#might give them lore or smthing
themusicmansstuff · 11 months
Back at it again with the unicorns
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Based off these toys i got
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corruptedsilence · 2 years
its 4am time to post about non-blog related things while everyone is asleep
So against my better judgement I downloaded this extremely simple warrior cats clan generator and now my brain can’t stop thinking about world building and lore and stories that could be told
i really hope it doesnt come off as cliche but one character based off of The Beast from over the garden wall. Basically they’d be a hella old spirit that wonders around the clans around autumn and winter. Because they’re a spirit their size isn’t normal-cat like and is more the size of a large fox or smthing idk, just a lot bigger than most cats also their fur is very long due to age
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Basically they were the First villain among the clans, ruthless and heartless to not only to other clans but to his own clanmates
His warrior name is still a WIP but I was thinking something winter-themed since he only appears when it starts to grow cold and dark. His pelt is completely white, though his eyes during daylight are complete black but glow white in the dark
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Also he (though i didnt draw it) will be found with various sticks, twigs, and plants embedded in his fur, even some looking like they are completely wrapping around his limbs This is due to how the dark forest in my lore would work. In my universe.
Basically what happened is when Starclan had started they had cast him out due to his actions and threw him into a barren wasteland with no trees, no prey, nothing but what looked to be the remains of a burned forest.
In time, and as many years pass he would find his way to the mortal world out of his barren wasteland and entice warriors and cats alike to follow him. Once they were alone he would kill them and drag their soul back to his home planting it in the wasteland. From their soul would grow a tree, crooked and if one looks hard enough resembling the warrior that they had once been.
After many more years of this he creates his Dark Forest made from the souls of cats who followed him. He welcomes other cats ghosts who were rejected by Starclan but the cats who reside there must keep a strong will and desire to continue existing lest they naturally become trees themselves giving up their soul to the dead afterlife they exist in. IT’s a slow process, twigs and sticks sticking out of their pelt, wrapping around their limbs, and eventually their fur would start to turn a dark brown color as their legs end up taking root in the ground. Once that happens it can’t be reversed and they become one of the many other trees that reside within the forest, forgotten completely and only used for the other spirits to use to sharpen their claws on.
There are now stories passed down by elders that kits and apprentices that stray too far from camp encounter a horrid beast that snatches them up and takes them away to never be seen again This is actually true despite it being seen as a fairytale as he will target the weakest and easiest cats either killing them outright or influencing them and posing as a starclan cat and manipulate them
Dark forest cats though will be allowed a “purgatory” like sentence though if they continue to survive but repent for what they had done. Making peace with themselves and learning from what they had done. They wouldn’t be allowed in starclan but instead (this is still a wip) would be reincarnated as a second chance but this only happens rarely since one needs to not only learn to repent and feel truly sorry for their actions but show remorse and a wish to do better all while keeping hope and being determined to still live. In their reincarnated self they would have “deja vu “ moments of things that they might have experienced in the past, but they won’t have full memories of their past unless either given to them by a starclan cat in their dreams or when they die
Idk why im so obsessed with this idea but yeah, i thought it’d be cool and now my brain wont stop thinking about it
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i am SO delighted to hear that the "detective and five people trapped on an elevator and one of them is the devil" movie is real and you saw it. also while trying to send this i accidentally clicked the Unfollow button (and then promptly refollowed), sorry about that
lmao i maybe wouldn’t’ve noticed, love Tumblr Notifications and how like, they display different on desktop vs mobile and the way it Condenses them is only so helpful cuz sometimes some of them only display for 0.2 seconds while i’m on mobile and it hasn’t Refreshed in a way that reshuffles everything and i can’t view that particular [Like from a certain person or smthing] ever again lmao like i hate this, it’s bad, just like that movie about people trapped on an elevator and a detective has to get them out and has to act fast b/c one of them is the devil
