#might drag myself to the lake again tomorrow to continue trying to drag my ass into some kind of free water physical therapy of One Person
lesenbyan · 11 months
kinda nice of the universe to let things go my way for a change once other things have reached "you have to handle or else" place
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itisannak · 4 years
Cold Tea (Calum Hood Smut)
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Summary: (Y/N) is stressed about an assignment, so Calum brings her favorite beverage ( and snack 😉)  (Smut / Fingering/ Mention of public sex/ Mention of unprotected sex) Inspired by @trulycevans​ story “Stressed” (loved the story, by the way. Go check it out, it is so fluffy)  (Words: 1.9k)
The only sound echoing in the room has to be my fingers tapping on my laptop's keyboard and the clock ticking on the wall. It has been like that for the past 3 hours, since I came back from my little "break" to fill my coffee cup. My eyes are heavy from working in front of a screen for so many hours, so I blink rapidly, trying to give them a quick rest before continuing; god, I wish I knew how to touch-type, so I didn't have to look at the screen. "Everything going a-ok, bub?" Calum asks as he peaks through the door. I turn my head to look at him, my face grumpy and lips pouty while he is smiling softly at me. He walks in, clad in his comfy sweats and a black tank top, holding a cup with steaming liquid inside. "Did you bring me coffee?" I ask, perking up a little as I can practically feel the taste of fresh coffee in my mouth. "Something better. Herbal tea." He cheers in excitement, leaning down to leave a kiss in the curve between my neck and shoulder while he places the mug in front of me. "Herbal tea?" I ask repulsed. There is soft tapping on the floor, so I assume that Duke decided to follow his pop in the room. "You need to relax a bit. You are overly caffeinated so your brain is stuck. Herbal tea will make you feel more productive." He explains, resting his chin on my shoulder. "You are smart for a total hottie..." I mumble, rolling my eyes as I pick up the mug to take a sip, blowing on the surface of the tea before it touches my lips. "How is it going?" He asks me, planting a kiss on my jawline. "It is not going." I announce, sighing in despair. Calum moves my hair on one shoulder, bringing his arms to wrap around me. "Maybe it is time for a break. Stretch a bit, fix your posture, tie your hair up. Maybe cuddle Duke a bit, he is like a fluffy stress-ball." He suggests, using his soothing voice. "I am so tensed..." I groan, causing Calum to bring his hands on my shoulders, kneading on my skin as I relax back on my chair. He moves upwards, focusing now on my neck.
"You have a knot in there." He comments, pressing his thumbs on it. "I know. It has been killing me for hours now." I pout, moving my head from side to side. I feel chills rising on my skin as he brings his thumbs all the way up to the base of my head. A moan escapes my lips, which amuses Calum. "And to think I am not even touching you in that way..." He teases me, pressing a kiss on my forehead. "Hush, asshole. I am sore." I giggle, feeling ticklish as his hands travel low on my back. "Mmm, there..." I gasp as he finds the spot on the dip of my back. I arch my back and throw my head back; fuck, he has magical fingers, in every possible way. "Have I told you your tits look great?" He asks, making me bite my bottom lip. "You have... Stop starring at my tits, you creep." I huff. "Not my fault you have the prettiest tits I have seen..." He replies. "Get up and have a stretch. You'll feel a thousand times better." He pats my back, rolling my chair away from the desk to let me get up from it.
Calum leans against the desk as I bend to touch my toes, making my spine pop. I arch my back, trying to crack my back. Calum clears his throat, making me turn my head to him. "Everything alright?" I ask, cocking an eyebrow at him. "Why do you look so sexy, even when you are so tired?" He asks, grabbing me by my waist and pulling me close to his body. "Cal, I stink. My eyes are decorated with eye bags, and my face is dull, my hair is messy and I am wearing leggings. Where is the sexy in that?" I ask him, and he hums, throwing me a side smirk. "Well, everything on you." He lingers above my lips, making me squirm at the intensity of the moment. He has the ability to turn every moment intimate. "You make me so hard, princess. Just looking at you makes me feel funny inside... Fuck... How did I ever get so lucky?" He asks, groaning softly. "You must have done something very nice in your life to end up with me." I giggle, resting my palms on his chest. "I have a way to get your mind to relax..." He licks his lips, lowering his hand to my ass. "I am curious to find what that might be..." I giggle, just as he squeezes my ass in his hands.
He turns me around, pressing his chest on my back as he assaults my neck with his lips. He is an expert at finding my sweetspots, and once he locates the one below my ear he starts nibbling on it with his teeth. I moan and blink rapidly, sinking in the sensation. "Feels good, baby?" He asks, flicking his tongue over the teeth marks on my neck. "So good..." I utter, while his hands slip in the waistband of my leggings, resting on my hips. I feel his boner pressing on my ass, my eyes shutting involuntarily as my mind flies to the dirtiest of thoughts. "I am going to fuck that writing block out of that pretty head of yours." He rasps, forcing me to bend over the desk. I gasp, smiling as I feel him lower my leggings. He leaves my panties in place, pushing his fingers inside them with a chuckle. "You got wet from my massage, princess?" He muses, sounding a little proud of his achievement. "You got hard from massaging me... Don't be cocky." I sass, a millisecond before he pushes two fingers inside me.
I have to bite my bottom lip to avoid giving him the satisfaction of assuring him how much I love his fingers banging inside my tight little hole. "Fuck me... You are tight, baby. Why are you so tight? I have been fucking you every day for nearly 2 years and you are still so tight..." He rasps, wrapping his arm across my chest and pulling me up, with my back against his chest. His hand wraps around my neck, fingers pressing roughly on my skin. His fingerpads are brushing against my spot, while his lips are now pressed on my temple. "Once you are done with this stupid assignment, I will pick you up and drag you to the shower. And then I am going to press you against the glass and fuck your pretty little hole until the glass shutters and our skin is wrinkly from the water. Maybe I will even set up a camera in front of the cabin, so you can take a look at how hot your tits look pressed against the glass like that..." He whispers in my ear, causing chills to run up my spine. "Remember the time we were on vacation? On that island, I don't remember the name of, somewhere in Italy? Remember we were on that beach, alone, and we had this ice bucket for our drinks? Hm, princess? Do you remember?" He asks me, taking my earlobe between his teeth. I nod my head, my eyes fluttering open and close as he moves his long digits inside me. "Remember what I did to you that day on the beach?" He asks me. I whimper, making Calum chuckle. "It's ok, princess. I'll remind you... I put 2 ice cubes inside you and every time the melting water spilled out of your hole and drenched your bikini, reaching your clit, you whimpered and jerked up... Oh, those cute little whimpers drove me insane... I was so hard for you that day... We fucked behind those rocks, and you were a moaning mess, we almost got caught... But you said it was the best orgasm of your life... Oh, I missed that... I want to take you back to that island in Italy, give you an even better orgasm..." He rasps; his breath sounds as caught up in his throat as mine. "I want to go back to Italy too... Please, take me there." I beg; I am not sure if by there I mean the island or my orgasm. "Or that time backstage of that concert in New York... 5 minutes before the show and you were riding my face... I could taste you in my mouth while I sang... There are so many pictures of me licking my lips during the show... Fuck, if people knew..." He murmurs, tightening the grip around my neck. "You know what we haven't done in a while?" He asks, the smirk that makes his lips curl showing in his voice. "What?" I ask, pressing my thighs together as I feel the knot in my stomach tighten. "I haven't rawed you in the backseat of my car in so long... I believe the last time was during our last road trip. We had a stop because you wanted to take pictures and it started raining. You were wearing that white t-shirt that got drenched and I could see your bra right through it. My fucking God, you were so hot. You stripped out of that t-shirt and stayed in that pink bra of yours... I couldn't keep my hands to myself. I filed you up with so much cum that day... I can't wait until we can hop in the car again. Definitely this weekend, we can go to the vineyard by that lake you like." He whispers. I tremble, his fingers inside, and all those dirty memories playing in my head leave me helpless against the orgasm bubbling up inside me. "I am going to cum." My voice breaks at the end, signaling my high is closer than I anticipated. "Yeah, baby? I couldn't tell by your pulsing pussy and your wetness running down my hand..." He mocks me. He pumps his fingers faster, making me arch my back and rest my head against his shoulder as I ride my high. "There it is..." Calum praises as I stir my hips to get more of that sensation of pure euphoria. It takes me at least five minutes before I am ready to go back to functioning. Calum takes his fingers out of my panties and I try to fix my clothes, with my hands still shaking.
