the rest of the bus for a moment, “I wish I could see colors.”
“Don’t we all buddy,” Divo mumbled.
Dragons! (2014)
The stable door opened a crack, letting in a woman carrying a bundle of blankets.
The dragon in the corner stirred, opening silvery gold eyes. Your mate won’t be happy about this you know.
“Shh,” the woman whispered, mischief sparkling in bright blue eyes. “He doesn’t have to know.”
Damp Cement and the Scent of Rain (2014)
It’s the smell of the damp that really makes Kai restless. All day it’s been grey and dreary, sometime between sixth and eighth it turns dark, then ninth it starts raining and storming.
The rain drops in a steady flow from the roof above, heard loud and clear through the half-open window, and almost seeps into the cement building, giving it a cold, damp smell.
When You Wish on a Star (2013. Another relic of pre-rewrite OG)
“Alex, get back here!” Jasmine’s voice echoed down the stairs.
I glanced at Will, an eyebrow raised, and Will groaned. “Whatever she’s done now, I’m sorry,” he mumbled.
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ghost-town-story · 4 years
He frowned, tracing the name on the box. “What’s in here?” 
Melody shrugged. “Memories. Things that I couldn’t bring myself to throw away or look at.” 
“You could say that.” 
Twins, one dark haired and dark eyed, always bathed in moonlight in her memories, while the other was fire and green and timeless. 
Her brother, silver and gold and starlight.
A boy who had purple stars sparkling in his silver-blue eyes, who ran with her through dark forests.
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ghost-town-story · 4 years
“Shh! Someone will hear you!” 
“It feels wrong though.” 
“It’s just Melody. And anyways, we’re just passing through. Now hush!” 
“Sneaking through, eh?” Melody called. 
There was the sounds of a scuffle, and two familiar figures fell out of the shadows by the side of the house. 
“Hey Mel,” Jared called, untangling himself from his brother. “I told you!” he hissed to Will.
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