it is so stupid first of all like. it’s just overall not a great movie from Any of the angles it’s playing like. first of all the Detective is only around b/c he’s solving a nearby murder / death and making like. corny dumb “oh this is a Smart guy” observations about the Scene and someone is like “oh hey @ cops you’re already on the premises, come solve the mystery of Elevator Broke” like i don’t think that’s how it works and also i can’t even remember the reason they find this issue That pressing pre-realizing And One Of Them Is The Devil. maybe someone dies right off, idk. there is conflict on the elevator so naturally that’s a whole other thing like, we’re all trapped in this elevator together and maybe one of us is untrustworthy and liable to be dangerous to the rest of us like, i don’t know the Contrivance that makes these people think anything has to be done but just Stand Around for a while but it’s you know. that whole Thing where there’s a premise of “some shit is happening to Incite Conflict amongst strangers who are trapped in a bad situation together and they’re all apparently raring to judge each other’s moral fiber to decide who deserves Suspicion vs Protection.” but also, one of them is the devil
meanwhile on the outside it’s this dumb Cop Mystery Drama where this rando guy apparently sets aside the death he was investigating earlier to solve this elevator situation (i think eventually it’s revealed that that death was tied to the elevator situation all along. i think that the devil killed the guy. or something) and also, maybe there was Coincidentally some kind of heist going on at this place b/c i remember at some point the detective (and some partner there too involved in all this) like, find some tools hidden in a bathroom like “aha this was Used to do [whatever]” and despite having no idea what the details are i Know i remember this b/c of at the time going “oh my god that is so dumb Nobody Would Do This / this makes no sense” lol like. writing not great. and this was maybe Not the devil, but a regular separate scheme to. do something
also there’s some aspect where Main Cop has some tragic backstory and is like, not over it b/c it was so painful. i think maybe someone like hit and run his wife or something like that. you know how it goes. spoilers in that i think the person that the devil is here to kill (more on this devil assassination thing....) was Behind That somehow lmfao so it’s like really??? is that our resolution, that people’s stories are Converging in a very serendipitous way b/c the devil would like to give people emotional catharsis......idek. look, spoilers, this old lady who “dies” in the elevator relatively early on turns out to have been The One Of Them Who Is The Devil, Act Fast. and it was this weird thing where the devil is like “grr whoever i’m even here to Get in the first place is just Such A Bad Person that uhhh i guess i came here in person to take them to hell” like.....what tf kind of Lore......this is definitely going with “aaaah the devil is evil” approach, not any more kind of Neutral figure, but then in the end apparently the evil devil is just really Judgey and Disgusted by someone being A Bad Person like??? you ought to love this shit!!!!! and anyways the detective learns that One Of Them is The Devil b/c when they take him up to the security camera display hq it’s like a) look at this scary Moment where the elevator camera feed gets staticky and a scary face appears for a moment (im not sure if i could see what it was supposed to be lmfao) This Means Something and okay oh my god i reread the plot summary b/c for the life of me i couldnt remember the ending, it is so stupid oh my god
okay so first of all the Dead Person the detective was investigating had left like a suicide note like “i am killing myself b/c um. the devil approacheth” like wow okay right off the bat? amazing foreshadowing. why does this person Know this?? and why should he care b/c the devil is here apparently for a Special Soul Collection like, this has nothing to do with you, random guy?? you don’t even need to worry like. just stay home from work to avoid the fairly minor problems that occur (like MAYBE one guy dies in the course of this story but i think it’s a little ambiguous, meanwhile whoever Really Dies in th elevator was i think due to like, suspicion and infighting lmao. idk maybe the devil killed a few of them. it’s weird) but yeah the highlight is this
everyone please enjoy this scene. security guy ramirez is explaining the Devil Expertise courtesy of Where I Come From where toast falling jelly side down is evidence that the devil is hanging out in the elevator. 
