#might as well begin a writing career given how serious I am about this lol
guerdieb · 2 months
Y'all, I’ve been worldbuilding a story for three years now. THREE. YEARS !!!!!!
I’m finally figuring it out but it’s getting tiring 😩
But like, dude. At this point, I don’t think I’m writing ‘just for fun’ anymore 💀💀💀💀
Anyway, maybe will I post about it (because I’ve been desperate to find people who would listen to my nonsense of a story for loooooooong time now), but right now it might be tight (is that even an expression 😭) with my exams - I’m graduating high school this year, yikes - and my English exam is literally at the end of the month (which I am not entirely prepared for 😅✌️)
As happy as I am to FINALLY🥳 be done with high school by the end of June, I am not ready for the exams coming up….. can’t I just skip that and get to fashion school directly ????😭😭😭😭
Anyway, I’ve been rambling for too long. Bye y’all !
Btw, I think I’m gonna start something like :
Here’s this one’s :
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Okay, I’m real gone this time.
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Hi Colour! How are you doing today? I don't know about doing meaningful things with my life, feel like I've just been surviving this entire time lol. However I am trying to figure it out and working on building the life I want to live and hopefully I will be able contribute to this world in some way.
I don't think I've ever played a game of trivial pursuit. Have never been to a pub either, not like the ones you have in the UK anyway. Just been to very dirty bars where me and my friends used to drink as much as we could afford, shared questionable food that could potentially make us sick the next day and there were no quizzes or games really haha. So your exp sounds way more fun! 😂
I'm glad you're giving the song a chance! Only Spotify knows how many times I've listened to it lol. I reckon Hozier's going to be my artist of the year for 2021. I love attributing works of art to Dani x Jamie, have a whole ass Pinterest board full with images of paintings, poetry, music and anything that I think relates to them really (yeah I know, I have a problem).
I love everything you've said about how Dani, Viola and the lady in the lake are alike, I hadn't really thought about their similarities before, but everything you've said makes perfect sense. I always saw Viola as a narcissist, even her drive to protect her child felt selfish in a way, don't know if you know what I mean. And when she fades away and becomes the lady she's just pure (almost animalistic) instinct while on auto pilot, bc she only remembers rage and abandonment, she takes anything on her path aggressively unless they're a child. So what she sees in Dani is not processed logically, right? It's pure instinct and emotions, so what she recognizes in her when Dani invites her in is the desperate need to protect this child, so she sees her as deserving. Perhaps she also saw in Dani and opportunity to escape this nightmare. Despite all her faults she didn't deserve what happened to her either.
And don't get me wrong, Jamie is so, so strong and solid and she is my favorite mostly bc I identify with her personality more than Dani's. But we know Jamie is all that even before we learn her story, and I feel like it is expected that she'll be the strong and brave one bc she's had to be that her entire life albeit unwillingly. But Dani? We expect her to break at any given point, I mean she is reaching her limit after all that's happened, with all the weight she's carrying. I remember thinking "Jesus, this girl needs help" when I first watched the show hahaha. But she fights every damn time, she doesn't run away and that's why I find her so fascinating. That's why I thought this song was so fitting. Even if Dani would never see herself that way. But it's Jamie's perspective (and fire signs tend to exaggerate everything 😂) so it feels fitting that she thinks so highly of her baby haha. Ugh I just wanted them to stay together forever. 🥺
Omg yes! I love how you refined this idea, good thing you're a writer and I'm not hahaha. And yeah I'm absolutely here for sapphics with weapons like holy shit imagine Jamie fighting with a sword? 🤤 I'm weak. Hahaha would be cool to see them in a pirate AU too! Maybe someone's already done it? Idk. But aaaah I want to see them in every possible universe hahaha. Makes me want to get back into drawing too. 😩
Aww you two sound like you have a lovely bond going on. Your niece sounds like the coolest! I started out drawing anime too when I was a kid and ended up doing graphic design for a living! How did learning how to draw anime style go for you today?
Hey I'm doing great thank you I hope you are too? I know that feeling because I feel like that's how I have made it to 27 just surviving (barely) and taking things one day at a time to get me to this point and hopefully I can contribute in some way even it its just a small way... so I totally get that feeling but I am sure you contribute so much without you even realising it!! Oh it's great but depending on how competitive the people you're playing with are it can get pretty heated... I've been in some heated games of it before because people just refuse to believe I know the answers to some of the questions and they think I've been cheating and have all but demanded I have another question asked instead of the one I got right... and pub quizzes can be fun again depending on the team you're in and how seriously you wanna take it I have been in teams where its been a serious thing and we have all desperately wanted to win and then I've been in teams and we've just had fun with it... all the pubs I go in are dirty bars too but sometimes they have pub quizzes... I have had many nights where I have drank what I can afford... one night me on my roommate went over board though and we ended up spending ALL our money even our taxi fair and we had to walk home in the dark along country roads with hardly any lights to guide us... because of how drunk we were it too us around 3-4 hours and I fell over a road sign and ended up in a ditch... I've had a lot of fun experiences but some really stupid ones as well... your experiences sound great though!! I would love that!! I listened to the song and I loved it so much!! I don't even wanna know what my most listened to artist will be this year... my money is on it being the Six musical soundtrack... probably All You Wanna Do from that musical I'll be surprised if it's anything else. I would love for it to be someone like Hozier, but ever since I have done my Spotify wrapped thing it's always been a musical of some kind that's been my number 1 song / artist haha I love doing the same thing. If I can make something fit Dani x Jamie I will like it doesn't even matter what it is haha... I don't think you have a problem I think that sounds so cool!! I have nothing like that. I just have a head full of random ideas screaming to be let out I agree Viola is definitely selfish and narcissistic and everything she did came from a place of anger and rage over the things that happened to her she fell in love and got married and had a child and saw her sister try and take that from her while she was ill and in the end her sister killed her. Like yeah, I do feel sorry for Perdita with the way she was treated but I do think everything Viola did was out of frustration over what was happening to her. Like you said she acts on auto pilot and only knows rage until it comes to children- because all she knows is she is looking for a child so when she saw Dani so selfless sacrifice herself for a child she saw a little bit of herself in Dani she knows Dani is a good person and she can relate to that protective streak and I think she did see Dani as deserving I definitely agree with everything you've said here. Viola might have had faults and flaws and who doesn't? But I definitely think she had it rough and did deserve better than she was given. I agree, you can tell looking at Jamie that she is strong and brave while Dani comes off as the exact opposite. But I think you see fully how brave they both are when Dani sacrifices herself for Flora and when Jamie offers to keep Dani company and loves her despite knowing she won't be able to love her forever. I love Jamie but definitely relate to Dani's personality more, there are a lot of things Dani does that I see myself in her because I have done those types of things myself and the whole beast in the jungle speech resonates with me so much and every time I watch the last episode and hear that speech I am a crying mess from that point on. It's funny that you thought that about Dani when you first watched it, because me and my sisters got my mum to
watch it and she said the same thing about Dani "she needs help" but then once told me she liked Dani because she reminded her of me that was an interesting conversation to be a part of "Dani needs help... but I like her she's like you." I was like "Thanks?" I agree this song is definitely more how Jamie would see Dani, I think Dani just has a very blasé view of herself, like I don't think she's self conscious or self deprecating in anyway but I think she sort of walks around like "this is me and this is just how I am" where as Jamie just sees Dani for how brave and strong and amazing she is- maybe even if as a fire sign she exaggerates a little bit haha Jamie just thinks Dani is the most amazing person in the world and I just know that Dani saw her the same way!! I really wanted them to be together forever... I am never going to emotionally recover from Bly Manor. Your idea was incredible and I think it would be a great story to read honestly that's the type of thing I live for!! OMG Jamie with a sword is just 🤤 🥵 I am all for sapphics and weapons of any kind!! There's this pirate AU which is absolutely amazing!! I don't know if you've read it or not but iamalekza writes some really great fics!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/28631598/chapters/70179306 ^^ Pirate AU I really wish I could draw I would love to be able to draw scenes from fics I have read and even ones I have written but I just don't have the skill set for that!! I would love to see other fan arts though I think drawing is such an incredible talent to have and I am in awe of anyone that can do it!! Me and my niece have a great bond, she's like a little mini me (despite almost being as tall as me). She is honestly such a cool kid I have a hell of a lot of fun with her- I'm looking after her again tomorrow and I have no idea what we're gonna do but we will figure something out... she's such a good drawer she's only just started doing it at the beginning of the year and she's really progressed with it... I however have not so I am definitely gonna need more practice. That's so cool that you started out doing anime drawing and then ended up going into a career in graphic design. Again that's a talent that I am just in awe of because it's just something I have never been able to do!!
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sumeshi-t · 4 years
the idea of making hc’s of children is sosososo cute. i’ll follow ur steps chloe @akaashit-baeji lolol this is gonna be really self-indulgent buuut my excuse is that it’s my birthday so here it goes... i'm writing the last half of this with a hangover and a bad case of dysmenorrhea... sucks 2 be me
Oikawa Teru (及川 輝)
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his name “輝“ means “bright”, and this boi lives up to it because, let’s face it, he’s gonna be like his dad. he embodies this “brightness”, in a way that he’s smart, and he makes sure he and his team’s (or whichever team he’s going to be in) will shine on the court
wavy/curly hair and a victim of my and his dad’s astigmatism. always has this cheeky smile, and he gets my brimming energy so he’s really approachable and charming
very good with words; it’s like he always knows what to say
when he plays he also wears contact lenses
but don’t be fooled. in their generation, it’s him who has to put iwaizumi’s son in check. he knows everything about his teammates too, he knows more than what he lets on (which sometimes, they find creepy, but they all know he means well)
anyway, unlike his dad, he doesn’t really mind having geniuses around. instead, he watches them very closely; something like “mutualism”. he knows what he lacks and he knows he can learn from them too, vice versa.
is into horror games. in his free time, he and his sister take turns playing. and they decide it by seeing who can last the longest without flinching/screaming. he’s annoyed because his sister’s better at it 
has fans, ngl. i mean look at him. however, the female fans especially, are pretty on guard. he’s approachable, but anytime they see him with his sister... they back out. he doesn’t mind, he loves his sister and it actually amuses him. he’s the same when it comes to the boys who hang around her too!
basically protective siblings who are always there for eo
is very neat. can’t concentrate when something is out of place. he keeps his nails short, has a somewhat flowery scent. yes, he uses female perfumes because he despises strong smells.
bug-catching was his childhood hobby just like mine’s was. used to sneak beetles in iwaizumi’s son’s backpack back then
he will never admit it but he actually asks his sister for fashion tips because his taste sucks ass so bad
basically his major problem or issue in life is getting compared to his father (he’s also a setter). he hates that so much, being hidden in the shadow of his dad, and when people just recognize him for being oikawa tooru’s son.
something he and ushijima’s child relate to so strongly. they’re friendly rivals; might end up being teammates in their career hmm
so when he’s the one stressed, he skips practice for a day just so he could recollect his thoughts. usually stays in the library to read books he picked up based on the titles; might either open up to iwa or his sister later on, it depends. then when he’s okay, he doubles the amount of training
Oikawa Rie (及川 麗恵) it’s /ri-ye/ oki
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so the kanjis are: "麗" meaning, beautiful and "恵" is blessed. tooru thought of this name obviously
also has curly hair like mine. has that tiny mole below her eye just like i do. actually has lots of moles over her body; one time she fell asleep on the couch her brother drew connecting lines between the moles on her arm and called them constellations. it was nice she thought but still, the next day, teru had to wear a band-aid over his nose bridge.
she’s just a year younger. is less “vibrant” than her brother, a bit more serious. has a resting bitch face and she’s not even sorry about it and i love her for that
she’s actually relieved she looks like that, or else she knows the girls in her class would flock to her just to get in her brother’s pants. usually brushes them off with “ask him, not me” or “do you think that’s any of my concern?” 
her tongue her words damn never get to this baby girl’s bad side she’s gonna burn you alive. like fr when she’s angry, oh she’s gonna show you that she’s angry. but tbh she's very sweet, leaves little notes or little gifts to her friends every now and then
she just doesn’t want her brother’s heart to be broken (she’s heard stories from her mom about her dad’s many hs exes), and she knows teru’s struggles
doesn’t really like volleyball that much. it’s because she didn’t get to grow up with her dad around, she felt like it separated her from him. she’s not mad at him though. she’s very supportive of him and her brother.
used to play vb though when they were kids. but that’s all it was for her
she’s the team’s honorary manager lol the occasional “i brought you guys sumn” or “something-kun, a girl from my class says she likes you so do your best” etc
the team’s lil sister how bout that
despite being tolerant of horror games, this girl is vvvv squeamish. she cries at the sight of internal organs or blood. biology lab was the worst time of her life 
when she dug up my hs videos she was shook to discover i once did theater. and thus begins her interest in theater too
and??? baby girl is actually???? really really good???? 
the girls she used to shut down nicknamed her “prima”, short for “prima donna” she hates it. hates it more when her closest theater buddy was the one who spread that around
immediately went to the gym to spike some balls from her brother. baby girl was crying because she was just so pissed.
she was given ice cream and sweets afterwards. ugh it’s so cute idk she’s baby to the team skksksk they protecc
in that upcoming play, her first ever performance, the whole team got front row seats and howled when she came on during curtain call; it was vvv sweet and memorable even if the guys were kinda reprimanded afterwards lmao
which is why, in return, boiis also have a hard time approaching her because damn??? the vb team as your knights???? excuse me??? 
oh have i mentioned she has a sweet tooth? mygod. she has a stash of sweets in her room. teru has had to sneak some away because she might get tooth aches or diabetes
her pastel nail polish is arranged by shade, her body clock is fucked up lmao she hates the mornings; has succulents by her window which she names after various characters from books/plays etc she’s for sure gonna be a theater actress tho
asks help from iwa’s son for math. even her brother’s 0% help. teru is smart but a terrible teacher. she’s an above-average student and that’s all that matters for her. she can leave the spotlight to her brother because she only craves one type of spotlight
Miya Seiichi (宮 聖一) and Miya Seiji (宮 聖二)
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their names literally mean “聖” sacred then “一” is one, and “二” is two
atsumu thought it was funny. when they were kids, seiichi’s nickname was “juan” and seiji’s was “tutu” (i gave them the nicknames)
when the twins discovered the meaning behind the nicknames, they hated it. especially seiji, he despises it vvv much
so when they were hs, seiichi = chi, seiji = ji for the people they're close with
as we can see here, the twins unfortunately got my curls. seiichi likes his hair as is. he doesn’t like the thought of dyeing his hair just to be differentiated from his twin. in fact he enjoys twin jokes, enjoys tripping people up about it. seiji on the other hand, grew tired of his brother’s jokes and by the time hs started, he sacrifices his soft hair. 
between the two, seiji is the one who has my ugly eyesight. add to the fact that he reads a lot (once he starts he can’t put it down. so he reads in the dark, in a moving car etc)
the piercings was a thing that happened between them, and their cousins (which were also twins wtf)–it was a 2v2 vb thing and they lost
surprisingly, the cousins weren't pleased bc atsumu didn't scold them for getting piercings (but for playing half-heartedly). seiichi wanted the piercings tho tbh it was the perfect excuse. ngl, seiji also wanted them.
first let's talk abt seiichi, aside from the fact he also got my mole (he feels it makes him look cuter tho)
seiichi's into vb, but not a setter. he's the ace. may or may not push through with it as a career. he hasn't decided yet. is actually a bit sad that seiji didn't join the vb club in hs, he wanted them to be like his dad and uncle.
seiichi doesn't have any uh, quirks like shutting the whole cheer squad up like his dad does. but he usually dribbles the ball five times before any serve (this is something i did before) and he likes the 'ooooh hey' thing the crowd does when he goes for a serve
his side of the room doesn't have much stuff going on except workout equipment. he follows what exercise plan i give him as da PT mom that i am, and he is very strict with his diet and with what he eats–he's close to not needing a calorie counter anymore; but not a picky eater. he loves his uncle's cooking very much and he is jealous he can't cook even if he tries
he can do beatboxing, he learned it through youtube lmao his spotify playlists are da bombest; he learns a lot in youtube tho in his free time. his current interest is magic tricks and french (he thinks he can use it to woo that girl from class 4)
he hates insects, and hates mess. he has had to scold his twin about it that it escalated to them having this imaginary line in the middle of the room
anyway, he's straightforward. but not rude. he just doesn't like any pretenses so he says what he thinks or feels is right. may or may not have led to some misunderstandings, but he owns up to his mistakes if he crossed a line
next, seiji
even if he looks like a nerd with his glasses tbh he is not he actually hates studying. you can love reading without having to love studying right? he's that dude
the only time that he regrets dyeing his hair was when he realizes couldn't change identities so his brother could take his exam for him
his side of the room is littered with his sketches, notes from books, pencils everywhere – he drew a bunch of ants one time on a paper and made it look like they're real ass ants and placed it on seiichi's pillow
to solve this problem, atsumu has planned to give him a tablet for his next birthday
quits vb in hs because he kinda lost interest? he still finds it fun but he doesn't wanna be put under the pressure that his dad and uncle left for them lmao
he's in art clubs tho
he designs banners/posters for the team anyway. they use his strategic mind from the shit he's read for any plays and stuff so when he's not drawing, he's thinking
he might look like he has no emotions, but tbh he is more emotional and empathetic than his brother. he cries easily over the simplest things, like those grandparents vids, or rescuing animals and stuff
and thats why he doesn't let people in too much bc he knows he'll be hurt (dw seiichi knows this vvv well, and even if they do have arguments, he loves his lil bro and helps him about this)
has once begged to have a cat at home–seiichi didn't want bc he knows his twin is gonna leave him for clean up lmao
he can cook period.
he's gonna either be an architect or an animator, still hasn't decided.
his music taste sucks lmao. his youtube recents are filled with cooking stuff; in constant conversation with his uncle abt cooking lol it be cute sometimes atsumu is jealous bc he feels his son is closer to his brother than with him
he is forgetful that's why his stuff is messy lol he keeps misplacing stuff, sometimes it's literally in front of him and he's just 'where????'
but remembers dates well, remembers plays well. he's good at nitpicking tiny nearly insignificant details. just anything outside studying? he's good. dw he passes his classes but he hates giving effort for that shit lololol
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cultofbeatles · 5 years
hello reece i am the teach me led zep pls anon yes hi hello hehe idk what i wanna know mabye like ur fave song from each album and basic facts about each member ??? dont be afraid to ramble btw im taking all the info i can get !!!1!1!!! thank u sm ily 🥺
annie i have three words for you... i got you. i already told you this, but i am working on a “beginners guide to led zeppelin.” i planned on it being more giggles mainly, but i'm going back and adding a decent amount of information just for you
fun facts about led zeppelin and the beatles: led zeppelin were the band that beat the beatles record held for most attendance at a concert (55,000 people). on may 5, 1973 (and with no opening act) led zeppelin beat that record by having an attendance of 56,800 people. also! for the beatles movie ‘a hard days night’ jimmy page did the instrumental version of this boy that plays while ringo is wandering around. pretty rad. oh, and george harrison went to a led zeppelin party once and was thrown into a pool by john bonham. 
i gotta say this before i begin though, led zeppelin is one of those bands where hardly anything gets confirmed or denied. at least nothing “controversial” or anything more than basic gets an answer to it. so sometimes you gotta take things with a grain of salt, and you gotta just have the mindset of “well this might not be true so I'm not gonna claim it as so.” with that being said i'll start with getting you into led zeppelin. 
through the span of their short career led zeppelin had eight studio albums. 
led zeppelin (january 1969)
led zeppelin ll (october 1969)
led zeppelin lll (october 1970)
led zeppelin lV (november 1971) this album technically doesn't have a name but we all call it ‘led zeppelin lV since it was the fourth album
houses of the holy (march 1973)
physical graffiti (February 1975)
presence (march 1976)
in through the out door (august 1979) 
they also have a few live albums and compilation albums as well. but when people talk about led zeppelin albums they're mainly referring to these ones. i like all of their albums. i think they're all good. my personal favorites are the second and fourth albums. i do think that led zeppelins music isn't for everyone though. they're not as clean as some other bands are. I will list my favorite songs from each album. 
led zeppelin: good times bad times, dazed and confused, babe i'm gonna leave you, communication breakdown, how many more times, i can't quit you baby 
led zeppelin ll: whole lotta love, the lemon song, thank you, heartbreaker, moby dick, ramble on
led zeppelin ll: immigrant song, since i've been loving you, tangerine, that’s the way 
led zeppelin lV: black dog, rock and roll, stairway to heaven, misty mountain hop, going to california, when the levee breaks, the battle of evermore
houses of the holy: the song remains the same, the rain song, over the hills and far away, the ocean, no quarter, dancing days
physical graffiti: the rover, houses of the holy, kashmir, ten years gone, trampled under foot
presence: for your life, achilles last stand 
in through the out door: fool in the rain, all my love 
i think all of these are good starter songs for someone just now getting into led zeppelin. i hope you like them! they have one movie, the song remains the same, and it’s weird but also good. it’s basically concert footage of their madison square garden show but there’s also cuts of little skits they made? idk how to describe it lol.
in my beginners guide post i'll write more about the members and go into more details and funny facts about them. right now i'll just briefly introduce you to them. to talk about led zeppelin you have to start with the yardbirds. jimmy page (zeppelin’s guitarist) was in the yardbirds until they broke up in 1968 and then jimmy started looking for his “super group.” him and Peter grant (zeppelin’s manager) started looking for the best of the best people. in 1968 led zeppelin was formed. 
jimmy page is known as one of the best guitar players in rock history. he’s usually always in the top three listings. he was a session guitarist for a while and would fill in on people’s records. on Joe cocker’s version of ‘with a little help from my friends’ jimmy is playing the guitar on it. and he joined the yardbirds with eric clapton and jeff beck who are also listed as the best guitarists. he was a soft spoken, quiet dude. he seemed very shy and introverted. but then you read groupie stories about how he had whips, handcuffs, and razors. he was also given a lot of shit for studying crowley’s work, and was known for his “witchcraft ways.” he struggled with addiction (heroin and cocaine) and pulled himself through in the end. but he was, and still is, an amazing guitar player. he also produced all of zeppelin’s albums. so he’s an amazing producer as well. he got a lot of unnecessary hate and criticism back in the day (still does). and you can thank jimmy for all the newish led zeppelin stuff we get bc that’s all on him more than likely. 
john paul jones is known as one of the best bassists in rock history. he was not only zeppelin’s bassist but also keyboardist. and he can play recorder as well. like jimmy, he was also a session musician. jimmy and jones knew of each other  and when jones heard about jimmy putting a group together he called him. he was more of the serious member in a way. jimmy, bonham, and robert were more wild and would cause chaos. john paul jones would deadass book a room at another hotel and not tell anyone where he was. he just wasn't into that kind of thing. so I don't think he was really all that close to the other members. he felt left out a lot. him and john bonham were an amazing rhythm section. the best in history. they knew exactly what to do to stay in sync. he was also the one to find john bonham when he died. so that’s sad. 
robert plant is known as one of the best vocalists in rock history. his voice is *chef kiss.* i love him. he wasn't jimmy’s first pick in a singer. in fact, jimmy’s first pick was the one who recommended robert to jimmy and also said that he looked like “a greek god.” robert plant is just about the most attractive man ever. jimmy liked roberts voice a lot but doubted his songwriting skills so was weary of him at first. robert had never written songs until joining led zeppelin. robert was the reason john bonham joined the group. him and bonham were best friends before the group even formed and remained that way until bonham’s death. robert also went through a lot of shit during led zeppelin’s timeline and honestly i'm so proud of him for getting through all of it. right now robert likes to act like he was never in led zeppelin though lmao. 
john bonham is known as one of the best drummers in rock history. i’m not even kidding. his power behind the drums is mind-blowing. when he was approached by jimmy about the band he denied the offer. and continued to deny the offer bc he had a family to take care of, and didn't know how well this band would be. but it was robert plant who convinced him to join so they could play together. he loved his family very much (a wife and son who name is jason). he hated being away from them. he was known as the sweetest man ever unless he was drunk. the problem was that he was always drunk. he had a drinking problem. he did a lot of stupid shit when drunk. he died in 1980 after he had the equivalent of 40 shots of vodka and threw up in his sleep causing himself to choke. after he died, led zeppelin died as well. 
after john’s death the band called it quits. they all like to say it’s because no other drummer would be able to compare to bonham. robert says that he loved john bonham too much and couldn't force himself to go out there and do a show without him as the drummer. robert plant is likely the reason we’ll never get another zeppelin reunion show. there were three reunion shows in the past. the first reunion was their live aid show which fucking sucks. john paul jones wasn't even informed about the event and ended up on keyboard instead of bass, jimmy was likely on drugs bc of how out of it he was, robert’s voice is awful, and the drummers hardly knew the material. it was a rushed show but it was for charity and i'm sure they made a lot of money. the last show being the celebration day reunion in 2007 where jason bonham (john’s son) played the drums. it’s a really really good show and i cry every time i watch it. you can watch the whole thing on youtube. still to this day it’s evident that jimmy, Jason, and jones would love to do a reunion show again. 
led zeppelin is one of the few groups that can say all of their members were just about the best at what they did. each member will always be in the top ten rankings for lists of the best artists/musicians. that’s really impressive. they were really, really good together. I hope this was a good starter post! 
