#might just branch off and start a rw blog at this point'-
slug-gore-bug · 9 months
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neck of noodle, body of forty'-yr'-old man
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illfoandillfie · 4 years
Hi!! So I took a small class tonight about tarot cards and I’m SO EXCITED to start! Do you have any advice for somebody just starting out?
oh thats so cool, i’m excited for you! what sort of stuff did the class cover?
I’ve got 4 main points of advice but i’ve broken them down into smaller sections based on what i’ve used and what i’ve seen others talk about. Take what you feel works, ignore what you think won’t help or what sounds dumb or whatever. There are so many ways to approach tarot and what worked for me won’t necessarily work for you so test things out and play around with it. If you have any more questions about things i haven’t covered or if you want me to elaborate on anything or link some more resources please let me know!
Tip 1: Get a deck.
obvious place to start but having the cards is an easy first step lmao. there are also apps available if you can’t get a physical copy but being able to shuffle a physical decks will probably help you connect to it better. 
I recommend something based on the Rider Waite Smith imagery because so much of the images inform the meanings of the cards and will help you learn - there are tonnes of different RWS decks out there, This one is quite bright, This one is a bit more muted in colour, This one has redone the art so it’s in the art nouveau style while keeping the RWS images, This one has modernised it so it’s not just white men on most of the cards
If you want some more suggestions for good decks for beginners I recommend watching THIS video or looking around youtube. Tarot readers/cardslingers/whatever you want to call them like showing off their collections. There are so many videos of people talking about which decks they own and showing off what the cards look like (even i made one lmao) so it’s a great way to get an idea of what a deck looks like and the size of the cards or even the weight of the cardstock they’re made with, even if you can’t physically touch them.
But the easiest way is to find a deck in your local bookstore and see how it feels for you. You want something you enjoy looking at, and that resonates for you because you’ll be able to connect with it easier
After that you can branch out if you want. Some readers only have one deck that they do everything with, others collect decks like people collect coins. Personally I like using different decks for different questions but a solid RWS deck will work for anything so if that’s all you feel you need then that’s cool too. 
Tip 2: Start a Tarot Journal
this is what i did when i started. I bought a cheap notebook from the newsagency on my way to work and I dedicated 2 pages to every card. I titled them and then wrote down what the little white books that came with the decks i had said about each card as well as made notes on what imagery/symbolism was on each card. As I’ve learnt more I’ve added to these pages, observances i’ve made about when the cards are likely to appear, things i’ve seen other readers comment on (like someone i follow refers to the 5 of cups (i think) as the unrequited love card), relations to astrology, anything interesting i’ve read about the cards that i didn’t already have written down.
At the back end of the notebook I write down results for interviews i do with new decks
and i also have a section for particular spreads i like after all of the individual card pages but there are so many things you can write about in tarot journals.
i’ve seen some people do a daily card draw in the morning and write what the card could be referring to and then at the end of the day they write about what happened and how it related to the cards
I’ve seen others that try to relate song lyrics or movie quotes to each card to help them remember what the card means.
if you look for ideas on google or youtube i’m sure you’ll find examples of what people do with tarot journals. 
Tip 3: Seek out info from other readers
One way to do this is books. There are so many book out there, especially for beginners, that talk about advice for reading cards, ways to help you learn the meanings, spreads that come in handy, etc. I read a book called Kitchen Table Tarot by Melissa Cynova when i was first learning and found it really helpful. But there are heaps of others out there too. Most bookstores will have a “new age” section so browse around and see if theres something you like the look of. Same goes for libraries. Or places like audible if you like audio books. 
Podcasts are also a thing. I don’t have any specific recommendations but i’ve come across references to witchy podcasts so I’m sure there’d be something tarot specific out there.
Youtube is also brilliant. I love watching pick a card reading videos. It’s a really easy way to see how other readers interpret cards, what sort of systems they use. I like Siren Tarot and Charmed Intuition Tarot. They both read very differently. Siren uses multiple tarot decks in rows to figure out the story. Charmed is more likely to combine her tarot cards with oracle cards and she reads charms as well and sometimes uses a pendulum. 
There’s also a witchy community on tumblr as well, so have a look around, maybe follow some people or lurk in tags. 
Tip 4: Practice.
Read for yourself, asking different questions. Love life, career, friendship, family relationships, goals you have, whatever comes to mind. Do daily/weekly/monthly readings for yourself. Get a feel for how the cards operate. Start with one card, learn how to interpret it, what it might mean in relation to your question. Then add another couple of cards, see how the meaning gets clarified by what appears around it. Make notes as you go. This is where a journal comes in handy because if you write down what cards come up and what happens on those days you can start seeing patterns and that helps you understand the cards better next time they come up.
