#might make an au of them super jashified ?
alienautism · 1 year
{this isnt a ship au or anything,, the relationship stuff in here is based on my original character himself,, not cj mind in those cases !}
{rgrggr i need to talk about my kinda jash related minddd ,, im no writer but i'll try to be at least semi-coherent lolollo}
ok so jekyll/hyde/mind/benny is this long primate ferret dog thing
he doesnt smile as much as i depict him because any strong emotion {or emotion at all} causes him terrible migraines that last days.
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he uses all these names because he doesnt like being confined to one thing forever. he often shape shifts and sheds into different patterns and colors.
mirage wanted him to be the perfect little boyfriend complacent in his role of being loving,, submissive and always willing to parrot anything he said.
eventually [and quite quickly],, benny became bored. he was tired of parroting,, he was tired of being a pet and he was tired of mirage.
mirage,, being the overbearing,, emotional control freak he is,, instantly decided that if benny didnt want to be what he wanted,,,, then he didn't deserve even a glimmer of his paradise.
benny,, still stuck in the emotions he learned from mirage,, became just as irrational as he.
{now i would say they fought a big war and all that... if mirage didnt effortlessly and,, ironically,, heartlessly shove a cross into his head and out through his throat,, all while he pleaded for forgiveness}
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benny/hyde/jekyll,,, whatever you'd like to call him,, learned that day that the man he thought loved him was a narcissistic, blind, weeping and sorry excuse for an idol...]
{oh god you're not actually feeling bad for him right,,, this isnt a generic "demons arent actually evil,, the angels are" story. no,, mind is a greedy narcissist as well. every life he lives,, every life he invades, he thinks only for himself. he THINKS he can just switch and become someone new whenever he likes but he will always be the cold, ignorant, cynical creature he was born as. i wish you could see it.)
{while that is true,, i can see plenty fine,, but you can't see it yourself.}
benny knows he will never fully recover from mirage just as mirage will never recover from benny.
[what did i do to harm him,, you ask ? ask mirage,, he loves playing victim.]
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he scarred himself,, giving him top surgery-like chest scars shaped like something,, familiar. he pretends like he doesnt see the symbolism of the scars,,, the only thing he desperately tries to feel apathy towards.
{on the bright side,, he really likes funnel cake with a lottt of powdered sugar cause its "enjoyable sensory-wise"}
(..brother what.. ?)
[damn leaking my shit like always you queer]
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{ok homo}
{also i really like coloring the text srry if its eye breaking but its fun,, also extra art of him n stuff,,,, anyways au revoir,, je dois dormir,,,, idk the fr*nch "language"}
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