while looking up “devil toast” the result immediately after that one was “the devil takes the toast” which is a devil takes the hindmost ytp which i feel is really fitting
it kind of undercuts the stakes i think when not only is the devil only sorta gently radiating Bad Luck but also is just super Righteous but like. yes it turns out that the devil is here to Claim a guy on the elevator was the same dude who Hit N Run the detective’s family (wife and kid apparently) those years prior......except like, it wasn’t even like oh he assassinated them On Purpose, it’s apparently already a Known Detail that although they ~never knew~ who killed detective joe’s family (idk what his name is idc) there was a Note left on the scene like “sowwy :(” like really? this is the Big Bad that the devil made a special corporeal visit for??????? and then, get this, when the devil is like “i’m not a dead old lady, i’m the devil, and i’m here to Get you b/c you accidentally killed a couple of people and i, the devil, am really disgusted by how sinful you are for that” the guy is like “yes that was me :’( i’m sorry” and then the devil is like “ah fuck you’ve Repented. i can’t take you to hell anymore. bye” like what!!! why did he only have to feel bad about it to get out of this whole situation when obviously he Felt Bad in the first place b/c he up and left a note like “[grimace emoji] aaa my bad” like, did he have to apologize To The Devil?? the lore i s2g. Jelly Toast Rules operating here i guess. 
anyways then the detective who witnessed this i guess is like “wow the guy who killed my family all those years ago but i’m still sad about it.....well i’m gonna arrest him now. but also, I Forgive Him.” oh and also for a while there the detective was so gritty he didn’t believe in The Devil b/c the vehicular manslaughter apparently made him think that human nature was evil enough to not need the extra help. so now he’s made the arc of getting uh, emotional closure on his family’s death by forgiving the dude who i guess super crashed into them on accident, And gets to know that the devil is real actually and he’s on the elevator but now Not b/c he was like “ah jeez thwarted by this guy uh, feeling bad about the accidental deaths even though he felt bad in the first place” and there was no other point to the detective being there b/c he didn’t Really do shit except i guess drive this sideplot where you are led to believe he Might figure out who the Bad Guy on the elevator is. (it is the devil. one guy has a crime record or something but, spoilers, he is trying to turn his life around with some good honest work as a security guard or something. idk)
it was amazing and very stupid and i was continually indignant b/c the writing was dumb and made no sense and just so fucking corny throughout. the entire movie is called “devil” and i remember it was like “tf is ‘devil’” and as soon as it involved an Elevator i was like omg omg is this And He Has To Act Fast Because One Of Them Is The Devil, and it was, so that was exciting. it was a dumb waste of time but also it was not b/c it was *slightly* so bad it’s good. mostly Not Even. but just watch the toast scene there b/c like. i think that’s this movie’s #1 contribution outside that post about the plot summary. 
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oswednesday · 5 years
miss oleana! the plot rehaul for her is obvi making it look like shes connected or the real Big Bad, like oh she writes all his speeches and is like on your ass all the time and hes just a himbo figure head, when you beat early low level grunts theyll be like dont tell the boss i lost, she'd be soo mad! with midtiers ones being like please dont tell miss o-----!!! and high tier ones actually name dropping like miss oleana wont like this
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(Did You Know her name comes from olive and not oleander? like thats a clever bit of misdirect for the english audience only unless the characters used in olive can also double as a poison pun!)
(this pkmn is like macro cosmos aesthetic/rose’s aesthetic and a shiny! he has tons cause hes mega rich duh)
(ability: contrary, moves:wring out, giga drain, dragon tail, leaf storm)
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(dude the canon lore for her is wild shes the vice president AND the invented of the bands?? i guess she is in a lab coat, i think it be kind of suspicious to have  secretary also be a vice president so im going to drop that aspect of it? or maybe not, i mean, im also softening his overt tises to it, so maybe she can be straight up the president of macro cosmos with his intention for her to take the fall as Just the hapless owner, shes like the league secretary,ill decide fully for that later i do like her at the forefront of the science end tho thats fun! )
(ability: queenly majesty, moves: fell stinger, defend order, heal order, attack order)
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(her actual pkmn theme is bugs!)
