#might be the extent of sinday things
ssolessurvivor · 4 months
for those he loves
@goldenboybarracuda (and all the other babies on your other blog) @respondedinkind (and of course Stephen) @inabcck (and the girls on your other blog) @alonggoodbye @waehles (and Gabriel) @apurekindness @wehavefoundthestars @ghostofwinter @grimmusings (all the applicable babies <3) @shieldagentnatasharomanoff @vuulpecula
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neverhangd · 1 year
Belated Sinday? Questions for Anne:
1) Is Anne kinky? How is she kinky, if so. 2) What makes sex an enjoyable experience for Anne? 3) What's the best sex she's ever had in her life? If all of it has been shit - then what's her fantasy? 4) What's her energy in bed? (Top/bottom/switch/domme/sub/etc.) 5) Does she have a preference in partners?
BONUS I am tossing Marin and Westley's name in for the surprise. They're glaring at me. Too bad for them.
Only if you feel like it though.
orion gets me ♡ || the crowley show!
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Let me preface this by saying that I am still very much exploring Anne, so all of this should be considered at least somewhat mutable unless otherwise stated.
Well I can't imagine her vanilla, if that's what you mean. There's a sad combination of a dearth of experience and really shitty partners within that dearth that make the extent of kinds weirdly hard for me to parse through, but I've figured out a handful already. Anne is a sub, though she also service tops as needed (? - unclear). She really isn't into anything too painful--rough past experience, consider that mostly immutable--but I think she could try most things for most partners. Including injuring them to some slight degree, if that's what they're into and they ease her into, IZZY. Group sex is considered kinky and Anne's polyamorous and sometimes uses sex as an expression of social bonding. I can't say if the entire lifestyle is for her, but a lot of the trappings of BDSM--bondage, d/s themes, safe words > no, etc.--are very appealing to Anne. Fun bonus, as long as you don't almost die doing it, she's a great Battle Partner and will get frisky watching you kick ass. (...and other generally pirate things, we've learned, but I don't want the non-pirates simping for Anne to feel left out. ;P)
-laughs in backstory- Uhm. Sorry about that. So "enjoyable experience" has to here be taken as "why does she continue to have sex even with the trauma and the drama surrounded by it," the answer to which might actually surprise you. On the one hand, sex is a social bond, a moment in time in which Anne is able to give a piece of herself she'd otherwise keep locked away. Besides, it's an easy, she'd say "mostly painless" way to connect with somebody else and give them something they're lacking, at least in that moment. She's gone such a long time feeling that she has to justify her worth and using sex as an easy means to do that to anyone who "cares" for her. It's only recently Anne's begun to tell the difference between lip service and meaning that, though, and she's incredibly wary of anyone she can't immediately peg as lying to her--because she's come to assume most people are. And on the other hand, Anne wants to like sex. For all her usual reasons: it isn't ladylike, it's vulgar and crass and obscene, the people in her life have always enjoyed it and have always seemed to have an easy time with it, etc., and she has gotten herself off, thank you very much, so she knows its possible to orgasm and can take care of the issue solo.
She's finally getting some that doesn't suck now, does that count? Listen. The only reason the dash on the whole has been spared Anne's tragic fuckery is because I'm still splitting my time on other projects. To say it's been shit is the understatement of the year. The problem is...the worst of it happened during a developmental period for Anne. So on top of having really fucked up social/romantic relationships and a shit-ton of sexual problems to boot, her idea of a sexual fantasy just ends up being really sad and painful because she just wants something nice. Someone to say they love her and mean it. Someone to come back again and do it for her, not because she's convenient or willing or some shit. Before James and even early with him there were silly things almost like fantasies she wanted--the zing of a kiss before or after battle, while adrenaline is high; sex where they might get caught, laughing and shushing each other; a whole, wakeful night to themselves with only the stars to report back what happened; a cliche she'd now deny with her dying breath, but just being together with their feet in the wake and seemingly no one else on earth--but between him and Jack, Anne hasn't really let herself explore what there is to be wanted out of life. Because that means admitting that the freedom she found isn't freedom at all.
