#might color the lineart idk i am sleep
synthshenanigans · 1 year
Late but Jashtober Day 11 - Trident
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A full digital version of the Souls that I drew a bit ago
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russenoire · 11 months
some points raised by AI advocates that made me stroke my chin and maybe even empathize a tiny bit.
idk, but i like nuance and think it gets elided easily in online discussions. i do not think these below are GOOD justifications, ever, for plundering the hard work and talent of human artists using AI to make art for profit, but they're valid points.
some people tempted by or who make AI art
don't want to take the time to 'git gud, n00b' because they emphatically do not enjoy the process of sucking at shit until they don't suck. and this includes those who might be interested in taking the time, but look at everything they feel might be required and think: 'i could go to film or art school for 3+ years or i could spend 30 minutes tailoring a midjourney prompt.' i kinda get this one, tbh. artistic skill is hard-won whether you're formally trained or not. i am untrained; i would say self-trained. but i never stopped drawing as a child like most people do. something visually and mentally clicked for me, something that i couldn't even articulate until i read drawing on the right side of the brain in my 20s, that allowed me to jump over the initial 'why can't i just draw what i SEE AAAAKSHDKF' hurdle. maybe this is what 'talent' actually means? that early mental/visual shift—where you come to see the world and things in it as a collection of shapes, lines, planes, lights, darks, color blocks, mostly divorced from context or meaning—is present in others like myself, and it does smooth your path. adults just draw for two, three, four years, compare themselves to people who felt some version of that aforementioned shift and/or went to art school, and conclude that they 'have no talent'. while that understandably feels like a long-ass time to go nowhere fast, three years really isn't a lot of time for organic, undirected skill development. i'm serious. inventing the wheel by yourself takes fucking forever; my drawings didn't stop sucking until i was around 11 or 12. that's half my childhood. easily. but actually taking classes or diving into hardcore study? can and will drastically shorten that time. the progress i've seen competent drawing teachers achieve with their students in weeks or months, or artists on youtube who do frequent, deliberate practice in a year is not a miracle. real progress is attainable within a reasonable fucking frame of time IF YOU WANT IT.
really, really aren't satisfied with art that looks bad to them and still want to realize their ideas. and i'm talking crying themselves to sleep over the mismatch between their own skills and said ideas. that frustration is REAL and a version of it is actually a huge factor in why children stop drawing. see all of the above. i don't know how to ease the pain of that skill mismatch. me, i sat with a lot of frustration for a long time; hell, I STILL DO. i think i'd still be halfway decent at lineart and intimidated by actually painting it if i hadn't just started pushing myself to fucking PAINT already, even if it looked really basic. being simultaneously OK with whatever you can do right now and still striving to improve is emotionally difficult. and i know it hurts to have a really cool idea and feel blocked from making it real, especially if you're just not there yet. 'THEN JUST COMMISSION AN ARTIST,' i can hear you artists screaming from the ether. yo. artists are expensive. we are, and we kinda need to be to make a decent living or a feasible side hustle (i'm not going to get into artists underselling themselves). i do think most folks in this boat are not greedy tech bros, just ordinary working class folks who want beauty that is good enough without having to shovel over half a week's paycheck for it. to which i would also argue... dude, you can just save up, too.
often only recognize certain styles of painting (realism or hyperrealism; super-glossy, shiny, high contrast digital painting) as art and want to make art like THAT. putting aside the fact that art is all-encompassing and literally anything can be art, paintings in realistic styles are what i would argue most lay people think of as capital-A art. there is a reason why dictators tend to discourage or prohibit non-realist art; why the early USSR and CPC commissioned bright realist murals everywhere; why more abstract art didn't really catch fire in the western world until the advent of photography. people can see themselves and their history, represented in full color and often writ large. that's fucking powerful and sometimes lost, i think, on those of us who see things differently. but that kind of art is even more out of reach for the lay person who wants it. it takes far longer to make and train for, and artists who work in a realistic style can and do command stupid money. not everyone has that kind of patience or pockets that deep.
firmly believe that some people have more talent than others, so skill development doesn't matter. these are usually the people i mentioned in my first point, who've actually tried for months or years to git gud but never knew how or what to practice. they've been exposed to lots of people their age who felt the shift™ and can't really explain their faster improvement. if you know this feel, gentle reader, and have no clue what's actually happening, i understand why you might throw in the towel. US culture in particular is terrible at growing and nurturing talent of all kinds, and artists don't often share the hours they're actually pouring into improving specific skills. 'talent' by itself is fucking useless; a person who is willing to work at continual improvement will mop up the floor with someone who doesn't think they need to build skill. artists know this. and if you don't feel that shift as a kid, you can learn how to unlock it as an adult.