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rallis-fatalis · 5 years
The Dragon Slayer
Uncovering the mysteries of the ancient past is not for the faint of heart. One could uncover secrets best left hidden and dig up that which should remain buried. When Adam and Rallis are given the opportunity to investigate the origin of dragons, a series of events that would shake humanity and dragonkind to its core unfolds. Allegiances will be questioned, war will begin, and the world will burn. When the past rears its ugly head to take control of the future, nothing will ever be the same again.
HOLY SHIT. Ok so this a story I've been slowly piecing together for so long I've lost track of time. I’m amazed it even got finished tbh. I didn't want to split this into parts, it didn't feel right to, so sorry for this giant text wall lol. Anyway, I hope anyone who reads enjoys the trip of the most important turning point of Rallis’ life.
Today was a big day! A momentous day even! Ginormous! So big it dwarfed the whole world! Well, okay, maybe not that big, but it was still pretty big! Rallis the blue dragon was sprinting along the dirt road leading away from Corsair Cove to the unknown to the west. Her verdant friend and adventuring companion Adam trailed behind, rolling his eyes at her antics with a smile. She was all but backflipping down the road, kicking up dirt and grass as she flipped, skipped, and chattered excitedly.
"Can you believe it?!" Rallis shouted up ahead as she leapt up to a low hanging tree branch and flipped over it in excitement, cape nearly getting tangled. "We're finally gonna be Myth Guild members!"
"Don't get ahead of yourself," Adam called after her. "We have to do their quest first and then be accepted. We could even do what they want and not find the outcome worthy enough of allowing us to join. It might take a few tries, so nothing is set in stone just yet."
"That's lame!" Rallis complained. "We worked so hard to get here and doing the paperwork is such a pain! I don't want to do it again!"
"You didn't even do it the first time," he retorted. Rallis shot him a pouty glare and the man just rolled his eyes. "I always do the paperwork."
"You write better."
"Then practice your penmanship!"
"Writing sucks! Also, four fingers by the way!" She held up her hands as evidence. "Human writing hurts! They should let me finger paint my reports!"
The two playfully bickered down the road, through the woods, and up to the western coast. The path all but vanished, not many wandering this far west, and in the distance a large moss covered stone structure grew, seated atop its own personal island. A basic rope bridge connected the mainland to the island, a guard tower and fallen stones of the same mossy rock framing the path. Rallis smiled as the moss squished under her feet, playfully stomping in the soft stuff. Adam grabbed her and pushed her across the bridge.
"This is kind of important," he told her. "Can you maybe act serious for two seconds? Try to make a good first impression please."
"I always make a good first impression!" Rallis argued as she placed a fistful of moss on her head like a crown. Adam sighed and brushed it off, placing it in her hands instead.  Rallis squished her moss happily as they walked across the bridge and up to the first person they saw. They were a dark skinned man in brown functional but also nice looking adventure gear with a fringed white and blue trimmed cape. He had a staff that held a book at the top that seemed to be as old and greying as he was. Despite his white beard and older appearance, he easily looked like he could fend off anyone he didn't desire to come closer.
"Greetings, adventurers," he called out to Adam and Rallis as they approached. "Welcome to the Myths' Guild. How may I assist you today?"
"My name is Green Kananga and this is Rallis Fatalis. We're from the Legends' Guild and are looking for the guildmaster," Adam said as he unfurled a document. "We are here to become members."
"Well, you've found the guildmaster! My name is Alec Kincade. Let me see what you have there." The man took the paper and looked it over before slamming his staff down, startling the two. He pulled the book loose and stored the paper inside. "So you're the two I've been hearing about! Nice to finally put a face to the name. You've been causing quite a stir here, you know. Two small fish wanting to join? Two adventurers so early in their careers? It's not unheard of but it's not common either. Some think I'm wasting my time entertaining the idea of you two joining. They think you haven't the experience."
"We'll prove them wrong!" Rallis piped up. "We can do anything!"
The guildmaster chuckled. "Spirited, aren't you! I've heard things about you, Rallis Fatalis. You're just as interesting in person." He flipped through his book again. "The Myths' Guild is for those who wish to uncover the lost secrets of the world and investigate the myths of the lands to see what may be hidden within them. If you are so exuberant to do 'anything,' then I have a quest for you."
He handed them both a series of papers from his book and continued as they looked them over. "There is a man from Varrock who wishes to investigate the myths of the dragons. Considering your backgrounds, I thought this task suitable."
Adam read over the papers, Rallis opting to listen to the explanation instead. "Of course," Adam told him. "We would be honored to, Master Kincade."
"I'm glad. I have already told him about you and that you were coming. Good to see my intuition on your initiative was not incorrect."
Adam smiled as he said goodbye, glad it had gone smoothly and that they had made a lasting impression and a good one at that. He motioned for Rallis to follow but she instead walked up to guildmaster and handed him the ball of moss she was playing with, practically slam dunking it in his hands. She grinned wide at him. "Your guild has very nice moss! Very soft!" She spun around with a smile and skipped along the bridge to the mainland. Needless to say, her partner was appalled.
The paperwork Kincade had given them told them to go to the bar on Musa Point to find their man, a member of the Varrock digsite and museum. That's where they would find the beginning of their quest. "I hope this researcher guy is nice," Rallis said as she pocketed the purple necklace she used to get to the island with. Adam pocketed his own necklace as well, kindly given to him for fast travel, and leaned up against a tree for a moment as the world spun. "Woozy?" she asked.
"Yeah," he slurred slowly. "Hard to get used to this..." He pushed off the tree. "We're taking a boat next time. Not your magic teleporting jewelry."
Rallis pouted. "Maybe if I wanted to move at a snail's pace, sure! You'll get used to it."
"Maybe I wanted to move slowly so I could have more time to lecture you on WHY YOU SHOULDN'T HAND THE LEADER OF THE MYTHS' GUILD OLD DIRTY MOSS!"
"He should be happy with it! It means the plants in his guild are super healthy!"
"There are so many better ways to say that than handing him a pile of moss, oh my god Rallis."
While Adam moaned and complained about her idiocy, Rallis skipped ahead, ignoring him. The two made their way through the banana plantation to the bar. They entered the banana and booze scented hut and looked around. There were only two people seated at the bar this hot afternoon, a piratey looking fellow downing a second bottle of rum and a more cleaned and proper man sipping a glass of water, heavy pack on the seat next to him. Rallis nudged Adam in the side. "Digsite gear," she muttered, pointing to the man with the water. His pack had rope and excavation tools poking out. "That must be our guy."
Adam walked over and cleared his throat. "Excuse me. Are you Dallas Jones?"
The man spun around to face him. "Indeed I am! Who might you be?"
"My name is Green Kananga," he greeted. "And this is Rallis Fatalis." Rallis waved hello. "We've come on behalf of the Myths' Guild.
The man's jaw dropped. He shakily stood from his seat and pushed passed Adam to greet Rallis standing behind him. He looked her up and down, wide eyed and mouth agape. "What are you?" he asked incredulously.
Rallis' ears drooped but she didn't break face. 'We're going to work together, please don't make fun of me,' she worriedly thought. "I'm a blue dragon," she replied.
She didn't get another word in as Dallas giggled like a school girl and excitedly hopped in place. "Oh my goodness an actual talking dragon!" he all but squealed. "This is incredible! How do you do dear? My name is Dallas Jones, Varrock's resident dragon expert!" He enthusiastically shook her hand, marveling at the claws ripping through ice blue gloves. "What a pleasure, what a pleasure!" The man was starting to get odd looks from the bartender and customer but he could not care less.
Rallis' face started to turn bright red from the attention. She gave him a toothy grin and looked over to her partner who couldn't help but chuckle at the situation. Dallas pulled out a small notebook and pencil from his pocket in haste. "This is so incredible," he continued to gush. "It's not every day you meet a talking dragon! Oh I have so many questions!"
Adam put a hand on the man's shoulder, grabbing his attention. "As do we, so how about we answer them one at a time? I'll start. What would you like us to do?"
Dallas embarrassedly put away his notebook. "Yes, of course. I am researching Crandor and Elvarg and the history it holds." Rallis' interest was piqued. Those were names she hadn't heard in a while. "I would like to learn as much information as I can about Elvarg here, as well as its history and the history of the dragon race as a whole. I take it you've heard of it? The dragon I mean."
"I was the one who killed her so yes," Rallis muttered. "And she. Elvarg is a she not an it."
"Oh, my apologies," he said sincerely. "Wait, you're the hero of Crandor?!"
Rallis sullenly nodded. She didn't consider herself a hero for that. Dallas was gushing however. "Amazing! To think I was being sent not just experts in the field, but also the hero of Crandor!"
Adam steered Dallas back on track. "My apologies," the researcher said. "I'm just so excited! I was informed that of the two people being sent to assist me, one was a warrior with a background in excavation and the other was a fellow dragon expert. I see that information was not misleading!" Dallas pulled out a map and unfolded it. It detailed the northern half of Karamja as well as Crandor. He pointed to the Karamja volcano. "With Elvarg dead, we have the opportunity to research the island and her lair without fear. We first must make our way here to get to her lair," he explained. "There are many ferocious beasts wandering about so I'll need your help," he addressed Adam. "And we could very likely be heading to other dangerous locales. That shouldn't be much of a problem, yes?"
"Not a bit," Adam replied, cocky. "It's just some demons down there. Nothing I can't handle."
"Flex harder why don't you?" Rallis said as she playfully swatted his arm.
"Great!" Dallas exclaimed as he strapped on his pack. "Shall we start walking then? And I would love to ask you some questions on the way, if that isn't too much trouble," he practically begged Rallis.
Rallis started to turn red again and bashfully scratched the back of her head. "Yeah, sure. Whatever you like."
Dallas wouldn't shut up during their journey to Elvarg's lair. He all but begrudgingly and vaguely motioned them in the right direction while he pestered Rallis with a slew of questions about dragons. How long do they live? Are all of them naturally violent like Elvarg? Do they come in different shapes and sizes? And a whole grand list of other quandaries. It was honestly a bit taxing to be interrogated like this, and they hadn't even really begun their adventure yet. Adam listened in a bit, curious, but ultimately focused on the trek and getting to their destination safely.
Sneaking through secret corridors and demon lairs landed them inside the abandoned home of Elvarg. Old scorch marks, burnt bones, and blood speckled the scene, untouched over the years of neglect. Elvarg's now rotted corpse lay in the middle of the room, a skeleton stripped clean. Rallis balled her fists and looked away. She didn't want to look at her first failure, even if others considered her a hero for killing the beast.
Adam clapped his hands together. "Alright! So why are we here?"
"Elvarg's attack on Crandor is a bit of an anomaly," Dallas began. "We're here to figure out why."
"What makes it an anomaly?" Adam asked.
Dallas smiled, as if happy to have someone care enough to finally listen to him and ask questions back. "Well for starters, Elvarg is a green dragon. Green dragons are very community oriented and generally live in sizable prides. So why was she alone?"
Rallis thought about that for a moment. What he said was true. All the green dragons she knew in the Wilderness were part of large groups and stuck together like family.
"I thought dragons were territorial," Adam said. "Maybe she was too territorial to be around others."
"A good guess but still an incorrect one." Dallas paced the room as he continued. "Most dragons only attack if something enters their territory, as you are implying. But Elvarg went beyond her boundaries, flying far out to sea to attack, and repeatedly too. That's not being territorial, that's being aggressive."
"On top of that, there's no real record of how Elvarg arrived on Crandor," he continued. "All the stories I've heard and read say the same thing, that she just appeared one day. Some stories point to her being awoken from within the mountain but if that's true, where did she come from? And why did she not destroy the Crandorians when they first arrived if she had been here this whole time? So many questions, you see!" He motioned around the cavern the dragon in question used to call home. "Something here must point us in the right direction! We just have to find it!"
Adam and Rallis nodded and got to work, exploring anything and everything in hopes of finding something of interest. Dallas flipped over rocks and examined the stalagmites for clues while Rallis searched through piles of bones. Adam was examining Elvarg's skeleton, hoping something would pop out suspiciously.
"Leave her alone, Adam," Rallis told him with a hint of sadness. "There's not going to be any clues on her. Let her rest."
He left the dead dragon alone and joined his partner. "You never told me you were the one who killed Elvarg."
"It never exactly came up." Rallis examined a suspicious looking bone before tossing it with a huff. "It's how I got into the Champions' Guild, and I don't like to talk about it." She tossed a skull away. "Trust me when I say you won't find any clues on her. I was up close and personal enough to tell you that much."
Adam gave a thoughtful hum and left to examine a human skeleton and a scorch mark on the wall. The scorch mark left behind the familiar silhouette of a man. "Poor guy," Adam said as he flipped over the rusting silver shield next to the corpse.
"That's why you always bring an antifire shield around dragons," Rallis chimed in.
Adam examined the skeleton further but there was nothing of interest there. He placed a hand on the smooth rocky wall and walked around the room, fingers trailing along the stone. As he continued his meandering, his hand grazed something bumpy, something very different feeling from the smooth grainy rock that made up the rest of the wall. He followed the wall back to the bumpy segment and gave it a good look over. The bumpy patch was the same color as the rest of the wall, even had a similar grainy feel too, but it looked and felt off upon closer inspection. He tapped the wall with the back of his hand and bits came away in a cloud of dust, leaving a minuscule hole behind.
Adam pulled his crossbow out and slammed the wooden end into the wall, a great deal more sediment giving way in a cloud of brown powder. The others turned to him with the sound of the bang and came over.
"What do you got?" Rallis asked.
"I'm not sure," he replied. "You wouldn't happen to have a pickaxe or something on you, would you Dallas?"
The man shuffled through his pack and pulled out a small pickaxe-like tool. "Just this rock pick if that helps."
"That's great, thanks. You may want to stand back a bit. This stuff crumbles into dust pretty easily it seems." Dallas and Rallis stepped back. Adam swung at the wall with the rock pick, chunks falling away into piles of sandy granules. After a few swings more, the wall completely collapsed, leaving a large hole leading into darkness. Adam handed back the rock pick. "Guess we found your clue."
Instead of being unnerved by the shadowy depths of the unknown, Dallas strode through the hole with a smile. "Let's see what awaits us then!"
Despite Dallas' confidence, he quickly realized he couldn't see a thing. Wherever this hole led to it was pitch black. Only Rallis could make out the shapes in the dark. The rock tunnel opened out into a larger room filled with strange looking things that even with the light Rallis wouldn't have been able to make out. "Stay here," she whispered to the two as she walked farther inside. There were things hanging from the walls that seemed like unlit torches. With a few fire runes and a simple spell, the room was lit, Rallis brushing the now powdered runes off her hands. It was much easier to see the room and its contents now. It was a small grey drab place, a literal hole in the wall. It was tiled with grey stones with an imprint like that of a compass rose, patterns fading away with age. Sat in the center was a large tank of liquid that sunk into the earth. A diagram and foreign looking notes were drawn and written on a board at its front. Shelves lined the shadowy grey walls and displayed a myriad of colored tubes and vials, their bursts of color a stark contrast to the grey around them. Some of them even had specimens inside, an eye here, a talon there, among other more unspeakable things. A table with some odd piece of machinery was near the tank, many candles melted onto its exterior. Whoever was here seemed to have worked here a lot.
"What is this place?" Dallas said in awe.
Adam picked up a vial off the table before grimacing and setting it back down. "It looks like some kind of laboratory."
Rallis didn't know why, but the thought of that made her blood run cold.
Dallas continued to look around in awe. "If that's true... Could this mean...?"
"Mean what?" Adam asked.
Dallas walked over to the tank and placed his hand on the note riddled board. "There are ancient tales that tell of the origin of dragons," he began, enamored. "They say dragons were created by a powerful race of creatures known as the dragonkin."
The word echoed throughout the room with a heavy meaning. Rallis suddenly felt horribly afraid to be in this room, the word creating a kind of imperceptible dread.
"Dragonkin?" Adam questioned. "Hmm, I've heard of them. Friend of mine, Bob, he had me chasing around some information about them."
"As have I," Rallis whispered. But she couldn't place where she had heard the word. Maybe Adam had said something once? Or a book maybe? Either way, the word made her skin crawl with fear.
"I would hope so!" Dallas proclaimed. "They terrorized the world for years in the Fourth Age, maybe even earlier. There isn't much information on the topic unfortunately, what with how old the events are."
"Well hopefully we'll be the ones to find something!" Adam said with a smile, his thirst for adventure making him excited. If there was a possibility of uncovering tales and truths of the ancient past here, he was all over it.
"We just might be!" Dallas said, enthusiasm and excitement rubbing off on him as well. "Let's see what we can find!"
Adam and Dallas got to work exploring every nook and cranny with vigor. They noted every device, every tool, every shard of glass and speck of dirt. It was all very thrilling. Rallis looked around as well but with a much more subdued demeanor. She spent a long time looking at the tank of liquid, reading the notes on the board. They were similar to the ones on Fossil Island, scientific and not written in Common.
'Are the places connected?' she thought. Looking closer, some of the machinery certainly looked similar to the stuff on the island, though considerably less broken. Rallis took some of the notes on the board for herself, as well as any she found on the shelves or table.
Dallas was eyeing up something between the wall and the tank. It was an oddly colored egg shaped object about the size of an average person. There were a few, most hardened and petrified with age. But this one, he was shocked to find, was much more smooth, silky almost. He ran his hand down the egg and it began to shake. The man gasped and stepped back. "Come quick you two! Look!"
Adam stood by the man and watched curiously. "The fact that anything could be alive down here..."
Rallis came over and gave the thing a sniff. At once, it set off alarm bells. She growled and unfurled her whip. The others were shocked. "Rallis what the hell are you doing?!" Adam yelled.
"Bad thing!" Rallis hissed.
The top of the egg melted away in a pile of goo and out jumped a horrid creature. It skittered closer to the trio like a spider and had the tail of a scorpion. Its mouth was circular and filled with twisted fangs, like a hole full of fish hooks. Small bulbs grew on its spine, almost like little mushrooms. It looked the three over before deciding to throw itself at Dallas with a squeal. Rallis grabbed the creature by the tail before it could grab hold of the man with its nasty teeth. She hurled it to the floor, bouncing from the force, before slashing it in two with her whip. The creature squealed before bleeding out a pool of disgusting reeking green. She flicked the green goo off her whip with a grimace.
Dallas stared at the dragon, wide eyed. "Wh-What was that?"
"Bad thing," Rallis said matter of factly as if that explained everything. "Takes a host and kills or mutates them. Bad thing."
He tried not to gag at the green blood continuing to spread across the floor. "Thank you for saving me then. I hope the others don't have those inside as well!" He pointed to the other eggs nearby. "Maybe we should hurry this up. Did either of you find anything?"
Rallis held out one of the papers she found on the board for him to see. He gave her a confused glance, unable to read the notes. "Lithkren," she said. "We go to Lithkren now."
"What's Lithkren?" Adam questioned.
"It's an island," Dallas explained. "It's part of the chain of islands Fossil Island is a part of. You know, the island the museum is exploring and investigating the wyverns that live there." They nodded. Both of them knew it well. "That makes sense! The machinery in here does have a striking resemblance to that of the contents of the settlement to the north. Come, we should go!"
Getting to the island was an argument in itself. Adam wanted to take a series of boats while Rallis flashed a gold pendant with a ruby in the center. Shouts of "no more magic jewelry" and "no snail boats" clashed in a verbal duel. Dallas couldn't help but suppress a snort at their antics.
"Which is faster?" he asked.
"Mine obviously!" Rallis proudly held up her pendant.
"Then let's do that one. No offense, Kananga."
Adam groaned, not ready for the sickening feeling of teleportation magic again. But he was outnumbered two to one. Rallis tossed him a pendant and stuck out her tongue before rubbing the gem and vanishing. The other two did the same, soon finding themselves in the house on the hill on Fossil Island.
Adam staggered over to a wall upon phasing into existence and tried his best not to hurl, while Dallas was so dizzy he fell to the floor right on his butt. Thankfully he didn't take it as badly as Adam. "This little thing is intense!" Dallas exclaimed as he looked around the room from his spot on the floor. "But damned incredible. We're actually on the island?"
"Yup!" Rallis chirped and helped the man up. "You can smell the ocean, can't you?"
He poked his head outside and sure enough, they were in the house on the hill north of the camp on Fossil Island. "Wow... that sure is something!"
He handed the necklace back but Rallis shook her head. "Keep it. I've got plenty more. You humans are so silly! It's like enchanted jewelry is new to you!" She put the necklace around his neck and smiled. "It looks good on you too!" Dallas' face started to turn a similar shade of red to his new ruby necklace at the comment.
Adam groaned and shuffled over. "I'm going to sit outside for a minute and get rid of this nausea." He shot Rallis a half hearted scowl to which she responded with a cheeky grin. "Holler if you need anything!"
Adam slumped over on the steps and the two were left alone in the quiet. "So... What now?" Dallas asked. "You said to go to Lithkren, so what now? No one knows where it is, just that it exists. None of the recovered documents tell of its location."
"Those papers I found, it said the key to another lab is here on this island," she told him. "A lab on Lithkren. Somewhere here is a map to get there and a key to open the lab."
"You read all that on those papers on Crandor?" he asked, surprised.
"Yeah, see?" Rallis pulled out the papers and showed him.
He shook his head. "Sorry, I don't read... that." He didn't know what to call the language other than 'that.'
Rallis laughed and pointed to the words on the paper. "Well here it says Lithkren, that you can see. Right next to it it says map. You see? Then it says--"
Rallis gave him a quick run through of the paper, man getting more excited by each word. The dragon found it funny how happy he grew over every new word. Even the researchers who frequented the island she tried to teach weren't this eager to learn. He could have spent all day learning the language, but they had things to do. Rallis herded him downstairs to get looking for something like a map or a key.
"Thank you for your help," he told her as he dug through boxes in the basement they now stood in. "And for teaching me. It's nice having someone take me seriously for a change!"
"You're welcome! Always happy to help!"
"Where did you learn to read that? I've never met anyone who could, though I suppose I've never asked the right dragon!"
He chuckled at his comment but Rallis frowned at it. 'Where' did she learn to read that? Well she didn't know. She just knew she could. Certainly no human taught her. She thought back and no, her parents didn't teach her either. She just knew how to read the language.
'Wait, what is that language even called anyway?' She just knew it as the language of the masters and she didn't know how she knew.
Her silence made her companion concerned. "Hey, you alright?"
Rallis shook her head. "Yeah, I'm fine, sorry. Did you find anything?"
Dallas pulled himself out of a box and held up a few stone tiles with different designs on them. "These. They look like the tile in the center of the room." He tossed them to Rallis who looked them over and held them up to the singular tile embedded in the floor in the center of the room. They certainly seemed to be part of a set. "The floor looks like a grid, and the piece inside it looks like the island we're on. See how it's shaped? Maybe the tiles build a map!"
"Maybe it could lead us to Lithkren!" Rallis said excitedly, but her ears soon drooped. "Most of the pieces are missing though. There's only about five here and this grid is huge."
"It seems so. I didn't find any more than these. Maybe they're around the building?"
Rallis nodded. "I'll have a look around with Adam and see if I can find any pieces. We'll bring them to you and you can build it!"
"Sounds like a plan!"
Rallis ran back upstairs and told Adam the plan, hefting him off the steps for a treasure hunt. Slowly but surely, they gathered the pieces. Some were wedged between rocks, some fell down the cliff side and teetered dangerously close to the water, some were stored in chests in the house, and some were hidden under brambly bushes around the base of the structure. The two came back with piles of tiles in their arms and spiked bits of brambles sticking out of their clothing. The three got to work on building the map, though Dallas did most of it.
After scanning the grid over one last time, Dallas nodded his approval. "I do believe we've done it! Yes, we should be able to find Lithkren now. Look here." He pointed to a large nearby island with a similar symbol on it that adorned most of the house they stood in, the compass rose from before. "That has to be it."
"Now we just need a way to get there," Adam said. "Do you think the museum can help us?"
"The museum?" Dallas scoffed. "No that won't work, any requisition of museum resources requires a mountain of paperwork and we simply don't have the time."
Rallis snorted and muttered something about having a dragon steal a boat again, grabbing Adam's attention. He shot her a side glare and would be sure to ask her about that later.
"Don't we have time, though?" Adam asked. It's not like they were in a rush.
"Of course not!" Dallas shouted. "Besides, I've spent years working towards this and I'm tired of waiting. It's time to discover the truth!"
"Alright, so what do we do instead?"
Dallas thought about the steps. "Well we still need a boat, that's for sure. Find a dwarf named Jardric, he should be somewhere on the island, probably around the camp. He's an old friend who owes me a favour. He should be able to get a boat for us." He pulled out a notebook and pencil. "While you're doing that, I'm going to make a copy of this map."
They nodded and went off in search of a dwarf. With a short walk, they were back in the main camp. Just as Dallas said, there was a dwarf nearby, panning for something in the waters by the docked boats.
Rallis tapped him on the shoulder. "Hello there."
"Are you Jardric?" Adam asked.
The dwarf huffed and put his panning tray down. "That I am. What can I do for you?"
"We're working with Dallas Jones on a research project," Adam explained. "We're investigating the destruction of Crandor. We need a boat to get to one of the nearby islands. Dallas said you could help us."
Jardric scowled and crossed his arms. "Did he now? Looking to cash in on that favour I bet. Once a boatman always a boatman, innit?" He grumbled some more. "I'm afraid I can't help you. All the boats around here are owned by the museum and they won't just let you take them. Of course, Dallas works with the museum and he could easily put in a request for one. He's not a fan of waiting around though."