(ability: shell armor, moves: twineedle, quick guard, x-scissor, megahorn)
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(her pkmn kind of tell the story of Her)
(i want to treat the standard form as the shiny! its like rose aesthetic)
(ability: telepathy (with an including avoiding physical attacks in single, real niche use abilities are so -_- sometimes and this makes the ability feel more formidable but gets weaker when theres More minds like more mental chatter?) moves: magic coat, infestation, protect, future sight)
(she dynamaxs this! and uses g-max gravitas of course)
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(in this nuzlocke rose has her take the whole blame for like the leon thing and fires her rather public like, so shes devastated enough to help you later)
(ability: aftermath, moves: strange steam, toxic spikes, toxic, self-destruct)
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(but cause shes fired like that, she isnt arrested when everything gets Known and she’s all like,,,wow,,,he saved me,,,,,)
(ability: corrosion, cross poison, gunk shot, belch, explosion)
(incidently she makes this one big as well and uses g max malodor and I CANOT BELEVIE HOW SMALL THEY MADE ITS MODEL FFDGDFDF??? like fast ignoring that, her double use completely drains the power of the tower)
(the air terrain is high altitude! fire attacks do less damage, ice attacks are boost, flying type pkmn have their speed increased while ground will have their speed decreased, or something like that!)
battle 2 
(im imagining some kinda Post Game plot where you can challenge her again, but its like, chill, with an updated outfit so its more obvi shes wearing a labcoat and her colorscheme is like blue and green! maybe there’s a good ending where she works with prof magnolia and maybe opal as prof poplar as a consultant and where hop interns? finding a non-dooms day event solution to the energy problem? maybe figure away to use pkmn energy in a way thats not like super fucked up, perhaps?)
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(ability: tinted lens, moves: whirl wind, poison powder, hurricane, draining kiss)
(i almost want to give it rage powder cause thats what her role is in the game a bit, if i do ill swap out draining kiss and have you fight a double with prof in training hop?)
(anyway im imaging it like, lets test out this renewable clean energy and she supersizes her butterfree!)
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(ability: telepathy, moves: helping hand, ally switch,after you, reflect)
(see! shes nice now! also this pkmn is kinda build for co-op ally helping which is interesting for a mad scientist themed bug?)
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(ability: battery, moves: sticky web, vise grip, charge, wild charge)
(this battle is probs taking place outside somewhere? its just as likely to think that prof m has a testing field in her labs basement or smthing)
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(ability: contrary, moves (standard); petal blizzard, lazer focus, dual chop, leaf blade)
(moves (shiny): aromatherapy, solar blade, defog, safeguard)
(ooo sinister implications! i have an idea in Mind to give it branching endings with like interactivity? this sharing stuff im doing rn might be oversharing)
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(type: fighting/bug)
(them not being bug without any like lore about them pretending to be a bug in while makes this feel like You Know Of Mario? What If!! Poke mon! and i hate that)
(ability: friend guard, moves(shiny): first impressions, heal order, no retreat, megahorn)
(ability: mold breaker, moves (standard): first impressions, attack order, no retreat, megahorn)
(this is kinda difficult cause most of her in game personality is wrapped up in working for rose, so i hope this gets across’d that shes her own person, but fell into stuff)
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(if the last two were shiny an abra will be here)
(ability: unburden, moves: protect, light screen, trick room,embargo)
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(if the last two were standard itll be a kadabra)
(ability: neuroforce, moves: miracle eye, psycho shift, telekinesis, future sight)
(i always felt they were like fckd up insects with the mammially stuff meant to look like withered skeletal flesh guts caccon rather than anything 1:1 animal like alakazam lacks a tail cause these two spent two gens removing them from their body, gen1 had like monster design coherency that newer gens sometimes lack and the coherency was All about those ears)
(i tried not to grab anything from mythos/plot pkmn from other gens but that kinda drives the altering pkmn for gains?)