She would tell you she's a switch if she'd tell you she's anything, and she'd be lying to your face to protect her own ego. Mostly. Anne is a sub but there have been moments when it's occurred to me that in a...if not healthier than at least less-abusive?...relationship than she's ever been in before might open her up more to explorations. Like sorry to swerve hard to kink out of nowhere, right?, but there was an instance of knife-play between two people Anne has an interest in (...it's complicated), and despite almost having an identity crisis after realizing she really isn't a dom/top, she very quickly realized that with some patient teaching/adjustment time from/with a partner, she would absolutely do that. Especially, I think, in a situation with multiple partners, she could figure out how to dom/top in a switchy, fluid way. I honestly think the ideal for her would be a thruple with one person who is Normally Dom/Top and one who is Normally Sub/Bottom and her floating vaguely between bottom bitch and middle bitch. XD
I can't tell if she leans towards masculine slash androgynous people or if that's just been the majority of her experience, so like. There's that issue. I can say shit like this bitch weak for a commanding presence, yeet!, but that doesn't really narrow down her type since, like I keep saying, she's a sub and a service-happy one at that. Can I trade this question out for another? I'm gonna trade this question out for another.
Although I don't think sexlessness would suit her, especially after she starts moving away from dickbag partners, I do think Anne could have a contented and loving relationship with a primary partner even without sex. So that's nice. ♡
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takinghisbow · 2 years
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Anyway, sinday headcanon dump time!
he loves biting—giving and receiving. he likes it pretty rough too. honestly, if you bite his neck, congratulations you just successfully got into his pants
as for biting someone, he particular enjoys biting his partner’s neck when they’re in missionary position, regardless of what “role” he’s in
he’s actually fairly flexible cough
he’s all about voice. dirty talk is a must and he also will not shut up any more during sex than he does usually
there’s nothing he enjoys more than seeing his partner’s composure fall apart because of him. on the flipside, it takes complete trust and love for him to ever put himself in a position where he loses his composure completely
might have a tiny bit of a hand fetish now that I think about it fkdhsfjsadshfsakjhdj
he’s into roleplaying to an extent, but only if it’s a dynamic he enjoys
definitely into dressing up in something his partner finds sexy, but also shockingly self-conscious abt doing it out of the blue
if you call him pretty during sex he’ll probably squirm right off the bed (in a good way) fsdjfhkdlhfafkdsaj
willing to try most things with a trusted partner so long as it’s not unhygienic and not super dangerous
not into actual public stuff at all. a slight risk of getting caught? he likes that. a huge risk? hell no
following up, if he is ever walked in on while having sex with his partner, it’ll genuinely upset him. sex is something reserved to the most trusted person/people in his life, and he’s not comfortable with anyone but them seeing him like that
i can’t remember if i’ve said this before but: he definitely struggles to deepthroat his partner but he’ll intentionally learn by, er, practicing while alone, and then shock them with it one day fkdhsfhsjlad
but, if we’re being real, he doesn’t enjoy deepthroating except on occasion
with prior consent, of course, he absolutely would love to wake his partner up with manual or oral sex (and wouldn’t mind receiving it either)
if you can laugh with him when something silly happens during sex, he’ll love you forever
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denicdlife-a · 4 years
Minor Sin Headcanons
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【☆】It’s Sinday so have some headcanons related to sin and just Rohans sexuality and stuff
Rohan is equipped with the appropriate genital. A headcanon as to why a military android is equipped with this will be expanded on in the future as there’s multiple reasons as to why he has it installed.
Though do note that some of the reasons accumulate for missions such as seduction and gathering information via sexual means if necessary.
Rohan like most people in a way believes himself to identify under a certain for his sexuality only for it to change as he learns more about himself depending on the verse
Rohan as a Machine is Acesexual Aromanic. Feeling no sexual or romantic feelings towards anyone. Though if it is required of him as stated, he will use sex and seduction if necessary to complete a mission. 
