#midnight watches SWBS
Thai, Koalas and Aurora Borealis
Domaystic Day 31 | @domaystic | Midnight Snack
All Caps Bingo Round 1 | 🤷 @allcapsbingo | “This made me think of you.”
Marvel Rare Pair Bingo Round 2 | 📪 @marvelrarepairbingo | Iceland, Northern Lights
Sam Wilson Bingo Round 3 | 🪶 @samwilsonbingo | Tony Stark
masterlist :: (ao3 link)
RATING: General WARNING: Lots of laughter, Endless questioning
Peter has many questions for such a little guy so Sam humours him with a late-night snack, though some people might not refer to reheated Thai food as a snack. | Sam Wilson/Tony Stark
domaystic 2023 | acb 🤷 round 1 | rpb 📪 round 2 | swb 🪶 round 3
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“Sammy?” Peter asks in the adorable way he likes to ask preparing his dad for multiple questions at a time, “What’s the Aurora Borealis?” Peter asks, whispery as the 6-year-old only just lost his first front tooth. 
Sam smiles tossing the stir fry in the pan, re-heating the leftover thai food, and thinking over his answer, it wouldn’t be nearly as good of an answer as Tony would give but he could figure something out. He takes his time watching the pan before being assured and turning back to Peter, “It’s a pretty, natural, light show which shows splashes arts of colour in the night sky,” he smiles hoping that satisfies the younger man. Clarifying he adds, “It’s fades of blue, purple and pink.” 
Nodding along Peter seems engaged with the explanation but Sam already expects the follow-up question, “where is it? Daddy says it’s really far away so we can’t go visit, but my teacher said the polar bears could see it.” It’s funny watching the way that Peter looks around the room as his train of thought changes, swinging his small legs on the bar stool. 
Rolling his eyes Sam understands Tony’s answer but it is not exactly true, and Sam promised that he would always tell Peter the truth, “we could go see it, they can see it in Australia and your Dad has been there for work before so it isn’t completely outrageous.” Peter’s mouth rolls open at the shocking news that they could see it.
“That’s where the koala bears live right? I guess that makes sense why my teacher was talking about polar bears,” Peter reasons out loud and Sam laughs, “but a koala isn’t a bear, dad says it’s a marsupial.”
Sam has to hand it to the kid he definitely has his father’s smarts, but he hopes that he has left a lasting impact on Peter, even just as ‘Sammy’ or ‘daddy’s boyfriend’, or the guy that is reheating thai food at midnight because he can’t resist Peter’s puppy dog eyes.  
There is a lot of laughter to be had when Sam and Peter are together in the kitchen if it’s 11 pm or 10 am. Sam and Peter love the kitchen, it is the time they get to bond between the two of them, Sam working behind the island and Peter swinging his legs from a bar stool on the other side. Tony while not a fan of the kitchen loves to observe and hear the laughter that his two favourite people have inside it. 
Like right now as Tony can hear the loud giggling from his son and the encouragement Sam is given making hot chocolates and encouraging FRIDAY to put on Disney’s Princess and The Frog to go along with their midnight snack. It makes Tony smile knowing Peter is taken care of, Sam puts his finger on his lips gesturing the Peter as he sees Tony walking in. 
“What are you still doing up so late mister!” Tony sneaks up on Peter tickling his sides to encourage even louder laughter from his son, “I vividly remember saying goodnight to you at dinner time,” Tony makes a pointed look towards Sam. Sam just shrugs in response a smile stays on his face watching Tony and Peter together, father and son. 
Peter doesn’t stop laughing and giggling, now because he knows he’s been caught and it makes him excited. He attempts puppy dog eyes at Tony but it doesn’t seem as genuine as the ones he used on Sam at bedtime. It’s easy for Sam to respond happily, “Mr Peter here thought that if Daddy,” Sam gives a pointed look to Tony, “got to stay up all night then why couldn’t he.” It is a good reason but the look that Tony gives the thai food that Sam is preparing says otherwise, “I thought I would make us a midnight snack, maybe you need some too,” Sam pushes one of the plates towards Tony, he made 3 for a reason. 
Tony just rolled his eyes, “he tricked you with puppy dog eyes,” and this time the pointed look is directed at Peter, who is choosing at this time to look especially cute, platypus plushy tucked into his arms.
Sam nods defeated, “of course he did.” 
Nodding Tony knows the pain that Peter’s puppy dog eyes have on people, him especially, and the only one it can’t trick is Pepper, which makes sense after dealing with Tony for so long. Tony picks Peter up from the bar stool and Sam follows along with Peter’s plate of thai food in his hand.
Peter is happy to sit on the couch with his platypus plushy, an ironman pillow, and his thai food, Tiana listening to her dad read them princess stories playing on the TV. 
“Why thai this late,” Tony asks knocking Sam’s shoulder as they sit back down at the island, far enough that they can see Peter, but Peter can’t hear them, “I thought you would make him popcorn, or cookies, so late at night, especially with a hot chocolate.” Sam shrugs happy to just watch Peter be happy and see as he slowly tries to keep himself awake by eating more. 
Sam thinks it over because he really has no reason, other than the smile it brings to Tony’s face when he sees it and can watch Peter have that same smile on a smaller scale. It’s an adorable response, one that can rival Peter’s “it made me think of you,” he hugs Tony, arms wrapping around his partner’s waist, “I’ve missed you.”
Tony loves Sam and loves the way that Sam spends time with Peter when he’s away, Sam really is his better half. Tony kisses Sam’s cheek, leaning back into the embrace his partner is giving, “I missed you too.” Being away, off and on is, unfortunately, Tony’s line of work and since Peter, he does it a lot less and always makes sure not to come in between Sam and missions, but coming home is his favourite part of being away. He gets to come back and see Sam’s happy demeanour and Tony’s favourite boy’s largest smile in the world, even if he just comes up from the lab. 
Smiling Sam reveals the other things that they had been talking about that night, finishing by saying, “I think we need to take a trip to Australia.” Tilting his head Tony is vividly confused, “any reason why?” Sam takes a beat before looking over to a sleepy Peter and Tony’s vision follows.
Tony rolls his eyes turning back to face Sam, Sam admits, “Your son has suddenly taken an interest in the northern lights and koala bears and there is nowhere else you can get both.” Tony laughs kissing Sam’s cheek, “you just should have told him they were in Iceland.”
Shrugging Sam smiles, “I didn’t want to ruin his dreams.” They both fall into ridiculous laughter as Peter falls into sweet, sweet dreams. 
Tony organises Peter’s birthday present the next day, 3 tickets to Australia.
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Cards: (🤷 3/25) (📪 1/25) (🪶 2/25)
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