"So I've noticed," Adam groaned. "What else can we do?"
The dwarf thought about it for a moment. "Well I suppose you could always build your own. If the island isn't far you'll only need a small rowboat. Mind you, you'll want to be quite good at building things unless you fancy a trip to the bottom of the ocean."
Rallis grinned and bounced on the sand. "I can build stuff!"
Jardric looked at her dubiously. "If you say so. I'll be checking it when you're done."
Rallis huffed at the comment and ran off to grab everything she needed, immediately setting to work. She was going to be focused for a while so Adam figure he might as well keep Dallas company. By the time the sun was about to set, the three of them had come down to see her progress. She was finishing up with her project and it was a surprisingly decent looking rowboat, though certainly small. Rallis stood proudly next to her little boat, puffing her chest out. "I told you I can build stuff!"
Jardric gave it an inspection, investigating everything down to the damn near microscopic level, before giving it a nod of approval. "Yeah, and not bad either! Sorry for the doubt. It's actually kind of sad you can build one from scratch faster than it takes to borrow one from the museum."
Dallas excitedly hopped over to the boat. "This is it! This is our chance to finally find some answers! To finally find out the truth behind Elvarg. Are you ready to go?"
"We're going to leave now?" Adam questioned. "But its nearly nightfall!"
"There's no time to waste! We'll get there before dark, it's not that far. The longer we dilly dally here the more dangerous it gets. Come on, let's go!" He started to shove the boat off the sand and into the water, reluctant help from the others speeding up the process. Within a few rushed minutes, the four were out to sea on their way to Lithkren with Dallas leading the way. Rallis and Adam struck up conversation with Jardric to pass the time, filling him in on why they were doing this and the whole quest with the Myths' Guild. The dwarf shook his head, muttering something about crazy adventurers and their loony expeditions.
It was nightfall when they landed, only the stars lighting their way. The moon was hidden tonight, casting the world in shadow. Rallis had little trouble seeing in the dark, but the same couldn't be said for her companions. She helped them out and led them along, leading them to the heart of the island. They couldn't make out much but they could identify large menacing buildings near the center of the island. Rallis led them up the stairs of one structure and to the safety inside. It was darker inside without the starlight, and there were more hazards indoors with the way it was trashed. Containers, broken glass, shards of metal, and more covered the floor. She told everyone to watch their step as she led them down a set of stairs and into a basement.
There wasn't a single speck of light down below, and it was honestly quite unnerving. Rallis gave the air a sniff and followed a smell. She reached a torch held against the wall and felt it. It would light. "Hey Adam, can I have your lighter?"
"Sure." He held out his lighter to the darkness and felt a hand take it. She flicked a spark into the torch and gave her companions sight. She tossed his lighter back, took down the torch, and started lighting the rest she could find with it.
"Why don't you just breathe fire on them?" Dallas asked as he stepped closer to the light and out of the darkness. "Wouldn't it be faster?"
"Can't," Rallis replied as she lit another torch. "Don't breathe fire. Or anything actually."
"Oh. I'm sorry, that must have been rude then." Rallis shrugged. It was what it was. "Here, let me help you then!" He snagged the torch she just lit and ran off, lighting the next room down.
Rallis smiled. 'What a sweet man. I'm glad we got assigned to someone so nice.' Rallis overheard Adam and Jardric talking about how overly excitable he was and Rallis couldn't help but laugh. He was but that would just make the adventure all the more fun! They continued to chatter about archery next, Adam noticing he had a crossbow. Jardric admired the green man's crossbow as well. Rallis rolled her eyes and wandered around the room, taking in what little sights there were.
A startled cry echoed from the next room over, setting Adam and Rallis into fight mode. Hands on their weapons, they bolted down the stairs to the next room, now lit with torch fire, and found Dallas staring around the room in awe. Nothing else was down here, the two put their weapons away.
"Don't cry out like that unless you're in trouble, especially on foreign soil at night in the pitch dark," Adam berated.
"Sorry," he said with a look like that of a puppy caught chewing on something he shouldn't. "I just couldn't help it! Look at this place!"
He motioned around them like a ringleader showing off his troupe. The floor was littered with skeletons, but Dallas didn't seem to mind. Jardric shivered and stayed back. There was rubble from a fight ages past and marks all over the walls, magic, sword, and anything in between stamping their place in the history here. On the far wall of the room, perfectly centered, was the most intriguing item of interest.
"Well those are some big doors," Adam understated. They were huge! They reached the ceiling and were wide enough to shove a house through. Two huge now lit braziers framed them, giving them an ominous glow.
"Look at them," Dallas bounced excitedly. "Look at the markings on them."
"Dragons!" Rallis chirped. There were two grand red serpents, one posted on each door. They opened their mouths to the sky and coiled around a circular hole.
"Exactly," Dallas nodded. "This is it. This has to be the place."
"Shall we go in?" Jardric asked, wanting to get away from the skeletons.
Dallas shook his head. "We can't. I already tried but the doors are sealed. There's a circular indentation in the middle, maybe it's a keyhole." He turned to Rallis. "The one those papers you found spoke about, perhaps?"
Rallis nodded. That was only logical. This really was the place the papers spoke of then.
"Well a keyhole isn't much good if there isn't a key!" Adam said with a stretch. "We should look around and see if there's any clues nearby."
"Search what?" Jardric complained. "There's only skeletons!"
"There's more things upstairs too," Dallas reminded him and got to work looking for clues.
Jardric groaned and waved his hand. "Forget this, I'm just the boatman. I'll be sleeping in the boat while you all dig through corpses. Call me when you actually need me." Rallis helped lead him back to the boat while he complained about 'you crazy adventurer types.'
Adam began rummaging through the skeletons, poking through their armour and any packs or satchels that weren't fully destroyed. This adventure had a lot more corpse looting than he would have liked. He actually found something soon enough, a beaten withering journal hidden in a threadbare pouch. It was hard to flip through, the paper nearly disintegrating in his hands from age. He tried his best to read it without turning it into a puff of ash.
"What do you have there?" Dallas asked.
"An old diary it seems," Adam said as he carefully flipped through the pages with him. "It's hard to read, but it mentioned a battle that took place here involving Robert the Strong."
"Robert the Strong?! He spent most of his life fighting the dragonkin!" Dallas grew excited over all the possibilities of what this could mean. "The dragon motif on the door, the mention of Robert the Strong and dragonkin... Does this mean it's true? Did they really create the dragons?" He sighed when he realized they had hit a dead end with this line of thought. "I guess we'll never know though. Robert the Strong is gone. He died centuries ago. We've reached a dead end."
"Not necessarily," Adam smiled knowingly. "Robert the Strong might not be as dead as you think."
"What do you mean?"
"He's alive. He's been reincarnated as a cat named Bob, that friend of mine I mentioned that taught me about the dragonkin in the first place."
Dallas looked at him like he had snorted zygomite spores and told him dwarves could fly. "...Just think once before you speak please."
"I'm serious! Why would I lie about this? You were literally just talking to a dragon that could talk back but a cat that used to be human is where you draw the line?"
"Alright, alright!" Dallas held his hands up in defence. "I'm not entirely convinced but if you're telling the truth, how can a cat help us?"
'I bet you'd believe it if it came out of Rallis' mouth,' he thought snarkily. "I have an amulet that lets me talk to cats. I can just ask him for answers."
Dallas shot him another look like he didn't believe the man, but played along anyway. "Okay... You go find your cat. I'm going to keep looking around and try to process all this weirdness."
Adam left the researcher behind and trekked through the dark to find Rallis on her way back. He told her the plan, they said goodbye to their boatman, and with more dreaded magical jewelry they were on their merry way. Bob liked to hang out in Burthorpe so that's where they would start looking. But it was late, it had been a long day, and another dose of teleportation nausea had Adam all but begging for sleep. The two crashed at the inn and slept the exciting day off.
The next morning, Adam led Rallis to a house where two cats were purring and being cute in the sun. Rallis had to restrain herself from running up to the two black cats and petting them and cooing. Adam introduced her to his cat friend Bob and Bob's girlfriend Neite. Rallis couldn't help but tell Neite how pretty she was, and if a cat could blush she certainly was.
"So Adam. How's things?" Bob meowed. "This doesn't entirely seem like a social visit."
"Not bad, and you would be right. I was wondering if you could help me with something."
"I guess that depends on what it is."
"It has to do with who you were before, Robert the Strong." The cat already didn't like the path this conversation was taking. "Long story, I'll keep it brief. We found an old dungeon with a large set of doors in it. There was a skeleton nearby with a diary that mentioned Robert the Strong. We need to know what you know about this."
Bob shook his head. "I'm sorry Adam, but I don't have any memories of Robert the Strong. It was only when the Sphinx hypnotized me that we learnt who I really was and I don't even remember that."
"Hmmm. That is problematic."
"Why not go see her again?" Rallis butted in. "If it worked once, maybe it'll work again."
Adam nodded. "We should try. Would you be willing to help us, Bob?"
Neite started to complain about her boyfriend leaving with these adventurers, but he assured her he would be back soon. He'd even bring her a desert souvenir! After much hissing and pouting, she conceded. With that, they made their way to Sophanem. Adam joked about how Rallis didn't have magic jewelry this time, but she assured him she did. It just didn't work for more than one person. She got them to Nardah with fancy fangled necklaces and after that it was just a carpet ride away. He'd like to say he was getting used to her teleporting shenanigans, but after nearly puking on the carpet ride right after, his stomach was inclined to disagree.
Adam staggered off the carpet at Sophanem's entrance, sick as a dog. Rallis hopped off happily holding onto the cat, not wanting his paws to be burnt from the hot sand. It took all her willpower to not rub her face against the cat's. She couldn't help it! He was such a soft and good kitty! They found the sphinx napping in the city, enjoying the sun, and much in nature with a cat cared not that people approached her. Only when Bob approached her did she deign to lift her head.
"Hello Bob, hello friends of cats. What is it you desire today?" They took turns describing the events leading up to this point and what they needed, sphinx listening intently. She thought to herself a moment and frowned. "You wish to see that which he can not remember," she said. "Unfortunately I will be of no use to you. I can only make him see that which he remembers, not that which has been blocked and buried. I can't enter someone's mind and pull these things out."
"So we came out here for nothing?" Adam groaned.
The attitude of the group visibly soured. The sphinx took pity on them, a rare occurrence indeed. "I may not help you with your task at hand, but maybe this will provide use in the future." Her eyes glowed as did the amulet of catspeak around Adam's neck and it burst in a shower of light. Before he could process what had happened, she purred and settled back down. "You needn't have that collar anymore. You may speak freely. My gift to you."
Adam didn't understand until he heard Bob speak, thanking the sphinx for such a gift and bowing, and realized he could understand the cat without the necklace. He bowed and thanked her as well. When they were out of earshot, he complained again. "I have no idea what to do now. This was kind of a waste of time."
"Not entirely," Rallis said thoughtfully. "Something she said got me thinking. Maybe we can make him see what he's forgotten, but with a different kind of magic. Ever been to Lunar Isle?"
Adam nodded. "A good few times now. It's certainly an... interesting place." He recalled the odd obsession with floating everyone there seemed to have. The people, the potted plants, the damn teapot that poured hot tea in his lap. Maybe it was because he wasn't magically inclined but the place was certainly a bit out there. "What are you getting at?"
"They've got a unique kind of magic there, one that lets you see into a person. Their thoughts, their dreams, their deepest fears and desires... their memories no matter how hidden. It might be worth a shot."
"Oh, you mean dream magic. Do you think it will work?"
Rallis nodded. "I do. And we've also got no other leads."
"You're right. It's quite the journey from here though." Rallis grinned mischievously. "There's no way you have a piece of jewelry for teleports there!"
"Jewelry, no! Teleport, yes. You'll have to bear with me though. This one's a bit difficult."
She motioned for him and Bob to stand away from her just a bit and ready themselves. Luckily with Adam having gone to the Isle before, Rallis could teleport him there without complication. The mages of the Isle were beyond skilled, keeping anyone they didn't want there out, even if you could teleport there. It would have been a problem if her companion wasn't welcome, and she was sure they wouldn't mind a cat. Rallis wished she was half as good a mage as the people on the Isle, but she'd take what ability she had.
With a great deal of focus, Rallis managed to get them to their destination. The desert fizzled out of existence and was replaced by snow and flowers and the cold air of the north. Rallis threw her hands up victoriously as she became a solid fixture in the snow. "Woohoo! I did it! Never teleported a group before!"
"And it shows."
Rallis faced the voice to find the oneiromancer floating nearby, arms outstretched as if waiting to catch something. Rallis was about to ask what she meant but screaming and cat howling cut her off. Bob came falling down from the sky, landing in the woman's waiting arms. The poor cat was horrified, fur on end and claws out. Next came Adam, hurdling from the sky into the snow below. He landed in a pile of fluff with a flop and disappeared.
Rallis smiled worriedly. "Sorry guys." She helped Adam out of the snow, an uprooted blue flower sitting in a small pile of the stuff atop his head. He scowled at her as if to say 'never again.'
The oneiromancer pet the scared cat in her arms, calming him down. "Hello Bob."
"H-Hello, Lady Celeste," he meowed.
"You know each other?" Rallis asked, curious. "And you can understand him?"
"We go way back, and it's not hard with a bit of magic. It's no more odd than you learning from your own feline roommate." Rallis nodded. This was true indeed. She put the cat down. "Now what can I do for you today?"
"Aw, not gonna read our minds and find out?" Rallis played.
"I try not to with that one here," Celeste said and pointed to Adam. His face grew red in shame and turned away. "So what is it you need?"
"We need to unlock memories hidden in that one," Rallis pointed to the cat by Celeste's feet. "We figured a shared dream would work."
"I don't see why that wouldn't work, even if he is a cat. You've done this enough times to do it on your own?"
Rallis' ears shot up. Was that permission to do this unsupervised? She had always been told to never do dream magic without a master watching. She nodded her head with a smile. "Yes ma'am!" She started sprinting up to town. "Come on guys!" she shouted, not waiting for them to follow.
"Someone's excited," Adam chuckled.
"She's been practicing magic here for a while under supervision," the oneiromancer explained. "It's about time she gets to do it by herself. She knows what she's doing."
"You seem like good friends."
"Hm, I suppose so. She doesn't think lewd thoughts about me which is nice." She shot the man a glare to which he turned away with an apologetic mumble. "She's a good person. Though... something is off about her, something is wrong, but I can't explain what. I can't help but feel something terrible will happen one day, both to her and because of her."
"What do you mean?" he asked, but she was leaving, floating away to her post at the astral altar.
Bob pawed at his leg. "We should catch up."
Adam muttered a shaky yeah and ran ahead, cat in tow.
Rallis was excitedly putting together potions and a brazier when they arrived. The dream hall was ready for a ritual, potions for each of them on the table and an appropriately cat dish sized version for Bob on the floor. The brazier was filled and coated with some kind of oil that made the room smell great, like flowers and sugar. Rallis proudly displayed her work and got on with the instructions.
"Alright! I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, this is gonna suck! A lot! Or at least it will most likely suck a lot." She marched along the room like a sergeant giving a lecture. "Whenever someone's memories are blocked like yours, they're blocked for a reason. In the dreamscape, that reason is given physical form and must be destroyed. It can be something as small as a rat or as big as a city. You don't know until you go in. Are you ready to go?"
"Yes, Rallis, sir!" Adam pretended and snickered.
She laughed along and swatted his arm. She then kneeled down to Bob and pat him on the head. "This is gonna hurt you the most. We won't do this until you're ready."
The cat gave her a determined nod. "I'm ready."
She hopped back up and grabbed her potion and lit a match. "Alright then! Drink your potion and get comfy on the floor you two! It's time for a nap!" The three slammed back their drinks and laid down. Rallis tossed the match into the brazier and once the first spark lit, they were down and out for the count.
The world before them as they woke was a bright pastel pink and purple, speckles of starlight shimmering in the floor and in the depths of infinite inky blackness all around them. A similarly pastel book floated on a pedestal behind them, presumably the book containing all of Bob's memories, though this time they were here for things not written in the book. It was a sight both Adam and Rallis had seen before, though the latter had many more times. Bob was shaking awake as well, looking around in awe of the weird new world. It made him dizzy, the endless abyss beneath them likely not helping. As he woke, a figure flickered into existence. It was another cat, only this one was white and almost spectral. It greeted them kindly.
"Hello," it said with a purr.
"Who are you?" Bob asked as he tiptoed over.
"I am Not Bob."
"Well yes, I am Bob. So of course you would not be Bob. So who are you?"
"As I say, I am Not Bob."
The cat threw Rallis a confused look. She gave him a thumbs up and a smile telling him to just go with it.
"Alright... 'Not Bob,' why are you here? What do I do?"
The white cat flicked its tail, asking them to follow. The trio did so. It led them down the strip of bright pastel land to a barrier, warping the air around it with magic. "You are here for answers from another life," Not Bob said. "I am here to guide. Here, this barrier is the divide between your lives. Right now you are Bob the cat, but over there you are Robert the Strong. If you wish to regain your self, pass."
Bob turned to his companions as if looking for approval. They both gave him encouraging gestures and motioned him to go forward. "You have to take the first step," Rallis said. "But we'll be right behind you."
The cat took a timid step forward, then another, and another, until he was across the barrier. Adam and Rallis joined him right after. Across the barrier were statues of cats at each corner of the square arena they now stood in. Other than that, it was barren.
Not Bob's voice echoed around them. "What you remember here will remain here so long as the divide exists. Shatter it, become whole again."
A spectre walked out from behind one of the cat statues. It was a man, an archer, with a sturdy looking bow and lilac tipped arrows that reeked of poison. Bob staggered back at the sight. "That's... me!"
"Really?" Adam asked. "Pictured you as more of a swordsman to be honest." The spectre of Robert the Strong readied an arrow their way. "He doesn't seem too happy to see us."
"Begone foul beast!" he shouted and shot an arrow straight for Rallis' head. She ducked with a yelp.
"Nope! Just me! This might be a dream but those arrows smell like poison. I'd rather not be struck by one today. Would you be a dear and handle this, Adam?"
She blinked at him innocently and the man just rolled his eyes. "Fine. Watch Bob then."
"Can do!" She scooped the cat up and ducked behind a statue right as another arrow whizzed by.
"Sorry," Bob apologized. "He... I didn't like dragons much back then. Or anything related to them."
"It's fine, don't worry about it."
"You dare hide foul beast?!" Robert shouted. "Let's see you hide from this!"
He shot an arrow of light into the sky and down rained pins and needles of starlight on the statue they hid behind. Rallis rolled out of the way with Bob in her arms, howling as some of the light arrows stabbed through her tail and into the ground, pinning her in place. He aimed another shot at the now in the open dragon, but a bolt shot the arrow out of his hand before he could fire. The spectre swirled around angrily to find Adam with his crossbow drawn. Robert pulled back his bow and fired at Adam, missing by the barest breath. Adam fired back, a sloppy shot, it hit the spectre in the leg. Robert fell to his knees.
Rallis was free now, the light arrows vanishing. "Kill him, Adam! It's just a ghost, it's okay!"
Adam grit his teeth and pulled back another bolt. He wasn't used to killing anymore, even if it was a figment of imagination. It went against what he stood for and it was hard to go against what was now ingrained in him. He aimed at Robert's head and the spectre looked at him, heartbroken.
"You would go against me now, Aivas? After all we've been through? The enemy is right there!" He pointed where Rallis was only a moment ago only to find she was gone. Like a flash of lightning, she was at his throat with her fangs, crunching through spectral armour and bone. Robert froze and shattered into pieces before disappearing into starlight.
Rallis righted herself and went back to where she put down Bob. "That was surprisingly easy! Would've been easier if you didn't let him hit me though."
The man looked ashamed. "I'm sorry... I just..."
She picked up Bob and went back to headbutt her friend in the arm. "I know you sweet sap. Lucky this is just a dream then, hm?"
Bob was squirming in her arms and hissing. "I... I remember! Lithkren... dragonkin... the vault! HIM!"
The arena started to shake, the statues started to crack, the world around them started to crumble. The stars flickering in the void of sky petered out, the shadows themselves coming alive. Something slammed down onto the crumbling pastel arena, two huge clawed hands made of inky blackness. A monstrous head with beady red eyes glared down at them and roared. Two wings flared out overhead, casting the plane in shadow.
"I thought it was too easy!" Rallis yelled over the noise as she tried to keep her footing on the shaking breaking arena. "Be careful!"
Adam took out his crossbow and Rallis her whip, ready to fight the monster. The beast lowered its head to the cat and laughed, a hollow dreadful sound.
"RoBeRt!" it growled. "I sHoUlD hAvE kNoWn!"
The arena crumbled away, but they did not fall. Instead, the ground beneath them changed, becoming grey tiles. Jagged walls cropped up, blocking any means of escape. Two overturned braziers spilled fire onto the arena, blaze doing nothing to illuminate the shadowy beast. The plane turned into a replica of the basement on Lithkren, only this one was warped and evil.
"WaKiNg Me WiLl Be YoUr EnD! YoU aRe ToO lAtE tO sToP mE!"
"Then go back to sleep!" Adam snapped as he shot a bolt into the monster's eye. The shot vanished into dust before it could make contact.
"YoU wIlL nOt StOp Me HuMaN. I hAvE mOrE iMpOrTaNt ThInGs To Do."
"Yeah, like dying!" Rallis rushed forward to drag her whip down the shadow beast's arm, but it didn't even seem to feel it.
"YoU'd LiKe ThAt. BuT nO, iT iS yOu WhO wIlL dIe ToDaY!"
The beast launched a ball of fire at Adam, a spell so large and powerful it could have been the sun! There was nowhere to run, nothing to hide behind! Adam held up his arms and took the spell full force, yelling as he was thrown against the wall with a smack. He slumped against the floor unconscious before winking out of existence.
"Adam!" Rallis screamed, but he was already gone.
The beast turned its attention to Rallis and burned her alive as well, force of the spell throwing her aside like a toy. She rolled along the ground, wall stopping her as she smacked into it. Bob was in the way of the beast now, hissing at it furiously. "Leave them alone!"
Rallis couldn't keep her eyes open any longer, passing out to the sight of Bob and four other figures of light swarming the beast to cut it down.
The dragon woke with a fright, launching up from the floor with her fangs and claws bared. Adam jumped back from her ferality. "Calm down, Rallis! Jeez!" Rallis blinked the fury out of her eyes and looked around. They were back on Lunar Isle, safe and cozy in the dream hall. Adam had Bob in his lap, petting the twitching mewling cat in his sleep. He looked like he was having a nightmare.
Rallis gave the feline a sympathetic frown. "Poor thing." She sat next to them. "I hope it worked even though we didn't win."
Adam nodded. "What even was that thing?"
"I don't know," she admitted defeat. "In that world, your fears and insecurities can take on many different shapes and sizes. But that one was rough, nothing I've seen before." For a few minutes more, Bob twitched in his sleep, fighting the monster in his dreams, until he slowly stopped moving and opened his eyes. "Hey kitty cat," Rallis purred. "You okay?"
"Y-Yes," he started shakily. "Yes, I'm alright." He stretched and shook his fur out. "I would very much like to not do that again."
"Do you remember now?" Adam asked.
"I do... I do! Yes, in this dungeon you spoke of, I fought a dragonkin there with my friends from back when I was human. We cornered him in a room with massive doors with dragons on them, the vault. He had already killed so many there and we went to stop it once and for all."
Bob leapt off Adam's lap and paced as he continued. "We fought him tooth and nail, giving him everything we had. He burned Aivas alive and nearly did the same for the rest of us. Oh Aivas how could I forget you..." He shook his head and continued. "We thought we killed him. I struck the final blow and there was a light and he was nowhere to be seen, not even a corpse. All that was left behind was a key, a crimson circular key."
The two perked up and glanced at each other. That certainly had their interest.
"Camorra wanted to open the vault, but I said no. The dragonkin spoke of a weapon in there, so it was best to destroy the key and hide the pieces. We split it in four and hid each one, never telling the others where their pieces were so that no one, dragonkin, human, or otherwise would ever open the doors and release the monster inside."
"So even you don't know where the other pieces are?" Adam sighed.
Bob shook his head. "No, not exactly. Camorra went west by boat, far beyond the main continent. I hid mine on an abandoned dragonkin fortress north west of Relleka and in a guarded Karamjan temple in the Kharazi Jungle. I don't know what Tristan did with his but he lived in Avarrocka, oh I mean Varrock, so maybe someone knowledgeable about the history there could have a clue."
The two grinned at the new information. "Thank you so much!" Rallis said. "This helps us more than you could imagine. Now maybe we can find that key!"
"You don't mean to open the vault, do you?" Bob fretted. "The dragonkin may be dead, but their influence is very much alive. I worry what lies in that vault may still alive and ready to kill."
"After hundreds to thousands of years? There's no way! Whatever is in there will be long dead," Adam proclaimed. He could see the hesitation all over his friend's face however. "We're just opening it for science, for history! Nothing will be there, don't worry. It's probably just another abandoned laboratory."
Bob still wasn't entirely convinced. "I would like to be there when you open the vault then, if you don't mind. I want to see for myself. Until then, I'll be returning home with Neite."
"Of course," Adam nodded. "Let us take you home as well. It's the least we can do."