"Is your head a little clearer?" Calum asks, with a grin playing on his lips. "I don't know. You will actually have to leave the room for me to be able to focus on anything else but the boner in your sweats..." I reply, taking a seat back in front of the desk again. "Alright... I'll go fix us a light dinner. I will see you in an hour when you will close your laptop for the night and join me and baby grandpa over there on the couch. And I promise, tomorrow I will wake you up bright and early so you can finish this." He pecks on my temple, making me sigh in defeat. "Fine, Hood. Maybe you are right..." I roll my eyes, before reaching for my mug of tea. I take a sip, only to wince at the taste of the tea. "Fuck... Now my tea is cold..." I pout, making Calum laugh. "Well, you can't have it all, baby..." He points out as he walks out of the room, followed by Duke.
My Masterlist
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sebbytrash · 4 years
Through His Eyes - Part Eighteen
Summary - Bucky arrives at the compound to start afresh but you and him have a somewhat colorful past, colorful being that you met him once before as The Winter Soldier and it did not go well. New beginnings, yeah? If you can learn to forgive.
Pairing - Bucky x Reader
Warnings -   Angst, denial, self loating, all the sad stuff guys. Also, weird breakfast habits courtesy of one Clint Barton
A/N - Hi, it’s me, trying not to act on the need to reintroduce myself here lol. Anyways, sorry its been forever, again. I fix? Feedback loved and appreciated. <3 HUGE thank you to my other half @manawhaat​ for taking my scraps and forcing me to do better. I love you. 
Through His Eyes Masterlist
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"Auntie Mallow, what happened to your face?" Nate asks as soon as he spies you from his place at the kitchen table, running over to tackle hug you. "Were you attacked? Was it by Ninjas? Did you kick butt?" 
"Woah, woah, one question at a time, little man," you say, and then pretend whisper, "Twelve of them, butts all kicked."
"Cool!" He shouts, disappearing into the house with a few karate chops.
"Yeah, he's going through a Ninja phase at the moment. He's gonna be dining out on that story for a week." Laura explains, a cup of cocoa already in your hand and hers giving your bruise a once over, a fond smile at the edge of her lips. 
"Training accident with Steve. Nothing exciting." She hugs you anyway, warm and kind and everything you need. Laura and her magical hugs, they always soften the edges of even the sharpest of pains. It's why Sam so often referred to her as Mother of All, because she just made you feel seen, loved. 
"I'll be upstairs putting the monsters to bed. Shout if you need me." She gives Clint a kiss on the cheek on her way past and his eyes linger on her a little longer as she leaves. Your spine aches from the way he looks at her, a lifetime of love poured in a single glance. 
He turns back to you, looks at you in an entirely different kinda way but it doesn't make you ache any less, you wonder if your story is leaking out of your eyes like a kaleidoscope of words and feelings, projected for any and all to see. Laid bare in look alone. He looks at you long enough for you to regret coming, not wanting to deal with any of the mess you'd created just yet, but he surprises you by instead asking, "You hungry?" 
He makes you a burger that you readily inhale and then realise just how long it had been since you'd eaten. Clint asks nothing, expects nothing, simply fills your belly and earns a few shaky laughs before ushering you to the barn where a warm bed was waiting. 
"This place looks a lot nicer than the last time I stayed here." You smile at the memory and he rolls his eyes back.
"Well, we had some time to convert it to a guesthouse. Not like the last time you and Sam showed up, drank the entire contents of my booze cabinet and passed out in the field." He hugs you again and backs up towards the door, "You're lucky I dragged your asses in here instead of letting you wake up a few fingers short." 
“My fingers are grateful.” You laugh, and wiggle them a little, then add, “My back, not so much.”
“Goodnight, marshmallow.”
“Goodnight Clint.” 
You wait till he leaves before letting the smile slide right off your face, exhaustion tugging on your bones with weary determination that you're almost grateful for. It means, if nothing else, that sleep might come easy and the pain might subside even for a few hours. You change into the clothes Clint loaned you, sweats and an old S.H.I.E.L.D t-shirt, and dump your stuff on the chair. You fish your phone out of your pocket to send Sam a quick text but realise the battery is dead. Well, if you weren't in trouble before, you sure are now. Tomorrow's problem, you suppose, before sliding into the lavender fresh bed and curling up on your side. Counting your blinks and willing the day to end, desperately trying not to notice how much you miss his scent on your sheets.
When sleep finds you, it comes armed with weapons of anguish laden eyes or the defeated sigh of your name, and your heart tears itself in two when the sighs turn silent. It's a punishment, you think, when you wake that morning no longer sure if you can stand to lose him from your dreams, too. You’ve lost most of the skin around your thumb nail by the time you work up the energy to go to the house, the blood that leaks out of the worried away skin is like a physical representation of your heart. You hate it.
You don’t. 
The kitchen is unusually silent when you enter and you wonder how long you spent avoiding leaving your bed when you spot Clint at the counter, eating happily, but horribly, from his bowl. He smiles and tips his spoon, then tips it towards the empty bowl and cereal packets waiting on the counter for you. A cereal buffet. 
“Mornin’,” you say, pouring out the sugariest one you can find, “Is that...is that all the cereals in one bowl?”
“Yup,” he grins, “Laura and the kids are away to swim in the lake, so I get to do this.” He scoops a mishmash onto his spoon and has the indecency to enjoy it. Disgusting. 
“That is… honestly, I don’t even have words.” You do everything you can not to stare at the grey looking milk that is swirling around in his house of horrors of a bowl. 
He fills in the silence with some nonsense, a little laughter and a tale or two about the kids, letting you shake off the sleep, and the dreams, and finish your cereal before he pops the bubble. You love him for it, and hate him for it. A theme, it seems. 
