#might add two more at some point and give harmony a quest team
arrows-unofficial-ocs · 5 months
introducing my pjoverse ocs…
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⤷ 𝙀𝙡𝙤𝙞𝙨𝙚 𝘾𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙧𝙖 𝙆𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙙𝙜𝙚 • daughter of hecate • daughter of a street magician • magic wielder • dyslexic • leader of the quest for hecate’s key with teddy & ivy • very comfortable with hecate’s cabin • introvert • quiet, sarcastic, powerful, messy • ♥ teddy mccallister • portrayed by teagan croft
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⤷ 𝙇𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙤𝙣 𝙏𝙞𝙢𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙮 𝙈𝙘𝘾𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧 • son of hepheastus • dyslexic • hockey player • hockey obsessed • adopted • fish out of water amongst the hepheastus kids • cannot make anything with his hands • introvert • quiet, athletic, sarcastic, stubborn, funny • ♥ eloise kittredge • portrayed by dylan kingwell
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⤷ 𝙄𝙫𝙮 𝙂𝙖𝙤 • daughter of dionysius • adhd • does not like her father • extrovert • chaotic, messy, friendly, loud, outgoing • has an underlying aura of sadness • rule breaker • bisexual • ♥ harmony reyes • portrayed by lola tung
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⤷ 𝙃𝙖𝙧𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙮 𝙍𝙚𝙮𝙚𝙨 • daughter of apollo • dyslexic • adhd • musician • extrovert • musical, loyal, stubborn, loud • lesbian • desperate to earn a quest • ♥ ivy gao • portrayed by olivia rodrigo
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lifeofkaze · 4 years
An Art of Balance #5
A/N: That one was tough. I have never written something with so much physical action before, and I had to rewrite a huge chunk of it until I finally felt happy with it. Describing sports is really tough, as it turns out. Also, KC belongs to the wonderful @kc-needs-coffee who lets me to a little cameo once in a while 😊 Enjoy!
 Word Count: ~ 3.100 (oops)
Chapter 5: Back Home
A persistent rumour among the students was that Professor Binns had altered the clock in his classroom, back when he had been still alive. It was said, he did so to allow him to delve more minutely into every little detail of his subject he wished his students to remember.
If he hadn’t known any better, Orion could have sworn it was true.
He absentmindedly ran his quill through his fingers, trying his best to take in Professor Binns’s droning voice in what was their last class of the day. Orion glanced around the classroom. He estimated about half of the students were daydreaming about the upcoming weekend. The other half was fast asleep.
His gaze wandered out of the window. He could just make out the Quidditch pitch up ahead in the distance. The banners on top of the stands were swaying in a gentle breeze. He could feel it lightly brush his face from where he sat near the open window. It brought with it the pleasant warmth of a late summer afternoon.
Orion shuffled in his seat. He could feel his entire body brim with energy. The restlessness he felt had been bubbling under his skin for the last few days. He was itching to get back on his broomstick and to feel the wind on his face as he sped through the air.
This was what he had missed most during the summer break. When not at Hogwarts, he had no access to a broomstick, let alone people to fly with. Although Orion prided himself on always being grateful for what the universe had chosen to bestow on him, he sometimes he couldn’t help feeling envious of people like Skye. They could practise what they loved to their heart’s content, whenever or wherever they wished to.
He could feel McNully nudging him into his side. “There are only 23 minutes and 35 seconds left to his torment. 30 seconds as we speak,” he whispered.
Orion tore his gaze from the silhouette of the Quidditch pitch and turned to better face him. “Excuse me?”
McNully pointed at his now worse for wear looking quill. “You have been running your hand over this quill fourteen times in the last twenty minutes. In the last 45 minutes you have been staring out of the window seven times, with an average duration of five minutes. You have not been able to play Quidditch for 76 days in a row. And to add a personal note, tapping your foot excessively like that gives off an impatient expression and is rather annoying as well.”
Orion only now noticed his foot was indeed lightly tapping against the leg of table. He stopped.
“Sometimes I find your habit of observing your surroundings as meticulously as you do worrying, my friend.”