By the time they returned Bob home and made it back to Lithkren to update Jardric and Dallas, another day had passed. They all made their way back to Fossil Island to have a proper place to rest before continuing the journey tomorrow. Jardric stayed on Fossil Island to get back to work while Dallas investigated the house on the hill more, Adam and Rallis wanting them to be in a more easily accessible place to catch up with than Lithkren across the sea. By morning, Adam and Rallis were geared and ready to begin their key hunting adventure.
Days had passed. In those days, they had obtained three pieces, the one from Karamja, the one from the west which turned out to be hidden in House Shayzien, and the one with the clue in Varrock which led them all the way to Morytania. Rallis and Adam now walked the path to Relleka on their way to get the final piece of the key necessary to continue their quest and open the door in Lithkren's basement.
"If this one is anything like the others, it shouldn't be that bad," Adam said as he fiddled with the key pieces.
"Shouldn't be that bad? Yeah maybe because the one stuck digging up all of the Morytanian forest was me while you flirted with Grimro!" Rallis piped up.
Adam waved his hand. "I was not flirting! Besides we got the piece, didn't we? That's what matters."
"And who had to disarm the traps in the temple because someone is too goody good to learn how to?"
"Hey! Rude! Sorry I never bothered to learn a thieving skill!"
"And who had to solve the puzzle in the crypt full of the undead alone because someone had to go and touch the obviously boobytrapped artifact?!"
"In my defense, it was an artifact that eventually needed to be moved! How was I supposed to know moving it one way would set off a teleportation trap?"
Rallis shook her head. "You complain at me and Peg about being thieves but those skills came in handy, didn't they?!" Adam said nothing. He was not about to condone thievery even if it did help them obtain half the key they needed.
Rallis grumbled sourly until the familiar sight of Relleka came into view. It put a bounce in her step and a smile on her face and the man was curiously wondering why. Once they neared, she all but ran into town, companion trailing along behind and shouting for her to slow down. Some people were waving hello and smiling at her, he realized, and she smiled and waved back. 'She's been here before, then. But you don't get that familiar after one visit.'
One person grinned and waved at her, a bowman with a hunter's cloak. "Oi, Denkir, so you're visiting again?"
"Yeah!" Rallis said, slowing down to talk and allowing Adam to catch up.
The bow,an laughed. "He's been rather put out as of late. He'll be excited to know you're here."
"Where is he?" Rallis questioned, bouncing in place.
They waved her off. "Keep running lass, you know where you're going."
She started her sprint once again, Adam on her trail. "Who are they talking about?" he called to her but she ignored him. She turned a corner, grinning and laughing, and leapt at the first person she saw.
The person turned and had a hardly a moment to register the blue dragon jumping at them before they came tumbling to the ground, said dragon giggling and hugging them. Adam rounded the corner, out of breath, to find his companion tackling another man to the ground with laughter. "Rallis what are you do--?!"
The man laughed in return and hugged her back as best he could from the ground. "Rallis! Oh you've certainly snuck up on me this time! And here I thought I was getting better at predicting your sneak attacks."
She rolled off him and smiled, helping him up. "I even gave you a warning!" She rest her head against his chest with a smile and a purr as he wrapped an arm around her waist.
"I suppose you did," he chuckled. Adam awkwardly cleared his throat, grabbing their attention. Rallis pulled away to face her friend. "Hi Adam! Have you ever met my friend? This is Olaf and he's a musician!"
The man stepped forward and held a hand out. "Greetings! A friend of Rallis' is a friend of mine. Olaf Ceolsen, local bard. It's nice to meet you."
Adam shook his hand. "Likewise. Green Kananga of the Legends' Guild. Otherwise known as Adam by some bouncy blue dragons." Rallis smiled at the mention of her. "By that greeting, I'm surprised she's never spoke about you! I didn't even know she's been here before."
"Oh yeah I come here a lot!" she exclaimed. "I love visiting Olaf! He's the best!"
She grabbed onto his arm with a smile. "It's always a pleasure when you visit," he said.
Adam narrowed his eyes at them being all close and giggly, thinking. '"Friends," huh? I wonder.' He'd seen the way she acted around a few of her friends, and outside of a greeting hug he'd never seen her tackle a person and purr and get so close. A devious smirk crossed his face. 'Ohhh I wonder indeed!'
"You seem a bit familiar," Olaf said to him. "And I'm wondering if it's from the stories she's told me of you or not. Have you been here before?"
"Maybe once or twice," he shrugged. "Not often really. Wait she tells stories about me?"
"Well yeah!" Rallis piped up. "I always talk about my friends! And we've gone on cool adventures so why not share the tales?"
He was flattered she spoke of him even when he wasn't around, but that got him thinking. If this Olaf guy was a friend of hers he imagined she would bring him up at least once in a conversation as she just said. 'Unless he's not a friend~' he thought impishly.
"I gotta talk to Brundt," she told the bard. "I just wanted to see you first."
"I can walk with you to him," he said a little too eagerly. "If you want," he added on hastily.
She smiled and pulled him along. "Ok! C'mon then!"
The two walked ahead, chattering and catching up, smiling and laughing along the way. Adam stayed back and followed them at a distance, watching them from afar. He noticed they were holding hands and couldn't hide his curious devious smile. 'You're not just friends with him, are you Rallis? Oh I am so getting to the bottom of this!'
Rallis cheerfully bounded into the Longhall with her companions and bounced right up to the Chieftain like she owned the place. "Hi Brundt!" she chirped.
The giant of a man smiled down at her. "Greetings Denkir. Welcome back! How are things?"
"They're super great!" she cheered. "My friend and I, that's him, are on a super cool adventure!" She pointed to Adam and he nervously waved hello to the man. The chieftain smiled and waved back. "Our adventure takes us here next! Well not right here but near here. I was wondering if you knew anything about a fortress on an island to the north west."
Brundt grumbled thoughtfully. "I do. We call it Ungael, and it is a very dangerous place. A deadly beast calls that island home and remains undefeated. We've stopped sending warriors as most do not return alive and it appears the beast can not leave anyway. It's as much a prison as an island. You intend to go there?"
Rallis nodded. "Yes. It's really important!"
"I will not stop you then. Do you intend to slay the beast?"
Rallis ducked her head. "I'd rather not. Only if I have to. Do you know what it is?"
He shook his head. "I do not. Those that came back dare not speak of it. It is a beast that can not die, they said, and breathes the fury of fire. Shields do nothing to stop the beast's magic, they burn to a crisp as do the warrior behind them."
Rallis thought for a moment. She thought she may know exactly what kind of beast was there then, and if she was right she most certainly would not kill it. She thanked the Chieftain and continued to chat with him about how things have changed since she was last here. Adam in the meanwhile stood back with her bard 'friend.'
"So... Rallis come here often?"
"Indeed," the bard smiled. "Every day here is more bright with her. She breathes life into this dull town."
"How long have you known her?"
"A good few years now," Olaf thought on it. "She tries to visit every month. Time does fly."
"She get along with everyone?" Adam asked.
"Mostly. Some will simply never accept outsiders as one of our own, but she's widely appreciated for the most part."
"Hmm. Good. Glad to see she's got friends that aren't just us." Olaf gave him a questioning look. "Ah! She just doesn't talk about many human friends is all. I was starting to worry it was just me and Peg. I'm happy I was wrong."
Olaf chuckled. "You care for her a lot, don't you? She talks about you and a young girl often. I can see why. I'm also glad she has someone who can actually watch her back and isn't stuck here."
Adam decided to change the topic. "So are you Rallis' friend or are you like her bo--?"
Rallis bounced over with an excited chirp before they could continue. "Brundt told me all about the last piece we need," she told Adam and explained everything she heard. He frowned at the explanation. He wasn't expecting a monster fight as part of this scavenger hunt, but he supposed anything was possible.
"I'll also be doing this one alone," she told him.
"What? No way! If there's a monster on that island I'm most certainly not letting you go alone!"
"That 'monster' is a dragon," she told him. "Unlike you, I can speak Wyvernic. I'll talk to it and figure out where the key is. Having a human there might scare it."
"Talk, fight, or otherwise, I'm not letting you go alone," he replied. "It's dangerous! And not just because of the dragon. It's cold. We both know you're not good with that."
"Then it's a good thing I can borrow a cloak, now isn't it? You're not going, Adam. You're just not. I don't want to scare the thing and make it attack." Her head drooped. "I don't want another Elvarg."
Adam groaned and relented. "Fine, I'll stay here. You better stay safe though."
"I will," she promised. "I'll see you when I get back."
With snow gear from Olaf and a boat from Torfinn, Rallis made her way to Ungael. It grew colder and colder the farther she went. She shivered as she drew closer, huddling under a fur lined coat and blanket as she sailed. By the time she reached the island, she was stiff and freezing, body trying its best to shut down and force her to sleep. She pushed the feeling away as best she could and hopped out of the boat, movement sluggish and painful.
The island was a frozen jagged mess of ice. The ground was nothing but deep snow with icicles poking through. The snow was incredibly deep and untouched. It was obvious no one had been here in ages. Rallis hiked through the snow, ground tilting upwards as she went. It was only a small hill but with all the snow it felt like trekking a mountain. As she went, walls of sharp jagged ice barred her in on either side, creating a corridor of thick frozen crystal. It cut her off from the rest of the world, even the sky became hard to see. Soon she reached the top of the hill, snow buried rocks creating a barrier between the icicles. Beyond that lay a pit surrounded by the wall of ice. Something big was down there, covered in snow and unmoving.
Rallis hopped over the rocks and slipped into the pit with a yelp, tumbling along the icy path and smacking against the frozen trail hard, landing in a heap in the snow. She hissed and shivered as she shook the snow off and clutched her head, now aching from the slip on the ice. She moved toward the hulking snow covered mass in front of her and tripped once more in the deep dunes of frozen fluff. Rallis whined and huddled under the cloak as she sat on the snow.
"This place is horrible!" she complained. "So cold and painful..."
A groan bounced off the icy walls and the snow covered mass in front of her shuddered. With a roar and a shake, a monster broke free, flaring its wings and acting huge and menacing. It was a giant blue dragon, rotting and beaten as if it were a piece of old meat left out to spoil. Bone ripped through scales all over its body, on its snout to reveal jagged sharp fangs, its skull where an eye was missing and bone and blackened rotten flesh poked through, holes and scars dotted both its wings, segments of its tail were held together by scraps of flesh, and worst of all its chest was ripped open and its entire left leg missing. The beast glowed with undead magic, eye and presumably unbeating heart glowing blue with magic and fury. The dragon roared at Rallis and stomped forward, wing used as a makeshift leg.
Rallis' ears drooped as she gasped at the sight of the monster. "Oh you poor thing!" she cried. "Who did this to you?"
She stepped closer and it roared again.
"Oh, yes, I'm sorry, I am an intruder. But that's not important right now! What's important is you're hurt! Please, stay still and let me help."
Now thoroughly confused, the dragon stopped roaring and settled for hissing defensively. Who was this strange visitor who could speak his language and fretted over a stranger?
As she came closer, the dragon hissed and threatened to blow her back with a ball of fire. "Please don't!" Rallis pleaded. "I promise I just want to help." She bowed to the dragon, hoping it would realize she was no threat. He was still wary but allowed her to approach. She looked over his wounds and winced. Any exposed flesh was blackened with frostbite and zombification. "You're undead?" she muttered to herself. She brought her hand to where his leg should be and he growled and snapped. "I'm sorry! I was just looking! Are you okay? What's your name?"
The dragon growled something, this time a little less harshly.
"Vorkath? Well nice to meet you, Vorkath! My name is Rallis! Are you sure you're okay? Here, let's get this snow off you."
She brushed the remaining snow off his wings and face and back, Vorkath keeping an eye on her the whole time. He didn't understand what was happening, who this was, or why they were acting this way and not attacking, but this intruder didn't seem to be bad. He still stood on guard though. The other dragons he had the misfortune of meeting before were violent beasts that fought anything that moved, including him. This weird blue dragon was small, however. If he needed to, he could easily kill her.
All the snow she could reach was gone, Rallis nodded her approval. "There we go! I bet that's better. Snow is no good for dragons. Though I guess if you're undead it doesn't really matter." It grumbled in retort, saying how his condition made him unable to feel. "That's true!" Rallis replied. "But I think I'd still rather be alive and face the cold."
Vorkath grumbled, a 'why are you here', to Rallis.
"I'm looking for a piece of something," she told him. "It's red and round on one side but like a corner on the other. Like a slice of pizza!"
He didn't know what pizza was but if this intruder was looking for something, it would likely be in the lab. And no one was to set foot in there besides his master. He told Rallis as much.
Rallis pouted. "But I really need to get this," she told him. "It's very important. Is it because your hoard is in there? Because if so, I totally understand!"
Vorkath shook his head. It wasn't a hoard, though that would be lovely.
"Your master's home?" Rallis questioned. "Well considering how covered in snow you were, I don't think they've been here for quite a while. What if I promise not to touch anything else? Would that be okay?"
The dragon thought for a moment. Whatever this weird small dragon thing was, it was certainly not violent, not like the humans that had come before that he had been commanded to fight off. He doubted she would destroy the place like the humans wanted to. There was also the matter of what she was. He couldn't quite place it, but something about her made it seem like letting her into the place he was guarding was an okay thing to do. She smelled like his master, but also not. Maybe she knew him?
He lowered his head and looked her in the eye with a growl. What he asked left Rallis confused. "What do you mean 'who made me?' No one did! Well I guess my parents did, whoever they are. Why?"
Vorkath shook his head and moved aside. Why he was disobeying orders, he didn't know. But it felt like the right thing to do. His master would surely be furious, but what more could they do to him that he had not already felt?
Rallis smiled. "Thanks, friend. I promise I'll be careful. And here, I can't do much but..." She pulled out a fistful of runes and let them crumble into a spell. Vorkath glowed in a green light for a moment before it faded away. He didn't know what it was, but it made him feel great, better than he'd felt in years! He stretched and sighed happily. Rallis on the other hand now looked exhausted. "That's all I can do for now, but I promise I'll visit again. I know it gets hard to be alone like this. Bye Vorkath." She waved goodbye and hiked up the icy trail behind the dragon and out of the frozen icy pit. Vorkath opted to simply lay back down and fade away once more, magical glow vanishing into the snow.
As Rallis hiked up the path, a blackened snow covered structure came into view. From what she could see, it had the same style as the odd building on Fossil Island and Lithkren, but this one was much taller and also led underground. Its spire had begun to crumble into ruin, but the way inside was still intact. She hauled open the door leading into the earth and crawled inside.
Inside was dark and silent, ominous and eerie. Rallis' eyes adjusted to the dark as she closed the door behind her, ancient metal creaking with age. It was much warmer inside thankfully, but not by much. She shook the snow and cold off and cautiously walked farther in. It smelled old and odd inside, a mix of the same old stale smell one would find in any room closed off from the world long enough as well as something sharp and sour. It made Rallis gag.
Something crunched underfoot, many bits of something sharp and hard. She pulled her foot away to find shards of glass. They created a trail toward something atop a kind of scaffold. The metal frame of a glass container spilled shards onto the floor below, piling up with something else crunchy but much more fragile. Rallis picked up one of the bigger bits, a kind of flattened dome shape, and it crumbled in her hand. Curious, she poked her head over the lip of the scaffold to look in the shattered glass box. A great deal of goo, now hardened with age, crusted over the remains of an eggshell, and a big one at that. Rallis shuddered and backed away, not having the nerve to look inside.
The more she explored, the more disturbing things she found. She stayed away from piles of shattered glass, too scared to find something she would rather not see inside. In one corner, the skeleton of a dragon was chained to the floor, an odd mushroom-like growth twining through its bones. She turned away only to find a shelf lined with specimen jars full of different kinds of mushrooms and body parts. The color drained from her face as she ran away. She smacked into a wall of glass, not looking where she was going and running in a panic. She rubbed her snout with a groan and glared at the glass wall only to freeze. It wasn't a wall, it was a tank, and inside floated a warped blue dragon, frozen roaring in agony forever. It was sickly looking, bones close to ripping through skin, but every jagged claw, every tooth, every spine, they were so sharp just looking at them could cut! For once, Rallis was glad the beast was dead. It looked like it had suffered, but at least not anymore now.
She closed her eyes and moved on, unable to continue looking at the workshop of horrors. 'Where is this key piece?' she thought. 'I just want to leave.'
Hidden away behind a rusted shut gate were a pile of chests, very much like the ones that held the notes and map tiles on Fossil Island. 'That's promising.' With help from the old rusted opening mechanism and a vicious yank, the gate opened. Rallis smiled victoriously and popped open one of the chests. Inside were the key piece she was looking for as well as an actual key. It was made with mithril and dragon bone, as well as small bits and pieces of other metals. The bone made her shiver but she pocketed it anyway. There was another chest nearby. She popped it open and nosed through its contents. There were sealed jars of odd kinds of mushrooms she dare not touch after seeing the skeleton covered in them, as well as a pile of notes shoved away. They weren't written in Common and seemed to be some kind of log or journal entries. Rallis skimmed them over and pocketed them. It caught her attention and not in a good way, but she didn't want to read them here, not now. She wanted out of this horrid bunker and off this freezing island. Certain she had found everything she needed, she made her way back to the surface and to the boat to head to Relleka.
Adam and Rallis spent the night in Relleka upon her return, Olaf graciously allowing them both to stay at his place. Rallis curled up by the fire and snuggled with the man under some blankets. Adam sat at a table nearby and laughed to himself. ''Friends.' Yeah right.' He didn't say anything but he thought it was adorable, though maybe he was the smallest bit jealous. Mostly he was just laughing at their antics and how his dragon friend fell for a silly human bard of all people.
The night grew on and eventually everyone fell asleep. Adam was given a tower of blankets to sleep with on the floor next to the dwindling fire so he would grow neither cold nor uncomfortable, while Rallis slept with her friend in bed. He could make a good deal of dirty jokes with that but knowing her, they'd go right over her head. Despite the fact that he was tired and quite comfortable, Adam couldn't find it in him to sleep, instead thinking under his blanket mountain on the floor. Their adventure sure was starting to turn into something else. He hoped by the end of their excursion they could become members of the Myths' Guild. He really did. It felt like they were finally starting to reach the end of the adventure.
The shuffling of covers and pitter patters of feet graced his ears. One of them had woken up. Adam rolled over to see who it was and found Rallis quietly pulling up a seat at the table and rummaging through one of her bags. She looked worried, scared even, and glanced around the room with paranoia. Adam closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep when she looked his way, opening them again when he was sure she wasn't looking. Confident she wasn't being watched, Rallis pulled out a stack of old crumbling papers and started to read. Adam couldn't make them out from his spot on the floor in the darkness, but he was sure she didn't have those before. He watched her read and read, gaze focused and thoughtful. She read faster as she neared the last few papers until she physically pulled away from the last sheet, eyes wide with fear. She looked around once more before putting the papers away and clutching her shaking head. She buried her face in her arms and rested her head on the table, shuddering over what she just read, before regaining her composure enough to go back to bed. Neither of them got more than a wink of sleep that night, Rallis too scared and Adam's thoughts now racing with the possible things she could have read and wondering how he would bring it up.
The next morning, they said goodbye and their host wished them safe travels. Rallis promised she'd be back soon and nearly nuzzled him goodbye. Adam could not wait to tell Peg about this revelation. As they left the town, Rallis turned west and started to make her way toward the lighthouse, which is when Adam realized he had no idea where they were going.  "Hey, uh, aren't we going back to the island now? We have the key."
"Nuh-uh. The key is broken. We gotta fix it first."
Right. Can't very well put a broken key in a lock. "So where are we going then?"
Rallis fished out another key from one of her bags, this one more appropriately shaped instead of a red disc broken into quarters. "I found this on Ungael. It's made with mithril and dragon bone. I have a hunch I'll find what I'm looking for in Baxtorian Falls."
Adam wasn't entirely sure how any of that went together so she explained. "If you leap into the Falls a certain way, you end up in an ancient cavern full of old dragons, I mean from ages ago. One of those dragons are mithril dragons, dragons with mithril scales. A key made out of dragon bone and mithril must open something there. And I found it with the final key piece for the vault so maybe it can be welded together there."
"Makes sense. You sure it'll be there though?"
"No but it's my best guess." She pulled out his ruby necklace. "Why don't you wait on the island for me and get everyone together? If I'm right, we can just head straight back to Lithkren afterwards."
Adam took the necklace. "Sure. Sounds good. Stay safe!"
Rallis snorted. "They're dragons, I'll be fine." With a rub of the necklace, Adam winked out of existence and Rallis made her way to the Falls.
Rallis sloshed soggily through the underground caverns of Baxtorian Falls, dripping from the dive to get inside. She should have taken off her cape. It was so cold and heavy when wet. She grumbled as she climbed the rocks in the cavern and up to the mithril dragon resting grounds. Despite what she said to Adam, she actually didn't get along that well with the dragons here. The greens were far too vicious and the mithrils had a snobby temper about them. One such mithril was in front of her now, growling at her and threatening to attack. Rallis bowed low and gave it respect.
"I'm terribly sorry to bother you, but I was hoping you could help me." It snorted derisively. Rallis held out the mithril bone key. "I found this on my travels and assumed it could open something here. Would I be correct?"
The dragon gave it a sniff and walked away, motioning for her to follow with its tail. It led her to a locked door made of similar materials to the key. Rallis tried the lock and it was a perfect fit. She thanked the dragon profusely and ran inside. It was a small damp room, musty smelling and cold. A large orb sat in the center, held in place by something designed like a dragon's paw. Three skeletal dragon heads hung from the ceiling, maws directed toward the orb. Rallis gave one a look over and found a pit for a fire to be placed in. All three had it. They must be made to be lit. Rallis tentatively sparked a fire spell at one to see if it would do anything, and the flame actually gathered in the pit to activate the machinery in the head, but not for long, the flame was too weak. Confident it wouldn't break, Rallis engulfed the three heads in fire, each head giving a satisfying whir and click as they activated the orb in the center, flames flickering in its core. At once, the ground grew warmer and lava shot out from the orb and through tubing into the earth. Rallis followed the lava tubes out the room, down the rocks, through the cavern, up carved steps, and into the walls before it let out into a giant metal forge, spat out by three metal wyvern heads.
Something about the lava here was different from your average volcanic goop. It had a magical presence about it. Surely this was the place to reforge the key. Rallis carefully got to work welding the four pieces together and she soon had a perfect disc of orichalcum. It was a heavy thing, its significance giving it just as much weight as its physical mass. With a flash of a pendant, Rallis was back on Fossil Island, eager to share her findings. Adam had brought Bob along while Rallis was gone and caught everyone up with their findings. Next thing she knew, Adam, Rallis, Dallas, Bob, and Jardric were geared up aboard their row boat ready to unearth the mysteries of the dragonkin.
Jardric stayed with the boat when they landed, saying that if something went wrong, he'd be ready for them to escape in no time. Dallas nearly wrenched the key from Rallis' hands and ran ahead like an excited schoolgirl off to see her boyfriend. Rallis ran after him while Adam and Bob took their time. Bob couldn't help but look around the island and shudder, horrible memories of the place coming back. But he wanted to be here, and he'd be damned if some old flashbacks would scare him away now.
The four found themselves at the door to the vault once more, key in hand. "After all this time and effort, we may finally learn the truth that has been hidden for hundreds of years," Dallas said in awe. "We may be the first people to set foot in this place!"
"Just beware of what may be inside," Bob warned. Adam and Rallis nodded, ready for the possibility of a fight. On their signal, Dallas placed the key in the hole and stood back as the door unlocked itself and opened wide. The group cautiously stepped inside, eager but wary of the secrets they'd find.
As they set foot inside, they gasped at the sheer enormity of the place. The Lithkren vault was huge. The doors may have given a hint to its size but they were definitely not expecting something the size of a whole other castle down here, probably even bigger. Dallas, Bob, Adam, and Rallis slowly wandered through, amazed. In front of them stretched a long corridor littered with broken and decaying equipment on either side. Charts and notes were drawn on boards or pinned to the walls, odd drawings labeled with even weirder notes. More things seemed to be broken as they went, shattered glass coating the floor, sparks from broken machinery flickering overhead, broken cases and chambers discarded by the wayside. Dallas was admiring everything like a kid in a candy store, excitedly taking note of the drawings and labels and machinery. He ran on ahead with Bob, leaving Adam and Rallis behind. Rallis was all but tiptoeing along at a snail's pace, taking everything in with as much interest as Dallas but definitely not the same amount of excitement.
"You okay?" Adam asked, slowing down to walk alongside her.
"This place... it feels wrong. Really wrong." She shivered. "And it feels like I've been here but I know that's not true." She shuffled over to a tipped over case and looked inside, immediately recoiling and wishing she hadn't. There was a warped and discolored broken dragon egg inside, a malformed hatchling drowned in liquid. This place was already worse than Ungael. "I want to leave," she whined.
Adam grabbed her hand and tugged her along. "Let's let Dallas see what he wants to see and then we'll be on our way. It'll be fine, come on."
They continued walking down the hall, keeping an eye out for Dallas and Bob. They soon found them in a huge room the corridor opened out into. There were discarded stone boxes and broken materials and equipment stacked in every available space, even more elaborate charts and drawings plastered on the walls. Dallas was giddily looking at the centerpiece of the room, a massive tank full of some kind of liquid. The thing was the size of a small lake! Or at least it seemed to be as it disappeared into the earth below, obscuring its true size.
Dallas waved the two over. "Come see this!"