Read for others too. People you trust that you feel won’t make fun of you learning tarot or won’t talk shit about it. Close friends, family. Or, if you don’t have anyone irl, do what I did and let people ask for readings online. Start a specific blog for it if you want. It’s good if you know them irl because you can easily ask them how things turned out, see if you were on the money or if your interpretation was off then you can go back to what was drawn for them and see how it connects, if it does at all. 
Don’t be afraid to read cards with the guidebook in your hand. That’s what they’re there for, to help you understand the cards. You can often get a sense of the card, if it’s positive or negative and what its meaning is, by looking at the imagery but use the books for as long as you need!
Create your own rituals around your cards. Some guides will tell you to sleep with your deck under your pillow or beside your bed so you can connect with it as you sleep, some will tell you to cleanse your deck in sunshine or moonlight or with smoke from a candle or by placing a specific type of crystal on top of it. Figure out what works for you. Cleansing can come in handy, especially if you do something that’s emotionally heavy, being able to clear that energy from your deck will give you better results in the next reading but if letting your deck sit in the moonlight sounds kinda crazy to you don’t do it. Personally, when i’m getting ready to do readings I light a candle and make a cup of tea or coffee. I’ll knock on the deck to wake it up and maybe pass it over the top of the candle if I feel like it. It’s about making a space you feel comfortable in. 
Don’t read when you’re emotionally compromised. If you’re completely distressed and having the worst week of your life your results aren’t going to be as clear or accurate as if you’re in a more stable frame of mind. It’s why a lot of people like to meditate for a bit before they do readings. It lets them centre themselves and focus their energy on the cards. 
Don’t be afraid of your intuition. If you draw a card and a phrase pops into your mind, include it in your reading. If you see something on the card, even if it’s a small image, and you feel like it’s important, mention it or note it down or whatever. It might seem like it comes from out of nowhere but it’s your intuition picking up on something small you might not even realise you’ve noticed. 
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Knowing When To Maintain Your Viewpoint To Yourself
No portion of the write-up can be duplicated without the show in black and white permission off the copyright owner. When you put the bottles into the arm or legs from the plant or even plant branch you wish to make use of arm or legs that are actually durable enough to keep the bottles up. This is why some folks use a sturdy blog post with dowel poles placed right into the strong post to put your bottles on. If you do this I suggest coating the article and also peg rods sky blue so that liquors will show up even more or even if your mosting likely to be using green bottles coat the post as well as dowel pin poles seeker eco-friendly. The GlowBowl just connects to the commode bowl as any everyday shower room fresher as well as functions as an evening illumination so you carry out not must burn your retinas during late evening pee keeps up the routine lighting offered in your restroom. Korpisalo is expected to start Sunday at Fla as well ... Tampa florida Gulf scratched RW Erik Condra, that was called previously in the day, as well as D Luke Witkowski ... The Blue Jackets scratched D Dalton Prout, D Scott Harrington and also Hannikainen ... The activity began 20 minutes beyond arranged as a result of the duration of the pregame event. Research studies have actually revealed that apparent red light at 660 nanometers penetrates in to the physical body to an intensity of concerning 8-10 mm (.31 -.39 ins) while infrared illumination at 880 nanometers penetrates to an intensity from 30-40 mm (1.18-1.60 ins.) The red and also infrared LEDs enhance each other's effectiveness cuing over 24 favorable reactions at a strong cell degree. Held in the Dove Retainers from a clever and also pleasant Hotel in the area from Derby this great room is gotten simply for folks like you, you manage to only kick back, come across people and jive the evening out in the knowledge that all people there are also unattached and also in the very same stable of age, guests which could be now believe that they are just a slighly bit also aged for night clubbing. That's all tripe, sure, yet the time's professional; the Hollywood Venice leisures are wonderful, but the night exterior settings in as well as above the canals are actually shaded deep blue as well as also dim to see precisely. This belief might have transpired considering that sometimes, particularly for males whose penis has the tendency to become a darker hue throughout excitement, the spheres or even the base from the penis might tackle a sky-blue cast during the course of an incident from blue spheres. There is actually a scene where the kids are holding what they believed were blue birds however the critters have passed away in their palms; Elizabeth Taylor as a kind of fairy godmother describes to them that the birds were just dreams and that all fantasies die eventually. And in the evening those points you feel creeping up your sleeping bag and around your head are not two girls delivered off Victoria's Top secret feeling around along with their hands, they are actually ugly little creatures gotten in touch with bugs.
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