McNully shrugged, a carefree grin showing on his face. “What do you expect? I’m a commentator. I observe things and I comment on them. That is what I do.”
Orion had to grin at that. “It is indeed.”
He propped his head onto his hand, staring at the clock mounted above Professor Binns’s head. “I wouldn’t call it impatient, though. More like eager. I can’t wait to get out of here.”
McNully had started doodling onto his parchment, drawing tiny snitches between his notes. “Call it what you want, it doesn’t change what it is.”
Orion contemplated his words. “I agree. The appearance of the shell cannot change the core of things.”
He could see the confusion forming on McNully’s face. “I’m about 34 % sure that is what I said.”
 Only a few hours later, Orion felt himself unable to wipe the grin off his face. He stood in the middle of his beloved Quidditch pitch, the sun warming the back of his yellow robes. The unmistakable smell of grass, wood warmed by the sunlight and broom wax made him feel almost intoxicated.
Most of his team had already taken to the sky. They were getting back into the swing of things, darting around the pitch, doing turns and dives. Even down here, the joy they radiated was contagious. Everyone was wild with excitement to finally be back.
“And here is Parkin with a triple backwards flip. That, ladies and gentlemen, is a move to be watched! But what is this? Parkin is challenged to a race around the pitch by Jameson! Which Chaser can push their Comet’s limits further? There is a 92,4 % chance we are going to find out!”
He stifled a laugh. Of course McNully was here to commentate on their first friendly of the season. Orion hadn’t been the only one antsy to get back to business.
His attention shifted to the group of tense looking students stood in front of him.
Orion had carefully selected a few Hufflepuffs that were known to be skilled flyers. Every one of them had the potential to fill the vacant spot on their House’s team. He had already been thoroughly testing them, before admitting them to a practise with the other players. They had all passed his balancing test. Now it was time for them to prove themselves in action.
When he saw the reserve players arriving on the field, he mounted his broomstick.
“Now, my friends, is the time. The quest to become one of the pillars the building that is the Hufflepuff team is built upon is almost complete for one of you. For our new Beater to be revealed, we will have to see how you fare in a real match situation.”
He raised his arm, calling his teammates down to his side. “We will divide into two teams and play for a bit before switching things up. Good luck to all of you.” He inclined his head towards the contestants, some of them looking positively sick with nerves. “May this division serve to bring us unison.”
He unlocked the trunk resting at his feet and watched first the Snitch and then the Bludgers shoot up into the air. Picking up the Quaffle, he pushed himself off the ground.
“Let’s play.”
 If returning to Hogwarts had him feel like being home, tearing up and down the pitch made Orion feel like he truly belonged here. In contrast to the hectic movements unfolding around him, playing Quidditch granted him unparalleled focus, similar to nothing else. All that mattered was the moment at present, nothing before, nothing after.
He had taken himself back from the game playing out in front of him to better watch the students competing for the open position. Jason Everett, a rather loud and braggy guy, was one of the competitors he had chosen. He was sharing the dorm with Orion and McNully and Orion had never been able to form a real connection with him. To his surprise, however, he was showing great promise.
He decided to take the challenge up a bit. Putting himself on the same team as Lizzie and Skye, he wanted Everett to compete against a full set of Chasers for the second half of the match.
It wasn’t until flying with Skye and Lizzie by his side that he fully realised how much he had missed this. He felt like sheer life was running through his veins.
Although they hadn’t seen each other since the end of last year, it took them only a few manoeuvres to regain the unmatched unison the Hufflepuff team had grown reputed for. They had managed to create a bond between the three of them that didn’t require any words.
He felt this connection especially with Lizzie, allowing them to move almost as one when attacking the opposite goalposts. Throwing the Quaffle back and forth between them, it was no easy feat to stop them from scoring.
With Skye, it was different.
They had played together even longer than he and Lizzie. If there was harmony with her, it was all friction with Skye. The two of them were entertaining completely different beliefs on what Quidditch stood for and how it should be approached. As a result, they regularly clashed, on the pitch and off.