As a Machine as he isn’t meant to have emotions, to him sex and to an extent romance disgusts him. At least when applied to himself. 
As a Deviant he learns over time that he’s Deminsexual as well as Demiromantic where he may find himself becoming sexually attracted to people he develops close personal relationships which may also be romantic feelings as well. 
That being said... Rohan is in a way technically moronsexual as so far he seems to find himself eventually being attracted to people who are in some way an idiot.
When he eventually does Deviate it takes him sometime to figure out who he is along with researching in his spare time.
Rohan is technically a switch but is more of a top as he likes being in control and pleasing his partner. 
He rarely bottoms and if he does it would have to be with someone he absolutely trusts. Even then he tends to be more of a power bottom, still in control. He only ever gives up full control if he absolutely trusts the person and is also devoted to them.
On that, Rohan is also a Dom by nature when it comes to BDSM with various kinks he learns about himself. Though it’s safe to say he prefers the activities that allow him to be in total control or in charge such as Bondage
Though once again he technically is a sub but rarely is. For this to happen he absolutely must have total faith in the person.
Even then he would still try to take control if he was able to which in turn would make him a bit of a brat at times. 
In general if he subs you need to have a good handle with him so he doesn’t act out and try to be in control.
Unless you’re giving him orders that lets him feel in control that is. 
He isn’t someone who sleeps around and has one night stands when he does decide to experiment. He’s someone who was more likely to research things and if possible test them on himself.
Though whenever he does get a partner he will ask to test things out further to see if it would be something they both enjoy but not without proper discussion to ensure both parties are on the same page with the knowledge either can back out at any time. 
Because of who he could have been if the revolution had failed, Rohan is an individual who is very vocal with his partners on ensuring everything is consensual as well as having safe words and things do get discussed before trying them out for the first time. 
He might not realise it but in a way this is him having control on what he does with his body and nothing sexual happens to it without him being aware of it as well as agreeing to it.
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spiky-pervert · 4 years
9. Do they get embarrassed easily when it comes to nsfw things? Or are they shameless?
Sinday asks. [Accepting]
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As he is rather perverted by nature, he will often be rather upfront about those that he is interested in and given the chance, he will be open about whatever lewd thought that might appear in his head. Though, he doesn’t do this without reading the room first.. to and extent. So he is mostly shameless and will gladly be open about it when given the chance.
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dawning-star · 4 years
Does your muse enjoy kissing? Caressing?
Does your muse enjoy kissing? Caressing?
Yes, and yes. What do you mean you want more than a three word answer? Oh, right, details.
She enjoys both to a fair extent. Kissing is something that is almost a rarer indulgence for her to take in, which might be surprising. Either way to kiss or be kissed is a big yes for her. As far as caressing is concerned, that just feeds right on into fulfilling that need of touch that she has going. So it’ll always be something she enjoys. That and it does help one to feel things. Like pleasure.
{In-depth Sinday Meme}
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brooklynislandgirl · 4 years
Sinday- voyeurism
Cardinal Seven || Accepting {{ @mynameisanakin, for reasons }}
~ Ivers Estate, Nul, Zelos II~
He doesn’t realise how mesmerising he truly is. 
Even in artificial light his hair gleams silver and gold except where the sweat of exertion has darkened it to a burnished hue and has it curling up by his ears, around his neck, itself stretched in the way it curves. Chasing the light as it pours down his shoulders, narrow without the multiple layers he wears as armour, a barrier to keep out the world as much as to protect the softer parts of him buried beneath his often placid surface, he’s not as thin as he once was but he’s not the dreadnought that the posters and holovids make him out to be. Even so there’s the the subtlest ripple of long lithe muscle as his hand slides up, down. Slow. Methodical. There’s a discernible pattern, an almost mathematical rhythm to his movement that in and of itself can be hypnotic if lingered over for too long. It feels like music, like dance, like art. The focus with which he expends his frenetic energy turns from the faint tremors and occasional twitches into something far more fluid. Anakin is water, filling in the edges with himself like a vast sea allowing itself to be imposed upon by its own choice. What then were he to let himself overflow, go spilling ever outward and only returning in hushed waves of his Presence?