“So…” He begins, eyebrows raised in a little ‘tell me’ motion. 
“So,” you say, and nothing more. 
“Steve called.” That didn’t take long.
“Of course he did.” 
“He was worried.” He says, and then adds, not unkindly, “Sam was, too. Apparently, you left without any heads up.” 
You huff, “Well, I’m grown. I do what I want.” You throw in a pout for good measure. 
“And that means you couldn’t reply to a text?” 
You tuck your shoulders at that. “I, uh, didn’t exactly bring a charger.” You hold out the offending item and he sighs, but says nothing, simply takes your phone from you and plugs it into a waiting wire beside him. 
“Right.” He waits, knowing your little pout is for show, until the scowl slips into something else. “You wanna tell me about him.” 
And so you do, how much you hated him, and then how much you wanted to hate him, and then how much you didn’t hate him at all. 
He lets you pour it all out, lets you drain every last drop of guilt and whisper every unchecked secret, the words burst from within that pressure cooker inside your chest. It hurts so much to bare yourself like this that you expect to look down and see blood seeping from a hole in your chest. Instead, you see only granite countertops and blurry hands. 
"So, I ended it." You say, flattening your hands on your knees so you don't have to see them shake, see the physical manifestation of your very bad decision making. "It's for the best." 
"Is it?" Clint asks plainly. "For him, or for you?" 
"What do you mean?" You frown, his words making the hairs on your arms stand up, your body one step ahead as your mind fights to catch up.
"Ok kid, I'm gonna level with you, yeah?" He fixes you with a look that feels very Dad-Like and you bite back a little smile, despite the heavy tone. "I don't think it's a coincidence that you came here, to me, the only other person who might have the slightest inkling what it might feel like being under someone else's control." 
"I…," You begin, and then snap your mouth closed as the words settle over you. Was he right? Was it intentional, you wonder, to seek out Clint? No, no...
"You just live the furthest away." You scoff, but not with much luster, doubt creeping in over that wallowing fog. 
"You're not running away, kid." He says, confidently, "You're looking for answers." 
You consider that for a moment, wonder if there was some remaining strand of hope left in the burnt out tapestry of your want, but you know that even that strand is not enough.
"There are no answers you can give that will fix this." You say sadly, resolutely. 
"Why don't you try me?" He offers, reaching out to stop your hands from worrying away the skin around your nails again. Something you hadn't even noticed you were doing. 
"I don't think I have any questions?" Even to your own ears, you don’t sound sure. He simply looks at you a little longer, waiting. “Fine, maybe...maybe, just one.” He nods for you to continue. “How did you face Nat, you know, after Loki?”
“After I tried to kill her, you mean?” He supplies helpfully, face graced with that confident little smirk that never really leaves, refusing to balk at it like any sane person should. 
“Well...yeah.” You admit, trying not to cringe at your cavalier questioning. This was his idea, after all.  
“I didn’t.” He says, “Not at first anyway, but you know Nat, stubborn as hell and she just outright refused to let me have a pity party.” He laughs, “Monsters and magic, she said to me, we weren’t trained for that. And she was right, nobody is prepared for what we went through, or what he went through.”
It’s true, there’s nothing in the world that can prepare you for something like that, so how can anyone expect a how-to guide on getting over it. Or at least, working through it. You doubt there is a therapist in the world that has much insight on these particular demons, god knows they had enough trouble with yours. 
You think about Clint now, about how very much a team he and Nat are, even within the team itself. It’s like it never happened.
“But don’t you think about it, that day, when you see her?” You ask, subconsciously zeroing in on what you really want to know. There’s something there, you know it, but you're not sure what it is yet. 
“No, not anymore. Maybe initially, but I did the work. Laura helped me work through it, so did Nat.” He looks at you intently, like he just figured something out, frowns a little and tilts his head. “Do you?” 
“Do I what?” You ask, watching his puppy dog tilt with confusion. 
“Do you think about that when you see him?” Oh. Oh, that. 
“No.” You answer honestly, “Not for a while.” It’s the truth. The soldier and Bucky feel so far apart from each other it’s like they’ve never even met. And they haven’t really, you think. One existed exactly over the top of the other. 
“So seeing him, being with him, it doesn’t take you back to that time?” He asks, and it feels like he’s getting at something or putting puzzle pieces together the way he words the question, but it’s inherently still the same one he asked. 
“No... I mean, it did, of course it did, for a long time. But, like you, I did the work.”
It doesn’t even occur to you what Clint is getting at, as you sit there sifting through what he said and how it overlaps with what you know. So when he asks, your heart suspends in place, simply stopping in between beats like there was a limit and you’ve simply reached it.
“Then tell me, why are you so sure he does?” 
“He still has nightmares about me, Clint.” You point out, the fear in his eyes still fresh in your mind, like a brand on your soul you’ll never be rid of. Another stain, another scar. The final matching one. 
“He has one bad dream in the what, months, you’ve been together and you think you know what he needs?” You blink stupidly at him, feeling the pit in your stomach extend just a few more inches, digging itself further into your soul. “Look, kid, if you had come here and told me you didn’t feel a certain way about him, I’d be behind you 100%. But you’re denying yourself something here. Is it complicated? Fuck yes. Look at your life, what part isn’t?”
Complicated, ha! The blood in your vein sings angrily at the notion, that you weren’t over here tearing yourself in two just to protect Bucky from himself, from you. That it wasn’t bigger than complicated. Your feelings, whatever they were, they didn’t matter. What was so difficult to understand in that? It’s exactly the reason you were here and not with Sam, although that decision is becoming stupider by the moment. 
You start to shake your head, ready to say much of the same to Clint when he holds up a hand, not in surrender but to continue. 
“You asked what I see when I look at Nat, now. Well, I see movie nights, and Sal’s pizza, and pissing off Tony and every other memory we’ve made together since then. Isn’t that what you see when you look at Bucky?”
Like a prayer, his name conjures his image in your mind, those smiling ocean eyes, the kind tilt to his smile, the shape of his mouth when he says your name. Not even the ghost of the Soldier hovers. You blink back the tears that are threatening to escape your eyes and answer honestly. “Yes…”
“I’m willing to bet that’s what he sees too.” He smiles at you, sad and sorry. “I remember just after I got back from New York, I had this whole thing about everything being my choice. You know, what missions I went on, when I went on them, what I had to eat - Laura was a saint with that one. There’s just something about it, not being in control of yourself, that unsettles your whole being, right, that every choice I made felt like I was taking something back from Loki. Like I was fighting back even though there was nothing to fight against.” 
You reach out and squeeze his hand, his words dropping like stones in your chest, each one adding to that growing feeling, that one you can’t or won’t name.
“So, if this is about him, about protecting him or whatever it is you think you are doing...don’t. Don’t take that choice from him.”
The stones turn to boulders, drag down in your gut and pull till you might tear at the seams, pull and pull till your nerves are screaming with all that guilt, again, that you carry around and the unending pain that follows it. You knew what it was like, you knew, and yet Clint was right, you’d stolen his choices just like they had, when all he’d ever done was give you them. 