They wandered over and gasped, horrified. What was inside was the head of an utterly massive dragon, its body vanishing into the murky watery depths below. Just the thing's head was the size of an average dragon, so how big was the rest of it? Dallas pressed up against the glass, trying his hardest to see more. "That is one big dragon! I can't believe there's still a specimen here so perfectly preserved like this!"
Rallis staggered back, eyes wide. Her hand went to her throat, she felt like she was choking, drowning. Flashes of being stuck underwater, smashing through glass, monsters looming overhead all flashed through her mind. She tried to shake the panic off but it just grew worse. Adam put a hand on her back and shot her a concerned look. She shook her head as she watched the dragon in the tank. "That thing isn't dead," she whispered. "It's asleep, it's waiting, it's going to wake up." She grabbed her friend by the arms and looked him in the eye, horrified. "Adam, someone is here!"
Even Bob was worriedly pacing back and forth, watching the dragon in the tank. "This isn't right," he meowed. "We've made a mistake. We need to leave now!" Rallis was right there with him, ready to grab Dallas and go. Before any of them could move into action, footsteps echoed down the hall, coming closer and closer. A chuckle followed.
"Magnificent, isn't he? His name is Galvek. In our tongue it means..."
A monster came into view, standing taller than any of them. It smirked down at them.
The monster was certainly odd looking, like both a bird and a dragon, or a wyvern and a human. Its red and gold trimmed robe covered its presumably horrifyingly warped body, trailing along the floor behind it.
Bob's fur stood on end and he hissed at the beast. "You! I remember you. Zorgoth." He spat out its name.
"Hello Robert," it smiled. "You've had quite the makeover."
"You should be dead," the cat continued.
The monster shrugged, it's wings weirdly moving with the action. "We dragonkin are not as flimsy as you. I'm afraid you failed."
At the mention of the word dragonkin, Rallis stiffened and took a step back, almost hiding behind her much bigger friend. "Dragonkin..." she muttered under her breath, but still echoing in the room.
Zorgoth looked over the other three guests, as if just noticing they were there. "My, you're an odd looking vorkath," he told Rallis.
"Vorkath?" she asked, confused.
"A vorkath that doesn't even know it's a vorkath," he mused. "How amusing. It means you're a failure, though I wonder whose failure you are." He continued to look her over as if examining an antique. "You don't look like one of mine, but I've made so many and forgotten just as much, I wouldn't even know. You do look familiar though." He added the last part quietly.
Before she could ask anything else, Dallas had intruded. "Um, excuse me! Hello there, dragonkin!" he started. Zorgoth hardly paid him any mind. "I'm Dallas Jones," he continued. "And I came here for answers! I want to know the truth about Elvarg, about Crandor."
Rallis and Adam motioned to him as if to say this wasn't the time for that, but he didn't listen.
Zorgoth squinted. "Elvarg? Crandor? These names mean nothing to me."
"Elvarg was a dragon who attacked an island by the name of Crandor," Adam explained. "We found a lab hidden in her lair. We followed the clues and it led us here, to you."
Zorgoth thought for a moment. "Island lair... Ah, the volcano. Green, great deal of aggression but no power, another vorkath." He tested out the dragon's name. "Elvarg..." He scoffed. "You gave her a name. I never bothered, she was nothing."
"She was not nothing!" Rallis snapped. "She was scared and confused and lost. You abandoned her! She was something and you left her there to rot!"
Zorgoth couldn't help but laugh. "A vorkath caring about other vorkath! My, you're quite the laughable mess, aren't you? All that matters is perfection and the advancement of science. There is no place for compassion here."
Bob cut in before Rallis could snap back. "How are you even here, Zorgoth?"
"Well," he began. "After your failed attempt on my life, I realized that we were starting to lose the war against your kind. We needed to turn the tide. We needed a new weapon. We moved on. We tried various other methods, all ending in disappointment. In the end we came here, our largest facility yet. Here we began work on what would become our masterpiece."
Bob looked confused. "But we made sure to kill everything before we left. Nothing was left alive."
"Galvek..." Rallis whispered.
"Precisely," he said with a smirk. "You may have killed all our creations yet, but that just left us with the parts and materials to build something new. You locked me down here so I got to work on my greatest creation yet, biding my time for the day I could fight back and reclaim what is rightfully ours." He stepped closer to the tank to admire his creation. "He really is magnificent, you know. True perfection. He has power that no other dragon has. The power to influence minds of other dragons."
Rallis' heart nearly stopped. That wasn't possible. That wasn't right! She was grabbing Adam's hand for dear life and hadn't noticed, claws starting to dig into his skin. He pulled her away from the dragonkin and its monster and pried her hand off to wrap an arm around her before letting her grab it again. She was shaking like a leaf in the wind.
Zorgoth raised his arms victoriously at the tank. "Through him, an army will be raised. One that will annihilate humanity!"
"Why?!" Dallas exclaimed.
Zorgoth glared at him. "'Why?' Your kind attacked us, tried to destroy us. You took away our homes, our people. We were expected to stand by and watch? Humanity is a disease. You have just unleashed the cure."
Rallis tried to step even farther away from the dragonkin, only accomplishing pressing closer to her friend, and this time not because she was scared of the beasts' power, but because she found herself understanding their motives and was horrified that she did. She'd wished death upon a great many people who tried killing her, her friends, her family, and was even the one who put those thoughts into action. She'd killed or otherwise horribly maimed a great deal of people, and really it wasn't a very different thought process to Zorgoth's. And that scared her.
Adam rested his other hand on the hilt of his sword. "Do you really think we're letting you leave this place?"
"I don't think you have a choice. Let me show you." Zorgoth threw his arms up and his eyes flashed gold for a moment. "AWAKEN!"
The dragon in the tank's eyes flashed open as the beast started to stir. It lifted its head from the tank, vile liquid dribbling out of its mouth and rolling off its body. The room shook with its movements, glass of the tank shattering, piping creaking and collapsing, rocks crumbling from the ceiling. The mere act of the dragon moving was threatening to cave the place in!
"We need to leave now!" Bob cried.
"Way ahead of you!" Adam shouted back as he started to run, Rallis right behind.
Galvek slithered out of the tank and over to his master who snapped a command at him. Galvek opened his mouth and shot forth a massive ball of dragonfire, barely missing Adam and Rallis by inches, but landing its mark on Dallas.
"No!" Rallis cried, but the man was nothing but a pile of charred brittle bones. Galvek readied another fireball, this time aimed at Bob. Adam scooped the cat up and rolled out of the way of the oncoming blaze. They sprinted out of the vault like bats out of hell, bumping into Jardric along the way.
"Bloody hell's goin on?!" he shouted. "The whole island is shaking!"
"Just run!" Adam snapped as he dove through the massive vault doors.
Before Jardric could turn tail, Galvek and Zorgoth were in front of him. Galvek readied to burn the dwarf to ashes, but was instead met with a well placed crossbow bolt to the mouth, causing the dragon to stop his attack. Zorgoth flinched as well, hand going to his jaw. "YOU DARE!" The dragonkin waved his hand and threw the dwarf aside with magic, barreling him into a pile of discarded stone crates.
Zorgoth then turned his attention to the vault doors. "Release us!"
Galvek blasted the doors open and off their hinges, great stone slabs cracking and crumbling away. The two slithered into the open area of Lithkren's basement, looking for an exit. Zorgoth pointed to the ceiling and Galvek blasted his way through, flying into the sky and taking his master with him.
The shaking stopped, the room wasn't going to cave in, and all was unnervingly quiet after the tumultuous uproar the dragon caused. Adam and Rallis stared at the hole in the roof the dragon had just flown through, former still holding onto the cat like a safety blanket. Jardric stumbled through, head in one hand and crossbow in the other. "Gods that hurt," he grumbled. "What just happened?"
Bob sighed. "It looks like we may have a slight problem on our hands."
The group ran outside to find a speck of red slithering through the sky, heading west. They caught Jardric up on the way and the dwarf suggested speaking with the King of Varrock. If there was going to be a war, he had one of the largest armies in the lands. They should seek his help. It was as good a plan as any, and with that they made their way back to Fossil Island to warn everyone and then back to Varrock.
The last thing King Roald expected that day was a ground shattering earthquake and thunder in the cloudless sunny sky, but alas here he was staggering from the aftermath of the cacophony and watching with horror as colorful specks of all shapes and sizes took to the skies and headed west, illuminating the sky with a vengeful blaze. He was also not expecting three filthy gross smelling commoners with their mangy cat to run into his throne room hollering about dragons soon after. Fortunately, or maybe unfortunately, he recognized two of them.
He groaned and pointed a finger at Rallis. "Now is not the time to harass my wife about her fruit tree!"
"What? No! That's not why I'm here! Though I'd love some white fruit if you have extra."
She licked her lips, completely forgetting the mission at hand for a moment. Adam stepped forward. "Your Majesty, we need to speak with you about dragons."
"If you mean the dragons that have been spotted flying around, we're well aware. I have my best people investigating this and we will make sure the citizens are safe. Now be on your way." He didn't want them in his presence for much longer. He had things more important to take care of than entertaining unwashed adventurers.
"But we know what they're doing!" Rallis piped up.
Roald looked at them unbelievingly. "You do?"
"Yes." Adam began to explain. "There is a dragonkin named Zorgoth who has managed to bring the dragons under his control. He is forming an army which he intends to use to wipe out humanity."
"A dragonkin?!" the King sputtered. "That's preposterous! Do you take me for a fool? The dragonkin have been dead for hundreds of years."
"I know it sounds crazy but you have to believe us. Why else would the dragons be acting odd?" Rallis nodded in agreement.
Roald didn't seem convinced, but he had nothing else to go off of. As infuriating as these two were at times, he couldn't deny they were a helpful pair (when they weren't stealing from the garden or causing trouble with the Guard over a bounty). "I'm curious as to how you know this information, but I can wait for an explanation. You've been a friend to Varrock in the past, I'll listen to what you have to say. What would you have us do?"
"You need to gather your soldiers," Jardric said. "We need to destroy this threat before it destroys us!" The King wasn't too keen on listening to this commoner he did not know, but with Adam and Rallis backing him up in agreement, he would entertain the thought. The three explained more in detail just what the threat was and how powerful even one dragon was, and now there were thousands overhead. It was war or death.
Roald thought it over, debating in his head, but ultimately relented. It would be war.
His advisor started to fret. "My lord, do you know what this means? Think of the ramifications! The paperwork, the funds, the chaos, the--!"
"Yes I know what it means! Be quiet Aeonisig! We have more to worry about than some silly backlog! Would you rather the dragons burn it all with your home?" He addressed the group once more. "I will make the necessary preparations. In the meantime you will visit King Lathas, Chieftain Brundt, and Sir Amik Varze. Tell them to come to Varrock to discuss the dragon threat."
Aeonisig recoiled at the idea. "But my lord! The Fremennik! They're savages!"
Rallis hissed at him for the comment to which he yelped and stepped back.
"For Saradomin's sake! They have ships and they have soldiers! We need them on our side!" Roald argued back.
"I'm not sure if we want King Lathas on our side," Adam growled, knowing all too well what a monster that man was.
"You as well?" the King snapped. "With this kind of insubordination you would think I wasn't King! Put your petty disagreements aside and look at the bigger picture. We must all work together if we are to survive."
Everyone hung their head in silence, realizing he was right. Petty squabbles like these wouldn't get them any closer to winning.
"Anyway you should get moving. Time is not on our side. While you're gone I'll have Aeonisig reach out to some other people as well. We need all the help we can get."
Adam and Rallis nodded. They ran off, mission in hand. While Adam went to convince Sir Amik and King Lathas, Rallis went north back to Relleka. The sky was filled with swarming colorful specks, dragons roaring and lighting the sky as they flew north. Everywhere they went, there were dragons overhead and screaming people below. Rallis barged through the entrance of Relleka and slammed open the doors of the Longhall. They were in the middle of a meeting, Chieftain Brundt and all the council members.
"Brundt! Sorry! This is important!" She panted every word.
A surly councilman snarled at the dragon and pointed to the ceiling. "This family reunion your doing?" Olaf shot him a look to tell him to shut up.
"Rallis. I'd like to not draw conclusions, but do you have anything to do with this?" the Chieftain asked. "Those dragons are headed to Ungael and you were just there."
She bowed her head to the Chieftain. "I'm sorry, but I do, as do several others. Those dragons, they're being controlled by a monster. They're going to start a war. The King of Varrock needs your help."
The party started to mutter about helping outlanders but Brundt came to a swift conclusion. "If it's a war they want, it's a war they'll get. We may have never sided with outlanders before, but there's always a first time for everything!" Some of the council members began to argue. "Besides, this isn't something we can do alone." That shut them up. "I will go with you," he told Rallis. He faced everyone else. "And you will all prepare everyone able bodied to fight! Understand?!"
The group shouted ayes and began to plan. Olaf ran over to Rallis before she left. "I knew you said you'd be back soon, but I wasn't expecting this! What is going on?"
Brundt shouted for her from outside the Longhall, already prepared to leave. "I'll tell you later, I promise. Please stay safe. They're willing to kill everyone."
He hugged her goodbye. "You're part of that everyone. You stay safe too."
With that, she ran off, leading Brundt to Varrock. By now, Adam would be done. Now the ball could truly get rolling.
Adam, Rallis, Jardric, and Bob were all invited to the meeting in Varrock to listen and provide input on just what exactly the threat was. Rallis was surprised at how many people she knew in the room. She hadn't realized how many people she knew were such bigwigs! Seated in a private conference hall were King Roald of Varrock, King Lathas of Ardougne, Sir Amik Varze of Falador, Chieftain Brundt of Relleka, Lady Celeste the oneiromancer of Lunar Isle, King Arthur of Camelot, Captain Denulth of Burthorpe, Lady Achiettes of the Heroes' Guild, and the famed mage Dionysius. It seemed nearly every part of the continent was represented. Aeonisig stood near the back to take notes and Adam, Rallis, Jardric, and Bob stood off to the side. They were so beyond tired, having not rested at all today and still filthy and exhausted from their run in with Zorgoth and Galvek.
Tensions were high with everyone in the same room. There was a great deal of hatred between some of the rulers. Adam hated Lathas, Lathas hated Arthur, Brundt and Celeste were most certainly not on friendly terms, and with the dragons flying overhead, more than a few people were watching Rallis warily.
"Thank you all for coming," Roald began. "As I'm sure you are aware, we are facing one of the greatest threats ever seen in our time."
"And one with an easy solution," Lathas said. "We need to take the dragons head on, meet them and fight!"
"That may not be wise," Arthur said.
Lathas snapped back before he could continue. "And what would the great King Arthur do? Cower in fear as the dragons annihilate everyone around you?"
"No! That's not what I'm saying! I'm just thinking ahead. Wooden boats over open sea against fire breathing monsters. Does that sound like a good combination to you?"
Brundt growled at the offense to his fleet but said nothing.
"I take no joy in it but that may be our only option here," Roald said. "If even half of what history says is true, the dragonkin are merciless." Jardric nodded to that. They certainly were and he'd felt it firsthand. "If we don't meet them at sea, they will burn down cities, all of them."
"Then we need a good formation for the inevitability we burn at sea," Achiettes said. "One that ensures minimal casualties."
The group discussed formations and plans, who would go where and all that goes with such talk. Rallis didn't much care for it but Adam listened in intently, giving his advice here and there. They discussed and planned for everything, every step right down to the potions, for what they would need for an assault against an army of dragons. Once they finished, everyone gave a satisfied hum of approval, ready to get things underway and prepare their men. All except one.
"I hate to rain on the parade, but I do have to ask something," Sir Amik said. Everyone gave him their full attention. "This commanding dragon, you said he can control other dragons, correct?"
"That's right," Rallis said. "They wouldn't do such horrid things otherwise!"
The knight would take that with a grain of salt. "And I suppose you intend to go on this expedition, don't you?" he asked her.
"Well yeah! I only, you know, FOUND AND WARNED YOU ALL OF THE DRAGON! Of course I'm going!"
"Then allow me to bring up a concern of mine." He folded his hands and addressed the conference. "If this beast can control dragons as you say, make them do such unspeakable things that even you claim is uncharacteristic, who is to say the same will not happen to you, a fellow dragon?"
The room grew deathly silent. That was something everyone seemed to overlook.
"Now wait just a second!" Rallis snapped. "Unlike you all, I've already been face to face with Galvek. If he wanted to control me he would have already!"
"I can vouch," Adam rushed. "I was there and nothing of the sort happened. She was perfectly fine." Even Bob meowed in agreement, but the group didn't seem swayed.
"Just because they didn't that once doesn't mean they can't," Roald said. "They could always try again, and out on the battlefield is a much more dangerous place to find your soldiers switching sides."
Most in attendance seemed to agree. The room was filled with 'don't let her come' and 'she should be locked up until it's over' and 'keep that monster well away from my men.' A few of her friends at the table looked at her sympathetically but didn't know what to do. Their vouching would likely not help with all the animosity from the rest of the group.
"I'm not a monster!" Rallis shouted. "I'm going and you won't stop me! I have a job to do!"
"Oh yes, your little guild entry exam," Lathas snarked. "We've all heard about it from your dwarf friend here. The lives of our soldiers are more important than your silly title and prestige."
"That isn't why I want to go!" Sure, the mission was important for their careers, but this was well beyond that now. No, now it was personal. That monster killed her friend, controlled others, and was ready to destroy the world for Guthix's sake! She had to stop them, she had to do her part! And that part was NOT sitting on the sidelines! There was also the fact that Zorgoth knew things about her, he knew what she was. His own notes on Ungael even hinted at it, and she wanted to find out what he knew before she murdered him. "Listen, I'm going to go whether you like it or not! Now do I need to sneak aboard a ship or can we do this nicely?"
The leaders began to fret once more until Brundt stood from his seat. "I trust her. I believe she has what it takes." He grinned at her. "And she's damn strong too! It would be a shame if we left such talent to waste!"
The oneiromancer rose as well. "She may be the only one capable of doing this. But I suppose that is to be seen. Either way, it's important she goes. And... I trust her too."
Denulth stood at attention as well. "The kid may not listen all the time, and she may think she's better than she is, but I know damn well she can handle this. If not, then maybe my training didn't do anything and I won't have that!"
Dionysius remained in his seat and waved the royalty in disagreement off. "Oh let her go. You wouldn't want to see the lengths she'll go to to come otherwise."
The word of those four was promising, but still not enough to sway the kings. "I'm sorry but it's not going to ha--."
Adam slammed his hand on the table. "Then I'll watch after her!" The entire room was shocked at his outburst, giving him their full attention. "I'll stay with her the whole time, from beginning to end. I'll make sure nothing happens, and if anything does it will be on my head and mine alone."
Rallis looked at him like he was crazy. That was a weighty promise he was about to make. "Adam..."
"You don't have the stomach, boy," Lathas sneered. "You couldn't kill a friend if it came down to it."
"You think I haven't had to before?" he snarled. Rallis didn't know if that was true or not, but it sure was convincing. "And with me there it shouldn't even have to come to that. I will take full responsibility for everything she does, and I mean everything."
Roald sighed and thought about it. He didn't really care about the opinion of an overzealous adventurer, but he did care about pushing away possible strong allies. Who would he be losing if he said she couldn't come? A pair of strong mages he could easily be without, Denulth and the Burthorpe soldiers which weren't many though they were skilled, and...
'Damn it, if I say no I could lose the Fremennik fleet.'
That was a resource he was sorely in need of, one he couldn't risk. If he did agree, at least he could also have a scapegoat for things that went wrong as cruel as that sounded. It was risky but the alternative was riskier. He sighed defeat. "Fine. Your dragon friend may come, but only on the condition you set. Every action's consequences will be placed upon you."
"Of course, Your Majesty. Thank you."
They finished up their discussion and left to begin preparations. Roald stopped next to Adam on his way out and whispered in his ear as the others were leaving. "I hope you've read up on what constitutes the death penalty here, because that's whose jurisdiction you're under. Don't forget it."
The man stiffened at the comment but shook the threat off. Unlike the kings, he actually had faith in Rallis. He believed she would be fine, and that even if she did lose her way, she would come back. He had to believe, for her sake as well as his.
Rallis smacked him on the arm hard with a scowl. "Adam you're an idiot!"
He rubbed at his arm. "What the hell was that for?! I got you to go, didn't I?"
"At the cost of your own safety! How could you be so reckless? What if something happens?! I don't want you to be punished because of me!"
"Are you going to join their side?" he asked seriously. "Are you going to stab me in the back?"
Rallis was appalled at the question. "Of course not! I would never!"
"Then what's the problem? I have faith in you, now put some in yourself." He pat the top of her head. "You'll be fine. Everything will. So don't worry."
Everyone had exited the room save for Adam, Rallis, and Bob. The cat stopped them before they could leave. "Rallis," he meowed. "You intend to fight Zorgoth don't you?" He said more than asked.
Rallis nodded. "I do. I feel like I need to."
"Which means you'll be with her against the most dangerous pair of beasts in recent history," he directed at Adam. The man nodded. He supposed he would be, not that he would have it any other way. "Then I feel I should tell you. I noticed something on Lithkren when we confronted them for the first time. You can't hurt dragonkin, trust me I know now. I thought I had killed Zorgoth but apparently I didn't even leave a lasting impression!" He hissed. "But I noticed something when that dwarf Jardric shot Galvek. It hurt Zorgoth too. I think they may be connected, kill the dragon and the kin will fall."
"Good eye," Adam complimented. "At least we'll only have to really worry about one of them then."
"Don't underestimate that dragon," Bob warned. "Zorgoth had centuries to perfect it. I fear it may wield powers far beyond what I've ever seen. I'll be sure to watch and warn you and help however I can."
"Wait, you're coming?" Adam asked.
"I am. I can't fight anymore, but maybe I can be useful in some other way. Much of this is my fault and it's only right that I help put things right. Now let's get going."
Preparations took days, far too long for anyone's taste, but it was what it was. When the big day arrived, Relleka was flooded with soldiers from every kingdom and a war fleet large enough to scare the ocean itself away, or so they hoped. Rallis made sure her kids and roommate back home would be fine before she left and spent the remaining days preparing and holing up at Olaf's place, watching as more soldiers arrived every day. She didn't tell him about the risks involved with her going, she didn't want to worry him, but with the way everyone looked at her both scared and furious it was easy to tell something was up.
But she never told him, and he never asked. And he didn't try to stop her, as much as he didn't want her to go. "You better come back safely," Olaf told her the day she was to leave. "Don't go getting yourself hurt again."
"I won't." She hugged him one last time. "Once this is all over, we should go on another picnic."
"That would be lovely. I'll be waiting."
Rallis ran off with the rest of the soldiers and found her tall green friend before vanishing amidst the crowd. The bard watched as the armies pulled out to sea and waited until they were long gone, just dots on the horizon. He couldn't help but feel like something wasn't quite right, like something terrible was about to happen. He just hoped he was wrong.
Rallis watched the shore disappear until nothing was left but ocean. It didn't feel real yet, that they were finally on their way to fight Zorgoth and Galvek. The dragons must be on their way to land soon, it had been days since they escaped the confines of the Lithkren vault. And yet despite the very real threat of hellfire from above on the other end of the ocean, the sea was peaceful and quiet, nothing but the waves and steady chorus of rowing.
The waiting made her sick. It made her think and her thoughts made her panic, which was the last thing she needed before the fight. She was nervous and sad and angry, a terrible combination for right before a battle. She had already polished her shield, wyvern spirit trapped inside glad for the bath, sharpened the metal claw coverings on her feet, and checked, rechecked, and triple checked her rune pouch and own personal supplies for the fight. It wasn't enough though, opting to count the ship's potions and supplies to occupy herself as the rowing above deck drowned out the more noisy thoughts in her head. She didn't hear the footsteps behind her until the owner placed a hand on her shoulder. She nearly dropped the antifire she was holding from the scare, but it was just her friend.
"Don't scare me like that, Adam!"
"Sorry. Thought you heard me coming." He noticed her shaking. She tried to hide it by moving and doing things but it was still obvious. He put a hand over her shaking one and pried the potion from her fingers. "Put that down. You're shaking like a leaf, you're going to drop it." Rallis whined as she put it back. "You nervous?"
She sniffled. "Horrified. I don't want the dragons to die, and I don't want anyone else to be killed either. But both are going to happen, aren't they?"
He wasn't going to lie to her. That would be cruel. "Yes. They are."
She sniffled again, shaking even more. "They already killed Dallas and ruined the lives of others. I don't want anyone else to get killed!"
"That's why we need to do our best," Adam said. "That's why we need to take down Zorgoth as soon as possible. The better we are at our jobs, the less people will die. The less dragons too."
Rallis nodded with another sniffle. "Okay. I'm sorry. I'm just scared. I don't want to... to become... o-one of--!" She started to cry, unable to get the sentence out, so she stopped trying to. She grabbed her friend's hand like a life line, claws digging into his gloves. She was really freaked out about something, and he had suspicions as to what.
"Become one of what?" he whispered.
She choked on a sob and shouted at him. "ONE OF THEM! What if everyone was right? What if Galvek forces me over to the other side? I don't want to hurt anyone, Adam!"
"You won't. You'll be okay," he soothed. "I won't let that happen, and I'll be with you the whole time. You don't have to worry, you're going to be fine." His words didn't stop her worries. "I have every bit of faith in you that you're strong enough to fight it. You're not a monster after all, you're a good person. And good people don't turn around and attack their friends and family. I'm not the only one who has faith in you either, but now you have to believe in yourself."