This isn’t the first or only time she has watched Anakin. She could gather up all of the longing glances spared under the watchful gazes of the Masters, furtive as Ikopi when the weather turns and the predators begin their hunt, because there are risks, always. Add them to the the times he’s fallen asleep beside her and she’s glanced down with every feeling glimmering in her eyes, and smiled fondly as she’s stroked his hair. These are often the only times he looks like he’s truly at peace. She has learned to follow his every movement from beneath her lashes, so she can keep her head reverently bowed in the halls as they walked from one place to the next. And once she held them in her hands she could toss them into the heavens and there would be more of them than stars.
She would be lying through her teeth if she said that she didn’t find him as arresting as most people did, especially upon first meeting him. If she said that her blood didn’t catch fire when they were wrapped up in one another. That she doesn’t drown in his kisses only for him to breath life into her again when he pulls back and rests his brow, his nose tip to tip against hers.  But to say that this is all the she sees and feels is also a grievous falsehood. More than simply the shell that houses him is his voracious intellect. The way he intuitively grasps everything he reads, the things he watches. The gentility of his spirit in the kindness he shows others, the willingness to extend that to everyone from his troops to droids, the epitome of compassion. She is moved as much by his strength to rise no matter how others shatter him as she is by the little things. How absorbed he can become in a task that he puts his entire being into it. Or how blindingly radiant his enthusiasm can be when he enjoys something and chooses to share. All of his doubts and his fidgeting. His greater uncertainty of his place in the universe and how that shadows his every step. Those fears that are abjectly unfounded that he thinks are unforgivable as they are...well. He uses words like annoying and strange. Little does he realise that those are the very things she loves most about him, and always has.
Okay, and maybe that particular scar, earned during the battle of Rendili, might actually come in a close second though she would never admit that.
A hitch in his breath, a ground out but creative curse in the back of his throat and his body shudders to stillness, and she half smiles, blushing verdant to the roots of her hair. It sends a very vivid, very personal brightness through their connection.
Anakin stills, now realising she’s there. His best friend, his Left Hand, his adoring bride. All of these things and all else that she could be. Watching. Always watching. The tip of his tongue darts out and pulls his lower lip between his teeth where he bites down on it. Drains the colour until the full lower tier is nearly as pale as the rest of his skin before he lets it go by slow degrees. Once this happens he lets that smouldering blue gaze drop back down where a moment before it had caressed her own, but there’s just the tiniest flicker at the corner of his mouth that gives him away, the ghost of a smile meant only for her. Anakin’s not-so-secret is that he actually enjoys when she watches him.
“What?” It’s only a single word, lacking that very specific lilt that is part inflection and part ill-ease with conversation. His mind fills in a million things that it could be, all deliberately malicious in only the way he can be with himself.
She peels herself from where she’d been leaning and approaches now, appreciative and full of a little star-struck awe that never fully goes away. She waves a hand to indicate him in his entirety as she approaches on silent, bare feet. “I was coming to see how the work was progressing. You’ve been tinkering with that engine for hours now. Which, by the way...” She lifts a thumb up and wipes away a smear of grease from the hollow of his cheek. “Mmm, better. I propose a compromise. Come inside with me and while I make us lunch...you can tell me all that you’ve done. Because I don’t know what that glowing thingy is, and that other particular whatsit is but it looks...broken. Afterwards we can come up with at least a dozen reasons to avoid the Inner Council for another few days. So far, my favourite is you didn’t get any messages because of electromagnetic radiation storms pushing in from wild-space black holes. Or...” He narrows his eyes suspiciously. “...Or what, Keni?” One did not need to be sensitive to the Force to feel the influx of heat that clouds every ounce of her as she smiles, baring her teeth to their full extent.