“Just answer this, okay?”
You nod, but you already know what he’s going to ask and you can’t answer him, don’t know how to. Your whole being is centered around this part of you, this shadowed pain that makes up half of your personality. Who were you if not the half broken remains from behind the green door? How can you possibly move past it enough to...feel that way? 
“Do you love him?”
No, you don’t love. You can’t. You like him? Sure. You want him? Absolutely. But love? Unattainable. The ghost of him is there again, sudden and solid, looking at you the way he does, grazing his lips along your cheek that way he does, the gentlest of hands holding you that way he does, loving you that way he does. 
Because he does. He loves you and it's awful and terrifying and euphoric. Suddenly, you can’t stand another minute of this war with yourself, with him, with everyone. The fight was always pointless anyway, you’d lost long ago on the dirty floor of a gym where secrets sprouted from pain and bloomed into hope. The boulders grow wings and they lift, letting your chest fill up with that fear and euphoria, shaking off the shackles of your guilt for the last time. You have your choices, so he should have his, right? 
There they are, those damned butterflies. “Yes.”
Clint smiles, knew the answer the second he laid eyes on your weary face yesterday. “Then let him love you back.”
TAGS: @manawhaat @theashhole @captainrogerss @higherfurtherfasterbby  @peculiar-persephone  @captain-rogers-beard @chrisevansnco @howlingbarnes @poealsobucky @samingtonwilson @vintagevalentinexx @abovethesmokestacks @imhereforbvcky @avengerofyourheart  @stormy-thomas @danijimenezv   @angelicthor   @betheboo55 @palaiasaurus64 @raxacoricofallapatoriuspotter @johnmurphys-sass @katbird787    @sexyvixen7 @jobean12-blog  @justreadingfics @justareader @smoothdogsgirl @theliarone @aikibriarrose @timeladylaurel @badassbakers @earinafae @crushed-pink-petals-writes @tardis-is-mine @httpmcrvel @bucky2-0 @mocking-rain @sociallyimpairedme @jezzula @bless-my-demons @ign-is @indominusregina @-supernatural-coffee-llama @alwayshave-faith   @shifutheshihtzu​ @mizzzpink​ @yknott81​ @haven-in-writing​ @xtina2191​ @reniescarlett​ @notsoprettykitty​ @wickedwerewolf​ @ayeputita​ @tatalopes23​ @pineapplebooboo​ @mizzezm​ @thefridgeismybestie​ @memory-of-a-goldfish​ @supernatural-girl97​ @standing-onthe-edge​ @ruinerofcheese​ @mysweetcookie99​
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allmidaddies · 4 years
woke up in 1.
Summer had arrived and that meant weddings, weddings, and more weddings. It wasn’t normally like this, it was just that everyone that you had ever crossed paths with in your entire life had decided to get married that summer.
 Well, everyone except Mat it seemed. Which you were grateful for because it meant that you had another single soldier to drink with at the open bar at each of these events.
The two of you had been out in New York over the past four years, arguably the worst place to find love. Or even anything remotely close to love. You had dated people on and off over the years but they all ended more or less the same way. The flame died as quickly as it had sprouted, they had too many cooks in their kitchen, or your personal favorite, Mat ran them off before the second date. He claimed that as your best friend he would be able to determine whether or not the guy was right for you and apparently none of them had been deemed worthy enough because they were almost always sent running for the hills within a matter of days of meeting Mat.
 In Mat’s case, he spent so much time on the road that anything more serious than a casual hook up that never went more than three nights was considered too much of a commitment. You couldn’t blame the kid though to be fair. He was always honest about his intentions from the very beginning and was as gentlemanly as one could be in a situation like that. You still encouraged him to try dating but he always brushed you off and changed the topic before you could even realize he was changing the topic.
 But this summer you were grateful that he had never bothered to take your advice because it meant you could drag him along as your date and he could take you as his, effectively silencing any relatives or old friends from asking about your relationship status. At least, that was the hope. The coming weekend was a trial run to see how the rest of the summer may unfold.
 A long time friend of yours, and a training buddy of Mat’s, was getting married on Saturday at a lake house outside of Vancouver. It meant that both of you were invited to not only attend the wedding but stay in the guest house with a few other friends. Which is what Mat was “helping” you pack for currently.
 You rifled through the collection of dresses you had acquired in preparation for the wedding season ahead. Mat had done nothing but chirp you for how much money you had spent on the different options, all followed by him bragging on how he hadn’t spent a single dime.
 “In my defense, you already own more suits than I own dresses” you argued, sifting through your closet in search of the particular dress you were wearing the coming weekend. Mat was stretched out on your bed and had been chirping you since you let him inside.
 “Yes but my suits are investments. What are you going to do with all of these dresses after you wear them?” Mat asked, tucking his hands behind his head as he leaned against your pillows.
 “Maybe you’ll have to invite me to more events with you and I’ll have excuses to wear them,” you smirked, finally pulling the one you’d been looking for and zipping it into a garment bag.
 “Stop trying to trick me into a date,” Mat teased. You rolled your eyes as you began pulling other clothes to pack for the weekend.
 “You should be so lucky as to date me.”
 Mat laughed, the sound echoing off of the walls in your room,
 “I would be a lucky guy. But you said I’m too annoying to do more with than friend zone. If I remember correctly.”
 You bit the inside of your cheek, the conversation that led to that flashing through your mind. You had only been teasing, and maybe slightly drunk as well, when you told Mat that he was in the friend zone. It was somewhat of a truth but more than that it was a lie. Mat was your best friend and you didn’t want anything to ruin that. However, it was hard to deny that Mat was practically the unit of measurement that you used to evaluate every guy that you dated. You compared everything in a prospective mate to Mat. Their hair, their style, their laugh, their intelligence, their charm, their smile, etc. And nobody ever measured up. At least not completely. Sure, you’d been on dates where the person on the other side of the table had a degree in something ridiculously hard like chemical engineering that surely had more literal intelligence than Mat. But it was never the same and it was never the whole package.
 It continuously baffled you that Mat hadn’t found the love of his life yet. How could someone so charming and successful have such a hard time finding someone who was the perfect match? He certainly had no shortage of beautiful women in his life. You often wondered if maybe he had met the one already but he was so focused on hockey that he didn’t even notice.
 “That’s rather unfortunate for you,” you quipped, swatting Mat’s hand away as he kept removing items of clothing from your suitcase.
 “Actually I think in this case it is rather unfortunate for you. I would make a great boyfriend,” Mat shrugged.
 “Except for the fact that you don’t want to be somebody’s boyfriend,” you laughed. Mat could only grin up at you, knowing you were right. He really wasn’t looking for a girlfriend at the moment. There were too many other stressors for him with contract negotiations and wondering whether or not he was going to need to be packing up his apartment in New York in the next few months.
 Just as you added a pair of folded sweats to the suitcase Mat pulled them out again, making you groan in annoyance.
 “I swear to god it’s like having a toddler,” you muttered, finally moving the suitcase to the floor while Mat laughed.
 “I just don’t think you need to pack sweats. It’s supposed to be 85 all weekend and we’re going to be at the lake.”