She sniffled and whined an 'okay' before rubbing the tears off her face with her sleeve. Adam thought the issue was resolved but apparently not, dragon gripping his glove tighter. "Adam," she whispered. "I know you don't kill people."
"That's right. There's always another way."
"What about dragons? Would you kill a dragon?" She looked up at him, a red eyed mess. "Would you kill me?"
He wasn't ready for that question, not from her. He stared back at her in shock, reeling from the question. He knew what he said at the meeting, but he said what they wanted to hear. He didn't know if he could actually go through with it. After all, like he always preached, there was always another way. But for this... was there?
The ship shook with a boom and threw the two to the ground with a yelp. Angry panicked shouting followed by bellowing roars greeted them next. Adam hauled her up and ran. "Let's go!"
The deck was a panicked shouting mess. People were on fire, a hole was blasted through one of the sails and burning, and the sky was swarmed with dragons. The beasts flew by like angry hornets, roaring and smashing into the ships to send them sinking. Others turned the fleet into firewood. A piercing shriek split the air from the ship over as a knight roasted alive in his armor, jumping overboard to put the flames out only to sink to the bottom of the ocean. A huge metallic dragon landed on another ship nearby and snapped three men in its jaws before taking flight and torching the boat and people on it to ash.
Rallis covered her mouth in horror. "This is... beyond horrible!"
Adam pulled out his crossbow and held his shield up to the sky. "We're next. Take cover!"
A red dragon with shredded wings and a bolt in its left eye torched the sail of their boat, burning mast finally falling with a groan and crushing people underneath. It circled around and landed with a snarl, spraying fire every which way. Adam shot the beast in the neck with a bolt, but it was like it didn't feel it. It didn't even care! The dragon turned its attention to a man running its way, sword in hand. He dodged a ball of fire expertly before slamming the sword deep into its throat. It howled and sputtered, sinking to its knees. The sword began to melt and drip onto the boat, turning to liquid from the beast's built up fire. The red dragon roared and let loose one last blast of dragons breath, liquid flame pouring out of the hole in its neck as it died. The blast hurtled right toward the man who had slain it, no way to protect himself. He threw up his arms in a futile attempt to defend himself, but the blast never came.
Rallis shielded him, wyvern faced shield absorbing the fire to spit out later. The man quietly thanked her to which she ripped an orange shield off a burning corpse and slammed it in his arms. "I don't care if they call you 'The Deathless,' Koschei. Use this! Otherwise you will die."
The boat shuddered and began to splinter and crack. It was beginning to split and sink! Rallis waved Adam over to the front of the boat and away from the dragon he was fending off. Rallis leapt off the boat and onto the floating wreckage below, balancing perfectly on the sinking burning pieces of ship. She scurried across the ocean like a cat, leaping to the next platform on all fours and sinking her claws into the wood. Adam slammed Koschei on the back encouragingly. "Let's go! Hope you aren't heavy!" He jumped down below, following Rallis at a much slower and careful pace, having to take his size and lack of agility into account. He'd rather not sink into the sea today! Though thankfully he wasn't weighed down by heavy armor and knew how to swim.
Koschei eyed the water worriedly before following them. It was a safer bet that waiting for the boat to sink.
Rallis, Adam, and Koschei scaled the wreckage of the fleet like parkour masters, leaping onto other boats from below to defend those fighting back on the other ships. The three came to the rescue of many, including those who attended the meeting in Varrock. They downed a pair of vicious metal dragons with the help of Celeste and Achiettes who were stranded on their burning ship. Adam gave the Hero a wink which earned him a groan.
Rallis looked around the now smoke filled burning ocean for Galvek and Zorgoth but couldn't spot them. The place was a massacre of conflagration and she could hardly see beyond a few feet. "Do you know where Zorgoth is?" she asked the oneiromancer. "We need to reach him and stop this before it gets even worse."
The woman peered through the smoke for a moment before pointing into the gray distance. "You will find him there. They are watching from the head of the fleet. Go now, you have friends in danger."
"Thank you!" Rallis shouted before leaping off the boat and continuing her parkour trek. Adam was growing tired just from the perilous leaping and balancing alone. He didn't know how Rallis was so good at it. Koschei stayed behind to help the two women reach the head of the fleet a safer way than leaping across the water, as one of them was held down by metal armor.
Rallis heard the mangled screams of human and dragon alike all around her, watching burning men and mangled dragons fall into the waters below. She whined and went faster. The sooner she got to Zorgoth, the sooner this would all end!
Playing leapfrog in the smoke landed them in a graveyard of ships at the head of the fleet. One of the largest boats had another huge ship crashed into it, creating an L shape, and two other large boats were parked alongside the base of the L to form a giant deck to stand upon. Brutal looking dragons were slashing and hissing at a group of fights on the giant makeshift deck, knocking one soldier into the water only to have three more take his place. Brundt was at the head of the fight with his warriors, smashing his hammer into the skull of a blue dragon, while Dionysius stood behind the line casting magic into the mouths of the dragons before they could burn them alive, dousing the fires with a painful sizzle. Zorgoth and Galvek stood at the head of the boat, framed by Ungael and more dragons flying forth in the background. They laughed and smiled from their perch as they watched the fight unfold, like spectators admiring a sport. Bob was aboard the ship too, howling as he made his way passed the fighting dragons and up to Zorgoth and Galvek.
Rallis scaled the side of the boat, swinging up the anchor and slamming down on the head of a black dragon as it threatened to turn the Chieftain into a crispy snack. She muzzled the beast with her whip and held tight as it struggled. Brundt in turn slammed the beast over the head with his hammer, dazing it. Rallis let go right as Adam jumped aboard to slam his sword into its skull, beast falling dead to the floor with a thud.
Rallis pointed toward the head of the boat farther away. "Bob went that way! Stop him!"
Adam nodded and ran. Rallis continued to fight side by side her friends, holding down the fort until reinforcements arrived. Adam sprinted after his feline friend, soon coming face to face with the dragonkin and its pet. Bob didn't know what he was going to do, but he was furious and he'd be damned if he didn't do something!
"Zorgoth!" he howled. "You will pay for this!"
The dragonkin looked down at him and laughed. "They brought you along? How amusing. As if you could do anything."
Bob hissed. "I can still claw your eyes out!"
Zorgoth huffed at the comment. "You're the last one who could dare stand in my way. You've been a thorn in my side this long, but now it is time to be rid of you for good." Galvek readied a ball of fire. "So long, pest!"
The serpent launched the fireball straight for the cat, but right as it would have made contact, it exploded in a shower of flame and sparks as it hit a bright orange shield. Bob looked up to find his friend Adam, shield up and burnt. Zorgoth and Galvek snarled at the interruption.
"I thought you said you weren't going to fight," Adam hissed as he waved the flames off his shield and rose. That blast was painful, it damn near rattled every bone in his body. "What happened to that plan?"
Bob growled. "Yes well, quite frankly, he pissed me off."
Adam chuckled. "How about you leave the eye clawing to us and you tell us what to do?"
"Fine. And thank you."
"Don't mention it." Adam pointed a bolt at Zorgoth. "I don't really appreciate you trying to kill my friend!"
The dragonkin scowled at the man like an appraiser disgusted with the quality of the work. "Don't speak to me you disgusting human. I had enough of your chattering before."
Galvek opened its mouth in a roar and Bob spoke up. "Dragonfire incoming!"
Adam threw his shield up in the nick of time as a ball of fire blasted off his shield. "Thanks!"
"Another one, brace yourself!"
The challenge of predicting and reacting continued on while Rallis fended off the onslaught of dragons boats over. Brundt shoved her away as another dragon fell. "Go! Help your friend! We're fine now!"
Rallis ran over without another word and slid right next to Adam and Bob. Zorgoth hummed disdainfully. "Now the vorkath joins us. What a show. I will waste my time with you no longer."
On cue, two metal dragons landed from overhead, a green one and a blue one. "That's an adamant and a runite!" Bob shouted. "They're some of his strongest. Be careful!"
Zorgoth ignored them and surveyed his army from his perch, commanding like a king. Galvek was more interested in the show at hand, smiling as he watched the metal dragons split the warriors apart and force them into 1-v-1s. When not commanding for his master, he threw in a fireball of his own into the mix, throwing the two way off guard. It made him snicker watching the insects flail about.
The adamant dragon hissed at Rallis and reared its head back. "Rallis! Poison! Move!" Bob shouted at her. The green scaled dragon spat globs of sickly green goop on the deck where she just stood, missing by a hair. She waved the cat a thanks. "Not done yet!" he meowed. "It lights it on fire! The fumes are toxic! Keep away!" Sure enough, the dragon did just that. With the advanced warning, Rallis was able to slip away and sneak behind the dragon, climbing onto its back and jam her rapier between its plated shoulders. The dragon bucked and roared, trying to throw her off, but she held fast. Galvek hissed at the little dragon causing such a scene and launched a fireball at her.
"Dodge!" Bob shouted. Rallis yanked her sword out and rolled off the dragon to fall hard onto the floor. Galvek's blast of fire hit the adamant dragon square in the back, burning its wings to cinders and melting the metal scales clean off. It howled and gurgled as it melted into a bubbling mess. Some of its melted hide stuck to her armored claws and she nearly hurled from the sight, trying to shake it off.
Adam meanwhile was sparring with the runite. He was toe to toe with it, slashing at its face and claws when it tried to bite down or swipe at him. He shoved the flames away with his shield, but he wasn't making much progress with his poking and defending. Suddenly, the dragon stepped back and started to hiss and shudder oddly. He saw it as an opening and went to strike.
"Adam, no!" Bob howled. "Back up! It can spit an electric charge and stun you!"
The man backed up and realized his mistake with barely a second to spare. Electricity sprayed across the deck, sparking across the wood and in the air, exploding into sparks of dragonfire on contact with the sea spray. The last minute dodge and force of the exploding lightning sent Adam flying, landing harshly on the deck next to the dragon. Galvek took his chance while the man was down and shot a blast of dragons breath where he lay.
"Move, Adam!"
He couldn't, he wasn't fast enough, instead throwing up his shield and hiding behind it with his back to the floor. The blast slammed against his shield and squished him against the floorboards. He grit his teeth and stayed firm, not budging an inch lest he be roasted alive. The enchantment of the shield kicked in and popped the fireball in a shower of embers. Adam breathed a sigh of relief and let his arm fall to the side. 'That was way too close!'
Galvek roared in anger at his failed murder attempt. Zorgoth barked something at him to which the serpent smiled and slithered away, vanishing into the sea below.
Adam staggered up and faced the now furious runite dragon. His shield sizzled oddly, speckles of Galvek's fire burning the paint off. It was starting to weaken and lose its defensive capabilities. Adam started to panic. Being shieldless against an army of dragons was the last thing he wanted. He wasn't entirely sure what else to do against the dragon facing him down either. His sword didn't even seem to scratch its defenses, and his bolts would just bounce off with nothing soft to sink into.
Before the dragon had a chance to strike, it shrieked and reared back on its hind legs. It swished its tail around to find Rallis, teeth locked down on the end of its tail. The dragon screamed and howled as it tried to fling the pest off but she held fast.
"The mouth!" Bob commanded. "Shoot its mouth!"
Adam pulled out his crossbow and aimed. With the way the dragon was flailing its head about, it wouldn't be an easy shot. The runite slammed its tail down hard with a screech, knocking Rallis loose. It swiped the stunned dragon with its bleeding tail, sending her flying across the boat to slam into the side. Still on its hind legs, it shuddered and leaned back and aimed at Rallis.
'The lightning again! I don't think so!'
He aimed at the dragon's mouth, waiting for the perfect moment. Bob meowed worriedly. "Adam..."
The electricity flowed in its mouth, glowing brighter and brighter. The dragon cracked its jaw wider and readied itself. 'Now!' He fired the bolt into its mouth and expertly hit its mark. The dragon roared in surprise as the lightning exploded in its face and down its throat, cooking it from the inside. It slammed on the deck, dead. Adam sprinted over to his dazed companion across the deck, helping her to her feet and shaking the blow to the head off. Bob breathed a sigh of relief they were alright and that the dragons were dealt with.
A wicked laugh greeted them. The three turned their heads to find Zorgoth laughing at them. He wasn't mad they had just taken down two of his best dragons?
"You're a good commander, Robert, I'll give you that!" Zorgoth shouted from his perch between laughs. "You alone were the reason I nearly failed that day. You're the last one who can predict my every move. But I can have that no longer."
His eyes flashed gold and out of the sea flew Galvek, fire trailing out of his mouth. It all happened so fast. The serpent let loose an inferno, burning the feline to a crisp, and swept the ash away with a flood of water alongside the two dead dragons before slithering back to his master's side like nothing had happened. Adam and Rallis stared in horror as their friend was gone in the blink of an eye, nothing more than soot now floating on the waves.
Zorgoth laughed. "Finally. That pest is gone. He's caused me enough trouble as it is."
Neither of them could believe it. He was right there! They were taking orders from him not a minute ago! Adam let go of Rallis and roared, leveling his crossbow at the dragonkin. "ZORGOTH! YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!"
Rallis unfurled her whip and snarled at the dragonkin, too angry to cry. "You die here! For everyone you've killed, for the lives you've ruined, I will make sure you fall here today!"
"As if I would fail now," the dragonkin said dismissively, not at all interested in the rambling of a human and a vorkath. "This has been centuries in the making. A band of weak little humans and their floating wooden toys and pointed sticks would be the last thing to stop me. It's not even a thought worth entertaining really."
Galvek smiled as he coiled around his master, eager to continue on with the destruction. Zorgoth grinned. "I think I'd like to see you burn like your pet cat!"
"YOU FUCKING MONSTER!" Adam snapped as he let his bolt loose. The dragon smacked it away with a flick of his tail before retaliating with a raging inferno leaping from its mouth. Before she could even shout 'move,' Rallis was shoving him out of the way, missing being barbecued alive by a breath. She stomped closer to the two and growled.
"Stop it and go home!" she shouted at them. "You're accomplishing nothing from this but sending these dragons to die! Just stop and go home and live there!"
Zorgoth glared at her. "Who do you think you are, vorkath, commanding things of me that unruly tone? If you were one of mine, I would have kil--"
Galvek slid his tail across the dragonkin's wings to halt his rant and grab his attention. He said something to which Zorgoth snorted and muttered "be my guest." Galvek slithered over to Rallis, who took up a defensive stance in response. Adam ran over with his crossbow drawn, ready to fight the beast. Galvek roared at the man and swept him back with a wave of his hand as ocean water leapt over the boat's edge and pushed him back, nearly throwing him over the side.
"Adam!" Rallis turned to run over and help but was stopped by a long red tail turning her back around to face the serpent.
"You don't want to be here, do you?" he asked.
"No, I don't!" she shouted. "I don't want anyone to be here! I don't want to see my family and friends hurt!"
"And who might that be?" Galvek questioned as he slithered closer. "Your friends and family I mean."
Rallis was a bit put off by the question, not sure what the dragon was getting at. "I've got lots of people like that, even people here right now. There's Dionysius and Denulth and Celeste and Brundt and the man you just so rudely washed away!"
"What about your family?" he hissed. "They were blue dragons, correct? A mother and two brothers and a black dragon father. Hmm, deceased, what a shame. Wonder what killed him." Galvek feigned surprise and covered his mouth in mock shock. "Oh dear, it was a pack of humans! With their dreadful weapons and unquenchable thirst for blood! How ironic the black armored humans killed the black armored dragon."
Rallis took a step back in shock. "How do you know this?"
He coiled in closer on her, closing her off from the rest of the world. He was her sole focus. "I know everything about you. I see everything, even things you can't but want to. I see your real family being murdered by humans, your friends being skinned for armor, your adopted father sacrificing himself to save your mother and three children, all those cruel humans chasing you with swords and poison. Tragic really, the violence of that species. But that's how they are. They only care about themselves you know."
"But my friends..." she retorted. "I have human friends!"
Galvek sneered. "A druid that rescued you for only his own gains! A librarian that thought you'd make an interesting study! A scientist who sent you to die in a foreign land! A bard that only wants you as a songbird! An adventurer who has your friends' heads mounted on his wall! They aren't your friends! They aren't your family! We are!"
Rallis shook her head. "You're wrong! I care about them and they care about me!"
"'Care?!'" Galvek laughed. "Oh please. You feign caring about these lesser beings. But I can see inside you, the emotions you try to hide from yourself. I see the unbridled rage of a monster in your heart, begging to be let out. You want to release it too but you won't admit it." Rallis tried to ignore his words, push him away, but some part of her was falling under his influence and dying to do whatever he asked. "Admit it, little dragon. You don't need these humans and they don't need you. Just give in to your rage, your animosity, your nature. Just give in!"
Galvek's eyes flashed for a moment as he slithered back over to his master, leaving Rallis to stand alone, frozen and staring ahead at nothing. Adam had collected himself and sprinted back over, coughing up water and leaving puddles behind as he ran. "Rallis!" he tried to grab her attention. She didn't budge, just stared at seemingly nothing. "Rallis?" He grabbed her by the shoulder when she suddenly collapsed, eyes rolling shut and body smacking the wooden floorboards. "Rallis?!" He shook her roughly. "Get up! GET UP!" Galvek and Zorgoth snickered at the front of the boat, watching the pathetic whining of the man. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" he yelled as he stood and pointed another bolt at them.
"Nothing, really," Zorgoth said. "Just made her realize what's truly important."
Something scraped the floor behind him. Adam spun around to see Rallis up again, but she was oddly hunched over like she was sick, eyes closed in pain. "Rallis, what's wrong?" he asked. Rallis' grip on her whip tightened as she slowly shook her head and hissed. Zorgoth snapped and her eyes flew open, dark and cold and monstrous. In the blink of an eye, Rallis screeched and lashed her whip down the man's chest, frost and blood leaving a shallow but painful gash behind. Adam gasped and stepped back quickly, hissing at the sharp needles of ice digging into his skin. She took another step closer to the man and roared, whip lashing as angrily as her tail as she craved nothing more than seeing these monsters killing her friends dead.
Adam held his ground. "Rallis, what's wrong?! Snap out of it!"
"Don't even bother," Zorgoth laughed. "She's seen the correct path. She's ours now."
Adam felt his blood run cold and it wasn't because of the icy whip. 'No... no no no NO! Rallis, why?'
A blast of magic struck Galvek across the face. He shrieked in anger as he pawed the pain away. The two hadn't been paying attention and hadn't noticed the rest of the humans were no longer occupied, dead dragons piled on the deck much farther away and slipping over the side to sink into the sea. The largest remaining force of humans were present and ready to fight, weapons drawn and magic at the ready. Zorgoth growled and stomped in anger. "KILL THEM ALL!"
Seemingly out of nowhere, metal dragons of every color landed on the boat deck, ready to fight. Galvek growled something at Rallis and with that, Rallis was leading the dragons on an attack against the people she'd come with.
"No, wait, Rallis stop!" Adam yelled as she ran at them, but she did not listen. She roared as she commanded an iron and steel dragon to split the humans into smaller more manageable groups and a runite and adamant dragon to rain poison and lightning down from above. Two knights ran forward, swords at the ready to kill their former companion. They all knew it was a possibility she would lose her mind out here, and they knew just as well that she would be killed for it with no hesitation. Adam saw the men running forward and tried to stop them.
"Don't attack her! She isn't herself!"
They ignored him and lashed out at her, but they were far too slow and predictable. Rallis easily dodged out of the way and leapt onto one of the knights, digging her claws into his armour before crunching his neck in her jaws, metal, skin, and all. The other knight lunged at her but soon met the same fate, body limply falling to the ground as she spat blood out of her mouth. She faced Adam now, blood and drool dripping from her mouth. He took a shaky breath as he pointed his crossbow at her, diamond tipped bolt glinting menacingly. "Rallis don't make me do this!" he shouted with the most brave face he could put on. In reality, he was horrified. Not because she'd just chewed through armour and neck like it was nothing, but because he was coming to the realization that he might have to fight his friend. Or worse.
He shook the thought out of his head. She took another step closer and readied to leap at him. "Rallis, don't! Snap out of it, I know you can!"
The iron and steel dragons were down now, most of the team left to focus on the adamant and runite in the sky. Some knights and Fremennik had run over, arms at the ready. A warrior brandished his axe and stepped forward. Adam quickly stopped him with a glare. "Do not," he growled each word. More antsy fighters stepped forward, Rallis glancing over all of them as if deciding the order in which to pick them off.
Adam turned and roared at them all. "STAND DOWN, NOW!" Some stepped back, wary of the man's temper, but still some stepped forward. One threateningly pointed his sword at Rallis, and as she was about to run to meet and kill him, Adam smashed his antidragon shield over his head, sending him staggering back. "I said stand down! She's my problem, not yours. If anyone is going to kill her, it's me!" He nearly choked out the end, dreading that possibility more than anything. The ragtag group of knights and Fremennik begrudgingly backed away, watching him and the dragon lady at a distance and continuing to assist however they could here or elsewhere.
Galvek and Zorgoth were watching the scene unfold from their safe perch. "This is rather entertaining, I must say," Zorgoth told his companion. "If you do end up controlling that vorkath well enough maybe I'll fix her. She seems to have some promise."
"More than you know," Galvek replied. "Watch this."
Adam had crawled as close as he was willing to get to his mind controlled friend, shield up just in case. "Rallis, please, listen. You're not right, they're telling you what to do. You've got to snap out of it!"
Suddenly, she lowered her weapon and shield, confusedly tilting her head. Adam sighed in relief. Maybe he was finally getting through to her! That thought immediately vanished when she smiled as she coiled up her whip and held out her now free hands. With a flick of her wrist, she set the floorboards ablaze. Adam yelped as he jolted back from the flames. Rallis smiled sadistically as she called forth ice with the other hand, jagged teeth ripping through the floor to slice anything in its path.
Zorgoth grinned at the display. "Ice and fire!" he exclaimed. "How interesting! Now I really would like to get my hands on her after this is over." Galvek happily continued controlling the small dragon as he forced her to set the ship and its people ablaze before skewering them with ice. Her eyes started to glow blue alongside their monstrous black sheen. Her claws flashed blue with every spell, as if weaving them from nothing but her fingertips.
Rallis howled with sadistic laughter as she made Adam stagger back, dodging and weaving around the growing inferno and spontaneous blades of ice. Room to run was disappearing and fast, and Rallis couldn't help but smile at how fun it was to make the man dance however she like. Many of those standing or fighting nearby were melted or frozen alive, charred corpses or bodies speared through by ice covering the boat. They all tried to run, finding nowhere to go and meeting a magical malevolent demise. As he dodged between the bodies and magic, Adam was pushed farther and farther away from Rallis and closer to the hellstorm of poison and lightning falling from the sky from the nearby fight with the adamant and runite dragons. Rallis waved her hand to send shards of ice barreling his way. Adam held up his shield in hopes of blocking the magic, but nothing made impact. The shattering of ice graced his ears as a large bearded man with an equally large hammer had stepped in and crushed the ice before it could even make contact.
The man smiled at Adam. "You alright?"
'Chieftain Brundt!' He nodded. "Yeah, thanks!"
The Chieftain sighed as he saw Rallis roar angrily at the two men, walking closer. "So she fell under its spell," he muttered. "Damn it all."
"She can snap out of it!" Adam pleaded. "I know she can!"
Brundt hefted his hammer over his shoulder. "I hope you're right. I rather like her. One of the happier things to wander through as of late. We won't get anywhere while she's over there, though." He grinned wide. "Let's knock some sense into her."
Adam nodded and smiled too. It was good to know he was fighting alongside someone whose first instinct wasn't to kill her. Rallis cast fire and ice at them as they ran toward her, hoping to slow them down. Despite their size, the two weaved through the onslaught masterfully. Brundt was on her now with Adam close behind. The Chieftain swung his hammer down at her, but he was far too slow to hit something as fast and small as her. He shattered the wood underfoot instead and quickly found himself thrown from his hammer. The man rolled with a grunt as Rallis barreled into him, managing to pin him to the ground. She opened wide to rip open the man's throat but was met with an arm instead. It was all Brundt could do to stave off the jaws of death. She was surprisingly strong for something so little. He couldn't even throw her off without ripping his arm off. Rallis crunched down in frustration as the man cried out in pain, arm completely shattered. She brought her claws up to rake them down his face but was abruptly and painfully tackled off her prey, rolling across the ground as something large and heavy grabbed onto her and tried to hold her down.
She looked up to see Adam holding her down as best he could. She screeched as she tried to wriggle out of his grasp, back claws trying to gut him open like a fish. "Rallis, stop! Remember who we are, who you are! Don't let them do this to you!"
He soon heard hissing and it wasn't from her. He looked down to her shield to see the mouth of it open and glow blue. 'SHIT!' He quickly rolled off her and into a combat stance, sword and shield at the ready. The shield's blast of wyvern ice barely missed him. Rallis pulled out her sword as well, a long deadly rapier. They circled each other, each waiting for an opening. She found one first, darting forward, sword extended. Adam pulled up his shield and it bounced harmlessly to the side. He swiped back in retaliation, missing spectacularly as she slid away. They continued like this for a few blows more, Adam buying time for a pair of soldiers to help Brundt to safety. Rallis spun around and clawed at Adam's shield with her free hand, grabbing it and biting down on it, serrated teeth easily chewing away at the now stripped flimsy metal. She spat the orange and silver chunk out as she wrenched the rest of it from his hand, clawing wildly like a beast gone mad. Adam raised his sword in defence as she tried biting down again, teeth horribly scraping across the orichalcum. Adam pushed her back with his sword and pulled back to strike just as Rallis was. They both lunged forward to stab the other, but Adam faltered at the last moment, stabbing at air and taking a rapier to his side. He gasped in pain as Rallis pushed the sword in deeper, growling victoriously. It hurt like a bitch and it was all he could do to not fall to the ground in the moment, but if he did that he'd surely end up dead.