“...Or that you were seduced by a terribly fierce witch who ended up doing indescribably carnal things to you that you are absolutely certain might have been your Inescapable Doom. I mean, could go either way.”
“Electromagnetic radiation it is,” he grins right before kissing her.
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idontdohats-archive · 6 years
ރ for sinday that starts with sparring (maybe for Herc, since we both think that's a possibility but haven't had the chance to explore it yet)
They had been practicing with staves.
It had been a couple years since he’d gone into service as Mab’s Winter Knight, and he had doubled-- no, tripled-- down on his training, as the stakes just always seemed to grow higher and higher every time he so much as blinked. The Mantle heightened his strength and endurance, nearly eliminated his sensitivity to pain, and, if he wasn’t careful, could push his aggression, sexuality, and territoriality into overdrive. 
He had gained far more control over the latter, but those first two...
One of the first things he had learned was that his body could sustain serious injury without his awareness. He had already had the propensity to push himself past his limits, even before the Mantle. Now, he could literally drive himself over the edge and collapse, having no idea of the extent of his injuries or exhaustion.
That was another reason why he wanted to step up his training. He needed to find and familiarize himself with that very fine line of Too Much. Not that he wouldn’t cross that line with aplomb if the need arose, but it would help one hell of a lot if he actually knew where it was in the first place. He might just live a teensy bit longer. A smidge. An itty bitty bit. You might need a microscope to tell the difference.
He substantially held back his strength as he whipped his staff around to block a strike from Herc. It wouldn’t do to send his friend smashing through a wall like a wrecking ball. The room reverberated with the ringing cracks of wood against wood, the shuffle of quickly moving feet dodging and darting and spinning, the guttural grunts and yells of the two men as they danced around one another. Adrenaline surged through Harry’s blood, not hot, but cold, like an icy river searing through his veins, and with a sudden burst of speed he dropped low and swept Herc’s feet out from under him.
But then his own feet went flying (so much for being graceful like a cat, and he wasn’t about to admit that he tripped over Herc, hell no, he wasn’t going to admit that at all), and he went into a forward dive. 
He caught himself on his arms just in time to avoid becoming a human anvil and flattening his friend--
--his friend, who was now lying underneath him, breathing heavily, sheened with sweat, and hot damn!--  but no, he was just a friend, and this was a very new feeling-- and hot damn!
He was going to get up now. Any minute.
“So, uh,” he said finally, having not gotten up at all. “What’s a guy like you doing in a place like this?”
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lachassedenuit-blog · 7 years
shipping meme!
tagged by: @powerfed​ since it’s sinday! tagging: @sanguiresse @fcrestmaiden @nevrotoxic and anyone else.
They know very well who they are.
I’m pretty open, but I love the initial work put into a ship, mainly discussing it and picking out things to write through too. Fluff is always lovely, angst of course. Smut, I prefer to do a lot of the time in privacy rather than out in the open. That or simply fade to black because it becomes redundant and isn’t all that enjoyable.
I typically have Vayne in her late 30′s. So concerning age gaps, it can’t be too young obviously. But I’ve changed Vayne’s age a few times considering a lot of people tend to put their characters in mid-twenties. But say Vayne is 34, she’d easily date someone older. 60+ perhaps not obviously. But yeah, I tend to be lenient to an extent. But she won’t go early twenties.
Yes, though it might seem not to be the case. 
Typically if they’re in a state of undress or hands between the legs, etc, then it’s generally NSFW material. If you wouldn’t show someone openly chances are, yes. NSFW.
Chemistry. Typically speaking, if I could see something come of it or a interesting back and forth then generally I’m open for discussion. I’ve shipped her with Miss Fortune, and recently I’ve thought about Swain and her. Typically she leans towards women but certain men do have a chance.
Yes, I prefer it so we might discuss it more.
When conditions are met, I do enjoy feeling out ships regularly.
I am not ship-obsessed.
There’s not really many that stand out to me.
Approach me and talk about it.
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