 “You also think I don’t need to pack this shirt to sleep in? Or any of my underwear?” You asked, hands on your hips as you gestured towards the other stack of clothes Mat had pulled from your suitcase.
 “I’m not opposed,” Mat smirked, earning him a smack in the face with a throw pillow.
 It was nothing new. Mat’s teasing. He made it clear to you that he found you attractive. Whether it was complimenting how your ass looked in certain pairs of jeans or hyping you up on your Instagram, Mat was open about how hot he thought his best friend was. And it never bothered you, it was nice to feel appreciated. Especially on days when you weren’t feeling your best. Mat was always there to remind you of how beautiful he thought you were.
 “Have you even started packing?” You asked, reorganizing everything in your suitcase so you had room for your makeup.
 “Nope,” Mat sighed, “But I know that I’ll need my suit and my swim trunks. And that’s about it.”
 “You’re going commando?” You teased. Mat grinned down at you,
 “And lucky for you we’re sharing a bed so you’ll have easy access.”
 Because you and Mat had announced that you were going together, your friends had put the two of you in the same room. Which undoubtedly meant you would be sharing a bed. Which, you had only ever done on extremely drunk occasions where you were afraid Mat would throw up in his sleep or Mat thought you might try and sneak out to hook up with the latest guy who had hurt your feelings. So, sharing a bed while sober would be an experience to say the least.
 “It’ll be a struggle but I think I’ll be able to keep my hands to myself,” you winked at Mat as he sat up, watching you tuck the last of your things into your bag.
 “I really should go pack, huh?” Mat sighed, clearly not wanting to engage in the responsibility.
 “Well, considering it’s now almost 9:30pm the night before we need to leave,” you held up your phone for him to see the time, only for him to let out another groan.
 “Hey, you said it won’t take you that long,” you teased. Mat stood up, grabbing his keys from your dresser and slipping his phone into his back pocket.  
 “I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah? I’m picking you up at 9.”
 You nodded, glancing at him over your shoulder as he opened your bedroom door,
 “Please pack something to sleep in!”
 “I’ll consider it!”
 The area where the wedding was taking place was gorgeous. Driving up to it you drove along miles of tree lined roads. You had completely zoned out of the conversation that Mat was having with Tyson in the front, too busy staring out the window to pay them any mind. They’d spent the entire drive singing to the Mamma Mia soundtrack, reminding you exactly why you should have never shown them that movie. Definitely ruined it for you.
 “We’re almost there can we please put something else on? I’ve been so patient,” you whined, leaning forward against the center console and pouting up at Tyson who was controlling the aux.
 “What! You don’t like being serenaded by us?” Tyson asked, mocking offense as he clutched his chest.
 “Not for two hours,” you muttered under your breath, reaching for his phone and successfully snatching it from his hands. Tyson reached for it but you sank into the backseat and scrolled through his Spotify to find something else to listen to for the remainder of the drive, grinning victoriously.
 “Please play Nickelback!” Mat begged from the driver’s seat.
 “God no!” Tyson leaned back against the headrest.
 “I’ll allow it,” you smirked, poking your tongue out at Tyson as he glared at you.
 “This is why you’re my favorite,” Mat caught your eye in the rearview mirror. Tyson muttered something under his breath that you didn’t catch over the sound of the song but whatever it was earned him a smack on the arm from Mat.
 You furrowed your brows, looking at Mat again but he just shook his head, an easy smile on his face as he started singing along to Rockstar.
 When he finally pulled in the driveway of the wedding venue you gasped, sliding over to the window and watching the house come into view.
 “Oh my god!” You breathed, “This is stunning.”
 “She’s already getting ideas,” Tyson teased, jutting his thumb out at you. Mat couldn’t help but laugh, knowing he was going to be hearing about it all summer. You had always fantasized about your dream wedding. The details were always changing but he knew that you had a Pinterest board full of inspiration and there was no doubt in his mind that come September you would have an album on your phone with pictures captured from the weekends of celebration.
 “We’ll see who’s teasing who when it comes time for you to get married and your fiance is stressed because you have no input on the wedding, Josty,” you chirped, tousling his hair as Mat pulled in to park. Tyson barely had time to swat your hand away before you were unbuckling your seatbelt and climbing out of the car. The boys watched as you ran down the pathway that led to the dock.
 It was still only mid-morning but the sun was already high in the sky, reflecting off of the still water and making it glitter. Even with the surrounding houses and properties it was still quiet. There were a few other cars in the driveway but you knew that there were only a handful of people apart from the bridal party that were staying in the house.
 You were so lost in thought, admiring all of the views around you that you didn’t hear Mat’s footsteps on the dock behind you until he was right there, arms scooping you up.
 “Mat no!” You shrieked, immediately clinging to his neck. If he was going to throw you in then he was going to be right there with you. Mat stood on the end of the dock and held you over the water, smirking down at you,
 “I’m not that much of an asshole.”
 You scowled,
 “I wouldn’t put it past you Barz. You’ve done far worse to me.”
 Mat threw his head back laughing, thinking back to the times he’d accidentally made you trip into a mud puddle, or has thrown up on your shoes after drinking too much, or the time he gave you a black eye after not warning you that he was popping the bottle of champagne.
 “I won’t,” he grinned, turning and setting you down on your feet, “At least not yet.”
 You steadied yourself on his shoulder, catching the mischievous glint in his eyes.
 “I don’t know why I ever thought to trust you,” you teased, letting him pull you back towards the house so you could get your bags.
 It didn’t take long for you to be donning your bikini and for your friends to be pouring you drinks. You had a feeling you were going to be drunk until the next morning, knowing the crowd you were with.
 “Tyson if you don’t put sunscreen on you will burn, I don’t care that you have a ‘base tan,’ you’re going to look like a lobster if you don’t,” you scolded, trying not to laugh as Tyson flopped face first onto the bed in yours and Mat’s room.
 “But it makes my skin so sticky,” his words were muffled by the comforter and you rolled your eyes, taking the opportunity to squirt sunscreen onto his back. Tyson shrank into the mattress, whining about how cold it was.
 Mat emerged from the bathroom, now in his swim shorts, eyeing you as you crawled over the bed to kneel beside Tyson.
 “I feel like I am walking into something I shouldn’t be.”
 “You are,” Tyson said, causing you to roll your eyes, “We’d like a little privacy please.”
 “Tyson shut up,” you continued rubbing sunscreen on his back while Mat pulled his suit from his bag and hung it in the closet.
 As soon as you were done with Tyson he was jumping up from the bed and all but sprinting out of the room.
 “Don’t get in the water for thirty minutes!” You shouted after him, Mat chuckling beside you.
 “He didn’t hear any of that,” Mat laughed.
 “Useless,” you scoffed, grinning up at Mat. You pretended like you didn’t notice that he was now shirtless, golden tan and firm chest staring right back at you.
 “You’ve been working out,” Mat smirked as you stood up from the bed, eyeing you as you bent down to pick up your discarded clothes off of the floor.
 “I have to keep up with you somehow,” you winked at him, reaching for the door when he caught your elbow.