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haeroniel-doliet · 3 years
Turns out its a helluva mess when i start messing beyond flat colors!! Might be a sign to not do so much again (but yet .. practice to get to where im one day happy??)
Like ive done as much as i know how to do at this point in time to the portraits (still gratuitously bloody shame on me :') ) oh except for a background bc WHAT does one DO for a character shoulders up portrait background??? Settled for now on a gradient old school photo style lmao
I like the fix it one as is, a lot (but also i liked the lineart for the portraits better i think) and idk, imngonna try give it a light bit of shadows and lights, maybe step away from a lot of blending bc i think i think thats where i went wrong on the other one
Like, they look fine, but they also look. Meh. Like ive used too much blur tool (i havent, i tried using kritas wet brush thing and it looks....ok close up but the effect is no good when zoomed out like posting size APPARENTLY) and its all noncommittally washy.
(cont'd over thinking)
Am i gonna 'render' them a third time??? Do i have the mental strength?? Bc i think maybe trying for something not so, "realistic" could do me better, like a little more cell shady. But also i dont?? I dont know how to cell shade? I dont watch anime or cartoons v much and my style isnt that cartoony or clean lined?
Maybe on the fix it i can try a more....... Conservative and less blended shade/highlights? (And if i like it/learn smth new go back and re re do the portraits same style) I also just. Idk. How does one make it not look so. Flat and meh?? Im doing basic color stuff ok i think, ive got a bit of texture but its still? Eh???
Honestly i could just post them and move on but i dunno, i have the energy to problem solve a lil bit so why not?? (Not tonight. Im gonna sleep on this all)
Why post shit im not 100% proud of? (Ngl kinda been in the mood to take down that first sketch of the fix it bc it looks nowhere near as good as what i fixed it up to but ....... Ah fuck it i was happy w it when i did it so eh)
Why why why oh why is art so hard?????????
I wanna try and become one of those cool artists who post multiple fun things yknow, like u get inspired and can draw it beginning to post in one evening! Im probably way over thinking and pushing myself to some standard of unrealistic perfection i have for myself...
(also i like thumbnail doodled out like, all these things i wanna draw for a really nice fic i read and even after editing some i have like 8 bits i wanna draw?? 4 as like a mini comic bc i havent done one since i was a child and i think itd be kinda rad if i learned to draw short comics for fic scenes i like??? But yeah basically in one inktober post there would only be 5 ideas (a lil more complicated on average i do give for granted but like. Those took me WEEKS) but yeah i just. I wanna draw them. Even if itll probably take me for fuckin ever... (And i didnt even finish off the last two inktober batches, oh. And i have a uni thesis to do ew) .... I wanna push myself to draw faster (less iterations to get it right) and so i can have rly solid and good and quickly done drawings to then color in as i learn to for future?)
Ugh man. You know what i need to do/shouldve been doing before i jumped into coloring original stuff?? I shouldve done colored studies. Like ive been drawing scenes both from reference and original on the inktobers and i think thats why my drawing/character stuff has gotten decent. I really should just whip out like prettily colored movie screencaps and work on painting studies of them. That would really fix up why i cant figure out lights and shadows and blending in coloring! No horrid tutorials just figuring out how can i make it work for me
And you know? You know what it is okay to have pieces that are from before i figured it out right? Im gonna try a slightly different thing for the fix its (if i hate it, theyre good as flat colors too) and yes they dont have a background either please love of god someone tell me how to add random backgrounds bc im not in the mood of scene building further but they float in off white space atm.
If i learn smth ground breaking and can QUICKLY do a bette rendition of the portraits, sure the perfectionist wins. But maybe just maybe. It would be fine to post them as they are. Yea, they look roughly as lifeless as my first big painting/that dinluke poster redraw. And maybe thats okay. Because hi if i do dedicate to doing like a good few color focused studies of star wars scenes as a treat i can come back stronger and have a better piece???? Its about growth babes. YEA
Alright i said to myself thats it in gonna go sleep on it and continue tomorro but. I thought id slip in here a secret surprise for anyone unfortunate enough to have clicked read more... And i got a little whiplash opening the picture bc it looks. SO WRONG but the more you look at it its like ... Fine. Ok judge for urself and tell me pls, first and second attempts at 'rendering' the portraits (the darker bground was the first attempt just going by gut, the lighter one after trying to watch like 1 tutorial and using more brushes and just generally trying rly hard!!)
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yes ive clearly fixed issues in the sketch differently in both so they... look... like different expressions?? idk man idk idk idk see now this small they look differently off!! god the curse of the zoom in and out and perception.