Contrary to what most people would think, the tension between them had never worn him down. Like a static charge, the constant challenge Skye Parkin posed to him acted as an energiser. Discussing strategic matters with her had never failed to give Orion new perspectives outside of his own thinking patterns.
“Here is what we all have been waiting for, my honoured spectators. Now, we are getting serious!” McNully was giving it his all in the commentary box, clearly relishing the first friendly of his not-so-secret favourite team.
“Amari and Parkin are on the hunt for the Quaffle, Jameson’s broken out of formation. If I didn’t know better, I’d say we are about to see the Parkin’s family pinching signature move! Watch this! The Chaser is flanked by Amari and Parkin. This is not looking good, ladies and gentlemen, if I were in possession of that Quaffle I would seriously be worried right now. Oh, and there we have it! Jameson makes expert use of her Comet’s impressive speed and pulls up from underneath her opponent, forcing her to either let go of the Quaffle or her broomstick. Parkin relieves her of the Quaffle, using her broom’s patented Horton-Keitch Braking Charm to drift around, racing to the other side of the pitch, Jameson overtaking her and Amari close by her side.”
Lizzie was diverging from the path he and Skye flew on, preparing to round and get behind the other team’s attacking Chasers, allowing Skye to pass the Quaffle to her at the last moment. They had used this strategy numerous times and it had seldomly failed them.
“Parkin sets herself up to score. Or is she letting Jameson have the advantage? We might never find out as Everett, hot contestant for the vacant Beater position, aims his Bludger directly at Parkin. This might get ugly!”
McNully was right. Everett had hit his Bludger straight towards them. It rushed towards Skye at a fast pace. Orion shouted a warning, but she had already seen it coming. She waited for a moment, dodging the Bludger at the last second before passing the Quaffle on to Lizzie, who made short work of the Keeper.
“And Jameson scores! That’s ten points for her team and an impressive show of flying skills from Parkin if I may add.”
Orion nodded contentedly before turning around and chasing after the Quaffle again. Lizzie and Skye both didn’t seem to have lost their fire. They were in good form.
Despite himself, he liked the potential Everett was showing. He wasn’t nearly the Beater they had lost, but he had foundations they could build upon. When Lizzie had needed to fill in for Bean a seasons ago, he and McNully had made a more than capable Beater out of her in a shorter amount of time.
His mind was taken off his thoughts when he saw a yellow flash dart past him. It was their Seeker Lucy, who had spotted the Snitch hovering just underneath the railing of the Slytherin stand. The other Seeker had seen it as well and both were racing towards it.
“Both Seekers appear to have spotted the Golden Snitch. Catching it would reward their team with additional 150 points. We’re talking the winning catch of this game here! O’Connell utilises the advanced speed of her broom, but Miller has less ground to cover! Both are nearing the Snitch at high speed, if no one slows down, we had better alert Madam Pomfrey. But no, no! O’Connell takes the absolute last out of her broomstick. She secures the Snitch and her team’s victory!”
Orion saw Lucy raise her arm in triumph, the wings of the tiny golden ball beating frantically against her palm.
Everybody was steering their brooms towards the ground, clapping Lucy on the back. Orion landed beside her, putting a hand on her shoulder.
“That was magnificent catch, Lucy, well done.” He turned towards the other players that had gathered around them and raised his voice. “Although Lucy secured the win for her team, all of us have won today. As we were competing against each other, we were competing against ourselves. Overcoming what’s inside us makes us stronger, and lets us grow closer as one team.”
“One team!” everybody shouted what had gradually become their motto, raising their broomsticks up in the air.
Orion turned towards the contestants. “Watching you play, I have been able to gain insight to the path that lies ahead of us. I will contemplate which one of you will get the chance to balance  our team. I will let you know my conclusion when it is time.”
“And that would be when?” Everett asked impatiently.
Orion tilted his head and smiled placidly. “The time has come when the time has come. And the time is not now.”
A mix of confusion and frustration on his face, Everett left them standing and headed for the changing rooms. Orion had seen this look countless times before. New players always needed time to grow accustomed to his ways.