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mojav · 6 years
okay dragon age followers this is some sage lore just for you
ok i posted this on twitter earlier actuallly but only like 4 of my friends care abt dragone age so... i just want to tell u abt this fanfic i might never finish writing but i still want to share it
when i was like 16 or whatever and writing fanfiction i started this dragon age bachelor au (which the idea? the concept? iconic... very good.... the execution? terrible i was not a great writer then) and the plot i had started off so corny. 
basically my mary sue cousland noble girl (named cassandra/cass) didnt want to be in the competition for cailan’s bride. she wanted to fight and be epic and rebellious... she’s so sassy and doesn’t even have to try cailan just loves her because she’s so cool and great... but actually she falls in love with his younger brother alistair... and during the competition the two of them have an affair but she doesn’t purposefully lose bc that means she’d have to go back home and she couldn’t see alistair anymore + her family would be disappointed.
so she actually stays for awhile but then shit gets really serious and cailan starts liking her a little too much and gets possessive. so she and alistair actually plan to run away together and they have everything ready to go but cailan surprises everybody by picking his bride earlier than he was supposed to and he announces it to everyone. So there’s a few chapters where she’s kind of stuck waiting to be coronated or married idk the proper term im spitballing here.. giving up on the idea of running away but kind of scared of having a life w cailan because he keeps a close eye and tight grip on her. but alistair doesn’t want to give up and says he’d relinquish his right to the throne to be with her. and they talk abt all the places they could go together etc. and decide to try to run away again
so they run away but cailan catches on pretty fast and sends men after them which they suspected he might but not so soon so they aren’t really prepared. and alistair gets caught to be executed but cass gets chased further into a grey warden patrol and before the guards can reach her duncan, who knows who she is, has her throw on a disguise and when the guards  question whether he’s seen her come this way he denies it. they get super sus and ask who cass in disguise is and he lies and says one of his new recruits, a servant sentenced to death or smthing like that. basically cass gets away but is desperate to save alistair
and duncan says he can’t afford to challenge the king directly because it would destroy the grey wardens’ neutrality and that he shouldn’t have even risked saving her. he asks her to explain what’s going on and when she does he gives her a choice to find her own way and risk getting caught again or become a grey warden to stay out of Cailan’s reach. she’s uncertain but duncan explains that he can sense a blight is coming and he shows her the plight of the sparse order in ferelden. she sleeps on it and says she’ll become a warden but asks that duncan bring them close to denerim on their way south to the wilds. he agrees that they have to go that way along the roads to trade but makes her promise not to do anything rash that would get the wardens into trouble/like revealing her identity so soon
at this point i considered having cass get discovered somehow in the city and to draw her out cailan announces alistair’s execution, which of course gets the people in an uproar because they love alistair he’s their golden prince of the common people but at this point cailan’s a little crazy having his king complex undermined by the woman he wanted 2 control and the brother who he thinks of as lesser than him.
but if i were to continue the fic would i really want alistair to die???? it’s so angsty.... but saving him would probably be very corny and it would be impossible to invoke the rite of conscription bc the wardens at that point can absolutely not afford to anger the crown again esp w a blight incoming and cailan would know that. ohhh but its such a fun idea..... i have to keep thinking on this... 
anyways my original plan was to have alistair executed right in front of cass and cailan gets off on it and then tries to capture her but she gets away and groups up w the wardens again. then bc the events get carried out differently in this fic the blight actually lasts for years and in this time cass changes her identity within the wardens to keep her life a secret from everyone, even some of her fellow recruits/the ones who weren’t there when she joined. and towards the end when they finally get their chance to face the archdemon the final scene was just going to be a couple of new recruits whispering about the rumors they’ve heard of her and she’s tells them a vague thing abt love and loss or whatever the fuck then sacrifices herself to slay the archdemon but i also want her to kill cailan somehow..... so many threads 2 weave into this.... im sure if i started writing it again i’d find a way but... ugh for now it’ll just be my imaginary masterpiece
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multiples of three + the other factor to get that number (example bc i cant explain things: 6 + 2 (bc 3*2 = 6) = 8) also 17 :)
ohh worm thanks for that example it helps a lot! and thanks for the arithmatic prompt, i for sure enjoy that
4: are you self-conscious of your smile?
yeah a bit!! it’s not too huge a deal b/c i tend to forget in the moment anyways, but i'm trying to gradually unlearn it too 
8: what’s your favorite planet?
woop this just came in from someone else so for this one i’ll say earth of course and then the other one gets the “besides earth, obviously” answer
11: what color do you really want to dye your hair?