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franeridart · 7 years
*hugs you very tightly* love u fran♥
Thank you!!!!!!! Oh my gods!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs you back*
Anon said:are you eating well? having a good night sleep? please take care! xoxo
I am!!!!! Thank you so much for the concern!!!! Are you taking care of yourself, anon? I hope you’re doing great!!
Anon said: *☆*Bonjour*☆*
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Anon said:god bless your brain, your hands, your eyes, your everything, love u
SO SWEET!!!!! Thank you SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! *O*
Anon said:In the last picture of you sketch post what is Kiri saying to Kami after "C-Come on man"? I can't read the word after "don't" it just looks like "3i". I know this is probably dumb, but my eyes are pretty bad. Sorry. Love the blog and everything you do!!! ❤️
Ahhhh don’t worry it’s not your fault my handwriting is pretty shitty when I don’t make an effort on it hahaha he’s saying “don’t be a kid”~ and thank you!!!
Anon said:Fran can other people hear what the contestant are talking about in Sport Festival ? Like after TodoDeku match the viewers are wondering if Izuku want to win or lose and in Tokoyami-Bakugou match people are shocked that Bakugou figure out Dark Shadow weakness ? sorry for bad english
This is something I’ve been wondering since I first I read that arc too! I think they can’t hear them unless they’re yelling, but there’s no actual canon answer to this as far as I know!
Anon said:OMG I Love your Shindeku so much!!! I didn't think I'd get to see them in your style, but as expected it's amazing and adorable. Love the blog; can't wait to see more of everything you do!!!! :D
THANK YOU!!! and I’m glad you liked the floofy haired kids!!!!!!!! :D :D
Anon said:Fran do you think Endeavor hero name is reference to his goal to be the number 1 hero ?
I think so, yeah! Horikoshi probably picked it thinking about how he’s trying to reach a goal and he’s just. Not getting there. Ever. Good.
Anon said:Did I ever tell you how proud I am of you for going from barely drawing bnha because you struggled to put the characters in your style to flawlessly drawing them all the time?? It's so lovely I'm so proud of you. You're doing so well!
What’s up with all these sweet sweet anons today!!! Oh my gods!!! Thank you so much ;A; I’m crying a bit haha
Anon said:Hi! It's the anon who asked about splitting 1A into bakusquad and dekusquad! I just wanted to say I love how Uraraka is in charge of Deku squad XD
LMAO I feel like she’s the only one in Deku’s squad who’d actually consider the “whose side would win” conversation as much seriously and with as much spirit as Bakugou would hahaha
Anon said:Tfw you realize there are only two episodes left but you're so not ready for season 2 to end 😭
But the anime isn’t ending, anon!!! :O we’re getting 25 episodes this time around!!
Anon said:'Kirishima-kun please get out' I'm crying your tags gave me life
Anon said:Your tags on the kiribaku art you just posted made my day omg XD
Hahahahaha I’m glad my silliness is entertaining for you guys as much as it is for myself lol
Anon said:Was the bakushima fight everything you dreamed for and more?
Would have liked it to be longer because I’m like that so I can’t say it was more, but YES it was everything I realistically hoped it to be! So much goodness in just a few minutes hahaha
Anon said:Um, at the anon regarding diversity and color...I don't know why anyone would say that about your art when you're churning out a comic per day and they're all full of clean lineart and great + creative content... and anatomy-wise most artists don't? really? bother? with detailed anatomy at all since it's such a stylized choice to detail every goddamn muscle (I imagine that might be a bit difficult)... and yeah I love your art and the content that comes with it, you're one of my favorite artists.
SWEET!!!!!!!!!! SO SWEET OH MY GOD!!!! Thank you so much this ask made my whole week honestly - don’t worry tho! It’s okay! I mean, it’s not exactly okay because reading that ask didn’t really feel good, but if I’m not the type of artist anon’s looking for we can’t do much about it! I’m sure they’ll find someone who’ll satisfy them enough, out there in the fandom~ so many talented artists all around me haha feels intimidating now and again
Anon said:you make my day , everyday. man~ idk how you do it, you're just so??? good?? and pure??? your hcs and your tags and your art in general i just. it makes me feel wholesome. like, where have you been my whole life ? you know what to say and when and ahhhh. just thank you for being yourself ´・ᴗ・`
Anons today, trying to make me a puddle of goo on the floor, incredible, honestly incredible I’m??? so lucky??? thank you!!!! I’m so so glad you like my stuff!!! And also me?? seems like??? holy smokes !!!!
Anon said:It's 7am and I haven't slept but going through your blog was super fun;) I love your BNHA doodles, especially the KiriBakuKami~~~
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!! Try to sleep tho, anon!!