He was already going over the contestants’ performances in his mind when McNully rolled onto the pitch and joined his side.
“Brilliant match! The way I see it, you and Gryffindor are pretty evenly matched this season. I announced them the day before yesterday. If you keep up the form and choose a capable second Beater, that is. I calculated the odds and I would say Jason Everett has the best chance of fitting in, he is fast and has suitable strength. His aim is not the best though, 31,6 % of his Bludgers missed their mark.”
McNully’s eyes lit up. “I know just which one of my playbooks he needs. He will never miss his target again.”
Orion quickly filtered the information his friend had been spewing at him. He was right. Everett was far from ideal, but which player was when they started out fresh? They were like rough diamonds, waiting to be cut and polished until ready to shine.
“Can a Bludger really miss its target, though? Or is it the Beater that misjudges the path the Bludger is meant to be taken?” he mused.
“Whatever it is, I am glad this particular Bludger’s path was not destined to end in Skye’s face.” Lizzie and Skye were approaching them, their brooms resting on their shoulders.
Skye scoffed at her words. “As if it could have hit me. I had things under control. It takes more than that to bring a Parkin down.”
Lizzie rolled her eyes. “He is no Erika Rath, for sure, but it was good enough for a beginner, I would wager.”
Skye’s face darkened. “Don’t remind me of her. It has been such a beautiful day so far.”
“You will have to deal with her rather sooner than later. Ravenclaw is set as your first match in two months’ time. And from what I have seen so far, their Beaters are still the best Hogwarts has to offer.” McNully’s voice had a dreamy touch to it, making Lizzie chuckle.
“We all know you particularly enjoy watching the Ravenclaw Beaters,” she teased with a sweet voice. “Give KC my love, next time you see her, will you?”
“I have no idea, what you are talking about.” His face was blushing a deep scarlet. “I am merely doing my job and keeping my statistics up to date. I’d better get going now.” McNully turned his wheelchair hastily and rolled off quickly.
Orion was giving the snickering girls by his side a scolding look. “You shouldn’t taunt him like that. Our hearts’ desires are out of our power to control.”
“Calm down, Orion, it’s just a bit of fun. He can take that.”
The sun had slowly started setting, the stands casting their elongated shadows across the field. Skye rubbed her neck. “Come on, Liz, let’s get changed and head back to the castle. I’m starving.”
Lizzie hesitated, glancing at Orion for a second. “Go ahead, I’ll be with you in a second.”
Staring at her friend in wonder, Skye shrugged. “Whatever. Make it quick, I won’t wait too long.”
After Skye had left, Orion and Lizzie were alone on the pitch. He watched her staring back at the castle for a moment, the sunlight catching in her golden-brown hair. She seemingly tried to collect herself. He couldn’t deny being curious about what was on her mind.
He smiled openly. “What can I help you with, Lizzie?”
For an instant, Lizzie seemed to look for a way to word her question. She didn’t look him in the eye.
“Uhm, you are quite good at Herbology, aren’t you?” she mumbled.
He raised his eyebrows. “Being in balance with oneself brings you closer to nature. If you listen closely, the plants can tell you what they need.”
She sighed. “I take that as a ‘yes’.” She ran her fingers over the smooth handle of her broomstick, still not looking at him, her shoulders unusually tense. “Would you mind helping me studying?”
He tried to hide his surprise. “You need a tutor? Professor Sprout regularly fills me in on the academic progress of our team’s members. She never mentioned you struggling.”
“I haven’t so far,” Lizzie replied quickly. “But I had a look at the curriculum for this year. It’s really tough, and I don’t want to mess up my O.W.L.s because of a plant biting my finger off.”
It still struck him as odd, but Lizzie was his friend. He wouldn’t let her down if she sought his help. “I’ll be glad to guide you through your curriculum, as long as you desire my help.”
Finally Lizzie met his eyes, obviously relieved. “Thank you, I appreciate this a lot.” She suddenly seemed to remember something. “Can my friend Rowan come, too?”