He could have stabbed her in the back then and there. She was right in front of him, easily open to an attack, but he didn't strike. Instead, he let his sword go and grabbed ahold of her, as best an embrace as he could with her still holding her sword in place. "Y'know," he hissed through gritted teeth and pain. "I don't think I could ever hurt you. I couldn't hurt my friend. Not you."
Rallis faltered in her animosity for a moment, looking at him confusedly. Humans weren't friends, so what was he saying? Why wasn't he attacking her?
"I don't know what they did to make you do this, but I need you to come back," he continued. "Please Rallis."
She grumbled and groaned. "No... you'll kill us all... My family... my friends... you'll kill them."
"What are we then, if not family?" he tried. "Who is your real family? Who raised you? Who stayed by your side? Who helped you learn about the world? Was it those two?"
She shook her head, trying to shoo away the voice telling her to kill him. "No..."
"Who is it then?"
The malicious voice in her head spoke up. "DOESN'T MATTER!" she snarled and drove the sword in deeper. Adam gasped and wobbled, trying not to fall. "Humans kill us! Now we kill you! All of you... ALL... should die!"
"This isn't you," Adam continued in a pained whisper. "I know you and this isn't it. You're so much better than this. You can break free! Show me you can!" He held her tighter. 'I will not let them take you from me! Not you too!' Rallis started to hiss and snarl, both at the man and herself, as if fighting a war only she could see and hear. The hand on the hilt of her rapier started to shake as if deciding whether to run him through or help him. "Please Rallis," he tried one last time. "Come back to the people that love you."
The fog in her head started to clear, the screeching murderous voice in her head fading away, her eyes losing the dark monstrous sheen, and she started to cry. She pulled the rapier out of his side and let it fall to the floor, Adam nearly going with it. She was balling into his shirt now, coming to realization with everything she just did. "I-I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I didn't... No no no no I can't...!" She broke off into a nonsensical mess of tears and apologies. He didn't say anything, just stood there with her.
Galvek huffed at the display. "What a shame. You could've been something great. But now I suppose you'll continue to do nothing but waste your life away with humans that don't even like you."
"You shut up!" Rallis snapped, startling Adam. "You made me hurt people! You made me hurt my friend! I'm going to kill you!"
"You were made to hurt people!" Zorgoth yelled. "We simply enabled you to do as you were meant to. But enough of this idiocy! I see you are hopeless, a vorkath indeed, and I have moved on from playing these games. You say you want to kill me? Let's see you try!"
Galvek hurled a massive ball of fire their way, Rallis throwing up her shield at the last second. The force pushed the two back, sending them careening to the floor. Adam gasped in pain, the stab wound in his side making his vision blur for a moment. "Stay away from them," Rallis commanded. "You can't fight them like this." She ran off before she could hear his retort.
Rallis sprinted forward at lightning speed, whip trailing behind her as she dodged blasts of fire from Galvek. Nothing hit her, even Zorgoth was taken aback. She was a bolt of fury and snarls, running to where Galvek lay coiled at the front of the boat. With a screech, Rallis leapt onto the dragon and slashed her whip across his chest, leaving a trail of icy crystals behind. Galvek howled and swatted her away like a fly. Rallis landed with an ungraceful thud nearby, collecting herself and readying to strike once more.
"I think not!" Galvek roared as he turned to the sky. Fire trailed from his mouth as he rained hellfire onto the arena in front of him. Molten balls of fire splattered onto the ground, eating away at the wood and setting the deck ablaze. Not wanting the fire to spread, Rallis held her shield out and called forth its power of ice, hoping to put it out. But as the ice touched the molten pile, it exploded, globs of molten muck and jagged shards of rocky shrapnel flying in every direction. Rallis yelped as the shrapnel came her way, unable to get her shield up in time. Spines of flaming rock ripped through her sleeve and embedded themselves in her arm. Before she could even pull the spines out, Galvek let loose another ball of fire, throwing her hard against the side of the boat and near another pile of quaking fire and rock waiting to explode. Rallis threw her shield up just in time for the pile to explode, flaming shards stabbing themselves into the boat and her leg.
Galvek slithered closer, fire dribbling from his mouth and onto the deck below. The whole arena was a sea of conflagration on the ocean. Burning wood over an endless pit of water was not a good combination. Rallis pulled the spines out of her leg and rose, ready to try again. "Getting tired already, vorkath?" the serpent teased. "I knew you were a failure but I expected more."
Rallis shrieked in anger and flicked the blood dripping onto her whip away. Her shield even seemed angry, crunching a spine caught in its mouth. She launched herself at the serpent, but he knew where she was going to step before she even got there. With a swipe of his tail, Rallis was thrown back, the force causing something to snap with a crack, she didn't know what. Breathing hurt all of a sudden, but so did standing and moving her arm. She couldn't bring herself to care about the new sprouting pain. Galvek laughed as he readied another fireball to crisp the fumbling dragon with. As his mouth glowed with fire, something sharp shot through the sky and into his maw, ripping a hole through his cheek, blood and embers trailing down his chin in a molten mess.
The dragon howled and turned away, grabbing at his bleeding mouth. Rallis spun around to find Adam with his crossbow pointed at the serpent, another bolt already being loaded. He grit his teeth in pain with every step he took, blood soaking through his top and down his side, but he toughed through it. He fired another bolt at Galvek, this one finding itself deep in his back between his shoulder blades. Now thoroughly enraged and pained, Galvek flew out of range to sulk by his master, also now staggering from the pain he shared with his pet.
Adam held out a hand to Rallis to help her up. "You alright?"
She nodded and took the help. "You're not though," she said as she finally took the spines out of her arm. "You shouldn't be here, not after I gave you that," she pointed to the blood seeping through his shirt.
"I'll be fine," he told her, but she looked unconvinced. "Rallis it's going to take a lot more than that to keep me away from this fight. We've come this far together, now we finish this together."
Rallis smiled. She was thankful he was standing by her for this despite everything. But she would be sure to lecture him on his stubbornness later. "Thank you," she said. "But please be careful."
"You too." Galvek roared in the distance and made his way to the edge of the boat. "Now let's go!"
Galvek had slithered off the boat, now floating coiled in midair and out of melee range of his two assailants. That didn't matter to Adam however, bolt prepared to fire in his crossbow. Galvek hissed and swished his tail at them before he could fire. A strong wind kicked up, growing harsher by the second. The gem in Galvek's chest glowed a bright white, shining brighter and brighter as the wind grew stronger. Rallis nudged Adam and pointed to the gem and the man nodded, aiming to fire. As he let the bolt loose, however, the wind simply knocked it away. The two could feel themselves being pushed back now too, feet sliding backwards along the boat.
'If a crossbow can't reach him, there's no way my shield will either!' Rallis thought with dread. 'What do we do?!'
The gem in Galvek's chest flickered red for just a moment before turning white again as the serpent launched more fire into the sky to crash onto the boat.
"Start running!" Rallis yelled over the wind and dove out of the way of a falling ball of fire. The two dodged and weaved through the onslaught, but the wind was harsh and making things ten times more difficult. Rallis snarled at a ball of fire that landed so close it singed her tail. 'You want to use magic, Galvek?! Well I can too!'
Rallis roared and stomped against the wind toward the edge of the boat. She concentrated on what she did before, when Galvek controlled her and allowed her to use magic without runes like a real dragon. With a shudder and a hiss, her eyes glowed blue, her claws grew icy, her entire being illuminated in a pale blue aura. She screeched monstrously, high pitched and deafening, and formed a spear of ice in her hand. Galvek was shocked. He knew she physically could do magic like that, he had controlled her and showed her how to after all, but he didn't think she would remember how to without his help!
Rallis shot the jagged frozen spear at the dragon, cutting through the wind with ease, and slamming right into his chest. It exploded in a spray of crystal, and for a moment the wind stopped, Galvek brushing the attack off. Without warning, Rallis sprinted across the boat toward the dragon, leapt off the side, and latched onto his tail with her whip. Its deadly spines bit into his scales like fangs, and the frost crawling up his tail didn't feel any more comforting.
Galvek flicked his tail back and forth trying to shake her off. Instead, Rallis sank her claws into his skin, one hand and two feet digging into him while the other hand held the whip now scraping him. He growled and thrashed in the air as she climbed up his tail and onto his back to rest on the back of his neck.
"You filthy insect, get off me!"
Rallis replied by wrapping the whip around his neck and pulling, cutting into her hand as well as his throat. Galvek grabbed at the frozen spines cutting into his neck, large talons awkwardly clawing at the weapon. Rallis wrapped the bladed end around her arm, enchanted razor sharp edges slicing into her arm. But she didn't care. It was holding Galvek back and that was all that mattered.
Now no longer buffeted by the wind, Adam had an easy clear shot at the serpent. Galvek was so occupied with Rallis he hadn't noticed the archer readying his bow. Even Zorgoth hadn't been watching him, instead observing Rallis for some way his pet could throw her off. It was a perfect chance.
Adam aimed and fired, bolt landing right in the center of the serpent's chest with a crack as it damaged the gem it found purchase in. Galvek roared and flailed at the pain before crashing onto the boat. Rallis was thrown off with a yelp, losing her whip and tumbling hard onto the deck. Everything hurt, but overall she was fine, staggering up as Galvek did.
Galvek pulled the bolt out of his chest with a whine and snapped the thing in two. "That this little stick would hurt so much... You will pay for that!" Galvek roared at Adam and slammed his paw down where the man just stood, dodging out of the way in an instant. With another roar, the gem in Galvek's chest shimmered a cracked blue, and the serpent pulled his hand back toward him. The sound of rushing water drowned out any other sound as the ocean happily leapt onto the boat, putting out the remaining fires and sweeping Adam and Rallis away.
The water came and came, flowing around the serpent as it crashed onto the boat from every angle. The two coughed and sputtered as the unceasing waves of ocean threatened to either sweep them off the boat or drown them on it, neither of which were desirable options. As the water did its best to drown Adam, Galvek turned his attention to Rallis. "Let's see how you like being strangled!" he hissed menacingly.
Rallis could feel her whip float by in the water, weaving its way around her like a snake. Galvek twirled his fingers like a puppeteer, weaving the water around her whip and wrapping it around her neck tight. Rallis gasped, sucking in water instead of air as her whip tightened around her neck and dragged her under the flood still crashing onto the boat. She clawed at her weapon, edges tearing the palms of her gloves to shreds. It tore into her scarf and neck as it tightened around her. Rallis started to panic. She'd had her throat ripped open once before and she did not want that to happen again, especially not with her own weapon of all things.
The more panicked she grew, the brighter blue she glowed. She squeezed her eyes shut as the whip wrapped around so tightly she couldn't even breathe in water. Galvek laughed as he watched her start to die, gradually going limp in the water. But the glow continued to grow and grow, until it became so bright it made the water shimmer magically. At once, Rallis' eyes shot open, that same ethereal blue, and the water around her froze and shattered into a rain of snow and shards. Her whip fell away and she hacked and coughed up the water, finally being able to breathe again.
Galvek was in shock. "You--! You shouldn't know how to do that! How, after one time, are you able to do this?! You're just a vorkath! A VORKATH!"
Rallis ignored him and froze and shattered the remaining water on the boat, freeing Adam in a pile of powder and ice shards. The man coughed up seawater as he rose, now soaked and freezing as well as bloody. He could barely stand anymore, but thankfully Galvek's attention wasn't on him.
The serpent howled in anger and called forth the ocean from both sides of the boat, but before they could even crash down, Rallis froze them solid and broke them into blades of ice and launched them at Galvek. He screeched and writhed in pain as he was pelted from all sides with frozen knives. His gem cracked more as he collapsed to the floor in a panting bleeding mess.
As the serpent went down, so did Rallis. Blood trickled out of her mouth as the glow around her faded. She couldn't tell if it was a broken rib or whatever else but her chest burned and hurt like mad. She could hardly breathe let alone stand! She coughed up a pool of blood and threatened to collapse.
Galvek smiled. "That power has a cost, vorkath. It is because you are weak!" He regained his composure and coiled upright on the deck. "I have no weakness! I have no cost! My power has no limits!" The gem on his chest glowed green, and with that he raised his hands. The boat shuddered beneath them as massive waves rocked it side to side. Out of the ocean floated heavy glassy rocks from deep on the ocean floor. They swirled around the serpent like angry hornets waiting to strike. He readied one to strike only to find a bolt shoot into the back of his hand. Galvek spun around and roared. Adam stood shakily with his crossbow drawn, another bolt already nocked and ready to go.
Galvek launched a rock at Adam who artfully dodged out of the way. The rock left a hole in the boat instead of in him. He fired another bolt at the serpent, this one finding purchase in his neck. The serpent hissed and flinched and fired another rock at him. Adam ducked out of the way, rock flying harmlessly over the boat and back into the ocean. Adam fired again, this one going deep into the dragon's shoulder. Galvek roared and launched another rock, and another, and another, creating an inescapable prison around the man. Adam didn't realize until it was too late, until he had nowhere else to run. Galvek grinned as he launched a rock at the man and finally hit his mark. It smacked Adam in the head and threw him backwards, crossbow skittering across the floor away from him.
"Adam!" Rallis screamed as she tripped over to him only to be stopped by a swipe of Galvek's tail sending her sideways.
"Both of you have caused me enough trouble today," Galvek sneered before smiling wickedly. "But now I win. You can watch your friend die before I kill you!" He turned his gaze to Adam bleeding and dazed on the ground.
'No! Leave him alone!' Rallis tried to scream, but she couldn't. She was just so tired. Galvek slithered closer. 'Stop! STOP!' She dragged herself closer and stopped when she felt her hand touch something that wasn't the ship deck. She looked under her to find Adam's crossbow, diamond bolt nocked and ready to go. She swiftly picked it up and stood, legs threatening to give way. Having his crossbow was the stroke of luck that could save their lives right now! But she didn't know how to use the thing! She was a terrible shot! She had used one maybe a couple times in Armadyl's Eyrie but that was just to get around!
'No, there was one other time,' she remembered. 'Adam showed both of us how to use one in the woods that day! I never hit the target though...'
Galvek slunk closer to Adam, still dazed on the ground. The serpent opened his mouth wide to burn the man to ash.
'It doesn't matter how it turned out then, I have to do this now!' Rallis tried to remember everything from that day in the woods when Adam had shown her and Peg how to fire a crossbow. She stood how she thought she was supposed to, readied the bow and pulled back the bolt, and aimed, this time away from her snout so it wouldn't bounce back and hit her. She steadied herself and put her finger on the trigger.
Both the serpent and dragonkin turned to her with a glare, the latter's visage of fury quickly changing to one of horror. The diamond tipped bolt glowed blue with magic, as did Rallis' whole body. With a screech she let the bolt fly, a tail of blue light trailing behind. The bolt ripped right through Galvek's chest with an explosion of light and magic, shattering the gem in his chest alongside his heart.
"NOOO!!!" Zorgoth screamed as his greatest creation howled and flailed. His roars were earth shattering, deafening anyone near. His tail thrashed against the deck of the boat, slamming holes wherever he struck. He clawed at his chest, as if trying to pull the pain out and stop the bleeding. His movements soon began to slow, his roaring and thrashing diminishing to crying whimpers and twitching. With a final strangled cry, the mighty serpent's head fell to the floor with a thud, the beast finally dead.
Zorgoth howled in anger as he saw his most prized possession fall, the beast he had spent centuries creating, gone. His legs gave out from under him as he felt all his energy leave him. He tried to choke back the pain as he fell to his hands and knees, the pain of loss and crossbow bolt settling in his chest.
Rallis walked over and stood menacingly over the defeated dragonkin, giant beast hunched on the ground at her mercy. He could hardly move, breath labored and limbs heavy. It took every last bit of energy he had to look at Rallis and speak.
"So... you won," Zorgoth rasped. "Such... a shame..." He glanced at his fallen creation and almost seemed as if he were about to cry.
"You could have lived," Rallis said with a scowl. "Both of you. You could have continued with your work. You could have moved on with your life. You could have lived for every one of your kind that died. But instead..."
"I won't be talked down to... by a vorkath!" He wheezed and sunk lower to the ground.
Rallis went nose to nose with him and snarled. "You will be talked down, broken down, and taken down by a vorkath. You can die knowing everything you consider weak, lesser, failures, destroyed your plans and killed you."
Zorgoth laughed a horrible gurgle of a laugh, ending in a strangled cough. "You tried telling us you weren't a monster, a killer. But look at you now!" Blood trailed out of his mouth as he continued to laugh. "You were made to be a killer! And you will never escape that!"
Rallis snarled at the comment, but held herself back for a moment longer. "You will tell me something else before you die," she growled to his face. "The blue dragons you made on Ungael, was I one of them?"
"Like I said before... I don't remember." He started to choke on blood. "But with that power, that bloodlust... I certainly hope you are!" He started to wheeze as he laughed. "You will destroy the world in my stead!"
Rallis had heard enough, and with a flick of her wrist set the dragonkin ablaze. His strangled screeching was quickly silenced as his body erupted in a blaze of fiery blue glory until only a charred skeleton remained. That was it. Everything was over now. It was really good and done. She turned around to find Adam still trying to right himself from the blow to the head Galvek gave him. Rallis ran over and sat him up, looking him over as people started to congregate near them and the dead dragon.
Rallis brushed the hair off her partner's forehead, matted and sticky with blood. It was starting to trickle into his eyes, one forced shut from swelling as well as blood. She tore off one of her mostly shredded gloves and wiped some of the blood away. Adam pushed her hand away. "I'm fine," he slurred tiredly. "Is just a rock! Jus a rock..." He started to fall forward. "My head hurts."
"I know, I'm sorry, just hang in there!" Rallis pressed the glove against his still bleeding forehead and tried to lift him up to get help, but she was just so tired she couldn't do it. She saw more blood seep through his top, the wound she gave him bleeding far more profusely now after the strain of the fight against Galvek.
Adam's other eye started to close. "Hey Rallis," he mumbled. "You did good. I knew... you could do it." And with that he passed out.
With how tired she was, Rallis could barely hold him up. The people nearby were simply taking the scene in and staying away from Rallis, worried she might still be thirsty for human blood. "Don't just stand there, help me!" she snapped at a group of gawking knights. "He's hurt really bad and needs help now!"
Warily, they made their way over, quickly taking the man with them. Rallis could only hope it was to a healer or place to rest and get fixed up. She could feel her own exhaustion start to set in now as well, the adrenaline wearing off. The glow of magic surrounding her disappeared and her strength with it. At once, the pain set in, all the wounds from the fight and a horrible feeling of sharp pain in her chest, like something was ripping her apart from the inside. Before she could even call for help, Rallis found herself hitting the floor, unconscious.
Soft. She was laying on something soft. It wasn't the hard burnt wood that made up the deck of the ship. It was something much softer, and maybe a bit scratchy. Opening her eyes was a struggle, she wanted to sleep. She groaned and glanced around. She was right, she wasn't on the ground outside, but rather on a crummy cot in a room with other people sound asleep.
Rallis blinked the sleep away and looked at her arm. It was wrapped in bandages, already beginning to stain red. Her leg was wrapped the same way. The bandages may have covered her wounds, but everything still hurt, especially her chest. Either something was broken or a demon was trying to rip her open from the inside. Or both. Groggily, she hopped off the cot and stumbled to the floor, legs not ready for adventure. She crawled over to the corner of the room and was happy to find her things resting against the wall. Her shield was protectively guarding her weapons and almost seemed to perk up upon seeing her awaken.
Rallis pet the shield's head. "Hey Fimbul," she whispered. The shield glowed happily.
She finally stood off the floor, wobbly from exhaustion and the rocking of the boat. With awkward footing, Rallis quietly left the room of sleeping people, leaving her shield to continue standing guard.
It was dark and quiet outside the room, the only sound being the creaking of the boat as it moved. Rallis snuck around, peeking into every room she found, but most were void of anything of interest. One room she peeked into had a familiar face though. Rallis' ears perked up as she saw a tall blonde woman in white robes, still perfectly clean even after the battle.
"Celeste!" Rallis smiled and sauntered over.
The dream mage lifted her head tiredly at her guest. "Oh, hello Rallis. Good to see you awake now." Her voice was as tired and strained as her demeanor. She looked like she needed sleep. "I wouldn't mind some of that actually," the woman yawned. Rallis' ears shot up and then drooped at her comment. "Sorry, force of habit. Your thoughts are always just so loud I can't help it."
"Why not sleep then? Seems like everyone else is."
"I was worried about some things," the oneiromancer said. "One of those things seems to have woken up however."
"You were worried about me?" Rallis asked.
Celeste nodded. "Something was off about you when you were carried in. It's hard to describe. One moment all seemed normal, but then the next it was like you were trying to cast magic in your sleep. I don't know how else to describe it. Unconsciously and magically volatile I suppose. It would seem everything is fine now though."
It was a bit of an odd story but weirder had happened today. "Anything else happen?" Rallis asked. "And are Adam and Brundt okay?"
"Some arguments and general bickering, but it's been mostly quiet. No celebration, no fights. Everyone is too exhausted and depressed and angry When the dragonkin fell, the other dragons flew home. No one else was harmed after that. As for those two, like a broken arm would ever stop Brundt." Rallis chuckled at that. He seemed like the kind of guy who could have both his arms and legs cut off and still threaten to bite you. "As for your friend, I believe I actually saw him up and about not too long ago. Though he did look rather tired. Maybe check the infirmary down that way. Just be careful." She pointed out the door and farther into the ship.
"Thanks Celeste," Rallis said as she left. "And get some sleep!"
As Rallis made her way to the makeshift infirmary, she could feel the air grow tense with hatred and pain. It made her scales itch, the vibe of the room making her shiver. People were complaining inside, angered whispers and the occasional shout echoing out to where she stood. Rallis stood outside the room by the entrance to listen in unseen.
"More of us would be coming home if it weren't for that scaled bitch!"
"I can't believe I considered her one of us..."
"She's the reason some of us are in here getting bandaged! Or worse, the reason some of us are dead!"
The whole room was abuzz with the talk of her being a traitor, a monster, a beast to be put down. It wouldn't matter how much she apologized, how horrible she felt, she had still sided with the enemy and killed people.
Rallis peeked her head into the makeshift infirmary, glancing at all the wounded soldiers. Some were unconscious, horribly burnt by dragonfire, while others were sporting gashes, bites, and broken bones of various kinds. There were only a few people helping out and they looked just as overworked and exhausted as those who were wounded. They looked like they needed assistance.
"Excuse me," Rallis squeaked out quietly from her hiding spot at the entrance. "Do you need some help?"
All eyes turned to her and soon the derision started.
"Don't you dare let that thing in here!" one man panicked, trying to scramble away but unsuccessful with his broken leg. Others muttered in agreement and added slurs on top.
"Get the hell out of here, you damn devil!" one man shouted as he threw one of his boots at her. Rallis flinched back as it bounced harmlessly off the nearby wall. Her ears drooped as she gave the man a shameful glance. "You better be gone once we land in Relleka, 'Denkir'," the man continued. "You aren't one of us anymore, traitor."
"I just want to help!" she tried, but no one would hear it.
"Great help you did!" one man shouted. "My mate can't even walk because of you! You melted his god damn leg off!"
"You killed my best friend!" another man called from his bed. "Tore him open with your filthy magic! I can still feel the ice..." He shivered and grabbed his arm. It was frozen and blackened in some places, like he had frostbite.
"I didn't want to hurt anyone!" she cried. "And I don't want to now! I just want to help!"
"You want to help so badly?" a one eyed Fremennik next to her growled. "Jump into the ocean and stay there. Rot at the bottom of the sea with your beloved dragon friends."
A chorus of "ayes" cheered to that. More slurs were thrown her way, the unofficial medics too tired to care to stop them. Rallis bowed her head and shuffled away, breaking into a run and sniffling once she was out of earshot. She ran above deck, people moving out of her path with a fearful gasp as if she was out to get them next. She soon found some crates and barrels crowding a nook of the boat and hid behind them. Now no one would find her unless they were really looking, and she doubted anyone would want to find her unless it was to throw her overboard.
No one else was up here, she could hear it. No footsteps, no whispers, no spreading rumors, just the ocean and her sniffling. Rallis curled into a ball and started to tear up and whine, thinking about how horribly she screwed up. She'd killed people, good people, that had no reason to die. She attacked the person that welcomed her into what was really her home away from home. She had even stabbed her closest friend and was happy she had! She'd let that monster get in her head and play with her like a toy. Her claws dug into her arms just thinking about it. She should've been stronger! She was better than that, she wasn't a mindless puppet to be commanded by someone else. Why did she listen to them? Why did she fall prey to their words? Why did she give them even a single thread of doubt to grab onto and manipulate?
Her sniffles and quiet whines turned into full blown sobbing, frustration and guilt beating her desire to sulk in peace. Her crying and racing thoughts blocked out the footsteps growing closer. She hadn't noticed someone was near until they crouched in front of her. She lifted her head from her arms just enough to see who it was before hiding again. "Ahhhnnnhmm..." she tried, but what was supposed to be her visitor's name really just came out as a strangled whine. She had just been thinking about her friend, about how horrible she felt for attacking him, and yet here he was sat down in front of her looking for a way to comfort her.
