#might also be because i vibe extemely hard with the idea of basing teleri dress/culture off of the ancient celts??? who are my ancestors??
Alright, I have to ask, what makes you like the Children of Finarfin the most, when it seems to me that most people gravitate more towards the Feanorians?
This is... an excellent question. I'm not sure I really have a definite answer??? I just know that I've always gravitated very strongly towards characters who try their very best to be GOOD. Especially the ones that have to fight for it. The ones who have to constantly fight the darkness and despair in their lives to stay that way. That could be morally upright characters that maintain that stance all through their character arcs (like Obi-Wan Kenobi or Steve Rogers), ones that get beautifully written and executed redemption arcs (like Zuko in Avatar the Last Airbender) or even the ones that do their best to maintain an outward appearance of apathy or evil but are actually decent people deep down. I also connect really deeply with characters who display loyalty as a main motivation/personality trait, which Finrod definitely does, imo. And, like, I recognize that the Arafinweans have their flaws and failings just like everyone else, and so do all the other characters I mentioned above. I also know that a lot of other people connect better with more morally gray characters or villains because they feel like they're allowed to make more mistakes and be more human, but that has actually never resonated with me as strongly. And I don't know why I gravitate towards them vs, like, the Nolofinweans, who tend more towards being the classic Heroes. It's one of those things that I've been trying to figure out for a long time, but I've never come to a truly satisfactory conclusion.
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