 “Ah ah ah,” he clicked his tongue at you, “You do me and I’ll do you.”
 A brief moment of confusion washed over you but then you realized he was holding the sunscreen bottle in his hand. Unfortunately that moment didn’t go unnoticed by Mat, who was grinning like a cheshire cat,
 “Get on the bed,” you narrowed your eyes at him, not wanting to let him win this one. Now it was Mat’s turn to swallow thickly, cockiness wavering slightly as he let you push him onto the mattress.
 By the time you were fully lathered in sunscreen you were sweating, and it wasn’t from the sun beating down on the lake. There was no ignoring the feeling of Mat’s muscles underneath your fingers and the suggestive comments he kept throwing in your direction. You should be used to it by now but some days he could wind you up tighter than others. The part that made it worse was that you now had to watch him parade around all day in his swim shorts and then crawl into bed with him in the evening. Well, that and the fact that he could say all of these things in passing and then any comment you threw his way only made him stutter for a second and then he was over it. You wished you could deflect the same way, but you couldn’t help it. You were the one daydreaming about finding the love of your life and with Mat possessing so many characteristics that you were looking for, it didn’t take much for him to invade your thoughts.
 You picked your drink up off of the nightstand and headed down the hall to join everyone else outside. Mat was slow to follow you, saying he’d catch up with you in a minute.
 “Took you long enough,” Tyson teased, grinning when he saw you walk out onto the porch.
 “Stop being an instigator,” you muttered, shoving him playfully before leaning into your friend to give her a congratulatory hug.
 “I have the perfect guy for you to meet, Y/N,” Jasmine beamed at you. Tyson raised his eyebrows beside you but you didn’t notice, you were too busy giving Jasmine the same reaction.
 “Oh really? You’re playing matchmaker for me at your own wedding?”
 “Mhm and you can’t stop me because I’m the bride,” she grinned.
 “You know I have a date, right?” You appreciated the fact that she was thinking of you but it felt inappropriate to be pursuing someone when you had promised Mat that you’d be in this together. At least...that’s what you would tell everyone else.
 “Mat doesn’t count,” Jasmine rolled her eyes, “Unless of course you have something you’d like to share with the group.”
 Tyson stifled a laugh, covering it by taking a drink of his beer. You felt your skin get hot as you rolled your eyes. At that moment, Mat emerged from the house, looking more relaxed and calm than he had when you walked out of the bedroom.
 “Hey, congrats Jas,” Mat grinned, interrupting the conversation. You glared at Tyson, having not missed his quiet chuckle. He held his hands up in defense but couldn’t manage to wipe the smirk away.
 “Thanks Barz, hey let me run something by you,” she grinned and you bit the inside of your cheek, suddenly interested in the drink you were holding.
 “What’s up?”
 “So I’ve got this friend who I think would be perfect for Y/N, you don’t mind if I introduce them at the wedding tomorrow, right?” Jasmine asked, feigning innocence as she looked up at Mat.
 “Why-” Mat began to ask but he stopped himself, shaking his head and forcing a smile, “Yeah, I don’t care. I’m not her gatekeeper.”
 You took a long sip of your drink. Tyson cleared his throat, patting your shoulder and nodding towards the grass,
 “Let’s go play cornhole.”
 Your shoulders sagged in relief, barely glancing in Mat’s direction as Tyson pulled you away.
 Mat watched the two of you walk off before looking down at Jasmine.
 “Who’s the friend?”
 Jasmine smirked,
 “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
 Mat scoffed, knowing exactly what she was insinuating,
 “Yeah. As a matter of fact, I would. You know, considering she’s my best friend and all.”
 “Oh right, best friend, nothing more, never thought of her as anything other than that,” Jasmine teased. She was pushing his buttons and she knew it but she’d known Mat just as long as you had and wasn’t afraid of his stubbornness.
 “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Mat ran his fingers through his hair, staring out at you laughing with Tyson.
 “If you really don’t have a problem with me introducing her to my friend I’m going to do it,” Jasmine said, “But if you do, just say the word and I’ll have your back Barzy.”
 That evening after everyone else had crawled into bed in preparation for the following day, you hung back and made yourself a cup of tea. You tried to be as quiet as possible, turning off the stovetop before the kettle started to whistle. There was no noise from the city to drown you out so you felt as though your movements were amplified, echoing off of the high ceilings. The sun had long since set but the sky was clear and all of the stars were out so you wandered out onto the back porch.
 It was slightly chilly so you were glad you had packed sweatpants, but apparently Mat had also pulled your hoodie from your suitcase so you stole one of his before making yourself comfortable on the deck.
 It didn’t take long for company to join you in the form of a very tired Mat. He was holding a mug in his hands, pressing it against his bare chest to feel some sort of warmth since you had nabbed his hoodie.
 “Thief,” he muttered, voice deep and gravelly, clearly indicating that he was in need of sleep. It had been a long day of drinking and time in the sun, making everyone tired. Mat’s voice was particularly rough because he’d been out on the boat with the guys for the better half of the day, attempting to wakeboard, shouting over the roar of the engine.  
 “I had packed one but somehow it’s not in my suitcase,” you looked at him knowingly, sitting up and wrapping your arm around his shoulders while he laid down on the bench, head resting against you.
 “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Mat hid his smirk behind his mug.
 “What are you still doing up? I thought you’d be dead asleep by now,” you noted. Mat grumbled,
 “Yeah well the bed is lonely without you.”
 “Not even one night in and you’re already clingy,” you teased, Mat reaching out to mess your hair in response.
 The two of you fell quiet, admiring the stars and secretly hoping you’d see a shooting star. Mat had Jasmine’s words running through his mind, wondering if he should say anything to you. He tilted his chin so he could look up at you. The moonlight was making your skin glow and while you had your glasses on he could tell that your eyes were glittering in the night.
 “Are you excited to meet your potential suitor tomorrow?” Mat teased, deciding to rip off the bandaid. You snorted, looking down at him,
 “Not really.”
 Mat’s ears perked up.
 “Why not? I thought you were on the hunt for the love of your life?”
 His tone was teasing but he was dying to know the answer, now fully invested.
 “I don’t think the love of my life is Jasmine’s college friend who works as an accountant. No offense to people who work in finance but I’ve never met an accountant with a personality,” you sighed.
 Mat laughed loudly, earning a shush from you before he woke the entire house.
 “But I don't know. I mean, maybe I’ll let her introduce us. There’s no harm...right?”
 Mat shrugged, not having much to say to that.
 “I just don’t want to waste my twenties with the wrong person. And I don’t know I guess I always envisioned I’d meet someone in a more romantic or interesting way,” your hands found Mat’s hair and you began threading them through his locks.
 “I think a wedding is a pretty romantic place to meet someone,” Mat countered. You hummed in agreement,
 “I just always thought by now I would have met someone and we would be well on our way to falling in love and thinking about starting a life together.”
 “You have time left,” Mat said gently.
 “I know,” you sighed, “But it would be nice to have that security I guess. Maybe I’m going about it all wrong, thinking about it too much.”
 Mat gave you a look that said, ‘duh, you think about it way too much.’