"That's certainly a unique way of saying my name!" Adam laughed, hoping she'd laugh too. She didn't. He sighed and gently pat her on the head as she continued to cry. "Hey, it's alright. You don't need to cry anymore. It's over now."
She shook her head and whined. "No it's not," she mumbled. "Everyone hates me now. I messed up and now everyone wants me dead!" She started to hiccup now from all the sobbing, shuddering and shaking as she went on.
Adam scooted a bit closer and rubbed her unhurt arm. "That's not true," he told her. "Some people might be mad right now but not everyone hates you, and certainly not everyone wants you dead. That's ridiculous! I certainly don't hate you."
She poked her head out a bit, watching her companion flash her a small smile. He had a bandage around his head, she noticed, matching the one covering his side. Galvek must have hit him in the head a bit harder than she thought.
"If I was better, you wouldn't be hurt," she said, motioning to the wound in his side.
Adam shrugged. "It happens. No need to beat yourself up over it. Just need to learn and move on."
He was being awfully nonchalant about all this and it was throwing Rallis for a loop. "Why aren't you mad? Why are you still being nice to me?"
"Why would I be mad?" he questioned. "You saved the day! You took down Galvek! Should I be mad because you lost your way before that? Should I point my sword at you in fear you'll kill me next? Tell me, do you want to kill the people on this ship?"
"What, no!" she exclaimed. What a ludicrous idea! "I never wanted to hurt anyone!"
"There you go!" he proclaimed. "That's why I'm not mad, because you didn't want to do it. You aren't bad and you never were. You fought back when they controlled you, you fought back to save people. You may have slipped into their grasp for a moment but you didn't let it stay that way." She sniffled and rubbed the tears out of her eyes, sitting up a bit more. "You're who you always have been and nothing today changed that. I know you did your best and that you'll continue to do so. I know you're good." He had to believe that for himself just as much as for her, otherwise who was to say he was still a good person after the incident with Iban.
Rallis fell onto her friend then, grabbing him in a hug and pressing her face into his chest. Adam sat there awkwardly for a moment, slowly and stiffly returning the gesture. He quickly relaxed however, letting her lean into him and calm down. Soon she was no longer sniffling or crying, just quietly leaning up against him.
"Thanks," she whispered. "For everything."
"Nah, I didn't do anything," he replied. "Honestly, I should be thanking you." She tilted her head, confused. "Well first for saving the day, but also for fighting back. I was scared you know, when they took you over. I didn't know what would happen. But I hoped you would break free, I hoped you would snap out of it. I needed to know you could. And you did. It might be odd to say but I needed that, to see that, to know people can come back."
She didn't know what to do with that, but her friend was happier because of it and that was all that mattered. With that, she squirmed into a more comfortable position for the both of them, opting to sit half next to him half on him as they both leaned against one of the large crates. "You should go to bed, you know," he told her. "It's been a long day and a lot happened."
Rallis vehemently shook her head. "I've been sleeping this whole time and I don't want to go down there with everyone. They'll yell at me and be mean and..." She fidgeted and looked down in her lap. "And I don't want to be left alone..." She felt dumb saying that but she really didn't want to be left alone in a room where everyone wanted to hate her.
"I can always go down there with you," he told her, but she didn't seem too thrilled about the idea. "Or we can stay up here until you're ready."
"That would be nice," she said. Adam let himself sink against the crate and get comfortable and Rallis let her head fall against his shoulder. He wrapped and arm around her waist and she smiled, tail coiling around him as well. She felt a lot better now, knowing that her friend wasn't mad and was willing to stay with her until she felt better. 'Thank you for not hating me.'
Time passed. Rallis watched the stars flicker in the night sky, admiring their beauty, and listened to the waves rock the boat. It was making her rather sleepy, and she thought maybe it was time to go to bed even if she had to face more derision. She pawed her friend's leg. "Adam?"
He didn't respond. She looked up at him to find him fast asleep, soft snoring starting up. Rallis smiled to herself and lay her head back where it was before, eyes slowly drooping shut. 'Guess it's time for everyone to sleep...'
And sleep she did.
Someone was patrolling the deck late into the night, unable to sleep presumably. All was silent except for their quiet footsteps drowned out by the waves. They walked the perimeter, looking for nothing in particular, and stopped at a pile of crates and barrels. There were two people fast asleep, partially hidden behind some of the boxes. The person thought about waking them and having them move down below, but ultimately decided against it. They disappeared below deck, reappearing with a thick warm blanket. They draped it over the two and walked away, wandering about elsewhere. Rallis cracked an eye open to see the person walk away and smiled, snuggling under the blanket. "Thanks, Koschei," she muttered before falling back asleep.
The ships pulled into port the following day, battle scarred and ready to break, much like the people on board. Groups of impatient worried people huddled around the Relleka docks, watching and waiting for a person of interest to depart and eagerly watching the ships take turns offloading people. Once such person was a girl cloaked in all black. She bounced on her feet impatiently as people shuffled off the ships. She watched like a hawk, hoping to spot a familiar flash of green and blue. The state the disembarking people were in made her increasingly nervous. So many people were bandaged and bloody, staggering out with empty stares. Others had to be all but carried out, unable to walk on their own.
'Well there's no way Adam or Rallis would get hurt like that!' she told herself. 'They actually know what they're doing!' The longer she stood there waiting however, the more worried she grew.
A splash of green made its way off the ship and onto land and the girl couldn't stop herself from running forward. She sprinted over as fast as she could and threw her arms out. "Kananga!"
Adam turned to the sound of his name and was met with someone slamming into him with a thud. The man winced and gasped in pain, not prepared for the sudden pressure on his wound. He looked down to find a familiar black clothed girl hugging him tightly. He smiled and ruffled her hair. "Hey Peg."
The girl pulled away and looked up at him, nearly in tears. "I was worried, you know! People were saying you all burned at sea and that the dragons won!"
"Don't listen to rumors, Peg. They lead to nothing but trouble. We're okay as you can see."
"Okay is putting it nicely," another voice muttered.
Rallis was standing next to them now, looking around nervously. Peg grabbed onto Rallis in a hug at the sight of her which Rallis returned with a purr. "I'm glad you guys are back."
"How did you even know we were here?" Adam asked.
"What, are you kidding?" Peg said in shock. "There's rumors about you all the way back in Varrock! The brave warriors sent to fight dragons on the ocean. With some asking around I learned a certain green man and blue dragon were tagging along too."
"If tagging along meant leading the fight then sure, we tagged along," Adam scoffed.
"It's nice to see you here in any case," Rallis said as she broke the hug. The movement made her hiss, having moved her arm the wrong way. Now that the greetings were over, Peg got a good look at them. Adam had bandages wrapped around his head and his shirt was soaked with blood, while Rallis' right arm was wrapped and stained, as was her left leg. They both looked beyond exhausted, like they were ready to fall over at any moment.
"Jeez, what happened to you guys? You look like shit."
"Feel it too," Adam groaned. "We'll tell you later. We've got some stuff to do first." He gave the kid one last ruffle of her hair and shuffled down to a group of people.
Peg frowned in disappointment. "We'll tell you later, I promise," Rallis told her with a tired smile before joining Adam. She was limping, Peg noticed, trying not to put pressure on her bandaged leg.
The rumors of the warriors at sea sent to fight the dragons came floating back into Peg's head, how they were either all dead or horribly wounded. From what she had seen of everyone disembarking and now her two friends, she was starting to think maybe there was some truth to those rumors after all.
'Just what happened to you out there?'
The first order of business was to unload everything from the ships and keep one as a makeshift infirmary. Relleka was only so big and could only hold so many people, injured or otherwise. Those able to leave did so, getting out of the way and wanting nothing more than to go home after the messy affair this was. A few hours had passed since landing, worried people and gawkers alike slowly dissipating. Rallis helped unload supplies with Peg and Adam despite the pain and harsh looks from everyone else. They both had to sit down soon however, still in a bit too much pain. Peg fretted but didn't try to show her worry. She wasn't soft after all! And neither were her friends!
After a bit of rest, Adam was called over by Brundt, arm now in a sling and bags under his eye from lack of sleep. Rallis didn't even bother to ask what was going on, far too tired to care. Peg sat with her and asked about their adventure, though it seemed the dragon didn't want to talk about it much. She'd never seen them this broken before, physically or emotionally. It was jarring to say the least, and downright painful to watch. Peg decided to keep her company another way and talked about what happened while they were gone, all the while facing sneers and scowls from soldier after soldier.
Adam walked with Brundt into the Longhall. "You look better," he told the Chieftain. "The arm alright?"
"Yeah, yeah it's fine. It'll heal soon enough. You look like crap though."
Adam couldn't help but smile. "Feel it too."
Brundt nodded with a groan as he sat at the head of a large table inside the hall. "I never got to thank you for your help. You saved my life out there and I won't forget that."
Adam nodded. He didn't have anything else to say on that. He was just doing what anyone else would. More people slowly started to trickle into the hall, twelve more in total. They took their seats at the table. "What's going on?" Adam asked the man.
"A meeting," he grumbled. "To decide what's next. Considering the circumstances, I feel you should be here."
Circumstances. Right. He had almost forgotten. He faced down one threat only to be thrown into the path of another. Everything Rallis had done was on his head and soon he would have to pay for it. "And you don't want Rallis here?"
Brundt shook his head. "No. That would not be wise."
The council was quickly seated and accounted for. Even with hours of rest between landing and the meeting, those present who were in the battle were haggard and exhausted and a great deal angry. The other council members were already hearing tales and growing furious with them. The Chieftain quieted his council, ready to discuss, while Adam stepped back to stand against the wall. As long as he remained silent he could stay, and he would need to listen well to build a case for himself and Rallis back in Varrock. Some eyed him warily, already disliking the notion of an outlander listening in, but this time that feeling was tenfold with his association to Rallis.
Some started to murmur complaints about his presence, to which Brundt hushed them immediately. "He has my permission to stay and you will ignore him during the meeting. He will not speak, just listen. Am I understood?" The council gave halfhearted "ayes" while Adam simply nodded. "Well if there are no more complaints, we will begin." No one objected.
There was a lot of 'what now' discussion, mostly sorting out their own losses of ships, warriors, supplies, etc. There was also talk of dealing with the remaining islands and whatever they might hold, but the notion was abandoned quickly. The islands were all  beyond the vast stretches of the Wilderness and there wasn't even confirmation of anything there as dangerous as Zorgoth and Galvek. There was no point in wasting what little manpower and resources they had left to go galavanting across the sea like that.
"There is the matter of the island closer to home," someone called out. "The dragon still rests on Ungael and could attack!"
Some muttered in agreement. It was a good point. Brundt, however, shook his head. "No, I will not lose any more men to a dragon today. We fought near Ungael. If the beast wished to fight us, it would have, but as it stood it did not attack. It has been trapped on that cursed island for centuries and will continue to be so. If it could leave it would have. It is no threat unless approached, so we will not approach."
Sound logic. Despite their desire to kill anything related to the monster that attacked them on the ocean, they agreed to leave it be. One council member was not pleased about this however, voicing his anger on a similar matter. "Maybe that dragon isn't the one we should be looking at then," a surly man piped up. He looked violent and sounded just as harsh. "There's another dragon equally as menacing, isn't there?"
A few nods and murmurs of agreement followed the statement. Adam tensed by the wall. He didn't like where this was going. "Aye! That blue bitch sent dragons on us! Killed my friends! Melted right in front of me!" More angry shouts followed, hushed by a one handed slam on the table and an even louder shout.
"Enough!" Brundt barked. "I understand your concerns. I was there too. I faced her as well as you've noticed. So instead of fighting about it, how about stating what exactly it is you want done."
"Kill the bitch!" the surly man shouted.
"Absolutely not!" another man shouted back, slamming his hands on the table. He was one of the only people Adam recognized in the room, Rallis' bard 'friend.' "She does not deserve death for what she did, Sortur! Hold your tongue!"
"Peace, Olaf," Brundt calmed him. "Death will not be a choice," he informed Sortur. "There has been enough of that lately."
"Then banish her," Sortur snapped. "She attacked us! She is not one of us. She has no right to ever set foot here again after what she did!"
"Everyone makes mistakes," Olaf told him. "You should know plenty about that!" The man did not like what the bard was insinuating. "Just because she made a mistake doesn't mean she shouldn't be forgiven. From what I've heard if it weren't for her, the enemy leader might not be dead. That surely counts for something!"
"Oh and what would you know, you useless bard? You weren't there, you didn't see what we saw, experience what we experienced. We went about slaying dragons but you go about laying them! You have no right to speak here!"
Brundt slammed his good hand on the table with an angry shout, silencing all. "That is enough! I will hear no more idiotic bickering! We will come to a solution to this now."
He turned to the bard with a much less harsher tone. "Olaf, I know she means a great deal to you, more to you than anyone else here. But you must understand that she went against her word, her friends, her family, and betrayed us all. You must understand that she sided with the enemy and fought to kill us."
Brundt turned away before Olaf could retort. "And you, Sortur, understand that without her a lot less of us would have made it home today. She landed the finishing blow on their leader, not us."
"Then whose side is she truly on, Chieftain?" Sortur replied. "Because by that sling around your arm, I'd say not ours."
"And by the fact that I'm still alive, I'd say ours." He sighed and rubbed his forehead. "I thank you all for your input and I have come to a decision. Rallis will be allowed to stay and any "treason" forgiven. She was a victim of circumstance, that's all." He turned to Adam hanging by the wall. "And she will also have amnesty here should your leaders find reason to want her punished unjustly."
"I'll be making sure they don't. But thank you." It put him at ease a bit, but at this point he was just as worried for himself when he would eventually have to report back to Roald.
Brundt addressed the council once more. "Is that all?" No one said anything more, but the room was filled with a tension and everyone felt ready to snap. "If that is all, we will dismiss."
The group sourly disbanded, more grumbles and complaints than anything. Brundt walked over to Adam by the wall and said something a bit more quietly. "That offer for protection extends to you as well," he said. "In case your idiotic King can't think straight with that crown on so tightly."
"That could cause a conflict of interest, you know," Adam warned. "I don't want to cause even more trouble."
"Bah! Like I care! If your ruler is too stupid to tell the difference between a traitor and a hero, I may just have to have a word with him! Either way, you will both have my support should anything else go awry."
Adam thanked the man. He might just need that guarantee. Brundt stomped off with a groan. Before Adam could follow suit, he was cornered by the surly councilman. "You and your scaled beast better leave soon, outlander. Your kind isn't welcome here and neither is hers, no matter what the Chieftain says."
"I'll keep that in mind," Adam replied. He was about to ignore the man and leave when Sortur stepped in front of him.
"I hope you do. She nearly murdered half the people here because of you. She should have never come but you just had to bring her along."
That stung a bit, it was his mistake after all. But Adam wasn't about to give the man any sort of satisfaction. "In case you haven't noticed, I was also nearly murdered by her. She tried to run me through, freeze my face off, and skewer me with ice. And yet I can still forgive and trust her. Why can't you, I wonder?"
Sortur growled and threatened to beat him, but an angry voice stopped him. "Leave, Sortur! Now!"
The man turned around to find Olaf glaring at him, furious. He threw up his hands mockingly. "Oh no, I've angered the bard! I better leave before he makes my ears bleed with a song!" He growled at the bard. "You're a lost cause, dragon fucker. You have no right to be on this council." With that, he stomped off.
"Sorry about that," Olaf said to Adam. "He can lose him temper quickly."
"It's fine. And thank you for sticking up for her like that. I'm glad to know she has someone here that will still stand by her even after all this."
"I would," he said. "And always will. Even if no one else does."
The two parted ways and Adam went out to find Peg chatting with Rallis, the latter seeming to be too scared to answer whatever Peg was asking. He stopped before reaching them, however, intrigued by a conversation he overheard. Hidden partially out of view, three men were discussing something. A knight of Varrock, Ardougne, and Falador were looking over a map a Fremennik man handed them before running off. He couldn't hear much, but what he did hear wasn't good. He rushed over to Rallis and Peg.
"Rallis!" Adam grabbed her attention. "I need to talk to you." She started to walk over, Peg following at her heels. "Sorry Peg, but just Rallis." The girl pouted but after convincing left them alone. Adam didn't want her to hear should she accidentally tell someone the information he was about to share with Rallis. "They're planning to kill the dragon on Ungael," he told her when he was sure no one else could hear.
"WHAT?!" she roared. "They can't! He's not evil, I swear! The Fremennik have no reason to fight him!"
"No, it wasn't the Fremennik," Adam informed her. "Knights from the other kingdoms were looking into the route back to Ungael. I overheard them talking about gearing up and sending a team to the island to kill the beast for good."
"They can't do that!" Rallis wailed. "I need to stop them!"
"They're likely going to bring that news back to the cities. There's no way you can stop three kingdoms worth of armies, Rallis. Not by yourself."
"Not here," she told him. "On Ungael. I'll chase them away before they can do anything. Three kingdoms worth of armies can't fit on that island at once. I can stop them. That means I need to go, now!"
"Rallis, no! You just got back! You can't seriously be thinking of going back already, especially as you are. You're wounded! It's not a short trip and there's so much that could go wrong!"
She stamped her foot, adamant. "I need to go now. I can get ahead of everyone else and prepare if I leave now. I have to go, Adam. I will protect him. I've failed enough people as it is, I don't want to fail him too."
The man sighed. There was no deterring her. "Fine. But don't rush off just yet! If they really are going to tell others about the dragon, there will be people coming for weeks. You need to prepare."
Rallis nodded. "I will. You go to the Myths' Guild without me. I need to get ready."
"Alright," Adam nodded. "Please be safe out there."
"I will. You be safe going back to the Guild too. And with everything else." With that, Rallis ran off to prepare, leaving Adam in the dust. He hoped this wasn't going to be the last time they saw each other. They were both headed into the lion's den, or dragon's den as it were, with a chance of not coming out alive. Adam shook the thought out of his head. After all this, the gallows and some overzealous dragon killers would the last thing to kill them. He caught back up with Peg and led her out the town. He had a long journey back to the guild, he ought to get started.
Peg had walked alongside her friend mostly in silence until they reached the bridge to cross the river out of Fremennik territory. She looked around for something but didn't find it. "Rallis isn't going to join us?" she finally spoke up.
Adam hesitated. "No... no she's got some stuff to do first. I'm going on ahead."
He sounded off to Peg, way off. "You okay?" she asked him.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired."
She didn't believe that for a second. "Well you sound like shit. Sad mopey shit."
"Well day after day of going on wild goose chases, fighting in a war, and playing politics will do that!" he snapped. She flinched back from his outburst. "I'm sorry," he said. "It all just took a lot out of me, out of both of us."
Peg tried to lighten the mood a bit. "So I heard! Can't believe big ol' Kananga passed out from a little scrape in his side!" She jokingly backhanded him in the stomach and the man keeled over with a sharp gasp. He grabbed at his side as he fell to his knees and tried to breathe through the pain. Peg covered her mouth as she held back a look of horror. "Oh my god I'm so sorry! I thought you were kidding or it wasn't that bad."
"I damn near fell over... when you hugged me," he winced between breaths. "What made you think it wasn't that bad?!"
Peg looked ashamed. "I'm sorry... it's just... you don't get hurt. Not like that anyway. I thought you were joking around again."
Adam regained enough composure to stand back up, Peg helping him. The man sighed before rolling up his shirt to reveal a bloody layer of bandages. "Well this time I did." He covered the wound back up and continued to walk, much slower than before and with a wince in every step.
"How... did it happen?" Peg whispered. "A dragon claw you or something?"
He sighed and looked at the ground. "In a sense..." He didn't want to tell the story, not to anyone. But considering it was Peg he felt she had the right to know everything that happened, even the things he certainly wouldn't be putting in his report. "Rallis did it."
Peg slowly started to laugh, nervous and unbelieving. "Rallis? Our Rallis? Yeah right! She would never hurt you, don't mess with me like that."
"I'm serious Peg!" he snapped, startling the girl. "Sorry. But it's true. She stabbed me after breaking Brundt's arm and killing a group of our soldiers." Peg shook her head, horrified, wanting to believe it wasn't true. "Let me tell you everything, from the top."
As the two walked, Adam talked. Peg stayed quiet, listening intently. Normally she butted in his stories with jokes or questions or only half listened, but for this she was all ears. He told her everything, she didn't deserve to have any of this be secret. When he was done, all was quiet. They walked in silence for a while before Peg broke it.
"When is Rallis coming back?"
"I don't know Peg. She's got a lot to think about right now."
"Are... are you going to be okay?"
The kid was genuinely worried. First the hugging and now fretting over him? It was weird seeing her openly show she cared, but it was also nice. They both knew she did but liked to hide the way she felt. "Yeah I'll be fine," he smiled and ruffled her hair.
She quietly brushed it back in place with her hand. "...Is Rallis going to be okay?"
Adam bit his tongue. "Yeah," he lied. "Yeah she'll be fine too. Don't worry."
Peg sullenly nodded and said no more. Adam wanted to believe that himself but part of him didn't think it was true. The adventure was hard on everyone involved, even himself. But Rallis? She saw friends on both sides die, even killed some herself. She'd been possessed, manipulated, and seen some truly horrible things. He didn't ask but he saw her reading some old notes after coming back from Ungael with a piece of the key, and she had acted oddly ever since. Something scared her and the lab on Lithkren seemed to just make things worse. And now damn near every human involved in this whole escapade hated her, and rumors would surely be spreading soon. She was in for an unpleasant surprise when she came back, though he didn't imagine she was having a great time now, preparing to scare away everyone from Ungael. She had the roughest go of things and it wasn't going to get any easier.
'Everything will be fine,' he told himself. 'It has to be. It has to...'
They made their way to the Myths' Guild eventually, some of the rumors preceding them. Adam quickly put them to rest and informed Kincade of the situation. He thought the whole ordeal over. It was quite unique, that was for sure. But he treated it the same as any other case in the end, write up the report and submit it and wait. Adam thanked him for his understanding and readied to leave when the bark of a dog stopped him. Peg smiled and bent down to pet it and noticed something in its mouth. She pulled out a thick slobber covered ball of moss with a grimace and dropped it to the floor, dog happily scooping it back up.
"Sorry, that's my dog," Kincade said as he called his dog back to his side. The dog was very happy with its moss ball. "She seems to like you." He pulled the moss ball out of the dog's mouth and smiled knowingly at Adam. "When you do see Rallis again, whenever that may be, tell her my dog very much loves her mossy gift and that she should come see the other types of plants we have too."
Adam couldn't help but shake his head and chuckle. "'When,' huh? Not 'if?'"
"When. I know you'll both be back. It's just a matter of when." He waved them off and threw the ball for the dog to chase. "I suggest you get writing! You've quite a story to tell."
Adam walked off with Peg and couldn't help but find it all funny. He supposed the guildmaster was right. If they had survived the dragon apocalypse, there was no way he would be going down to some moronic politics when he got back to Varrock. And Rallis wouldn't fall to some dumb headstrong hunters either. Yeah, things no matter how bleak looking would turn out fine! They had faced worse now!
Peg noticed his small smile and overall change in demeanor. "You seem to be doing better now."
"Yeah well, nothing is quite so intimidating after you go toe to toe with a world ending monster. Whatever Roald threatens me with won't be something I can't refute. Really all that's left is writing up the--." Peg gave him an odd glance, wondering why he cut himself off. Adam stamped his foot down. "Really, Rallis?!" he shouted to the sky. "You left me to write up and file the letter of introduction and every other damned piece of paperwork, and now you shirk the final write up duties onto me too?! Oh I am having a word with that dragon when she gets back!"
Peg laughed under her hood. He just returned from his most dangerous excursion yet, sent himself into a panic he may never see his friend again, and dreaded the inevitable punishment from King Roald that could spell his death, and yet here he was complaining about writing up an essay. That was the Adam Peg knew, and it made her think things would be alright too. "Oh!" Adam remembered. "By the way! You'll never guess what I learned about Rallis!" Adam started to snicker and Peg was all ears. "When I was in Relleka, I found out something. Did you know she has a boyfriend?" Peg screamed as they continued the conversation and set off for Varrock to finish the job.
Rallis arrived on Ungael long before anyone else, giving her ample time to prepare. She could set up traps, learn the terrain, figure out every nook and cranny that would give her an advantage. Vorkath was awake and stomping about, angrily roaring and scratching at the icy walls of his prison. He heard footsteps crunch in the snow and whirled around to find the little blue dragon he had met earlier, only this time he was none too pleased.
The dragon roared and stomped, ready to kill her where she stood. Rallis held her hands up. "No! I'm not here to fight! Listen, I know a lot has gone on, a lot right off your shore even, but it's not over yet." He roared and snapped at her. "Please listen!" she shouted. "Humans are on their way here to kill you as we speak! I came to protect you."
The dragon snarled at the insult. Like it would need any help from such a small weak creature.
"You don't understand. KINGDOMS of people are coming if they can make it. They aren't satisfied with Zorgoth's head, they want yours too!"
That made him reel a bit. His master was dead?
The dragon sat in the snow, confused. Rallis walked as close as she dared and knelt in front of him. "A lot has happened, Vorki. If you'll listen, I have a lot to tell you." The dragon looked at her and whined, wanting an explanation. "Alright. I'll tell you everything, okay? We need to be alert for intruders too, but I'll tell you everything." She gripped her pouch where the notes from every laboratory were tucked away. "It all starts with your sister named Elvarg..."
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