Anon said:hello! i just wanted to say that your account is my favourite account on tumblr! i love your doodles so much and they make me so happy! you're so talented and honestly i wish i could be as creative and artistic as you are! ^_^ you deserve so much recognition for your art and i fangirl whenever you post omg! i thought i would just awkwardly let you know, i hope you have a nice day! x
RIP me. Forever. This just killed me I’m dead and gone, cause of death: too much sweetness from my anons, put that on my grave I’m !!!!!!!!!!!! thank u
Anon said:DUDE you are AMAZING and your art is AMAZING and you've really made me love Bakushima even more than I already did and now the bakusquad are my LIFE and I just REALLY LOVE YOU.
I don’t know what happened you all out for my life today I’m so grateful??? Yes??? Yes. Bless all of you 
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krakenator · 5 years
Chapter 17 aka “Dune”
SPOILERS are sprinkled around extremely liberally for The Property of Hate
Masterpost here
RGB: oh fuck
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That’s… that’s actually really neat. We get confirmation soon that everything in this world has color as blood, not just RGB. So, you can actually see it in this tree stump- idk if that’s how sap actually works but it’s a cool as hell visual
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Oh fuck. Oh that is really not good. Oh no. oh god it’s a domino effect. No trees means nothing is holding up the sea which means the darkness can’t do anything on its own. This is gonna ripple back to the market isn’t it. Oh god
With the sea collapsing like this, Click may get released from his watery grave quicker than imagined…
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Ok, at least it stopped and stabilized. For now. buuuut that particular exit is completely unusable now
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How the fuck? That hasn’t happened before. Hero’s had to sleep to heal her schism in the past.
AND ITS COMING BACK? One page after they’re out of the darkness and that schism is starting to think about making a reappearance. WHY THO
CONSIDER THIS: darkness ALSO has healing properties? Whereas total Light will burn, scorch, and white you out from existence, total Dark will hide, conceal, and heal you.
Then again, Hero’s schism didn’t heal on her first journey through darkness to get to the Market
So... more likely it was something to do with their bonding in the last chapter, or- or even though the Nightmare gave her a bad scare, it is still technically a DREAM, and dreams whether they are nice or scary will still heal you up a bit? Interesting if true. Alternatively, the sheer proximity to that literal blockade of dreams was just so, many and potent that Hero didnt even need to be asleep for them to work a little magic on her
I still think I’m onto something about Darkness also having healing effects, however! Consider the evidence:
RGB was fucking WRECKED right before Negative come out to play way back in chapter 6. Just utterly destroyed. He was COVERED IN BURNS from being PUNCHED ACROSS A FIELD and then his circuits got ELECTROCUTED. But Negative doesn’t have any of those injuries, and neither does RGB once Negative has finished his job. Negative, confirmed to be Made of Darkness, heals RGB from whatever dumb-fuck nonsense he’s gotten into to make Negative have to step in
EVIDENCE #2: that black residue Hero leaves from being impaled on the sick tree. Just because RGB believes nothing they did contributed to the tree’s revival doesn’t mean that’s entirely true. If Hero somehow left behind a lil bit o’ Darkness in the tree, then maybe it might have thawed a little/slower on its own even without the Butterfly also melting away the [—–]
One last, slightly off-topic thing before we get back to continuing the actual chapter, people produce soft lights and flowers when they sleep, right? and those flowers fade away once they wake up. RGB’s never done that, but Negative spawns blue roses that break apart when he’s done his business. My point being... RGB doesn’t dream. If he only ever actually asleep when Negative is awake?
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RGB’s overabundance of color comes into play once again
“this sand is stained by the blood of dead trees” wow I did not remember this section of comic being as metal as it is
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Wait the fuck a minute. Hold on. Hold- hold on
RGB’s explanation is great for why this place is littered with husks of vehicles, but let’s think about what else probably ends up here, all those objects of sentimental affection and names- laptops, favorite pens. stuffed animals! The Sands are like a junk yard. and things occasionally get washed into the Sea, or the Sea washes them up here... just a cool cycle overall
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back on the schism- its definitely much better than when they left the Market, but worse for having exited the Darkness. its more of an impression of a dip that a gaping wound right now
OH. So, yeah the sun piece will probably run into its brother whilst in the ocean, but RGB’s right- it probably went there in order to be hidden over other reasons
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RGB: you did WHAT? You SOLD your FINGERS? Without TELLING ME? What made you think you could go and do that, I would’ve handled it!!