 “Hey,” you frowned, “Just because you don’t think about it at all-”
 “I think about it,” Mat defended, laughing.
 “Mhmm, sure.”
 Mat stared up at you as you continued to look out over the water. Before he realized what he was doing he was speaking out loud, prompting your attention.
 “How about this?” He sat up so he could look at you properly.
 “Mat, what are you plotting?” You laughed, halting your movements and raising your eyebrows at him.
 “What do you say we make a deal?” Mat asked, cocking his head to the side.
 “About what?”
 “If neither one of us is married by the time we’re thirty we’ll get hitched,” Mat shrugged. You threw your head back laughing, not thinking he was serious. You dodged the hand that swung out to hit your shoulder, catching his wrist.
 “Don’t laugh,” he whined, though his own laughter was spilling through his words.
 “You’re not serious,” you giggled, trying to suppress your laughter, “Besides thirty is still young.”
 “Well yeah but if you’re thinking kids and stuff you don’t want to wait too long,” Mat said.
 “Oh so we’d have kids in this deal?” You teased.
 “I want kids,” Mat was leaning forward now, elbows on his knees, “And I know you want kids.”
 “Mat you can’t be serious about this,” you laughed airly. Mat cracked a smile but it didn’t reach his eyes,
 “It’s just a back up plan. I’m not saying you’re not going to find the one somewhere down the road, but if we find ourselves in the same situation in the next ten years then why not?”
 “You’re my security?” You smiled softly, feeling your heart swell just a little bit.
 “Yeah,” Mat grinned, “I’ll be your security. Besides, I wouldn’t mind putting a baby in you. I think you’re going to be an awesome mom.”
 “You’ve thought about this,” you teased, watching Mat blush. He had thought about this. More times than he would care to admit. He had seen you through every phase in your life and he had never thought to imagine going through marriage or starting a family without you. But, he knew that there was a guy out there waiting for you that could give you things he couldn’t. Like stability and time. Not to mention far, far less stubborn. So if being your backup plan, or plan b, was the best he was going to get then he’d settle for that. Because it meant he wasn’t totally out of the race.
 “Unless of course you’ve already got yourself a back up?” Mat joked. You rolled your eyes,
 “Yeah, actually Tyson asked me yesterday.”
 Mat laughed,
 “I knew it.”
 “Do we shake on it?” You asked, a smile on your face. Mat couldn’t control his smile as you stuck your hand out to him.
 “Only if you want to.”
 “If I’m going to have a back up plan it should be a pretty damn good one right?” You shrugged. Mat chuckled, nodding.
 “Besides, we’ll still be dating other people, well-you’ll be hooking up with other people and I’ll be dating,” you teased, Mat rolling his eyes, “There’s no harm in it. Right?”
 “Right,” Mat affirmed but he didn’t believe it.
 No harm in you finding someone else to fall in love with that wasn’t him...as if.
 “So how was it?” Jasmine teased you, bumping your hip as you poured yourself a cup of coffee. You glared in her direction, too tired and uncaffeinated to be having this conversation.
“Don’t give me that look,” she smirked, settling onto the barstool across from you.
 “I know it’s your wedding day and all but I reserve the right to not comment on the subject,” you lifted your chin at her, giving a smug smile. She laughed, throwing her head back and making her bun flop to the side.
 “I’m serious Jas!” You whined, rolling your eyes.
 “At least tell me it wasn’t awkward or anything right?” Jasmine asked, sipping her own coffee. You purse your lips, thinking back to the night before when you and Mat had finally crawled into bed.
 After the two of you shook on your agreement, you stayed out on the porch for another hour or so. Until Mat’s mug was cold and he had goosebumps all across his arms. You felt a little guilty for having taken his hoodie but you wouldn’t have had to if he hadn’t been such a pest while you were packing. By the time you were getting into bed you were so exhausted that you didn’t have the energy to worry about the fact that it was the first time you were sharing a bed with Mat sober.
He had asked if it bothered you if he slept in just his boxers, swearing up and down that it was totally okay if you wanted him to keep his sweats on. You told him it was fine, especially considering all you were wearing was a pair of underwear and a large t-shirt. Just because you were sleeping with Mat didn’t mean you were going to change what you wore to bed. He wasn’t that special. You had opened the window, letting the cool fresh air in, in preparation for the unavoidable heat that came with two people sharing a room. The last thing you wanted was to wake up sweating because Mat was a human radiator.
“It’s cold,” Mat frowned, still having not totally warmed up from coming inside.
“You’re such a baby,” you rolled your eyes, making yourself comfortable under the covers.
“I think my balls are in my stomach,” he muttered under his breath. You grabbed the pillow on his side and smacked him with it across the stomach, nearly knocking him back.
“Just get into bed if you’re cold,” you laughed, “Standing there in your boxers isn’t going to make you any warmer.”
Mat said something you couldn’t make out under his breath as he slid underneath the comforter. You reached over and turned off your lamp, the whole room going dark. Just as you fluffed your pillow and got comfortable on your back, Mat was scooting up beside you.
“What are you doing?” You asked, biting back your laughter.
“You’re warm and I’m cold,” Mat said as if that explained everything, “Now cuddle me before I get hypothermia.”
“You’re not going to get hypothermia in the middle of summ-”
“Y/N.” Mat’s tone was flat and you knew you weren’t winning the argument.
“Fine,” you huffed, “But I’m the little spoon.”
Even in the dark you could tell he was smiling down at you. The bit of lumination from the window was making his eyes sparkle and you cursed him for still being attractive when he was grumpy.
You shifted onto your side and Mat curved his body around yours. Almost too perfectly. His arm wrapped around your waist and pressed his chest against your back.
“Fuck,” he laughed quietly, “Your feet are ice cubes.”
“They’re always like that,” you hummed. Mat nudged your feet away from his own,
“How are you not cold but your feet are like that?”
“I don’t know.”
“You should honestly get that checked out, you probably have low iron,” he continued.
“Mathew if you don’t shut up in the next ten seconds I will make you sleep outside with no blanket, then we’ll see how cold you are,” you snapped. Mat chuckled, nuzzling his face in your neck.
“Goodnight Y/N.”
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Watching the Sunset with You | One-Shot
Kai Anderson x Reader
Requested by: @dropsofkink, loosely based off my ‘Swimming with Kai’ headcanons
Warnings: Smut, explicit language, public orgasm, and probably some other stuff I’m forgetting
A/N: This is a collab with my dear friend @doubtersgetnocookies, enjoy!
“I know what we can do today!" I said, lying on the sofa, resting my head on Kai’s lap as he watched the local news and softly caressed my hair.
"What?", he said. He hated being interrupted whilst watching the news.
"Let's go to the lake, we can watch the sunset together..."
Kai held back a derisive laugh at my suggestion.
“You’re joking, right?” he scoffed.
“No, of course not,” I said, frowning up at him. He absent-mindedly continued stroking my hair, staring ahead at the TV in front of him.
“I don’t have time for that. We don’t have time for that,” he explained impatiently.
“The hell we don’t,” I said, getting pouty.