well besides that blue my second choice would be a real similar-saturation of a light pink. i myself am very pink undertones so it wouldn’t be a great look really but idc and also i don’t expect to ever actually dye it any color
16: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have absolutely no obligations?
i have no obligations ever really.......like IDEALLY obviously i like to draw but. i very rarely.......am drawing..........and like, yknow, watch a movie or smthing i guess i-dea-lly.........bake something?? idea lee? i’m not sure like. frankly historically Me Being Nice To Myself involves like, going out and about on my own so that i can like, do stuff, and be around people. in college all the time i went to the coffee shop on the corner not so much for the coffee as for like, going there to sit on my own and do the stuff i’d do on my own, but while being Around People. and i tend to be talk-starved so anytime i could go out to be there with friends would be great If it was a group who i could talk with and not end up third-wheeling (i was usually third wheeling *D: emoji*)
17: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?
myer briggs well first of all stuff like introvert/extrovert and thinking/feeling logic vs emotion dichotomies Aren’t Real or even useful, and now every single time i just think about mafee being like “i’m an introvert actually :/” while taylor and ben are quietly amused. which, as billions associations go, is not very cursed. but the curse is [having one zillion inescapable Associations With Billions]
zodiac sign i am a Dog woof woof wats for lunch lol
hogwarts house liiike i mean i say either slytherin or hufflepuff but Probably hufflepuff 
18: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving?
this is really a tough one actually lmao......besides not reading many Books in recent yrs it’s like. it’s hard to think of ones i Reaaaallyyyy liked.......i mean biiiig throwback but in middle school i coincidentally discovered and ended up reading all the john bellairs books at the middle school library, which are horror and like, pretty Gothic and just really managed to capture a tone of genuine dread and danger lot of the time. the mummy the will and the crypt (i think??) and the spell of the sorcerer’s skull were big faves. most all the books involved some Latent Evil Magic Force Curse Entity starting to return, and i remember in the former there was uhh, the evil entity was something which could transform into anything, including like, a shadow / pool of moonlight on the floor, and the only way to detect its proximity was through holding a candle and the flame would turn blue if it was close, and like, i remember there was this part where the 10-ish yr old protagonist and his pal were sort of lost in the dark in the rain and some guy in a raincoat talks to them and they run into his body later and it’s all husk-ified (the mummy, i guess) and that’s what happens if the evil entity Gets you. and in the climax of the book the protagonist is just entirely alone in the recently abandoned mansion in which this Entity kinda resides.....it was all Intense. and in the latter book the protagonist’s adult neighbor friend just vanishes and it’s some Curse thing where another evil shadow killer creature is like, gonna be this friend’s Doom if they don’t find him, and idk there was some part midway through where protagonist child is on a train trying to go to this town where the missing friend might be and then starts having this vision of Evil Skeleton Passenger staring at him while he’s paralyzed and then another vision past that involving going into this abandoned eviller shack and like, obviously my descriptions are shit but the books i always felt like did a great job of giving the sense that there’s this very threatening and oppressive Enemy which is both lurking in the peripheral but also at times like, more immediate so that it feels like there’s a dangerous confrontation / near misses. i also always remember this one scene from another book where the kid character is in the back of a car being driven by the Wizard Adults at night, and these headlights start tailing them though they’re going down back roads and stuff, and the adults get real tense and like, nothing much happens except for the sense of Impending Danger Tension increasing, and they lose it via a bridge with the ol Cross Running Water lore.......and like the kid does Nothing but a) all the books have younger protags (with the eldest being a few books about older teens / 20somethings) who are friends (or adopted in the case with the Wizard Adults) by older people like, 60s or 70s or so, and as a kid i was more comfortable around adults than other kids and especially people in that 60+ age range, so that was cool, but the kids in these books actually feel like they’re kids in that the adults are actually like, looking out for them and stuff, and while they inevitably Do end up doing more than a kid should reasonably do on their own, there’s also always plenty of scenes where just like, an adult will intervene and take care of shit. anyways they were really good and i’ve definitely read other books i like in the meantime but like, unfortunately it’s really hard to pick a book that i like really genuinely Flip for ykno
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