His surprise turned into confusion. “Rowan Khanna is struggling with a subject?”
“Well, she is a perfectionist.” Lizzie shifted her weight from one foot to the other. A strand of hair had come out of her ponytail and she impatiently tucked it behind her ear. She was radiating a nervous energy Orion had never seen on her before.
“Of course, bring her. I’ll talk to Professor Sprout about using the greenhouse and let you know the details, is that alright?”
All of a sudden, Lizzie seemed much calmer. She sighed with relief, a smile forming on her face. “Brilliant. See you in the Common Room.”
With that, she spun around and quickly left. Now alone on the pitch, Orion stared after her and wondered what in Godric’s name that had been about.
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hack bleach brave souls
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Information might be leveled up in completing account setting quests, by compromising other data over the enhance system, and taking advantage of their soul plant. Members are only allowed to control it charm at the time of co op and can't change among their data just like the storyline setting, but teaming tabs on 3 other participants includes with this. Additionally in the direction of co op setting, the game has pvp specifically where participants usually takes on randomly player’s gatherings for amazing incentives. Members be given prizes for their positions per week along with the pvp, irrespective of as intelligent, however creates a appealing accessory for those activity. |However stages acquire more stressful down the line, capital is not always forced to advance, of course, spending capital provides advantages here is an example considerably more stamina and also in armor generator golden, together with obtaining a large possibility of acquiring a 5 star hero/accessory by reason of considerably more summons, which provides an edge within your account quests and pvp. For those people today which do not know, Bleach Brave Souls Cydia Hack has started to become officially in a position to download and add. Members can select to see solo or also execute on-line down If you happen to perform a super quick swiping movement in any direction, you'll dodge looked after of symptoms. At times the switches are a little too smaller sized which makes it hard to do your own private moves, and swipe dodging will take growing used to to carry it out when required, but total the fights work and execute incredibly consistent from a few things i have implemented. On the flip side, beginners will be compensated maintaining a great deal of soul orbs just after completing immediate training, so you'll have a lot once you start out of as time-consuming as you have used them carefully (participants that licensed with prelaunch select just one more bonus). All participants start with ichigo, as well as something other charm will undoubtedly be provided in your case totally free once you start the game and you could use people today two data to establish a company. You basically find a tiny amount of talking to stagnate imagery that means you are careful who's claiming what, also, you transition you to the next resist. I've acquired a reduced finish off android phone and on occasion it'll collision if it has no mind, so supplying this variety was fairly thoughtful away from the coders. |I do know that participants which have been with the help of earlier equipment will value the game play may run with ease with out lots of hiccups. Courageous souls happens a wonderful harmony among accessible content material as Periods: once a week quests are handed out throughout participants, and derive from primary position stories or determined by recent plan outlines within a selection. “ascend” is mostly a car specialist allowing the video gamer to merge plenty of charm summons to add to the degree limit of that particular charm. Heart and soul orbs are utilized purchasing materials, data, also to advance skillsets throughout the soul plant. Determines are sensitive, out on still another monopolize monitor room space. and gratifying rather than similar. |So this is a furthermore. You've goals and objectives to realize on every degree by conducting all of them you obtain bonus totally free of charge iap foreign currency. I am just to never imply this is a great consideration, it is always generally an ill-fated certainty. Never misunderstand me this can be no beautiful, refined have. throughout the shallow swordplay. recently particular the right circumstance in the direction of procedure and compensated tribute of the lengthened sagas making use of a simplistic degree established procedure armor generator. For anybody who's on top of that frightened of the time-consuming sprinting manga and anime options away from the account, this abridged generators edition stands out as the grateful channel. I applaud klab group. When it comes to liberated to execute mechanics, brave souls handles per se with unusual tact. |In case you exhaust these, there is normally the demanding multplayer setting or extra time to micromanage the amount and causes of that fighters. The generators promote a commonality in anime but however blazblue commenced being say for example a armor generator, chlorine bleach was the choice. Around this type of friends are uryu, (a quincy, healthy foe away from the soul reaper), orihime (some form of soul witch consideration) and ‘chad’ (a fullbringer with unbelievable durability Why it is really an option i am just uncertain of course i am going to disclose, i have attempted individually it when things got a tiny bit dull. These stars as a result make the gamer a “spirit orb,” a very good in armor generator foreign currency that you can use to summon new data to apply. Attack setting is pretty simple and easy for the reason that your very finest 3 or more data resist your opponent’s primary 3 or more along with the superior dude basically is the winner. are the result of the resist along with the course of action you've in position might be the identifying consideration. Members really need to be prepared for the absolute measurements farmville, analyzing close to 1gb you will need to make sure there's the right amount of location in the first place, for any armor generator and subsequent, for any large, routine revisions which have been specified. Every different charm has their particular amazing attributes along with the fine art on every charm charge card is exceedingly congratulations are in order. |Since you get started as ichigo kurosaki, from the very beginning as you connect with rukia who displays concerning your soul reapering causes. I am just supplying farmville a ranking ovation according to the appear to be properties No guilds within this armor generator to never Your time to invite a several legend or far better hero is ridiculously decreased. The specifications are almost infinite! Adhere to the chlorine bleach account after rukia and ichigo primary connect with. Courageous souls comes with a tremendously adjustable charm renovation system that means that you can clearly build exactly the players along with the company you would like. chlorine bleach is mostly a productive manga selection. Which provide you with still another go dangling throughout in the event your company is catagorized, along with the soul orbs tasks as a replacement for coins and stat crystals to apply on soul foliage. |Chlorine bleach brave souls food selection we who're seeing pass away, salute you! Those other place comes along outfitted making use of a close friends food selection to locate close friends, a itemizing food selection to undertake from data to finishing touches together with fusing finishing touches with each other, instructions from rukia’s soul pager for troubles, presents you will enjoy from quests and celebrations (superior get them instantaneously rather of in advance of they expire because this is specifically where the entire soul orbs you will enjoy within a quests go.), the shop and kon’s spot (specifically where partner points are dedicated.), along with the edit food selection to deal with your data. Above and beyond fixing their stat page you might also open bonus materials. This is when anyone can collect materials from crates here is an example stat crystals even so it is advisable to do extremely farming, or any sort of farming such as, throughout the every day workout routines by celebrations. The data will probably perform battling theirselves as soon as you opt for who'll use a amazing and once. However, it The sound operating is japanese, who appear to fit their data with little bit sound There's numerous room space on screen to apply the interface, however, when You could however positioned some input along the lines of dodging or working with a intense assault if your primary charm is great the right amount of they can just plow along with the tutorials without the need of contact, what sort of will kill the goal of mastering. |On the flip side, coupled with some determination and arranging you will get your faves are effective data, establish a a lot of fun company, and also in the conclusion, you are able to look like number 1. Various would possibly not comprehend it but chlorine bleach is among the greatest sprinting manga/anime selection in china and possesses gathered a massive band of supporters mainly because it primary debuted in 2001. further quests now surface when it comes to the top of the the celebrations report. I happen to possess a useful sort of of data as they say. I certainly seriously like this type of armor generator and trust to perform this down the line. You will definitely get amazing souls(3 optimum) that means that you can retain the services of your character’s Paralyze could not transition melt off hurt as time passes poison hurt as time passes(useful supervisor hurting capability) confuse transfer other direction freeze could not transition attribute bonus and issue many of these generators have rock and roll, cardstock and scissors relationships. |Gems are simple the right amount of to find at the start of the game. It will take useful interconnection even so. celebrations they may be celebrations which you could get 3 5 star data. You'll have to have the data you may buy in raids to perfectly modernize 6* data. You are able to customise and work out the data not to mention design your own if it is the kinda consideration. much more about the game then find out more about its web. For resist setting you be competitive in once a week leagues, in which you pit your very finest participants to prevent other players' crews online and acquire points. |This allow it to be sources that it is a pleasant exposure to should you have a squad captain inside your company for any primary arc. feedback.
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