“Look you’ve been working your ass off to get elected into the Senate. It wouldn’t hurt to take one day off of the campaign. Why can’t we take a simple day trip and just relax together? Like we used to…” my voice trailed off, willing Kai to give in. He didn’t answer, but I could see a small frown forming on his face, as if he might be thinking things over. I took his prolonged silence as a cue to keep going, “Or...we could treat it like a celebration for all of your accomplishments this year? Maybe?” I suggested tentatively, not wanting to push him too far. His moods were so unpredictable these days.
“Alright, sure. Let’s go. Tomorrow.” he answered abruptly and with absolute certainty.
I woke up early the next day, I couldn't contain my excitement. We were finally doing something out of the ordinary, at least for us. I woke up Kai with a gentle peck on the lips and a soft whisper in his ear.
"Kai, wake up"
He moaned and kissed my cheek.
"Come on, let's go, the lake is waiting for us..." I smiled. He sighed, rolling his eyes from side to side, slightly smiling.
I quickly stood up and searched around for my sexiest bikini, trying a few on, for Kai to see, he sat down in bed, leaning against the wall with his hands behind his head, admiring me.
“Fuck, you’re so sexy”, he said, biting his lower lip.
I chose a pretty, little, sexy, black, two piece bikini and crawled up back to him, kissing him passionately, biting his lip.
“Come on, let’s go…” I smiled, standing up again, teasing him.
Kai groaned. As I walked away from the bed, he smacked my exposed ass, which made me squeal provocatively. Before I could get too much further, I felt his strong arms wrap around me as he hugged me from behind. He kissed and bit at my shoulders, his hand sneaking down underneath my bikini bottoms. I stifled a moan, trying not to give in to temptation. As much as I wanted to fuck him right there and then, I didn’t want us to lose perspective on our beach trip. I reluctantly pulled away from him.
“Not now. Get dressed,” I scolded lightly as I threw a breezy, tropical cover-up over my bikini.
It only took us a few short hours to get to Lake Michigan. The beach was extremely crowded, but that was to be expected since it was a Saturday in the middle of Summer. We found an open spot not too close to the water, but not too far back, either. I laid out my towel across the hot, white sand while Kai set up the folding lounge chair for himself. He quickly took off his white linen shirt and sat down.
“Come here”, he said.  
I felt Kai’s gaze as I undressed myself.
As I walked towards him, he grabbed me by my waist and strongly pulled me closer to him, kissing me.
“Come on, let’s take a dip!” I enthusiastically exclaimed. I ran to the water as he slowly followed me. As my toes felt the water, I stopped as it was freezing. Not giving me any time to look back, Kai came behind me, untied my bikini and ran into the water laughing, I gasped and ran after him, holding my bikini in place as well as I could.
“You dickhead!” I said, slapping his chest.
“That was for all the teasing”, he said laughing.
I shook my head at him and laughed as I tied back my bikini.
He kissed me again, I kissed him back. I couldn’t keep my hands off of him.
Minutes later we went back to our spot, I laid on my towel and Kai laid on top of me.
“You’re suffocating me! Get off!!” I sat, barely breathing.
“But you’re so comfortable”, he laughed, “Okay, Okay…”, he stood on all fours, licked my back from my ass to my bikini, untying it again with his teeth.
“Kai! We’re in public, behave yourself”, I said, looking back at him.
“Fuck them”, he said, kissing me.
“Will you put some sunscreen on my back please?” I asked.
I sat down down on his lounge chair, between his open legs and slowly moved my hair out of the way. I put a bit of lotion between his hands, and he placed them on my shoulders, slowly massaging them. I leaned into his touch, sighing and closing my eyes as I felt him rub the cold liquid onto my back.
When he had finished, Kai grabbed his large beach towel from the bag lying next to his chair and covered both of us with it. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me towards him, my back flush against his bare chest, burying his face into my neck and kissing it.
“Kai, what…?” I began, but was silenced quickly when I felt his hand slip beneath my bikini bottoms once again.
I inhaled sharply when his fingers found my clit and began rubbing it.
I leaned my head back on his shoulder and whispered pleadingly, “Kai, not now, not here, we’re surrounded by people!” There was a family with two small children directly to our right, and a group of young couples directly to our left.
“Fuck them,” he said again as he bit into my neck. “Besides,” he murmured softly, shoving a finger into my wetness, “you seem pretty into it.”
I bit back a loud moan that threatened to escape my lips, instead whimpering quietly as his fingers continued to pump into me and his thumb circled my clit.
“That’s it, little lamb,” he purred suggestively in my ear. “Keep yourself quiet and no one will notice our indiscretion.”
My breathing picked up and my eyelids fluttered, hips thrusting forward desperately as I felt his fingers curl inside of me. Kai ran his free hand lightly down my stomach, then gripped my hip tightly.
“Now, now, you pathetic slut. Don’t make a scene or we’ll be caught for sure,” he breathed against my neck, knowing that his filthy words would drive me wild.
“Oh Kai, please…” I whined as silently as I could, begging him for my release.
“Please what, baby?” he moaned lowly, removing his soaked fingers from my cunt and applying them to my swollen clit.
I gasped as warmth began to slowly spread from my core to my lower abdomen.
“I wanna...I’m gonna cum…” I shuddered, my breath catching in my throat.
“Cum for me,” Kai commanded domineeringly. “Daddy’s got you.”
I reached back and grabbed at his hair furiously as my orgasm crashed violently over me. I bit my bottom lip hard to keep from screaming while Kai’s free arm enveloped me securely to prevent my body from writhing too much. I mewled faintly as I came down from my high, my grip on Kai’s hair slackening.
Kai bit and sucked a large mark onto my neck as I slumped back against him, sweating profusely underneath the hot towel and breathing heavily.
“That’s my good girl,” Kai whispered possessively into my ear.
Minutes later, still breathless, I stood up, legs still trembling from the climax, I walked back to lay on my towel. I fell asleep for a few hours, waking up to Kai next to me, both covered by the same towel from before, his hand resting upon my ass.
Skies like candy floss, I woke him up with a kiss. He opened his eyes slowly, his dark brown irises looking into mine. He yawned and stretched, squeezing my ass before removing his hand and sitting up.
“What time is it?” he asked as he looked around at our surroundings. I shrugged my shoulders as I, too, sat up, shaking some stray sand from my hair.
“The sun is beginning to set, that’s all that matters,” I said demurely, shooting him a glance over my shoulder.
“You and your sunsets,” Kai said in a sarcastic tone. I rolled my eyes and ignored his comment.
The beach had mostly cleared out by this time. The family and group of couples that had been surrounding us previously had since left. Everything was so peaceful now, the sun sinking lower and slowly changing the sky a deeper shade of orange.
I figured if Kai was going to act like an asshole, I wasn’t going to let it bring me down and affect my enjoyment of the beautiful sight before me.
But for once, Kai surprised me. I felt his arms encase me from behind once again as he leaned forward to rest his chin on my shoulder.
“Thanks for dragging me out here, babe,” he said, kissing my cheek. “Sometimes you really do have good ideas.”
I rolled my eyes once again and smirked, triumphant that something had finally gone right between us for the first time in a long while.
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