Hero, remembering that time she saw RGB rip his whole hand off and give it to an owl he met 2 seconds ago: I mean…
Yo can we… talk about RGB’s entire train of thought (LMAO) here? That he’s upset about Hero trading away parts of herself but doesn’t really give a fig about doing the same to himself? He’ll sell off buttons or an entire hand, but Hero gives away two fingers for a friend and he’s upset that she didn’t let him know, because he’d have handled it? On one hand it’s very “adults being horrified at children having to take on responsibilities and experiences they shouldn’t have to” which I am always about, yet on the other hand I’m getting a “RGB really doesn’t value himself much at all does he” vibe and yikes my heart
Like, between the self-worth issues touched on here and “maintain illusion of control and confidence by saying big words smartly”- same fucking hat. RGB needs to stop being relatable
“saying HUGE words, just INCOMPREHENSIBLE LETTERS when angry” is also. Yup. That’s uh. That’s me. goddammit
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...... for me, this is what i would personally call the Nightmare Scenario
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YOWCH that looks like it hurt. At least the good news is RGB will be able to recolor himself over a bit of time. Not sure if he’s also able to regenerate indelible lineart, so… better just not have to find out
also; that’s literally a train of thought. Why’s it colored like Negative, though? Is this a train made of Darkness?
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YUP it’s a Darkness-cloaked train- how fucking weird must this look on Hate’s side?
Fdhafjk I forgot, they have NO IDEA what happened to Click. Amazing
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what.... in the fresh hell is going on in this panel
BUT, super interesting implication that Hate can’t LEAVE this place, and that without Dial to get audio, or him/the Butterfly to go out and interact with things, Hate is very hands-off
but honestly wtf is the slanted speechbox? “this side of the script”??? i love it but what does this mean
RGB points out that charging through the sands like this should be destroying it, yet it remains perfectly intact throughout all of this, even when BURROWING INTO THE LITERAL ERASING SANDS. Interesting implication that Darkness can’t be erased. Interesting implication that Negative would be entirely unaffected by sand as well
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Who wants to bet this is gonna be an inkwell
Who the fuck would be the third party that’s sent this hell-train out to scoop up and deliver our heroes to them? 
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The idea that the kidnapper has at least once before been a kidnapee is just so funny to me. HOW DOES IT FEEL RGB??
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(war flashbacks to THIS MORNING when RGB: broke into song, rocketed himself across the market via explosion and a slingshot, and wouldn’t stop making puns the entire time) my man is a ball of stress but damn if he isn’t able to react in the moment
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The good news is RGB’s color regen process is pretty slick- his back’s already back to normal
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Your humansona’s a real Jackie Chan madman isn’t he RGB. a real Tom Cruise motherfucker. Some Buster Keaton level shit.
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I SHOULD SINCERELY HOPE SO, you’re wearing like TWO lucky objects on your person currently. If that can’t give you even a smidgen of stat-boosting...
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now CHECK THIS OUT: it seems like RGB starts running into weirdness BEFORE he charges directly into the dream-infested car. A film-reel overlay effect, and lookit his hat-  negative stripes of shadow
Chiaroscuro: “the effect of contrasted light and shadow” created by light shining in weird ways and directions. interesting chapter title to use, uncle mod, on a chapter which has got the pure whites of the erased desert/Hate’s realm directly contrasted with tree stumps and this weird, darkness train
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Don’t you hate it when you run directly into a gas cloud of dreams
So we got a jewel (a box?), white and black hands, the iron again, a teardrop shape, what might be RGB’s Mystery Button, all with film reels
And speaking of that iron, we also get the fiery sharp shapes again… which morph into S’s. it’s a sound. a SSSSSSSSSSS
I just had to go look up what an iron actually sounds like and… yeah. It makes an SSSS sound
Human RGB is… unfairly handsome. Of course he is. AND I SEE THAT TV IN ON THE LEFT MOD
Hey wait a minute
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That’s not my bastard man
NOBODY in this comic has spoken in ANYTHING other than black or white colored text. and now here is this ancient MEMORY MAN speaking in ORANGE?
well actually the ‘co-worker’ is speaking in like really dark maroon? BUT STILL
“we split” has returned, 15 chapters later
The duality of these two title pages is really something- past and present getting whacked awake, the similar position present RGB has fallen to mirror past-human-guy, going from the Light of the memory to the Darkness of the train
ACTUALLY, RGB didn’t even LAND like that. he fall on the floor like THIS. he’s SHIFTED to reflect the decayed, old, deteriotated and fragile memory currently playing out in his head
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AND CHECK OUT THOSE NEGATIVE-STRIPE GLITCHES! WOWIE! Lots and lots of foreshadowing to the upcoming Neggy appearance coming very soon to a screen near you!
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